Watertown City Council
Tuesday August 8, 2023
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
Joanne Callender from Eversource addressed a public session in the evening, describing the company's intent to secure a permitted site for the purpose of laying about eight feet of conduit. This infrastructure project aims to extend from post 63/16 located on Grove Street to a meter cabinet situated within the confines of the Mount Auburn Cemetery.
201.04 JOANNE
201.04 -
201.04 -
201.04 Good
201.04 evening.
201.28 So,
202 yes,
202.16 Eversource
202.48 is
203.04 seeking
203.2 an
203.6 agreement
203.6 location
204.08 to
204.56 install
204.72 approximately
205.12 eight
205.84 feet
206.08 of
206.32 conduit
206.48 from
207.28 post
207.6 63/16
208 on
209.12 Grove
209.28 Street,
209.68 to
210.37 a
210.6 meter
210.76 cabinet
211.17 at
211.65 the
211.81 Mount
211.97 Auburn
212.21 Cemetery.
Callender addressed the council, expressing gratitude and outlining a proposal for the installation of about 51 feet of conduit on Howard Street. The proposed installation aims to support the town's municipal parking lot by providing infrastructure for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and lighting upgrades.
265.03 -
265.03 Yes.
265.03 Thank
265.43 you,
265.75 as
266.79 you
266.95 said,
267.19 we
267.43 are
267.59 seeking
267.75 a
268.07 Granite
268.15 location
268.55 to
268.87 install
269.03 approximately
269.35 51
269.91 feet
270.47 of
270.71 conduit
270.95 in
271.43 Howard
271.68 Street
271.99 this
272.86 is
273.1 for
273.34 the
273.74 town's
273.9 municipal
274.46 parking
275.1 lot,
275.42 for
276.22 EV
276.86 charging
277.26 stations
277.74 and
278.3 lights.
In this section, the discussion revolves around the installation of an 8-foot conduit from the pole on Paramount Place for a new retail site located at 532 Pleasant Street. The purpose of installing the conduit is to provide service to the retail location, indicating infrastructure work aimed at supporting the establishment's utility needs.
336.18 -
336.18 Yes.
336.18 So
336.49 this
336.65 is
336.89 a
337.06 new
337.21 retail
337.45 site
338.01 at
338.25 532
338.57 Pleasant
339.21 Street,
339.53 and
339.93 then
340.18 resources
340.41 seeking
340.81 a
341.37 location
341.37 to
342.01 install
342.09 8
342.49 feet
342.73 of
342.89 conduit
343.05 from
343.85 the
344.09 pole
344.33 on
344.97 Paramount
345.29 Place
345.85 to
346.49 provide
346.73 the
347.05 service
347.29 to,
347.77 532
348.65 Pleasant
349.37 Street.
Elise Loukas, a resident and member of the historical commission, unable to attend in person due to COVID, advocated for extending the demolition delay to a two-year maximum to encourage preservation of historic buildings. She highlighted that the commission has been judicious in its application of demolition delays, affecting only a small percentage of cases. Following her, Larry Field from the Town of Watertown outlined the efforts to rewrite the demolition delay ordinance in response to the community's needs, with the support of the Department of Community Development and Planning. The proposed ordinance aims to increase the demolition delay period, reduce the number of cases requiring public hearings through a preliminary review to filter out non-historically significant buildings, and address substantial demolitions through clearer definitions and criteria. Field emphasized that the ordinance seeks to balance the need for housing with the preservation of historic buildings, proposing a two-step process for assessing historical significance and allowing for flexibility through regulations that can be adapted based on practical application. He closed by expressing openness to answering any further questions from the council members.
731.2 ELISE
731.2 LOUKAS
731.2 -
731.2 -
731.2 Good
731.2 evening.
731.44 Thank
731.84 you
732.08 so
732.32 much.
732.48 I
732.8 appreciate
733.04 you
734.48 hearing
734.88 me,
735.2 and
735.6 I
735.84 apologize
736.08 for
736.8 not
737.12 being
737.52 present
737.92 in
738.32 person.
738.48 This
738.88 is
739.12 extremely
739.52 important
740 to
740.48 me.
740.64 However,
741.35 I
741.91 managed
742.07 to
742.55 find
742.71 myself
743.03 with
743.43 COVID,
743.75 and
744.79 I
745.11 am,
745.35 currently
746.23 quarantined
746.79 and
747.59 ill.
747.83 So
749.11 I
749.27 hope
749.43 you
749.67 can
749.83 hear
749.99 me
750.23 okay?
750.47 I
752.92 just
753.08 wanted
753.4 to
753.72 say
753.88 that,
754.2 I
755.56 have
755.8 been
756.04 on
756.2 the
756.36 historical
756.44 commission
757.08 for
757.72 approximately
758.12 15
759 years.
759.56 I've
761.07 seen
761.31 the
761.63 way
761.79 in
762.03 which
762.11 older
762.51 homes
762.91 and
763.31 preservation
763.55 have
764.43 evolved
764.91 in
765.31 that
765.55 time.
765.87 This
767.07 is
767.31 a
767.47 significant
767.63 part
768.46 of
768.7 why
768.94 I
769.26 and
769.42 the
769.58 commission
769.74 believe
770.46 that
771.02 having
771.26 a
771.74 two-year
772.14 maximum
772.54 on
773.66 the
773.82 demolition
774.06 delay
774.62 is
775.1 the
775.34 right
775.58 way
775.9 to
776.14 go.
776.22 The
777.26 purpose
777.42 of
777.98 the
778.38 demolition
778.7 delay
779.26 ordinance
779.66 is
780.54 to
781.1 give,
781.34 people
783.34 who
783.74 have
784.22 recently
784.7 purchased
785.34 properties
785.89 or
786.61 have
786.85 those
787.09 properties
787.41 under
787.97 contract,
788.29 time
789.49 to
789.81 consider
789.97 options
790.53 to
791.33 preserve
791.81 all
793.25 or
793.73 some
794.05 of
794.37 a
794.61 building.
794.77 It's
796.3 not
796.62 happening
796.94 in
797.74 a
797.98 number
798.14 of
798.46 cases
798.62 where
800.06 a
800.3 historical
800.54 building
801.02 is
801.26 involved
801.5 because
802.54 those
803.02 people
803.26 have
803.5 made
803.74 it
803.98 part
804.19 of
804.43 their
804.51 plan
804.83 to
805.15 just
805.31 sit
805.79 out
806.19 the
806.59 delay
806.91 that
807.47 we
807.71 currently
807.95 have.
808.59 The
810.35 commission's
810.67 been
811.31 extremely
812.25 judicious
812.97 as
813.85 many
814.01 of
814.21 you
814.41 already
815.13 know
815.53 in
816.49 its
816.65 review
816.97 of
817.53 applications.
818.09 we
820.5 did
820.66 a
820.9 study
821.06 of
821.46 applications
821.62 over
822.58 a
822.82 20-year
823.38 period.
823.7 21%
825.14 were
826.93 preferably
827.25 preserved.
828.05 21%
828.69 of
829.49 the
829.57 properties
829.81 that
830.45 came
830.69 before
831.01 us
831.41 were
831.65 preferably
831.89 preserved,
834.17 and
834.41 only
834.41 in
834.73 15%
835.61 did
837.29 we
837.69 impose
838.09 a
838.89 demolition
840.33 delay
840.97 and
842.16 those
842.32 delays
842.88 ranged
844.08 from
844.72 months
845.04 to
845.76 a
845.92 year.
846.16 So
851.19 from
851.43 those
851.43 statistics
851.75 alone,
852.47 you
853.59 can
853.75 see
854.15 that
854.47 the
855.51 commission
856.15 has
856.71 been
857.03 extremely
857.59 judicious.
858.39 In
860.53 the
861.09 proposed
861.33 demo
862.21 delay
862.77 ordinance,
863.17 that's
864.13 before
864.53 you.
865.01 The
865.49 commission
865.81 has
867.05 increased
867.37 the
868.09 maximum
868.57 delay
869.21 that
869.69 can
870.33 be
870.65 imposed
870.89 to
872.57 provide
872.73 an
873.37 incentive
873.37 to
875.33 encourage
875.73 those
876.29 who've
876.69 recent
876.93 recently
877.49 purchased
878.05 homes
878.77 or
879.41 have
880.21 them
880.45 under
880.69 contract
881.01 to
882.05 think
882.29 about
882.53 preservation
883.17 because
884.52 that's
885 really
885.32 what
885.64 it's
885.88 all
886.6 about,
886.84 and
888.12 as
888.36 you
888.76 said,
889 Mr.
889.72 President,
891.24 Larry
891.24 Field,
891.56 the
891.8 senior
892.04 planner
892.54 from
893.02 Watertown
893.34 is
893.9 going
894.06 to
894.38 speak
894.38 to
894.62 other
894.94 aspects
895.34 of
896.06 the
897.02 proposed
897.34 demolition
897.98 delay
898.54 ordinance
898.86 before
899.34 you.
899.74 Thank
900.14 you.
906.25 LARRY
906.25 FIELD
906.25 -
906.25 TOWN
906.25 OF
906.49 -
906.49 Mr.
906.49 President,
906.49 members
907.13 of
907.45 the
907.61 council.
907.69 The
909.39 Department
909.55 of
910.03 Community
910.27 Development
910.75 and
911.15 Planning
911.39 has
911.95 been
912.19 working
912.43 with
912.83 Historical
912.99 Commission
913.63 for
914.11 two
914.35 years
914.67 to
915.71 rewrite
915.95 the
917.15 demolition
917.31 delay
917.87 ordinance,
918.19 to
919.67 fit
919.91 the
920.31 current
920.55 needs
920.95 of
921.43 the
921.59 community.
921.83 The
926.71 department
926.95 supports
928.15 the
929.18 various
929.42 elements
930.06 of
930.7 this
930.86 proposed
931.18 ordinance
932.86 and
933.34 regulation.
933.58 The
938.35 proposal
938.43 started
939.07 with
939.55 the
939.87 commission
939.95 spending
941.15 a
941.55 lot
941.63 of
941.87 time
942.03 thoughtfully
942.35 looking
943.23 at
943.55 the
944.62 ordinance
945.02 that
945.58 had
945.74 what
946.46 the
946.78 current
947.02 issues
947.9 were
948.3 and
948.7 trying
949.02 to
949.34 come
949.58 up
949.82 with
949.98 a
950.22 better
950.38 way
951.02 of
951.58 approaching
951.98 the
953.4 issue
953.56 of
953.8 preserving
954.04 our
954.68 historic
954.84 homes.
955.4 along
957.88 the
958.2 way,
958.36 the
959.24 community
959.48 development,
959.96 I'm
960.68 sorry,
960.76 the
961.08 economic
961.24 development
961.72 and
962.34 planning
962.66 committee,
963.06 reviewed
964.5 the
965.14 proposal
965.3 and
966.18 made,
966.5 several
967.22 suggestions
967.62 that
968.18 have
968.34 been
968.5 incorporated
968.98 as
969.86 changes.
970.1 in
972.19 addition,
972.35 KP
973.15 law
973.47 has
973.71 reviewed
974.03 this,
974.59 ordinance
975.31 and
975.87 regulations
976.03 twice.
976.67 Again,
977.39 there
977.87 are
978.11 aspects
979.05 that
979.61 were,
979.85 were
980.49 changed
980.73 as
981.05 a
981.21 result
981.29 of
981.61 that
981.69 review.
981.93 The
984.09 strong
984.33 housing
984.73 market
985.29 in
985.69 Greater
986.25 Boston
986.81 has
988.27 made
988.59 Watertown
988.99 an
989.55 attractive
989.79 place
990.43 for
991.31 older
991.71 homes
992.11 to
993.07 be
993.23 demolished
993.39 and
993.95 replaced
994.27 by
994.67 two
996.03 families.
996.27 that
998.42 is
998.98 a
999.14 good
999.3 thing
999.7 in
1001.06 that
1001.3 we
1002.18 need
1002.42 housing.
1002.66 In
1004.1 many
1004.34 cases,
1004.66 that
1005.22 is
1005.54 a
1005.86 very
1006.02 appropriate
1006.42 thing
1008.18 to
1008.74 happen
1008.9 to
1009.38 that,
1009.54 that
1010.58 property.
1010.82 But
1012.34 the
1012.5 issue
1012.66 tonight
1012.98 is
1013.78 how
1013.94 we
1014.34 can
1014.66 encourage
1014.9 the
1016.53 preservation
1016.53 of
1017.33 historic
1017.57 buildings.
1018.13 This
1022.45 ordinance
1024.18 and
1024.66 regulation
1024.98 are
1025.94 designed
1026.83 to
1027.86 address,
1028.42 that
1029.78 issue.
1030.02 the
1032.28 proposed
1032.36 ordinance
1032.84 does
1033.32 three
1033.88 things,
1034.36 three
1036.2 major
1036.44 things.
1036.84 The
1037.64 first
1037.8 thing
1038.2 is
1038.52 what,
1038.76 Chair
1039.96 Luke
1040.77 has
1041.01 talked
1041.17 about,
1041.41 which
1041.73 is,
1041.97 increasing
1043.01 the
1043.65 maximum
1044.05 length
1044.61 that
1045.57 a
1045.97 demolition
1046.13 delay
1046.61 can
1046.93 be
1047.17 imposed.
1047.33 That
1047.97 is
1048.13 from
1048.29 one
1048.45 year
1048.61 to
1048.93 two
1049.25 years,
1050.59 and
1050.59 I'm
1050.75 going
1050.91 to
1051.31 return
1051.31 to
1051.63 that
1051.79 at
1052.03 the
1052.19 very
1052.35 end
1052.67 of
1052.91 my
1053.07 brief
1053.39 remarks.
1053.63 The
1054.67 second
1054.83 thing
1055.15 it
1055.39 does
1055.55 is
1055.95 it
1056.19 reduces
1056.43 the
1057.55 number
1057.71 of
1058.03 cases
1058.19 before
1058.67 they
1060.2 come
1060.44 to
1060.76 the
1061 public
1061 hearings.
1063.16 It
1063.33 does
1063.33 that
1063.57 through
1064.12 a
1065.16 quick
1065.16 preliminary
1065.57 review
1066.36 by
1067.24 the
1067.48 commission.
1067.64 to
1068.52 eliminate
1068.76 those
1069.64 buildings
1070.76 that
1071.32 are
1071.48 not
1071.64 historically
1071.88 significant.
1072.44 The
1074.36 third
1074.36 thing
1074.68 this
1074.84 does
1075.08 is
1075.93 that
1076.25 it
1076.65 deals
1076.97 with
1077.53 the
1077.85 issue
1078.01 of
1078.58 applications
1080.17 that
1081.37 are
1081.93 less
1082.17 than
1082.49 a
1082.65 full
1082.82 demolition
1083.05 but
1083.95 the
1084.27 amount
1084.27 of
1084.59 the
1084.75 same
1084.91 thing
1085.23 and
1085.95 being
1086.19 able
1086.43 to
1086.59 bring
1086.75 those
1087.07 into
1087.31 some
1087.63 kind
1087.79 of
1087.95 a
1088.11 review.
1088.27 In
1090.27 addition
1090.43 to
1090.75 those
1090.99 three
1091.31 major
1091.63 changes,
1092.03 I
1093.29 referred
1093.45 to
1093.85 changes
1094.01 that
1094.41 were
1094.58 made
1094.97 by,
1095.45 the
1096.41 the
1096.97 economic
1097.61 development
1098.17 and
1098.65 and
1098.89 planning
1098.97 committee
1099.37 and
1099.77 by
1099.93 KP
1100.25 Law.
1100.58 There
1101.92 are
1102.24 really
1102.24 two
1103.12 things
1103.36 that
1103.68 they
1104.4 did.
1104.72 One
1105.44 was
1105.76 to
1106.16 clarify
1106.4 the
1106.88 notice
1107.04 requirements.
1107.44 and
1109.41 in
1109.73 particular
1109.97 to
1110.78 specify
1111.65 the
1112.69 butters
1112.86 who
1113.34 are
1114.21 provided
1114.45 notice.
1114.86 The
1116.39 other
1116.63 thing
1116.87 it
1117.11 did
1117.27 was
1117.83 that
1118.15 it,
1118.71 had,
1120.87 specific
1122.47 criteria
1123.03 established
1123.67 for
1125.08 the
1126.11 decision
1126.36 of
1126.84 preferably
1127.47 preserved
1128.11 and,
1129.39 the
1131.47 length
1131.71 of
1132.03 the
1132.27 the
1132.51 demolition
1132.84 delay
1133.39 period.
1133.79 things
1135.01 that
1135.41 the
1135.81 commission
1135.97 should
1136.53 consider.
1136.85 So
1138.61 I
1138.85 said
1138.93 that
1139.17 there
1139.33 were
1139.49 three
1139.65 major
1139.89 things
1140.21 that
1140.53 it
1140.69 did,
1141.73 the
1143.16 reduction
1143.48 in
1144.04 the
1144.2 number
1144.37 of
1144.61 cases,
1144.77 is
1146.52 because
1146.92 the
1147.4 current
1147.64 ordinance
1148.04 requires
1149.8 that
1150.44 every
1150.81 building
1151.21 that
1151.77 is
1152.01 50
1152.33 years
1152.81 or
1153.13 older
1153.37 come
1154.33 for
1154.65 a
1154.97 public
1155.13 hearing,
1156.41 and
1156.65 those
1156.65 can
1156.97 be
1157.13 a
1157.37 garage
1157.45 a
1158.83 shed,
1159.07 an
1159.87 industrial
1160.11 building,
1160.66 or
1161.87 a
1161.87 home
1161.94 that
1162.18 was
1162.35 built
1162.51 in
1162.74 the
1162.9 fifties,
1163.07 sixties,
1163.63 even
1164.18 the
1164.42 early
1164.59 seventies.
1164.9 and
1167.3 many
1168.26 of
1168.58 those
1168.74 homes
1169.06 the
1169.46 commissions
1169.62 found
1170.1 are
1170.34 just
1170.5 not
1170.82 historically
1171.06 significant.
1171.86 This
1174.34 proposed
1174.74 ordinance
1175.38 introduces
1176.22 a
1176.87 two-step
1177.18 process.
1177.5 The
1178.63 first
1178.78 step
1179.11 is
1179.42 that
1179.59 every
1179.83 application
1180.07 goes
1181.11 to
1181.35 the
1181.5 chair
1181.74 and
1182.54 another
1182.87 member
1183.26 of
1183.59 the
1183.74 store
1183.9 commission
1184.14 for
1184.98 a
1185.62 review
1186.26 of
1186.66 historic
1186.9 significance.
1187.54 If
1188.9 the
1189.06 building
1189.22 is
1189.62 found
1189.78 not
1190.42 historically
1190.66 significant,
1191.38 then
1192.78 that
1193.59 finding
1193.9 ends
1195.74 the
1196.14 process.
1196.3 It
1197.51 then
1197.74 goes,
1197.98 to
1198.94 the
1199.35 normal
1199.66 building
1200.07 department
1200.46 process
1201.03 to
1201.59 demolish
1202.42 the
1202.9 structure.
1207.7 This
1207.7 will
1207.86 save
1208.26 significant
1208.9 time
1209.78 and
1210.18 money
1210.42 for
1210.66 applicants,
1210.82 but
1211.54 what
1211.78 it'll
1212.02 also
1212.26 do
1212.58 is
1212.98 focus
1213.38 the
1213.86 commission
1214.1 on
1214.66 the
1214.82 important
1214.98 cases.
1215.46 The
1217.62 other
1217.86 significant
1218.48 change
1219.2 that
1219.76 is
1220 made
1220.24 in,
1220.64 the
1221.36 ordinance
1221.52 is,
1222.48 addressing
1223.2 the
1223.68 issue
1223.84 of
1224.48 what
1224.72 we
1225.12 call
1225.36 substantial
1225.68 demolition
1226.87 where
1227.83 there
1228.07 is
1228.22 a
1228.46 partial
1228.63 demolition,
1229.02 an
1229.74 application
1229.98 that's
1230.54 for
1230.7 renovation
1230.94 or
1231.51 alteration
1231.74 that
1232.7 involves
1232.94 taking
1233.59 a
1233.98 part
1234.14 of
1234.87 significant
1234.87 parts
1235.59 of
1235.99 the
1236.15 building
1236.23 so
1237.03 that
1237.35 its
1237.59 character
1238.23 was
1238.71 transformed.
1238.95 The
1240.55 ordinance
1240.63 right
1241.27 now
1241.43 does
1241.75 not
1242.07 address
1242.39 that,
1242.79 the
1244.19 proposed
1244.36 ordinance
1244.75 now
1246.36 has
1246.75 a
1246.99 definition
1247.23 of
1247.71 substantial
1248.03 demolition.
1248.75 It
1250.43 is
1250.6 a
1250.75 general
1250.99 definition
1251.47 and
1253.15 there
1253.95 in
1254.27 the
1254.91 regulations,
1255.39 are
1256.11 very
1256.11 specific
1256.51 criteria
1257.15 for
1258.43 the
1258.75 zoning
1258.99 enforcement
1259.31 officer
1259.87 to
1260.35 use,
1260.51 to
1261.35 identify
1262.07 something
1262.78 that
1263.5 has
1263.66 come
1263.83 to
1264.07 the
1264.22 building
1264.3 department
1264.7 as
1265.18 a
1265.5 substantial
1265.66 demolition.
1266.38 The
1268.38 idea
1268.62 of
1269.11 regulations
1269.68 was
1270.4 proposed
1270.64 by
1271.12 the
1271.28 department
1271.44 because
1272.4 we
1273.28 felt
1273.44 that
1273.76 flexibility
1274.16 is
1274.96 needed
1275.04 and
1275.68 that
1275.68 we
1275.84 have
1276.08 to
1276.24 have
1276.48 the
1276.88 ability
1277.04 to
1277.84 look
1278.08 at
1278.33 how
1278.48 this
1278.72 works
1278.88 in
1279.52 the
1279.68 actual
1279.92 war
1280.48 in
1280.8 the
1280.96 real
1281.04 world
1281.28 and
1282 see
1282.16 whether
1282.48 those
1283.92 specific
1284.33 criteria
1285.77 need
1286.57 to
1286.73 be
1286.89 tweaked,
1287.13 and
1288.57 so
1289.05 having
1289.53 them
1289.85 in
1290.01 the
1290.17 regulations
1290.25 allows,
1290.89 quick
1292.44 adaptation
1292.76 to
1294.04 what
1295.08 we
1295.32 find
1295.48 as
1296.04 the
1296.2 zoning
1296.36 enforcement
1296.68 officer
1297.32 gets
1297.72 these
1298.04 applications.
1298.28 If
1300.08 it's
1300.56 too
1300.88 overinclusive
1301.44 or
1301.92 underinclusive,
1302.4 we
1302.96 can
1303.2 act
1303.36 on
1303.68 that,
1303.84 I
1306 said
1306.16 that
1306.32 I
1306.56 wanted
1306.64 to
1307.04 return
1307.2 to
1307.6 the
1307.76 subject
1307.92 of
1308.32 the
1308.64 mack
1308.8 delay
1309.2 period.
1309.6 When
1311.92 property
1312.64 owners
1313.12 apply
1315.12 for
1315.6 a
1315.84 demolition,
1316.08 permit,
1317.84 they
1319.94 are
1320.18 usually
1320.42 people
1321.06 who
1321.62 have
1322.02 lived
1322.74 in
1323.14 the
1323.54 home
1323.78 and
1325.62 have
1326.34 looked
1327.49 for
1327.81 options
1328.13 to
1328.61 expand
1328.77 their
1329.09 living
1329.33 space.
1329.65 Often,
1330.53 they'll
1330.93 come
1331.17 to
1331.49 the
1331.81 department,
1331.97 to
1333.09 the
1333.25 zoning
1333.41 enforcement
1333.73 officer,
1334.29 or
1334.69 to
1334.77 the
1334.93 planning
1335.01 office
1335.33 and
1335.65 say,
1335.89 what
1336.25 can
1336.49 we
1336.73 do
1336.89 with
1337.21 this
1337.53 property
1337.85 so
1338.57 that
1338.73 we
1338.89 can
1339.05 add
1339.29 to
1339.45 the
1339.61 building,
1339.77 and
1341.13 make
1341.45 this
1341.69 something
1341.93 that
1342.33 works
1342.49 better
1342.81 for
1343.13 us
1343.37 as
1343.69 a
1344.09 household?
1346.99 However,
1346.99 when
1347.47 you
1347.63 have
1347.87 a
1348.59 property
1349.07 that
1349.95 is,
1350.27 recently
1352.27 acquired
1352.83 and
1354.93 also
1355.73 properties
1356.13 that
1356.77 are
1356.93 under
1357.17 contract,
1357.65 where
1359.09 you
1359.33 have
1359.65 essentially
1359.97 a
1360.69 new
1360.93 party
1361.25 who
1361.73 has
1361.89 come
1362.05 in
1362.29 and
1362.92 has,
1363.64 acquired
1364.92 the
1365.32 right
1365.56 to
1365.88 apply.
1366.04 They
1367.16 usually
1367.4 have
1367.8 not
1368.12 looked
1368.44 at
1368.68 the
1368.84 options.
1369 often
1370.21 these
1370.61 properties
1370.85 are
1371.33 marketed
1371.57 as
1372.29 teardowns.
1374.29 They're
1374.61 seen
1374.61 by
1375.09 the
1375.33 market
1375.49 as
1375.81 an
1376.05 opportunity
1376.21 to
1376.85 move
1377.01 from
1377.25 one
1377.57 family
1377.89 to
1378.37 a
1378.53 two
1378.61 family.
1378.85 So
1380.35 why
1380.59 is
1381.07 this
1381.55 particularly
1381.87 an
1382.43 issue
1382.51 for
1382.83 Watertown?
1383.07 We
1384.67 are
1385.07 a
1385.31 community
1385.47 that
1386.03 has
1386.43 a
1387.81 very
1388.05 large
1388.37 percentage
1388.61 of
1389.57 one
1390.93 family
1392.13 that
1392.13 by
1392.45 right
1392.85 can
1393.25 be
1393.57 turned
1393.73 into
1394.05 two
1394.37 families.
1394.69 In
1395.57 the
1395.73 two-family
1396.21 zone,
1396.69 about
1397.33 a
1397.81 third
1398.21 of
1398.77 the
1398.93 single
1399.09 families
1399.41 are
1400.53 in,
1400.93 I'm
1401.57 sorry,
1401.73 a
1402.05 third
1402.21 of
1402.53 the
1402.69 properties
1402.85 in
1404.06 the
1404.22 two-family
1404.54 zone
1404.78 are
1405.1 actually
1405.26 one
1406.06 family,
1407.5 in
1407.5 the
1407.74 conversion
1408.86 zone,
1409.58 about
1410.7 half
1411.34 of
1411.74 the
1411.9 properties
1412.14 are
1412.91 single
1413.07 families.
1413.55 So
1414.51 there
1414.91 is
1415.23 this
1415.55 population
1416.35 of
1417.23 homes
1417.31 that
1418.67 are
1419.07 very,
1419.47 attractive
1420.99 to
1421.79 be
1422.11 converted
1422.35 from
1422.75 a
1422.91 one-family
1423.31 to
1423.55 a
1423.71 two-family.
1424.03 So
1425.15 as
1425.39 I
1425.63 said
1426.03 at
1426.27 the
1426.35 beginning,
1426.91 that's
1427.71 not
1428.03 a
1428.27 bad
1428.43 thing.
1428.67 But
1429.26 when
1429.5 you've
1429.66 got
1429.9 a
1430.07 historic
1430.22 home
1430.78 that
1431.1 is
1431.26 subject
1431.34 to
1431.83 that
1432.07 kind
1432.38 of
1432.78 interest
1433.02 by
1433.42 the
1433.66 market,
1433.83 what
1435.18 we're
1435.42 trying
1435.66 to
1435.9 do
1436.07 is
1436.22 to
1436.38 introduce
1436.62 the
1438.59 same
1438.75 considerations
1439.39 that
1440.03 we
1440.19 want
1440.35 them,
1440.83 to
1442.35 keep
1442.75 in
1443.07 mind
1443.23 when
1444.19 they're
1444.67 looking
1444.99 at
1445.39 the
1445.55 property.
1446.54 We
1446.54 want
1446.78 them
1447.1 to
1447.34 be
1447.5 looking
1447.66 at,
1448.07 whether
1448.94 can
1448.94 they
1449.18 make
1449.42 a
1449.74 significant
1449.98 addition
1450.46 to
1450.86 the
1451.02 home
1451.18 to
1451.42 make
1451.58 it
1451.82 something
1451.98 that
1452.38 is,
1452.62 something
1454.62 that
1454.94 is
1455.18 attractive
1455.34 to
1455.98 the
1456.78 buyer
1456.94 when
1457.26 they
1457.42 turn
1457.58 it
1457.82 around.
1457.98 Can
1458.62 they
1458.86 add
1459.18 a
1459.5 floor?
1459.58 Many
1461.02 of
1461.26 the
1461.42 old
1461.66 homes
1461.91 have
1462.91 an
1463.15 original
1463.39 structure
1463.95 that
1464.43 has
1464.59 been
1464.75 added
1464.99 to
1465.39 over
1466.03 the
1466.27 years
1466.43 and
1466.83 those
1466.99 newer
1467.39 parts
1467.87 are
1468.19 really
1468.35 not
1468.59 historic,
1468.91 or
1470.09 there
1470.33 are
1470.57 features,
1470.81 there
1471.77 that
1472.01 are
1472.17 not
1472.25 historic.
1472.49 So
1473.77 can
1474.01 they
1474.33 replace
1474.65 those
1475.21 but
1475.69 not
1475.93 touch
1476.25 the
1476.65 core
1476.89 of
1477.13 the
1477.29 house
1477.45 that
1477.69 has
1478.25 the
1478.49 history
1478.65 with
1478.97 it?
1479.21 So
1480.54 what
1482.14 we
1482.38 have
1482.54 in
1482.78 mind
1482.94 is
1483.59 having,
1484.22 those,
1486.07 perspective
1487.11 owners
1487.66 thinking
1488.88 about
1489.44 how
1490.24 to
1491.12 look
1491.52 at
1491.76 the
1491.84 property,
1492 whether
1492.72 to
1493.04 preserve
1493.2 some
1493.76 or
1494 all
1494.32 of
1494.48 it
1494.64 because,
1495.2 of
1496.16 its
1496.64 historic
1496.88 character.
1497.52 It's
1499.78 our
1500.18 belief
1500.51 that
1500.98 if
1501.38 you
1501.63 have
1501.87 a
1502.03 two-year
1502.42 period,
1503.38 that's
1503.78 a
1504.11 maximum,
1504.18 even
1505.22 if
1505.54 it's
1505.78 rarely
1506.18 invoked,
1506.74 that
1507.92 it
1508.16 will,
1508.32 open
1509.92 up
1510.4 the
1510.8 conversation
1511.04 to
1511.92 more
1512.08 of
1512.32 these
1512.48 prospective
1512.72 buyers
1513.36 asking
1513.92 the
1514.4 question
1514.64 coming
1515.49 to
1515.97 the
1516.21 department
1516.38 and
1517.17 exploring
1517.41 those
1517.97 options.
1518.21 That
1519.02 is
1519.26 what
1519.49 a
1520.13 demolition
1520.13 delay
1520.62 is
1520.93 supposed
1521.1 to
1521.41 do.
1521.49 So,
1523.64 with
1524.76 that,
1525 I'm,
1525.4 close.
1526.28 I'm
1527.08 happy
1527.24 to
1527.48 answer
1527.56 any
1527.88 questions,
1528.12 but
1528.52 also
1528.68 I
1528.84 would
1529 like
1529.16 to
1529.32 make
1529.48 a
1529.72 request
1529.8 If
1530.61 after
1530.92 the
1531.64 public
1532.13 hearing,
1532.44 there
1532.77 are
1532.92 questions
1533.16 that
1533.64 council
1534.05 members
1534.44 have,
1534.77 I'm
1535.01 happy
1535.16 to
1535.4 come
1535.57 back
1535.72 and
1535.96 answer
1536.2 those.
1536.53 Thank
1536.85 you.
At a public hearing, officials discussed the first reading of an eminent domain proposal concerning the Mount Auburn Reconstruction Project, a roadway construction undertaking. They explained the necessity of temporarily acquiring slivers of land along sidewalks through eminent domain to facilitate the project, ensuring that property owners are adequately compensated and informed throughout the process. This project, funded by the federal government through MassDOT, aims to improve a two-mile roadway, with all temporary easements slated for a five-year duration to accommodate potential construction delays. Restoration efforts will ensure that all affected areas, whether grass or hardscape, are returned to their original state or better, with improvements to ADA accessibility along the corridor. Officials outlined that the property appraisal values have been communicated to residents, reflecting substantial figures due to inflation, and a second meeting is scheduled to address public concerns and finalize the eminent domain proceedings, allowing the project to proceed to the bidding phase in September.
5726.17 PROAKIS
5726.17 -
5726.17 Thank
5726.17 you,
5726.41 Mr.
5726.73 President.
5726.97 Sorry.
5727.45 Just
5727.77 regrouping
5728.53 for
5729.01 a
5729.01 moment
5729.09 here.
5729.57 This
5730.77 is
5731.01 a
5731.17 first
5731.25 reading,
5731.57 on
5733.09 a
5733.25 particularly
5733.41 important
5734.05 item
5734.45 that
5734.77 we
5734.93 hope
5735.09 to
5735.33 be
5735.41 back
5735.49 in
5736.13 front
5736.29 of
5736.53 you
5736.69 with
5736.85 very
5737.09 soon.
5737.33 So
5737.49 I
5737.65 just
5737.73 wanted
5737.97 to
5738.37 take
5738.69 a
5738.93 moment
5739.01 to
5739.33 explain
5739.49 to
5739.89 the
5739.97 council
5740.13 and
5740.45 the
5740.61 public
5740.77 exactly,
5741.25 basically
5742.69 what
5743.17 this
5743.41 is
5743.65 so
5743.89 that
5744.05 there
5744.21 aren't
5744.45 surprises
5744.69 when
5745.28 we
5745.52 have
5745.76 the
5746 words
5746.08 acquired
5746.4 by
5746.8 eminent
5746.96 domain
5747.44 in
5747.84 our,
5748 in
5748.8 our,
5748.96 agenda,
5749.44 sometimes
5750.32 which
5750.72 does
5750.88 create
5751.04 some
5751.36 concern
5751.52 for
5751.92 people,
5752.16 this
5753.6 is
5753.84 to
5754 complete
5754.16 the
5754.48 Mount
5754.64 Auburn
5754.88 Reconstruction
5755.12 Project,
5755.68 which
5756.16 is
5756.4 basically
5756.48 a
5756.88 roadway
5756.96 construction
5757.36 project,
5757.84 and
5759.2 Mr.
5759.44 St.
5759.92 Louis
5760.08 can
5760.32 add
5760.63 to
5760.95 this
5761.11 probably
5761.27 and
5761.59 provide
5761.75 a
5761.99 little
5762.15 more
5762.31 detail
5762.55 and
5762.87 data
5763.11 on
5763.35 this.
5763.51 But
5763.67 for
5764.15 the
5764.71 most
5764.87 part,
5765.11 the
5765.35 vast
5765.51 majority
5765.75 of
5766.07 what
5766.23 we
5766.47 need
5766.55 to
5766.71 do
5766.87 in
5766.95 order
5767.11 to
5767.35 get
5767.43 this
5767.67 project
5767.83 done
5768.15 is
5768.6 temporary
5768.76 construction
5769.48 easement
5769.96 takings
5770.52 for
5771 slivers
5771.32 of
5771.8 land
5771.96 along
5772.2 the
5772.52 edges
5772.68 of
5773 our
5773.16 sidewalks,
5773.32 but
5774.68 in
5774.92 order
5775.08 to
5775.4 get
5775.56 this
5775.8 large,
5776.44 project
5779.06 that's
5779.46 funded
5779.78 by
5780.1 levels
5780.34 of
5780.66 government
5780.82 process
5785.52 of
5785.76 making
5785.92 sure
5786.24 that
5786.48 literally
5786.64 every
5787.2 time
5787.44 one
5787.52 of
5787.76 our
5787.92 construction
5788.08 staff
5788.64 steps
5789.12 off
5789.68 that
5789.84 sidewalk
5790.08 onto
5790.56 someone's
5790.8 grass
5791.2 to
5791.52 be
5791.6 able
5791.76 to
5792 reconstruct
5792.16 that
5792.56 sidewalk
5792.72 that
5793.34 they
5793.5 are
5793.66 within
5793.82 the
5794.14 temporary
5794.3 construction
5794.7 easement
5795.18 area
5795.74 that
5796.06 has
5796.22 properly
5796.46 been
5796.94 acquired,
5797.74 and
5799.18 for
5799.42 a
5799.74 land
5799.9 owner
5800.14 in
5800.54 this
5800.7 process
5800.94 typically
5801.34 would
5801.74 mean
5801.98 that
5802.22 we
5802.38 are
5802.62 in
5802.7 a
5802.94 stance
5803.33 where
5803.65 they're
5803.89 going
5804.13 to
5804.37 get
5804.45 documents
5804.61 from
5805.01 us.
5805.25 They're
5805.33 going
5805.49 to
5805.81 understand
5805.81 what
5806.53 that
5806.69 easement
5806.93 is
5807.33 going
5807.49 to
5807.73 be,
5807.81 and
5808.05 they're
5808.29 going
5808.61 to,
5808.93 also
5809.81 get
5810.13 paid
5810.48 for
5810.8 it.
5811.04 So,
5811.2 stimulus,
5812.48 if
5813.12 you
5813.28 have
5813.44 a
5813.6 little
5813.68 bit
5813.84 to
5814.08 add
5814.16 to
5814.4 that,
5814.56 again,
5814.88 this
5815.2 is
5815.36 a
5815.52 first
5815.68 reading.
5815.92 We're
5816.32 going
5816.56 to
5816.8 schedule
5816.8 this
5817.12 for
5817.36 a
5817.52 public
5817.6 hearing,
5818 hope
5819.04 to
5819.28 do
5819.36 that
5819.52 in
5819.68 the
5819.76 very
5819.84 near
5820.08 future
5820.32 with
5820.56 you,
5820.8 but
5821.04 that's
5821.28 essentially
5821.52 what
5822.16 this
5822.4 item
5822.64 is
5822.88 before
5823.04 you
5823.36 tonight.
5825.36 ST.
5825.36 LOUIS
5825.36 -
5825.36 Thank
5825.36 you,
5825.6 Greg
5825.76 St.
5826.08 Louis,
5826.32 superintendent
5826.8 of
5827.28 public
5827.36 work.
5827.76 As
5828.78 the
5828.94 manager
5829.1 just,
5829.58 described,
5831.5 there's
5832.7 a
5833.02 two-mile
5833.42 roadway
5834.06 project,
5835.61 and
5836.73 funding
5836.73 is
5837.05 from
5837.21 the
5837.45 federal
5837.61 government
5837.93 through
5838.33 mass
5838.73 DOT.
5839.13 The
5840.41 majority
5840.65 of
5841.13 these
5841.29 easements
5841.53 are
5842.17 temporary
5842.81 in
5843.45 nature
5843.53 there
5844.29 for
5844.53 a
5844.69 period
5844.77 of
5845.17 five
5845.41 years,
5845.65 which
5846.05 is
5846.29 the
5846.53 outside
5846.77 end
5847.57 of
5848.13 what
5848.37 could
5848.61 be
5848.85 the
5849.01 construction
5849.17 schedule
5849.73 with
5850.13 delays
5850.29 to
5850.77 make
5850.93 sure
5851.17 that
5851.41 any
5852.28 property
5852.52 that
5853 could
5853.16 be
5853.4 impacted
5853.56 from,
5854.28 either
5855.4 stepping
5855.72 on
5856.12 grass
5856.36 or
5856.84 literally
5857.4 swinging
5857.96 a
5858.44 hammer
5858.6 over
5859 a
5859.32 property
5859.4 line
5859.88 is
5860.2 the
5860.44 things
5860.6 we're
5860.84 talking
5861.08 about.
5861.4 All
5862.71 areas
5862.95 throughout
5863.35 this
5863.75 corridor
5863.99 are
5864.39 required
5864.63 to
5865.03 be
5865.11 restored
5865.35 in
5865.83 kind.
5866.07 So
5866.47 if
5866.71 you
5866.87 have
5867.03 grass,
5867.27 it
5867.67 will
5867.75 be
5867.91 grass.
5868.15 If
5868.39 there's
5868.47 hardscape
5868.87 there,
5869.35 it
5869.59 will
5869.67 be
5869.83 hardscape.
5869.99 anything
5871.75 that's
5872.31 touched
5872.55 is
5873.03 endeavored
5873.43 to
5874.07 be
5874.23 restored
5874.55 and
5875.19 improved,
5875.35 to
5877.59 meet
5877.75 the
5878.15 ADA
5878.83 access
5879.15 throughout
5879.55 the
5879.87 corridor,
5880.03 any,
5880.59 ramps
5881.87 or
5882.27 plantings
5882.51 throughout
5883.07 the
5883.39 corridor,
5883.55 making
5883.95 sure
5884.35 that
5884.51 we're
5884.59 getting
5884.83 rid
5885.07 of
5885.23 all
5885.39 these
5885.47 trip
5885.71 hazards
5885.87 and
5886.27 accommodating
5886.43 the
5887.07 new
5887.23 design
5887.47 as
5887.95 discussed
5889.11 with
5889.51 the
5889.75 community
5889.83 over
5890.31 the
5890.55 past
5890.71 several
5890.95 years.
5891.35 So,
5891.75 pretty
5892.79 straightforward.
5893.11 There
5893.83 are
5894.15 appeal
5895.03 guidelines
5895.35 in
5896.15 accordance
5896.48 with
5896.8 federal
5897.04 regulations.
5897.36 All
5898.08 the
5900.16 how-to's
5900.72 and
5900.72 whys
5901.12 are
5901.68 submitted
5901.92 to
5902.48 all
5902.72 property
5902.96 owners
5903.44 according
5903.84 to
5904.16 federal
5904.72 guidelines.
5905.12 So
5905.6 there's
5905.76 a
5906 very
5906.08 clear
5906.38 process
5906.62 on
5907.02 what
5907.1 everyone's
5907.34 rights
5907.82 are.
5908.06 the
5909.66 appraisal
5909.98 values
5910.46 have
5910.86 been
5911.1 recently
5911.34 provided
5911.9 to
5912.46 the
5912.7 residents
5912.86 and
5913.58 they
5914.22 are
5914.46 substantial
5915.82 given
5916.46 our
5916.7 inflation.
5916.94 So,
5918.3 those
5919.9 letters
5920.22 have
5920.54 all
5920.78 gone
5920.94 out
5921.18 in
5921.34 the
5921.5 past
5921.66 several
5921.9 weeks.
5922.22 We
5923.47 will
5923.63 be
5923.79 scheduling
5924.03 as
5924.43 the
5924.59 manager
5924.67 discussed
5925.07 a
5925.55 second
5926.43 meeting
5926.75 to
5927.07 address
5927.23 anything
5927.55 in
5927.87 the
5928.03 public
5928.19 forum
5928.51 and
5929.39 to
5929.63 proceed
5929.79 with
5930.19 the
5930.35 taking
5930.51 in
5930.83 order
5930.99 for
5931.31 us
5933.06 to
5933.22 go
5933.38 out
5933.54 to
5933.7 bid
5933.78 in
5933.94 September
5934.1 and
5934.66 receive
5934.9 the
5935.46 $30
5935.86 plus
5936.42 million
5936.58 from
5937.46 mass
5937.78 DOT
5938.1 to
5938.5 construct
5938.66 this
5939.54 roadway
5940.36 project.
Proakis announced that Health Management Associates (HMA) has been contracted to conduct a study on health and human services for Watertown, following a competitive bidding process in which HMA emerged as the preferred candidate due to their comprehensive expertise. The project, initially budgeted at $90,000 for fiscal year 23, received a bid from HMA for $117,937, leading to a request for a $27,937 budget transfer from the city council reserve to cover the shortfall. Proakis expressed his intention to initiate the project soon and emphasized the importance of community engagement in the study process.
5974.6 PROAKIS
5974.6 -
5974.6 Thank
5974.6 you,
5974.84 Mr.
5975 President,
5975.48 this
5976.36 evening,
5976.52 I'm
5978.04 happy
5978.2 to
5978.44 announce
5978.52 that
5978.84 we've
5979 entered
5979.16 into
5979.48 a
5979.72 contracting
5979.88 process
5980.44 with
5980.76 an
5980.92 organization
5981.08 called
5981.48 Health
5981.72 Management
5981.96 Associates
5982.44 to
5983.71 conduct
5983.95 our
5984.35 study
5984.59 on
5984.99 health
5985.23 and
5985.47 human
5985.63 services,
5985.87 which
5986.51 was,
5986.75 based
5987.63 upon
5987.95 the
5988.19 scope
5988.35 that
5988.67 this
5988.83 council
5988.99 worked
5989.39 very
5989.63 hard
5989.95 on
5990.19 to,
5990.35 put
5990.75 out
5990.91 to
5991.07 bid.
5991.23 I'll
5993.05 be
5993.21 reaching
5993.45 out
5993.85 to
5993.93 HMA
5994.09 in
5994.49 the
5994.65 near
5994.73 future
5995.05 to
5995.45 start
5995.61 the
5995.93 project
5996.09 and
5996.41 begin
5996.65 to
5996.97 engage
5997.05 in
5997.37 community
5997.53 engagement
5998.01 about
5998.65 this
5998.89 important
5999.13 study.
5999.45 our
6000.56 RFP
6000.72 resulted
6001.12 in
6001.52 two
6001.68 very
6001.92 strong
6002.04 consulting
6002.16 teams.
6002.72 We
6002.96 selected
6003.12 HMA
6003.52 for
6003.92 its
6004 strength
6004.16 in
6004.4 all
6004.56 of
6004.72 the
6004.8 areas
6004.96 that
6005.28 we
6005.44 are
6005.6 seeking
6005.76 to
6006 review
6006.16 in
6006.4 our
6006.56 Watertown
6006.64 study.
6007.28 We
6008.28 had
6008.44 set
6008.68 aside
6008.84 $90,000
6009.08 for
6009.96 this
6010.2 project
6010.44 in
6010.84 fiscal
6011.08 year
6011.56 23.
6011.88 The
6013.4 bid
6013.96 from
6014.12 HMA
6014.44 came
6014.92 out
6015.16 at
6015.24 117,937,
6015.48 request
6017.7 in
6018.1 front
6018.26 of
6018.5 you
6018.58 is
6018.74 a
6018.9 transfer,
6019.06 from
6020.26 the
6020.98 city
6020.98 council
6021.22 reserve
6021.62 to
6022.02 the
6022.18 health
6022.18 and
6022.34 human
6022.5 services
6022.9 study
6023.22 in
6023.54 the
6023.62 amount
6023.78 of
6024.02 $27,937
6024.1 to
6026.32 cover
6026.48 the
6026.72 difference
6026.88 between
6027.2 those
6027.44 two
6027.6 numbers.
6027.76 Thank
6028.16 you,
6028.32 Mr.
6028.96 President.
Proakis expressed gratitude toward Watertown Savings Bank for their generous donation of $1,000, aimed at supplementing the SNAP funding for the farmers market. This contribution enables SNAP beneficiaries to receive a dollar-for-dollar match on their purchases, capped at $15 per market day. He emphasized that this initiative conforms to the stipulations of general law chapter 44 Section 53A, which mandates the city manager and the council's approval for the expenditure of gifts. Proakis concluded by seeking the council's support for the proposal.
6072.16 PROAKIS
6072.16 -
6072.16 Thank
6072.16 you,
6072.4 Mr
6072.64 president.
6072.96 I
6073.36 would
6073.52 like
6073.76 to,
6074.08 thank
6074.48 the
6074.8 Watertown
6075.12 Savings
6075.66 Bank,
6076.06 who's
6076.3 committed
6076.54 a
6076.86 generous
6076.94 gift
6077.26 of
6077.58 funds
6077.74 in
6077.9 the
6078.06 amount
6078.14 of
6078.3 $1,000,
6078.62 to
6079.66 help
6079.82 match
6080.06 the
6080.38 snap
6080.62 funding
6080.94 we
6081.34 receive
6081.5 for
6081.74 the
6081.98 farmers
6082.06 market.
6082.54 It
6083.34 allows
6083.49 customers
6083.81 using
6084.3 SNAP
6084.53 benefits
6084.77 a
6085.18 dollar-for-dollar
6085.65 match
6085.89 on
6086.14 their
6086.22 purchase
6086.45 up
6086.77 to
6086.85 $15
6087.01 per
6087.57 market
6087.89 day,
6088.22 pursuant
6089.34 to
6089.89 a
6090.14 general
6090.14 law
6090.53 chapter
6090.77 44
6091.06 Section
6091.54 53A
6091.86 expenditure
6092.42 of
6093.06 gifts
6093.14 from
6093.46 the
6093.78 city,
6093.78 to
6094.98 from
6095.22 this
6095.54 to
6096.1 the
6096.26 city
6096.5 by
6096.98 city
6097.14 department
6097.38 report
6097.78 needs
6098.02 the
6098.26 approval
6098.26 of
6098.66 the
6098.74 city
6098.9 manager
6099.14 and
6099.38 the
6099.54 council.
6099.7 So
6100.1 I
6100.42 respectfully
6100.87 request
6101.43 your
6101.83 support
6102.07 on
6102.39 this.
6102.63 Thank
6102.71 you,
6102.95 Mr.
6103.51 President.
The committee, led by Chair Alisa Felton, met on June 26 and July 17 to discuss reappointments to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC). Dennis Duff was interviewed for his reappointment, highlighting his extensive experience in town development and his vision for housing and community improvement, despite opposing a particular project due to its location and advocating for more quality applications for CPC funding. Mark Crichkiewicz was also interviewed for reappointment, emphasizing the progress in project pipeline and the amendment of processes to expedite funding, particularly for affordable housing projects. Both interviews underscored the candidates' commitment to community development and the legal constraints they operate under to fund projects. Each candidate was recommended for reappointment by motions that passed unanimously.
6143.53 PALOMBA
6143.53 -
6143.53 Thank
6143.53 you.
6143.69 I'll
6151.26 go
6151.43 by
6151.66 in
6152.39 terms
6152.62 of,
6152.94 timing.
6153.5 The
6154.39 committee
6154.54 convened
6155.82 on
6156.3 June
6156.62 26
6156.94 at
6158.7 5
6158.94 o'clock
6159.1 in
6159.72 the
6159.88 city
6160.04 council
6160.36 office.
6161.56 President
6161.88 was
6162.28 me,
6163.16 Chair
6163.56 of
6163.56 Alisa
6163.96 Felton,
6164.44 a
6164.76 vice
6164.84 chair
6165.08 in
6165.32 Council
6165.48 Bay
6165.88 Secretary.
6166.12 Also
6167.47 present
6167.78 was
6168.18 Dennis
6168.43 Duff,
6168.74 a
6168.98 member
6169.06 of
6169.47 the
6169.54 Community
6169.7 Preservation
6170.18 Committee.
6170.74 The
6171.14 purpose
6171.3 of
6171.62 the
6171.78 meeting
6171.94 was
6172.34 to
6172.66 interview
6172.9 Mr.
6173.86 Duff
6174.18 for
6174.43 reappointment
6174.74 to
6175.39 the
6175.47 community
6176.17 preservation
6176.73 committee
6177.29 for
6177.69 a
6177.93 term
6178.09 to
6178.33 expire
6178.49 on
6179.45 February
6179.45 1,
6180.01 2026.
6180.81 Counselor
6181.77 Feltner
6182.57 asked
6183.05 Mr
6183.29 Duff
6183.85 wanted
6184.64 to
6185.04 serve
6185.2 on
6185.52 the
6185.6 CPC,
6185.84 Mr.
6186.64 Duff
6186.96 explained
6187.28 he
6187.6 had
6187.68 a
6187.92 long
6188.08 history
6188.4 working
6189.12 on
6189.52 boards
6189.76 in
6190.16 town
6190.48 and
6190.8 had
6191.04 a
6191.2 lot
6191.36 of
6191.52 experience
6191.76 that
6192.38 was
6192.62 relevant
6192.86 to
6193.34 the
6193.5 development
6193.66 in
6194.3 town
6194.46 such
6194.86 as
6195.1 working
6195.34 on
6195.74 the
6195.9 Watertown
6195.98 redevelopment
6196.7 authority,
6197.26 where
6198.06 he
6198.3 played
6198.46 a
6198.78 critical
6198.86 role
6199.34 in
6200.44 who,
6200.68 developed
6201.88 the
6202.28 arsenal
6202.44 and
6203.08 helped
6203.24 to
6203.48 put
6203.64 156
6204.44 units
6204.92 of
6205.32 housing
6205.48 in
6205.88 the
6205.96 east
6206.2 end.
6206.52 He
6207.14 knows
6207.38 where
6207.7 the
6208.02 town's
6208.26 past
6208.98 is
6209.3 and,
6209.3 wants
6210.34 to
6210.74 make
6210.9 the
6212.1 city
6212.34 better.
6212.66 He
6213.3 felt
6213.46 given
6213.78 his
6214.1 long
6214.34 history,
6214.58 on
6216.32 boards
6216.48 and
6216.89 commissions
6217.04 for
6217.44 the
6217.68 city
6217.84 that
6218.16 he
6218.4 had
6218.56 the
6218.8 experience
6218.97 necessary,
6219.6 to
6221.2 make
6221.36 decisions
6221.6 about
6222.48 where
6222.89 CPC
6223.82 funding
6224.38 would
6224.78 be
6224.94 best
6225.26 spent.
6226.22 I
6226.22 questioned
6226.38 his
6226.86 rationale
6227.1 for
6227.74 his
6227.98 vote
6228.22 against
6228.62 the
6229.1 Nicholas
6229.26 Street
6229.74 project
6230.06 Mr
6230.7 Duff
6231.02 said
6231.26 he
6231.42 voted
6231.58 against
6231.98 the
6232.3 housing
6232.46 because
6232.94 he
6233.18 wanted
6233.34 housing
6233.74 on
6234.38 temple,
6234.7 Templeton
6236.22 Parkway
6237.1 and
6237.66 hoped
6237.9 for
6238.14 more
6238.38 housing
6238.54 in
6238.94 the
6239.18 east
6239.34 end.
6239.66 He
6240.26 was
6240.42 also
6240.66 worried
6240.98 about
6241.22 how
6241.54 far
6242.02 Nicholas
6242.34 is
6243.06 from
6243.3 public
6243.54 transit,
6243.94 but
6244.74 Mr.
6244.98 Duff
6245.38 added
6245.62 that
6245.94 he
6246.18 would
6246.26 support
6246.58 it
6246.98 when
6247.14 it
6247.38 comes
6247.54 back
6248.09 next
6248.41 year,
6248.73 given
6249.05 that
6249.37 it
6249.61 will
6249.77 be
6250.01 moving
6250.18 forward.
6250.57 I
6251.21 asked
6251.37 why
6251.61 he
6251.77 did
6251.93 not
6252.18 vote
6252.41 for
6252.73 Mark
6253.14 Kartskiewicz
6253.45 and
6254.33 John
6254.57 Bakken
6254.89 as
6255.29 chair
6255.53 and
6255.77 vice
6255.93 chair
6256.25 of
6256.41 the
6256.49 committee.
6256.65 Mr.
6257.46 Duff
6258.18 felt
6258.42 there
6258.74 should
6258.98 have
6259.22 been
6259.38 more
6259.7 movement
6260.1 and
6260.9 different
6261.14 ideas.
6261.54 When
6262.42 I
6262.58 asked
6262.66 if
6262.9 the
6263.06 committee
6263.22 was
6263.62 working
6263.78 towards
6264.18 affordable
6264.58 housing,
6265.22 Mr.
6265.54 Duff
6265.94 said
6266.14 he
6266.38 really
6266.53 wants
6266.77 to
6267.09 see
6267.26 a
6267.81 good
6267.97 proposal
6268.3 that
6268.77 he
6269.01 could
6269.18 support.
6269.41 He
6270.14 felt
6270.38 that
6270.61 they
6270.85 were
6271.01 getting,
6271.18 not
6271.65 getting
6271.89 the
6272.3 quality
6272.45 of
6272.93 applications
6273.18 he
6273.89 wanted
6274.14 and
6274.71 felt
6274.95 the
6275.27 need
6275.51 to
6275.83 increase
6276.07 awareness
6276.47 in
6277.35 the
6277.51 community
6277.67 about
6278.39 what
6278.79 can
6278.95 be
6279.19 done.
6279.35 Then
6283.05 accounts,
6283.36 the
6284.09 committee
6284.24 met
6284.65 again
6284.89 on
6285.2 June,
6285.45 July
6286.24 17th,
6286.56 excuse
6287.2 me,
6287.6 at
6287.77 5
6288.01 o'clock.
6288.24 The
6288.65 same
6288.81 people
6289.05 were
6289.36 present
6289.53 and
6290.2 it's
6290.44 along
6290.6 with
6291.4 Mark
6291.64 Crichkiewicz,
6292.04 who
6293.4 is
6293.56 a
6293.72 member
6293.8 of
6294.04 the
6294.2 community
6294.28 preservation
6294.84 Committee.
6295.96 The
6296.36 purpose
6296.52 was
6297 to
6297.24 interview,
6297.4 Mark
6298.77 Chris
6299.09 Savage
6299.4 for
6299.89 reappointment
6300.52 to
6301.16 the
6301.32 per,
6301.56 community
6302.77 preservation
6303.09 committee
6303.81 for
6304.2 a
6304.44 term
6304.69 expiring
6305.24 on
6305.89 February
6306.2 1,
6306.69 2026.
6310.34 Mr.
6310.34 Chris
6310.74 Kiewicz
6310.98 felt
6311.38 that
6311.7 after
6311.94 two
6312.26 terms
6312.5 on
6312.9 the
6313.06 community
6313.54 preservation
6314.02 committee
6314.66 are
6315.06 beginning
6315.54 to
6316.1 get
6316.26 a
6316.5 pipeline
6316.82 of
6317.46 projects
6317.62 and
6318.13 feels
6318.36 that
6318.69 several
6318.93 of
6319.32 the
6319.4 projects
6319.56 currently
6320.2 in
6320.77 planning
6321.01 will
6321.73 come
6321.97 before
6322.85 them
6323.4 again
6323.81 for
6324.6 financing
6324.93 and
6325.56 for
6325.81 for
6326.28 the
6326.52 construction
6326.69 phase.
6327.32 He
6328.16 said
6328.32 they
6328.64 amended
6328.8 the
6329.36 process
6329.52 so
6329.92 that
6330.16 if
6330.32 you
6330.88 are
6331.12 approved
6331.52 for
6332.48 a
6332.72 planning
6332.88 process,
6333.36 you
6334.24 get
6334.4 the
6334.56 construction
6334.8 funding
6335.44 more
6335.84 quickly
6336.08 outside
6336.82 of
6337.31 the
6337.47 regular
6337.63 cycle.
6338.19 He
6338.91 hopes
6339.15 that
6339.39 when
6339.63 the
6339.86 affordable
6340.02 housing
6340.59 trust
6341.06 finds
6341.86 a
6342.35 property,
6342.35 the
6342.99 CPC
6343.23 can
6343.78 help
6344.02 to
6344.27 fund
6344.43 it,
6344.74 and
6345.28 the
6345.44 CPC
6345.68 members
6346.32 who
6346.72 have
6346.96 been
6347.2 building
6347.44 a
6347.84 relationship,
6348 with
6349.6 members
6349.92 of
6350.32 the
6350.48 trust
6350.64 with
6351.68 the
6351.92 hope
6352.08 that
6352.32 their
6352.64 continued
6353.23 cooperation
6353.86 and
6354.66 communication
6354.9 will
6356.35 result
6356.66 in
6357.06 a
6358.59 good
6358.82 housing
6359.15 project.
6359.47 The
6360.51 CPC
6360.75 is
6361.23 beginning
6361.39 the
6362.03 application
6362.27 process
6362.83 now,
6363.39 and
6363.63 they
6363.79 are
6363.95 looking
6364.19 for
6364.51 eligible
6364.75 forms,
6365.39 they're
6366.67 looking
6366.91 at,
6367.23 excuse
6367.63 me,
6368.03 eligibility
6368.35 forms
6369.07 this
6369.47 week.
6370.47 I
6370.47 expressed
6370.63 concern
6371.11 about
6371.51 how
6371.82 friendly
6371.99 the
6372.39 committee
6372.55 is
6373.03 to
6373.19 those
6373.35 coming
6373.66 before
6373.99 them.
6374.39 Mark
6374.95 said
6375.27 they
6375.51 are
6375.74 bound
6376.07 by
6376.39 ordinance
6376.63 as
6377.19 if
6377.43 they
6377.59 are
6377.82 as
6378.73 to
6379.13 what
6379.37 they
6379.61 can
6379.77 do
6380.09 so
6380.57 they
6380.73 can't
6380.97 find
6381.37 projects
6381.69 unless
6382.25 they
6382.73 meet
6382.97 the
6383.21 legal
6383.45 requirements
6383.93 or
6384.57 can't
6384.73 fund
6385.05 projects
6385.37 unless
6385.85 they
6386.17 meet
6386.41 the
6386.65 legal
6386.81 requirements.
6387.13 Mr.
6389.05 Crutch
6389.05 gave
6389.28 me
6389.45 a
6389.45 chance
6389.61 for
6389.85 counselors
6390.01 to
6390.81 be
6390.97 on
6391.2 the
6391.77 lookout
6391.85 for
6392.41 possible
6392.73 projects,
6393.2 as
6394.01 well
6394.24 as
6394.49 for
6394.73 possible
6394.97 future
6395.45 CPC
6396.01 community
6396.49 members.
6397.05 I
6398.25 would
6398.41 want
6398.73 to
6398.97 say
6399.13 that
6399.37 both
6399.53 of
6399.77 these
6400.01 minutes
6400.25 were
6400.73 prepared
6400.97 by
6401.45 the
6402.01 councilor
6402.01 base.
6402.57 councilor
6404.01 felt,
6405.13 and
6405.45 the
6405.61 first
6405.77 one
6406.09 met
6406.41 made
6407.05 a
6407.28 motion
6407.45 to
6407.77 recommend
6407.93 the
6408.48 city
6408.65 council
6408.97 confirms
6409.69 Mr.
6410.24 Dennis
6410.73 Stuff
6411.2 for
6411.93 reappointment
6412.16 to
6412.81 the
6412.97 Community
6413.13 Preservation
6413.6 Committee
6414.24 for
6414.65 a
6414.81 term
6414.97 tick
6415.28 Buyer
6415.57 on
6415.97 February
6416.13 first,
6416.61 2026,
6417.25 second
6418.69 in
6419.01 vice,
6419.25 council
6420.05 base
6420.45 and
6420.69 the
6420.93 motion
6421.09 passed
6421.49 three
6422.05 to
6422.29 zero.
6422.53 This
6423.35 council
6423.52 felt
6423.99 and
6424.16 made
6424.31 a
6424.56 motion
6424.72 during
6425.35 the
6425.6 July
6426.24 17th
6426.56 meeting
6427.2 to
6427.76 recommend
6427.91 that
6428.48 the
6428.64 city
6428.8 council
6429.03 confirms,
6430.24 Mark
6431.76 Krichcovich,
6432.16 for
6433.15 reappointment
6433.55 to
6434.27 the
6434.43 Community
6434.51 Preservation
6435.15 Committee
6435.79 for
6436.19 a
6436.43 term
6436.51 to
6436.83 expire
6436.99 February
6437.47 first,
6439.87 2020.
6440.69 I
6440.69 second
6440.85 the
6441.25 motion,
6441.41 and
6441.81 the
6442.05 motion
6442.29 passed
6442.85 three
6443.17 to
6443.57 zero.
6445.25 Thank
6445.25 you.
The preliminary screening committee for the municipal policy analyst position, chaired by Councilor Caroline Bayes and including members John Gannon, Cole Gardner, and Secretary Vincent Prince Piccirilli, convened on July 25, 27, and August 1, 2023, to review 41 applicants. The committee conducted its proceedings in executive session under the provision that such a format would better attract qualified candidates, a condition allowed under general laws. After careful consideration, the committee unanimously selected Roslyn Inpink, Doug Newton, and Michael Pierce as the three finalists for the position. They recommended that a special city council meeting be scheduled for the full council to conduct final interviews with these candidates. This process and its outcome were efficiently reported by Councilor Piccirilli, praising the swift execution of the committee’s duties.
6492.79 BAYS
6492.79 -
6492.79 Thank
6492.79 you.
6493.11 The
6494.55 preliminary
6494.87 screening
6495.43 committee
6495.91 for
6496.31 the
6496.47 municipal
6497.18 policy
6497.26 analyst
6497.74 convened
6498.3 an
6499.02 open
6499.26 session
6499.66 and
6500.14 entered
6500.38 an
6500.78 executive
6500.78 session
6501.34 on
6501.9 July
6502.14 25th,
6502.62 2023
6503.18 at
6504.06 5
6504.3 pm.
6504.54 July
6505.48 27th,
6505.96 2023
6506.6 at
6507.32 5
6507.48 pm,
6507.72 and
6508.04 August
6508.28 first,
6508.68 2023
6508.92 at
6509.72 6
6509.88 pm
6510.2 in
6510.84 the
6511 city
6511.16 council
6511.4 office.
6511.8 Pursuant
6512.8 to
6513.44 general
6513.76 laws
6514.24 chapter
6514.64 30
6515.04 section
6515.6 21
6516.08 A
6516.56 is
6517.28 to
6517.28 consider
6517.44 or
6518 interview
6518.24 applicants
6518.64 for
6519.2 employment
6519.36 by
6519.84 a
6520.08 preliminary
6520.16 screening
6520.72 committee.
6521.12 If
6522.05 the
6522.21 chair
6522.37 declares
6522.61 that
6523.01 an
6523.17 open
6523.33 meeting
6523.65 will
6523.97 have
6524.13 a
6524.29 detrimental
6524.45 effect
6525.01 on
6525.33 obtaining
6525.49 qualified
6525.89 applicants,
6526.45 this
6527.33 shall
6527.57 not
6527.73 apply
6528.05 to
6528.37 any
6528.53 meeting
6528.77 regarding
6529.01 applicants
6529.33 who
6529.89 have
6530.05 passed
6530.29 a
6530.61 prior
6530.88 preliminary
6531.28 screening.
6531.92 Present
6533.36 at
6534.16 the
6534.32 preliminary
6534.8 screening
6535.36 committees
6535.76 were
6536.32 counselors
6536.88 Caroline
6537.52 Bayes,
6538 Chair,
6538.56 John
6538.88 Gannon
6539.2 Cole
6540.02 Gardner,
6540.26 and
6540.58 Vincent
6540.74 Prince
6541.22 Piccirilli
6541.54 Secretary.
6542.26 The
6543.38 Preliminary
6543.54 Screening
6544.14 Committee
6544.74 reviewed
6545.14 all
6545.54 41
6545.78 resumes
6546.26 received
6546.82 and
6547.22 narrowed
6547.46 the
6547.78 list
6547.94 down
6548.18 to
6548.42 9
6548.58 people
6548.9 for
6549.22 preliminary
6549.45 interviews.
6550.01 Preliminary
6551.2 screening
6551.93 committee.
6552.49 The
6552.65 preliminary
6552.65 screening
6553.28 committee
6553.61 voted
6554.09 unanimously
6554.49 to
6555.13 select
6555.36 three
6555.69 finalists
6555.85 for
6556.32 the
6556.49 municipal
6556.65 policy
6557.13 analyst
6557.53 position,
6558.01 Roslyn
6558.99 Inpink,
6559.55 Doug
6560.91 Newton,
6561.07 and
6561.47 Michael
6561.71 Pierce.
6562.11 The
6562.51 committee
6562.75 also
6563.07 voted
6563.39 unanimously
6563.71 to
6564.35 request
6564.59 that
6564.99 the
6566.27 council
6566.43 president
6566.91 schedule
6567.76 a
6568.24 special
6568.4 city
6568.88 council
6569.11 meeting
6569.6 so
6569.92 that
6570.07 the
6570.24 full
6570.4 city
6570.64 council
6570.88 can
6571.28 conduct
6571.52 the
6571.84 final
6571.92 interviews,
6573.52 and
6573.68 this
6573.68 report
6573.99 was
6574.32 prepared
6574.56 by
6575.11 Councilor
6576.07 Piccirilli.
6576.72 Thank
6576.72 you
6576.95 for
6577.11 such
6577.28 a
6577.48 quick
6577.48 turnaround.
The Economic Development and Planning Committee of the Council held a meeting on July 10th to discuss public comments and recommend updates to the draft comprehensive plan of June 26, 2023. The meeting included a presentation by Phil Shaving from Stantec, outlining revisions made to the initial draft based on public and online feedback. Following public commentary from various residents, the committee proposed eight significant amendments to the draft plan focusing on enhancing mental health resources, celebrating diversity, improving pedestrian safety, and expanding recreational use of the Charles River, among others. These changes also included adjustments to strategies for maintaining infrastructure, supporting accessibility, and conserving residential areas while maintaining their character. After discussion and consideration of these proposed amendments, the committee voted unanimously to adopt the updated comprehensive plan incorporating these eight recommended changes. The meeting concluded with an action item to integrate these amendments into the plan, with revised language circulated for clarity and editorial purposes.
6600.99 FELTNER
6600.99 -
6600.99 Thank
6600.99 you,
6601.23 Mr.
6601.39 President.
6601.71 The
6603.16 economic
6603.48 development
6604.2 and
6604.6 planning
6604.76 committee
6605.07 of
6605.48 the
6605.56 Council
6605.72 convened
6606.11 on
6606.52 Monday,
6606.76 July
6607.24 10th
6607.64 at
6608.03 6
6608.27 pm,
6608.68 and
6609.4 the
6609.56 Richard,
6609.64 Master
6610.11 Angelo
6610.35 Council
6610.76 Chamber,
6611.07 with
6611.4 remote
6611.64 participation
6612.19 by
6612.99 Zoom
6613.47 Pursuant
6614.83 to
6615.31 Chapter
6615.55 2
6616.03 of
6616.19 Acts
6616.43 2023,
6617.39 present
6618.91 were
6619.63 me
6620.03 as
6620.03 Chair,
6620.27 John
6621.18 Gannon
6621.41 vice
6621.74 chair,
6622.14 and
6622.53 Vincent
6622.7 Pitcherley's
6623.18 secretary.
6623.81 there
6625.26 are
6625.41 other
6625.66 attendees
6625.98 which
6627.1 are
6627.34 listed
6627.57 on
6627.98 attachment
6628.22 A.
6628.94 The
6629.54 purpose
6629.7 of
6630.02 our
6630.18 meeting
6630.26 was
6630.5 discussion
6630.74 public
6631.62 and
6631.94 recommendations
6632.1 to
6633.22 the
6633.38 planning
6633.54 board
6633.86 and
6634.1 city
6634.18 council
6634.42 on
6634.82 the
6634.98 comprehensive
6635.14 plan
6635.7 draft
6636.1 update
6636.5 of
6637.14 June
6637.38 26,
6637.62 2023.
6638.1 All
6639.53 the
6639.69 documents
6639.85 on
6640.33 the
6640.49 comprehensive
6640.57 plan
6641.05 update
6641.29 are
6641.61 located
6641.85 on
6642.49 the
6642.65 website,
6642.89 dedicated
6644.81 to
6645.53 this
6645.85 update
6646.09 and
6646.8 it's
6647.04 listed.
6647.28 The
6648.16 address
6648.24 URL
6648.72 address
6649.12 is
6649.44 listed
6649.6 in
6650 the
6650.16 minutes.
6650.4 Documents
6651.04 of
6651.52 the
6651.6 committee
6651.6 reviewed
6652.08 include
6652.56 the
6652.96 Stantec
6653.2 memo,
6654 June
6654.8 26,
6655.12 2023,
6655.84 which
6656.86 incorporated
6657.19 public
6658.23 and
6659.1 his
6659.35 attachment
6659.66 on
6660.39 a
6660.55 report.
6660.63 Also
6661.82 to
6662.15 June
6662.47 26
6662.78 2020
6663.51 3
6664.06 revised
6664.38 drafts
6664.94 of
6665.42 the
6665.5 comprehensive
6665.66 plan,
6666.3 which
6667.02 are
6667.26 included
6667.5 in
6667.98 full
6668.14 as
6668.38 an
6668.62 attachment
6668.62 seed
6669.1 to
6669.34 this
6669.5 report.
6669.74 Phil
6670.99 Shaving
6671.24 from
6671.56 Stantec,
6671.88 the
6672.35 consultant
6672.52 hired
6672.99 for
6673.31 our
6673.48 comprehensive
6673.64 plan
6674.2 review
6674.44 project
6674.76 began
6675.56 with
6675.95 a
6676.27 presentation,
6676.52 which
6677.48 is
6677.72 included
6677.88 in
6678.44 this
6678.68 list's
6679.16 attachment
6679.64 which
6680.85 highlighted
6681.09 all
6681.57 the
6681.81 changes
6681.97 made
6682.37 to
6682.53 the
6682.69 plan
6682.85 from
6683.09 the
6683.25 first
6683.41 draft,
6683.65 which
6683.89 was
6684.13 published
6684.29 on
6684.69 February
6684.93 16th,
6685.41 2023.
6686.05 This
6687.25 included
6687.89 from
6688.29 the
6688.6 Open
6688.6 House
6688.91 on
6689.16 March
6689.4 9th,
6689.8 2023,
6690.11 as
6690.84 well
6690.99 as
6691.32 from
6691.72 the
6691.88 website
6692.11 and
6692.91 those
6693.16 received
6693.4 by
6693.8 email.
6694.11 Next,
6694.99 I
6695.4 opened,
6695.64 for
6696.84 public
6697.56 and
6698.14 the
6698.3 following
6698.46 people
6698.78 spoke
6699.1 on
6699.26 a
6699.42 variety
6699.58 of
6699.9 topics.
6700.06 Residents
6701.18 included
6701.66 at
6702.06 Lodea
6702.22 Thomas,
6702.62 Maria
6703.02 Saiz,
6703.42 Mark,
6703.82 and
6704.14 Ernestis,
6704.38 Ernesta
6705.18 Crest
6705.66 Kovich,
6705.98 Sam
6707.05 Gilardi,
6707.36 Susan
6708.16 Ledoux,
6708.56 counselor,
6708.97 Tony
6709.52 Palomba,
6709.84 Susan
6710.48 Falcoff,
6710.89 Jamie
6711.36 Burke,
6711.84 Jamie
6712.4 Gordon,
6712.8 Amy
6713.05 Plovenik
6713.52 Rita
6714.09 Colofella,
6714.4 and
6714.97 Tom
6715.13 Flores.
6715.36 Lastly,
6716.24 based
6716.72 on
6716.96 public
6717.28 input,
6717.52 the
6717.92 committee
6718.08 discussed
6718.48 changes
6718.8 to
6719.2 the
6719.28 draft
6719.44 plan
6719.76 with
6720.08 the
6720.24 staff
6720.4 and
6720.72 attendees,
6720.96 and
6721.68 we
6721.84 agreed
6722 on
6722.32 the
6722.48 following
6722.64 eight
6723.04 changes.
6723.36 number
6724.3 one,
6724.7 for
6725.18 strategy
6725.34 7E,
6725.9 support
6727.18 and
6727.49 expand
6727.73 mental
6728.14 health
6728.53 and
6728.77 stress
6729.02 management
6729.34 resources,
6729.9 strive
6730.85 to
6731.34 reduce
6731.49 substance
6731.9 use,
6732.3 through
6732.93 social
6733.17 services,
6733.57 programming,
6734.45 and
6735.01 other
6735.25 resources
6735.57 change
6736.37 to
6736.85 support
6737.57 and
6738.05 expand
6738.29 human
6738.69 and
6739.01 the
6739.17 health
6739.41 and
6739.89 human
6739.97 service
6740.45 resources,
6741.01 including
6741.57 one,
6741.97 mental
6742.84 health
6743.15 and
6743.4 stress
6743.56 management,
6743.88 two,
6744.68 social
6745.31 services,
6745.8 programming,
6746.44 and
6746.91 other
6747.15 resources
6747.4 to
6747.95 reduce
6748.11 substance
6748.68 use.
6749.15 Three,
6750.03 increase
6750.76 food
6751.43 security,
6751.83 and
6752.79 four,
6753.11 access
6753.67 to
6754.07 health
6754.39 care.
6755.67 Number
6755.67 two,
6755.99 for
6756.23 strategy
6756.39 7F,
6757.43 celebrate
6757.83 diversity
6758.47 and
6758.87 cultural
6759.11 traditions
6759.51 through
6759.99 public
6760.15 art
6760.63 community
6760.8 events,
6761.27 formal
6761.68 recognition,
6762.07 and
6762.55 other
6762.8 appropriate
6763.03 means,
6763.44 formal
6764.15 recognition
6764.55 of
6765.19 Watertown's
6765.35 commitment
6765.84 to
6766.31 arts
6766.4 and
6766.72 culture
6766.8 as
6767.44 integral
6767.68 to
6768.07 city
6768.23 life
6768.48 may
6768.8 include
6768.95 the
6769.35 designation
6769.52 of
6770.15 a
6770.23 cultural
6770.63 district.
6770.63 We
6772.47 moved
6772.63 this
6772.87 down
6773.11 to
6773.35 the
6773.51 heading
6773.67 arts
6774.07 and
6774.39 culture,
6774.55 and
6774.87 we
6775.03 numbered
6775.19 it
6775.43 as
6775.59 7G.
6776.31 We
6776.79 also
6776.95 added
6777.27 a
6777.59 new
6777.75 7F
6778.47 under
6778.63 the
6778.87 heading,
6778.95 Wellness
6779.64 and
6780.2 inclusivity
6780.44 with
6781.48 texts
6781.64 provided
6781.95 by
6782.35 staff
6782.52 based
6782.76 on
6782.99 committee
6783.16 discussion,
6783.56 which
6784.2 now
6784.52 reads,
6785.16 provide
6785.95 a
6786.44 welcoming
6786.6 community
6787.07 for
6787.56 all.
6787.8 One
6788.4 that
6788.64 celebrates
6788.88 and
6789.36 fosters
6789.6 diversity,
6790.08 equity,
6790.72 and
6791.2 inclusion
6791.52 in
6791.92 everything
6792.08 we
6792.48 do,
6792.64 works
6793.36 in
6793.6 partnership
6793.84 with
6794.4 the
6794.56 Human
6794.72 Rights
6795.04 Commission,
6795.44 the
6796.24 Commission
6796.4 on
6796.88 Disability,
6797.03 and
6797.84 dedicated
6798.07 community
6798.56 groups
6798.88 to
6799.2 ensure
6799.36 continued
6799.68 progress.
6800.24 We
6801.44 also
6801.68 suggest
6802.56 that
6802.96 we'll
6803.03 add
6803.36 HRC,
6804.49 the
6805.05 acronyms,
6805.21 HRC,
6805.85 and
6806.33 COD
6806.65 to
6807.13 the
6807.61 list
6807.77 of
6808.09 partners.
6808.25 Number
6809.61 three,
6809.85 for
6810.17 strategy
6810.33 4F,
6811.37 bullet
6811.77 six,
6813.16 continues
6813.64 annual
6813.64 capital
6814.36 plan
6814.76 commitments
6815.07 to
6815.48 upgrade
6815.64 connector
6815.96 roads
6816.36 and
6816.6 local
6816.68 streets
6817 with
6817.24 new
6817.4 sidewalks,
6817.64 planting
6817.96 strips,
6818.36 street
6818.76 trees,
6819 and
6819.24 curbs,
6819.4 thereby
6819.64 improving
6820.03 pedestrian
6820.44 safety.
6820.92 We
6822.25 voted
6822.49 to
6822.89 change
6823.13 that
6823.53 to
6823.93 expand
6824.17 annual
6824.81 capital
6825.29 plan
6825.85 commitments
6826.33 to
6826.89 upgrade
6827.13 connector
6827.61 roads
6828.09 and
6828.49 local
6828.65 streets
6829.05 with
6829.37 new
6829.61 sidewalks
6829.85 street
6830.61 trees,
6830.93 curbs,
6831.41 and
6831.81 other
6832.05 strategies
6832.36 to
6833.09 protect
6833.32 existing
6833.81 and
6834.36 new
6834.61 planting
6834.85 strips,
6835.24 thereby
6835.73 improving
6836.2 pedestrian
6836.61 safety.
6839.24 Fourth
6839.24 edit
6839.64 on
6839.96 page
6840.2 26
6840.52 under
6841.08 groups,
6841.4 add
6842.52 commission
6842.92 on
6843.4 Disability,
6843.56 COD,
6844.68 Conservation
6845.56 Commission,
6846.36 CC,
6847.08 and
6847.64 human
6847.88 rights
6848.28 Commission
6848.82 HRC.
6849.86 The
6851.63 fifth,
6851.86 first
6852.43 strategy,
6852.66 is
6853.55 eight
6854.35 proactively
6854.35 maintain
6855.07 and
6855.47 improve
6855.63 infrastructure
6855.95 and
6856.51 services
6856.74 to
6857.19 responsibly
6857.35 meet
6857.99 current
6858.23 and
6858.55 future
6858.71 needs.
6859.03 We
6860.07 change
6860.31 under
6860.63 the
6860.87 heading
6860.95 facilities
6861.27 and
6861.67 infrastructure,
6861.91 add
6863.11 a
6863.27 new
6863.43 strategy
6863.67 to
6864.31 address
6864.47 the
6865.15 Americans
6865.55 with
6865.55 Disabilities
6865.71 Act,
6866.35 ADA,
6866.91 self-assessment,
6867.71 and
6868.35 transition
6868.67 plan
6869.15 to
6869.47 address
6869.63 ADA
6870.11 problems.
6870.67 The
6871.71 leads
6871.86 are
6872.27 the
6872.74 ADA
6872.9 coordinator
6873.3 and
6874.18 the
6874.5 commission
6874.5 disability
6874.98 partners
6875.62 are
6876.5 the
6877.06 Department
6877.06 of
6877.38 Human
6877.54 Development
6877.86 Planning
6878.18 Department
6878.58 of
6878.9 Public
6879.06 Works
6879.38 And
6879.54 Department
6879.78 of
6880.18 Public
6880.26 Buildings.
6880.66 add
6881.43 midterm
6881.66 to
6882.39 when
6882.86 and
6883.59 relay
6883.82 it,
6884.15 letter,
6884.39 and
6884.78 the
6884.78 remaining
6884.95 strategy
6885.27 list.
6885.82 The
6886.86 sixth
6887.1 change
6887.59 was
6887.99 for
6888.06 strategy
6888.39 60
6888.86 to
6889.51 expand
6889.51 access
6889.99 to
6890.39 and
6890.71 recreational
6891.03 use
6891.59 of
6891.91 the
6892.07 Charles
6892.23 River
6892.47 through
6892.79 continued
6892.95 partnerships
6893.43 with
6894.31 the
6894.47 Mass
6894.63 Department
6894.87 of
6895.27 Conservation
6895.43 Recreation
6896.07 and
6896.47 Private
6896.71 Valpers
6897.19 to
6897.67 change,
6897.83 to
6898.47 read
6898.63 it
6898.87 to
6899.57 say
6899.74 expand
6900.38 access
6901.02 to
6901.49 and
6901.81 recreational
6902.06 use
6902.61 of
6902.85 the
6902.94 Charles
6903.1 River
6903.49 through
6904.06 continued
6904.3 partnerships
6904.77 with
6905.26 the
6905.49 Massachusetts
6905.66 Department
6906.22 of
6906.77 Conservation
6906.94 Recreation
6907.66 private
6909.68 developers,
6910.08 the
6910.96 Charles
6911.12 River
6911.52 Watershed
6911.84 Association,
6912.4 and
6913.36 other
6913.68 organizations.
6913.92 we
6915.52 also
6915.68 want
6916 to
6916.16 add
6916.4 Department
6917.19 of
6917.59 Community
6917.67 Development
6918.07 Planning
6918.39 to
6918.78 leads
6919.11 and
6919.59 add
6919.82 a
6920.23 conservation
6920.39 commission
6921.11 and,
6921.67 commission
6923.19 disability
6923.67 to
6924.15 partners.
6924.39 Number
6925.52 seven,
6925.92 for
6926.32 strategy
6926.56 7L,
6927.52 inventory
6928 historic
6928.56 assets,
6929.28 and
6929.76 consider
6930 using
6930.4 a
6930.72 citywide
6930.88 historic
6931.36 preservation
6931.84 plan
6932.4 to
6932.72 set
6932.96 priorities.
6933.12 This
6934.63 lists
6934.86 CPC
6935.19 as
6935.59 a
6935.67 partner,
6935.75 but
6936.15 it
6936.31 was
6936.47 noted
6936.55 that
6936.86 CPA
6936.95 funds
6937.35 cannot
6937.59 be
6937.91 used
6937.99 for
6938.23 preservation
6938.47 plans
6939.03 only
6939.43 for
6939.67 preservation
6939.91 work
6940.55 itself.
6940.86 Partners
6941.84 should
6942.64 be
6942.88 historical
6943.12 commissions,
6943.92 historic
6944.48 district
6944.96 commissions,
6945.44 and
6946.08 historical
6946.32 societies.
6949.18 Lastly,
6949.66 number
6949.66 eight
6949.98 on
6950.22 page
6950.46 78
6950.78 under
6951.58 the
6951.9 section
6952.14 future
6952.62 land
6953.18 use
6953.42 for
6954.06 areas
6954.3 of
6954.7 low
6954.94 density
6955.18 residential
6955.74 and
6956.54 medium-density
6957.1 residential
6957.5 change
6958.76 the
6959.16 word
6959.32 preserve
6959.56 to
6960.2 read
6960.36 conserve
6960.68 to
6961.72 indicate
6961.88 some
6962.52 changes
6962.92 could
6963.4 be
6963.56 made
6963.72 to
6963.88 these
6964.04 areas
6964.2 while
6964.52 at
6964.76 the
6964.84 same
6965 time
6965.32 maintaining
6965.64 their
6966.2 character.
6966.44 The
6967.24 committee
6967.4 also
6967.8 welcomed
6968.11 additional
6968.52 text
6968.99 references
6969.32 to
6969.8 be
6969.95 included
6970.03 by
6970.44 staff
6970.6 to
6970.84 specifically
6971.07 improve
6971.64 public
6972.03 understanding
6972.35 of
6973.32 land
6973.56 use
6973.88 descriptions.
6974.2 The
6975.69 committee
6975.77 asks
6976.65 staff
6976.97 to
6977.29 consider
6977.45 these
6977.77 eight
6978.01 changes
6978.25 above
6978.65 to
6979.21 rework
6979.37 the
6979.77 language
6979.93 as
6980.33 necessary
6980.49 for
6980.89 clarity
6981.13 and
6981.69 editorial
6981.93 purposes.
6982.57 The
6983.7 staff's
6983.85 revised
6984.18 language
6984.66 was
6985.06 sent
6985.3 in
6985.53 an
6985.7 email
6985.85 by
6986.26 Mr.
6986.41 McGoon
6986.74 on
6987.06 July
6987.3 31,
6987.7 2023,
6988.18 which
6989.38 is,
6989.61 an
6990.57 attachment
6990.57 to
6991.06 each
6991.06 of
6991.22 the
6991.38 reports.
6992.57 Then
6992.73 we
6992.73 had
6992.89 the
6993.13 action
6993.37 item,
6993.77 motion.
6995.13 It
6995.53 was
6995.61 seconded
6995.77 and
6996.25 voted
6996.49 three
6996.89 to
6997.13 zero
6997.37 to
6998.49 adopt
6998.65 the
6999.05 updated
6999.6 comprehensive
6999.99 plan
7000.48 with
7000.64 eight
7000.88 changes
7001.03 recommended.
7001.44 The
7002.07 meeting
7002.24 adjourned
7002.48 at
7003.03 8:55
7003.27 PM.
7004.07 I
7005.27 think
7005.44 Piccirilli
7007.01 with
7007.57 with
7007.89 many
7008.13 meetings
7008.37 going
7008.69 on
7008.93 to
7009.09 get
7009.17 this
7009.41 report,
7009.57 in
7010.77 tonight.
On July 13th, the Committee on Economic Development and Planning, chaired by Feltner, convened to discuss updates to Watertown's cannabis post-community agreements, aiming to align with recent state law changes impacting Host Community Agreements (HCAs) with cannabis operators. The meeting, which included remote participation, had city officials and the assistant city manager in attendance. They reviewed legal memos and the existing agreement with Bud's Goods and Provisions as examples. The state's legislative updates necessitate that the previously negotiated 3% impact fee be directly tied to the operation's impact, with documented costs. Discussions proposed moving away from revenue-based impact fees towards a fixed $20,000 annual fee to fund substance abuse programs. This proposal, agreed upon in principle by the three cannabis operators in Watertown, also includes contracting a social service provider for broader substance abuse counseling. Financial updates indicated over $855,000 collected from cannabis taxes and impact fees in the fiscal year, with decisions on these funds' utilization pending. Additionally, any HCA amendments would require a release of claims concerning previous impact fees, with separate legal documents for each amendment suggested for clear delineation of terms. The meeting concluded with the adoption of an action item and was adjourned after a comprehensive discussion of the proposed updates and their implications.
7046.61 FELTNER
7046.61 -
7046.61 Thank
7046.61 you,
7046.77 Mr.
7047.17 President.
7047.49 The
7047.49 committee
7047.65 on
7047.97 economic
7048.13 development
7048.8 and
7049.28 planning,
7049.44 commute
7050.24 on
7050.64 July
7050.8 13th
7051.03 at
7051.52 6
7051.76 PM,
7052.16 in
7055.11 the
7055.28 Richard
7055.44 Mastangelo
7055.84 Council,
7056.32 chamber
7057.37 with
7057.69 remote
7057.93 participation
7058.33 by
7059.21 Zoom,
7059.61 present
7060.25 were
7060.65 myself
7060.89 as
7061.37 chair,
7061.77 John
7062.17 Gannon
7062.41 as
7062.65 vice
7062.65 chair,
7062.97 and
7063.29 Vincent
7063.61 Pizzarelli
7064.09 as
7064.57 secretary.
7064.73 Also
7065.46 present
7065.86 were
7066.18 mister
7066.42 Stephen
7066.9 McGoon,
7067.22 an
7067.54 assistant
7067.7 city
7068.5 manager
7068.74 and
7069.38 director
7069.54 of
7070.02 community
7070.18 development
7070.57 planning,
7071.06 Council
7071.94 president,
7072.26 Mark
7072.66 Sederis,
7072.9 and
7073.38 counselor
7073.54 Tony
7074.42 Palomba,
7074.82 by
7074.82 Zoom.
7075.1 The
7075.66 purpose
7075.82 of
7076.06 our
7076.22 meeting
7076.38 was
7076.7 to
7076.94 consider
7077.02 updates
7077.42 to
7077.9 the
7078.06 cannabis
7078.22 post-community
7079.18 agreements
7079.74 and
7080.62 make
7080.78 a
7081.02 recommendation
7081.26 to
7081.9 the
7082.06 city
7082.22 council.
7082.54 documents
7083.33 the
7083.89 committee
7084.05 reviewed
7084.45 included
7084.85 the
7085.33 KP
7085.57 Law
7085.89 memo
7086.05 dated
7086.85 September
7087.17 sixth,
7088.13 2022,
7089.41 and
7089.41 acts
7089.65 relative
7089.97 to
7090.37 equity
7090.61 in
7091.09 the
7091.25 cannabis
7091.33 industry.
7091.89 The
7093.31 existing
7093.47 host
7093.95 community
7094.27 agreement
7094.75 sample
7095.39 dated
7095.95 July
7096.35 23rd,
7097.07 2020
7097.55 with
7098.11 Bud's
7098.35 goods
7098.67 and
7098.83 provisions
7099.07 the
7100.31 draft
7100.47 an
7100.87 amendment
7100.87 to
7101.43 the
7101.59 existing
7101.75 host
7102.07 community
7102.31 agreement,
7102.71 again,
7103.11 using
7103.51 Bud's
7103.75 goods
7103.99 and
7104.31 provisions,
7104.47 it's
7105.99 listed
7106.23 as
7106.55 an
7106.71 attachment
7106.71 seen
7107.11 in
7107.27 the
7107.35 report
7107.51 as
7107.75 a
7107.99 sample.
7108.15 Mister
7108.98 McGugan
7109.3 gave
7109.54 an
7109.78 overview
7109.86 of
7110.18 the
7110.34 recent
7110.5 changes
7110.74 to
7111.06 state
7111.22 law
7111.46 and
7111.62 its
7111.86 impact
7112.02 on
7112.34 the
7112.5 three
7112.82 HCAs
7113.46 that
7113.46 Watertown
7113.62 has
7114.18 with
7114.66 cannabis
7114.9 operators.
7115.3 There
7116.19 are
7116.43 ambiguity
7116.59 ambiguities
7117.23 in
7118.19 the
7118.43 law
7118.51 as
7118.99 it
7119.15 relates
7119.39 to
7119.79 existing
7119.87 agreements
7120.27 negotiated
7120.75 in
7121.31 good
7121.47 faith.
7121.71 As
7123.1 well
7123.26 as
7123.5 impending
7123.66 regulations
7124.14 yet
7124.78 to
7124.94 be
7125.1 implemented
7125.26 by
7125.82 the
7126.06 Cannabis
7126.22 Control
7126.62 Commission.
7127.1 The
7127.82 essence
7127.98 of
7128.46 the
7128.62 HCA
7128.78 change
7129.26 in
7129.58 the
7129.74 law
7129.82 is
7130.06 a
7130.22 3%
7130.38 impact
7131.02 fee
7131.42 must
7132.03 be
7132.27 directly
7132.51 related
7132.99 to
7133.47 the
7133.63 operation,
7133.87 and
7134.51 the
7134.75 actual
7134.91 costs
7135.39 must
7135.71 be
7136.03 documented.
7136.19 Mr.
7137.15 McGoon
7137.47 added
7137.87 that
7138.11 the
7138.35 city
7138.43 manager
7138.75 felt
7139.07 it
7139.31 was
7139.39 important
7139.55 for
7140.03 Watertown
7140.19 to
7140.67 be
7140.75 proactive
7141.03 in
7141.67 addressing
7141.83 this.
7142.31 we
7143.43 had
7143.59 several
7143.83 key
7144.23 points.
7145.67 There
7145.67 are
7146.15 eight
7146.47 listed
7146.87 here.
7147.27 Do
7149.61 you
7149.77 want
7149.93 me
7150.09 to
7150.25 continue
7150.41 to
7150.73 read
7150.89 them
7151.13 all?
7151.21 Number
7152.49 one,
7152.81 there
7152.97 have
7153.21 been
7153.29 no
7153.53 legal
7153.69 challenges
7154.01 from
7154.49 three
7154.73 cannabis
7154.97 operators
7155.45 in
7155.77 Watertown,
7155.93 but
7156.49 industry
7156.73 groups
7157.21 may
7157.53 file
7157.69 lawsuits.
7158.01 Two
7159.38 propose
7159.62 a
7160.02 draft
7160.02 agreement
7160.42 to
7160.82 the
7160.98 HCA
7161.06 that
7161.38 would
7161.38 eliminate
7161.62 the
7162.1 impact
7162.26 fee
7162.66 tied
7162.9 to
7163.14 a
7163.3 percent
7163.46 of
7163.94 the
7164.1 revenue.
7164.26 Instead,
7164.82 there
7165.7 would
7165.86 be
7166.02 a
7166.18 $20,000
7166.34 annual
7167.21 fee
7167.69 that
7167.85 would
7168.01 fund
7168.25 substance
7168.65 abuse
7169.05 programs
7169.37 in
7169.85 the
7170.01 city
7170.17 and
7170.49 will
7170.49 invoice
7170.73 them
7171.21 annually.
7171.45 Three,
7172.57 Watertown
7172.89 will
7173.45 contract
7173.69 with
7174.25 a
7174.49 social
7174.65 service
7175.05 provider
7175.37 to
7175.85 provide
7175.93 substance
7176.41 abuse
7176.89 counseling,
7177.21 and
7178.25 it
7178.49 would
7178.57 not
7178.73 be
7178.97 limited
7179.13 to
7179.45 just
7179.61 cannabis.
7179.85 For
7181.21 staff
7181.61 has
7181.93 discussed
7182.25 this
7182.49 proposal
7182.73 with
7183.21 all
7183.53 three
7183.77 cannabis
7183.93 operators,
7184.41 and
7185.08 they
7185.32 agreed
7185.48 in
7185.88 principle.
7186.12 Number
7187.8 five,
7188.12 in
7188.52 fiscal
7188.76 year
7189.16 23,
7189.32 Watertown
7189.72 has
7190.12 collected
7190.36 over
7190.6 $500,000
7191 in
7191.96 cannabis
7192.2 excise
7192.76 tax
7193.26 and
7193.66 about
7193.82 $355,000
7194.14 in
7195.98 cannabis
7196.14 impact
7196.62 fees.
7197.42 Six
7198.3 cannabis
7198.54 impact
7198.94 fees
7199.34 received
7199.66 to
7199.98 date
7200.14 are
7200.77 being
7201.01 held
7201.25 in
7201.49 a
7201.65 special
7201.73 count
7202.21 and
7202.69 have
7202.85 not
7203.09 been
7203.33 expended.
7203.57 A
7204.29 discussion
7204.45 on
7204.85 how
7205.01 to
7205.17 spend
7205.33 these
7205.57 can
7205.73 occur
7205.89 with
7206.13 the
7206.29 city
7206.37 council
7206.61 at
7206.93 a
7207.09 future
7207.17 date.
7207.49 Number
7208.49 seven,
7208.73 any
7209.13 amendment
7209.37 to
7209.77 the
7209.93 HEAs
7210.17 must
7210.73 include
7210.97 a
7211.29 release
7211.37 of
7211.69 claims
7211.85 on
7212.17 any
7212.33 impact
7212.57 fees
7212.89 paid
7213.21 to
7213.53 date.
7213.69 While
7214.41 this
7214.65 is
7214.89 not
7215.05 in
7215.29 the
7215.45 draft
7215.53 of,
7216.18 the
7216.18 HCA
7216.18 Amendment,
7216.66 Mr
7217.38 McGoon
7217.62 said
7218.1 attorney
7218.34 Mark
7218.74 Ridge
7218.98 from
7219.3 KPI
7219.54 law
7220.18 has
7220.5 already
7220.74 proposed
7221.06 that
7221.38 he
7221.54 would
7221.7 prefer
7221.86 a
7222.18 separate
7222.34 release
7222.74 of
7223.06 claims
7223.14 to
7223.54 be
7223.62 executed
7223.78 in
7224.42 parallel
7224.74 with
7225.3 each
7225.89 HCA
7226.13 amendment.
7226.77 The
7227.89 amendment
7228.05 to
7228.37 the
7228.53 HCAs
7228.61 would
7229.17 be
7229.33 signed
7229.49 by
7229.73 the
7229.89 city
7230.05 manager,
7230.29 and
7230.93 there
7231.09 would
7231.25 be
7231.41 a
7231.57 vote
7231.65 of
7231.89 the
7232.13 city
7232.29 council
7232.45 authorizing
7232.93 him
7233.57 to
7233.97 sign
7234.13 the
7234.37 agreement,
7235.41 and
7235.57 then
7235.57 we
7235.81 had
7235.97 the
7236.13 action
7236.37 item,
7236.77 which
7237.09 was
7237.41 accepted,
7237.65 at
7238.85 30,
7239.57 and
7239.57 adjourned
7239.81 at
7240.29 7:08
7240.53 pm
7241.41 with
7241.89 a
7242.13 report
7242.21 prepared
7242.61 by
7243.01 counselor
7243.17 Piccirilli.
The Committee on Economic Development and Planning convened on August 2nd via Zoom to conduct interviews for positions on the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) and Planning Board. Samuel Adama, an academic coach with a background in architecture and education, expressed his interest in joining the ZBA as an alternate member, highlighting his commitment to considering the community's sentiments in design. Christopher Heath, an attorney specializing in municipal land use and environmental law, sought reappointment as a full ZBA member, emphasizing his dedication to the community and careful consideration of various inputs in decision-making. Lastly, Pace Whitney, a professional engineer with experience in civil and coastal engineering, aimed for reappointment to the Planning Board, advocating for a fact-based decision-making process and suggesting improvements such as developing procedural guidelines and ensuring adequate review time for materials. The committee unanimously agreed on three action items related to the appointments, concluding the meeting.
7288.11 FELTNER
7288.11 -
7288.11 Thank
7288.11 you,
7288.35 Mr.
7288.75 President.
7289.23 So
7289.47 the
7289.63 committee
7289.95 on
7290.11 economic
7290.91 development
7291.39 and
7291.55 planning,
7292.19 met
7292.35 by
7292.59 Zoom
7292.83 only
7293.07 on
7293.31 August
7293.79 second
7294.83 at
7295.15 5
7295.55 PM,
7296.43 pursuant
7296.83 to
7297.47 Chapter
7297.69 two,
7297.69 2023,
7298.49 present
7298.73 where
7298.97 myself
7299.37 as
7299.61 chair,
7300.33 John
7300.57 Gannon's
7301.13 vice
7301.45 chair,
7301.77 and
7302.01 counselor
7302.49 Vincent
7302.81 Facciarelli
7303.29 serving
7303.77 as
7303.85 secretary.
7304.73 Also,
7304.97 per
7305.39 present
7305.95 via
7306.19 Zoom
7306.43 or
7306.59 residents
7307.07 Joan
7307.31 Gummelton,
7307.79 Linda
7308.27 Scott,
7308.43 and
7308.67 Jackie
7308.99 Van
7309.23 Lewin.
7309.71 The
7309.87 purpose
7310.19 of
7310.35 our
7310.43 meeting
7310.75 was
7310.91 to
7310.99 conduct
7311.39 zoning
7311.71 board
7311.87 of
7312.03 appeals
7312.51 and
7312.75 planning
7313.15 board
7313.47 interviews,
7313.87 and
7314.11 it
7314.19 was
7314.59 ordered
7314.83 at
7315.07 5:0:3
7315.79 PM.
7317.07 Samuel
7317.47 Adama
7317.79 has
7318.03 a
7318.19 master's
7318.51 in
7318.67 architecture
7319.31 and
7319.55 a
7319.63 master's
7320.03 in
7320.27 education
7321.23 and
7321.39 is
7321.55 a
7321.71 candidate
7322.11 for
7322.27 appointment
7322.67 to
7322.83 the
7322.99 ZBA
7323.31 as
7323.39 an
7323.55 alternate
7324.03 member.
7324.58 He
7324.74 currently
7325.14 works
7325.3 for
7325.46 the
7325.54 Harvard
7325.94 Graduate
7326.42 School
7326.66 of
7326.82 Education
7327.38 as
7327.54 an
7327.7 academic
7328.26 coach,
7328.5 and
7328.66 his
7328.9 career
7329.3 path
7329.54 changed.
7330.18 He
7330.34 never
7330.74 worked
7330.98 professionally
7331.54 as
7331.62 an
7331.78 architect,
7332.26 but
7332.5 as
7332.58 a
7332.74 student,
7333.14 he
7333.3 worked
7333.54 for
7333.73 community
7334.13 solutions
7334.61 by
7334.85 design,
7335.65 doing
7335.89 visioning
7336.29 for
7336.53 city
7336.85 planning,
7337.57 and
7337.57 working
7337.81 with
7338.05 the
7338.13 public,
7338.53 and
7338.69 community
7339.09 leaders.
7339.89 As
7340.01 a
7340.13 parent
7340.45 with
7340.61 two
7340.85 small
7341.01 children,
7341.33 he
7341.41 has
7341.65 a
7341.73 deep
7341.89 interest
7342.21 in
7342.37 the
7342.45 future
7342.77 of
7342.85 the
7342.93 city
7343.17 that
7343.57 children
7343.89 will
7344.05 grow
7344.29 up
7344.37 in,
7344.69 and
7344.93 he
7345.09 feels
7345.33 that
7345.57 good
7345.73 design
7346.13 needs
7346.37 to
7346.45 take
7346.69 into
7347.01 account
7347.33 the
7347.57 feelings
7347.89 of
7348.05 the
7348.21 community.
7349.09 With
7349.25 his
7349.49 educational
7350.13 and
7350.29 career
7350.61 experience,
7351.09 he
7351.17 feels
7351.73 well-equipped
7351.99 when
7352.23 making
7352.55 a
7352.63 decision
7352.95 with
7353.11 his
7353.35 colleagues
7353.67 on
7353.83 the
7353.99 ZBA
7354.71 to
7354.87 listen
7355.19 to
7355.35 input
7355.75 from
7355.99 all
7356.23 stakeholders
7357.19 and
7357.35 balance
7357.75 what
7357.91 is
7358.07 allowed
7358.47 by
7358.71 law
7359.19 versus
7359.59 the
7359.75 priorities
7360.39 voiced
7360.87 by
7361.03 the
7361.19 public.
7363.02 Next,
7363.34 we
7363.5 interview
7363.9 Christopher
7364.3 Heath.
7364.3 He
7364.7 is
7364.78 an
7364.94 attorney
7365.1 at
7365.58 Myerson
7365.74 Hirington
7366.38 specializing
7367.18 in
7367.82 municipal
7367.98 land
7368.62 use
7368.86 and
7369.1 environmental
7369.42 law.
7370.06 He
7370.54 has
7370.7 been
7370.86 on
7371.02 the
7371.1 ZBA
7371.26 since
7371.58 2011
7371.9 and
7372.86 is
7373.1 seeking
7373.26 reappointment
7373.66 as
7374.22 a
7374.38 full
7374.54 member.
7374.78 He
7375.5 loves
7375.66 volunteering
7375.98 at
7376.46 the
7376.62 ZBAs,
7376.78 but
7377.18 the
7377.34 way
7377.42 to
7377.58 share
7377.66 his
7377.9 expertise
7378.06 with
7378.54 the
7378.7 community
7378.86 as
7379.57 well
7379.73 as
7379.89 play
7380.05 a
7380.21 future
7380.28 role
7380.69 in
7380.93 its
7381.09 future.
7381.32 He
7382.05 thinks
7382.21 the
7382.53 ZBA
7382.61 works
7382.93 well
7383.24 together
7383.49 and
7383.73 is
7383.97 doing
7384.05 a
7384.28 very
7384.28 good
7384.45 job
7384.61 in
7384.77 developing
7385.01 recommendations
7385.41 for
7386.05 projects
7386.21 that
7386.61 are
7386.77 being
7386.93 approved.
7387.17 He
7387.82 listens
7388.06 carefully
7388.38 to
7388.86 all
7389.02 input
7389.26 from
7389.58 developers,
7389.82 the
7390.3 public,
7390.46 and
7390.86 staff.
7391.02 When
7391.66 reaching
7391.9 a
7392.22 decision,
7392.3 he
7392.7 weighs
7392.86 what
7393.1 is
7393.26 allowed
7393.5 under
7393.74 the
7394.06 zoning
7394.22 ordinance
7394.54 what
7395.36 the
7395.6 impacts
7395.76 are
7396.16 to
7396.32 the
7396.48 public,
7396.64 how
7397.44 impacts
7397.6 can
7398.07 be
7398.24 mitigated,
7398.48 and
7399.03 if
7399.28 impacts
7399.44 are
7399.92 too
7400.07 big
7400.24 and
7400.4 can't
7400.64 be
7400.88 mitigated,
7401.03 then
7401.6 perhaps
7401.84 a
7402.24 project
7402.4 should
7402.95 not
7403.28 be
7403.44 approved.
7403.6 Lastly,
7404.89 we
7405.45 interviewed
7405.69 PACE
7406.09 and
7406.33 Whitney.
7406.57 He
7407.53 is
7407.69 a
7407.85 registered
7408.01 professional
7408.57 engineer
7409.05 with
7409.53 25
7409.77 years
7410.17 of
7410.41 experience
7410.57 in
7411.05 civil
7411.29 and
7411.69 coastal
7411.93 engineering.
7412.33 and
7413.18 his
7413.34 project
7413.58 manager
7413.9 at
7414.38 ESS
7414.62 Group.
7415.18 He's
7415.74 been
7415.98 served
7416.14 on
7416.38 the
7416.54 planning
7416.62 board
7417.02 since
7417.26 2017
7417.58 and
7418.7 is
7418.86 seeking
7418.94 reappointment
7419.42 He
7420.51 is
7420.67 enthusiastic
7420.83 to
7421.63 serve
7422.03 on
7422.03 the
7422.11 board
7422.27 and
7422.59 as
7422.83 the
7422.99 special
7423.15 permit
7423.55 granting
7423.95 authority
7424.35 for
7424.99 very,
7425.23 very
7425.71 large
7426.03 projects
7426.43 on
7427.07 Pleasant
7427.39 and
7427.87 Arsenal
7428.03 Street
7428.51 There
7428.99 are
7429.31 still
7429.31 a
7429.47 lot
7429.55 of
7429.71 projects
7429.79 underway
7430.19 that
7430.59 he's
7430.83 working
7431.07 on.
7431.39 He
7432.03 respects
7432.19 the
7432.67 expertise
7432.83 and
7433.31 insights
7433.39 that
7433.79 his
7433.95 colleagues
7434.19 bring
7434.51 to
7434.75 discussions
7434.91 and
7435.47 he
7435.63 has
7435.79 changed
7435.95 his
7436.27 mind
7436.43 on
7436.67 occasion
7436.83 based
7437.55 on
7437.79 what
7437.95 he
7438.19 learned.
7438.35 He
7439.05 understands
7439.21 the
7439.69 emotions
7439.77 that
7440.17 come
7440.33 into
7440.49 play
7440.73 with
7440.89 public
7441.37 but
7441.69 he
7441.85 strives
7442.01 to
7442.33 take
7442.41 motion
7442.65 out
7442.97 of
7443.13 it
7443.29 and
7443.69 stick
7443.85 to
7444.09 facts
7444.25 when
7444.57 making
7444.73 a
7445.05 decision.
7445.21 He
7445.99 believes
7446.15 the
7446.39 planning
7446.55 board
7446.87 should
7447.11 work
7447.43 with
7447.67 the
7447.91 Department
7448.07 of
7448.39 community
7448.95 development,
7449.59 planning
7450.15 to
7450.55 develop
7450.55 guidelines
7450.95 for
7451.59 their
7451.75 proceedings,
7451.99 perhaps
7452.63 with
7452.95 input
7453.19 from
7453.59 developers
7453.91 and
7454.39 applicants,
7455.59 and
7455.97 the
7456.21 public.
7456.37 For
7457.09 example,
7457.33 he
7457.73 has
7457.89 browsed
7458.05 the
7458.45 Salem,
7458.61 Massachusetts
7459.09 planning
7459.73 board
7460.05 handbook.
7460.53 He
7461.33 would
7461.49 also
7461.65 like
7461.97 to
7462.13 be
7462.21 sure
7462.37 that
7462.53 the
7462.69 planning
7462.69 board
7462.93 has
7463.09 adequate
7463.33 time
7463.73 to
7463.97 review
7464.13 all
7464.61 applicable
7464.85 materials
7465.4 prior
7466.2 to
7466.6 the
7466.76 meetings.
7466.92 It
7467.64 would
7467.8 be
7468.12 more
7468.2 helpful
7468.44 to
7468.84 receive
7469 emailed
7470.04 from
7470.44 the
7470.68 public
7470.84 beforehand
7471.4 as
7471.88 well
7471.96 while
7472.53 understanding
7472.85 it
7473.33 can
7473.41 take
7473.65 time
7473.89 to
7474.21 absorb
7474.45 the
7474.93 details
7475.17 of
7475.57 large
7475.81 projects
7476.13 and
7477.17 would
7477.57 still
7477.81 be
7478.21 welcomed,
7478.45 of
7479.01 course,
7479.09 during
7479.41 the
7479.73 meetings.
7479.81 We
7480.82 had
7480.9 three
7481.14 action
7481.46 items,
7481.86 all,
7482.42 of
7483.54 which
7483.54 were
7483.78 voted
7484.1 unanimously
7484.5 on
7485.3 a
7485.46 roll
7485.62 call
7485.94 vote
7486.66 for
7487.06 the
7487.62 appointments
7487.86 and
7489.22 our
7489.46 meeting
7489.62 is
7489.94 joined
7490.02 at
7490.26 6:0:5
7490.5 PM.
7491.22 The
7492.34 report,
7492.5 thank
7493.3 you,
7493.54 councilor
7494.82 Piccirilli.
The agenda item discussed by Sideris involved a referral to the committee on public works regarding the winter parking ban, prompted by requests from city council members. Sideris noted that the previous winter's low snowfall raised issues about parking availability but acknowledged the long-standing challenges posed by the ban. He raised a concern that addressing the parking ban separately might contradict efforts to finalize the city's comprehensive plan, which includes evaluating on-street parking policies and winter parking bans in the context of public safety and demand. Sideris suggested that the issue should be a top priority after adopting the comprehensive plan, inviting further discussion.
7577.57 SIDERIS
7577.57 -Next
7577.89 item
7577.89 on
7578.13 the
7578.37 agenda
7578.45 is
7578.93 a
7579.09 referral
7579.25 to
7579.81 the
7579.89 committee
7580.05 on
7580.45 public
7580.61 works
7581.01 regarding
7581.41 the
7582.13 winter
7582.29 parking
7582.77 ban.
7583.25 This
7585.5 has
7585.74 been
7585.98 requested,
7586.22 from
7588.38 a
7589.02 couple
7589.1 of
7589.42 members
7589.58 of
7589.9 the
7589.98 city
7590.14 council.
7590.38 And
7591.42 since
7592.22 this
7592.62 is,
7592.86 Since
7594.29 this
7594.61 was
7594.85 posted
7595.09 on
7595.57 Friday,
7596.29 I've
7597.33 been,
7597.57 notified
7598.61 of
7599.17 a
7599.33 couple
7599.41 of,
7599.81 a
7601.25 couple
7601.41 of
7601.73 things
7601.89 First
7602.63 of
7602.95 all,
7603.03 I
7603.35 do
7603.51 wanna
7603.59 say
7603.91 that
7604.15 it's
7605.91 oftentimes
7606.15 that
7606.79 the
7607.11 past
7607.27 winter,
7607.51 we
7607.83 didn't
7607.99 get
7608.23 a
7608.47 lot
7608.55 of
7608.71 snow,
7608.87 and
7609.59 it
7609.99 didn't
7610.15 you
7610.79 know,
7610.95 was
7611.11 an
7611.35 impact
7611.51 for
7611.83 a
7612.07 lot
7612.15 of
7612.31 people
7612.47 trying
7612.95 to
7613.27 find
7613.35 a
7613.51 place
7613.75 to
7613.83 park
7613.99 their
7614.15 car.
7614.39 But
7615.11 over
7615.35 the
7615.67 years,
7615.75 it
7616.07 has
7616.23 wrecked.
7616.47 So
7617.19 my
7617.35 point,
7617.51 this
7617.99 was
7618.23 asked
7618.47 asked
7618.87 to
7619.42 to
7619.66 get
7619.74 referred
7619.9 to
7620.3 public
7620.46 works,
7620.78 but
7621.66 the
7621.82 point
7621.98 that
7622.22 was
7622.3 made
7622.54 to
7622.78 me
7623.02 over
7623.18 the
7623.42 weekend
7623.58 was
7624.06 the
7624.3 fact
7624.54 that
7624.86 in
7626.27 the
7626.43 previous
7626.67 report
7627.07 a
7627.47 few
7627.63 minutes
7627.87 ago,
7628.19 we
7628.75 were
7628.99 asked
7629.15 to
7632.35 meet
7632.35 with
7632.51 the
7632.75 planning
7632.91 board
7633.23 to
7633.63 to
7634.25 finalize
7634.49 the
7635.13 comprehensive
7635.21 plan.
7635.85 And
7636.81 on
7637.05 page
7637.21 54
7637.53 of
7638.01 the
7638.17 comprehensive
7638.25 plan,
7638.97 it
7640.01 says
7640.25 evaluate
7640.57 on
7641.05 street
7641.21 parking
7641.61 policy
7642.09 the
7643.2 quote
7643.44 unquote
7643.76 winter
7644.24 parking
7644.56 bin
7645.04 and
7646.16 parking
7646.4 during
7646.8 snow
7647.2 and
7647.44 ice
7647.6 events
7647.84 in
7649.12 the
7649.28 context
7649.44 of
7650 citywide
7650.16 and
7651.12 neighborhood
7651.36 specific
7651.92 public
7652.95 safety
7653.35 requirements,
7653.83 and
7654.87 conflicting
7655.11 demands.
7655.75 While
7657.19 I
7657.43 do
7657.59 think
7657.75 we
7657.99 should
7658.15 be
7658.31 looking
7658.47 at
7658.79 this
7658.87 issue,
7659.11 I
7660.04 I
7660.28 think
7660.44 that
7660.68 it
7660.84 would
7660.92 be
7661.08 contradicting
7661.32 to
7662.68 send
7663.16 it
7663.4 to
7663.56 committee
7663.72 while
7664.44 we're
7664.76 working
7665 on
7665.32 the
7665.48 comprehensive
7665.72 plan
7666.28 Once
7667.01 we
7667.25 adopt
7667.49 the
7667.73 comprehensive
7667.97 plan,
7668.53 we
7669.01 can
7669.17 make
7669.41 this
7669.65 1
7669.97 of
7670.21 the
7670.37 top
7671.09 priorities
7671.41 if
7672.13 we
7672.29 choose.
7672.53 That
7673.41 would
7673.65 be
7673.81 my
7673.97 suggestion.
7674.13 I
7675.57 I'm
7675.89 open
7676.13 to
7676.53 discussion
7676.69 at
7677.65 this
7677.81 point.
Proakis addressed the council, emphasizing the requirement of the Watertown home rule charter for the city manager to seek the council's advice and input on department head hires. He requested to send three positions - human resources director, chief financial officer, and police chief - to the committee for discussion, underlining the ongoing nature of the hiring process and his need for the council's recommendations and advice before proceeding to interviews.
7705.38 PROAKIS
7705.38 -
7705.38 Thank
7705.38 you,
7705.62 Mr
7705.78 president.
7706.1 As
7706.74 you
7706.9 and
7707.06 members
7707.22 of
7707.54 the
7707.62 council
7707.7 are
7708.18 aware,
7708.34 the
7709.54 Watertown
7709.86 home
7710.34 rule
7710.58 charter
7710.9 requests
7713.03 that
7713.67 I
7713.91 or
7714.15 requires
7714.39 that
7714.95 I,
7715.11 as
7715.27 city
7715.35 manager,
7715.67 request
7716.71 the
7718.39 advice
7718.39 and
7718.71 input
7718.87 of
7719.19 the
7719.27 city
7719.43 council
7719.67 when
7719.99 making
7720.23 department
7720.55 head
7721.19 hires.
7721.5 So
7722.3 I
7722.94 have
7723.02 three
7723.34 here
7723.58 tonight
7723.82 that
7724.06 I
7724.3 am
7724.46 seeking
7724.78 to
7725.1 have
7725.18 each
7725.5 sent
7725.82 to
7726.14 committee
7726.3 for
7726.86 me
7727.1 to
7727.26 meet
7727.42 with
7727.66 a
7727.82 committee
7727.9 and
7728.51 have
7728.75 a
7728.99 conversation
7729.07 about,
7730.03 what
7730.83 we're
7731.07 looking
7731.39 for
7731.79 in
7732.03 each
7732.19 of
7732.43 these
7732.51 positions.
7732.83 I
7734.67 will
7734.83 say
7735.07 that
7735.31 all
7736.19 three
7736.43 are
7737.27 in
7737.59 the
7737.75 midst
7737.91 of
7738.31 the
7738.47 process
7738.47 now,
7738.95 so
7739.19 I
7739.35 want
7739.43 to
7739.75 make
7739.75 sure
7739.91 that
7740.15 between,
7740.31 the
7741.51 process
7741.51 and
7741.91 getting
7742.07 into
7742.31 interviews
7742.55 I
7743.27 have
7744.12 the
7744.36 information
7744.52 and
7745 advice
7745.16 from
7745.48 the
7745.72 council
7745.8 that
7746.12 I
7746.36 need.
7746.52 So
7746.76 I
7747 seek
7747.4 your
7747.56 advice
7747.72 on
7748.04 the
7748.36 human
7748.36 resources
7748.68 director,
7749.16 chief
7749.56 financial
7749.8 officer,
7750.28 and
7750.76 police
7750.92 chief
7751.16 at
7751.48 this
7751.64 point.
Proakis reported to the council that the city's consultant, Ralph Tellas, has finished a study on the HR department, delivering a comprehensive report that assesses the current state of HR and suggests strategies for improvement. He expressed gratitude to Tellas and Emily Monet for their excellent work in compiling insights on how the city's HR strategies can evolve. Proakis outlined that the report recommends various adjustments to the HR department's structure and emphasized his plan to familiarize the future HR director with the report to use as a guideline for managing the department. Before implementing the report's suggestions, Proakis seeks to involve the new HR director in determining the necessary steps, which might require council approval, especially concerning staffing needs identified in the study. He also requested the committee's recommendation on integrating the hiring of the HR director with the report's implementation strategy.
7804.1 PROAKIS
7804.1 -
7804.1 Thank
7804.1 you,
7804.34 Mr
7804.58 president.
7804.82 I
7805.86 informed
7806.02 the
7806.34 council
7806.5 by
7806.9 email,
7807.14 and
7807.46 I
7807.62 can
7807.7 make
7807.86 sure
7808.1 that
7808.34 it's
7808.5 it's
7808.82 incorporated
7809.14 into
7809.7 a
7810.02 packet
7810.1 and
7810.5 provided
7810.74 to
7812.39 the
7812.55 community
7812.55 at
7813.03 this
7813.19 point,
7813.35 the
7814.39 city's,
7814.63 consultant
7815.75 Ralph
7816.23 Tellas
7816.47 that
7816.79 has
7816.95 been
7817.11 working
7817.35 on
7817.67 this
7817.83 city's
7818.07 study
7818.61 on
7818.93 the
7819.17 HR
7819.33 department
7819.65 and
7820.05 the
7820.29 HR
7820.37 department
7820.69 assessment,
7821.17 has
7822.13 completed
7822.37 their
7822.85 report.
7823.09 the
7823.89 complete
7823.97 report
7824.37 is
7824.69 available
7824.85 to
7825.25 us
7825.41 now.
7825.65 I
7826.89 just
7827.05 wanna,
7827.29 first
7827.69 of
7828.01 all,
7828.09 thank
7828.25 them
7828.49 and,
7828.81 Emily
7829.61 Monet,
7830.01 who
7830.33 managed
7830.49 that
7830.97 process
7831.21 for
7831.61 doing
7831.77 an
7832.17 excellent
7832.49 job
7832.97 of
7833.21 really
7833.45 pulling
7834.04 together,
7834.44 an
7836.28 understanding
7836.6 from
7837.32 throughout
7837.8 this,
7838.2 the
7838.6 city
7839 and
7839.24 the
7839.4 city
7839.48 government
7839.72 where
7840.2 we
7840.44 are
7840.6 and
7840.84 where
7841.08 we
7841.32 can
7841.48 go
7841.64 in
7842.28 our
7842.52 human
7842.68 resources
7843.08 strategies.
7845.32 So
7845.72 there
7845.72 are
7846.12 a
7846.52 lot
7846.6 of
7846.84 recommendations
7846.92 in
7847.56 the
7847.72 report
7847.88 amongst
7848.12 those
7848.6 recommendations
7848.84 are
7849.72 some
7850.36 changes
7851.01 and
7851.89 shifts
7852.05 to
7852.61 how
7853.33 the
7853.57 office
7854.21 is
7854.61 set
7854.77 up.
7855.01 My
7856.45 intention
7856.61 now
7857.09 is
7857.41 to
7857.73 review
7858.05 that
7858.45 report.
7858.77 everybody
7859.65 stands
7860.37 that
7860.61 report.
7860.85 but
7861.65 before
7861.89 making
7862.13 a
7862.53 recommendation
7862.69 to
7863.25 actually
7863.33 implement
7863.73 the
7864.13 individual
7864.21 steps
7864.69 to
7864.93 that
7865.01 report,
7865.25 I
7865.41 would
7865.49 like
7865.65 to
7865.81 get
7865.89 the
7866.05 HR
7866.13 director
7866.45 on
7867.09 board
7867.33 and
7867.57 really
7867.81 give
7868.05 this
7868.29 report
7868.45 to
7868.77 the
7868.93 HR
7869.01 director
7869.33 as
7869.73 their
7869.89 guide
7870.52 on
7871.08 how
7871.32 to
7871.56 do
7871.72 the
7872.12 job
7872.36 and
7872.68 how
7872.84 to
7873 run
7873.16 the
7873.4 office
7873.56 and,
7873.88 would
7874.92 expect
7875.16 that
7875.56 they
7875.64 would
7875.88 probably
7875.96 be
7876.28 coming
7876.44 pretty
7876.76 early
7877 to
7877.32 the
7877.4 council
7877.56 along
7878.12 with
7878.36 me
7878.68 to,
7878.92 request
7879.67 certain
7880.07 implementation
7880.39 steps
7880.95 that
7881.27 require
7881.43 council
7881.83 action,
7882.15 including,
7882.63 filling
7883.75 in,
7884.07 some
7885.11 of
7885.27 the
7885.43 positions
7885.67 in
7886.15 the
7886.31 HR
7886.47 department
7886.79 that
7887.43 the
7887.75 the
7888.07 the
7888.52 study
7888.68 says
7889.08 we're
7889.32 missing.
7889.56 so
7890.36 for
7890.52 now,
7890.68 I'd
7890.92 like
7891 to
7891.24 ask
7891.4 for
7891.64 a
7891.88 recommendation
7892.44 from
7893.16 the
7893.32 committee
7893.32 as
7893.8 well.
7894.04 if
7894.92 it's
7895.08 possible,
7895.24 if
7895.64 that
7895.8 goes
7895.96 with
7896.2 the
7896.36 HR
7896.52 director,
7896.76 recommendation,
7897.34 we
7898.38 can
7898.54 tie
7899.02 those
7899.26 pieces
7899.5 together
7899.98 when
7900.3 we
7900.54 meet
7900.62 in
7900.78 committee.
7900.86 Thank
7901.26 you,
7901.42 Mr
7901.82 President.
Proakis expressed gratitude to the President for considering the reappointment of Kelly Gallagher to the traffic commission, with a term ending on May 5, 2025. Gallagher's candidacy was favorably received by the resident advisory committee, which subsequently recommended her reappointment to Proakis.
7912.57 PROAKIS
7912.57 -
7912.57 Thank
7912.57 you,
7912.81 Mr.
7916.09 President,
7916.89 the
7916.89 request
7916.89 before
7917.29 you
7917.61 is
7917.77 to
7917.93 reappoint
7918.09 Kelly
7918.49 Gallagher
7918.73 to
7919.13 the
7919.21 traffic
7919.37 commission
7919.69 for
7920.01 a
7920.17 term
7920.25 expiring
7920.41 May
7920.89 5th,
7921.05 2025,
7921.44 Scaliger
7923.2 met
7923.84 with
7924.08 the
7924.32 resident
7924.72 advisory
7925.2 committee
7925.68 and
7926.48 her
7926.72 reappointment
7927.04 was
7927.68 the
7927.92 recommendation
7928.08 they
7928.64 made
7928.8 to
7929.04 me.
7929.12 Thank
7929.28 you.
Proakis recommended the appointment of Swati Bizhois, Matthew Hanna, and Barbara Epstein to the Public Arts and Culture Committee for terms ending on November 15, 2025. These three candidates were reviewed and endorsed by the resident advisory committee before Proakis forwarded their names for approval.
7939.8 PROAKIS
7939.8 -
7939.8 Thank
7939.8 you,
7940.04 Mr
7940.6 President,
7941.48 before
7941.48 you
7941.88 a
7942.2 request
7942.36 to
7943.32 appoint,
7943.56 Swati
7944.44 Bizhois
7944.92 to
7945.88 a
7946.04 term
7946.36 expiry
7946.76 of
7947.32 November
7947.32 15,
7947.72 2025,
7948.2 Matthew
7948.92 Hanna,
7949.4 Also,
7950.02 November
7950.42 15th,
7950.82 2025,
7951.46 and
7951.78 Barbara
7952.02 Epstein,
7952.26 November,
7952.66 I'm
7953.22 sorry,
7953.38 November
7953.7 15th,
7954.1 2025,
7954.58 Barbara
7955.46 Epstein,
7955.7 for
7956.34 a
7956.58 term
7956.66 to
7956.82 expire
7956.98 November
7957.3 15th,
7957.7 2025.
7958.26 on
7959.84 the
7960 public
7960.16 Arts
7960.4 and
7960.72 Culture
7960.88 Committee.
7961.2 Again,
7961.52 these,
7962.48 three
7963.36 applicants
7963.6 were,
7964.16 reviewed
7964.72 by
7965.12 the
7965.28 residence
7965.68 advisory
7966.08 committee
7966.56 and
7966.88 recommended
7967.04 to
7967.52 me,
7967.68 and
7968.07 therefore
7968.23 I'm
7968.55 recommending
7968.71 to
7969.11 you
7969.27 for
7969.51 appointment
7969.67 to
7970.23 the
7970.47 public
7970.63 arts
7970.95 and
7971.19 culture
7971.35 committee.
7971.59 Thank
7971.99 you.