Watertown City Council
Tuesday June 27, 2023
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
Megan Langan, representing the City of Watertown, addressed the city council to request confirmation of Malcolm LLP (formerly known as Melanson) for conducting the audits of fiscal years 22 and 23. She highlighted the urgency of this confirmation due to being behind schedule, largely because of transitional challenges, and expressed her intention to issue a request for proposal for the fiscal year 24 audit following these audits. This continuity with the same audit firm is aimed at streamlining the process and catching up on the audit schedule.
266.85 MEGAN
266.85 LANGAN
266.85 -
266.85 CITY
266.85 OF
266.85 -
266.85 Thank
267.08 you,
267.25 Mr.
267.56 President,
267.88 members
268.2 of
268.37 the
268.44 council.
270.2 So
270.44 as
270.61 you're
270.85 aware,
271.08 the
271.25 city
271.49 council
271.88 needs
272.13 to
272.29 confirm
272.69 the
272.85 outside
273.25 independent
273.64 audit
273.96 firm
274.29 each
274.44 year.
275.96 So
276.12 I'm
276.36 respectfully
276.84 requesting
277.32 that
277.48 you
277.64 confirm
278.12 Malcolm
278.68 LLP
279.48 to
279.64 conduct
279.96 the
280.12 fiscal
280.52 year
280.76 22
281.64 and
281.64 fiscal
281.64 year
281.64 and
281.88 fiscal
282.28 year
282.6 23
283.08 audits.
284.56 As
284.71 you
284.88 know,
285.19 we
285.6 just
285.83 finished
286.15 up
286.31 the
286.48 21.
287.36 So
287.51 we're
287.68 a
287.83 little
288 bit
288.24 behind
288.56 given
288.88 all
289.12 of
289.27 the
289.51 transition
290 and
290.31 we
290.48 want
290.88 to
291.19 catch
291.19 up.
292.01 So
292.81 the
292.97 easiest
293.37 way
293.61 to
293.69 be
293.85 able
294.09 to
294.25 catch
294.49 up
294.65 is
294.89 to
295.53 go
295.77 ahead
296.01 and
296.17 get
296.25 the
296.49 vote
296.81 on
297.21 the
297.37 next
297.77 2
298.01 fiscal
298.41 years
298.73 that
298.89 we
299.05 need
299.29 to
299.77 get
300.09 completed.
301.14 And
301.31 then
301.54 after
301.87 that,
302.02 it
302.1 would
302.26 be
302.43 my
302.58 intention
303.46 to,
306.26 issue
306.58 a
306.66 request
306.99 for
307.14 a
307.22 proposal
307.7 for
307.87 the
308.02 fiscal
308.35 year
308.58 24
308.99 audit
309.38 going
309.78 forward.
311.16 In
311.72 case
312.04 there's
312.36 confusion,
312.92 Markham
313.48 is
313.72 Melanson.
314.2 They
314.36 just
314.6 changed
314.76 their
315 name.
315.16 So
315.24 it's
315.48 the
315.56 same
315.72 audit
316.04 firm
316.28 that
316.36 we've
316.52 been
316.68 using.
George Proakis, representing the City of Watertown, addressed a public hearing to discuss proposed increases in water and sewer rates for the fiscal year 24, advocating for a 5.5% increase in water rates and a 6% increase for sewer rates. He acknowledged receiving analyses from the Abrams group, indicating that these proposed increases are lower than previous projections. Proakis highlighted the potential for ARPA funding to reduce these increases, presenting a scenario where if ARPA funding is fully allocated to water projects, recommended rates could be reduced halfway through the year. Future projected increases in the 5-year plan could also see a decrease if ARPA funding is secured. Superintendent St. Louis echoed the sentiment of addressing infrastructure needs to ultimately lower rates. Resident Alodia Thomas and council members discussed the importance of managing these rate increases thoughtfully, considering the impact on the community. The possibility of adjusting rates with the help of ARPA funding was a key point of discussion, highlighting a proactive approach to managing the financial burden on residents.
353.25 GEORGE
353.25 PROAKIS
353.25 -CITY
353.25 OF
353.97 -
353.97 Mr.
353.97 President,
353.97 thank
353.97 you,
354.62 and,
355.18 my
355.18 apologies
355.41 for
355.89 being
356.06 a
356.29 moment
356.38 late
356.62 to
356.85 get
356.94 into
357.1 this
357.33 chair.
357.57 Appreciate
358.2 it
358.76 and
358.92 appreciate
359.16 your
359.64 support
360.68 here
361.08 tonight
361.32 as
361.72 we,
361.96 address
362.44 the
363 issue
363.16 of
363.48 water
363.64 and
363.88 sewer
364.12 rates.
364.36 Before
365.72 you
366.12 are
366.44 on
366.68 a
366.68 quest
367.13 to
367.54 increase
367.69 water
368.25 and
368.65 sore
368.9 rates,
369.06 a
370.74 water
370.81 rate
371.06 increase
371.3 of
371.62 5
371.78 and
372.01 a
372.01 half
372.18 percent
372.34 and
372.65 a
372.81 sore
372.98 rate
373.21 increase
373.38 of
373.62 6%
373.86 are
374.42 to
374.42 be
374.57 applied
374.74 in
375.06 fiscal
375.3 year
375.62 24.
375.86 There
377.43 is
377.75 also,
377.99 was
379.19 provided
379.43 to
379.99 a
380.47 memo
380.63 from
381.03 the
381.27 Abrams
381.43 group,
381.91 which
383.83 was
384.11 a
384.35 little
384.43 late
384.67 to
384.9 you,
385.06 which
385.23 is
385.46 my
385.63 fault.
385.94 It
386.19 came
386.35 to
386.59 me
386.67 when
386.82 I
387.06 was,
387.15 on
387.71 vacation,
387.87 and
388.35 I
388.5 just
388.67 wanted
388.9 to
389.23 make
389.31 sure
389.46 that
389.63 you
389.87 received
389.94 it
390.35 before.
390.5 The
391.12 meeting
391.28 tonight.
391.6 They're
391.92 the
392.16 organization
392.32 that
392.88 has
393.12 done,
393.28 an
394.32 analysis
394.32 of
394.88 our
394.96 rates
395.12 in
395.44 the
395.6 past.
395.68 One
396.72 of
396.96 the
397.04 key
397.2 things
397.36 I
397.6 want
397.68 to
398 address
398 both
398.32 in
398.78 my
399.5 memo
399.82 in
400.31 the
400.54 information
400.78 from,
401.58 our,
402.38 team
404.06 at
404.31 public
404.46 works
404.87 and
405.35 in
405.82 the
406.06 Abrams
406.31 memo,
406.78 is
408.32 that
408.64 the
409.6 rate
410.24 increases
410.64 that
411.2 we
411.52 are
411.84 putting
412.24 in
412.72 place
413.04 in
413.52 our
413.76 proposed
414 recommendation
414.64 in
415.52 front
415.52 of
415.76 you
415.92 today
416.16 are
417.46 lower
417.71 than
418.19 where
418.43 our
418.75 projections
418.99 were
419.71 last
419.94 year
420.35 for
420.67 these.
420.82 So
421.15 the
421.71 recommended
421.87 rate
422.43 increase
422.59 of
422.9 5
423.15 and
423.55 a
423.55 half
423.55 where
424.16 last
424.4 time,
424.64 the
424.96 last
425.2 year
425.44 at
425.68 this
425.76 time,
426 the
426.24 projection
426.4 for
426.96 water
427.2 anticipated
427.92 a
428.64 need
428.8 at
429.04 6.25.
432.51 The,
432.51 I
433 guess
433.07 on
433.24 the
433.4 on
433.56 the
433.63 sore
433.8 side,
434.12 it's
434.27 the
434.36 other
434.51 way.
434.75 The
434.92 rate
435 increased
435.15 to
435.48 6
435.6 last
435.71 year.
436.04 The
436.27 projection
436.44 showed
436.75 a
437 need
437.15 to
437.24 increase
437.31 rates
437.56 by
437.88 5%.
438.12 But,
439.88 overall,
441.66 these
442.3 rates
442.7 are
443.26 dependent
443.5 upon
444.06 the
444.38 idea
444.54 that
444.86 we
445.1 are
445.34 completing
445.58 water
446.14 and
446.46 sewer
446.62 projects,
447.02 that,
448.14 we
448.94 see
449.54 necessary
449.79 to
450.43 do,
450.58 and
451.46 are
451.63 doing
451.79 them
452.11 without
452.35 ARPA
453.06 funding.
453.46 ARPA
454.43 funding
454.82 remains
456.96 a
457.52 proposal.
457.68 A
459.12 few
459.28 of
459.6 these
459.84 32
460.08 proposals
460.48 that
461.04 were
461.2 submitted
461.44 will
461.92 be
462.16 reviewed
462.32 in
462.64 the
462.8 future
462.96 by,
463.28 the,
464.96 BFO
466.5 committee,
466.9 and
467.38 then
467.5 certainly
469.14 a
469.54 determination
469.79 should
470.9 be
471.14 looked
471.31 at
471.54 and
471.54 compared
471.79 against
472.1 all
472.5 of
472.66 the
472.82 other
472.99 proposals
473.22 that
473.79 are
473.94 in
474.1 front
474.26 of
474.43 you
474.58 to
474.82 determine
474.9 if
475.38 it's
475.87 appropriate
476.03 to,
477.31 spend
478.27 ARPA
478.59 money
478.83 on
479.07 this
479.23 particular
479.47 topic
479.95 or
480.35 spend
480.51 all
481.15 of
481.39 the
481.47 money
481.71 we
482.03 have
482.35 a
482.35 request
482.35 for
482.81 it
483.04 or
483.2 some
483.37 of
483.52 the
483.6 money
483.85 that
484 we've
484.16 requested
484.4 for
484.88 it
485.04 and
485.2 sort
485.37 of
485.52 how
485.6 it
485.76 balances
485.93 against
486.4 other
486.73 items.
487.29 But
487.6 I
487.76 do
487.85 want
488 to
488.32 note
488.32 that,
488.96 the
489.99 information
490.55 we
491.11 provided
491.35 you
491.83 provides
491.99 the
492.55 financial
492.95 impact
493.59 across
494.39 the
494.71 board
494.87 on
495.19 ratepayers
495.35 if
497.35 all
498.15 of
498.38 the
498.71 ARPA
498.94 requests
499.35 were
499.82 approved.
500.15 So
500.55 you
500.71 can
500.87 do
501.99 kind
502.15 of
502.15 the
502.15 basic
502.31 math
502.71 that,
502.87 for
503.11 example,
503.26 if
503.5 you
503.67 approved
503.82 half
504.06 of
504.31 them,
504.38 you'd
504.63 probably
504.71 get
505.03 halfway
505.26 to
505.67 this
505.82 point
506.06 and
506.86 so
507.1 on.
507.26 But,
507.66 the
508.54 city's
508.7 requesting
509.1 5
509.58 and
509.82 a
509.82 half
509.98 percent
510.22 for
510.54 water.
510.78 The
512.3 rest
512.46 of
512.78 the
512.86 projected
513.02 rate
513.5 increases
513.66 in
514.06 the
514.22 5-year
514.54 rate
514.78 plan
514.94 are
515.18 at
515.26 54%
516.85 in
517.33 26,
517.57 2
518.04 and
518.37 a
518.37 half
518.37 in
518.61 27,
518.76 2
519.25 and
519.25 a
519.4 half
519.64 in
519.88 28.
519.97 I
520.68 will
520.76 point
521 out
521.33 that
521.49 those
521.8 are
522.04 not
522.21 in
522.37 front
522.52 of
522.76 you
522.85 tonight,
523 but
523.33 that's
523.49 our
523.73 projection
523.97 of
524.61 where
524.76 we
525 would
525.16 be
525.33 going
525.49 from
526.3 there.
526.94 If
529.26 ARPA
529.98 funding
530.3 is
530.78 available,
530.94 we
533.1 would
533.34 essentially,
534.02 if
534.58 our
534.75 funding
534.99 was
535.3 provided
535.54 for
535.87 all
536.02 of
536.18 the
536.35 water
536.42 projects
536.66 proposed,
537.23 in
538.35 6
538.58 months,
538.83 halfway
539.14 through
539.46 the
539.71 year,
539.87 we
540.02 would
540.11 come
540.35 back
540.5 and
540.75 recommend
540.9 reducing
542.21 the
542.69 rate
542.85 so
543.09 that
543.25 the
543.33 increase
543.49 was
543.89 3%
544.13 above
544.53 fiscal
544.85 year
545.17 23
545.41 rather
545.81 than
546.13 5
546.29 and
546.69 half.
546.69 Then
547.49 the
547.73 projected
547.89 rate
548.37 increases
548.53 in
548.93 the
549.09 5-year
549.49 plans
549.65 actually
549.89 stay
550.29 at
550.53 3%
550.69 a
551.09 year
551.55 at
551.71 that
551.71 point.
551.87 On
552.59 the
552.83 source
552.99 side,
553.31 6%
555.14 this
555.79 year,
556.02 the
556.26 rest
556.43 of
556.67 the
556.75 projected
556.9 increase
557.38 is
557.71 5.2525.
557.95 4.526,
560.08 4.027,
561.36 4.028.
562.64 If
565.12 you
566.4 were
566.64 to
567.15 approve
567.39 all
567.71 of
567.96 the
568.03 soar
568.27 ARPA
568.51 Bunny
568.84 proposed,
569.15 we
570.43 would
570.6 bring
570.75 that
571 down
571.24 to
571.48 3%
571.63 above
572.12 the
572.43 previous
572.6 year's
573 rate.
573.32 So
573.55 from
573.96 6,
574.2 we
574.51 basically
574.67 cut
575.15 the
575.39 increase
575.55 in
575.96 half.
576.12 Then
577.13 the
577.45 increases
577.69 in
578.17 the
578.41 5-year
578.73 plan
578.89 would
579.13 again
579.29 be
579.53 3%
579.77 across,
580.25 fiscal
581.21 years
581.53 25,
581.85 3%
582.25 in
582.73 26,
582.89 2.75
585.5 in
587.26 27,
587.26 2.5
587.26 in
587.26 28.
587.26 So
587.26 you
587.42 can
587.58 see
587.82 that
588.06 it
588.23 reduces
588.46 the
589.18 overall
589.42 increases
590.06 throughout
590.78 the
591.18 5-year
591.58 plan
591.99 if
593.37 ARPA
593.85 funding
594.17 is
594.57 able
594.81 to
595.05 be
595.21 provided.
595.45 But
595.85 again,
596.01 I
596.33 do
596.41 understand
596.65 that
597.13 there
597.61 are
598.01 policy
598.25 discussions
598.81 to
599.37 make
599.53 that
599.69 determination
599.93 and
600.49 there
600.65 are
600.81 other
600.97 worthy
601.13 proposals
601.61 for
602.23 you
602.46 as
602.63 well.
602.78 So
604.07 I
604.63 didn't
604.87 want
605.18 to
605.42 anticipate
605.66 the
606.38 council's
606.54 position
607.75 on
608.23 ARPA
608.38 for
609.32 this
609.56 year's
609.8 rate
610.12 increases,
610.36 understanding
611.32 that
611.88 we
612.04 can
612.2 make
612.44 a
612.68 downward
612.76 adjustment
613.16 in
613.64 6
613.88 months,
614.12 which
614.36 would
614.6 be
614.76 a
614.92 1-time
615.56 thing
615.88 to
616.12 do
616.28 in
617.02 the
617.26 circumstance
617.42 if
617.99 you
618.07 chose
618.23 to
618.54 put
618.63 ARPA
618.87 into
619.18 these,
619.42 water
620.47 sewer
620.87 rates.
621.18 So,
621.9 therefore,
622.23 the
622.54 items
622.71 before
623.02 you
623.35 for
623.5 today's
623.66 public
623.99 hearing
624.3 are
624.63 5.5%
624.79 in
626.06 water
626.3 and
626.62 6%
626.86 in-store,
627.98 and
628.7 with
628.7 a
628.94 very
629.02 long
629.34 introduction.
629.58 I
630.22 will
630.38 leave
630.62 it
630.78 to
630.94 our
631.1 DPW
631.26 director
632.06 to
632.54 add
632.7 anything
632.94 that,
633.42 you
634.73 know,
634.88 the
635.13 specifics
635.28 of
636.08 what
636.8 makes
636.96 up
637.28 the
637.44 work
637.52 of
637.76 these
637.85 enterprise
638 funds
638.49 and
639.04 what
639.2 brings
639.37 us
639.68 to
639.76 those
639.92 points.
640.16 But
640.49 I
640.57 just
640.64 wanted
640.88 to
641.2 provide
641.28 that
641.61 overview
641.85 because
642.25 I
642.4 know
642.57 there's
642.64 been
642.88 a
643.04 lot
643.13 of
643.28 discussion
643.37 about
643.85 what
644.28 ARPA
644.52 funding
644.92 can
645.4 do
645.64 for
645.88 ratepayers
646.04 and
646.6 where
646.84 we
647 stand
647.16 on
647.48 that
647.56 front.
647.8 Thank
648.04 you.
651.3 St.
651.3 LOUIS
651.3 -
651.3 CITY
651.3 OF
651.3 -
651.3 Welcome.
651.3 Good
652.1 evening
652.25 Council.
652.74 So
654.1 thank
654.5 you
654.74 to
655.06 the
655.22 manager
655.38 for
655.77 basically
656.82 presenting
657.38 the
657.93 full
658.42 rate
659.06 adjustment.
659.3 We
662.66 are
662.74 looking
662.98 forward
663.22 to
663.54 performing
663.7 and
664.1 continuing
664.26 to
664.74 form
664.9 multiple
665.14 infrastructure
665.7 projects
666.26 that
666.82 in
667.13 the
667.29 long
667.46 term,
667.7 we'll
667.93 end
668.1 up
668.25 lowering
668.42 our
668.89 rates
669.05 because
669.38 there
669.7 either
669.93 be
670.17 less
670.5 flow
670.89 and
671.13 infiltration
671.29 in
671.86 the
671.93 sewer
672.1 or
672.58 fewer
672.89 leaking
673.46 water
673.93 pipes
674.25 throughout
674.58 town.
674.98 So
675.29 The
676.81 funds
676.97 are
677.29 going
677.45 to
677.77 repair
677.85 our
678.33 our
678.65 infrastructure
678.89 that's
679.45 used
679.77 across
680.01 all
680.97 of
681.21 our
681.37 residents
681.53 and
682.09 businesses,
682.25 and
682.97 we
683.21 appreciate
683.37 your
684.01 support.
688.84 SIDERIS
688.84 -
688.84 Thank
688.84 you.
689.08 So
689.72 this
689.96 is
690.12 a
690.36 public
690.51 hearing,
690.92 and
691.55 I
691.8 ask
691.96 if
692.2 there's
692.36 any
692.6 member
692.84 of
693.15 the
693.24 public
693.39 either
693.8 here,
694.12 or
694.8 at
694.96 home
695.12 that
695.76 wishes
696 to
696.4 be
696.56 heard
696.72 on
696.96 the
697.12 proposed
697.28 water
698.08 and
698.48 sewer
698.8 rates.
699.12 Seeing
707.29 none,
707.68 I
707.92 closed
708.09 the
708.4 public
708.57 hearing.
708.88 Before
709.88 we
710.28 proceed,
710.36 I
710.84 have
710.92 to
711.08 ask
711.24 for
711.48 a
711.64 motion.
711.72 Hold
712.6 on
712.84 a
713 second.
713.16 Alodia,
717.75 please
718.14 identify
718.38 yourself
719.02 on
719.83 the
720.07 record.
722.38 ELODIA
722.38 THOMAS
722.38 -
722.38 -
722.38 Alodia
722.38 Thomas,
722.95 67
723.5 Marion
724.3 Road.
724.79 All
726.14 I
726.3 would
726.46 like
726.62 to
726.86 say
727.1 is
727.34 use
728.46 lowering
728.94 the
729.42 rates
729.58 would
729.98 benefit
730.46 everybody
730.94 in
731.5 our
731.74 community.
731.98 As
733.25 you
733.5 know,
733.65 my
733.82 slogan
734.05 is
734.45 we
734.7 are
734.86 all
735.01 Watertown.
735.25 It
735.89 would
736.05 benefit
736.29 homeowners,
737.17 renters,
738.38 and
739.17 businesses.
739.17 It's
740.7 a
741.01 1-time
741.57 deal
741.89 that
742.29 would
742.87 be
743.19 very
743.59 appropriate
743.99 at
744.55 this
744.63 point
744.87 in
745.11 time.
745.35 Thank
745.43 you
745.67 very
745.83 much,
746.07 Mr.
746.39 President.
754.35 VINCENT
754.35 -
754.67 CITY
754.67 COUNCIL
754.67 -
754.67 Mr.
754.67 President,
754.99 I
754.99 make
755.14 a
755.38 motion
755.38 that,
755.95 we
756.5 approve
756.83 the
757.79 water
757.95 at,
758.35 rates
759.23 presented
759.8 with
760.44 a
760.68 5.5%
760.92 increase
762.2 and
762.6 the
762.76 sewer
762.92 rate
763.24 increase
763.56 as
764.68 presented
765 with
765.4 a
765.56 6%
765.72 increase.
772.55 LISA
772.55 FELTNER
772.55 -
772.88 CITY
772.95 COUNCIL
772.95 -
772.95 Yes.
772.95 I
772.95 wanted
773.27 clarification
774.07 on
774.15 the
774.39 timing
774.71 and
774.88 when
775.12 rates
775.51 would
776.15 be
776.89 affected
777.85 and
778.65 how
779.29 if
779.45 we
779.61 used
779.93 ARPA
780.25 funding,
780.57 that
780.97 would
781.21 play
781.53 just
781.93 because
782.25 my
782.41 memory
782.73 is
782.89 before
783.21 when
783.45 we
783.61 talked
783.93 about
784.25 this
785.07 we
785.31 couldn't
785.63 retroactively
787.47 affect
787.79 their
788.02 rate.
788.26 So
788.43 are
788.59 we
788.9 saying,
789.63 well,
789.95 you'll
790.19 explain
790.5 it,
790.67 you
790.75 know,
790.99 if
791.14 ARPA
791.71 comes
791.87 at
792.02 that
792.19 would
792.35 only
792.67 be
793.07 future,
793.63 but
794.67 We
794.91 would
795.23 right
795.55 now
796.03 accept
796.51 the
797.39 potentially
797.95 5
798.11 a
798.27 half
798.59 percent
799.15 versus
799.55 the
799.71 lower
800.11 rate?
801.23 -
801.23 So
801.23 if
801.47 this
801.55 was
801.79 voted
801.95 through
802.27 this
802.51 evening,
802.67 we
802.99 would
803.07 implement
803.31 the
803.63 new
803.79 water
804.03 rate
804.35 for
805.13 the
805.29 fiscal
805.46 year,
805.86 July
806.01 1.
806.42 Then
807.46 subsequently,
807.93 if
809.22 ARPA
809.77 funds
810.17 were,
810.58 allocated
812.95 to
813.51 fund
813.67 our
813.99 capital
814.23 projects,
814.63 we
815.43 would
815.59 look
815.91 at
816.23 a
816.95 set
817.11 date
817.43 in
817.83 December,
818.07 or
818.55 January
818.55 to
819.19 lower
819.35 the
819.67 rates
819.83 to
820.47 option
821.11 2.
821.51 That
822.68 was
822.93 discussed.
825.25 FELTNER
825.25 -
825.25 So
825.25 I'll
825.73 just
825.81 say
826.05 that
826.21 I
826.45 do
826.52 find
826.76 these
827 rates
827.25 rather
827.88 alarming
828.29 and,
828.93 I
830.56 know
830.64 we're
830.8 not
831.04 discussing
831.28 if
831.92 ARPA
832.08 funding
832.4 will
832.72 be
832.96 used
833.12 or
833.28 not
833.44 for
833.6 that
833.84 tonight,
834 but
834.4 I'm
835.36 in
835.76 favor
835.92 of
836.48 that
836.64 going
837.04 forward.
843.22 ANTHONY
843.22 PALOMBA
843.22 -
843.22 I
843.22 just
843.46 want
844.18 to,
844.42 make
844.42 sure
845.13 I'm
845.3 clear
845.62 on
845.77 this.
846.01 So
846.18 it's,
847.02 about
847.42 $17
848.38 per
848.62 quarter,
849.74 the
849.9 total
850.62 increase
851.02 per
851.34 quarter
851.98 per
852.38 resident.
852.86 So
853.02 it's
853.18 about
853.5 $68
854.38 more
854.7 a
854.86 year
856.46 for
857.25 those
857.58 who
857.82 are
857.98 in
858.13 the
858.29 pit
858.54 tier
858.86 2.
859.5 Is
859.65 that
859.89 correct?
877.92 -
877.92 So
877.92 the
878.33 average
878.8 user
879.2 In
882.81 the
882.97 first
883.13 year,
883.45 would
883.69 have
883.93 approximately
884.57 a
885.21 $23.27
885.37 increase.
888.57 For
891.83 crawling
892.14 23
892.79 to
893.26 24.
893.43 Is
897 that
897.16 what
897.32 you
897.48 just
897.64 said?
898.36 PALOMBA
898.36 -
898.36 I'm
898.36 just
898.52 looking
898.76 at
899.08 the
899.24 memo
899.4 that
899.88 says,
900.2 in
901.4 the
901.56 second
901.72 paragraph
902.04 that
902.68 I'm
903.48 just
903.56 checking
904.58 myself
905.05 to
905.7 make
905.77 sure
906.01 I
906.17 understand
906.34 that
906.82 it
906.98 says
907.22 that
907.38 there'd
907.62 be
907.77 an
907.93 increase
908.17 of
908.58 $5.61
908.98 per
911.05 quarter.
911.22 Then
913.3 an
913.62 increase
913.78 of
914.18 $11.28
917.14 per
917.14 quarter
917.38 for
917.78 a
918.02 total
918.1 of
918.5 16.88
918.82 per
919.94 quarter.
920.18 And
921.67 I
921.91 I
922.15 am
922.32 guessing
922.63 that
923.03 is
923.27 for
923.43 the
923.6 most
923.75 of
924.08 us
924.24 who
924.55 are
924.88 in
925.12 tier
925.43 2.
927.03 Yes.
927.27 That
927.27 1800
928.08 cubic
928.79 foot
929.2 usage
929.51 is
930 Enderborough's
930.62 average
931.66 household
932.14 use.
932.62 Okay.
933.5 That's
933.74 correct.
934.62 PALOMBA
934.62 -
934.62 So
934.62 that's
934.78 an
935.02 average
935.26 increase.
936.14 Correct.
936.78 Looking
937.1 at
937.42 $68
937.58 Okay.
939.7 Thank
940.26 you.
941.63 SIDERIS
941.63 -
941.63 Any
941.63 other
941.94 questions?
942.35 I
945.23 do
945.46 want
945.94 to
946.18 state
946.35 that
946.75 I
946.99 also
947.3 agree
948.13 with
948.53 the
948.69 Council
948.69 of
949.09 Feltner,
949.25 and
949.81 these
950.77 are
951.01 significant
951.81 increases
952.37 that
953.65 we
953.89 are
954.13 imposing
954.37 on
954.93 the
955.17 citizens.
955.41 Not
957.21 everybody
957.53 falls
958.1 under
958.41 the
959.45 average
959.93 category
960.41 as
961.45 we're
961.69 all
961.93 well
962.1 aware.
962.41 So
963.21 I
963.45 do
963.53 think
963.69 that
963.93 we
964.1 need
964.33 to
964.57 be
964.82 cautious
966.6 and
967.24 thoughtful
967.96 as
968.52 we
968.68 move
968.92 forward.
969.16 After
970.52 we
970.84 establish
971 these
971.56 rates,
971.88 there
973.24 is
973.4 an
973.64 opportunity
973.8 potentially
975.77 later
976.41 on
976.74 to
976.89 consider
977.05 some
977.46 ARPA
977.7 funding.
978.74 This
979.05 would
979.05 help,
979.29 but
980.1 I
980.41 do
980.58 think
980.74 that
981.05 this
981.38 is
981.62 quite
982.25 a
982.58 significant
982.74 increase.
983.7 I
984.64 know
984.8 when
985.04 we
985.2 increase
985.44 water
985.84 rates,
986.16 get
987.2 more
987.36 phone
987.6 calls
987.84 for
988.08 that
988.32 than
988.56 tax
988.88 bills,
989.2 because
989.92 people
990.24 know
990.56 the
990.72 value
991.12 of
991.52 the
991.6 house
991.76 goes
992 up.
992.24 But,
993.01 you
993.74 know,
993.89 they
994.13 could
994.29 they
994.77 they've
994.93 reduced
995.25 their
995.65 usage
995.98 to
996.69 a
996.86 point
997.01 and
997.25 they
997.41 don't
997.57 see
997.82 any
998.05 relief.
998.21 It
1000.03 becomes
1000.35 frustrating
1000.35 for
1001.31 the
1001.63 citizens.
The agenda included a public hearing and vote on a petition from Eversource to install and maintain conduit lines spanning various lengths at Howard Street, Westminster Ave, and Main Street to provide electric service to the temporary Moxley High School location. Despite the absence of a representative from Eversource, the necessity of this work was emphasized for the progress of the high school project, highlighting the alignment with the Department of Public Works' recommendations and considerations. Greg provided an update on behalf of the project, detailing the civil work involved in installing these conduits across the specified areas to serve the high school, describing it as a straightforward project for such a development.
1103.09 SIDERIS
1103.09 -
1103.09 Yes.
1103.09 Thank
1103.49 you.
1103.73 The
1104.69 next
1105.01 item
1105.01 on
1105.33 the
1105.49 agenda
1105.65 is
1106.05 a
1106.13 public
1106.29 hearing
1106.61 and
1106.93 vote.
1107.09 On
1107.93 a
1108.1 petition
1108.26 from
1108.82 Eversource
1109.05 for
1110.17 a
1110.34 grant
1110.49 of
1110.73 location
1110.97 in
1111.45 Howard
1111.69 Street
1112.1 to
1112.89 install
1113.13 and
1113.53 maintain
1113.77 approximately
1114.17 19
1115.38 Linear
1115.86 feet
1116.26 of
1116.49 conduit
1116.73 from
1117.83 utility
1118.07 utility
1118.87 poll
1119.51 2550
1119.91 to
1121.67 manhole
1121.91 mhone0703.
1122.63 Westminster
1125.7 Ave
1126.42 to
1126.66 install
1126.83 and
1127.22 maintain
1127.38 approximately
1127.79 20
1128.35 linear
1128.74 feet
1129.14 of
1129.31 conduit
1129.55 from
1130.42 utility
1130.74 pole
1131.22 1721
1131.7 to
1133.07 Main
1133.22 Street.
1133.55 Main
1134.72 Street
1135.04 to
1135.68 install
1135.92 and
1136.24 maintain
1136.48 approximately
1136.96 134
1138.56 linear
1139.12 feet
1139.52 of
1139.76 conduit
1140 from
1141.04 Westman
1141.28 Arav
1141.79 to
1142.18 manhole,
1142.35 MH
1143.14 11286.
1143.71 I
1146.18 want
1146.27 to
1146.66 stress
1146.66 what
1147.55 is
1147.87 stated
1147.87 here
1148.27 is
1148.42 this
1148.59 work
1148.83 is
1149.22 necessary
1149.47 to
1150.65 provide
1150.81 electric
1151.21 service
1151.61 to
1152.57 the
1152.73 Moxley
1152.89 temporary
1153.37 high
1153.85 school
1154.09 and
1154.97 the
1155.13 recommendations
1155.37 and
1156.09 considerations
1156.25 set
1157.05 out
1157.29 by
1158.08 the
1158.32 Department
1158.48 of
1158.96 Public
1159.04 Works
1159.36 shall
1159.67 be
1159.84 required
1159.99 upon
1160.48 approval
1160.8 of
1161.67 this
1161.84 application.
1162.15 Is
1163.36 there
1163.52 anyone
1163.84 from
1164.32 Eversource
1164.63 attending
1165.84 tonight
1166.39 If
1170.16 I
1170.32 may
1170.56 trouble
1170.8 you,
1171.28 Greg,
1171.28 I
1172.96 know
1173.04 you've
1173.28 been
1173.44 working
1173.68 very
1174 diligently
1174.32 with
1175.44 your
1175.6 staff
1175.92 and
1176.79 the
1177.52 project
1178.55 management
1178.88 team
1179.43 on
1179.67 this.
1179.84 If
1181.04 you
1181.19 could,
1181.43 you
1182.15 know,
1182.23 bring
1183.19 us
1183.43 up
1183.6 to
1183.84 date,
1183.91 if
1184.32 you
1184.47 don't
1184.63 mind.
1184.79 Normally,
1186.59 I
1187.07 would
1187.23 chastise
1188.11 Eversource
1188.67 for
1189.15 not
1189.39 being
1189.55 here,
1189.79 but
1190.03 this
1190.27 is
1190.51 a
1190.67 critical
1191.39 critical
1192.27 piece
1192.75 of
1193.23 moving
1193.87 the
1194.51 high
1194.67 school
1194.91 forward.
1195.23 So
1195.91 sorry
1196.15 to
1196.47 put
1196.63 you
1196.8 on
1196.95 the
1197.12 spot.
1198.39 Not
1198.39 a
1198.56 problem.
1198.71 So
1202.15 as
1202.39 discussed,
1202.56 there
1203.28 is
1203.6 some
1203.91 civil
1204.23 work
1204.63 to
1205.57 install
1205.73 19
1206.37 literate
1206.93 conduits
1207.41 from
1208.21 Howard
1208.53 Street
1208.93 across
1209.25 Maine,
1209.65 where
1211.09 it
1211.41 goes
1211.57 onto
1212.05 Westminster.
1212.54 It's
1213.02 going
1213.17 to
1213.41 go
1213.49 up
1213.73 onto
1213.82 the
1214.13 utility
1214.21 poles
1214.69 and
1215.65 then
1215.89 serve
1216.21 the
1216.62 temporary
1217.49 high
1218.05 school
1218.21 location
1218.54 located
1219.02 in
1219.41 Moxley.
1219.41 This
1220.76 is
1221 a
1221.08 pretty
1221.16 straightforward
1221.48 project
1222.04 for
1222.76 a
1223.24 development
1223.72 of
1224.36 this
1224.52 size.
During the public hearing, Proakis appreciated the council's approval of the fiscal year 24 budget and discussed the need for a reorganization plan for city departments. He mentioned a successful negotiation with the union regarding city hall employee positions. The council then opened the floor for public comments on the reorganization, but none were made. A motion was made to approve the city manager's reorganization plan. Questions arose about the specific roles within the community development and planning division, with explanations provided on the separation of long-range and current planning responsibilities. Further clarifications were sought on the long-range planning staff's inclusion of positions like a senior planner for economic development and the rationale behind it. Additionally, there were questions about the organizational structure within the Department of Public Works and the roles and reporting lines, particularly regarding the assistant superintendent for the Sewer Water Division.
1286.41 PROAKIS
1286.41 -
1286.41 Thank
1286.41 you,
1286.65 Mr.
1287.86 President.
1288.01 I
1288.01 will
1288.1 admit
1288.34 I
1288.65 may
1288.82 need
1288.97 an
1289.75 attorney's
1289.99 help
1289.99 to
1290.71 make
1291.03 sure
1291.03 that
1291.27 I
1291.51 describe
1291.67 this
1292.15 process
1292.39 correctly
1292.71 because
1293.19 section
1293.51 6
1293.91 dash
1294.15 2
1294.47 of
1294.63 the
1294.79 city
1294.87 charter
1295.19 is
1295.91 a
1296.07 little
1296.15 complex,
1296.47 but
1297.19 submitted
1298.29 together
1298.86 with
1299.17 the
1299.41 city
1299.49 budget
1299.73 was
1300.21 a
1300.53 reorganization
1300.77 plan.
1301.65 The
1302.77 budget
1302.93 which
1303.17 you
1303.34 approved
1303.49 at
1303.89 the
1304.05 previous
1304.21 meeting
1304.69 I
1305.85 appreciate
1306.17 the
1306.65 support
1306.89 of
1307.21 the
1307.37 council
1307.53 as
1307.93 we
1308.09 head
1308.25 into
1308.41 fiscal
1308.65 year
1309.05 24
1309.21 on
1309.61 the
1309.77 budget.
1309.85 The
1310.81 budget
1310.97 is,
1311.53 predicated
1313.29 on
1314.09 the
1314.4 reorganization
1314.73 of
1315.68 the
1315.77 city
1315.92 departments
1316.24 as
1316.88 I
1317.13 presented
1317.29 it
1317.85 at
1318.01 the
1318.33 early
1319.37 May
1319.77 city
1320.01 council
1320.33 meeting
1320.81 there
1321.92 is
1322.16 a
1322.4 process
1322.64 to
1323.44 implement
1323.68 that,
1324.4 which
1324.8 includes
1325.36 holding
1325.84 a
1326.24 public
1326.4 hearing,
1326.8 providing
1330.67 a
1331.23 report,
1331.39 and
1331.95 taking
1332.12 a
1332.52 vote.
1332.67 I
1333.08 believe
1333.15 the
1333.47 action
1333.8 is
1334.04 though
1334.28 if
1334.43 you
1334.6 take
1334.76 no
1334.99 vote,
1335.15 it
1335.39 does
1335.56 take
1335.71 effect
1336.04 at
1336.28 a
1336.43 certain
1336.52 point
1336.84 in
1336.99 time
1337.23 anyway.
1337.47 But
1338.81 I
1339.05 requested,
1339.21 Mr.
1339.77 President,
1340.01 did
1340.33 you
1340.49 put
1340.65 this
1340.81 on
1341.05 the
1341.21 agenda,
1341.37 to
1342.89 pursue
1343.77 the
1344.17 steps
1344.33 in
1344.73 the
1344.89 charter
1345.13 and
1345.53 make
1345.69 sure
1345.85 to
1346.09 hold
1346.17 that
1346.41 public
1346.57 hearing
1346.97 and
1347.29 vote
1348.12 if
1348.36 you
1348.6 see
1348.76 fit
1348.99 to
1349.15 do
1349.32 so.
1349.56 I
1350.76 don't
1350.91 know
1351.08 if
1351.23 President
1351.8 Attorney
1352.28 Rich
1352.28 has
1352.36 more
1352.52 to
1352.76 add
1352.91 to
1353.08 that
1353.23 process,
1353.39 but
1353.88 that
1354.36 is
1354.52 why
1354.67 this
1354.91 is
1355.08 before
1355.23 you
1355.63 tonight.
1355.92 The
1356.48 one
1356.64 other
1356.88 thing
1357.04 I
1357.28 would
1357.36 note,
1357.52 just
1357.84 as
1358.4 a
1358.56 note
1358.72 of
1358.96 interest,
1359.2 we
1360.24 did
1360.48 sign
1360.72 an
1360.96 agreement
1361.12 with
1361.68 the
1362.96 union
1363.28 that
1363.84 represents
1364.08 our,
1364.83 City
1365.3 Hall
1365.54 employees
1365.78 today
1366.26 on
1366.51 which
1366.83 of
1367.07 these
1367.22 positions
1367.46 in
1367.94 the
1368.18 coming
1368.83 fiscal
1369.22 year
1369.54 will
1369.78 and
1369.94 will
1370.18 not
1370.42 be
1370.66 union
1370.98 positions,
1371.54 and
1372.02 we
1372.18 had
1372.92 a
1373.16 collaborative
1373.32 conversation
1373.8 and
1374.44 came
1374.6 to
1374.76 an
1374.92 agreement
1374.92 on
1375.4 that.
1375.56 Deputy
1376.84 manager,
1377.32 Emily
1377.8 Monet,
1378.2 and
1378.52 our,
1379.4 legal
1380.52 team
1381 on
1381.24 the
1381.4 labor
1381.56 side.
1381.96 Did
1382.31 very
1382.55 well
1382.79 at
1382.95 making
1383.11 sure
1383.42 that
1383.74 we
1384.07 could
1384.23 and
1384.95 the
1385.11 the
1385.51 team
1385.66 at
1385.9 Teamsters
1385.99 Local
1386.47 25
1386.79 was
1387.18 very
1387.35 collaborative
1387.59 at
1388.07 making
1388.23 sure
1388.47 that
1388.71 we
1388.95 could
1389.03 sort
1389.27 all
1389.51 this
1389.66 out
1389.9 as
1390.14 we
1390.38 head
1390.55 into
1390.79 the
1391.03 new
1391.18 hiring.
1391.42 So
1391.87 I
1392.03 appreciate
1392.19 that.
1392.59 Thanks.
1394.19 SIDERIS
1394.19 -
1394.19 Thank
1394.19 you.
1394.51 This
1395.23 has
1395.47 been,
1395.71 very
1397.39 well
1397.87 discussed
1398.11 in
1399.23 particular
1399.55 when
1400.49 the
1400.74 manager
1400.98 did
1401.62 his
1401.86 budget
1402.74 presentation
1403.13 a
1403.78 few
1403.86 weeks
1404.17 ago.
1404.49 So
1405.46 it
1405.7 is
1405.86 a
1406.02 public
1406.1 hearing,
1406.49 and
1407.13 I
1407.38 would
1407.54 like
1407.7 to
1407.86 ask
1408.1 if
1408.26 anyone
1408.41 and
1409.08 the
1409.32 public
1409.4 wishes
1409.72 to
1410.12 be
1410.28 heard,
1410.44 please
1411.16 raise
1411.56 your
1411.8 hand.
1412.04 Seeing
1417.43 none,
1417.84 can
1418.63 I
1418.88 make
1419.04 a
1419.76 motion
1419.84 from
1420.15 the
1420.39 council
1420.47 and
1420.8 the
1420.96 reorganization?
1421.91 -
1421.91 Mr.
1422.39 President,
1422.71 I
1422.71 make
1422.88 a
1423.52 motion
1423.6 that
1424.08 the
1424.42 council
1424.66 approves
1425.22 the
1425.78 reorganization
1426.74 plan
1427.46 as
1428.58 submitted
1428.82 by
1429.38 the
1429.54 city
1429.7 manager,
1430.02 as
1431.06 part
1431.22 of
1431.46 the
1431.62 May
1431.78 9th,
1432.02 2023,
1432.6 fiscal
1433.72 year
1434.2 24
1434.52 budget.
1440.76 PALOMBA
1440.76 -
1440.76 Thank
1440.76 you.
1441 I
1441.4 just
1441.72 wonder
1442.04 if
1442.44 I
1443 mean,
1443.16 to
1444.04 understand
1444.76 a
1444.76 little
1444.84 bit
1445.08 more
1445.32 about
1445.56 the
1445.72 community
1445.88 development
1446.2 and
1446.68 planning
1446.92 division.
1447.32 I
1448.68 understand
1448.92 that,
1449.4 overall,
1450.96 as
1452.23 the
1452.47 assistant
1452.63 city
1453.2 manager
1453.52 or,
1454.23 for
1455.52 community
1455.76 development
1456.23 and
1456.63 planning.
1456.88 Then
1457.76 I
1457.91 understand
1458.88 the
1459.2 changes
1459.84 in
1460.32 the
1461.44 building,
1461.68 and
1463.6 so
1464.24 forth.
1464.4 It's
1464.72 down
1464.88 where
1465.12 we
1465.28 got
1465.44 a
1465.6 planning
1465.76 director
1466.24 and
1466.72 maybe
1467.13 someone
1467.53 could
1467.92 just
1468.09 explain
1468.4 the
1469.53 difference
1470.33 the
1471.44 the
1472.24 long-range
1472.72 planning
1473.13 staff
1473.68 versus
1474.09 the
1474.72 assistant
1474.88 planning
1475.37 to
1475.85 sector
1476.09 and
1477.05 the
1477.21 work
1477.45 that
1477.69 they
1477.93 do.
1478.17 I
1479.37 don't
1479.45 know
1479.69 if
1479.77 that
1479.93 could
1480.09 just
1480.25 get
1480.49 a
1480.65 better
1480.89 feel
1481.29 for
1481.53 how
1482.25 that
1482.49 works.
1484.09 PROAKIS-
1487.43 Mr.
1487.91 President,
1487.91 if
1487.91 you
1488.15 see
1488.32 fit,
1488.47 I'll
1488.71 let
1488.95 Mr.
1489.19 Lagoon,
1489.91 the
1490.39 assistant
1490.63 city
1491.12 manager
1491.43 answer
1491.84 that
1492.23 question.
1492.47 Thanks.
1493.76 STEVEN
1493.76 MAGOON
1493.76 -
1493.76 CITY
1493.76 OF
1493.76 -
1493.76 Sure.
1493.76 Thank
1494.9 you,
1495.06 Mr
1496.1 manager,
1496.26 and
1496.26 members
1496.42 of
1496.74 the
1496.82 council.
1496.98 In
1498.5 a
1498.74 general
1498.9 sense,
1499.46 the
1499.94 idea
1500.58 of
1500.9 my
1501.76 role
1502.08 as
1502.39 assistant
1502.63 city
1503.12 manager
1503.36 for
1503.76 community
1503.91 development
1504.23 and
1504.71 planning,
1504.8 taking
1505.84 on
1506.15 a
1506.32 little
1506.39 bit,
1506.71 broader
1507.52 role
1507.91 in
1508.23 terms
1508.39 of
1508.8 city
1509.26 management.
1509.58 Then
1510.22 the
1510.46 planning
1510.62 director,
1511.02 giving
1513.58 us
1513.9 the
1514.06 ability
1514.22 to
1514.62 kind
1514.7 of
1514.86 separate
1515.02 some
1515.34 of
1515.58 the
1515.66 functions
1515.82 out
1516.22 of
1516.3 the
1516.38 system
1516.54 planning
1516.94 director
1517.34 so
1518.12 that
1518.36 we
1518.6 can
1518.76 begin
1518.99 to
1519.32 create,
1519.47 both
1520.43 long-range
1521.08 and
1521.47 current
1521.8 planning
1522.12 responsibilities
1522.76 one
1525.19 of
1525.35 the
1525.43 things
1525.51 that
1525.75 I
1525.91 think
1525.99 you
1526.23 often
1526.39 find
1526.79 in
1527.03 planning
1527.27 offices
1527.67 and
1528.15 local
1528.31 government
1528.71 is
1529.19 that,
1529.43 the
1530.87 day
1531.03 to
1531.27 day
1531.43 work
1531.75 of
1531.91 current
1532.15 planning
1532.63 tends
1533.98 to
1534.38 consume
1534.55 the
1535.03 time
1535.27 of
1535.66 staff
1535.9 and
1536.55 without,
1536.87 being
1538.07 very,
1538.55 clear
1539.74 and
1540.14 direct
1540.38 about
1540.79 separating
1541.77 those
1542.25 functions
1542.57 to
1543.05 some
1543.21 extent,
1543.45 the
1544.25 long-range
1544.81 planning
1544.97 tends
1545.37 to
1545.61 get
1545.69 pushed
1545.85 aside.
1546.17 So
1546.65 I
1547.21 think
1547.61 in
1547.93 the
1548.33 wisdom
1548.49 of
1549.13 the
1549.13 city
1549.29 manager,
1549.53 we're
1549.92 trying
1550.16 to
1550.4 begin
1550.64 the
1551.05 process
1551.29 of
1551.77 creating
1552.01 that,
1552.57 not
1554.57 silos,
1554.81 but
1555.37 creating
1556.09 a,
1556.63 more
1557.53 direct
1558.18 responsibility
1558.58 for
1559.3 people
1559.46 to
1559.7 do
1559.86 that
1560.02 long-range
1560.42 planning
1560.66 and
1561.78 by
1562.02 doing
1562.26 that
1562.5 separating
1562.74 those
1563.14 2
1563.38 functions
1563.54 out.
1566.98 PALOMBA
1566.98 -
1566.98 So
1566.98 I
1567.22 own
1568.74 I
1568.98 think
1569.14 I
1569.38 understand
1569.46 that,
1569.87 but
1570.11 I'm
1570.35 so
1570.98 the
1571.22 long-range
1571.63 planning
1571.94 staff
1572.42 will
1572.83 include
1573.07 senior
1573.87 planning
1574.35 for
1574.98 economic
1575.22 development,
1575.9 senior
1577.18 planner
1577.58 for
1577.9 economic
1578.06 development.
1578.62 But
1579.5 it
1579.74 doesn't
1579.82 seem
1580.22 like
1580.54 the
1580.7 open
1581.1 space
1581.66 designer
1582.14 or
1582.7 the
1582.94 public
1583.18 arts
1583.58 I'm
1585.68 not
1585.85 sure
1586.01 why
1586.33 they
1586.57 fit
1586.8 there.
1587.04 It's
1587.52 we
1588.88 got
1589.04 long-range
1589.68 planning,
1590.01 and
1590.4 then
1590.64 we're
1590.8 talking
1590.96 about
1591.37 what
1591.67 the
1591.91 public
1592.07 arts
1592.39 committee
1592.71 is
1593.19 going
1593.35 to
1593.67 be
1593.67 doing,
1593.83 the
1595.91 planner
1596.15 for
1596.55 what's
1597.11 her
1597.43 yeah.
1599.03 MAGOON
1599.03 -
1599.03 Sure,
1599.03 and
1599.36 I
1599.6 guess
1599.76 I
1600.08 would
1600.15 say
1600.39 in
1600.63 the
1600.79 short
1600.95 run,
1601.28 in
1601.52 terms
1601.76 of
1601.99 this
1602.08 organizational
1602.32 structure,
1603.03 the
1603.99 current
1604.15 planning
1604.47 is
1604.88 really
1605.12 doing
1605.36 development
1606.15 review
1606.63 with
1606.95 boards
1607.19 and
1607.43 commissions,
1607.67 and
1608.87 long-range
1609.59 planning
1609.91 is
1610.31 pretty
1610.47 much
1610.71 everything
1610.95 else.
1611.27 So
1611.51 it
1611.67 would
1611.83 include
1612.07 things
1612.39 like
1612.71 public
1612.95 art
1613.27 and
1613.51 culture
1613.67 where
1614.07 we're
1614.79 talking
1615.19 about
1615.67 the
1616.51 bigger
1616.51 picture,
1616.91 long-term
1617.63 ideas,
1618.03 and
1618.6 implementation
1618.84 strategies
1619.47 for
1620.03 the
1620.19 community,
1620.36 related
1621.63 to
1622.12 that,
1622.27 similar
1623.47 to
1623.95 open
1624.12 space
1624.43 design,
1624.76 talking
1625.15 about
1625.47 designing
1626.82 public
1627.38 open
1627.78 spaces
1628.1 and
1628.9 implementing
1629.14 that
1629.7 through
1629.94 our
1630.18 capital
1630.42 program,
1630.82 over
1632.1 time.
1632.34 As
1633.58 well
1633.82 as
1633.97 providing
1634.62 staff
1635.34 support
1635.65 to
1636.13 comprehensive
1636.62 planning
1637.17 efforts,
1637.58 things
1638.06 like
1638.45 updating
1639.1 the
1639.49 comprehensive
1639.65 plan,
1640.13 which
1640.45 we're
1640.93 doing
1641.1 now,
1641.34 or
1641.65 conducting
1643.14 the
1643.7 Watertown
1643.86 Square,
1644.98 study
1645.94 that
1646.34 will
1646.58 will
1647.06 follow-up
1647.38 on
1647.78 that.
1648.1 PALOMBA
1648.1 -
1648.1 That
1648.34 would
1648.58 go
1648.74 in
1648.9 this
1649.14 long-range
1649.54 planning?
1649.86 Yes.
1650.42 Bucket.
1650.86 So
1651.34 the
1651.49 question
1651.73 I
1652.21 have
1652.38 since
1652.62 I
1653.97 think
1654.13 it's
1654.38 long-range
1655.26 and
1655.58 very
1655.82 well.
1656.21 I
1658.05 could
1658.13 say
1658.29 that
1658.54 you
1659.37 know,
1659.53 I
1659.77 was
1659.85 looking
1660.09 at
1660.41 the
1660.57 environmental
1661.45 senior
1662.09 planner,
1662.57 who's
1663.85 returned
1664.17 to
1664.49 us
1664.65 after
1664.89 a
1665.29 while.
1668.74 I'm
1668.74 sorry,
1668.98 but
1669.31 it
1669.55 seems
1669.7 to
1670.03 me
1670.11 that
1670.27 that's
1670.42 long-range
1670.98 planning
1671.31 also.
1671.79 But
1672.9 that
1673.22 sits
1673.55 under,
1674.03 the
1674.9 assistant
1675.31 planning
1675.87 directly
1676.27 or
1676.67 along
1676.91 with
1677.23 transportation
1677.95 and
1678.75 housing,
1679.55 both
1680.59 of
1680.83 which
1681.07 housing
1681.39 and
1681.79 environment
1681.95 seemed
1682.51 to
1682.75 me
1682.91 to
1683.07 be
1683.23 very
1683.63 long-range.
1684.27 Particularly
1685.31 how
1686.11 much
1686.27 we
1686.59 have
1686.74 to
1686.9 think
1687.07 about
1687.23 what
1687.47 we
1687.71 need
1687.87 to
1688.03 do.
1688.18 So
1688.42 I
1690.74 apologize
1690.9 for
1691.38 this,
1691.55 but
1691.79 I'm
1692.03 getting
1692.18 a
1692.42 little
1692.51 disconnected.
1694.32 MAGOON
1694.32 -
1694.32 No.
1694.32 You're
1696.4 not
1696.72 wrong.
1696.96 I
1697.84 think
1698 this
1698.24 is
1698.48 the
1698.64 first
1698.8 step
1699.04 in
1699.28 moving
1699.44 in
1699.76 that
1699.76 direction.
1700 There
1701.39 will
1701.63 be
1701.88 overlap.
1702.12 Obviously,
1702.84 we
1703.39 don't
1703.63 have
1704.19 a
1704.52 long-range
1706.67 comprehensive
1706.99 transportation
1707.63 planner.
1708.27 We
1709.26 have
1709.42 a
1709.74 transportation
1709.82 planner.
1710.54 So
1711.1 that
1711.34 person
1711.5 will
1711.82 do
1712.06 project
1712.3 review
1712.62 and
1712.94 current
1713.18 planning.
1713.42 In
1714.14 terms
1714.3 of
1714.62 division,
1714.86 we've
1715.34 put
1715.58 them
1715.74 there
1715.98 but
1716.53 they
1716.77 will
1716.93 also
1717.1 certainly
1717.49 work
1717.97 on
1718.21 comprehensive
1718.77 long-range
1719.58 planning
1719.89 efforts
1720.53 as
1721.02 well
1721.26 related
1721.58 to
1721.97 transportation.
1722.05 So
1722.77 you're
1723.17 right
1723.34 that
1723.58 there
1723.73 is
1723.89 that
1724.13 overlap.
1724.29 We
1724.77 don't
1724.93 have
1725.17 the
1725.34 organizational
1725.73 bandwidth
1726.53 to
1726.93 really
1727.09 create
1727.49 a
1727.97 complete
1728.13 separation,
1728.61 but
1729.57 it's
1729.81 an
1730.05 effort
1730.21 to
1730.53 take
1730.69 us
1730.85 a
1731.01 step
1731.17 toward
1731.41 that
1731.73 direction.
1738.52 FELTNER
1738.52 -
1738.52 Thank
1738.52 you,
1738.76 Mr.
1738.91 President.
1739.23 So
1740.36 I
1740.52 just
1740.6 want
1740.76 to
1740.91 clarify
1741.08 that
1741.47 the
1741.63 Department
1742.55 of
1743.03 Public
1743.19 Works,
1743.51 the
1745.19 Assistant
1745.43 Superintendent,
1745.91 is
1748.23 just
1748.55 for
1748.87 the
1749.43 Sewer
1749.43 Water
1749.91 Division,
1750.31 and
1750.71 all
1750.87 other
1751.19 divisions
1751.43 report
1753.03 directly
1753.43 to
1753.99 the
1754.32 superintendent.
1754.55 Is
1755.75 that
1755.91 am
1756.71 I
1756.88 reading
1757.03 this
1757.36 correctly?
1757.51 So
1776.58 I
1776.82 know
1776.89 generally,
1777.21 in
1778.73 the
1778.89 past,
1779.13 people
1779.38 thought
1779.69 of
1779.86 administrative
1780.02 and
1780.82 finance
1781.06 as
1781.58 kind
1781.82 of
1781.98 the
1782.14 assistant
1782.3 superintendent.
1782.7 So
1783.18 I
1783.34 just
1783.42 wanted
1783.66 to
1783.9 clarify
1784.06 the
1785.42 titles
1785.66 and
1785.98 the
1786.22 roles.
1786.3 That
1786.78 is
1787.02 what
1787.18 I
1787.58 see
1787.74 in
1787.74 the
1787.9 chart.
1789.66 -
1789.66 So
1789.66 the
1793.68 change
1794.01 the
1794.64 change
1794.81 in
1795.13 the
1795.29 position
1795.53 from
1796.33 the
1797.05 meter
1797.29 analyst
1797.61 position
1798.09 to
1798.4 assist
1798.57 in
1798.88 the
1799.05 director
1799.05 position
1799.37 came
1800.21 about
1800.53 somewhat
1800.93 organically
1801.25 as
1802.29 the
1802.85 city
1802.93 was
1803.25 taking
1803.41 on
1803.65 more
1803.81 and
1804.05 more
1804.13 projects.
1804.37 So
1805.57 having
1805.97 that
1806.45 person,
1806.77 being
1808.05 able
1808.37 to
1808.69 work
1808.85 under
1809.8 and
1810.12 closely
1810.28 with
1810.6 the
1810.84 administration
1810.99 finance
1811.63 director,
1812.36 allows
1813.96 that
1814.43 to
1814.67 kind
1816.12 of
1816.43 help
1816.43 manage
1816.67 that
1816.99 whole
1817.23 office
1817.56 staff
1818.12 component
1818.51 and
1819.23 all
1819.47 the
1819.71 paperwork
1819.95 that
1820.51 goes
1820.67 along
1820.99 with
1821.39 our
1821.79 compliance
1822.59 and
1823.15 regulations
1823.31 and
1824.03 the
1825.47 ongoing
1825.71 workflow
1826.27 just
1826.83 of
1827.07 the
1827.23 department.
1827.47 Okay.
1829.55 FELTNER
1829.55 -
1829.55 If
1829.55 I
1829.71 may
1829.87 so
1830.11 it
1830.35 it
1830.42 sounds
1830.51 like
1830.83 there's
1830.9 kind
1831.14 of
1831.31 a
1831.46 dotted
1831.55 line
1831.87 as
1832.18 well.
1832.42 This
1832.98 is
1833.31 okay,
1835.14 and
1835.63 then
1835.63 I
1835.63 just
1835.79 commented
1836.35 this
1837.83 has
1838.07 all
1838.23 been
1838.39 laid
1838.55 out
1838.79 already
1839.11 as
1839.51 noted.
1840.63 But
1840.87 I'm
1840.87 happy
1841.03 to
1841.27 see
1841.43 you
1841.67 traffic
1841.83 control
1842.31 supervisor
1842.95 in
1843.51 that
1843.75 role
1844.39 being
1844.71 recognized.
1845.03 Thank
1845.75 you.
Magoon presented an amendment related to a slight relocation of the pedestrian connection between 85 Walnut Street and the Gables development, enhancing access from Arsenal Street to Birch Road and further to public open spaces and Walnut Street itself. This modification acknowledges a shift of about 6 feet in the connecting path. Piccirilli motioned to approve the amendment for a temporary construction easement to facilitate this change, authorizing the city manager to execute the agreement. Feltner sought clarification on community concerns, particularly regarding the temporary removal and restoration of a fence near the arsenal, and confirmed with Magoon that despite the current temporary status, this pathway is intended to become a permanent pedestrian corridor, with additional easement documents for the 85 Walnut project anticipated for future council consideration.
1893.25 MAGOON
1893.25 -
1893.25 Thank
1893.25 you,
1893.49 Mr.
1893.65 President,
1893.89 members
1894.29 of
1894.69 the
1894.77 council.
1894.85 So,
1895.49 this
1896.13 is
1896.45 an
1896.69 amendment
1897.01 to,
1897.57 an
1899.01 easement
1899.33 that
1899.81 we
1899.97 already
1900.21 have.
1900.61 It
1901.78 is
1902.11 in
1902.42 recognition
1902.74 of
1903.54 a
1903.7 slight
1903.87 relocation
1904.35 of
1904.83 the
1904.9 connection
1905.14 between,
1905.54 85
1907.07 Walnut
1907.78 Street
1908.26 in
1909.46 this
1909.87 image
1910.23 that's
1910.55 before
1910.87 you
1911.27 on
1911.51 the
1911.67 screen.
1912.71 The
1912.95 largely
1912.95 undeveloped
1913.35 parcel
1914.15 because
1914.55 at
1915.43 the
1915.59 time
1915.75 of
1915.99 this
1916.07 aerial
1916.31 photograph.
1917.27 They
1917.67 demolished
1917.67 structures
1918.23 but
1918.79 hadn't
1918.95 started
1919.35 construction
1919.74 yet.
1920.31 But
1920.7 where
1921.27 the
1921.51 red
1921.74 dot
1921.98 is
1922.22 between
1922.46 that
1922.87 and
1923.03 the
1923.27 Gables
1923.35 development
1923.74 is
1924.55 where
1924.7 that
1925.03 connection
1925.27 will
1925.83 be,
1926.07 between
1927.74 the
1928.31 pedestrian
1928.38 that
1929.44 goes
1929.68 from
1930 Arsenal
1930.32 Street
1930.64 back
1930.88 to
1931.12 Birch
1931.36 Road,
1931.68 and
1933.04 it'll
1933.2 provide
1933.44 connection
1933.84 over
1934.4 to
1934.72 the
1935.04 85
1935.36 Walnut
1935.92 Street
1936.4 project
1936.8 which
1937.22 then
1937.54 again
1937.79 will
1938.03 provide
1938.27 access
1938.9 up
1939.3 to
1939.46 their,
1939.7 public
1940.59 open
1940.98 space
1941.3 and,
1941.79 up
1942.59 to
1942.83 Walnut
1942.9 Street.
1943.38 So
1943.87 this
1944.03 is
1944.27 simply
1944.42 a
1944.83 recognition
1944.9 that
1945.46 that
1945.7 connection
1946.99 between
1947.47 the
1947.79 2
1947.95 pedestrian
1948.19 access
1948.83 points
1949.31 shifted
1949.95 about
1950.59 6
1950.99 feet
1951.39 and
1951.95 just
1952.11 putting
1952.35 it
1952.59 in
1952.75 the
1952.91 correct
1952.99 location.
1962.77 -
1962.77 Mr.
1963.09 President,
1963.57 I
1963.57 make
1963.81 a
1964.05 motion
1964.05 that
1964.45 we,
1964.61 approve
1965.09 the
1965.49 order
1965.65 for
1965.97 the
1966.13 amendment
1966.37 to
1966.69 the
1966.85 temporary
1967.01 construction
1967.33 easement
1967.97 at
1969.88 204
1970.29 Arsenal
1971.4 85
1971.81 Walnut
1972.45 and
1973.81 authorize
1974.37 the
1975.09 city
1975.24 manager
1975.57 to
1975.96 execute
1976.8 this
1977.52 agreement.
1982.56 FELTNER
1982.56 -
1982.56 Thank
1982.56 you.
1982.72 I
1983.12 just
1983.36 want
1983.6 to
1983.84 clarify
1983.92 again
1984.48 because
1984.72 there's
1987.11 some
1987.42 confusion
1987.66 in
1988.14 the
1988.31 neighborhood
1989.18 because
1991.42 the
1991.83 fence
1992.07 was
1992.47 removed
1992.95 up
1993.51 near
1993.9 the
1994.22 arsenal
1994.22 it's
1997.29 since
1997.61 been
1997.93 put
1998.17 back.
1998.41 So
1998.73 hopefully,
1999.29 that
1999.93 area
2000.25 will
2000.57 be
2000.81 restored
2001.13 at
2001.77 the
2001.93 arsenal
2002.25 end
2002.89 along
2003.21 this
2004.95 the
2006.15 same
2006.32 edge
2006.8 that's
2007.12 shown
2007.36 on
2007.67 the
2007.76 current
2007.91 map.
2008.23 So
2008.55 you're
2009.19 saying
2009.43 temporary
2009.76 construction,
2010.23 but
2010.8 I
2011.04 thought
2011.28 isn't
2011.52 this,
2011.91 going
2013.53 to
2013.77 become
2013.93 a
2014.41 permanent
2014.65 access
2016.25 point
2016.81 between
2017.13 the
2017.61 2,
2017.77 project
2019.85 parcels
2020.33 for
2021.13 for
2021.45 pedestrians
2021.77 only?
2022.41 Yes.
2023.57 It
2024.13 will
2024.29 be
2024.44 a
2024.61 permanent
2024.77 connection.
2025.33 We're
2027.01 still
2027.24 working
2027.48 on
2027.81 some
2027.96 other
2028.2 easement
2028.37 documents
2028.85 for
2029.33 the
2029.48 85
2030.2 Walnut
2030.68 project.
2031.09 It'll
2031.57 be
2032.29 for
2032.29 the
2032.45 council
2032.61 in
2033.01 the
2033.17 future.
2033.33 Yes.
2034.05 There
2034.37 will
2034.61 be
2034.77 a
2034.85 permanent
2034.93 connection.
This section of the public hearing discussed the proposal to assign the name "Technology Way" to a new private roadway located on private property stretching from Galen Street to Water Street, previously referred to as Water Street extension or a new Water Street. The name was proposed by the applicant after Public Safety raised concerns about confusion with the initial name, leading to all parties agreeing on "Technology Way" as suitable. A motion was made to assign this name, despite a typo in the documentation that was promised to be corrected. Questions were raised regarding the procedural steps for naming versus creating a private way, the council's authority in this process, and future responsibilities like snow plowing. It was clarified that the council's role was solely to name the roadway, as the creation of private ways falls under development discussions, and maintenance responsibilities like snow plowing would be managed through an easement agreement with the city.
2063.81 MAGOON
2063.81 -
2063.81 Thank
2063.81 you,
2063.97 Mr.
2064.29 President,
2064.69 members
2065.01 of
2065.09 the
2065.09 council.
2065.49 So
2065.73 this
2065.97 is
2066.13 a
2066.29 request
2066.77 to
2067.33 assign
2067.81 a
2068.05 name
2068.37 to,
2068.37 the
2069.89 roadway,
2070.05 which
2070.61 is
2070.85 on
2071.01 private
2071.25 property,
2071.65 which
2072.21 is
2072.37 in
2073.31 front
2073.47 of
2073.87 the
2074.11 66
2074.11 Galen
2074.74 Street
2075.07 project
2075.39 and
2075.95 goes
2076.18 from
2076.43 Galen
2076.74 Street
2077.14 to
2077.55 Water
2077.7 Street
2078.27 through
2078.83 the
2079.07 development
2079.22 review
2079.79 process
2080.18 that
2080.59 is
2080.74 often
2080.91 referred
2081.31 to
2081.79 as
2082.18 water
2083.85 street
2084.17 extension
2084.57 or
2085.13 a
2085.29 new
2085.37 water
2085.61 street.
2085.93 The
2088.57 applicant
2088.81 has
2089.77 gone
2090.01 through
2090.25 the
2090.49 process
2090.65 of
2091.21 formally
2091.45 naming
2092.01 it.
2092.33 Public
2093.16 Safety
2093.64 had
2093.89 some
2094.2 concerns
2094.36 about
2094.84 confusion
2095.16 with
2095.72 that
2095.89 name,
2096.13 therefore
2097.57 the
2097.97 applicant
2098.13 or
2098.68 the
2098.93 property
2099.64 owners
2100.05 proposed
2100.45 Technology
2102.46 Way.
2102.7 As
2102.7 a
2102.7 name
2102.78 to
2103.1 avoid
2103.26 that
2103.58 confusion,
2103.82 and
2104.46 all
2105.1 parties
2105.26 seem
2105.74 to,
2105.98 agree
2106.62 that
2106.94 that
2107.1 would
2107.26 be
2107.42 an
2107.58 appropriate
2107.66 name.
2108.22 So
2108.54 that's
2108.7 the
2109.02 request
2109.26 before
2109.58 you
2109.9 tonight.
2111.26 SIDERIS-
2111.26 Thank
2111.26 you.
2111.5 Can
2112.2 I
2112.45 get
2112.61 a
2112.84 motion
2112.93 to
2113.97 assign
2114.29 the
2114.68 name
2115.01 Technology
2116.29 Way
2116.53 to
2116.53 the
2116.68 new
2116.93 private
2117.16 way
2117.64 across
2118.29 from
2118.77 Aldridge
2119.16 Road?
2120.61 -
2120.61 So
2120.61 moved,
2120.93 but,
2121.73 with
2122.13 Mr.
2123.09 President,
2123.65 the
2123.65 actual
2123.81 order
2124.29 that,
2124.69 we're
2125.09 voting
2125.49 on.
2125.97 Just
2126.93 a
2127.33 a
2127.65 note,
2127.73 there's
2127.97 a
2128.21 typo,
2128.37 the
2128.77 the
2129.09 name
2129.64 Galen
2130.05 for
2130.44 Galen
2130.68 Street
2131.16 is
2131.48 misspelled
2131.64 as
2132.28 Gail.
2132.44 So
2132.84 I
2133.09 already
2133.57 mentioned
2134.05 it
2134.36 to
2134.44 the
2134.61 council
2134.76 clerk.
2135.09 He's
2135.24 going
2135.41 to
2135.64 fix
2135.8 that
2136.05 before
2136.2 it's
2136.53 signed.
2136.76 So,
2143.04 anyway,
2143.6 so
2144.08 moving.
2150.36 FELTNER
2150.36 -
2150.36 Well,
2150.36 I'm
2150.61 just
2150.76 curious
2151.09 procedurally,
2151.49 I'm
2154.36 happy
2154.53 to
2154.84 see
2155.01 this
2155.16 new
2155.41 name
2155.97 and
2156.45 not
2156.68 duplicate
2157.01 the
2157.98 names.
2158.14 But
2159.1 since
2159.26 it's
2159.5 on
2159.74 the
2159.82 traffic
2159.98 commission
2160.46 tomorrow
2161.82 night,
2162.3 is
2162.54 it
2162.7 just
2162.86 purely
2163.1 word
2163.58 naming
2163.98 it?
2164.38 Cause
2164.54 I
2164.7 in
2165.78 terms
2165.93 of
2166.34 naming
2166.49 private
2166.97 ways,
2167.38 I
2167.61 guess
2167.7 this
2167.93 is,
2168.18 I'm
2168.97 going
2169.22 off
2169.45 on
2169.61 an
2169.78 agenda
2169.93 item.
2170.34 But
2171.14 I
2171.78 noticed
2171.86 it
2172.18 came
2172.34 up
2172.49 around
2172.66 Arsenal
2173.14 Street
2173.61 in
2173.86 the
2174.02 Eastman
2174.18 for
2174.68 2002
2175.88 or
2176.44 2004,
2176.44 and
2176.44 Gables
2176.68 in
2177.08 Alon.
2177.72 why
2177.88 is
2178.04 that
2178.2 a
2178.36 driveway,
2178.44 not
2178.92 a
2179.08 private
2179.16 way,
2179.56 and
2179.72 does
2179.96 the
2180.2 council
2180.2 have
2180.6 the
2180.84 authorization
2181 to
2181.56 create
2181.72 private
2182.12 ways?
2182.52 So
2183.26 are
2183.42 we
2183.59 just
2183.74 naming
2184.07 it,
2184.39 or
2184.63 are,
2184.78 we
2185.51 actually
2185.82 creating
2186.63 the
2187.26 private
2187.59 way
2188.07 as
2188.3 well,
2189.03 or
2190.68 is
2190.84 that
2191 the
2191.16 traffic
2191.32 commission's
2191.8 purview,
2192.12 I
2192.44 guess,
2192.6 is
2192.84 procedural?
2194.76 MAGOON-
2194.76 The
2194.76 only
2194.92 re
2195.24 only
2196.12 request
2196.44 that
2196.84 I
2197.08 have
2197.16 before
2197.4 you
2197.72 tonight
2197.88 is
2198.12 to
2198.28 name
2198.52 it.
2198.68 That's
2198.92 all
2199.4 it's
2199.56 been
2199.8 and
2200.61 I
2200.81 don't
2201.01 know
2201.24 if
2201.33 Mr.
2201.72 Reich.
2203.89 MARK
2203.89 REICH
2203.89 -
2203.89 CITY
2203.89 OF
2203.89 -
2203.89 Yes.
2204.29 If
2204.77 I
2205.01 make,
2205.64 Mr.
2206.05 President
2206.36 through
2206.36 you,
2206.77 the
2206.93 authority
2208.39 of
2208.79 the
2208.95 council
2209.03 the
2209.43 naming
2209.59 of
2209.83 a
2211.59 private
2211.75 way
2212.23 is
2212.39 specifically,
2212.55 an
2212.95 authority
2213.19 of
2213.51 the
2213.91 council
2214.31 under
2215.03 chapter
2215.35 85
2215.59 section
2216.23 3a.
2216.55 That's
2216.71 been
2216.87 undertaken
2217.27 as
2217.83 as
2218.07 you
2218.39 reference
2218.7 in
2218.87 in
2219.03 prior
2219.18 action.
2219.91 So
2219.99 at
2220.14 this
2220.31 point,
2220.7 the
2220.95 private
2221.59 way
2221.99 itself
2222.39 will
2222.55 be
2223.51 created
2223.83 within
2224.07 the
2224.14 development.
2224.39 That's
2224.55 it's
2224.87 a
2225.03 private
2225.91 way.
2226.47 It's
2226.63 not
2226.95 accepted
2227.03 by
2227.19 the
2227.43 city.
2227.59 So
2228.07 the
2228.39 city
2228.87 is
2229.19 not
2229.59 laid
2230.71 out
2231.11 in
2231.51 a
2231.51 way.
2231.67 You're
2232.15 simply
2232.47 providing
2232.79 a
2233.27 name,
2233.67 which
2233.83 then
2234.31 allows,
2234.87 the
2235.43 superintendent
2236.39 of
2236.7 public
2236.94 works.
2237.51 Other
2239.11 city
2239.34 departments
2239.98 to
2240.14 address
2240.39 the
2241.26 addressing
2241.43 of
2241.66 the
2241.82 properties
2242.14 and
2242.55 then
2243.29 for
2243.45 public
2243.69 safety
2243.85 purposes.
2244.25 Be
2244.41 able
2244.57 to
2244.89 access
2245.21 them.
2245.37 So
2245.69 your
2245.85 role
2246.25 is
2246.41 simply
2246.65 the
2246.65 naming,
2246.65 not
2246.65 the
2246.65 creation.
2248.01 FELTNER
2248.01 -
2248.01 So
2248.01 to
2248.25 follow
2248.89 up,
2249.13 is
2249.13 it
2249.29 possible
2249.45 for
2249.93 the
2250.97 council
2251.13 to
2251.45 have
2251.45 the
2251.69 power
2251.85 to
2252.33 create
2252.73 a
2254.55 private
2254.7 way,
2255.03 or
2255.18 would
2255.34 that
2255.51 be
2255.66 under
2255.82 development
2256.14 discussions
2256.86 as
2257.43 part
2257.59 of
2257.82 the
2257.99 project
2258.14 perhaps?
2266.53 JOHN
2266.53 GANNON
2266.53 -
2266.77 CITY
2266.77 COUNCIL-
2266.77 Thank
2266.77 you,
2266.93 Mr.
2267.73 President.
2268.85 So,
2268.85 I
2269.01 know
2269.25 that
2269.49 cities
2269.81 and
2269.97 towns
2270.29 have
2270.49 the
2270.64 ability
2271.45 to
2272.33 take
2272.57 action
2273.29 to
2273.45 maintain
2274.24 private
2274.89 ways
2275.29 or
2275.45 snow
2275.68 plow
2276.01 and
2276.24 send
2276.64 the
2276.81 like,
2278.24 is
2278.49 it
2278.64 anticipated
2279.45 that
2280.03 technology
2280.67 way
2280.91 would
2281.15 become
2282.11 a
2282.35 burden
2282.67 for
2282.83 the
2282.99 town
2283.31 to
2283.47 snow
2283.79 plow
2284.03 and
2284.27 send?
2285.63 MAGOON-
2285.63 That,
2285.63 is
2286.43 addressed
2286.67 through
2287.23 you,
2287.47 Mr.
2288.03 President.
2288.35 That
2288.35 is
2288.7 addressed
2288.7 through
2289.26 the
2289.51 easement
2289.66 agreement,
2290.07 with
2291.34 the
2291.59 city.
2291.66 Yes,
2292.47 we
2292.86 will
2293.03 because
2293.51 it
2293.91 wouldn't
2293.99 make
2294.3 sense
2294.47 for
2294.7 us
2294.95 to
2295.18 plow
2295.72 a
2295.96 street
2296.12 and
2296.44 stop
2296.68 for
2297 100
2297.24 feet
2297.72 and
2297.96 have
2298.2 someone
2298.44 else
2298.76 plow
2299 that
2299.24 100
2299.4 feet.
2299.8 So,
2299.96 yes,
2300.2 we
2300.36 did
2300.52 agree
2300.76 to
2301.48 salt
2302.28 and
2302.6 plow
2303.08 this
2303.56 piece
2303.88 of
2304.12 way.
At a city council meeting, Sideris introduced an agenda item to transfer $29,000 from various fiscal year 2023 police department accounts into the police vehicle replacement account to purchase new motorcycles, a budget request previously mentioned by Mr. Manuchar. Piccirilli made a motion to approve this fund transfer. However, Palomba expressed concerns about the source of the funds, particularly questioning the reduction in crime prevention budget by $55,000 to finance this purchase, noting the absence of police department representation to provide explanations. Proakis responded, offering limited insight that the police chief had identified the funds as unused for the fiscal year, with only days remaining, but could not provide further details without investigation.
2318.33 SIDERIS
2318.33 -
2318.57 The
2318.57 next
2318.57 item
2318.57 on
2318.89 the
2319.05 agenda
2319.29 is
2320.57 10
2320.73 c,
2321.13 which
2321.29 is
2321.53 a
2321.69 resolution
2321.85 authorizing.
2323.39 A
2323.55 transfer
2323.55 of
2324.03 funds
2324.18 in
2324.74 the
2324.83 amount
2324.99 of
2325.22 $29,000
2325.39 from
2327.22 various
2327.39 fiscal
2327.87 years
2329.39 23.
2329.63 Police
2329.63 department
2329.63 accounts
2330.27 to
2331.04 the
2331.28 fiscal
2331.44 year
2331.84 23
2332.16 police
2333.04 vehicle
2333.6 replacement
2334.08 accounts,
2335.12 Mr.
2335.44 Manuchar.
2335.44 -
2336.48 Thank
2336.48 you,
2336.72 Mr.
2336.88 President.
2337.2 You
2337.89 may
2338.05 recall
2338.28 in
2338.61 the
2338.76 budget
2338.93 as
2339.24 I
2339.41 was
2339.57 going
2339.8 through
2340.2 our
2341.32 additional
2341.64 budget
2342.13 requests
2342.61 I
2343.41 noted
2343.57 that
2343.97 there
2344.13 were
2344.36 additional
2344.68 budget
2345.09 requests
2345.41 for
2345.89 police
2346.13 motorcycles
2346.45 that
2347.65 were
2347.81 not
2348.13 funded
2348.29 through
2349.09 the
2349.25 fiscal
2349.41 year
2349.81 24
2349.97 budget
2350.37 because
2350.61 I
2350.93 noted
2351.01 we
2351.33 would
2351.41 transfer
2351.65 money
2352.05 in
2352.29 fiscal
2352.45 year
2352.85 23
2353.01 to
2353.41 cover
2353.57 this
2353.97 item.
2354.21 Before
2355.86 you,
2356.34 tonight
2356.58 is
2357.22 to
2357.45 transfer
2357.7 funds
2358.18 to
2358.58 cover
2358.74 the
2359.06 cost
2359.22 of
2359.78 purchasing
2359.93 those
2360.41 motorcycles.
2360.74 I
2361.45 ask
2361.61 for
2361.78 the
2362.02 council's
2362.18 support
2362.58 on
2363.17 that
2363.33 item
2363.49 consistent
2363.81 with
2364.37 our
2364.53 capital
2364.69 plating
2365.01 strategy.
2365.33 Thank
2365.81 you.
2371.99 -
2371.99 Mr.
2371.99 President
2371.99 make
2371.99 a
2372.24 motion
2372.39 that
2372.56 we
2372.95 approve
2373.11 the
2373.52 transfer
2373.68 of
2373.91 funds
2374.08 of
2375.76 $29,000
2375.99 for
2376.16 the
2377.36 new,
2377.68 police
2378.32 vehicle
2379.04 motorcycle
2379.04 Motorcycles.
2387.86 PALOMBA
2387.86 -
2387.86 Just
2387.86 a
2388.11 surprise
2388.43 that
2388.99 the
2389.3 money
2389.55 is
2389.95 coming
2390.18 from,
2390.59 it
2392.99 doesn't
2393.14 surprise
2393.39 me
2393.78 that
2393.95 we're
2394.18 not
2394.34 using
2394.59 all
2394.99 the
2395.14 money
2395.3 for
2395.63 courier
2395.78 incentive.
2396.18 I
2397.95 understand
2398.11 that
2398.75 there
2399.07 might
2399.47 be
2399.71 some
2399.95 office
2400.19 equipment
2400.67 maintenance
2401.31 that
2402.19 we
2403.31 don't
2403.47 need
2403.79 to
2404.03 do.
2404.19 But
2404.67 I'm
2404.91 not
2405.15 so
2405.39 sure
2405.71 I
2405.95 understand
2406.11 how
2406.67 crime
2407.14 prevention,
2407.38 needs
2408.97 to
2409.3 lose
2409.45 $55,000
2409.86 in
2411.69 order
2411.86 to
2412.18 fund
2413.3 the
2413.69 motorcycle
2414.18 and
2415.21 I'm
2415.45 not.
2416.33 See,
2416.65 we
2416.81 don't
2416.97 have
2417.13 anybody
2417.37 from
2418.33 the
2418.49 department.
2419.29 So
2419.53 I
2419.53 hate
2419.69 to
2419.93 put
2420.17 this
2420.41 to
2420.65 use
2420.89 City
2421.13 Managed
2421.37 sure,
2421.74 but
2421.99 if
2422.55 you
2422.79 can
2422.95 maybe
2423.59 you
2423.91 can
2423.99 explain
2424.22 that.
2426.07 PROAKIS
2426.07 -
2426.07 Through
2426.07 your
2426.31 Mr.
2426.7 President,
2427.18 all
2427.18 I
2427.35 can
2427.51 share
2427.66 at
2427.91 this
2427.99 point
2428.22 is
2428.47 that
2428.63 sitting
2429.19 here
2429.51 on
2429.75 27th
2429.91 June,
2430.63 this
2432.71 is
2432.87 money
2433.11 that
2433.43 the
2433.67 chief
2434.95 has
2435.27 indicated
2435.43 has
2436.07 not
2436.32 been
2436.47 spent
2436.64 to
2436.88 date
2437.03 in
2437.2 fiscal
2437.43 year
2437.76 23
2437.99 with
2438.55 3
2440.07 and
2440.32 a
2440.39 half
2440.55 days
2440.8 left
2441.03 in
2441.43 the
2441.68 fiscal
2441.84 year.
2442.23 The
2443.36 circumstances
2443.59 beyond
2444.23 that,
2444.55 I
2445.45 could
2445.61 I'd
2445.93 have
2446.09 to
2446.25 investigate
2446.41 further.
In the discussed public hearing, Proakis thanked the local police and Hampton Inn And Suites for offering vouchers for free nights to individuals in emergency situations, as allowed under mass general law chapter 44 section 53a. He requested the council’s approval to make these vouchers available through the police department. Piccirilli moved to approve the acceptance and expenditure of $900 from Hampton Inn And Suites for the vouchers. Feltner inquired if the initiative was in response to recent emergencies like fires, leading to people being displaced. Proakis replied that the offer from the Hampton Inn was to provide emergency shelter to those in need in Watertown, acknowledging that such emergencies do occur.
2489.78 PROAKIS
2489.78 -
2489.78 Thank
2489.78 you,
2490.02 Mr.
2490.58 President.
2491.14 I
2491.14 want
2491.22 to
2491.54 take
2491.54 a
2491.7 moment
2491.78 to
2492.14 thank
2492.14 our
2492.38 police
2492.54 department
2492.86 and
2493.34 our
2493.5 local
2493.66 Hampton
2493.98 Inn
2494.3 And
2494.54 Suites
2494.7 for,
2495.1 bringing
2496.62 together
2497.02 the
2497.42 opportunity
2497.58 to
2498.22 have
2498.3 vouchers
2498.54 for
2499.51 individuals.
2500.47 Who
2500.63 needs
2500.63 a
2500.63 free
2500.79 night
2501.03 on
2501.27 an
2501.43 emergency
2501.59 basis,
2502.14 pursuant
2504.47 to
2504.86 a
2505.03 mass
2505.03 general
2505.18 law
2505.59 chapter
2505.82 44
2506.14 section
2506.63 53a?
2508.71 Expansions
2509.27 of
2509.27 gifts
2509.43 of
2509.59 funds
2509.67 need
2510.07 approval
2510.23 from
2510.55 the
2510.79 city
2510.87 manager
2511.11 and
2511.43 the
2511.59 city
2511.75 council.
2511.99 So
2512.39 I
2512.71 am,
2512.87 requesting
2513.83 that
2514.39 the
2514.63 council
2514.87 approve
2515.35 this
2515.75 item
2515.91 so
2516.3 that
2516.3 these
2516.55 vouchers
2516.78 would
2517.18 be
2517.34 available
2517.51 to
2517.98 the
2518.14 police
2518.22 department.
2518.55 Thank
2519.26 you.
2522.86 -
2522.86 Make
2522.86 a
2523.11 motion
2523.11 to
2523.59 approve,
2523.74 the
2524.55 acceptance
2524.7 of
2525.18 the
2525.26 gift
2525.43 and
2525.8 expenditure
2526.12 of
2526.6 funds
2526.76 for
2527.64 the
2527.96 $900
2528.12 from
2528.92 Hampton
2529.24 Inn
2529.8 And
2530.04 Suites.
2530.28 Is
2530.92 there
2531.16 a
2531.32 second?
2536.05 FELTNER
2536.05 -
2536.05 Thank
2536.05 you,
2536.36 Mr
2536.77 President.
2536.93 I'm
2536.93 just
2537.09 wondering
2537.24 if
2537.57 this
2537.81 partly
2538.05 came
2538.36 about
2538.61 because
2539.01 of
2539.41 recent
2539.57 fires
2540.13 or
2540.61 displacement
2540.77 or
2541.81 if
2542.66 we
2542.82 know
2543.06 anything
2543.22 about
2543.62 the
2543.86 background
2544.02 of
2544.5 why
2544.66 the
2544.9 gift
2544.98 came
2545.3 forward.
2549.43 PROAKIS
2549.43 -
2549.43 Thank
2549.43 you,
2549.68 through
2549.99 you,
2550.24 Mr.
2550.39 President,
2550.72 what
2551.11 I
2551.76 am
2551.91 aware
2552.16 of
2552.56 is
2553.2 simply,
2553.91 that
2555.28 the
2555.43 Hampton
2555.59 Inn
2555.99 offered
2556.32 the
2556.64 opportunity
2556.8 to
2557.43 do
2557.59 this
2557.76 in
2557.99 the
2558.24 circumstances
2558.39 where
2559.11 are
2559.5 in
2559.66 need
2559.9 of
2560.06 emergency
2560.22 shelter
2560.78 for
2561.26 any
2561.5 reason
2561.66 in
2561.98 Watertown.
2562.14 I
2562.62 do
2562.7 know
2562.86 that
2563.1 those
2563.5 circumstances
2563.82 do
2564.46 come
2564.62 up,
2564.86 as
2565.58 the
2565.82 counselor
2565.98 mentioned,
2566.38 and
2567.78 having
2568.11 the
2568.59 ability
2569.07 to,
2570.03 be
2570.91 able
2571.14 to
2571.3 have
2571.46 access
2571.78 to
2572.26 those
2572.43 circumstances,
Proakis introduced the first reading of a proposal, inviting Mr. Saint Louis to provide further details. The initiative aligns with the capital strategy for enterprise funds. The Superintendent explained the ongoing effort, now in its third year, to remove lead services throughout the town, highlighting it as a significant citywide program. Efforts have been made to integrate the removal of lead services with existing water system enhancements and align them with both full-depth paving and Milan overlay programs, wherever feasible. Additionally, there's a focus on clearing out individual streets to meet both short-term and long-term objectives.
2624.49 PROAKIS-
2624.49 Thank
2624.49 you,
2624.81 Mr
2624.97 President.
2625.29 This
2625.93 is
2626.09 the
2626.25 first
2626.41 reading.
2626.65 I
2626.81 can
2626.97 have
2627.21 Mr.
2627.37 Saint
2627.69 Louis
2627.93 provide
2628.25 details.
2628.57 It
2628.97 is
2629.13 consistent
2629.29 with
2629.85 our,
2630.01 strategy
2631.07 in
2631.71 our
2631.95 capital
2632.2 plan
2632.59 for,
2632.99 our
2634.51 enterprise
2634.68 funds
2635.16 and,
2635.55 Mr.
2636.36 St.
2636.68 Louis.
2636.84 Thank
2637.32 you.
2638.11 -
2638.11 Thank
2638.11 you.
2638.36 So
2640.89 we've
2641.21 been
2641.61 running
2642.01 year
2642.33 3,
2642.57 I
2642.89 guess,
2642.97 of
2643.53 removing
2643.85 lead
2644.49 services
2644.73 in
2645.21 town.
2645.37 I
2645.69 think
2645.85 this
2646.01 is
2646.25 a
2646.33 great
2646.49 program.
2646.73 We've
2648.81 continuously
2649.13 added
2650.56 as
2651.11 many
2651.36 services
2651.76 as
2652.24 we
2652.47 can,
2652.64 throughout
2653.68 our
2654.08 water
2654.24 program
2654.56 and
2655.99 continue
2656.32 to
2656.88 do
2657.04 so
2657.28 throughout
2657.52 the
2657.76 city.
2657.91 This
2658.32 is
2658.47 a
2658.72 citywide
2659.41 program.
2660.29 We're
2661.49 trying
2661.89 to
2662.21 identify
2662.37 services
2663.97 that
2664.53 correspond
2664.69 with
2665.25 either
2665.57 a
2666.51 full-depth
2667.14 paving
2667.14 program
2667.63 or
2668.11 a
2668.27 Milan
2668.34 overlay
2668.66 program
2669.07 where
2669.47 possible.
2669.7 But
2670.74 we're
2670.91 also
2671.14 trying
2671.39 to
2671.63 clear
2671.7 out
2672.03 individual
2672.27 streets
2672.82 where
2673.31 possible
2673.63 for
2674.11 short
2675.42 and
2675.66 long-term
2676.14 goals.
The discussion revolves around the first reading of proposed zoning ordinance amendments aimed at reducing the maximum floor area ratio in the central business district. This matter had previously been referred to the planning board, which convened a hearing on it a few weeks prior. In accordance with the city charter, the initial 10 people who petitioned have been officially notified by mail about these proceedings set for July, and the proposal has been duly advertised for public awareness. The next meeting will further address this topic.
2825.47 SIDERIS
2825.47 -
2825.47 Yes.
2825.47 Thank
2825.88 you.
2826.11 The
2827.24 next
2827.55 item
2827.55 is
2827.88 10
2828.11 g
2828.68 which
2829.52 is
2829.76 the
2829.92 first
2830.08 reading
2830.32 on
2830.56 a
2830.72 proposed
2830.88 zoning
2831.28 ordinance
2831.6 on
2832.32 pro-pro
2832.96 proposed
2833.12 zoning
2833.6 ordinance
2834 amendments
2834.48 for
2835.84 reducing
2836.08 the
2836.56 maximum
2836.8 floor
2837.44 area
2837.68 ratio
2838.16 In
2839.09 the
2839.24 central
2839.48 business
2840.05 district.
2840.44 Just
2841.32 for
2841.57 a
2841.8 brief
2841.96 background,
2842.28 we
2843.24 had
2843.4 referred
2843.64 this
2844.13 to
2844.28 the
2845.16 planning
2845.32 board
2845.72 which
2846.05 held
2846.28 a
2846.61 hearing
2846.76 a
2847.78 couple
2847.78 of
2848.1 weeks
2848.18 ago.
2848.5 Per
2850.34 the
2850.9 city
2852.58 charter,
2852.9 the
2853.38 first
2853.62 10
2853.94 people
2854.26 on
2854.66 this
2854.82 petition
2855.06 have
2855.97 been
2856.2 notified
2856.45 by
2857.09 mail
2857.32 that
2858.13 this
2858.36 is
2858.61 going
2858.76 to
2859.01 be
2859.16 taking
2859.32 place
2859.64 in
2859.97 July,
2860.2 and
2861.09 it
2861.32 has
2861.49 been
2861.64 advertised
2861.89 as
2862.61 such.
2863.01 So
2863.62 we'll
2863.86 be
2864.1 taking
2864.26 that
2864.5 up
2864.74 at
2864.82 our
2864.98 next
2865.14 meeting.
This section discusses the first reading of proposed zoning ordinance amendments related to transition requirements between various zoning districts and the clarification of special permit granting authority. The amendments, which had been previously referred to and discussed by the planning board, are set to be on the agenda for the July 11th meeting. Notification efforts for the involved parties were confirmed, and the expectation of receiving planning board reports by the July meeting was clarified. Additionally, the agenda includes committee reports, specifically from the Committee on Human Services, concerning their meeting held on May 11th.
2868.26 h
2868.66 is
2869.06 also
2869.3 a
2869.62 first
2869.78 reading
2870.1 on
2871.22 a
2871.46 proposed
2871.54 zoning
2872.1 ordinance
2872.26 on
2872.84 proposed
2873.01 zoning
2873.32 audit
2873.72 amendments
2874.2 to
2875.24 the
2875.4 transition
2875.64 requirements
2876.36 between
2878.05 business,
2878.44 industrial,
2879.4 or
2880.36 special
2880.53 zoning
2881.01 districts
2881.4 and
2882.08 residents
2882.4 districts
2882.96 and
2883.92 clarifies
2884.16 the
2884.8 special
2884.96 permit
2885.36 granting
2885.84 authority.
2886.24 Again,
2887.2 this
2887.52 was
2887.76 also
2888 a
2888.32 petition
2888.56 that
2889.04 we
2889.2 referred
2889.44 to
2890.34 the
2890.66 planning
2890.82 board
2891.31 which
2891.95 did
2892.18 have
2892.43 a
2892.66 public
2892.91 hearing
2893.39 and
2893.86 discussion
2894.03 a
2894.66 couple
2894.74 of
2894.95 weeks
2895.14 ago.
2895.47 Again,
2896.51 I
2896.82 will
2896.99 reiterate
2897.31 that
2897.79 we
2898.03 did
2898.18 notify
2898.43 the
2899.49 first
2899.65 10
2899.97 people
2900.21 on
2900.53 this
2900.69 petition
2901.01 as
2901.49 well
2901.65 that
2902.29 this
2902.53 will
2902.93 be
2903.09 taking
2903.33 place
2903.73 in
2904.37 July.
2904.77 It
2906.61 has
2906.77 been
2907.01 advertised
2907.25 as
2907.73 such.
2907.89 So
2908.8 this
2909.04 also
2909.28 will
2909.6 be
2909.84 on
2909.91 the
2910.08 agenda
2910.24 on
2911.04 July
2911.2 11th.
2913.04 FELTNER
2913.04 -
2913.04 Mr.
2913.76 President,
2914.16 can
2914.16 I
2914.39 just
2914.56 ask,
2914.72 is
2914.95 it
2915.04 safe
2915.2 to
2915.52 assume
2915.68 that
2916.08 we'll
2916.24 see
2916.69 the
2916.93 reports
2917.09 from
2917.49 the
2917.73 Planning
2917.73 Board
2918.13 at
2918.37 the
2918.53 July
2918.69 meeting?
2919.01 Yes.
2919.41 Thank
2919.57 you.
2924.03 SIDERIS
2924.03 -
2924.03 Elevenet
2924.03 is
2924.66 committee
2924.74 reports
2925.22 and
2925.63 the
2925.79 committee
2925.79 on
2926.18 human
2926.34 services
2926.66 reports
2928.11 regarding
2928.43 the
2928.91 minutes
2929.14 from
2930.59 the
2930.83 human
2930.91 services
2931.31 meeting
2931.79 on
2932.11 May
2932.27 11th.
2932.51 Council
2934.49 of
2934.89 Loma.
Proakis addressed a request to the council regarding the Zoning Board of Appeals, advocating for the appointment of Samuel O'Donnell as an alternate member, Alexander Dale as a full member, and the reappointment of Christopher Heap as a full member, with their respective terms ending in 2025, 2027, and 2028. He highlighted the extensive selection process, including discussions with a residents' advisory committee and interviews conducted by himself and Assistant City Manager Steve McGoon. Proakis emphasized the objective to ensure a balanced representation on the board and expressed his hope that the new appointments and reappointment would contribute positively to the board's composition, submitting his recommendations for the council's referral.
3512.19 PROAKIS
3512.19 -
3512.19 Thank
3512.19 you,
3512.51 Mr.
3513.23 President.
3514.89 First
3514.89 here
3515.53 on
3515.93 the
3516.09 zoning
3516.33 board
3516.57 of
3516.89 appeals
3517.05 request
3518.17 for
3518.65 the
3519.05 appointment
3519.05 of
3519.85 Samuel
3520.09 O'Donnell
3520.65 for
3521.21 an
3522.26 alternate
3522.49 member
3522.97 position
3523.3 for
3523.7 a
3523.86 term
3523.93 to
3524.18 expire
3524.34 February
3524.66 15,
3525.05 2025.
3525.53 Alexander
3526.82 Dale,
3527.22 for
3527.45 a
3527.7 full
3527.86 member
3528.01 position,
3528.41 for
3529.2 a
3529.36 term
3529.44 to
3529.68 expire
3529.84 February
3530.16 15th,
3530.56 2027,
3530.88 and
3532 the
3532.16 reappointment
3532.32 of
3532.8 Christopher
3532.96 Heap
3533.44 for
3533.76 a
3534 full
3534.16 member
3534.4 position
3534.72 for
3535.04 a
3535.28 term
3535.36 to
3535.6 expire
3535.76 February
3536 15th,
3536.4 2028.
3536.8 Appreciate
3538.68 the
3539.08 interest
3539.24 of
3539.56 these
3539.72 candidates
3539.88 and
3540.43 all
3540.59 the
3540.76 candidates
3540.91 who
3541.39 went
3541.56 through
3541.8 a
3542.59 substantial
3542.91 process
3543.47 with
3543.88 the
3544.11 resident's
3544.2 advisory
3544.76 committee.
3546.43 Then
3547.03 follow-up
3547.03 interviews
3547.83 with,
3548.47 me
3549.19 and
3549.51 with
3549.75 assistant
3550.07 city
3550.71 manager,
3550.95 Steve
3551.75 McGoon,
3552.07 in
3552.87 front
3553.11 of
3553.43 you
3553.59 tonight,
3553.83 I
3555.27 think
3555.43 the
3556.34 key
3556.49 is
3556.82 always
3556.97 to
3557.38 create
3557.53 the
3557.78 the
3558.49 right
3558.66 balance
3558.89 of
3559.22 voices
3559.45 on
3559.86 a
3560.01 board,
3560.09 and
3560.49 I
3560.73 hope
3561.3 that,
3561.61 in
3562.18 addition
3562.34 to
3562.73 those
3562.82 who've
3563.05 been
3563.22 serving
3563.38 honorably
3563.7 on
3564.18 the
3564.34 zoning
3564.41 board,
3564.73 the
3565.79 addition
3566.03 of
3566.51 mister
3566.67 Dale
3566.99 and
3567.23 Mr
3567.39 Adama
3567.71 with
3568.03 the,
3568.27 free
3569.15 appointment
3569.39 of
3569.79 Mr
3569.95 heap
3570.27 is
3570.51 helpful.
3570.59 So
3571.07 I
3571.23 submit
3571.63 that
3572.03 to
3572.19 your
3572.35 council
3572.67 for
3573.23 referral.
3573.47 Thanks.
Proakis expressed gratitude to the President and discussed the reappointment of PACE and Whitney to the planning board until February 2026, alongside the appointment of Rachel Sac until February 15, 2027. He highlighted Whitney's valuable contributions as an engineer and a board member, and introduced Rachel Sac as a new addition. Sac's background includes work at the Volt B Transportation System Center in Cambridge, involvement in community outreach, and research programs for the US Department of Transportation, which Proakis believes will enrich the board's experience. He requested a referral on this matter.
3588.04 PROAKIS
3588.04 -
3588.04 Thank
3588.04 you,
3588.36 Mr.
3589.08 President.
3590.04 Reappointment
3590.04 of
3590.6 PACE
3590.76 and
3591 Whitney
3591.16 to
3591.48 the
3591.56 planning
3591.72 board
3592.04 for
3592.2 a
3592.36 term
3592.52 to
3592.68 expire
3592.76 February
3593.16 2026,
3593.63 an
3594.82 appointment
3595.07 of
3595.7 Rachel
3595.94 Sac
3596.26 for
3596.51 a
3596.66 term
3596.82 to
3596.98 expire
3597.14 February
3597.55 15th,
3597.86 2027.
3598.26 Before
3599.55 you,
3599.94 again,
3600.26 we
3601.07 had
3601.22 some
3601.39 great
3601.55 candidates
3601.86 here,
3602.42 I,
3604.01 appreciate
3604.73 the
3605.45 role
3605.69 Mr.
3606.01 Whitney
3606.25 has
3606.65 played
3606.81 as
3607.05 an
3607.29 engineer,
3607.61 and
3608.89 as
3609.13 a
3609.37 member
3609.61 of
3610.01 the
3610.17 board.
3610.33 Rachel
3611.86 Sac
3613.22 works
3613.55 for
3613.86 the
3614.11 Volt
3614.99 B
3615.22 Transportation
3615.47 System
3616.11 Center
3616.51 in
3616.74 Cambridge.
3619.64 Has
3619.96 a
3619.96 background
3620.12 involved
3620.68 in,
3621.16 community
3622.6 outreach
3623.16 processes
3624.2 and
3624.68 research
3624.92 programs
3625.4 for
3625.88 the
3626.04 US
3626.12 Department
3626.36 of
3626.92 Transportation.
3626.92 I
3628.39 feel
3628.55 that
3628.78 she
3630.47 has
3630.63 a
3630.78 good
3630.95 background
3631.18 as
3631.59 an
3631.66 addition
3631.82 to
3632.55 supplement
3633.18 the
3633.74 experience
3634.14 on
3634.63 this
3634.78 board
3635.03 and,
3636.16 request
3636.72 your
3637.12 referral
3637.28 on
3637.76 that
3638 item.
3638.16 Thank
3638.48 you.
PROAKIS addressed the President regarding the reappointment of Jill Hyde, Leo Patterson, and David Leon for 2-year terms to the affordable housing trust. He highlighted that although each had served only one year, the resident advisory committee recommended their reappointment due to the initial staggered terms and the trust's relatively brief operational period. PROAKIS agreed with the recommendation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the current trust board composition and requested support for the reappointments.
3651.44 PROAKIS
3651.44 -
3651.44 Thank
3651.44 you,
3651.68 Mr
3651.92 President.
3652.16 In
3653.2 front
3653.36 of
3653.68 you
3653.76 is
3653.92 the
3654.08 reappointment
3654.24 of
3654.64 Jill
3654.8 Hyde,
3654.96 Leo
3655.28 Patterson,
3655.6 and
3656 David
3656.24 Leon
3656.56 for
3656.88 2-year
3657.28 terms,
3657.36 the
3657.68 affordable
3657.84 housing
3658.24 trust.
3658.64 I
3659.66 will
3659.74 note
3659.98 that
3660.22 the
3660.39 resident
3660.46 advisory
3661.03 committee
3661.34 took
3661.66 a
3661.9 look
3661.98 at
3662.22 this
3662.3 situation
3662.63 and
3663.42 that
3663.82 each
3664.07 of
3664.3 the
3664.39 3
3664.63 had
3664.78 only
3664.94 been
3665.18 on
3665.34 the
3665.51 trust
3665.66 for
3665.9 1
3666.14 year.
3666.63 Because
3666.86 we
3666.86 started
3667.11 with
3667.42 the
3667.66 staggered
3667.82 terms
3668.22 and
3669.2 really
3669.44 less
3669.76 than
3669.92 a
3670.16 year.
3670.24 If
3670.4 you
3670.56 consider
3670.72 how
3671.12 long
3671.44 the
3671.68 trust
3671.84 has
3672.16 been
3672.32 meeting,
3672.56 they
3673.76 felt
3673.84 it
3674.16 was
3674.24 appropriate
3674.48 to
3674.96 recommend
3675.12 to
3675.52 me.
3675.92 I
3676.16 agreed
3676.32 that
3676.72 we
3676.96 reappoint
3677.12 these
3677.84 3
3678.08 members
3678.32 at
3678.68 this
3678.93 point
3680.53 and,
3681.97 to
3682.61 keep
3682.61 the
3682.93 trust
3683.09 board
3683.57 intact
3683.97 as
3684.53 it
3684.68 is
3684.84 at
3685.16 this
3685.24 point
3685.48 in
3685.72 time.
3685.97 So
3686.28 I
3686.45 request,
3687.01 your
3687.65 support
3687.89 on
3688.21 that.
3688.37 Thank
3688.53 you.
Proakis requested the reappointment of Russ Arrigo and Eileen Ryan to the solid waste and recycling advisory committee and announced the posting of the human resources director position, with more positions expected to be opened based on the fiscal year 24 budget. He also mentioned an upcoming report on the human resources department, the involvement of higher peril consulting for both the fire chief and police chief assessment centers, and the introduction of a three-step process for selecting the new police chief that includes a public meeting and a police department staff survey. Additionally, the latest draft of the comprehensive plan was published on the city’s website, incorporating community feedback. The farmers market commenced its 10th season, running through October 25th, with a free concert series occurring concurrently. The city clerk's office closure on June 30th for document preservation was announced, with a reminder of the Independence Day closure. Finally, he mentioned the Fair on the Square event scheduled for September 23rd, highlighting sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.
3699.93 PROAKIS
3699.93 -
3699.93 Thank
3699.93 you,
3700.18 Mr
3700.41 President.
3700.66 I
3700.97 request
3701.14 to
3701.7 reappoint
3702.41 Russ
3702.41 Arrigo
3702.82 and
3703.3 Eileen
3703.54 Ryan
3703.93 to
3704.26 the
3704.49 solid
3705.85 waste
3706.17 and
3706.41 recycling
3706.57 advisory
3706.97 committee.
3707.45 Thank
3707.85 you.
3714.18 PROAKIS
3714.18 -
3714.18 Thank
3714.18 you,
3714.41 Mr.
3714.89 President.
3716.09 A
3716.09 couple
3716.26 of
3716.66 announcements,
3716.73 first
3717.61 of
3717.93 all,
3718.01 we
3718.57 have
3718.73 posted
3719.05 the
3720.08 human
3720.32 resources
3720.56 director
3721.12 position.
3721.44 We
3722.32 will
3722.48 be
3722.72 posting
3722.96 additional
3724.16 positions
3724.64 going
3725.12 forward
3725.44 based
3725.84 on
3726.08 the
3726.4 fiscal
3726.56 year
3726.96 24
3727.28 budget
3727.68 in
3728 the
3728.16 near
3728.32 future.
3728.56 I
3729.45 just
3729.61 wanted
3729.76 to
3730.09 highlight
3730.24 that,
3730.64 being
3731.45 a
3731.68 key
3731.84 role,
3732.16 in
3733.2 the
3733.36 city.
3733.53 I
3734.01 think
3734.09 we
3734.32 are,
3734.64 I
3736.49 don't
3736.57 want
3736.73 to
3736.97 get
3736.97 too
3737.21 optimistic
3737.37 here.
3737.85 Not
3739.05 very
3739.37 far
3739.69 away
3739.93 from
3740.33 issuing
3740.65 the
3741.21 report,
3741.53 on
3742.49 the
3742.65 human
3742.81 resources
3743.05 department
3743.61 and
3743.93 its
3744.09 future.
3744.33 I
3744.57 think
3744.65 that
3744.89 will
3745.05 be
3745.21 the
3745.37 first
3745.89 of
3746.2 the
3746.28 reports
3746.45 that
3747.01 the
3747.49 council
3747.72 has
3748.13 asked
3748.36 for
3748.61 in
3748.84 my
3749.01 time
3749.16 here
3749.41 that
3749.57 we
3749.8 will
3749.97 have
3750.53 ready
3750.77 in
3751.01 the
3751.16 very
3751.24 near
3751.49 future.
3751.8 So,
3752.2 appreciate
3753.14 the
3753.62 chance
3753.78 to
3754.02 move
3754.18 that
3754.42 forward
3754.58 and
3754.82 hopefully
3754.98 interview
3755.54 HR
3756.02 directors
3756.42 to,
3757.3 find
3758.42 who
3759.06 will
3759.22 be
3759.46 the
3759.62 person
3759.78 implementing
3760.26 that
3761.3 process
3761.7 going
3762.18 forward.
3762.42 I
3764.61 have
3764.78 moved
3765.09 to
3765.41 higher
3765.57 peril
3765.97 consulting
3766.38 the
3766.93 firm
3767.09 that
3767.41 did
3767.57 the
3767.82 assessment
3768.05 center
3768.53 for
3768.86 the
3769.09 fire
3769.09 chief,
3769.41 to
3770.22 also
3770.38 do
3770.7 the
3770.86 assessment
3771.01 center
3771.34 for
3771.57 the
3771.82 police
3771.82 chief.
3772.14 They,
3773.79 Jack
3775.15 Parrow,
3775.39 who
3775.95 was
3776.83 at
3777.07 the
3777.31 committee
3777.39 meeting
3777.79 here
3778.03 talked
3778.27 about
3778.51 the
3778.75 fire
3778.83 chief
3779.07 position.
3779.31 We
3779.71 finished
3779.87 that
3780.11 assessment
3780.35 center.
3780.75 Awaiting
3781.49 the
3782.05 results
3782.22 to
3782.7 go
3782.86 through
3783.02 the
3783.18 final
3783.34 process
3783.66 of
3783.97 fire
3784.14 chief
3784.38 hiring.
3784.7 He
3786.22 brings
3786.93 along
3787.34 with
3787.57 him
3787.82 in
3788.05 this
3788.22 process,
3788.54 Ken
3789.89 La
3790.13 Valley,
3790.29 who
3790.77 was
3791.33 the
3791.57 police
3791.81 chief
3792.13 in
3792.61 Lowell,
3792.85 his
3793.73 term
3793.97 in
3794.21 mind
3794.37 crossed
3794.61 over
3794.85 a
3795.09 little
3795.17 bit
3795.41 when
3795.49 I
3795.65 was
3795.73 planning
3795.89 director
3796.21 in
3796.61 Lowell.
3796.77 So,
3798.2 we
3798.76 look
3798.91 forward
3799.07 to
3799.39 working
3799.47 with
3799.8 them.
3800.03 I'm
3800.2 instituting
3800.52 with
3800.99 them
3801.24 a
3801.47 3
3801.64 step
3801.8 process
3802.11 before
3802.52 we
3802.99 reach
3803.16 the
3803.39 assessment
3803.55 center.
3804.03 One
3805.04 of
3805.2 which
3805.36 is
3805.6 the
3805.76 step
3805.92 required
3806.16 by
3806.56 the
3806.72 charter,
3806.8 and
3807.12 I'll
3807.28 put
3807.44 an
3807.6 item
3807.76 on
3808 the
3808.16 council
3808.24 agenda
3808.64 in
3809.12 a
3809.28 future
3809.36 week,
3809.76 to
3810.64 refer
3810.8 to
3811.12 the
3811.28 committee
3811.28 to
3811.68 have
3811.76 a
3811.92 committee
3812 conversation
3812.4 about
3812.88 what
3813.12 we're
3813.28 looking
3813.44 in
3813.76 for
3814.03 a
3814.36 police
3814.43 chief.
3814.67 I
3815.64 also
3815.71 intend
3816.03 this
3816.36 summer
3816.51 to
3816.76 do
3816.91 a
3817.07 public
3817.16 meeting
3817.47 with
3817.8 power
3817.95 consulting
3818.19 on
3818.76 that
3818.91 topic
3819.16 as
3819.47 well,
3819.64 and
3820.51 we
3820.76 will
3820.91 be
3821.07 instituting
3821.23 a
3821.8 survey
3822.03 of
3822.43 police
3822.67 department
3822.99 staff
3823.47 at
3824.01 this
3824.17 as
3824.41 well.
3824.65 So,
3824.97 I'll
3825.93 look
3826.01 forward
3826.25 to
3826.49 all
3826.65 of
3826.89 those
3827.13 coming
3827.29 forward
3827.61 on
3827.93 that
3828.01 particular,
3828.25 item.
3829.37 I
3832.11 just
3833.16 a
3833.64 note,
3833.8 if
3834.2 you
3834.36 haven't
3834.59 yet
3834.91 seen
3835.16 it,
3835.39 the
3835.64 latest
3835.8 draft
3836.2 of
3836.43 the
3836.59 comprehensive
3836.68 plan
3837.24 is
3837.47 now
3837.72 on
3838.03 the
3838.2 city
3838.36 website,
3838.59 there
3839.39 is
3839.55 a
3839.72 committee
3839.8 meeting
3840.2 on
3840.52 July
3841.38 10th
3841.78 to
3842.34 discuss,
3842.82 that
3844.42 version
3844.66 of
3844.98 the
3845.14 plan
3845.22 that
3845.54 is,
3845.86 then,
3847.78 as
3848.34 our
3849.03 staff
3849.51 final
3849.91 version
3850.32 based
3850.8 upon
3851.28 the
3851.76 feedback
3851.91 received
3852.39 from
3852.72 the
3853.03 draft
3853.11 that
3853.36 was
3853.43 issued
3853.59 in
3853.99 February.
3854.16 So
3854.47 this
3854.64 is
3854.88 the
3854.95 first
3855.2 time
3855.51 in
3855.68 5
3856.75 months
3856.99 that
3857.31 we've
3857.47 had
3857.63 a
3857.87 substantial
3858.59 update
3859.31 here
3859.71 and
3859.87 one
3860.59 that
3860.83 we
3860.99 think
3861.15 really,
3861.39 hopefully,
3862.03 captures
3862.59 a
3863.07 lot
3863.23 of,
3864.03 community
3865.16 and
3865.57 processes.
3865.89 Understanding
3867.01 that
3867.8 sometimes
3867.96 when
3868.28 you
3868.44 go
3868.61 out
3868.68 and
3868.84 seek
3868.92 community
3869.48 you
3869.89 get
3870.2 that
3870.53 completely
3870.68 contradict
3871.16 each
3871.64 other,
3871.89 so
3872.13 we
3872.28 can't
3872.44 incorporate
3872.76 every
3873.32 comment
3873.81 because
3874.29 they're
3874.61 literally
3875.09 some
3876.21 you
3876.85 just
3877.09 have
3878.13 to
3878.29 pick
3878.45 one
3878.61 way
3878.69 or
3878.93 the
3879.01 other
3879.09 to
3879.33 go.
3879.41 But
3880.21 we
3880.37 do
3880.53 think
3880.69 that
3880.85 we
3881.09 captured
3881.33 a
3882.32 lot
3882.47 of
3882.72 the
3882.88 character
3883.04 of,
3883.52 some
3884.07 of
3884.32 the
3884.47 concerns
3884.64 in
3885.11 the
3885.28 last
3885.43 draft.
3887.68 Hopefully,
3888.24 pulled
3888.24 something
3888.55 together,
3889.2 that,
3890.64 refines
3891.8 and
3892.2 improves
3892.28 upon
3892.76 what
3893 you
3893.08 saw
3893.24 in
3893.4 February.
3894.12 We
3894.2 look
3894.2 forward
3894.36 to
3894.52 being
3894.68 in
3894.84 front
3894.92 of
3895.16 the
3895.24 council
3895.32 with
3895.64 that
3895.88 in
3896.04 the
3896.2 near
3896.36 future.
3899.36 The
3899.36 farmers
3899.68 market
3900.16 begins
3900.64 begin
3901.19 its
3901.51 10th
3901.76 season,
3902.16 and
3903.36 it's
3903.59 underway,
3903.91 from
3904.71 now
3904.95 through
3905.11 October
3905.36 25th.
3905.84 2:30
3907.1 to
3907.66 6:30
3907.74 on
3908.38 Wednesdays
3908.62 in
3909.34 Salt
3909.5 Install
3910.14 Park.
3910.86 I
3910.86 was
3911.02 there
3911.18 for
3911.42 the
3911.58 opening
3911.66 a
3911.86 couple
3912.06 of
3912.38 weeks
3912.38 ago
3912.62 and,
3913.02 hope
3913.98 to
3914.22 see
3914.83 members
3915.14 of
3915.55 the
3915.63 community
3915.79 out
3916.27 there
3916.43 every
3916.74 Wednesday.
3916.99 The
3918.35 Salt
3918.51 Install
3918.74 free
3919.14 concert
3919.39 series
3919.79 is
3920.66 on
3920.83 Wednesdays
3921.07 from
3921.63 6:30
3921.79 to
3922.35 8.
3922.59 Sponsored
3924.14 by
3924.62 the
3924.78 City
3924.86 War
3925.18 Town
3925.34 Local
3925.5 Cultural
3925.82 Council
3926.22 in
3926.54 Massachusetts
3926.7 Cultural
3927.18 Council.
3927.66 So,
3928.14 there's
3928.7 a
3928.94 schedule
3929.18 of
3929.58 concerts.
3929.74 It's
3930.54 a
3930.78 It's
3931.28 a
3931.51 great
3931.68 concert
3931.99 series,
3932.32 if,
3933.2 you
3933.59 can
3933.68 join
3933.84 that
3934.16 as
3934.32 well.
3934.47 I
3935.43 wanted
3935.51 to
3935.84 note
3935.99 that
3936.16 the
3936.32 city
3936.47 clerk's
3936.72 office
3937.03 will
3937.28 be
3937.43 closed
3937.59 this
3937.84 Friday,
3938.07 June
3938.47 30th,
3938.72 The
3939.95 rest
3940.19 of
3940.43 city
3940.59 hall
3940.83 will
3940.99 be
3941.15 open
3941.39 on
3941.63 the
3941.79 regular
3941.95 8:30
3942.43 to
3942.91 2
3943.07 o'clock
3943.23 summer
3943.87 schedule.
3944.27 But
3945.23 the
3945.39 clerk's
3945.55 office
3945.87 will
3946.11 be
3946.27 closed
3946.43 Friday,
3946.67 June
3946.99 30th.
3947.23 They
3947.63 need
3947.79 to
3947.95 close
3948.03 for
3948.35 a
3948.51 day
3948.67 to
3948.83 do
3948.91 a
3949.15 project
3949.31 particularly
3950.67 involving
3951.39 handling
3951.95 delicate
3952.43 documents
3952.91 in
3953.55 the
3953.71 vault.
3953.88 So,
3954.28 the
3955.07 historic
3955.07 preservation
3955.55 of
3956.03 delicate
3956.19 documents
3956.91 requires
3957.16 a
3957.39 lot
3957.47 of
3957.71 TLC
3957.8 and
3958.19 focus
3958.51 .
3959.13 We
3959.13 decided
3959.29 to
3959.69 close
3959.77 that
3960.01 one
3960.25 department
3960.41 for
3960.89 that
3961.05 one
3961.53 day
3962.41 so
3962.41 that
3962.65 they
3962.89 could
3963.05 begin
3963.93 to
3964.17 complete
3964.25 this
3964.65 project
3964.89 of
3965.29 making
3965.45 sure
3965.77 that
3966.09 work
3966.95 is
3968.22 appropriate
3968.47 for
3968.47 those
3968.63 Vault
3968.86 documents.
3969.11 So
3970.39 please
3970.63 plan
3970.95 to
3971.18 visit
3971.27 the
3971.59 clerk's
3971.66 office
3971.99 before
3972.31 Friday
3972.63 if
3972.95 you
3973.11 require
3973.27 their
3973.59 services
3973.83 this
3974.31 week.
3975.22 All
3975.22 other
3975.46 departments
3975.7 will
3976.02 be
3976.18 open
3976.34 on
3976.58 the
3976.66 30th.
3976.82 As
3977.3 I
3977.46 said,
3977.54 8:30
3977.78 to
3978.26 2.
3978.42 The
3978.82 clerk's
3979.14 office
3979.46 will
3979.7 be
3979.86 open
3980.02 as
3980.26 usual
3980.34 on
3980.66 Monday,
3980.82 July
3981.06 3rd
3981.3 for
3981.54 all
3981.78 business.
3981.94 As
3982.68 well
3982.84 as
3983.07 all
3983.07 offices
3983.32 in
3983.72 City
3983.88 Hall,
3984.2 and
3984.59 we
3984.68 thank
3984.84 you
3984.99 for
3985.16 your
3985.32 understanding.
3985.47 I
3986.68 would
3986.76 note
3986.99 that
3987.23 on
3987.39 Independence
3987.64 Day,
3988.2 Tuesday,
3988.68 July
3991.31 4th.
3991.63 The
3992.11 administration
3992.27 building
3992.83 and
3993.15 the
3993.31 senior
3993.39 center
3993.71 will
3994.03 be
3994.19 closed.
3994.35 So,
3994.83 we
3995.63 will
3995.79 be
3995.95 closed
3996.11 on
3996.35 July
3996.35 4th,
3996.67 which
3997.07 is
3997.44 probably
3997.68 not
3998.09 a
3998.24 surprise,
3998.41 but
3998.8 just
3999.13 wanted
3999.36 to
3999.84 make
4000.24 sure
4000.41 to
4000.64 mention
4000.8 that.
4001.05 The
4001.53 Fair
4001.76 on
4001.92 the
4002.09 Square
4002.24 coalition
4002.57 is
4002.96 working
4003.13 hard
4003.44 behind
4003.68 the
4003.92 scenes
4004.09 to
4004.36 put
4004.36 together
4004.52 another
4004.92 memorable
4005.24 free
4005.72 event
4005.96 for
4006.28 the
4006.36 community
4006.52 this
4007 year.
4007.24 This
4007.88 is
4008.04 the
4008.2 24th
4008.36 year
4008.76 running
4009.08 for
4009.32 the
4009.48 Fair
4009.64 on
4009.8 the
4009.96 Square,
4010.04 and
4010.2 it
4010.36 will
4010.52 be
4010.68 held
4010.84 on
4011.08 Saturday,
4011.4 September
4011.96 23rd,
4012.52 from
4013.18 11
4013.49 AM
4013.82 to
4014.05 4
4014.22 PM
4014.45 in
4014.7 Salt
4014.86 And
4015.02 Stahl
4015.26 Park.
4015.49 There
4015.89 are
4016.14 still
4016.3 available
4016.45 sponsorship
4016.93 opportunities
4017.49 as
4018.22 well
4018.38 as
4018.54 exhibitor
4018.7 booth
4019.18 spaces.
4019.41 The
4020.19 registration
4020.35 deadline
4020.99 is
4021.31 August
4021.55 14th
4022.35 for
4022.43 more
4022.67 information
4022.91 about
4023.31 the
4023.55 fair,
4023.71 you
4024.03 can
4024.11 visit
4024.35 our
4024.59 website,
4024.83 the
4025.23 fair
4025.23 on
4025.47 the
4025.63 square
4025.71 dot
4026.03 com.
4026.19 Remember,
4026.51 fair,
4026.99 does
4027.64 have
4027.89 an
4028.13 e
4028.28 at
4028.53 the
4028.61 end
4028.76 of
4028.93 it.
4029.01 So
4029.16 it's
4029.32 FAire.com
4033.57 and
4034.28 that
4034.28 is
4034.44 all
4034.61 I
4034.76 have
4034.93 today,
4035.09 Mr.
4035.48 President.
4035.72 Thank
4036.05 you.
14. Request For Information
Feltner addressed the President, requesting templates or instructions for scheduling meetings and creating agendas, highlighting confusion and IT system upgrades. Additionally, Feltner raised concerns about the stage at Salt Park blocking accessible pedestrian pathways, preventing passage from White's Ave to the Boys And Girls Club and alongside the stage.
4042.59 FELTNER
4042.59 -
4042.59 Thank
4042.59 you,
4042.83 Mr.
4043.39 President.
4045.89 Wondering
4045.89 if
4046.2 we
4046.36 could
4046.53 get
4046.77 a
4047.49 template
4047.64 or
4048.13 2
4048.68 or
4048.93 3
4049.09 with
4049.32 instructions
4049.57 for
4050.36 how
4051.01 to
4051.89 schedule
4052.82 meetings
4053.46 and
4053.94 create
4054.26 agendas,
4054.58 including,
4055.3 attachments
4058.02 that
4058.58 may
4058.82 go
4058.98 with
4059.22 that.
4059.46 There's
4061.66 a
4061.9 lot
4062.07 of
4062.22 confusion
4062.86 on
4063.42 how
4063.66 we're
4063.98 getting
4064.55 that
4064.86 done.
4065.11 I
4065.34 know
4065.42 there
4065.59 are
4065.82 a
4065.82 lot
4065.9 of
4066.07 upgrades
4066.22 to
4066.63 the
4066.78 IT
4066.94 system
4067.42 my
4069.59 second
4069.91 one
4070.39 is
4070.63 that
4070.95 the,
4071.27 stage
4072.87 at
4073.35 Salt
4073.59 Park
4073.91 is
4074.23 blocking
4074.47 all
4074.87 the
4075.03 accessible
4075.27 pedestrian
4075.91 pathways.
4076.87 So
4077.43 you
4078.32 can't
4078.47 get
4078.8 from
4079.04 White's
4079.36 Ave
4079.6 all
4079.84 the
4079.99 way
4080.16 down
4080.72 and
4081.11 cut
4081.28 over
4081.6 to
4081.91 the
4082.32 Boys
4082.56 And
4082.8 Girls
4082.95 club
4083.2 and
4083.36 you
4083.52 also
4083.68 can't
4083.99 walk
4084.39 by
4085.2 the
4085.36 stage,
4085.6 on
4086.64 that
4086.88 path
4087.11 because
4087.43 the
4087.76 paths
4087.91 are
4088.22 blocked.
4088.54 Thank
4089.18 you.
16. Public Forum
Elodia expressed appreciation before highlighting the unique practice of the CPC which publishes short bios for each committee member on its website. She emphasized the importance of transparency and suggested extending this practice to all boards and committees due to the frequent changes and new appointments, which often leave members as unknown entities to others. Elodia argued that a brief background of each member would facilitate better understanding and communication, thus avoiding the need to research individuals on platforms like LinkedIn or through mutual contacts. She questioned whether to direct her request to the president or the manager, and apologized for possibly not following proper protocol. Her proposal aims for a concise and clear presentation of each member's background and their reasons for appointment to foster transparency.
4109.65 ELODIA
4109.65 -
4109.65 Thank
4109.65 you
4109.89 very
4110.13 much,
4110.37 Mr.
4110.77 President.
4111.17 I
4112.13 have
4112.21 a
4112.45 request
4112.61 to
4113.17 make
4113.33 I
4114.13 believe
4114.28 the
4114.6 CPC
4114.85 is
4115.4 the
4115.56 only
4115.81 committee
4116.2 that
4117.24 attaches
4117.4 a
4118.13 short
4118.36 bio
4118.93 for
4119.4 each
4119.65 member
4120.05 of
4120.97 their
4121.13 committee
4121.37 and
4121.93 it's
4122.09 available
4122.33 on
4122.89 the
4123.05 website.
4123.21 Given
4124.33 all
4124.65 the
4124.81 changes
4125.05 that
4125.45 are
4125.61 going
4125.77 on
4126.09 with
4126.33 our
4126.57 various
4126.81 boards
4127.29 and
4128.15 commissions,
4128.47 and
4130.15 new
4130.39 people
4130.63 that,
4131.03 you
4131.27 know,
4131.35 none
4131.66 of
4131.91 us
4132.07 know,
4132.23 quite
4132.63 frankly.
4133.74 It'd
4133.99 be
4133.99 really
4134.23 I
4135.04 think
4135.2 great
4135.52 to
4135.92 get
4136 a
4136.24 2
4136.4 or
4136.64 3-line
4137.04 bio
4137.52 just
4137.92 a
4138.16 little
4138.32 bit
4138.56 about
4138.72 their
4138.96 background,
4139.36 attached
4141.12 to
4141.68 the
4141.84 various
4142 committees
4142.4 and
4142.88 board.
4143.04 I
4144.95 don't
4145.03 know
4145.27 if
4145.52 I
4145.84 can
4145.99 ask
4146.31 you
4146.56 about
4146.8 that
4146.88 or
4147.11 if
4147.27 I
4147.27 ask
4147.44 the
4147.76 manager
4147.99 through
4148.48 you.
4148.8 Sorry
4149.11 if
4149.35 I'm
4149.52 not
4149.76 up
4149.99 to
4150.07 protocol.
4150.15 But,
4151.36 you
4151.76 know,
4151.92 most
4152.24 people
4152.56 that
4152.88 are
4153.04 on
4153.2 those
4153.36 boards
4153.6 are
4153.92 blank
4154.16 slates
4154.56 and
4154.88 then
4155.04 you
4155.2 spend
4155.36 your
4155.6 time
4155.84 looking
4156.16 through
4156.56 LinkedIn
4156.88 or
4157.36 asking
4157.85 who
4158.32 do
4158.48 you
4158.65 know
4158.81 that
4158.97 knows
4159.2 them
4159.52 and
4159.85 why
4160.41 can't
4160.56 we
4160.81 have
4161.05 a
4161.2 more
4161.44 clear,
4161.69 open,
4162.24 transparent
4162.97 bio?
4164.56 It
4164.81 is
4165.13 not
4165.13 long
4165.36 just
4165.98 a
4166.22 couple
4166.38 of
4166.62 lines
4166.78 as
4167.58 to
4167.82 why
4167.98 they've
4168.22 been
4168.38 appointed
4168.62 or
4169.02 a
4169.18 little
4169.26 bit
4169.5 about
4169.66 their
4169.82 background.
4170.14 Thank
4170.94 you
4171.18 so
4171.42 much.