Watertown City Council
Tuesday October 24, 2023
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
Item 5
Residents of Watertown expressed their grievances regarding the Highland Ave road and curbing project at a public hearing, highlighting multiple issues that have arisen due to the project's execution. Paul Weeden criticized the project for limiting his driveway access, a situation echoed by other residents facing similar access issues. He called for the resignation of Tony Mancini due to his unyielding stance on modification requests and cited safety concerns, including incidents of pedestrians being injured. Linda Scott emphasized the road's danger, particularly to school children and the elderly, chastising the city for its negligence and poor project management. Joan Gumbelton and Elodia Thomas shared concerns about communication and safety, with Thomas also pointing to broader issues such as the condition of roads, sidewalks, and rising sewer and water rates. The community's frustration was palpable, with calls for prioritizing resident welfare and efficient use of upcoming ARPA funding to address these pervasive issues.
174.78 PAUL
174.78 WEEDEN
174.78 -
174.78 -
174.78 Thank
174.78 you.
175.02 My
175.25 name
175.34 is
175.5 Paul
175.74 Weeden,
175.97 I'm
176.94 a
177.09 Watertown
177.25 resident.
177.81 I'm
178.38 here
178.53 to
178.86 speak
179.18 to
179.58 the
179.9 Highland
180.14 Ave
180.62 road
182.09 and
182.41 curbing
182.57 project.
183.05 There
184.17 are
184.41 so
184.73 many
184.97 negative
185.21 things
185.61 I
185.85 could
186.01 speak
186.17 to
186.33 about
186.57 this
186.81 project,
186.97 but
187.37 I
187.61 am
187.69 really
187.85 going
188.09 to
188.33 keep
188.33 it
188.49 personal
188.73 and
189.21 keep
189.37 it
189.61 to
189.85 the
190.01 top
190.17 one
190.72 thing
190.96 that
192.16 most
192.72 affects
193.03 me,
193.36 and
193.75 that
194 would
194.24 be
194.4 my
194.64 driveway
194.88 and
195.36 access
195.75 to
196.16 my
196.4 driveway.
196.56 I
197.9 have
198.06 been
198.18 going
198.3 back
198.7 and
198.94 forth
199.1 with
199.58 Tony
200.14 Mancini
200.62 since
201.66 the
201.98 spring,
204.3 he
204.54 has
204.54 allowed
204.78 me
205.1 17
205.5 foot
206.06 opening
206.38 to
206.94 a
207.1 three
207.26 car
207.5 driveway.
207.96 This
208.19 is
208.44 a
208.59 three
208.75 car
208.91 driveway
209.24 that
209.56 we
209.72 have
209.96 had
210.11 for
210.35 60
211.24 plus
211.56 years.
211.88 My
213.24 family's
213.47 been
213.88 in
214.03 this
214.19 house,
214.68 my
215.07 kids
215.32 are
215.48 the
215.6 5th
215.72 generation,
217.16 so
217.4 we've
217.4 been
217.8 here
217.96 for
218.2 a
218.36 while.
218.44 We've
218.76 had
219 that
219.16 driveway
219.8 for
220.36 a
220.52 while,
220.6 and
222.88 it's
222.94 been
223.01 taken
223.07 away
223.14 because
223.46 I
223.78 cannot
223.94 get
224.25 into
224.42 my
224.74 driveway
224.9 at
225.29 this
225.46 point,
225.62 I
225.94 have
226.09 to
226.25 drive
226.34 directly
226.66 over
227.22 the
227.46 curb
227.53 every
228.09 single
228.5 day
228.81 that
229.29 I
229.53 come
229.69 and
229.94 go.
230.18 And
230.72 if
230.96 somebody
231.04 is
231.52 parked
231.68 just
232.56 next
232.96 to
233.2 the
233.36 curb,
233.52 I
234.24 am
234.4 now
234.56 either
234.8 stuck
235.12 in
235.36 my
235.52 driveway
235.76 or
236.48 I
236.64 can't
236.8 leave
237.04 my
237.36 driveway,
237.52 which
238.17 poses
238.41 a
238.89 really
239.21 big
239.69 safety
240.17 issue
240.65 if
241.28 I
241.53 have
241.61 to
241.76 drive
241.93 my
242.33 kids
242.41 or
242.65 my
242.89 father
243.13 to
243.37 urgent
243.61 care.
243.93 So
245.5 Tony
247.26 Mancini
247.66 will
248.3 not
248.54 budge,
250.38 last
250.78 week,
250.78 I
251.18 decided
251.5 to
251.9 go
252.06 out
252.22 and
253.29 speak
253.46 to
253.78 some
253.94 of
254.09 the
254.25 DPW
254.42 and
255.22 contractors
255.53 that
256.1 just
256.33 happen
256.57 to
256.81 be
256.9 outside,
257.86 ask
258.18 them
258.18 the
258.42 feasibility
258.57 of
259.38 removing
259.54 one
260.18 curb.
261.13 Now
261.13 this
261.21 is
261.45 just
261.53 one
261.93 curbstone
262.41 that's
263.05 preventing
263.45 me
263.93 from
264.09 entering
264.49 my
264.89 driveway,
266.33 just
266.57 one,
266.57 it's
266.57 a
266.57 very
266.73 simple
267.05 thing.
267.37 They
268.52 said
268.76 it
269.08 is
269.25 feasible,
270.44 it
270.69 is
270.69 doable,
271 and
271.64 it's
271.88 not
272.2 a
272.76 hard
272.93 job,
274.04 we
274.2 can
274.2 do
274.37 it.
274.52 What
275.16 we
275.4 need
275.56 is
275.88 for
276.85 Tony
277.08 Mancini
277.4 to
278.75 let
278.83 us
279.07 know
279.31 that
279.71 it's
279.95 okay
280.11 to
280.43 do.
280.59 So
281.47 I
281.71 emailed
281.87 Tony
282.27 Mancini,
282.67 told
283.55 him
283.87 the
284.11 situation
284.27 yet
284.91 again,
285.23 and
286.79 he
287.03 replied
287.35 with
287.91 just
288.63 a
288.88 direct
289.12 no.
289.51 The
291.35 city
291.59 is
292.07 not
292.24 willing
292.47 to
292.79 give
292.88 you
293.12 any
293.35 more
293.59 than
293.75 17
294.15 feet,
298.2 so
298.6 based
298.6 on
298.92 this
299.16 and
299.48 so
299.88 many
300.04 other
300.36 things
300.52 that
300.84 are
301.08 going
301.16 on
301.4 with
301.64 this
301.8 project
302.04 and
302.44 the
302.68 poor
302.84 planning
303.08 of
303.48 this
303.56 project,
303.8 I
306.65 would
306.81 like
307.05 to
307.21 call
307.37 for
307.61 Tony
307.85 Mancini's
308.4 resignation.
309.05 The
313.74 issues
313.98 that
314.38 have
314.62 come
314.78 about
314.94 with
315.9 safety,
316.22 with
317.34 people
317.58 falling
317.98 in
318.38 the
318.46 street,
318.62 I
319.26 had
319.42 to
319.66 call
319.74 911
320.06 because
320.78 an
321.1 elderly
321.26 woman
321.82 fell
322.14 on
323.08 the
323.25 sidewalk
323.32 with
324.44 no
324.76 tape,
325 with
325.56 no
325.73 signage.
326.05 The
329 ambulance
329.25 was
329.73 able
329.88 to
330.13 get
330.29 her
330.44 up,
330.69 and
331.65 then
331.89 the
332.61 workers
332.85 put
333.25 tape
333.65 around
333.97 it
334.21 so
334.45 the
334.61 police
334.77 could
335.01 take
335.25 pictures.
335.41 Our
339.17 city
339.49 manager
339.81 is
340.53 allowing
340.85 Tony
341.79 Mancini
342.04 to
343.15 do
343.31 whatever
343.56 he
343.95 wants
344.12 to
344.51 the
344.68 detriment
344.83 of
345.39 Watertown
345.56 residents.
346.27 I
348.12 ask
348.44 you
348.75 as
349.82 our
349.98 governing
350.3 body,
350.7 I
352.14 ask
352.38 you
352.62 as
353.02 our
353.26 elected
353.5 leadership,
353.98 and
355.02 I
355.18 ask
355.34 you
355.58 as
355.9 our
356.06 voices
356.3 to
357.31 stand
357.46 up
357.7 for
357.94 Watertown
358.11 residents
358.58 and
359.63 stop
359.94 Tony
360.5 Mancini
360.99 from
361.87 doing
362.19 this.
362.43 17
364.43 feet
364.99 is
365.55 not
365.79 enough,
366.35 it
366.51 is
366.51 unacceptable
367.47 to
368.11 take
368.27 away
368.51 from
368.83 Watertown
369.07 residents,
370.75 a
370.91 project
370.91 like
371.39 this
371.55 should
372.27 enhance
372.59 us,
373.69 it
374 should
374 better
375.29 us,
376.08 it
376.32 should
376.32 not
376.49 be
376.72 to
376.96 our
377.13 detriment
377.44 of
378 Watertown.
378.16 Watertown
380.25 residents
380.72 deserve
381.13 better
381.52 than
381.76 this.
392.92 LINDA
392.92 SCOTT
392.92 -
392.92 -
392.92 Linda
392.92 Scott,
393.31 55
393.63 Alcott
394.19 Street.
394.68 Same
395.48 issue,
395.88 Highland
396.27 Ave.
396.75 In
397.92 2018,
398.32 an
399.04 11
399.36 year
399.6 old
399.84 boy
400 was
400.32 hit
400.48 by
400.64 a
400.88 car
400.96 in
401.36 the
401.6 school
401.76 crosswalk
402.16 on
402.72 Highland
402.88 Ave.
403.28 Since
404.08 then,
404.48 despite
404.8 assurances
405.2 by
405.76 the
406 city,
406.08 nothing
406.82 has
407.06 been
407.46 done.
407.63 Do
408.66 we
408.9 think
409.06 that
409.31 this
409.46 child's
409.7 injuries
410.1 were
410.5 just
410.75 a
410.9 fluke?
411.06 How
412.1 about
412.35 the
412.5 elderly
412.75 woman
413.14 that
413.46 this
413.63 gentleman
413.87 was
414.26 just
414.43 talking
414.66 about,
415.63 is
415.71 that
415.71 a
415.95 fluke
416.03 as
416.43 well?
416.59 The
417.55 city
417.71 has
418.11 been
418.27 contacted
418.59 numerous
419.23 times
419.63 about
419.95 the
420.19 dangerous
420.35 conditions
420.83 on
421.31 this
421.47 road.
421.63 If
422.35 Watertown
422.59 school
423.23 children
423.47 and
423.95 the
424.11 elderly
424.27 are
425.13 of
425.29 no
425.54 concern,
425.69 I
426.18 can
426.33 tell
426.5 you
426.65 what
426.89 the
427.06 city
427.21 should
427.62 be
427.77 concerned
428.01 about;
429.13 the
429.29 giant
429.29 lawsuit
429.69 that
430.41 is
430.57 just
430.81 waiting
431.06 to
431.38 happen
431.54 when
431.94 another
432.18 child
432.57 gets
432.81 hit
433.06 on
433.21 Highland
433.38 Ave,
433.85 a
434.28 street
434.44 with
434.68 no
435.08 school
435.4 crossing
435.88 signs
436.28 on
436.6 it,
437.24 no
437.48 warnings
437.48 to
437.96 drivers
438.12 to
438.6 proceed
438.76 with
439.08 caution,
440.2 or
440.52 another
440.52 old
440.92 person
441.16 sustains
441.56 injuries
442.04 on
442.52 island
442.94 where
443.18 no
443.33 measures
443.57 have
443.98 been
444.13 taken
444.29 to
444.94 keep
445.1 him
445.33 or
445.57 her
445.74 safe.
445.98 Put
446.85 bluntly,
447.1 this
447.89 is
448.13 poor
448.38 project
448.62 management,
450.03 it's
450.27 decision
450.27 making
450.75 with
451.23 no
451.55 forethought,
452.91 it
453.15 also
453.15 just
453.63 doesn't
453.87 make
454.19 sense.
454.43 School
455.07 sides
455.39 versus
455.79 school
456.27 children's
456.83 lives.
457.39 Thank
458.11 you
458.35 very
458.43 much.
469.73 JOAN
469.73 -
469.73 -
469.73 Joan
469.73 Gumbelton,
469.97 32
470.69 Falmouth
471.09 Road.
471.57 I'm
472.21 not
472.53 really
472.77 prepared
473.17 tonight
473.73 to
474.05 speak
474.21 because
474.53 I
475.25 think
475.49 there
475.73 may
475.96 be
476.2 some
476.29 other
476.52 residents
476.76 from
477.17 the
477.49 Highland
477.64 Ave
478.04 area
478.29 that
478.44 may
478.69 want
478.93 to,
479.08 but
479.32 I
480.04 go
480.37 on
480.52 next
480.76 door,
481 and
481.25 I
481.4 think
481.49 probably
481.73 a
482.13 lot
482.29 of
482.44 you
482.6 also
482.85 do
484.03 and
484.27 this
484.27 incident
484.83 that
485.95 Paul
486.27 was
486.51 mentioning,
486.75 it
487.63 is
487.95 going
488.11 on
488.43 for
488.67 the
488.83 whole
488.99 street.
489.23 I
489.55 mean,
489.71 there
489.87 are
489.95 people
490.11 that
490.35 can't
490.51 get
490.67 in
490.91 and
491.07 out
491.15 of
491.31 their
491.39 driveways,
492.03 the
492.27 communications,
492.27 You
493.52 know,
493.61 when
493.85 this
494.25 project
494.49 is
494.96 going
495.21 to
495.44 happen
495.44 each
495.85 day,
496.73 you
496.88 know,
496.88 sometimes
497.13 it's
497.52 delayed,
497.76 so
498.09 you
498.25 don't
498.32 know
498.49 whether
498.65 you
498.88 got
498.96 to
499.21 get
499.21 out
499.37 of
499.52 your
499.69 parking
499.85 area
500.49 early
500.96 in
501.21 the
501.37 morning.
501.52 But,
502.25 there's
502.89 just
503.21 a
503.45 lot
503.61 of
503.77 miscommunication,
506.81 there
506.97 are
507.13 times
507.29 when
507.53 these
507.77 kids
508.01 have
508.25 to
508.41 walk
508.49 in
508.73 the
508.89 street
509.05 because
509.37 both
509.69 sides
510.01 of
510.25 the
510.41 sidewalk
510.49 were
511.05 torn
511.29 up.
511.53 So
512.28 it
512.61 definitely
512.85 is
513.25 a
513.4 safety
513.57 issue,
513.97 and
514.92 we
516.13 just
516.37 have
516.61 to
516.85 have
516.92 better
517.16 communications
518.52 with
518.68 these
518.92 construction
519.25 people.
519.8 My
520.77 street
521.01 was
521.33 recently
521.57 done,
522.05 just
522.45 the
522.77 scoring
523.17 and
523.65 the
523.81 pavement,
525.33 and
525.49 it
525.49 was
525.57 granted
525.89 there
526.29 were
526.53 a
526.61 few
526.69 rainy
526.85 days
527.17 in
527.49 between,
527.65 so
528.13 that
528.29 affected
528.61 the
529.02 schedule
529.18 a
529.42 little
529.66 bit.
529.83 But
530.07 every
530.3 day,
530.47 we
530.79 didn't
531.42 know
531.59 when
531.83 they're
531.99 going
532.14 to
532.38 show
532.38 up,
532.63 so
532.87 we'd
533.35 get
533.59 out
533.75 there
533.83 at
533.99 7
534.14 o'clock
534.38 and
534.71 move
534.87 our
535.02 cars,
535.18 not
535.59 knowing,
536.75 and,
537.47 then
537.47 they
537.71 finally
537.95 did
538.27 show
538.59 up,
538.83 but
538.99 we
539.39 didn't
539.55 know
539.79 which
539.95 day,
540.43 and
540.59 all
540.59 of
540.67 a
540.83 sudden,
540.91 we
541.15 found
541.39 out
541.55 they
541.71 were
541.87 going
542.03 to
542.27 be
542.27 there.
542.43 But,
542.67 you
543.15 know,
543.31 if
543.47 there's
543.68 just
543.85 a
544 way
544.08 they
544.4 can
544.57 somehow
544.8 get
545.28 to
545.52 the
545.76 neighbors
545.85 in
546.25 a
546.49 better
546.96 way,
547.2 I
547.52 think
547.61 it
547.85 would
547.92 just
548.08 be
548.32 a
548.4 better
548.49 process
548.8 all
549.2 in
549.45 all.
549.61 Thank
550.08 you.
566.47 ELODIA
566.47 THOMAS
566.47 -
566.47 -
566.47 Thank
566.47 you
566.63 very
566.79 much,
567.03 Mr.
567.67 President.
569.11 I
569.11 would
569.35 just
569.51 like
569.75 to
569.91 say
569.99 the
570.31 issues
570.39 at
570.71 Highland
571.11 Ave
571.75 are
572.07 predominant
572.39 right
573.03 now,
573.51 the
573.67 community
573.67 must
574.55 be
574.88 a
574.91 bumpy
575.15 ride
575.48 for
575.72 those
575.96 that
576.2 are
576.36 going
576.51 to
576.75 Ridgeland
577.08 Cemetery
578.2 for
578.91 their
579.15 last
579.39 ride.
579.72 But
580.6 the
580.91 bigger
581.08 issue
581.39 is
581.88 the
582.2 condition
582.36 of
583.08 roads
583.32 and
583.72 sidewalks
583.96 in
584.73 our
584.89 community.
585.05 We
586.17 have
586.49 all
586.73 this
586.97 stuff
587.29 going
587.69 on
588.01 about
588.33 complete
588.73 streets
589.29 and
589.93 bicycles
591.45 and
592.09 everything
592.33 else,
593.7 when
594.02 I
594.02 talk
594.18 to
594.42 people
594.5 across
594.9 the
595.23 community,
595.46 the
595.87 biggest
596.11 issues
596.42 are
596.99 sewer
597.63 and
598.11 water
598.42 rates
598.75 going
599.23 up
599.54 again
599.78 and
600.58 having
600.82 better
601.3 sidewalks
601.7 and
602.89 roadways.
603.13 Many
604.33 streets
604.57 in
604.89 Watertown
605.05 are
605.69 worse
605.85 than
606.17 third
606.41 world
606.65 countries
608.01 the
608.25 communication
608.25 at
608.97 Ridgeland
609.21 has
609.85 been
610.09 pretty
610.33 bad
610.57 from
611 what
611.07 I
611.24 hear
611.39 from
611.71 folks
611.95 I
612.36 know
612.51 there.
613.63 We
613.88 need
613.88 to
614.03 do
614.2 better,
614.91 we
615.07 need
615.07 to
615.24 spend
615.39 our
615.71 money
615.95 more
616.2 effectively.
616.43 We
617.07 have
617.24 $10,500,000
617.39 coming
619.15 up
619.39 in
619.55 ARPA
619.71 funding,
621.1 please
621.5 let's
621.5 take
621.9 care
622.14 of
622.54 our
622.86 residents
623.42 first
624.3 for
625.18 a
625.5 change.
625.82 We
626.62 have
626.86 plenty
627.02 of
627.34 big
627.42 development
627.66 going
628.22 on
628.46 that
628.7 is
628.86 feeding
629.1 the
629.5 school
629.66 system
630.61 but
631 let
631 us
631.16 feed
631.49 our
631.88 own
632.13 community
632.52 right
633.08 now
633.25 and
633.88 get
634.04 these
634.28 things
634.61 straightened
635 out
635.64 as
635.96 soon
636.2 as
636.45 possible.
636.68 The
637.61 communication
637.85 is
638.57 piss
638.89 poor
639.13 in
639.45 the
639.61 town
639.77 right
640.01 now,
640.17 and
640.89 I'm
641.13 sorry,
642.33 people
642.89 are
643.29 fed
643.45 up.
643.61 Thank
643.93 you
644.09 very
644.33 much
644.49 for
644.81 allowing
644.97 me
645.37 to
645.61 speak.
Item 7 - Presidents Report
The discussion revolves around the financial aspects and updates of a high school project in Watertown. The President briefly mentioned the successful opening of Lowell School before transitioning to the main topic: a public hearing and vote regarding an amendment to increase the borrowing amount for the high school project. Initially approved at $198,844,252, the proposal now seeks to raise this to $216,118,750 due to a final budget increase necessitated by unforeseen cost rises, totaling a new projected cost of $218,736,171. Despite the increase, it was presented that, thanks to prudent financial planning and potential rebates for energy efficiency, the actual borrowing might not exceed $150,000,000. This assertion takes into account the efforts in managing expenses, including value engineering that saved approximately $19,000,000. The council is being asked to vote on authorizing the increased borrowing to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), while emphasizing the efforts to keep actual costs as low as possible amidst challenging circumstances like inflation and supply chain issues affecting material costs.
735.86 SIDERIS
735.86 -
735.86 Next
735.86 item
736.17 on
736.42 the
736.58 agenda
736.74 is
737.13 President's
737.38 report,
737.93 and
738.69 I
738.85 don't
739.01 have
739.33 anything
739.49 to
740.45 add
740.77 here
741.09 other
741.49 than
741.81 the
742.05 fact
742.13 that
743.73 Superintendent
744.45 of
744.45 schools
744.53 is
744.85 here,
745.09 and
745.68 the
745.85 Lowell
746 school
746.16 was
746.57 opened
746.73 last
747.04 week.
748.33 Too
748.49 much
748.49 fun
748.73 fare,
749.28 and,
749.28 I
750.33 think
750.49 the
750.73 kids
750.88 are
751.13 very
751.28 happy,
751.76 the
751.92 teachers
751.92 are
752.33 very
752.49 happy,
752.73 and
753.28 I
753.45 think
753.52 the
753.85 parents
753.92 are
754.33 very
754.49 happy.
754.64 So,
755.48 thank
755.72 you,
755.72 and
756.36 thank
756.6 you
756.76 to
757 your
757.08 staff
757.32 for
757.72 a
758.2 smooth
758.44 opening
758.84 for
759.64 the
759.96 children
760.12 in
761.08 our
761.24 final
761.48 elementary
762.6 school
763.16 project
763.4 for
763.8 this
764.6 time.
764.76 Next
767.63 item
768.02 is
768.35 public
768.5 hearings.
768.83 In
769.95 eight
770.26 days,
770.5 a
770.75 public
770.9 hearing
771.23 and
771.54 vote
771.71 on
772.42 a
772.59 proposed
772.75 loan
773.23 order
773.47 that
774.32 order
774.56 number
774.96 2022-018
775.76 of
777.84 the
778 city
778.16 council
778.48 passed
779.36 on
779.68 March
779.84 22nd,
780.16 2022,
781.04 authorizing
782.76 a
783.4 borrowing
783.64 in
784.21 the
784.37 amount
784.52 of
784.76 198,844,252
788.37 for
788.37 the
788.45 high
788.61 school
788.85 project
789.09 is
790.13 hereby
790.37 amended
790.92 to
792.05 increase
792.29 the
792.77 authorized
793.09 borrowing
793.73 amount
794.85 for
795.25 such
795.49 project
795.81 to
796.13 216,118,750,
799.75 which
800.07 amended
800.07 order
800.71 shall
801.02 read
801.35 as
801.66 follows
801.9 in
802.71 its
802.95 entirety.
817.83 GEORGE
817.83 PROAKIS
817.83 -
817.83 CITY
817.83 OF
817.83 -
817.83 Thank
817.83 you,
818.07 Mr.
818.63 President.
819.18 So,
819.18 on
820.07 September
820.3 20th,
820.71 2023,
821.18 the
821.75 owner
821.9 project
822.14 manager
822.46 for
822.78 the
822.87 high
823.02 school
823.18 project
823.42 presented
824.04 the
824.36 school
824.44 building
824.76 committee
825.08 with
825.32 the
825.48 final
825.64 budget
825.96 for
826.2 the
826.36 project.
826.44 A
827.24 total
827.4 of
827.56 218,736,171,
831.13 representing
831.13 an
831.54 increase
831.77 of
832.01 17,274,498
835.62 over
835.62 the
835.93 initial
836.1 all
836.5 inclusive
836.65 budget
837.22 of
837.93 201,461,673.
841.09 That
841.09 initial
841.25 budget
841.57 of
841.89 201,461,673
842.05 is
843.73 what
843.97 we
844.13 had
844.29 been
844.45 using
844.61 to
845.01 build
845.33 our
845.73 recommendations
846.13 and
847.01 our
847.17 strategies
847.41 for
847.89 a
848.05 long
848.13 period
848.29 of
848.53 time,
848.69 including
848.93 in
849.41 our
849.57 capital
849.73 plan.
850.05 The
851.67 capital
851.91 plan
852.32 anticipated
852.88 the
853.6 borrowing
853.83 of
854.48 a
854.63 up
854.95 to
855.12 $150,000,000
855.36 to
856.55 build
856.63 a
856.79 high
856.95 school
857.12 project
857.36 with
857.67 the
857.91 additional
858 money
858.39 coming
858.71 from
859.03 MSBA
859.63 from
860.75 some
860.99 prepaid
861.55 costs
862.19 for
862.75 initial
863.71 feasibility
864.11 study
864.83 work
865.15 and
867.07 some
868.76 reimbursements
869 we
869.64 were
869.81 receiving
870.05 elsewhere.
870.52 The
872.76 tough
873.49 news
873.81 is
874.05 that
874.21 the
874.37 cost
874.45 of
874.61 the
874.68 project
874.76 went
875.09 up
875.33 by
875.4 $17,000,000,
875.57 which
877.49 sounds
878.29 like
878.53 a
878.61 lot,
878.69 but
879.09 for
879.33 the
879.57 fact
879.65 that
879.89 compared
880.21 to
880.53 other
880.77 school
881.01 projects
881.25 in
881.73 Massachusetts,
881.89 we're
884.05 not
884.29 doing
884.53 that
884.77 bad.
887.25 The
887.25 good
887.4 news
887.73 is
888.05 that
888.29 it
888.45 is
888.61 my
888.93 expectation
889.17 as
889.81 presented
890.05 at
890.52 the
890.69 budget
890.93 meeting
892.37 two
892.61 weeks
892.61 ago
892.76 when
893 I
893.17 gave
893.33 my
893.57 preliminary
893.73 budget
894.13 overview
894.45 that
894.93 I
895.46 am
895.7 of
895.78 the
896.02 belief
896.18 that
896.58 because
897.22 of
897.54 the
898.5 very
899.54 fiscally
900.42 prudent
900.9 moves
901.38 that
901.62 this
901.78 council
902.02 has
902.34 made
902.58 over
902.82 recent
903.06 years
903.3 with
903.7 funding
904.2 the
904.51 high
904.6 school
904.75 stabilization
905.08 fund,
905.88 with
907.32 considering
908.75 some
909.24 of
909.48 the
909.55 rebates
909.71 available
910.2 now
910.75 for
911.32 energy
911.96 efficiency
912.36 items,
913.63 that
913.87 it
913.87 is
913.95 my
914.19 expectation,
914.51 and
916.11 particularly,
916.43 we
918.27 still
918.51 are
918.83 looking
918.91 at
919.23 an
919.39 ARPA
919.55 request
919.79 on
920.11 the
920.27 solar
920.43 panels,
921.39 but
921.63 for
921.79 that
922.03 request,
922.19 I'm
924.37 still
924.52 in
924.68 a
924.76 position
924.92 where
925.17 my
925.4 expectation
925.57 is
926.05 that
926.21 our
926.37 borrowing
926.52 will
926.85 not
927 exceed
927.25 $150,000,000
928.45 and
929.09 that
930.21 is
930.37 where
930.61 we
930.92 will
931.09 land
931.33 at
931.57 the
931.64 end
931.8 of
931.97 this
932.05 project,
933.23 unless
933.95 there's
934.35 unexpected
934.75 cost
935.39 overruns
935.71 that
936.11 are
936.27 not
936.43 in
936.59 this
936.75 current
936.91 218
937.39 number.
937.79 But
938.75 that
938.91 said,
939.15 the
940.09 requirement
940.73 to
941.29 the
941.45 MSBA
941.61 is
942.33 that
942.57 the
942.64 council
942.8 vote
943.29 to
944.57 determine
944.8 its
945.21 financial
945.37 commitment
945.68 to
946 the
946.09 project
946.25 by
946.57 authorizing
946.8 borrowing
947.21 for
947.52 the
947.68 full
947.85 cost
948 of
948.25 project
948.57 including
948.97 the
949.21 reimbursable
949.45 costs.
950.09 So,
951.93 with
954.57 the
954.97 removal
955.29 of
955.85 the
956.09 initial
956.33 feasibility
956.73 costs,
957.37 that
957.91 total
958.08 comes
958.32 to
958.63 216,118,750.
958.88 So
961.27 the
961.75 request
961.91 in
962.32 front
962.48 of
962.72 you
962.79 tonight
963.04 for
963.51 a
963.75 public
963.84 hearing
964.15 and
964.39 vote
964.55 is
965.39 to
965.55 authorize
965.71 borrowing
966.19 up
966.59 to
966.75 216,118,750
973.2 which
973.2 is
973.52 the
974.57 requirement
974.8 of
975.37 MSBA,
975.61 while
976.49 at
976.73 the
976.8 same
976.88 time,
977.13 I
977.28 will
977.45 tell
977.61 you
977.76 that
978 my
978.16 expectation
978.4 is
978.88 still
979.04 that
979.37 we
979.61 will
979.68 not
979.92 borrow
980.08 in
980.33 excess
980.57 of
980.8 150,000,000.
981.13 If
981.92 we
982.08 find
982.25 ourselves
982.4 in
982.64 where
983.19 we
983.43 need
983.51 to
983.63 do
983.75 so,
983.99 I
984.31 will
984.47 certainly
984.63 be
985.11 before
985.19 this
985.51 council
985.75 to
986.07 discuss
986.39 those
986.79 circumstances.
987.11 So
988.07 I
988.31 seek
988.63 your
988.87 vote,
989.11 Mr.
989.67 President,
990.07 members
990.07 of
990.39 the
990.47 council
990.55 tonight.
990.87 Thank
991.11 you.
1021.65 VINCENT
1021.65 -
1021.65 CITY
1021.65 COUNCIL
1021.65 -
1021.65 I
1021.65 just
1021.81 want
1021.97 to
1022.21 say,
1022.21 so
1024.27 $17,000,000
1024.43 does
1025.55 sound
1026.19 like
1026.43 a
1026.6 lot
1026.67 as
1026.91 the
1027.08 manager
1027.23 said,
1027.63 but
1027.88 that's
1028.03 really
1028.27 only
1028.76 an
1028.91 8.5%
1029.55 increase
1029.88 in
1030.27 a
1030.43 period
1030.51 of
1030.84 time
1030.99 when
1031.32 there
1032.92 were
1033.16 significant
1034.76 increases
1036.68 in
1036.68 material
1036.84 costs
1037.32 due
1037.8 to
1038.2 inflation
1038.36 from
1039.08 supply
1039.48 chain
1039.8 issues.
1040.04 I
1040.68 also
1040.97 want
1041.29 to
1041.53 point
1041.53 out
1041.68 that
1041.85 this
1044.09 is
1044.33 over
1044.49 the
1044.81 original
1045.21 budget
1046.01 that
1046.33 was
1046.4 approved
1046.57 by
1046.88 the
1047.05 MSBA,
1047.29 and,
1047.98 the
1048.86 school
1049.18 building
1049.42 committee
1049.74 actually
1050.14 did
1050.46 approximately
1051.82 $19,000,000
1052.22 of
1053.66 value
1053.82 engineering
1054.14 to
1054.78 reduce
1054.94 cost
1055.86 before
1056.65 we
1056.97 got
1057.13 to
1057.3 this
1057.45 final
1057.69 number.
1058.02 So
1058.34 that's
1058.49 just
1059.13 to
1059.38 give
1059.54 you
1059.69 an
1059.86 idea
1059.93 of
1060.17 how
1061.21 much
1061.38 of
1061.62 those
1061.69 cost
1061.93 overruns
1062.26 we
1062.82 actually
1062.97 dealt
1064.02 with
1064.26 through
1065.53 value
1065.69 engineering.
1066.09 So
1066.57 thank
1066.81 you,
1066.89 Mr.
Item 8B
The discussion outlined proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2024 budget, focusing on adjustments in total revenue and expenditures. Proakis presented significant revenue adjustments, including an increase in real estate and property taxes by $4,600,026, higher state aid, hotel excise, and investment income, alongside a reallocation of opioid settlement funds. Expenditure adjustments detailed include decreased school choice assessment, increased charter school assessment, and substantial transfers to the Watertown Square stabilization fund and the capital project stabilization fund for construction and parks projects. These adjustments aim to accommodate the rising cost of materials and finalize elementary school projects, with total expenditure adjustments mirroring the revenue adjustments at $5,393,163. The discussion also clarified the reallocation of opioid settlement funds per state directives and addressed inquiries regarding the substantial increase in real estate and property tax revenue, attributed to faster-than-expected completion of construction projects.
1090.08 SIDERIS
1090.08 -
1090.08 Next
1090.08 item
1090.32 is
1090.63 8b,
1091.12 which
1091.84 is
1092.08 a
1092.15 public
1092.32 hearing
1092.63 and
1092.96 vote
1093.04 on
1093.67 a
1093.84 proposed
1093.99 amendment
1094.39 to
1094.88 the
1095.04 fiscal
1095.2 year
1095.52 2024
1095.99 budget,
1096.8 Amendment
1097.5 1,
1098.14 tax
1098.62 rate
1099.02 d.
1101.02 PROAKIS
1101.02 -
1101.02 Thank
1101.02 you,
1101.18 Mr.
1101.66 President.
1102.14 This
1102.14 is
1102.46 relative
1103.02 to
1103.74 the
1104.14 presentation
1104.46 I
1105.18 provided
1105.42 two
1105.9 weeks
1105.98 ago
1108.38 with
1108.44 the
1108.51 preliminary
1108.59 budget
1108.65 overview.
1108.72 Before
1109.19 us
1109.67 is
1110.08 the
1110.79 total
1111.99 revenue
1112.71 adjustment
1113.36 and
1114.08 total
1114.23 expenditure
1114.79 adjustment
1115.36 relative
1116.13 to
1116.45 that
1116.69 presentation.
1117.17 So
1117.89 real
1118.61 estate
1118.85 and
1119.25 property
1119.41 taxes
1119.89 up
1120.61 $4,600,026.
1122.9 We
1123.14 talked
1123.22 about
1123.55 how
1123.7 that
1123.94 is
1124.18 because
1124.35 some
1124.59 things
1124.74 are
1124.98 finishing
1125.22 earlier,
1125.7 and
1126.59 we
1126.74 reduced
1126.98 our
1127.38 new
1127.55 growth
1127.7 numbers
1128.03 for
1128.51 future
1128.66 years,
1128.98 through
1129.94 a
1130.18 total
1130.27 of
1130.51 $157,286,627.
1132.46 State
1133.18 aid
1133.5 up
1133.74 $118,000,
1135.26 hotel
1135.66 excise
1135.66 up
1136.06 $150,000,
1137.5 investment
1137.9 income
1137.9 up
1138.38 $520,000.
1138.62 We
1139.82 did
1139.98 have
1140.22 to
1140.46 shift
1140.62 the
1141.13 opioid
1141.38 settlement
1141.86 money
1142.73 from
1143.13 one
1143.54 place
1143.86 to
1144.17 another,
1144.41 which
1144.73 is
1144.89 why
1145.05 it
1145.21 shows
1145.29 as
1145.54 both
1145.69 an
1145.86 increase
1146.1 and
1146.41 a
1146.49 decrease,
1146.65 and
1149.26 the
1149.58 total
1149.74 revenue
1150.06 adjustment,
1150.38 $5,393,163.
1150.86 On
1153.34 the
1153.5 expenses
1153.66 side,
1154.22 school
1155.34 choice
1155.58 assessment
1155.98 was
1156.54 down
1156.78 $11,609,
1157.34 Charter
1159.24 school
1159.57 assessment
1159.96 up
1160.28 $1500,
1161.8 transfer
1162.2 to
1162.2 Watertown
1162.44 Square
1162.92 stabilization
1163.24 fund,
1163.8 $1,800,000.
1165.33 That's
1165.33 starting
1165.57 to
1165.88 set
1165.96 aside
1166.2 funds
1166.52 to
1166.77 do
1167.05 the
1167.13 construction
1167.37 work
1167.85 that
1168.17 would
1168.33 come
1168.49 out
1168.73 of
1168.89 the
1169.13 Watertown
1169.37 Square
1169.93 design
1171.05 efforts
1171.45 underway,
1171.77 transfer
1172.65 to
1173.05 capital
1173.21 project
1173.53 stabilization,
1173.85 $1,800,000,
1175.85 that's
1176.32 for
1176.32 additional
1176.63 costs
1177.04 for
1177.36 the
1177.52 parks
1177.67 projects
1177.99 that
1178.39 we
1178.63 are
1178.71 trying
1178.88 to
1179.12 keep
1179.19 on
1179.43 schedule
1179.6 despite,
1180.88 as
1181.36 we
1181.6 just
1181.84 discussed,
1182.08 rising
1182.47 cost
1182.88 of
1183.12 materials.
1183.28 The
1184.79 remaining
1184.95 $1,803,272
1186.55 to
1187.19 council
1187.51 reserve,
1187.83 we
1188.23 do
1188.39 expect
1188.55 much
1189.43 of
1189.75 that,
1190.63 we
1190.95 will
1191.03 request
1191.35 an
1191.67 allocation,
1191.91 to
1193.12 the
1193.28 three
1193.43 elementary
1193.76 school
1194.23 project
1194.56 as
1194.88 we
1195.12 close
1195.19 out
1195.52 the
1195.67 three
1195.84 elementary
1195.99 school
1196.47 project
1196.8 relative
1198.23 to
1198.8 the
1199.04 increases
1199.36 on
1199.84 the
1199.99 lower
1200.15 school
1200.39 costs
1200.8 due
1201.77 to
1201.93 some
1204.09 of
1204.25 the
1204.41 changes
1204.57 we
1204.97 did
1205.13 to
1206.01 adjust
1206.33 that
1206.73 building
1206.97 so
1207.37 that
1207.53 it
1207.77 would
1207.93 come
1208.01 to
1208.25 the
1208.33 way
1208.49 that
1208.65 we
1208.89 wanted
1209.05 it
1209.37 to
1209.53 as
1209.69 I
1209.85 discussed
1210.01 at
1210.33 the
1210.41 meeting
1210.49 two
1210.81 weeks
1210.97 ago.
1211.13 Total
1211.67 expenditure
1211.91 adjustment,
1212.56 $5,393,163.
1216.39 I
1216.39 respectfully
1217.12 request
1217.76 the
1218.15 council's
1218.32 approval
1218.72 of
1219.2 this
1219.28 budget
1219.43 Amendment.
1219.76 Thank
1220.15 you.
1252.69 ANTHONY
1252.69 PALOMBA
1252.69 -
1252.69 CITY
1252.69 COUNCIL
1252.69 -
1252.69 Thank
1252.69 you.
1252.86 I've
1253.34 been
1253.58 having
1254.86 some
1255.17 great
1255.34 conversations
1255.65 with
1256.38 our
1256.62 auditor
1257.96 around
1258.44 the
1258.76 opioid
1258.92 settlement
1260.12 and
1260.44 can
1260.44 you
1260.6 explain
1260.84 what
1261.48 you
1261.72 mean
1261.96 here
1262.2 in
1262.52 terms
1262.76 of
1263.08 taking
1263.4 it
1263.64 in,
1263.88 taking
1264.12 it
1264.44 out,
1264.6 and
1264.84 what
1265 OFS
1266.37 means?
1270.77 PROAKIS
1270.77 -
1270.77 I'm
1270.77 going
1271.01 to
1271.24 ask
1271.33 the
1271.57 auditor
1271.72 to
1272.13 help
1272.2 me
1272.44 with
1272.61 this
1272.77 because
1272.92 this
1273.33 has
1274.13 to
1274.29 do
1274.37 with
1274.61 direction
1274.85 from
1275.25 the
1275.41 state
1275.57 about
1275.89 which
1276.21 fund
1276.45 that
1276.77 this
1277.41 money
1277.73 should
1278.05 go
1278.21 into
1278.37 and
1278.77 correcting
1279.25 to
1279.65 make
1279.73 sure
1279.89 we're
1280.13 following
1280.29 their
1280.69 process.
1282.53 MEGAN
1282.53 LANGAN
1282.53 -
1282.53 CITY
1282.53 OF
1282.53 -
1282.53 Thank
1282.53 you.
1282.77 So,
1283.95 to
1284.43 start
1284.43 OFS
1284.99 is
1285.63 other
1285.63 financing
1285.88 sources.
1286.43 So
1287.56 it's
1287.88 in
1288.28 the
1288.52 budget,
1288.67 but
1289.23 you'll
1289.39 see,
1289.63 like,
1289.8 the
1289.95 other
1290.04 financing
1290.28 sources
1290.76 section,
1292.6 so
1292.84 that's
1292.84 where
1293.16 we
1293.48 had
1293.64 it,
1293.8 but
1294.92 we're
1295.4 not
1295.56 allowed
1295.88 to
1296.36 have
1296.52 it
1296.68 there
1296.84 within
1297.4 the
1299.54 rules
1299.7 around
1300.1 the
1300.58 opioid
1300.82 funding,
1301.3 so
1301.7 we
1301.86 had
1302.02 to
1302.17 move
1302.26 it
1302.41 to
1302.65 the
1302.73 local
1302.97 receipts.
1303.3 So
1304.02 it's
1304.26 just
1304.41 moving
1304.73 where
1305.13 it's
1305.3 being
1305.62 recorded
1305.93 within
1309.15 the
1309.47 budget.
1311.31 PALOMBA
1311.31 -
1311.31 So
1311.31 it's
1311.55 the
1311.79 same
1311.95 amount
1312.19 of
1312.43 money
1312.59 that's
1312.83 increased?
1313.63 LANGAN
1313.63 -
1313.63 Yep.
1313.63 So
1313.95 60,000
1314.83 came
1315.47 out
1315.63 of
1315.79 other
1316.11 financing
1316.35 sources
1316.83 and
1317.47 it
1317.47 went
1317.55 into
1318.03 local
1318.27 receipts.
1326.75 JOHN
1326.75 GANNON
1326.75 -
1326.75 CITY
1326.75 COUNCIL
1326.75 -
1326.75 Thank
1326.75 you,
1326.91 Mr.
1327.31 President.
1327.79 I'm
1327.79 curious
1328.59 about
1329.07 the
1329.31 increase
1329.87 in
1330.63 real
1330.96 real
1331.6 estate
1331.84 and
1332.8 property
1332.96 taxes
1333.36 in
1333.67 $4,600,000.
1333.99 I
1335.67 guess
1335.99 that's
1336.24 the
1336.56 new
1336.72 growth
1336.96 number
1337.52 that's
1337.91 updated
1338.24 from
1338.72 FY
1339.12 24.
1339.36 So
1340.65 how
1341.53 did
1341.77 we
1341.93 gain
1342.17 $4,600,000?
1348.32 PROAKIS
1348.32 -
1348.32 Thank
1348.32 you.
1348.56 Essentially,
1350.15 what
1351.28 happened
1351.6 here
1351.91 is
1352.39 that
1352.96 we
1353.43 allocated
1353.76 new
1354.56 growth
1354.8 at
1355.36 $6,000,000
1355.67 this
1356.32 year,
1356.48 I've
1357.92 got
1358.24 the
1358.4 numbers
1358.56 off
1358.8 the
1358.96 top
1359.04 of
1359.2 my
1359.28 head,
1359.36 $4,
1360.08 500,000
1360.72 next
1360.72 year
1360.96 and
1361.2 $4,000,000
1361.36 the
1361.84 year
1362 to
1362.16 follow
1362.32 and
1362.48 the
1362.72 year
1362.8 after
1363.04 that,
1364.32 that's
1364.56 based
1364.56 upon
1364.88 the
1365.2 speed
1365.36 at
1365.76 which
1365.92 current
1366.24 projects
1366.64 we
1367.49 think
1367.73 are
1368.06 being
1368.3 completed.
1368.54 As
1368.93 I
1369.17 probably
1369.26 mentioned
1369.49 to
1369.82 council
1369.89 before,
1370.3 we
1371.02 have
1371.17 not
1371.41 built
1371.73 into
1372.13 new
1372.38 growth
1372.62 the
1372.93 construction
1373.17 of
1373.73 buildings
1373.97 at
1374.38 locations
1374.62 like
1375.1 Starrett
1375.34 Lumber,
1375.73 Russo's
1377.37 and
1378.09 the
1378.41 Alexandria
1378.73 project
1379.29 because
1379.85 we
1380.73 don't
1380.89 know
1381.13 when
1381.37 the
1381.61 lab
1381.85 market
1382.17 is
1382.57 going
1382.73 to
1382.97 lead
1383.21 to
1383.53 those
1383.69 particular
1384.01 entities
1384.65 seeking
1385.33 to
1385.72 build
1385.88 and
1386.29 deliver
1386.53 being
1387.4 that
1387.64 the
1387.88 last
1387.96 couple
1388.2 of
1388.53 lab
1388.61 buildings
1388.85 under
1389.16 construction
1389.48 have
1390.13 not
1390.29 yet
1390.44 reached
1391.64 occupancy.
1393.58 What
1393.58 did
1393.82 occur
1394.06 in
1394.46 the
1394.62 last
1394.7 12
1394.94 months
1395.18 though,
1395.5 is
1395.9 that
1396.14 a
1396.54 number
1396.7 of
1397.02 people
1397.26 building
1397.58 these
1397.9 sort
1398.14 of
1398.38 buildings,
1398.46 particularly
1399.02 66
1399.74 Galen,
1400.38 the
1402.24 what's
1403.21 the
1403.45 99
1403.85 Coolidge,
1404.73 there's
1404.88 been
1404.88 a
1405.01 couple
1405.13 that
1405.53 have
1405.77 basically
1405.92 been
1406.4 finishing
1406.97 their
1407.45 construction
1407.68 faster
1408.4 than
1408.81 expected.
1409.05 And
1410.39 because
1410.63 of
1410.87 that,
1410.95 when
1411.19 we
1411.43 go
1411.51 out
1411.67 at
1411.91 the
1412.07 day
1412.15 that
1412.39 we
1412.63 do
1412.95 the
1414.47 assessments
1414.63 on
1415.27 those,
1415.43 they
1416.31 were
1416.47 further
1416.71 along
1417.11 than
1417.51 we
1417.67 expected
1418.14 them
1418.38 to
1418.46 be,
1418.87 and
1419.11 because
1419.11 of
1419.35 that,
1419.51 our
1420.07 new
1420.22 growth
1420.38 number
1420.63 this
1420.94 year
1421.18 is
1421.35 higher.
1421.59 The
1422.79 reason
1423.03 why
1423.35 I
1423.59 am
1423.66 placing
1423.9 this
1424.3 new
1424.55 growth
1424.79 into
1425.27 a
1426.13 series
1426.29 of
1426.53 one
1427.01 time
1427.25 funds,
1427.81 like
1428.13 stabilization
1428.45 funds
1429.33 for
1430.13 development
1430.37 projects,
1430.85 for
1432.05 parks
1432.29 projects,
1432.61 for
1433.01 Watertown
1433.25 Square
1433.81 project,
1434.13 and
1435.38 for
1435.54 completing
1435.7 the
1436.1 elementary
1436.26 school
1436.65 project
1436.89 is
1437.3 because
1437.46 even
1437.86 though
1438.1 this
1438.73 is
1438.97 new
1439.13 growth
1439.3 that
1439.62 goes
1439.78 to
1439.93 our
1440.1 tax
1440.26 base
1440.49 and
1440.73 stays
1440.89 with
1441.22 us,
1441.46 it
1442.29 is
1442.45 simply
1442.61 growth
1442.93 I
1443.17 anticipated
1443.41 coming
1444.05 a
1444.37 little
1444.45 bit
1444.69 later,
1444.85 coming
1445.17 a
1445.41 little
1445.57 bit
1445.73 earlier.
1445.89 So
1446.29 I
1446.53 didn't
1446.69 want
1446.93 to
1447.25 necessarily
1447.25 say
1448.29 we
1448.69 suddenly
1448.85 have
1449.25 access
1449.49 to
1449.89 new
1450.82 money,
1451.38 we
1451.62 got
1451.77 it
1452.01 a
1452.17 little
1452.26 earlier
1452.49 than
1452.89 planned,
1453.13 which
1453.53 means
1453.69 we
1453.93 got
1454.17 extra
1454.58 this
1454.97 year,
1455.21 but
1456.17 we've
1456.41 lowered
1456.73 the
1457.13 future
1457.38 year
1457.69 new
1457.93 growth
1458.1 numbers
1458.41 relative
1458.89 to
1459.38 that
1459.53 because
1459.92 these
1460.16 were
1460.32 just
1460.48 new
1462 developments
1462.32 moving
1462.96 faster
1463.28 than
1463.68 we
1463.84 thought
1464 they
1464.16 would.
Item 8C
The proposed Amendment 2 to the fiscal year 2024 budget involves financing the Watertown Firefighters Association Local 1347 union contract, now in its second year of a three-year term. The process includes transferring $436,000 from the collective bargaining stabilization fund into the council reserve to finance the past fiscal year (FY23) and provide for the upcoming fiscal years (FY24 and FY25). This transfer is detailed as a necessary step before moving funds directly into the salaries account to cover the costs of the firefighter contract, as outlined further in the agenda item 9E. The request seeks support for this financial maneuver to ensure the contract is funded according to the agreed terms.
1488.41 -
1488.41 8C
1488.41 is
1488.41 a
1488.58 public
1488.65 hearing
1488.97 and
1489.29 vote
1489.38 on
1489.62 a
1489.78 proposed
1489.93 Amendment
1490.34 to
1490.82 the
1490.89 fiscal
1491.05 year
1491.45 2024
1491.78 budget
1492.65 Amendment
1493.05 2,
1493.62 Watertown
1494.85 Firefighters
1495.41 Association
1496.21 Local
1496.93 1347
1497.33 union
1498.77 contract.
1500.93 PROAKIS
1500.93 -
1500.93 Thank
1500.93 you,
1501.17 Mr.
1501.57 President.
1502.05 So,
1502.05 being
1503.44 that
1503.76 we
1503.92 are
1504.16 in
1504.24 the
1504.4 second
1504.57 year
1504.88 of
1505.04 a
1505.13 three
1505.2 year
1505.44 union
1505.68 contract
1506.16 and,
1506.64 we
1508.16 are
1508.4 now
1508.57 settling
1508.8 that
1509.2 contract,
1510 we
1510.57 signed
1510.57 that
1510.8 contract,
1511.2 and
1511.68 I
1511.85 shared
1512 with
1512.54 you,
1512.78 about
1513.66 it
1513.98 at
1514.22 the
1514.3 previous
1514.46 meeting,
1516.7 we
1516.86 now
1516.86 need
1517.1 to
1517.26 fund
1517.34 that
1517.66 contract.
1517.9 We
1519.63 typically
1519.95 place
1520.52 the
1520.84 money
1520.99 in
1521.32 collective
1521.47 bargaining
1521.88 stabilization
1522.43 for
1523.47 the
1523.71 purpose
1523.88 of
1524.36 funding
1524.6 the
1525.95 fiscal
1526.12 year
1526.43 that
1526.67 has
1526.91 already
1526.99 passed,
1527.39 which
1527.71 is
1527.88 fiscal
1528.04 year
1528.36 23,
1530.5 and
1530.74 then
1530.74 there's
1530.9 money
1531.22 in
1531.54 council
1531.7 reserve
1532.02 that's
1532.42 intended
1532.66 to
1533.06 fund
1533.3 the
1533.78 additional
1534.1 funds
1534.42 of
1534.66 fiscal
1534.82 year
1535.14 24,
1535.38 and
1535.94 then
1536.1 the
1536.26 third
1536.42 year
1536.66 of
1536.82 the
1536.9 contract,
1536.98 25,
1537.54 would
1537.94 be
1538.1 built
1538.26 into
1538.42 the
1538.66 fiscal
1538.74 25
1539.32 budget.
1539.71 The
1540.6 $436,000
1540.67 here
1542.43 from
1542.67 other
1542.91 financing
1543.23 services
1543.8 transfer
1544.28 from
1544.76 collective
1545.08 bargaining
1545.39 stabilization
1545.88 is
1546.91 to
1547.08 take
1547.59 $436,000
1547.91 out
1549.35 of
1549.51 collective
1549.59 bargaining
1549.99 stabilization
1550.39 and
1551.03 place
1551.19 it
1551.35 into
1551.51 council
1551.83 reserve,
1552.23 which
1553.27 requires
1553.59 the
1554.63 first
1554.79 reading
1555.03 last
1555.43 meeting
1555.67 in
1556.07 a
1556.23 public
1556.31 hearing.
1556.63 If
1557.87 you
1558.11 follow
1558.35 along
1558.74 a
1558.98 little
1559.07 further
1559.3 in
1559.63 the
1559.79 agenda,
1559.87 item
1560.35 9E
1561.14 takes
1561.38 this
1561.7 money
1561.94 and
1562.27 additional
1562.51 money
1562.9 and
1563.46 moves
1563.7 it
1564.03 into
1564.11 the
1564.35 salaries
1564.59 account
1564.98 to
1565.22 actually
1565.46 fund
1565.87 the
1566.19 firefighter
1566.27 contract.
1567.55 But
1568.91 first
1569.15 step
1569.39 is
1569.55 to
1569.79 get
1569.87 it
1570.03 out
1570.19 of
1570.35 the
1570.43 stabilization
1570.59 fund
1571.31 and
1571.55 into
1571.71 council
1572.03 reserve,
1572.35 and
1573.15 that
1573.31 is
1573.47 the
1573.71 particular
1573.87 item
1574.35 I'm
1574.67 seeking
1575.14 support
1575.54 on
1575.7 at
1575.94 this
1576.02 time.
1576.18 Thank
1576.42 you,
1576.59 Mr.
Item 9A
In a discussion about property tax levy allocations for fiscal year 2024, Proakis highlighted a major change enabled by recent legislation that allows shifting a greater portion of the tax burden from residential to commercial property owners, correcting a situation that deviated from past practices due to regulatory minima. Specifically, a home rule petition, now Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2023, was signed into law, adjusting the tax burden distribution to alleviate pressures on residential taxpayers in Watertown. This adjustment is anticipated to decrease the average residential tax bill by approximately 9% to 10% for fiscal year 2024, a significant relief facilitated by legislative support and intended to rebalance the tax responsibilities between commercial and residential sectors.
1623.18 SIDERIS
1623.18 -
1623.18 Item
1623.18 number
1623.42 9
1623.66 is
1623.9 motions,
1624.14 orders,
1624.54 and
1624.87 resolutions.
1625.11 9a
1626.38 is
1626.87 a
1627.11 first
1627.18 reading
1627.51 on
1628.14 a
1628.38 proposed
1628.54 order
1629.11 allocating
1629.98 the
1630.46 property
1630.63 tax
1631.11 levy
1631.42 among
1632.27 or
1632.51 between
1632.91 property
1633.31 classes
1633.71 for
1634.51 fiscal
1634.75 year
1635.15 2024.
1639.59 PROAKIS
1639.59 -
1639.59 Thank
1639.59 you,
1639.74 Mr.
1640.22 President.
1640.94 As
1640.94 noted,
1641.18 this
1641.51 is
1641.66 a
1641.83 first
1641.98 reading.
1642.22 This
1642.54 is
1642.7 the
1643.35 typical
1643.59 schedule
1643.98 we
1644.38 are
1644.54 on
1644.7 where
1645.03 we
1645.27 set
1645.59 the
1645.83 tax
1645.9 rate
1646.22 for
1646.38 fiscal
1646.63 year
1646.94 24
1647.27 in
1647.9 November.
1648.14 So
1649.12 this
1649.36 item
1649.6 will
1649.84 be
1650 before
1650.16 you
1650.48 on
1650.72 November
1650.88 14th.
1651.28 While
1652.88 I
1653.12 don't
1653.2 want
1653.52 to
1653.92 steal
1653.92 our
1655.12 chief
1655.36 assessor's
1655.6 thunder
1656.24 on
1656.64 this
1656.8 presentation,
1657.04 I
1658.12 do
1658.28 want
1658.52 to
1658.84 share
1658.84 two
1659.08 quick
1659.32 nuggets
1659.63 about
1660.19 what
1660.52 is
1660.76 in
1660.99 here
1661.23 and
1661.55 what
1661.63 is
1661.88 forthcoming
1662.12 for
1662.84 us.
1662.99 For
1664.28 the
1664.6 past
1664.76 few
1666.1 years,
1666.34 as
1666.82 you
1667.06 know,
1667.14 we
1667.46 have
1667.7 found
1667.86 ourselves
1668.02 in
1668.42 this
1668.58 interesting
1668.82 situation
1669.38 where
1669.78 as
1670.1 we
1670.18 have
1670.34 built
1670.5 new
1670.82 commercial
1670.98 growth,
1671.46 we
1672.5 have
1672.66 bumped
1672.82 up
1673.22 against
1673.54 a
1674.89 minimum
1675.38 residential
1676.17 factor
1676.89 number
1677.38 that
1677.78 sits
1678.02 in
1678.89 regulations
1679.29 or
1681.13 laws
1681.38 from
1681.86 the
1682.1 1980s.
1682.58 Chapter
1684.74 200
1685.46 of
1685.86 the
1685.94 Acts
1686.1 of
1686.34 1988
1687.46 allows
1688.74 cities
1689.06 to
1689.38 shift
1689.54 up
1689.78 to
1689.94 175%
1690.26 of
1691.22 the
1691.3 burden
1691.38 from
1691.54 residential
1691.78 commercial,
1692.65 so
1692.89 that's
1692.89 what
1693.06 we've
1693.13 done
1693.3 for
1693.46 many
1693.7 years.
1693.86 As
1695.13 we
1696.02 have
1696.26 reached
1696.82 the
1697.3 point
1697.46 where
1699.42 we
1699.66 hit
1699.66 this
1699.82 minimum
1700.46 allowable
1700.94 residential
1701.34 burden,
1702.38 it's
1702.62 at
1702.62 61.62%.
1703.02 It
1704.78 requires
1705.02 us
1705.5 to
1705.66 put
1705.82 61%
1706.14 of
1706.78 our
1706.94 tax
1707.18 base
1707.42 on
1707.74 the
1707.9 residential
1708.06 side,
1708.7 and
1709.38 that
1709.46 has
1709.7 meant
1709.86 that
1710.17 we
1710.26 haven't
1710.41 been
1710.73 able
1710.89 to
1711.13 do
1711.3 the
1711.46 split
1711.62 with
1711.86 the
1712.02 175%
1712.34 of
1713.93 the
1714.1 property
1714.26 tax
1714.65 burden
1715.13 at
1716.26 commercial
1716.58 versus
1716.98 residential
1717.46 rates.
1718.02 There's
1718.8 a
1718.92 bunch
1719.04 of
1719.28 charts
1719.44 in
1719.68 the
1719.84 presentation
1720 next
1720.48 week
1720.72 where
1720.88 the
1721.12 assessor
1721.2 could
1721.6 explain
1721.76 this
1722.08 in
1722.24 more
1722.4 detail,
1723.36 but
1723.52 I
1723.52 want
1723.6 to
1723.84 get
1723.84 down
1724 to
1724.16 the
1724.32 key
1724.48 issue
1724.72 here,
1725.04 which
1725.44 is
1725.68 that
1725.92 for
1726.56 the
1726.88 last
1727.04 few
1728.93 years,
1729.26 this
1729.97 has
1730.38 caused
1731.02 an
1731.89 odd
1732.21 side
1732.45 effect
1732.69 where
1733.1 the
1733.34 burden
1733.49 has
1733.82 shifted
1733.97 more
1734.3 to
1734.45 the
1734.62 residential
1734.69 side
1735.26 and
1735.41 the
1735.58 residential
1735.65 taxpayer.
1736.21 This
1737.49 council,
1737.73 as
1738.29 you
1738.45 know,
1738.53 in
1738.85 August
1739.01 of
1739.33 22,
1739.49 submitted
1740.05 a
1740.45 resolution
1740.69 enabling
1741.17 the
1741.65 city
1741.73 to
1741.97 file
1742.05 a
1742.29 home
1742.45 rule
1742.69 legislation
1742.93 to
1743.9 take
1743.94 that
1744.11 61%
1744.35 to
1745.22 50%
1745.79 so
1746.51 that
1746.74 we
1747.14 could
1747.3 have
1747.46 residential
1747.7 pay
1748.27 50%
1748.42 of
1748.98 our
1749.07 taxes,
1749.3 and
1749.7 we
1749.79 could
1749.87 have
1750.03 commercial
1750.27 pay
1750.66 50%
1750.9 of
1751.46 our
1751.63 taxes.
1753.52 What
1753.76 that
1753.76 allows
1754.08 us
1754.4 to
1754.56 do
1754.64 is
1754.88 that
1755.04 allows
1755.2 us
1755.52 to
1755.68 shift
1755.92 a
1756.32 portion
1756.56 of
1756.96 the
1757.04 tax
1757.2 burden
1757.52 back
1758.4 to
1758.72 our
1758.88 commercial
1759.12 property
1759.6 owners,
1760.99 and,
1761.23 obviously,
1761.23 you
1762.19 know,
1762.36 I
1762.52 want
1762.84 our
1763.08 commercial
1763.39 property
1763.88 owners
1764.28 to
1764.67 be
1764.76 successful,
1766.6 but
1766.84 I
1766.84 think
1766.91 that
1767.15 most
1767.55 folks,
1767.88 when
1768.41 they
1768.49 come
1768.65 in
1768.73 here
1768.81 and
1769.13 they
1769.29 do
1769.37 commercial
1769.61 development
1770.01 in
1770.41 Watertown
1770.57 are
1771.13 aware
1771.29 we're
1771.69 a
1771.85 full
1772.01 tax
1772.25 shift
1772.49 community,
1772.81 and
1774.01 that
1774.17 that
1774.41 175%
1774.49 tax
1775.85 shift
1776.09 is
1776.33 where
1776.49 things
1776.65 should
1776.97 expect
1778.18 to
1778.66 be,
1778.74 where
1779.7 it
1779.95 had
1780.03 slipped
1780.27 down
1780.9 a
1781.22 little
1781.31 bit.
1781.55 So,
1786.64 last
1786.96 week,
1787.2 with
1788.72 the
1788.88 assistance
1789.04 and
1789.76 amazing
1790.16 work
1790.56 of
1790.96 our
1791.12 delegation,
1791.92 on
1793.77 Friday,
1794.01 early
1795.2 in
1795.44 the
1795.61 afternoon,
1795.68 Governor
1797.04 Healey
1797.44 signed
1797.44 what
1797.85 is
1798.09 now
1798.24 called,
1798.64 Chapter
1800.89 58
1801.45 of
1801.85 the
1802.01 Acts
1802.17 of
1802.41 2023,
1802.73 which
1803.61 is
1803.85 our
1804.09 home
1804.25 rule
1804.49 petition,
1804.73 which
1805.13 allows
1805.45 us
1805.69 to
1805.85 shift
1806.01 the
1806.25 tax
1806.41 rate
1806.65 back.
1806.89 The
1807.83 presentation
1808.07 which
1808.63 the
1808.87 assessor
1809.03 will
1809.35 be
1809.51 giving
1809.66 next
1809.9 week
1810.14 is
1811.11 based
1811.42 upon
1811.83 that,
1812.07 and
1812.71 I
1812.95 will
1813.11 just
1813.27 note
1813.51 the
1813.74 one
1813.9 key
1814.14 takeaway
1814.38 from
1814.79 here,
1815.67 the
1816.07 average
1816.07 residential
1816.07 tax
1816.63 bill
1816.95 for
1817.19 a
1817.35 homeowner
1817.43 with
1817.83 a
1817.99 residential
1818.15 exemption,
1818.63 which
1819.27 in
1819.51 fiscal
1819.67 year
1819.99 23
1820.23 was
1820.63 $7,306,
1822.83 in
1822.98 fiscal
1822.98 year
1823.22 24,
1823.63 should
1824.18 you
1824.42 choose
1824.66 to
1824.9 accept
1825.07 this
1825.38 classification
1825.63 plan,
1826.27 is
1826.83 $6,587,
1826.98 which
1829.63 basically
1829.87 means
1830.27 the
1830.51 average
1830.66 homeowner
1830.98 in
1831.38 Watertown
1831.55 will
1832.33 be
1832.41 getting
1832.57 about
1832.73 a
1833.05 between
1833.69 a
1834.09 9%
1834.25 and
1834.65 10%
1834.65 decrease
1835.45 in
1836.25 property
1836.49 taxes
1836.97 in
1837.37 fiscal
1837.53 year
1837.85 24.
1838.09 So
1838.81 more
1839.21 to
1839.45 come
1839.61 at
1840.37 our
1840.45 meeting
1840.68 three
1841.01 weeks
1841.16 from
1841.48 now
1841.72 on
1842.21 that
1842.37 particular
1842.68 topic,
1843.24 but
1843.72 I
1843.97 just
1844.13 want
1844.29 to
1844.53 share
1844.53 that
1844.77 that
1844.92 is
1845.09 where
1845.24 we
1845.4 are
1845.57 at
1845.72 this
1845.81 point.
1845.97 Thank
1846.21 you,
1846.45 Mr.
Item 9B
The resolution discussed involves the approval of accepting a significant donation of office furniture from the corporate entity Athena, which is being provided after their headquarters moved from the community. This donation includes desks, chairs, monitors, 75 sit-to-stand desks, and 150 monitors, aimed to outfit the renovated Parker School building and improve various city department offices, including the replacement of third-floor conference room chairs notorious for their squeakiness and discomfort. This gesture of goodwill from Athena is recognized with gratitude, with a notable mention that the school department will also benefit greatly from this contribution. The council is sought to formally accept this gift of tangible property for municipal improvement.
1847.98 Next
1848.7 item
1849.02 is
1849.34 9b,
1849.82 which
1850.3 is
1850.54 a
1850.7 resolution
1850.86 approving
1851.9 the
1852.3 acceptance
1852.38 of
1853.02 a
1853.18 gift
1853.26 of
1853.58 tangible
1853.74 personal
1854.62 property
1855.18 of
1855.98 office
1856.3 furniture
1856.7 from
1857.66 Athena
1857.98 to
1858.63 be
1858.87 used
1858.94 by
1859.27 city
1859.42 departments.
1863.74 PROAKIS
1863.74 -
1863.74 Thank
1863.74 you,
1863.98 Mr.
1864.38 President.
1864.94 The
1864.94 one
1865.95 golden
1866.51 lining
1866.51 on
1866.99 the
1867.15 cloud
1867.55 of
1868.03 us
1868.35 losing
1868.67 a
1869.15 substantial
1869.39 corporate
1869.87 headquarters
1870.27 in
1870.75 our
1870.91 community
1871.07 is
1871.63 that
1872.43 they
1872.59 have
1872.75 been
1872.91 kind
1873.15 enough
1873.39 to
1873.71 donate
1873.87 to
1874.27 us
1874.43 a
1874.93 substantial
1875.26 amount
1875.73 of
1876.38 really
1877.02 nice
1877.41 office
1877.82 furniture
1878.21 to
1878.69 use
1878.78 as
1879.02 we
1879.17 renovate
1879.34 the
1879.73 Parker
1879.82 School
1880.21 building,
1880.45 and
1881.58 move
1882.21 and
1882.54 shift
1882.69 around
1883.02 city
1883.34 offices.
1883.58 Desk,
1884.13 chairs,
1884.75 monitors,
1884.99 75
1886.91 sit
1887.55 to
1887.71 stand
1887.87 desks,
1888.11 150
1888.59 monitors,
1889.31 and
1889.63 over
1889.71 a
1889.95 100
1890.03 chairs,
1890.35 including
1890.99 replacing
1891.71 the
1892.03 third
1892.19 floor
1892.43 conference
1892.67 room
1893.07 chairs
1893.31 that
1893.55 If
1894.01 you've
1894.09 been
1894.24 in
1894.33 a
1894.4 meeting
1894.64 up
1894.81 there
1894.97 listening
1895.21 to
1895.45 them
1895.61 squeak
1895.85 lately
1896.16 or
1896.53 be
1897.53 so
1897.68 uncomfortable,
1897.92 I
1898.4 hope
1898.57 you'll
1898.81 appreciate
1899.05 that.
1899.53 A
1900.81 real
1900.97 thanks
1901.13 for
1901.45 Athena
1901.61 on
1901.92 this,
1902.09 but
1902.24 I
1902.4 seek
1902.49 the
1902.73 council's
1902.81 acceptance
1903.73 of
1903.73 this
1903.97 gift
1904.37 of
1904.61 tangible
1904.77 property.
1905.25 Thank
1905.57 you,
1905.73 Mr.
1906.21 President.
1907.01 SIDERIS
1907.01 -
1907.01 I
1907.01 just
1907.17 want
1907.41 to
1907.73 add
1907.73 that
1907.97 the
1908.21 school
1908.45 department
1908.77 is
1909.17 also
1909.41 a
1909.89 beneficiary
1910.13 of
1910.93 a
1911.09 lot
1911.25 of
1911.41 this
1911.49 furniture.
1912.15 So
1912.8 can
1913.04 I
1913.2 get
1913.36 a
1913.52 motion
1913.6 to
1914.32 approve
1914.56 the
1914.88 acceptance
1915.12 of
1915.6 a
1916.32 gift
1916.48 of
1916.72 tangible
1916.8 personal
1917.43 property?
Item 9C
The council discussed a resolution to accept a $250 donation from Peter Fuller, aimed at covering expenses for the annual 2023 haunted joyride event. Assistant treasurer collector, Kathy Morrison, highlighted the donation's significance in offsetting costs, seeking council approval in accordance with Chapter 44, 53A, and expressing gratitude towards Peter Fuller for his contribution to the community event.
1929.01 -
1929.01 9c
1929.01 is
1929.01 a
1929.24 resolution
1929.4 approving
1930.29 acceptance
1931.24 of
1931.73 a
1931.88 gift
1932.05 of
1932.29 funds
1932.45 in
1933.09 the
1933.24 amount
1933.4 of
1933.64 $250
1933.88 from
1935.33 Peter
1935.64 Fuller
1935.97 to
1936.87 offset
1937.03 expenditures
1937.59 related
1938.71 to
1939.11 the
1939.27 annual
1939.43 2023
1940.07 haunted
1941.43 joyride
1941.91 event.
1943.8 PROAKIS
1943.8 -
1943.8 Our
1943.8 assistant
1944.13 treasurer
1944.44 collector,
1944.92 Kathy
1945.24 Morrison,
1945.57 has
1945.96 received
1946.13 a
1946.37 generous
1946.44 donation
1946.77 of
1947.09 $250
1947.33 from
1948.04 Peter
1948.29 Fuller
1948.53 to
1948.85 offset
1948.92 expenses
1949.33 related
1949.72 to
1950.13 the
1950.2 annual
1950.37 haunted
1950.77 joyride.
1951.16 So,
1951.83 pursuant
1952.87 to
1953.35 Chapter
1954.95 44,
1955.19 53A,
1955.19 I
1955.19 seek
1955.51 the
1955.83 council's
1955.91 approval
1956.31 with
1956.63 thanks
1956.87 to
1957.19 Peter
1957.35 Fuller
1957.59 for
1958.23 the
1958.47 donation
1958.71 for
1959.51 the
1959.75 haunted
1959.99 joyride.
1960.39 Thank
1960.87 you,
1961.03 Mr.
1961.61 president.
Item 9D
The council discussed a resolution (9d) to accept a donation of hockey equipment, valued at $2,500, from the Boston Bruins Foundation. The equipment is to be used in the upcoming Richard Moxley Field Court dedication event and will belong to the council afterwards for further use. Councillor Proakis expressed gratitude towards the Boston Bruins Foundation for their contribution and sought the council's approval for the acceptance of this gift.
1991.26 -
1991.26 9d
1991.26 is
1991.26 a
1991.38 resolution
1991.5 authorizing
1992.3 the
1992.86 acceptance
1993.02 of
1993.98 a
1994.14 gift
1994.3 of
1994.54 tangible
1994.78 personal
1995.84 property
1996.23 of
1996.55 hockey
1996.79 equipment
1997.19 from
1997.99 the
1998.23 Boston
1998.39 Bruins
1998.88 Foundation.
2001.91 PROAKIS
2001.91 -
2001.91 Thank
2001.91 you,
2002.08 Mr.
2002.63 President.
2003.36 The
2003.36 Boston
2004.12 Bruins
2004.44 Foundation
2004.44 is
2005.16 donating
2005.4 assorted
2005.88 hockey
2006.36 equipment,
2006.6 valued
2007.56 at
2007.88 $2500,
2007.96 often
2009.48 seen
2009.8 in
2010.04 conjunction
2010.2 with
2010.6 the
2010.76 upcoming
2011 Richard
2011.32 Moxley
2011.8 Field
2012.2 Court
2012.44 dedication
2012.77 being
2013.24 held
2013.48 this
2013.64 Wednesday.
2013.88 I'll
2014.29 share
2014.44 a
2014.57 bit
2014.68 more
2014.92 about
2015.16 that
2015.4 in
2016.2 my
2016.44 announcements
2016.68 later,
2018.92 and,
2019.8 in
2019.8 this
2019.96 case,
2020.2 a
2022.39 bunch
2023.03 of
2023.27 hockey
2023.43 equipment
2023.75 to
2024.15 be
2024.31 used
2025.91 and
2026.39 kept
2026.71 after
2026.95 the
2027.19 event
2027.43 on
2027.75 our
2027.91 behalf.
2028.07 It'll
2028.47 be
2028.63 utilized
2028.79 at
2029.27 the
2029.43 event,
2029.51 and
2029.91 it
2030.07 belongs
2031.18 to
2031.59 us
2031.74 afterwards.
2031.9 So,
2032.38 seeking
2033.51 the
2034.07 council's
2034.22 approval
2034.7 on
2035.18 this
2035.27 with
2035.51 thanks
2035.66 to
2035.9 the
2035.98 Boston
2036.14 Bruins
2036.46 Foundation
2036.87 for
2037.27 this
2037.66 donation.
2037.9 Thank
2038.38 you,
2038.63 Mr.
Item 9E
The resolution discussed involves transferring $1,157,000 from the fiscal year 2024 city council reserve account to various fire personnel accounts, with the purpose of funding the fire contract. This amount includes $460,000 previously removed from the collective bargain stabilization fund and is allocated to cover back pay for fiscal year 23 as well as fiscal year 24 expenses for the fire department, including salaries, overtime, holiday pay, and other benefits. The measure is presented as necessary for fully funding these commitments, with a request for the council's support.
2054.8 -
2054.8 9e
2054.8 is
2054.8 a
2055.03 resolution
2055.11 authorizing
2056.35 a
2056.91 transfer
2057.15 of
2057.47 funds
2057.71 in
2058.27 the
2058.43 amount
2058.59 of
2058.83 $1,157,000
2059.07 from
2062.19 the
2062.35 fiscal
2062.51 year
2062.83 2024
2063.31 city
2064.97 council
2065.28 reserve
2065.68 account
2066.09 to
2066.89 various
2067.13 fire
2067.68 personnel
2068.09 accounts.
2070.49 PROAKIS
2070.49 -
2070.49 Thank
2070.49 you,
2070.64 Mr.
2071.13 President.
2072.14 As
2072.14 noted,
2072.38 when
2072.94 we
2073.18 were
2073.34 discussing
2073.82 the
2075.18 item
2075.42 before,
2075.9 this,
2077.98 takes
2078.78 the
2079.1 $460,000
2080.03 that
2080.51 we
2080.76 removed
2080.99 from
2081.55 the
2082.84 collective
2083.47 bargain
2083.88 stabilization
2084.28 fund
2084.84 in
2085.16 addition
2085.32 to
2085.64 other
2085.72 money
2085.95 in
2086.2 council
2086.36 reserve
2086.76 that
2087.07 is
2087.32 set
2087.47 forward
2087.72 for
2088.11 the
2088.88 purpose
2089.12 of
2089.44 settling
2090.48 contracts
2091.04 in
2091.92 the
2092.16 amount
2092.24 of
2092.4 $1,157,000.
2095.2 That
2095.44 total
2095.44 is
2095.92 designed
2096.32 to
2096.88 pay
2097.04 for
2098.99 fiscal
2099.47 year
2099.47 23
2099.78 retro
2100.74 as
2101.47 well
2101.63 as
2101.86 fiscal
2102.26 year
2102.66 24
2102.99 fire
2104.03 department
2104.34 salaries
2105.46 over
2106.1 time,
2106.42 holiday
2106.74 pay,
2107.14 longevity,
2107.38 EMT
2109.38 pay,
2109.86 career
2110.26 incentive,
2110.74 etcetera,
2111.46 for
2112.02 the
2112.26 purpose
2112.34 of
2112.74 funding
2113.39 the
2113.72 fire
2114.03 contract,
2114.36 and,
2116.11 I
2116.99 seek
2117.64 the
2117.95 council's
2118.2 support
2118.68 so
2118.99 we
2119.16 can
2119.24 be
2119.39 fully
2119.47 funded
2119.72 on
2120.03 this.
2120.2 Thank
2120.36 you,
2120.52 Mr.
Item 9F
At the meeting, an ordinance amendment for a salary adjustment of the city manager was introduced. This procedure requires a first reading and a subsequent public hearing for implementation. The adjustment is proposed following an excellent evaluation of the manager, suggesting a 2.5% cost of living adjustment combined with a 1.5% performance bonus. The discussion and vote on this ordinance are scheduled for the next meeting in two weeks.
2144.86 SIDERIS
2144.86 -
2144.86 Next
2144.86 item
2145.09 is
2145.41 a
2145.57 first
2145.66 reading
2145.89 of
2146.22 a
2146.54 proposed
2146.7 ordinance
2147.09 amending
2148.06 the
2148.38 city
2148.54 manager's
2148.93 salary.
2149.41 For
2150.7 those
2150.86 that
2151.09 aren't
2151.26 aware,
2151.49 in
2152.24 order
2152.4 for
2152.56 us
2152.64 to
2153.04 adjust
2153.36 the
2153.68 salary
2153.92 of
2154.32 the
2154.48 city
2154.64 manager
2154.88 and
2155.68 other
2156 employees
2156.48 that
2157.04 work
2157.2 for
2157.36 the
2157.52 city
2157.68 council,
2157.92 we
2158.64 have
2158.88 to
2159.04 do
2159.12 it
2159.28 by
2159.44 ordinance,
2159.68 which
2160.71 means
2160.95 that
2161.19 we
2161.43 have
2161.59 to
2161.76 have
2161.84 a
2162.07 first
2162.23 reading
2162.47 and
2162.95 a
2163.11 public
2163.28 hearing
2163.68 at
2164.07 a
2164.23 subsequent
2164.47 meeting.
2164.95 I
2165.91 reported
2166.16 out
2166.64 a
2167.76 couple
2167.76 of
2168.07 meetings
2168.23 ago
2168.64 on
2169.03 the
2169.28 manager's
2169.51 evaluation,
2170.76 which
2171.48 was
2171.72 well
2172.36 above
2174.84 expectations,
2175 it
2175 was
2175 excellent.
2175.16 So
2176.44 the
2176.68 proposed
2176.84 ordinance
2177.4 that
2177.88 we'll
2178.04 be
2178.28 voting
2178.44 on
2178.76 two
2179.42 weeks
2179.66 from
2179.9 tonight
2180.14 would
2180.55 be
2180.78 2.5%
2182.22 cost
2182.55 of
2182.78 living
2182.94 adjustment
2183.26 and
2184.22 a
2184.39 1.5%
2185.18 performance
2185.59 bonus.
2186.07 We
2187.51 can
2187.66 discuss
2187.98 that
2188.39 further
2188.63 at
2189.77 the
2189.81 public
2189.85 hearing
2189.89 two
2190.53 weeks
2190.77 at
2191.17 our
2191.41 next
2191.57 meeting.
2191.81 Thank
2192.45 you.
Item 10
The Committee on Climate and Energy reported on its meeting on September 18th, detailing progress on the city's climate action plan. The meeting showcased a hybrid attendance, with important city members and officials present either in-person or via Zoom. During the session, Laura Schwab presented updates on the 33 action items for the climate plan, emphasizing that 28 are underway and highlighting the employment of a new energy advocate to outreach residents and businesses. Updates on building and energy, transportation, mobility, natural resources, infrastructure, and waste were discussed, including enhancements in charging stations, progress toward an all-electric fleet, tree planting initiatives, and waste reduction achievements. Public comments called for more focus on local transit, support for a micro-forest project, excitement for a tree ordinance, and the need for adequate staffing and funding to support these initiatives. A draft tree protection ordinance was also mentioned, indicating it's in development and awaiting further action. The meeting adjourned at 7:22 PM, with ongoing plans to hold quarterly meetings for continued progress on the city's climate goals.
2194.21 Committee
2194.21 reports,
2195.41 and
2195.65 we
2195.65 have
2195.81 one
2195.97 committee
2196.21 report,
2196.53 which
2196.85 is
2197.09 a
2197.17 committee
2197.25 on
2197.65 climate
2197.81 and
2198.21 energy
2198.37 report
2199.32 regarding
2199.72 its
2200.04 meeting
2200.28 on
2200.6 September
2200.84 18th.
2202.91 PALOMBA
2202.91 -
2202.91 Thank
2202.91 you.
2203.08 The
2203.47 committee
2203.64 on
2204.04 climate
2206.11 and
2206.52 energy
2206.68 met
2207.08 on
2207.32 Monday,
2207.47 September
2207.88 18th
2208.28 in
2208.68 the
2208.84 Richard
2208.91 Strangelo
2209.86 room
2210.58 of
2210.82 city
2211.06 hall.
2211.3 The
2211.62 purpose
2211.78 of
2212.1 the
2212.34 meeting
2212.42 was
2212.82 to
2213.06 continue
2213.22 conversations
2213.86 and
2214.98 get
2215.14 updates
2215.3 on
2215.7 the
2215.86 climate
2216.02 action
2216.42 plan.
2216.82 This
2217.44 was
2217.68 a
2217.84 hybrid
2218.09 meeting,
2219.28 attending
2219.76 in
2219.76 person
2219.92 was
2220.32 myself,
2220.57 council
2221.84 Bays,
2222.64 vice
2222.64 chair,
2222.96 councilor
2223.36 Airasian,
2224.32 secretary
2224.32 Mary
2225.28 Rose,
2225.61 Silas
2226.57 Feiler
2227.36 energy
2227.84 manager,
2228.32 Anissa
2228.88 Kaskiewicz,
2229.44 Jean,
2230.72 Turbeck,
2231.44 Brian
2232.16 Heibershin,
2232.56 and
2235.11 Laura
2235.59 Schwab,
2236.07 our
2236.47 senior
2236.7 environmental
2237.59 planner.
2238.22 On
2238.79 Zoom
2239.03 was
2239.34 James
2239.74 Bradad,
2240.55 Pat
2241.99 Ruth
2242.93 Burns,
2243.25 Susan
2243.73 LaDuke,
2244.21 Libby
2246.05 Shaw,
2246.53 Ellen
2247.09 Westman,
2247.41 Larry
2248.13 Raskin,
2250.05 Kate
2251.14 Swan,
2251.47 our
2252.66 environmental,
2252.83 planner,
2253.86 Susan
2255.07 Falcaoff,
2255.55 Deb
2256.11 Peterson,
2256.43 and
2257.07 the
2257.39 director
2257.47 of
2257.86 finance,
2258.03 Michael
2258.98 Albano
2259.54 and
2260.18 the
2261.14 assistant's,
2261.3 city
2262.26 manager
2262.58 Steve
2263.06 Magoon.
2263.46 The
2264.26 meeting
2264.42 was
2264.74 called
2264.98 to
2265.22 order
2265.46 at
2265.86 5:30
2266.1 with
2266.74 myself
2268.07 explaining
2268.63 the
2269.18 goal
2269.34 of
2269.59 the
2269.74 meeting
2269.82 was
2270.78 to
2271.03 go
2271.18 over
2271.34 what
2271.66 has
2271.9 been
2272.14 and
2272.46 will
2272.63 be
2272.86 implemented
2273.03 followed
2273.66 by
2273.98 questions
2274.39 and
2275.93 The
2275.93 meeting
2276.09 was
2276.49 turned
2276.65 over
2276.97 to
2277.21 Laura
2277.77 Schwab,
2278.25 who
2278.57 gave
2278.81 a
2279.05 detailed
2279.21 presentation
2279.77 that
2280.89 was
2281.05 broken
2281.29 down
2281.61 into
2281.93 two
2282.25 sections,
2282.57 items
2283.13 to
2284.68 launch
2284.91 in
2285.32 year
2286.91 one
2287.16 and
2287.39 items
2287.72 to
2288.11 launch
2288.28 in
2288.59 year
2288.76 two.
2288.99 Some
2289.8 key
2290.03 points
2290.28 in
2290.59 the
2290.76 presentation
2290.99 are
2291.8 listed
2291.95 below,
2293.13 full
2293.45 details
2293.45 can
2294.01 be
2294.25 found
2294.41 in
2294.65 the
2294.81 attachment
2294.97 A.
2295.77 Of
2297.13 the
2297.29 33
2297.53 action
2298.09 items
2298.49 to
2299.05 launch
2299.29 in
2299.61 year
2299.77 one,
2300.09 28
2300.81 are
2301.37 underway,
2302.41 metrics
2303.88 will
2303.88 be
2304.13 much
2304.28 more
2304.53 meaningful
2304.84 in
2305.48 five
2305.8 year
2305.96 increments
2306.36 as
2307.01 trends
2307.32 will
2307.8 be
2307.96 easier
2308.13 to
2308.53 be
2310.28 evaluated.
2310.53 Excuse
2311.24 me.
2311.57 The
2312.2 new
2312.36 energy
2312.52 advocate
2313.08 that
2313.64 has
2313.88 been
2314.12 hired
2314.36 will
2314.76 do
2314.92 direct
2315.16 outreach
2315.56 for
2316.12 residents
2316.36 as
2316.92 well
2317.16 as
2317.48 businesses,
2318.6 he
2318.84 will
2318.84 be
2319 plugged
2319.24 in
2319.48 immediately
2319.8 via
2320.44 presentation,
2320.76 events,
2321.56 and
2322.23 office
2322.47 hours.
2322.8 Chair
2324.23 asked
2324.64 about
2325.51 the
2325.76 energy
2325.99 advocates
2326.39 start
2327.03 date
2327.43 and
2328.47 priority
2328.71 list
2329.2 when
2329.43 he
2329.59 was
2329.76 going
2329.99 to
2330.23 begin.
2330.32 Laura
2331.34 explained
2331.74 there
2332.14 would
2332.38 be
2332.54 an
2332.78 onboarding
2333.02 process
2333.58 and
2334.06 items
2334.3 would
2334.7 be
2334.86 prioritized.
2335.18 Silas,
2337.5 then
2339.45 gave
2339.86 updates
2340.34 on
2340.82 building
2340.97 and
2341.38 energy
2341.53 aspects
2342.09 of
2342.49 the
2342.66 plant,
2343.22 some
2343.45 of
2343.45 the
2343.53 highlights
2343.7 include
2344.26 adoption
2344.74 of
2345.22 the
2345.38 stress
2345.53 code,
2346.02 working
2346.98 to
2347.38 eliminate
2347.54 fossil
2348.26 fuels,
2348.58 incentivizing
2349.62 transition
2350.66 to
2351.14 heat
2351.38 pumps,
2351.62 and
2352.02 providing
2352.26 assistance
2352.82 for
2353.46 energy
2354.22 efficiency
2354.7 through
2355.26 financing
2355.66 opportunities.
2358.06 Other
2358.06 aspects
2359.1 that
2359.58 were
2359.82 discussed
2360.06 were
2360.54 transportation
2360.86 and
2361.58 mobility
2361.89 as
2363.28 well
2363.36 as
2363.6 natural
2363.84 resources.
2364.48 On
2365.12 the
2365.44 transportation
2365.6 and
2366.4 mobility,
2366.64 it
2367.68 is
2367.84 moving
2368.16 forward
2368.56 as
2369.12 one,
2369.84 charging
2370.56 stations
2371.04 are
2371.52 being
2371.68 enhanced.
2372 The
2372.86 city
2373.09 is
2373.41 moving
2373.65 toward
2373.97 an
2374.3 all
2374.61 electric
2374.86 fleet,
2375.41 the
2376.14 hiring
2376.38 of
2376.69 a
2376.93 transportation
2377.17 planner.
2377.89 Also
2378.93 discussed
2379.26 with
2379.82 natural
2380.05 resources
2380.53 and
2381.76 establishing
2382.88 a
2383.44 tree
2383.68 ordinance,
2383.92 increase
2384.96 more
2385.44 tree
2385.84 planting,
2386.16 and
2387.36 DPW
2387.76 receiving
2388.48 a
2388.96 grant
2389.12 to
2389.44 plant
2389.6 more
2389.92 trees.
2390.16 Lastly,
2391.09 infrastructure
2391.89 and
2392.61 waste
2392.86 continue
2393.41 to
2393.82 improve
2395.01 as
2395.49 free
2395.89 composting
2396.38 currently
2397.01 reaches
2397.57 2,600
2398.22 households
2399.34 as
2400.4 well
2400.64 as
2400.8 all
2401.28 schools,
2402.16 all
2402.72 the
2402.72 recycling
2403.44 of
2404 our
2404.16 textiles
2404.4 has
2405.12 been
2405.36 about
2405.6 1900
2406.4 pounds
2407.12 per
2407.44 month.
2407.68 All
2408.32 in
2408.56 all,
2408.72 Watertown
2409.04 has
2409.6 decreased
2410.39 waste
2410.95 tonnage
2411.27 by
2411.74 10%
2411.99 between
2412.63 2001
2413.35 and
2414.47 2022.
2414.79 There
2416.63 was
2416.79 a
2417.03 discussion
2417.18 of
2417.66 the
2417.91 D'Breto,
2417.99 where
2418.7 this
2418.95 stands
2419.59 for
2419.91 building
2420.39 emissions
2421.27 reduction
2421.91 and
2422.47 disclosure
2422.79 ordinance,
2423.35 and
2424.23 when
2424.39 it
2424.63 would
2424.79 become
2425.03 available.
2425.51 There
2426.87 was
2427.11 consensus
2427.35 it
2428.07 would
2428.23 be
2429.89 a
2430.02 couple
2430.14 of
2430.45 months
2430.61 out
2430.93 before
2431.34 the
2431.66 ordinance
2431.82 was
2432.93 available.
2434.93 There
2434.93 were
2435.09 several
2435.34 public
2435.97 Summarizing
2436.51 below,
2437.15 Ernesto
2437.63 Kackevich
2438.19 would
2438.91 like
2439.15 more
2439.39 focus
2439.63 on
2440.03 local
2440.27 transit
2440.67 and
2441.47 asking
2441.71 developers
2442.11 to
2442.83 share
2442.99 the
2443.31 goals
2443.39 of
2443.79 the
2443.95 community
2444.35 action
2444.99 plan.
2445.31 Susan
2446.11 LeDoux
2446.51 was
2447.07 happy
2447.47 to
2447.8 see
2447.95 that
2448.11 Alexandra
2448.51 Realty
2449.39 have
2450.43 a
2450.68 plan
2450.84 for
2451.16 a
2451.55 micro
2451.64 forest.
2452.59 Debbie
2453.53 Shaw
2453.85 was
2454.33 excited
2454.57 to
2455.05 see
2455.13 a
2455.37 tree
2455.53 ordinance
2455.77 in
2456.25 the
2456.41 works
2456.57 and
2456.89 believe
2457.13 there
2457.37 are
2457.61 many
2457.69 opportunities
2458.09 to
2458.89 collaborate
2459.05 regionally
2459.69 to
2460.73 improve
2460.89 the
2461.61 urban
2461.85 forest.
2462.25 Brian
2463.15 Haibasen
2463.63 was
2464.36 proud
2464.67 of
2464.91 all
2465.07 the
2465.32 work
2465.39 the
2465.71 city
2465.88 has
2466.11 done,
2466.36 but
2466.59 stressed
2466.84 that
2467.32 work
2467.47 will
2467.8 increase
2468.11 and
2469.07 staff
2469.32 and
2469.71 funding
2469.95 needs
2470.43 to
2470.67 be
2470.84 appropriate.
2471.07 I
2472.92 suggested
2473.16 having
2473.88 more
2474.2 specific
2474.52 meetings
2475 so
2475.48 as
2475.64 we
2475.8 can
2475.96 focus
2476.2 on
2476.52 certain
2476.84 aspects
2477.24 of
2477.64 the
2477.8 plan
2477.96 to
2478.36 see
2478.6 actions
2478.92 and
2479.32 implementation.
2479.56 After
2480.84 some
2481.07 discussion,
2481.47 it
2481.95 was
2482.11 agreed
2482.36 to
2482.68 continue
2482.91 the
2483.32 path
2483.55 we
2483.8 are
2484.03 on
2484.2 and
2484.76 have
2484.91 quarterly
2485.16 meetings
2485.8 to
2486.2 continue
2486.36 the
2486.84 progress.
2487.07 Council
2488.4 Bays
2488.72 made
2488.96 a
2489.2 motion
2489.28 to
2489.68 adjourn,
2490.24 this
2490.48 was
2490.48 second
2490.64 by
2490.96 councilor
2491.2 Airasian,
2491.6 which
2492.24 passed
2492.48 3
2492.88 to
2493.2 0.
2493.36 Meeting
2493.92 was
2494.24 adjourned
2494.4 at
2494.8 7:22,
2495.04 and
2495.92 I
2496.16 appreciate
2496.32 the
2496.72 minutes
2496.88 being
2497.28 prepared
2497.52 by
2497.92 councilor
2498.47 Airasian.
2510.08 LISA
2510.24 FELTNER
2510.24 -
2510.24 CITY
2510.24 COUNCIL
2510.24 -
2510.24 Thank
2510.24 you.
2510.24 I
2510.48 was
2510.56 just
2510.72 wondering;
2510.88 I
2511.12 noticed
2511.28 that
2511.52 there
2511.76 was
2511.92 a
2512.08 mention
2512.16 that
2512.4 there's
2512.56 a
2512.8 draft,
2512.96 a
2513.92 tree
2514.57 protection
2514.89 ordinance
2515.54 or
2516.09 maybe
2516.26 that's
2516.49 coming.
2516.89 I'm
2517.7 wondering
2517.93 the
2518.18 department's
2518.41 coming
2519.05 from
2519.45 because
2519.7 I
2519.93 know
2520.02 we've
2520.18 had
2520.34 a
2520.41 long
2520.49 standing
2520.66 referral
2521.05 on
2521.54 that
2521.7 council
2522.09 committee.
2522.57 I
2525.25 didn't
2525.33 make
2525.65 the
2525.81 committee
2526.05 meeting,
2526.93 so
2527.01 I
2527.01 was
2527.09 wondering,
2527.25 could
2528.13 you
2528.37 give
2528.45 a
2528.69 little
2528.77 more
2528.93 detail
2529.17 about
2529.57 the
2529.81 status
2530.05 of
2530.37 the
2530.53 draft
2530.69 tree
2531.41 protection
2531.73 ordinance?
2533.39 SIDERIS
2533.39 -
2533.39 It's
2540.11 in
2540.52 the
2540.52 report
2540.52 but
2540.52 we
2540.52 haven't
2540.68 taken
2541.39 any
2541.71 action
2541.79 on
2542.19 that
2542.35 at
2542.59 this
2542.75 time.
2542.99 It
2543.47 would
2543.63 need
2543.87 to
2544.11 be
2544.27 referred
2544.43 to
2545.31 rules
2545.47 and
2545.71 ordinances
2545.95 so
2547.63 that
2547.87 we
2548.03 could
2548.19 do
2548.35 that.
2548.91 FELTNER
2548.91 -
2548.91 Well,
2548.91 we
2549.07 do
2549.16 have
2549.23 an
2550.2 outstanding
2550.43 referral,
2550.99 and
2551.32 it
2551.47 mentioned
2551.64 a
2551.95 draft
2552.11 ordinance,
2552.51 so
2552.68 I
2552.68 was
2552.76 wondering
2552.84 if
2553.16 the
2553.23 planning
2553.39 department
2553.71 has
2554.11 a
2554.36 draft.
2554.51 I
2554.91 didn't
2555.71 make
2555.88 the
2556.03 committee
2556.2 meeting,
2556.43 so
2556.68 I
2556.76 was
2556.84 trying
2556.99 to
2557.23 get
2557.32 a
2557.47 better
2557.55 sense
2557.8 of
2558.03 where
2558.99 that
2559.31 stands.
2561.23 PROAKIS
2566.45 -
2566.45 Community
2566.45 members
2566.86 developed
2567.18 a
2567.57 draft,
2569.02 they
2569.26 asked
2569.26 for
2569.49 some
2569.82 and
2570.14 some
2570.3 thoughts
2570.53 on
2570.93 it
2571.09 and
2571.41 us
2572.14 to
2572.38 potentially,
2573.09 provide
2574.77 what
2575.57 we
2575.81 felt
2575.97 would
2576.29 be
2576.45 best
2576.61 from
2576.85 the
2577.01 administrative
2577.17 side
2577.65 of
2577.89 the
2577.97 city.
2578.05 We've
2579.49 recently
2580.05 finished
2580.53 that
2580.85 up,
2581.01 and
2581.33 we're
2581.81 going
2582.89 to
2583.05 bring
2583.05 together
2583.05 staff
2583.45 and
2583.7 the
2584.09 community
2584.26 members
2584.66 that
2584.97 did
2585.14 the
2585.3 first
2586.02 drafting,
2586.18 have
2586.18 a
2586.41 conversation
2586.57 about
2586.97 it,
2587.22 see
2587.45 where
2587.61 that
2587.78 goes,
2587.93 and
2588.26 hopefully
2588.74 be
2589.22 back
2589.3 to
2589.53 the
2589.61 council
2589.78 with
2590.34 something
2590.57 soon.
Item 11
In the council meeting, there were discussions and updates on various community activities and developments. Nancy Hammett was recommended for appointment and Janet Buck for reappointment to the stormwater advisory committee, with their terms expiring in July 2025. Highlights of upcoming events included the dedication ceremony at PFC Richard Moxley Field, featuring a multipurpose recreation facility opening and other activities. The Watertown farmers market was announced to have its last day of the current year, along with details about the Halloween-themed events, including a costume and clothing swap and a haunted joyride with a jack o'-lantern carving contest. Additionally, progress was shared on park and playground designs with community meetings scheduled for public feedback. The establishment of a new human rights commission was mentioned, with a request for applications imminent. Lastly, reminders about the municipal election were provided, emphasizing various voting options available to residents, including mail-in ballots, early in-person voting, and traditional voting on Election Day.
2600.74 SIDERIS
2600.74 -
2600.74 Any
2600.74 new
2600.98 business
2601.07 to
2601.55 come
2601.63 before
2601.78 the
2602.11 council?
2602.26 Seeing
2605.55 none,
2605.95 we
2606.26 get
2606.43 the
2606.59 communications
2606.66 from
2607.39 the
2607.63 manager,
2607.78 and
2608.26 the
2608.51 first
2608.59 is
2608.91 a
2609.14 request
2609.22 for
2609.75 confirmation
2610.07 of
2610.47 appointment
2610.71 or
2611.11 reappointment
2611.35 to
2612.31 the
2612.47 stormwater
2612.71 advisory
2613.35 committee.
2615.83 PROAKIS
2615.83 -
2615.83 Thank
2615.83 you,
2616.07 Mr.
2617.11 President.
2618.46 Upon
2618.46 review
2618.78 by
2619.43 the
2619.59 residents
2621.34 advisory
2621.82 committee,
2622.39 I
2623.34 am
2623.51 transmitting
2623.74 to
2624.3 your
2624.46 recommendation
2624.7 to
2625.26 appoint
2625.51 Nancy
2625.82 Hammett
2626.22 as
2626.55 a
2626.78 member
2626.86 of
2626.94 the
2627.03 stormwater
2627.18 advisory
2627.59 committee
2628.16 for
2628.32 a
2628.44 term
2628.56 to
2628.96 expire
2629.12 July
2629.52 15th,
2629.76 2025
2630.24 and
2630.64 reappoint
2631.44 Janet
2631.92 Buck
2632.16 as
2632.4 a
2632.48 member
2632.56 of
2632.8 the
2632.88 stormwater
2632.96 advisory
2633.44 committee
2633.84 for
2634.16 a
2634.32 term
2634.4 to
2634.64 expire
2634.72 July
2635.12 15th,
2636.64 2025.
2639.03 SIDERIS
2639.03 -
2639.03 Under
2639.03 the
2639.34 council
2639.51 rules,
2639.91 this
2640.22 goes
2640.39 to
2640.63 the
2640.78 committee
2640.94 on
2641.26 public
2641.82 works.
2644.7 PROAKIS
2644.7 -
2644.7 Thank
2644.7 you,
2644.94 Mr.
2645.43 President.
2646.8 There's
2646.8 a
2647.04 lot
2647.12 going
2647.44 on
2647.68 this
2647.84 fall,
2648.08 so,
2648.48 my
2649.36 announcements
2649.68 are
2650.16 mainly
2650.32 about
2650.64 events
2650.88 this
2651.2 evening.
2651.44 Wednesday,
2652.8 tomorrow,
2653.44 October
2654 25th,
2654.4 please
2655.06 join
2655.38 us
2655.45 for
2655.78 the
2655.93 court
2656.1 dedication
2656.41 ceremony
2656.97 at
2657.45 PFC
2657.7 Richard
2658.1 Moxley
2658.41 Field
2658.82 4:00
2659.38 PM,
2659.7 31
2659.7 Westminster
2660.02 Ave.
2660.66 Highlights
2661.22 of
2661.61 the
2661.78 event
2661.86 include
2662.26 honoring
2662.58 Vietnam
2663.14 War
2663.54 Marine
2663.78 PFC
2664.18 Richard
2664.58 Moxley
2664.84 for
2665.24 which
2665.32 the
2665.56 field
2665.72 is
2665.96 dedicated.
2666.12 Officially
2667.32 opening
2667.8 our
2668.04 newest
2668.28 recreation
2668.6 facility
2669.08 that
2669.56 includes
2669.72 a
2670.12 multipurpose
2670.36 rink,
2670.92 basketball
2671.88 court,
2672.7 tennis
2672.7 and
2673.03 pickleball
2673.11 courts
2673.66 and
2673.98 LED
2674.22 lighting.
2674.63 Short
2675.59 remarks
2675.82 and
2676.22 refreshments
2676.39 named
2677.03 Boston
2677.26 Bruins
2677.66 Hockey
2678.14 Clinic
2678.55 for
2678.86 children
2679.03 led
2679.34 by
2679.66 Bob
2679.74 Sweeney,
2679.98 former
2680.39 Boston
2681.23 Bruins
2681.47 Stanley
2681.71 Cup
2682.03 finalist
2682.27 and
2682.75 current
2682.91 Boston
2683.15 Burns
2683.47 Foundation
2683.87 president.
2684.35 And
2685.87 Boston
2686.19 Bruins
2686.59 Foundation
2686.83 is
2687.23 a
2687.31 major
2687.47 sponsor
2687.79 of
2688.19 the
2688.27 event,
2688.43 including
2688.67 generous
2689.07 donation
2689.39 of
2689.79 hockey
2689.87 equipment
2690.39 as
2690.72 mentioned
2690.95 earlier.
2691.28 So,
2692.08 thank
2692.8 you
2692.95 all
2693.2 for
2693.36 this,
2693.68 we're
2693.84 looking
2693.84 forward
2694.08 to
2694.32 it,
2694.39 I
2694.64 look
2694.72 forward
2694.88 to
2695.11 seeing
2695.28 people
2695.52 there
2695.76 at
2695.91 4
2696.08 o'clock
2696.32 tomorrow.
2696.64 It
2698.14 should
2698.38 be
2698.62 a
2698.7 great
2698.86 event,
2699.02 and,
2699.5 I
2700.7 believe,
2701.42 Watertown's
2702.06 own,
2702.7 Jerry
2703.18 York
2703.5 is
2703.74 also
2703.9 joining
2704.22 us
2704.46 for
2704.62 this
2704.78 event.
2704.94 So
2705.26 we
2705.5 look
2705.9 forward
2706.06 to
2707.2 having
2707.36 folks
2707.61 there.
2707.93 Also
2708.81 tomorrow
2709.13 night,
2709.53 as
2709.93 you
2710.16 make
2710.33 your
2710.49 way
2710.64 through
2710.81 the
2711.05 events
2711.13 occurring
2711.45 in
2711.77 Watertown,
2711.84 tomorrow
2712.41 is
2712.72 the
2712.97 last
2713.2 day
2713.53 of
2714.14 the
2714.22 year
2714.46 for
2714.7 our
2714.94 wonderful
2715.1 farmers
2715.42 market.
2716.22 It's
2716.22 open
2716.38 tomorrow,
2716.7 2:30
2717.02 to
2717.58 6:00.
2717.74 Runs
2718.86 rain
2719.18 or
2719.42 shine
2719.5 right
2719.82 over
2719.98 here
2720.14 in
2720.22 Salt
2720.38 and
2720.54 Stahl
2720.62 Park.
2720.86 If
2721.1 you
2721.26 haven't
2721.34 made
2721.66 it
2721.82 over
2721.9 yet,
2722.14 tomorrow
2722.63 is
2722.95 the
2723.03 last
2723.27 chance
2723.51 to
2723.83 do
2723.99 so
2724.14 this
2725.18 fall,
2725.74 and
2725.91 if
2725.91 you
2725.99 have
2726.14 made
2726.31 it
2726.47 over,
2726.55 it's
2726.79 a
2726.95 great
2727.03 chance
2727.27 to
2727.51 come
2727.59 back
2727.83 one
2728.07 more
2728.31 time.
2728.55 Haunted
2729.94 happenings,
2730.26 we'll
2731.06 be
2731.3 celebrating
2731.46 the
2731.94 season.
2732.18 The
2732.74 lights
2732.9 of
2733.14 the
2733.22 trees
2733.3 and
2733.62 the
2733.7 delta
2733.78 will
2734.1 be
2734.26 illuminated
2734.42 in
2734.9 colors
2734.98 for
2735.3 Halloween
2735.46 through
2735.86 October
2736.1 31st.
2736.5 Thursday
2737.94 evening,
2738.42 October
2738.82 26th,
2739.14 be
2739.84 a
2739.92 Halloween
2740.01 costume
2740.4 and
2740.72 clothing
2740.96 swap
2741.36 and
2741.68 general
2741.92 clothing
2742.24 textile
2742.57 recycling.
2743.05 DPW
2744.24 is
2744.8 hosting
2745.05 this
2745.36 spooky
2745.68 themed
2746.09 costume
2746.4 swap
2746.89 and
2747.13 clothing
2747.28 and
2747.61 textile
2747.76 recycling
2748.16 event
2748.64 5:00
2748.96 to
2749.13 8:00
2749.28 in
2749.53 the
2750.39 DPW
2750.47 parking
2750.55 lot
2750.79 at
2751.11 124
2751.43 Orchard
2751.91 Street,
2752.23 that
2752.55 is
2752.71 Thursday,
2753.35 26th.
2754.31 Saturday,
2755.11 28th,
2755.83 we
2756.31 have
2756.47 our
2756.55 annual
2756.71 haunted
2757.11 joyride
2757.43 from
2757.91 6:00
2758.53 to
2758.68 8:00
2758.68 PM
2758.68 at
2758.81 the
2758.93 Commander's
2759.16 Mansion,
2759.64 440
2760.13 Talcott
2760.53 Ave.
2760.93 New
2761.57 this
2761.81 year
2762.05 is
2762.29 a
2762.53 jack
2762.68 o'-lantern
2762.84 carving
2763.32 contest.
2763.81 The
2764.53 prize
2764.77 for
2764.93 winning
2765.09 jack
2765.41 Lantern
2765.72 is
2766.12 generally
2766.2 donated
2766.6 by
2767.08 Majestic
2767.24 7
2767.72 Movie
2767.96 theater
2768.2 in
2768.52 Arsenal
2768.68 Yards.
2769 Prize
2769.56 winner
2769.88 will
2770.12 receive
2770.36 two
2770.6 movie
2770.76 tickets
2771.08 plus
2771.4 a
2771.52 voucher
2771.64 for
2771.96 popcorn
2772.2 and
2772.68 a
2772.84 drink.
2773.4 Thank
2773.56 you
2773.56 to
2774.32 all
2774.48 of
2774.61 our
2774.72 local
2774.96 sponsors,
2775.28 including
2776.16 the
2776.64 donation
2776.88 from
2777.36 Peter
2777.53 Fuller
2777.84 for
2778.24 our
2778.48 events
2779.2 this
2779.61 year.
2779.76 We
2781.26 have
2781.5 been
2781.66 doing
2781.82 a
2782.06 lot
2782.14 of
2782.3 work
2782.46 on
2782.78 park
2782.94 and
2783.18 playground
2783.34 designs,
2783.74 and
2784.46 I
2784.7 want
2784.78 to
2785.02 just
2785.02 speak
2785.26 briefly
2785.5 on
2785.9 this
2785.98 because
2786.22 as
2787.1 you
2787.34 may
2787.5 recall,
2787.74 when
2788.06 I
2788.22 did
2788.38 the
2788.54 budget
2788.7 presentation
2789.88 last
2790.84 year,
2791.16 and
2791.39 then
2791.64 when
2791.8 we
2791.95 did
2792.04 our
2792.2 CIP,
2792.43 our
2792.91 capital
2793.16 improvement
2793.64 plan
2794.2 presentation,
2794.52 the
2796.52 beginning
2796.68 of
2796.99 this
2797.16 calendar
2797.72 year,
2798.11 we
2799.1 put
2799.34 together
2799.58 a
2800.3 pretty
2800.54 substantial
2801.1 schedule
2802.06 of
2802.94 making
2803.1 sure
2803.5 that
2803.74 our
2803.9 parking
2804.06 playground
2804.38 projects
2804.78 could
2805.1 stay
2805.34 on
2805.58 schedule.
2805.74 We
2806.68 are
2806.84 finishing
2807.07 up
2807.64 the
2807.8 design
2808.03 of
2808.28 arsenal
2808.51 phase
2808.99 b
2809.32 and,
2809.72 victory
2810.51 phase
2810.99 2.
2811.23 We'll
2811.8 have
2812.03 one
2812.28 more
2812.43 meeting
2812.59 on
2812.84 Victory
2812.99 phase
2813.39 2
2813.75 to,
2813.91 review
2814.55 again
2814.95 all
2815.19 of
2815.43 the
2815.51 designs
2815.67 that
2816.07 went
2816.23 through
2816.39 a
2816.55 pretty
2816.63 substantial
2816.87 community
2817.43 process
2817.91 there.
2818.23 And
2819.03 we're
2819.19 going
2819.27 to
2819.51 get
2819.51 our
2819.67 Arsenal
2819.83 phase
2819.99 b
2820.23 underway
2820.47 with
2820.79 playground
2821.03 equipment
2821.51 coming
2821.99 very
2822.31 soon.
2822.55 We
2823.43 are
2823.59 doing
2823.84 design
2824.07 work
2824.39 on
2824.72 the
2824.8 next
2824.88 three
2825.2 parks
2825.43 that
2825.68 we're
2825.84 lining
2825.99 up
2826.32 behind
2826.55 that.
2826.8 How,
2827.2 Bemis,
2827.51 and,
2828.32 Lowell,
2831.3 the
2831.78 playground
2832.02 behind
2832.42 the
2832.66 Lowell
2832.82 School,
2833.14 which
2833.38 we
2833.62 want
2833.78 to
2834.02 do
2834.02 next
2834.42 summer.
2836.02 So
2836.02 the
2836.42 next
2836.66 big
2836.98 meeting
2837.22 on
2837.54 that
2837.7 topic
2837.86 is
2838.18 on
2838.34 Bemis
2838.5 playground,
2839.78 there
2840.96 is
2841.28 one
2841.53 today,
2841.76 but
2842.09 if
2842.41 you
2842.48 missed
2842.64 that
2842.96 chance,
2843.2 there'll
2843.53 be
2843.76 another
2843.93 opportunity,
2844.32 Saturday,
2844.89 November
2845.36 4th
2845.68 from
2846.01 4:00
2846.16 to
2846.41 6:00
2846.57 PM
2846.8 at
2847.36 the
2847.53 playground
2847.68 where
2848.16 you
2848.41 can
2848.48 meet
2848.64 with
2848.8 CBA
2850.85 landscape
2850.86 architects
2850.88 and
2850.89 provide
2850.91 some
2851.23 feedback
2851.47 on
2851.87 what
2852.11 you
2852.27 would
2852.43 like
2852.51 to
2852.75 see
2852.83 in
2852.99 the
2853.07 future
2853.15 of
2853.55 Bemis
2853.71 playground.
2854.03 As
2854.75 I
2854.91 said,
2854.99 we're
2855.23 lining
2855.47 these
2855.71 up
2855.95 for
2856.19 24
2857.11 and
2857.36 25
2857.68 and
2858.07 beyond
2858.24 to
2858.55 actually
2858.72 do
2859.03 construction
2859.2 work,
2859.68 but
2859.91 trying
2860.32 to
2860.55 keep
2860.72 design
2860.88 work
2861.2 going
2861.59 ahead
2861.84 of
2862.07 time
2862.24 so
2862.55 that
2862.72 we
2862.95 can
2863.11 do
2863.76 parks
2863.99 improvements
2864.39 as
2865.03 best
2865.2 we
2865.43 can
2865.59 on
2866.37 time
2866.53 and
2866.85 on
2866.93 schedule,
2867.57 so,
2868.45 look
2868.45 forward
2868.69 to
2868.93 seeing
2869.09 folks
2869.33 there.
2869.65 There
2871.81 is
2872.05 a
2872.21 senior
2872.29 health
2872.61 and
2872.85 fitness
2873.09 fair
2873.59 on
2873.84 Wednesday,
2873.99 November
2874.55 15th
2874.88 from
2875.28 noon
2875.51 to
2875.76 3
2875.84 o'clock
2875.99 at
2876.32 the
2876.47 Commander's
2876.55 Mansion
2877.03 presented
2877.51 by
2877.91 the
2878.07 Department
2878.47 of
2878.8 Senior
2878.95 Services,
2879.28 Public
2879.99 Health
2880.32 Department,
2880.64 and
2881.19 Community
2881.43 Partners.
2881.91 The
2883.8 Watertown
2884.12 Square
2884.76 meeting
2885.08 last
2885.48 week,
2885.72 I
2886.04 think
2886.12 we
2886.36 had
2886.52 a
2886.6 great
2886.68 kickoff
2887.08 for
2887.72 that
2887.88 project.
2888.12 Our
2889.32 consulting
2889.48 team
2889.96 is
2890.12 working
2890.28 busily
2890.52 in
2890.92 preparation
2891.08 for
2891.48 the
2891.64 Sharett
2892.16 which
2892.16 is
2892.41 November
2892.64 28th,
2893.13 29th,
2893.77 and
2894.24 30th.
2894.32 We'll
2894.8 have
2894.97 specific
2895.68 times
2896.97 for
2897.29 events
2897.53 those
2897.84 days
2898.09 coming
2898.41 forward
2898.64 in
2898.89 the
2899.05 very
2899.13 near
2899.36 future,
2899.77 and,
2899.93 again,
2899.93 thank
2900.16 you
2900.32 to
2900.41 council
2900.73 for
2901.13 moving
2901.29 their
2901.61 meeting
2901.85 that
2902.33 week
2902.57 to
2902.89 Monday
2903.13 27th
2903.85 so
2904.89 that
2905.13 we
2905.29 could
2905.45 do
2905.61 our
2905.77 Sharrett
2906.01 kickoff
2906.33 on
2906.73 Tuesday
2906.89 28th.
2910.55 Our
2920.77 colleagues
2921.89 at
2922.45 Wayside
2922.69 are
2923.41 holding
2923.81 an
2924.45 event,
2924.77 the
2925.41 Watertown
2926.36 Youth
2927.08 Coalition
2927.39 Youth
2927.95 Wellness
2928.28 Community
2928.76 Forum,
2929.16 which
2929.95 will
2930.2 be
2930.36 Wednesday,
2930.59 November
2931.24 8th
2931.72 at
2932.04 6:00
2932.2 PM
2932.43 at
2932.76 the
2932.84 Lowell
2932.99 School,
2933.32 with
2934.65 discussions
2935.45 on
2935.93 youth
2936.33 risk
2936.73 behaviors
2936.97 and
2937.53 discussions
2937.77 about
2938.17 what
2938.41 we
2938.57 can
2938.65 do
2938.81 to
2938.97 promote
2939.05 youth
2939.37 wellness
2939.69 in
2940.09 Watertown.
2940.25 There
2942.88 has
2942.95 been
2943.28 some
2943.43 questions
2943.6 coming
2943.91 my
2944.32 way
2944.39 about
2944.56 the
2944.72 Human
2944.88 Rights
2945.11 Commission,
2945.36 and
2945.68 I
2945.84 just
2945.91 wanted
2946.16 to
2946.39 share
2946.56 that
2946.8 I'm
2946.95 hoping
2947.11 in
2947.52 the
2947.68 next
2947.84 seven
2947.99 days
2948.32 is
2948.56 my
2948.8 plan
2948.95 to
2949.28 get
2949.43 out
2949.6 information
2949.84 to
2950.88 community
2951.11 members.
2951.52 We've
2952.7 gotten
2952.94 some
2953.18 feedback
2953.42 from
2953.74 the
2953.82 residents
2953.98 advisory
2954.38 committee,
2954.78 and
2955.1 I
2955.26 hope
2955.42 to
2955.58 issue
2955.74 a
2956.06 request
2956.14 for
2956.54 people
2956.62 who
2956.94 might
2957.02 be
2957.26 interested
2957.34 in
2957.74 joining
2957.9 our
2958.3 new
2958.38 human
2958.62 rights
2958.94 commission
2959.18 to
2959.82 submit
2959.98 their
2960.3 applications,
2960.46 which
2961.72 would
2961.88 then
2962.11 go
2962.36 for
2962.52 review
2962.91 by
2963.24 the
2963.39 residents
2963.55 advisory
2963.95 committee
2964.43 and
2964.91 review
2965.24 by
2965.64 me
2965.88 in
2966.11 my
2966.28 office
2966.43 to
2966.84 present
2967.24 to
2967.55 this
2967.72 council
2967.95 membership
2969.27 to
2969.67 appoint
2969.91 to
2970.23 that
2970.31 committee
2970.47 in
2970.87 the
2971.03 very
2971.19 near
2971.59 future
2971.83 as
2972.15 soon
2972.23 as
2972.47 we
2972.55 can.
2973.83 Finally,
2975.03 I
2975.03 want
2975.19 to
2975.51 remind
2975.51 everyone
2975.75 that
2976.07 our
2976.23 municipal
2976.47 election
2976.95 is
2977.27 now
2977.43 two
2977.59 weeks
2977.75 away.
2977.99 The
2978.57 city
2978.81 clerk's
2978.97 office
2979.36 wants
2979.68 to
2979.85 remind
2980.01 voters
2980.24 they
2980.64 must
2980.81 apply
2981.05 if
2981.29 they
2981.45 want
2981.61 to
2981.77 vote
2981.85 by
2982.01 mail,
2982.57 applications
2983.05 are
2983.05 available
2983.2 in
2983.45 the
2983.61 clerk's
2983.68 office
2984.01 and
2984.24 online.
2984.41 You
2985.13 may
2985.29 also
2985.45 contact
2985.88 the
2986.04 clerk's
2986.2 office
2986.44 for
2986.68 more
2986.92 information
2987.16 on
2987.48 how
2987.56 to
2987.72 apply,
2988.36 applications
2989 are
2989 being
2989.24 accepted
2989.48 until
2989.8 October
2990.2 31st
2990.6 at
2991.08 5:00
2991.24 PM.
2991.48 The
2992.2 clerk's
2992.36 office
2992.68 has
2993 started
2993.24 mailing
2993.56 ballots,
2994.2 so
2994.36 if
2994.36 you
2994.44 already
2994.68 applied,
2996.26 yours
2996.51 should
2996.51 be
2996.74 arriving
2996.91 soon.
2997.3 Completed
2998.11 mail
2998.59 ballot
2998.82 should
2999.14 be
2999.3 received
2999.39 by
2999.63 the
2999.78 clerk's
2999.94 office
3000.26 by
3000.59 November
3000.74 7th
3001.07 at
3001.46 8:00
3001.63 PM.
3001.78 Early
3002.51 in
3002.91 person
3003.14 voting
3003.46 will
3003.86 take
3004.03 place
3004.11 at
3004.34 City
3004.54 hall
3004.7 in
3004.86 the
3004.94 Lowell
3005.02 hearing
3005.34 room
3005.58 next
3005.82 week,
3006.06 Tuesday,
3006.46 October
3006.94 31st,
3007.34 and
3007.82 Wednesday,
3008.06 November
3008.46 1st
3008.86 from
3009.5 10:00
3009.82 to
3009.98 4:00,
3010.14 and
3010.62 Thursday,
3010.94 November
3011.34 2nd
3011.74 from
3012.22 8:00
3012.54 to
3012.78 4:00.
3012.94 And,
3013.89 of
3014.22 course,
3014.45 if
3014.86 you
3015.26 don't
3015.49 like
3015.74 voting
3015.89 by
3016.22 mail
3016.38 or
3016.61 voting
3016.86 early
3017.18 in
3017.49 person,
3017.66 there's
3018.38 always
3018.7 the
3019.02 option
3019.09 of
3019.41 voting
3019.49 on
3019.82 Election
3019.97 Day
3020.38 at
3020.7 your
3020.86 polling
3021.09 place,
3021.41 and
3022.07 the
3022.15 polling
3022.39 locations
3022.71 will
3023.19 be
3023.35 open
3023.51 from
3023.75 7:00
3024.07 AM
3024.39 to
3024.63 8:00
3024.79 PM
3025.03 on
3025.35 election
3025.51 day,
3025.91 Tuesday,
3026.15 November
3026.87 7th.
3027.27 So,
3027.75 please
3028.15 don't
3028.39 forget
3028.63 to
3028.87 vote,
3029.35 we
3029.51 offer
3029.51 many
3030.09 options
3030.34 and
3030.82 opportunities
3031.06 to
3031.7 be
3031.86 able
3032.02 to
3032.18 do
3032.34 so,
3032.49 and
3032.89 we
3033.06 look
3033.22 forward
3033.38 to
3033.61 see
3033.78 folks
3034.34 out
3034.66 there
3034.82 voting
3035.06 on
3035.45 or
3035.7 before
3035.93 election
3036.34 day.
3036.82 Thank
3037.45 you,
3037.54 Mr.
3038.34 President,
3038.49 that
3038.49 is
3038.49 all
3038.66 I
3038.82 have
3038.89 this
3039.14 evening.
Item 14
In the council meeting, Sideris welcomed the new council analyst, Doug Newton, expressing gratitude for his joining and looking forward to his assistance with the council's issues. Additionally, Sideris informed that applications for ARPA funds are currently under review, with the full city council set to begin their assessment on November 8th and continue on November 9th, both sessions starting at 5:30. Councilor Piccirilli will be in charge of contacting the applicants to notify them of this process.
3061.92 SIDERIS
3061.92 -
3061.92 Announcements?
3061.92 I
3062.72 will
3062.88 take
3063.12 the
3063.36 first
3063.52 one,
3064.29 I
3064.45 want
3064.45 to
3064.45 take
3064.45 this
3064.61 opportunity
3064.84 to
3065.49 welcome
3065.64 our
3066.45 new
3066.68 council
3066.93 analyst
3067.41 to
3067.81 the
3067.97 meeting
3068.05 tonight
3068.45 who
3068.93 started
3069.16 yesterday,
3069.57 Doug
3070.13 Newton.
3070.77 We
3071.6 want
3071.76 to
3072 thank
3072 you
3072.32 for
3072.56 joining
3072.88 us
3073.12 and
3077.6 looking
3077.68 forward
3078.08 to
3078.4 seeing
3078.64 you
3078.96 and
3079.66 helping
3079.74 us
3079.97 with
3080.22 some
3080.38 of
3080.62 the
3080.7 issues
3080.86 that
3081.18 we
3081.34 deal
3081.49 with.
3081.74 So
3082.3 thank
3082.54 you.
3082.7 The
3088.95 other
3089.11 announcement
3089.35 that
3089.83 I
3089.99 do
3090.07 have
3090.31 is,
3090.47 if
3091.59 you've
3091.83 submitted
3092.15 an
3092.71 application
3092.95 for
3093.67 ARPA
3094.63 funds,
3094.95 they're
3096.09 being
3096.41 reviewed
3096.73 right
3097.21 now,
3097.38 and
3097.61 the
3097.86 full
3098.17 city
3098.89 council
3099.3 will
3099.69 begin
3099.93 their
3100.26 review
3100.49 on
3100.82 November
3101.14 8th
3101.45 at
3102.49 5:30,
3102.65 and
3103.3 we
3103.45 will
3103.53 be
3103.78 continuing
3103.93 on
3104.49 November
3104.73 9th
3105.05 at
3105.9 5:30.
3106.06 Councilor
3107.18 Piccirilli
3107.66 will
3108.3 be
3108.46 contacting
3108.7 the
3109.66 applicants
3109.9 to
3111.42 notify
3112.22 them
3112.7 that
3113.58 this
3113.82 is
3114.06 what
3114.14 we're
3114.38 doing.
Item 15
Anne Marie Cloonen, a resident of Watertown, raised concerns to the city council about traffic and neighborhood issues on Winthrop and Hancock Streets, including proposals that would affect traffic flow and resident access, harassment by parents dropping off their children at school, blocked driveways, and the conversion of a throughway into a teacher parking lot, which would block bus access. These issues have led to a negative environment for residents, with some experiencing verbal harassment. Furthermore, she mentioned issues with trash collection and overall safety for residents and students. Other speakers, Weeden and Gumbelton, echoed concerns about negative impacts on Watertown residents from various projects, including the need for better communication and solutions from city officials regarding safety and infrastructure concerns. Thomas expressed frustration with how her earlier statements and concerns were not accurately reflected in the meeting minutes and called for greater transparency and inclusion of resident inputs in council records.
3128.8 ANNE
3128.8 MARIE
3128.8 -
3128.8 -
3128.8 Good
3128.8 evening,
3129.04 everyone.
3129.36 My
3129.76 name
3129.92 is
3130.08 Anne
3130.24 Marie
3130.4 Cloonen,
3130.64 I'm
3131.44 here
3131.68 with
3131.84 my
3132 husband
3132.08 Frederick
3132.48 from
3133.09 1416
3133.49 Winthrop
3134.21 Street
3134.69 in
3135.01 Watertown,
3135.26 obviously.
3135.89 I'd
3137.49 like
3137.73 to
3137.89 bring
3137.97 to
3138.21 the
3139.26 city
3139.49 council
3139.82 as
3140.3 well
3140.53 as
3140.69 the
3140.86 city
3140.93 manager,
3141.26 some
3142.21 of
3145.03 the
3145.04 issues
3145.05 that
3145.06 are
3145.06 happening
3145.07 in
3145.08 our
3145.09 neighborhood
3145.09 that
3145.1 are
3145.5 our
3146.46 concern
3146.62 as
3147.02 well
3147.26 as
3147.5 our
3147.66 surrounding
3148.46 neighbors
3148.86 on
3149.18 Winthrop
3149.26 Street
3149.74 and
3149.98 Hancock
3150.14 Street.
3150.7 I
3151.34 will
3151.51 acknowledge
3151.82 that
3152.31 there
3152.63 is
3152.86 a
3153.03 meeting
3153.74 tomorrow
3154.07 night
3154.39 with
3155.27 the
3155.43 traffic
3155.66 commission
3155.99 that
3156.47 a
3156.86 variety
3157.03 of
3157.43 us
3157.51 will
3157.74 be
3157.91 going
3158.07 to
3158.39 voice
3158.79 some
3159.11 concerns
3159.27 and
3160.55 opinions
3161.33 about
3161.65 what
3161.97 the
3162.29 proposed
3162.93 changes
3163.25 are.
3163.65 So
3164.13 just
3164.37 to
3164.53 give
3165.17 some
3165.41 highlights,
3165.65 you
3167.25 know,
3167.33 there
3167.97 is
3168.21 a
3168.37 proposal
3168.61 to
3169.17 change
3169.33 the
3169.81 flow
3170.05 of
3170.29 traffic
3171.53 on
3171.77 Winthrop
3172.16 Street,
3173.77 the
3174.01 current
3174.01 status
3174.41 and
3174.97 this
3175.13 is
3175.36 a
3175.45 proposal
3175.53 that
3176.89 apparently
3177.53 the
3177.53 school
3177.77 or
3178.16 the
3178.41 principal
3178.49 of
3178.97 the
3179.13 school
3179.28 at
3179.61 Hosmer
3179.84 presented
3180.79 to
3181.43 the
3181.67 police
3181.83 department.
3182.15 The
3183.35 community
3183.51 was
3183.91 not
3184.07 involved
3184.23 in
3184.63 any
3184.79 of
3185.03 those
3185.11 discussions,
3188.57 some
3188.72 of
3188.89 the
3188.96 recommendations
3189.05 want
3189.76 to
3190.09 change
3190.24 the
3190.64 entry
3190.8 to
3191.2 Winthrop
3191.36 Street,
3191.76 so
3192.72 that
3192.96 it
3193.13 is
3193.28 no
3193.76 longer
3194.01 a
3194.48 no
3194.64 entry
3194.8 during
3195.2 the
3195.44 hours
3195.61 of
3195.84 7:00
3196.12 and
3196.44 3:30,
3196.52 the
3197 school
3197.16 times,
3197.48 which
3197.96 will
3198.2 have
3198.36 a
3198.6 direct
3198.68 impact
3199 on
3199.48 the
3199.56 residents.
3200.68 The
3200.68 current
3201.24 resident
3201.56 situation,
3202.04 whether
3202.84 it's
3203.16 on
3203.48 Winthrop
3203.8 Street
3204.2 and
3204.44 or
3204.6 Hancock
3207.54 Street,
3207.93 similar
3209.06 to
3209.45 what
3209.54 I've
3209.7 heard
3209.93 echoed
3210.18 from
3210.58 some
3210.74 of
3210.86 my
3210.97 other
3211.14 neighbors,
3211.38 is
3212.18 a
3212.51 little
3212.55 bit
3212.79 of
3212.95 chaos
3213.19 every
3213.67 single
3213.91 morning
3214.23 throughout
3214.71 the
3215.03 day,
3215.11 and
3216.07 at
3216.47 school
3216.71 pickup
3216.95 time.
3217.27 I
3217.75 know
3217.91 some
3218.15 of
3218.23 the
3218.39 proposal
3218.47 for
3218.87 the
3219.03 traffic
3219.19 flow
3219.51 is
3220.39 aimed
3220.71 to
3221.53 address
3221.68 that,
3222.09 but
3222.8 it
3223.13 does
3223.28 not
3223.53 address
3223.68 anything
3224.32 related
3224.72 to
3225.2 residents.
3225.44 Residents
3226.41 are
3226.96 being
3227.13 harassed
3227.44 by
3228.16 parents,
3229.77 school
3230.09 directives
3230.09 of
3230.57 going
3230.81 out
3231.13 to
3231.53 town
3231.93 employees,
3233.21 whether
3233.77 it's
3234.09 our
3234.49 school
3234.65 crossing
3234.97 guard,
3235.37 or
3236.33 the
3236.57 police
3236.81 and
3237.29 or
3237.53 others
3237.77 in
3238.17 regards
3238.41 to
3239.07 how
3239.78 the
3240.03 traffic
3240.18 should
3240.59 flow,
3240.74 how
3241.63 residents
3241.86 are
3242.26 allowed
3242.82 and
3242.98 this
3243.07 was
3243.3 brought
3243.39 up
3243.63 in
3243.7 school
3243.86 building
3246.56 committee
3247.6 meetings
3248 where
3248.88 residents
3249.36 were
3249.84 supposed
3249.92 to
3250.16 have
3250.32 the
3250.48 right
3250.64 to
3250.96 take
3251.04 a
3251.36 left
3251.52 or
3251.84 a
3251.92 right
3252 out
3252.24 of
3252.4 their
3252.56 house
3252.72 to
3252.96 leave.
3253.12 I
3253.7 personally
3253.94 have
3254.42 been
3254.59 harassed
3254.91 by
3255.3 people
3255.39 trying
3255.7 to
3255.94 get
3256.03 out
3256.18 of
3256.26 my
3256.34 own
3256.51 house
3256.66 in
3256.91 the
3256.98 morning
3257.07 to
3257.39 go
3257.55 to
3257.7 work,
3257.78 my
3258.34 husband,
3258.51 my
3258.98 son,
3260.18 and
3260.34 when
3260.34 I
3260.51 say
3260.66 verbal
3260.82 harassment,
3261.14 I
3261.78 mean,
3261.94 yelling
3262.26 at
3262.66 us.
3262.82 We
3263.35 have
3263.59 had
3263.75 parents,
3264.55 we've
3264.87 had
3264.87 teachers,
3265.11 and
3265.59 we've
3265.67 had
3265.91 the
3265.99 crossing
3266.15 guard.
3266.55 It
3267.43 is
3267.59 to
3267.83 a
3268.07 point
3268.23 where
3268.47 it
3269.19 is
3269.43 a
3270.07 negative
3270.31 environment
3270.79 for
3271.27 the
3271.43 neighbors,
3272.24 it's
3272.41 a
3272.41 negative
3272.64 environment
3273.13 for
3273.61 the
3273.77 residents,
3274.64 people
3274.97 park
3274.97 across
3275.2 our
3275.61 driveways,
3276.32 we're
3276.64 told
3276.64 by
3276.89 the
3277.05 police,
3277.13 unless
3277.84 they're
3278.32 caught
3278.64 in
3279.59 the
3279.75 act,
3279.99 they
3280.55 can't
3280.71 do
3281.03 anything.
3281.75 They
3281.75 block
3282.63 the
3282.95 driveways,
3283.11 and
3283.91 they
3284.07 walk
3284.31 their
3284.55 children
3284.79 down
3285.11 the
3285.43 street
3285.59 to
3286.8 put
3286.97 them
3287.13 into
3287.36 the
3287.61 early
3287.77 childcare,
3288.09 and
3288.97 it's
3289.2 just
3289.36 unacceptable
3289.84 at
3290.57 this
3290.72 point.
3290.89 In
3291.77 addition
3291.93 to
3292.24 that,
3292.41 there
3293.53 are
3293.77 other
3293.93 proposals
3294.24 that,
3294.89 I
3295.13 guess
3295.3 have
3295.46 been
3295.62 removed
3295.7 from
3296.1 the
3296.18 agenda
3296.34 for
3296.66 tomorrow
3296.82 night
3297.14 for
3297.3 the
3297.46 commission.
3297.54 During
3299.22 the
3299.46 building
3299.54 committee
3299.86 meetings,
3300.26 there
3300.98 was
3301.14 an
3301.3 extension
3301.46 that
3301.86 was
3302.02 built,
3302.26 for
3303.09 Winthrop
3303.32 Street
3303.72 that
3303.97 went
3304.13 from
3304.29 the
3304.45 beginning
3304.53 of
3304.84 Winthrop
3304.93 Street
3305.32 to
3305.64 Concord
3305.89 Street.
3306.29 That
3307.24 extension
3307.49 was
3308.61 built
3308.93 to
3309.32 allow
3309.49 the
3309.81 school
3312.48 buses,
3312.5 whether
3312.53 it's
3312.55 the
3312.57 short
3312.6 white
3312.62 buses
3312.65 for
3312.67 the
3312.83 early
3312.91 development
3313.23 and
3313.71 or
3313.95 the
3314.03 yellow
3314.19 buses
3314.51 to
3315.23 flow
3315.39 through
3315.71 from
3316.11 the
3316.27 beginning
3316.43 of
3316.75 Winthrop
3316.91 Street
3317.39 across
3318.18 the
3318.41 Concord
3318.66 Street.
3319.61 We
3319.61 are
3319.86 now
3320.01 being
3320.18 told,
3320.41 since
3322.01 the
3322.34 beginning
3322.49 of
3322.89 this,
3322.97 the
3323.3 driveways
3323.53 have
3324.01 been
3324.26 blocked,
3325.14 whether
3325.38 it's
3325.38 first
3325.62 thing
3325.86 in
3326.1 the
3326.18 morning
3326.34 or
3326.74 all
3326.98 the
3327.22 way
3327.3 through
3327.46 the
3327.62 evening,
3327.78 residents,
3328.42 after
3329.14 hours
3329.46 of
3329.78 school
3330.02 or
3330.42 during
3330.66 school,
3331.06 we're
3331.54 now
3331.78 being
3331.94 told
3332.1 that
3332.34 they
3332.42 want
3332.58 to
3332.9 gate
3332.9 the
3333.14 Concord
3333.22 side
3333.7 and
3334.34 turn
3334.49 that
3334.73 into
3334.89 a
3335.21 teacher
3335.38 parking
3335.78 lot
3336.17 during
3336.65 the
3336.89 day
3337.05 and
3337.93 not
3338.26 allow
3338.57 any
3339.13 buses
3339.45 to
3340.26 go
3340.34 through
3340.49 there.
3340.73 There's
3341.52 been
3342.08 to
3342.4 us
3342.56 made,
3342.88 secondhand,
3343.6 no
3344.08 nothing
3344.4 official,
3344.72 and
3345.12 we've
3345.28 asked
3345.52 for
3345.68 help,
3346.16 we've
3346.32 asked
3346.32 for
3346.8 help
3346.8 from
3347.12 the
3347.84 police
3348 department,
3351.18 many
3351.41 residents
3351.41 have
3351.89 gone
3352.05 to
3353.09 the
3353.66 school
3354.05 to
3354.53 talk
3354.78 to
3354.86 the
3355.01 principal,
3355.57 we
3355.66 don't
3355.66 get
3355.82 return
3356.05 calls.
3356.38 Couple
3361.3 of
3361.54 other
3361.7 items
3361.94 in
3362.26 here,
3362.34 in
3362.98 regards
3363.14 to
3363.54 the
3363.62 extension
3363.78 in
3364.18 that
3364.34 gate
3364.5 that
3364.82 was
3364.98 in
3365.22 clearly
3365.91 in
3366.16 the
3366.39 building
3366.55 committee,
3367.36 and
3367.99 we're
3368.39 hearing
3368.8 that
3369.04 the
3369.2 city
3369.43 councilors
3369.68 don't
3370.16 know
3370.32 anything
3370.47 about
3370.72 it.
3371.28 We're
3371.28 talking
3371.59 to
3371.84 other
3371.99 people
3372.16 in
3372.39 the
3372.47 community,
3373.04 nobody
3373.43 knows
3373.43 about
3373.76 this
3373.99 proposal,
3374.24 but
3374.96 yet
3375.12 the
3375.28 school
3375.36 is
3375.68 proposing
3375.92 it
3376.32 with
3376.48 the
3376.72 police.
3376.8 In
3378.16 addition
3378.4 to
3378.72 that,
3378.88 there's
3380.08 a
3380.32 trash
3380.48 workflow,
3381.76 so
3382.16 every
3382.16 Friday
3382.4 morning,
3382.72 the
3383.6 trash
3383.76 was
3384.16 designed
3384.48 so
3384.95 that
3385.03 it
3385.26 would
3385.26 go
3385.34 on
3385.43 the
3385.59 backside
3385.74 of
3386.07 the
3386.22 school
3386.39 and
3386.55 picked
3386.7 up,
3386.86 and
3387.43 the
3387.66 trash
3387.91 is
3388.22 being
3388.39 20
3388.86 or
3389.34 30
3389.43 or
3389.74 more,
3389.99 barrels,
3390.47 I
3390.86 don't
3390.95 count
3391.11 them
3391.26 on
3391.43 a
3391.51 regular
3391.66 basis.
3391.99 Those
3392.8 trash
3392.96 barrels
3393.36 are
3393.76 lined
3394 up
3394.32 on
3394.56 Friday
3394.8 morning,
3395.12 blocking
3395.6 where
3395.92 the
3396.16 early
3396.32 school
3396.64 drop
3396.96 off
3397.2 is
3397.36 and
3398.24 blocking
3399.36 additional
3399.76 parking
3400.16 for
3401.45 the
3401.68 residents.
3402.16 The
3402.72 final
3402.89 issue
3403.2 that
3403.45 I'm
3403.61 gonna
3403.77 talk
3403.93 about
3404.09 is
3404.33 safety,
3404.49 not
3404.97 just
3405.13 to
3405.36 the
3405.45 children,
3405.61 but
3406.41 to
3406.57 the
3406.72 parents
3406.89 and
3407.53 all
3407.77 of
3407.93 the
3408.09 residents,
3409.05 the
3409.13 other
3409.13 day,
3409.37 when
3409.69 there
3409.85 were
3410.01 three
3410.25 cars
3410.65 across
3410.97 a
3411.77 two
3413.37 way
3413.61 street,
3413.61 my
3413.61 husband
3413.77 was
3414.09 almost
3414.25 hit
3414.57 by
3414.73 a
3414.89 parent
3416.49 dropping
3416.81 somebody
3417.13 off.
3417.53 Nobody
3418.68 is
3419.01 listening
3419.32 to
3419.64 the
3419.81 residents,
3421.49 nobody
3421.89 is
3421.89 hearing
3422.13 our
3422.36 concerns
3422.53 and
3422.93 addressing
3423.09 them,
3423.41 and
3423.57 I'm
3423.81 appealing
3424.61 to
3424.93 you,
3425.41 give
3425.57 us
3425.57 a
3425.72 forum
3425.81 that
3426.92 we
3427 can
3427.24 talk
3427.8 to
3428.04 the
3428.2 city
3428.52 councilors
3428.84 or
3429.32 whoever
3429.48 else
3429.8 is
3429.96 in
3430.12 charge
3430.28 and
3431.08 get
3431.24 some
3431.4 of
3431.56 these
3431.64 issues
3431.88 addressed.
3440.06 WEEDEN
3440.06 -
3440.06 I
3440.06 don't
3440.22 have
3440.45 anything
3440.7 new
3441.02 to
3441.41 add,
3441.57 but
3441.89 it's
3442.06 more
3442.3 just
3442.61 to
3442.78 reiterate
3443.02 the
3444.25 importance
3444.57 of
3445.05 not
3445.29 taking
3445.61 away
3445.93 from
3446.25 Watertown
3446.41 residents.
3446.97 Tony
3448.09 Mancini
3448.49 is
3449.05 doing
3449.21 it,
3449.45 and
3449.93 he
3450.09 has
3450.25 done
3450.41 it,
3451.13 and
3451.29 I
3451.29 urge
3451.53 you
3451.85 to
3453.31 speak
3453.55 to
3453.86 him,
3454.03 to
3455.55 stop
3455.79 taking
3456.11 away
3456.43 from
3456.66 Watertown
3456.91 residents,
3457.47 and
3458.27 to
3458.51 come
3458.66 back
3458.83 and
3459.07 circle
3459.47 back
3459.86 and
3460.69 fix
3461.01 all
3461.41 of
3461.65 the
3461.81 issues
3461.97 that
3462.37 he
3462.53 has
3462.69 created
3462.85 because
3463.89 he
3464.21 is
3464.45 creating
3464.69 more
3465.09 and
3465.33 more
3465.41 as
3465.65 we
3465.81 go
3465.97 along.
3466.21 This
3466.85 is
3467.09 the
3467.17 Highland
3467.41 Ave
3467.81 project,
3468.05 but
3468.63 there
3468.7 are
3468.94 plenty
3469.03 of
3469.34 other
3469.51 projects
3469.74 that
3470.22 he
3470.39 has
3470.55 created
3470.78 issues
3471.18 in.
3471.51 This
3472.39 is
3472.55 just
3472.7 one,
3473.03 and
3473.34 they're
3473.51 not
3473.82 stopping.
3474.07 Thank
3474.94 you.
3509.38 -
3509.38 Joan
3509.38 Gumbelton
3509.7 again.
3510.26 I
3511.63 think
3511.79 we
3512.03 were
3512.19 anticipating
3512.43 more
3513.15 of
3513.39 the
3513.39 Highland
3513.55 Ave
3513.95 people
3514.27 were
3514.51 going
3514.75 to
3514.99 be
3514.99 here,
3515.47 they
3515.71 may
3515.71 be
3515.87 watching
3516.03 it
3516.35 on
3516.51 TV.
3516.67 But,
3517.47 you
3517.71 know,
3517.79 I
3518.03 know
3518.11 a
3518.27 lot
3518.35 of
3518.51 them
3518.59 communicated
3519.07 to
3519.63 most
3519.87 of
3520.19 the
3520.27 councilors
3520.43 and
3521.11 other
3521.34 officials,
3521.82 and
3522.39 they
3522.78 don't
3522.95 seem
3523.18 to
3523.34 be
3523.51 getting
3523.59 answers
3524.07 back.
3524.47 So
3524.78 a
3525.66 few
3526.39 issues
3526.7 I'll
3527.03 address
3527.18 for
3527.66 them;
3528.83 there
3529.07 are
3529.07 safety
3529.23 issues
3529.63 on
3529.95 Highland
3530.19 Ave.
3530.67 There's
3530.99 no
3531.47 signs
3531.87 right
3532.35 now
3532.51 designating
3533.07 that's
3533.63 a
3533.95 school
3534.11 zone
3535.55 and
3535.97 I
3535.97 would
3536.14 think
3536.3 there's
3536.45 some
3536.86 way
3537.02 of
3537.26 putting
3537.41 some
3537.74 temporary
3537.97 signs
3538.54 up
3538.93 there
3539.1 to
3539.41 protect
3539.58 children,
3540.45 the
3540.86 adults,
3541.02 the
3541.58 crossing
3541.66 guards,
3542.06 everybody.
3542.45 So
3543.41 if
3543.61 someone
3543.81 could
3544.21 work
3544.37 on
3544.61 that.
3544.77 Then,
3545.97 I
3546.29 guess,
3546.45 the
3547.01 main
3547.09 question
3547.33 is,
3547.73 who
3547.97 should
3548.21 people
3548.37 go
3548.69 to
3548.93 to
3549.25 address
3549.41 these
3549.81 issues?
3551.05 You
3551.05 know,
3551.21 they're
3551.53 going
3551.78 to
3552.01 councilors,
3552.66 they're
3552.89 going
3552.89 to
3553.21 city
3553.3 manager,
3553.61 different
3554.57 departments,
3554.97 and
3556.09 they're
3556.34 not
3556.49 getting
3556.73 answers.
3557.14 So
3557.69 they're
3558.18 very
3558.34 frustrated,
3562.24 so
3562.36 I
3562.36 guess
3562.48 somehow
3563.52 a
3564.32 procedure
3564.48 has
3565.04 to
3565.28 be
3565.36 in
3565.52 place
3565.68 so
3566 they
3566.16 know
3566.32 who
3566.56 to
3566.8 contact
3566.88 and
3567.97 whether
3568.3 Mr.
3568.61 Mancini
3568.93 has
3569.57 the
3569.82 final
3569.97 say,
3570.61 and
3570.86 if
3570.86 not,
3571.09 who
3571.41 could
3571.66 they
3571.82 go
3572.05 to
3572.3 above
3572.45 him?
3572.78 You
3575.82 know,
3575.98 there
3576.22 are
3576.3 a
3576.54 lot
3576.62 of
3576.86 other
3577.02 issues
3577.26 on
3577.58 that
3577.82 street
3577.98 as
3578.38 far
3578.54 as
3578.78 parking,
3580.14 now
3580.38 the
3580.38 street
3580.54 is
3580.86 narrower
3581.02 because
3581.58 the
3581.9 sidewalks
3582.22 larger.
3583.91 So
3584.39 that's
3584.86 going
3585.18 to
3585.51 create
3585.51 parking
3585.82 problems
3586.55 for
3587.11 them
3587.26 in
3587.51 the
3587.66 winter
3587.74 and
3588.63 all
3589.11 year,
3589.34 and
3589.59 people
3589.82 are
3590.07 concerned
3590.22 about
3590.7 fire
3591.11 trucks
3591.34 being
3591.81 able
3592.05 to
3592.13 get
3592.37 by
3592.61 in
3593.33 the
3593.49 winter
3593.57 at
3593.89 the
3594.13 snow
3594.29 buildup
3594.61 and
3595.01 everything.
3595.25 So
3595.73 I
3596.37 think
3596.53 that
3596.77 the
3597.01 whole
3597.17 street
3597.49 needs
3598.45 to
3598.85 be
3599.09 able
3599.25 to
3599.49 meet
3599.65 with
3599.89 someone
3600.13 if
3600.69 a
3601.26 message
3601.41 could
3601.82 get
3601.97 out
3602.14 so
3602.38 that
3603.26 all
3603.49 these
3603.66 issues
3603.89 can
3604.22 be
3604.38 discussed
3604.61 and
3605.01 hopefully
3605.26 corrected
3605.57 before
3606.05 the
3606.38 snow
3606.53 comes
3606.78 because
3607.18 winter
3608.05 is
3608.45 fast
3608.61 approaching.
3608.93 Thank
3609.89 you
3610.22 very
3610.38 much.
3617.84 THOMAS
3617.84 -
3617.84 Thank
3617.84 you
3618.08 very
3618.24 much,
3618.48 Mr.
3619.12 President.
3620.84 I
3620.84 don't
3621.01 even
3621.24 know
3621.57 how
3621.64 to
3621.8 say
3621.96 this
3622.13 because
3622.36 I'm
3622.68 ripping
3622.92 mad
3623.4 right
3623.72 now.
3624.05 I
3624.68 reviewed
3625.72 the
3626.28 April
3626.44 25th
3626.92 minutes,
3627.57 which
3628.27 you
3628.35 all
3628.51 accepted,
3629.87 and
3630.11 I'm
3630.11 really
3630.27 perturbed
3630.75 that
3631.39 I
3631.79 presented
3632.19 a
3632.75 statement
3632.83 at
3633.47 that
3633.71 meeting
3633.95 with
3634.59 regard
3635.2 to
3635.53 103
3636.01 Nichols.
3636.32 The
3637.61 only
3637.76 thing
3638.16 that's
3638.41 in
3638.57 the
3638.8 minutes,
3638.97 which
3639.68 is
3640.01 very
3640.32 distorted
3640.72 in
3641.28 my
3641.45 opinion,
3641.61 is
3642.49 objection
3642.72 to
3643.27 the
3643.43 group
3643.67 home.
3643.91 Elodia
3644.23 voiced
3644.79 her
3645.11 objection
3645.43 to
3645.99 the
3646.15 group
3646.31 home
3646.55 at
3646.71 103
3646.95 Nichols,
3648.07 she
3648.39 remarked
3648.39 on
3648.79 the
3648.87 issues
3649.03 that
3649.35 the
3649.43 Watertown
3649.59 Housing
3650.15 Authority
3650.55 has
3651.03 in
3651.71 transparency
3651.71 and
3652.76 collaboration
3652.99 and
3653.8 stated
3653.95 that
3654.28 the
3654.51 city
3654.68 has
3654.91 no
3655.16 oversight
3655.39 over
3655.95 them.
3656.19 She
3656.68 claimed
3656.99 that
3657.32 applications
3657.64 such
3658.36 as
3658.59 this
3658.84 need
3659.8 to
3660.03 be
3660.11 vetted
3660.28 better.
3660.59 Mark,
3661.4 I'm
3661.72 sorry,
3662.04 I
3662.52 said
3662.68 a
3662.92 whole
3663 lot
3663.32 more
3663.48 than
3663.64 that
3663.88 about
3664.2 the
3664.44 issues
3664.68 with
3665.08 this
3665.24 particular
3665.48 project
3667.08 and
3667.32 my
3667.32 statement
3667.64 was
3668.2 not
3668.36 attached
3668.76 even
3669.32 though
3669.56 I
3669.8 sent
3669.96 it
3670.2 to
3670.77 councilor
3671.09 Piccirilli
3671.49 at
3672.36 his
3672.61 request
3672.84 the
3673.32 next
3673.49 day.
3674.45 This
3674.45 has
3674.61 happened
3674.77 before
3675.24 where
3675.64 I've
3675.97 been
3676.2 at
3676.36 a
3676.53 meeting,
3677.16 the
3677.32 only
3677.32 resident
3677.64 who
3678.2 comes
3678.29 prepared
3678.61 with
3679.49 a
3679.64 statement
3679.81 of
3680.75 issues
3680.99 that
3681.39 I
3681.55 think
3681.63 are
3681.87 of
3682.19 extreme
3682.35 importance
3682.91 to
3683.31 this
3683.55 community,
3683.79 and
3684.51 I
3684.75 presented
3684.91 to
3685.47 two
3686.51 committees,
3686.75 and
3686.75 again,
3686.75 my
3687.71 information
3688.03 that
3688.67 I
3688.83 present,
3688.99 whether
3689.31 you
3689.63 agree
3689.71 with
3690.16 me
3690.24 or
3690.36 not,
3690.47 I
3691.12 presented
3691.43 it,
3691.91 and
3692.16 it
3692.39 should
3692.56 be
3692.72 included
3692.88 in
3693.36 the
3693.43 minutes.
3693.68 I
3694.56 see
3694.8 this
3695.04 going
3695.28 on
3695.6 and
3695.91 again
3695.99 and
3696.32 again,
3696.47 and
3697.04 I'm
3698.05 ripped
3698.45 by
3698.85 this,
3699.89 what
3700.13 are
3700.13 we
3700.29 doing
3700.37 here?
3700.77 I
3701.17 mean,
3701.57 if
3701.89 somebody
3702.05 goes
3702.53 and
3702.85 makes
3703.09 the
3703.33 effort
3703.49 to
3703.81 really
3704.05 put
3704.37 something
3704.61 together
3704.93 and
3705.49 detail
3705.73 a
3706.66 minority
3706.82 opinion,
3707.38 particularly
3708.09 with
3708.73 the
3709.21 people's
3709.45 purse,
3709.93 I
3710.66 think
3710.73 that
3710.97 should
3711.21 be
3711.38 included
3711.61 in
3712.01 the
3712.18 minutes.
3712.34 I
3712.89 don't
3712.97 know
3713.21 why
3713.45 this
3713.7 is
3713.93 happening,
3715.02 you
3715.26 know
3715.26 how
3715.42 straightforward
3715.66 I
3716.38 am,
3717.26 you
3717.5 know
3717.5 that
3717.66 I'm
3717.82 completely
3718.3 transparent
3718.94 in
3719.5 everything
3719.66 I
3720.06 do,
3720.14 I
3720.62 find
3720.78 this
3720.94 really
3721.42 disturbing,
3721.9 and
3722.66 I'm
3722.91 asking
3723.07 you
3723.46 to
3723.63 do
3723.7 something
3723.95 about
3724.34 it,
3724.51 but
3724.74 I'm
3724.91 also
3725.14 asking
3725.55 my
3725.95 councilors
3726.18 to
3727.07 look
3727.22 into
3727.39 this.
3727.7 Let's
3728.43 not
3728.74 pass
3729.07 the
3729.3 buck
3729.55 that
3729.78 somebody
3730.03 doesn't
3730.43 know,
3731.28 this
3731.52 is
3731.52 really
3731.92 rude
3732.32 and
3732.88 I
3734.24 can't
3734.32 even
3734.56 get
3735.04 my
3735.28 words
3735.44 out
3735.76 at
3735.92 this
3736.08 point.
3736.24 Thank
3736.64 you
3736.88 for
3737.04 allowing
3737.28 me
3737.68 to