Watertown City Council
Tuesday January 23, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
Section 4
During a public hearing, residents of the community voiced various concerns and suggestions regarding city ordinances and issues affecting their daily lives. Dean Martino raised concerns about the potential liability for homeowners following a snow shovel ordinance, suggesting that homeowners may need additional liability insurance. Linda Scott questioned the process behind amending the Traffic Commission ordinance, seeking clarity on the decision to change the member composition without apparent public input or documentation. Annemarie Clennan expressed frustration over enduring traffic issues caused by school parents, emphasizing the impact on residents’ lives and safety, as well as potential legal liabilities for homeowners due to uneven sidewalk snow removal. Vincent Piccirilli relayed emails requesting amendments to a snow ordinance to exempt disabled individuals, and critiquing the inclusion of a special interest group in the traffic commission. Jack Dargon echoed concerns about traffic chaos during school drop-off and pickup times blocking driveways. Steven Rich argued that the winter parking ban creates unreasonable hardship and fails to achieve its stated goals, proposing a weather-dependent parking restriction as a compromise. The session concluded with these varied appeals for reconsideration and action on city policies.
89.59 DEAN
89.59 -
89.59 -
89.59 I
89.59 just
89.83 want
90.16 to
90.39 bring
90.56 up,
90.88 a
91.36 point
91.52 from
91.83 the
92.88 vote
93.03 that
93.36 just,
93.52 transpired
94.16 on
94.8 the
94.95 snow
95.19 shovel
95.44 ordinance.
95.83 Since
96.94 that
97.26 vote,
97.66 I've
98.78 done
99.34 research
99.58 on
100.54 the
100.7 liability
100.86 issue.
102.22 I've
103.18 spoken
103.42 to
103.82 an
104.06 attorney.
104.3 I've
105.26 spoken
105.5 to
105.9 multiple
106.06 people
106.53 in
106.78 the
106.94 insurance
107.09 industry.
107.58 Liability
109.73 to
110.53 me
110.78 as
111.02 a
111.17 homeowner,
111.34 should
112.06 someone
112.3 slip,
112.69 and
113.58 fall
113.82 in
114.7 front
114.86 of
115.1 my
115.26 house
115.5 on
115.9 that
116.06 sidewalk
116.46 is
117.58 not
117.82 only
117.98 possible,
118.3 it's
119.02 probable.
119.26 So,
120.94 the
123.02 point
123.17 I'm
123.42 trying
123.58 to
123.73 make
123.81 is,
124.14 there
125.81 are
126.14 probably
126.14 a
126.45 lot
126.53 of
126.69 people
126.86 out
127.17 there
127.33 that
127.58 don't
127.73 realize
127.97 right
128.53 now
128.69 that,
129.56 their
130.2 liability,
130.44 may
131.8 not
132.44 be
132.68 sufficiently
132.92 covered
133.48 by
133.8 the
133.96 insurance
134.2 that
134.6 they
134.76 have.
134.92 The
136.84 suggestion
137.32 is,
137.32 that
137.72 they
138.46 would
138.62 need
138.85 additional
138.94 liability
139.5 insurance.
140.13 An
141.66 umbrella
141.81 policy
142.29 of
142.69 at
142.78 least
142.94 $1,000,000
143.09 is
143.9 what's
144.06 recommended,
144.38 in
145.72 addition
145.96 to
146.52 the
146.68 homeowner's
146.92 policy.
148.92 It
148.92 is
149.08 very
149.24 likely
149.48 that
149.8 if
150.04 someone,
150.2 even
150.6 if
150.84 I
151 hired
151.08 a
151.4 contractor,
151.56 someone
152.75 slipped
152.99 and
153.31 fell,
153.54 they
154.5 would
154.66 sue
154.82 the
155.06 contractor.
155.31 They
156.1 would
156.26 sue
156.5 me
156.82 and
157.22 they
157.47 would
157.54 sue
157.7 the
157.86 city,
159.14 and
159.38 that
159.38 could
159.63 be
159.7 expected.
159.94 So
161.7 I'm
162.87 disappointed
163.11 that
163.75 it
165.11 was
166.39 really
166.63 conveyed
167.83 to
168.15 the
168.31 public
168.47 that
168.87 there
169.19 was
169.35 little
169.51 or
169.83 no
169.99 chance
170.15 of
170.47 that
170.79 occurring.
171.03 I'm
172.18 told,
172.42 you
172.97 know,
173.13 by
173.38 my
173.62 attorney
173.78 that,
174.18 it's
174.9 very
175.22 likely
175.38 that
175.78 that
175.94 would
176.09 occur.
176.34 In
177.29 the
177.53 ordinance,
177.69 you
178.18 mentioned
178.34 ICE
178.66 multiple
179.13 times
179.62 which,
181.04 is
181.44 a
181.6 big
181.76 concern.
182 If
184.24 you
184.4 look,
184.48 you
184.96 know,
185.2 in
185.92 any
186.08 particular
186.24 neighborhood
186.72 My
187.12 neighborhood
187.36 I
188.03 have
188.19 a
188.31 school
188.44 next
188.75 to
189 me.
189.07 I
189.31 have
189.47 the
189.79 70
189.96 bus
190.35 in
190.59 the
190.72 industry.
190.84 I
191.56 have
191.72 people
191.96 walking
192.51 by
192.84 this
193.16 house
193.4 all
193.96 day
194.28 long.
196.11 In
196.11 the
196.35 worst
196.51 of
196.83 weather,
196.99 who
197.47 can
197.63 you
197.87 expect
198.11 out
198.43 in
198.67 an
198.91 ice
199.07 storm?
199.31 You're
200.19 either
200.43 going
200.59 to
200.83 have
200.83 dog
201.07 walkers.
201.31 They
201.95 have
202.19 to
202.35 go
202.51 out.
202.67 So
204.58 normally,
204.74 it's
205.14 a
205.38 liability
205.46 that
206.5 I'm
206.74 incurring
206.97 from
207.38 this
207.53 ordinance
207.78 a
208.5 problem
208.74 that
209.53 I
209.78 have
209.94 to
210.09 now
210.25 manage
210.58 and
211.3 financially
211.62 protect
212.34 myself.
212.74 It's
214.5 taken
214.74 away
215.06 my
215.3 peace
215.54 of
215.7 mind
215.86 that
216.82 if
217.06 I'm
217.3 away
217.46 from
217.7 my
217.94 property,
218.18 ice
219.11 forms.
219.43 A
220.39 dog
220.63 walker
220.94 comes
221.26 and
221.5 slips
221.75 and
222.06 falls.
222.22 I
223.67 could
223.83 find
224.06 myself
224.39 named
224.78 in
225.03 a
225.11 lawsuit.
225.26 So
227.35 again,
227.67 I'm
228.95 disappointed
229.19 that
229.83 the
230.07 research
230.23 wasn't
230.71 there
231.03 and
232.79 people
233.27 suffer.
233.59 I
235.75 hope
235.91 that
236.63 we
236.87 can
237.03 talk
237.19 more
237.34 about
237.59 this
237.75 ordinance.
237.99 I
238.39 have
238.63 some
239.03 other
239.26 points
239.5 I
239.75 want
239.91 to
240.22 make.
240.22 But
240.87 I'm
241.11 sure
241.26 my
241.5 time
241.67 is
241.82 up.
242.06 Thank
242.31 you.
250.88 LINDA
250.88 SCOTT
250.88 -
250.88 -
250.88 Hi.
250.88 Linda
251.35 Scott.
251.75 55
252.16 Alcott
252.79 Street.
253.35 I've
255.19 read
255.51 that
255.84 on
256.15 the
256.31 agenda
256.48 tonight,
256.8 there's
257.27 going
257.6 to
257.92 be
257.92 a
258.07 motion
258.15 to
258.48 amend
258.63 the
258.96 Traffic
259.24 Commission
259.64 ordinance.
260.04 One
261.08 of
261.32 the
261.4 parts
261.56 of
261.8 this
261.96 amendment
262.2 is
262.76 to
262.92 change
263.08 the
263.4 member
263.64 composition
264.04 of
264.6 this
264.76 commission.
265 I
265.8 have
266.04 a
266.2 couple
266.28 of
266.68 process
266.84 questions.
267.32 I've
268.27 been
268.51 going
268.68 through
269 past
269.24 minutes
269.56 and
269.79 meetings
270.04 of
270.35 the
270.51 traffic
270.68 commission.
271.07 It's
271.88 very
272.04 democratic.
272.27 They
273 vote
273.15 on
273.48 everything,
273.63 but
274.04 I
274.27 was
274.35 unable
274.6 to
275 find
275.07 a
275.31 vote
275.48 for
275.71 exploring
275.95 adding
276.44 members
276.75 to
277.07 that
277.24 commission.
277.48 If
278.33 there
278.57 was
278.81 one,
279.13 could
279.61 you
280.01 please
280.25 give
280.65 me
280.89 the
281.05 date
281.13 of
281.37 that
281.53 meeting
281.69 and
282.25 the
282.49 name
282.65 of
282.81 the
282.97 person
283.05 who
283.37 proposed
283.61 it?
284.09 As
284.81 part
285.13 of
285.37 this
285.53 research,
285.77 I
286.25 also
286.41 checked
286.73 the
287.05 approved
287.21 bike
287.69 head
288.13 plant
288.38 and
288.94 the
289.1 2023
289.42 city
290.46 comprehensive
290.86 plan.
291.5 Nothing
291.9 there
292.21 either.
293.5 This
293.5 is
293.74 truly
293.9 a
294.21 mystery
294.38 how
295.1 where
295.57 and
295.81 by
296.06 whom
296.21 this
296.54 was
296.69 initiated.
296.94 Mysteries
298.05 don't
298.53 work
298.77 so
299.01 well
299.17 in
299.41 democracies.
299.57 Any
300.37 light
300.69 that
300.93 could
301.09 be
301.25 shed
301.41 on
301.65 this
301.81 issue
301.97 will
302.37 be
302.61 greatly
302.69 appreciated.
303.17 Also
304.37 in
304.69 a
304.85 parallel
305.01 question,
305.49 when
306.31 does
306.63 the
306.63 traffic
306.79 commission
307.19 vote
307.66 to
307.9 explore
308.06 adding
308.46 members
308.79 to
309.1 the
309.26 commission,
309.43 not
310.14 a
310.31 specific
310.46 member
311.02 from
311.35 a
311.58 specific
311.75 advocacy
312.38 group?
312.94 It
313.59 seems
313.91 like
314.23 all
314.47 of
314.63 the
314.79 relevant
314.95 departments
315.51 are
315.99 covered
316.15 already.
316.55 As
317.43 I
317.67 look
317.75 at
317.99 the
318.23 roster
318.39 of
318.71 the
318.87 Watertown
319.03 Traffic
319.59 Commission,
319.91 there
320.47 are
320.79 the
320.79 police,
320.95 fire,
321.43 planning,
321.91 and
322.57 the
322.81 Department
322.9 of
323.22 Public
323.46 Works
323.69 as
324.1 well
324.25 as
324.5 two
324.57 citizens,
324.9 one
325.69 representing
325.94 the
326.5 public
326.57 and
326.9 the
327.13 other
327.22 one
327.46 representing
327.69 Wollongong
328.25 businesses.
328.81 I
329.88 will
330.04 also
330.2 be
330.6 interested
330.76 to
331.16 learn
331.4 how
331.64 this
331.88 commission's
332.2 mission
332.76 might
333.4 change.
333.72 Clarification
334.6 on
335.48 any
335.72 of
335.96 this
336.04 would
336.36 be
336.6 very
336.76 helpful.
337.08 Thank
337.64 you.
346.86 CLENNAN
346.86 -
346.86 -
346.86 Good
346.86 evening.
347.1 This
347.58 is
347.82 Anne
347.98 Marie
348.06 Clennan,
348.3 14
349.1 Wortham
349.42 Street,
349.82 Watertown.
350.22 I'm
351.5 just
351.74 calling
352.06 to,
352.38 make,
353.42 make
353.89 a
354.13 statement
354.21 in
354.62 regards
354.86 to
355.25 the
355.57 process
355.74 related
356.3 to
356.77 what
357.1 we
357.25 have
357.57 brought
357.81 multiple
358.13 times
358.54 to
358.77 the
358.94 residents
359.01 of
359.42 Watertown
359.5 and
359.89 Hancock
360.06 Winthrop
360.38 Street
360.86 in
361.01 Hancock,
361.18 in
362.38 that
362.62 we
363.42 are
363.66 continuing
363.98 to
365.02 endure,
365.5 unmanageable
366.94 traffic
367.58 on
368.38 our
368.62 small
369.1 street,
369.5 with
371.1 the
371.33 parents
371.5 of
371.89 the
372.06 Hosmer
372.21 School
372.69 taking
373.01 over,
373.42 the
374.13 street,
374.29 buses,
374.77 vans,
375.98 parking
376.86 over
377.18 our
377.5 driveways.
377.65 We've
378.77 gone
379.09 to
379.57 the
380.45 city
380.61 council
380.93 meetings
381.25 for
381.65 appeal.
381.81 We've
382.37 gone
382.53 to
382.77 the
382.85 city
382.93 manager
383.25 and
383.73 appealed.
384.05 We've
385.09 gone
385.33 to
385.49 the
385.65 traffic
385.81 commission.
386.21 We've
386.82 gone
387.15 through
387.31 the
387.47 process
387.55 with
388.03 the
388.11 school.
389.38 I
389.38 realize
389.55 that
389.94 there's
390.03 a
390.35 new
390.75 elected
391.06 group,
391.55 but
392.5 this
392.99 has
393.23 not
393.55 been
393.79 something
394.03 that
394.35 just
394.67 started.
395.14 We've
396.02 been
396.42 enduring
396.82 this
397.14 for
397.3 a
397.42 long
397.54 time,
397.78 and
398.9 we're
399.86 still
400.26 looking
400.5 for
400.82 support
401.06 so
401.78 that
401.94 we
402.1 can
402.26 move
402.42 this
402.58 to
402.74 a
402.9 resolution
403.06 where
403.7 our
404.1 lives
404.26 and
404.93 the
405.08 safety
405.32 of
405.88 our
406.2 families,
406.44 are
407.73 not
407.88 impacted
408.2 by
409.17 the
409.4 debacle,
409.56 that
410.44 is
410.61 going
410.76 on
410.93 in
411.08 the
411.25 traffic.
411.4 The
413.3 second
413.54 note,
413.86 thank
414.9 you,
415.06 Dean,
415.3 for,
415.62 the
416.5 liability
416.58 component
417.14 because
418.1 we're
418.74 also
418.98 concerned
419.46 that
420.1 there
420.5 are
420.82 only
420.82 certain
421.24 areas
421.63 of
422.68 this
422.83 well-trafficked
427.48 sidewalks
428.12 that
429.27 the
429.67 city
429.83 only,
430.03 plows
431.59 one
432.07 side
432.23 of
432.47 them
432.63 and
433.43 the
433.59 rest
433.75 is
434.07 up
434.23 to
434.39 the
434.47 neighbors.
434.63 So
435.51 the
436.23 parents
436.39 and
436.71 the
436.87 children
436.95 walking
437.43 down,
437.75 as
438.6 Dean
438.85 just
439.08 pointed
439.32 out,
439.64 now
440.04 become
440.37 a
440.6 bigger
440.69 liability
441 risk
441.56 for
441.96 the
442.13 homeowners
442.29 around
442.85 that
443.08 neighborhood.
443.16 Thank
444.44 you.
457.23 VINCENT
457.23 -
457.23 CITY
457.23 COUNCIL
457.23 -
457.23 Thank
457.23 you,
457.46 Mr.
457.79 President.
458.02 So
458.02 I
458.19 get,
458.35 I
459.14 received
459.38 two
459.79 emails,
460.1 for
460.82 a
461.06 public
461.06 forum.
461.46 The
461.87 first
462.02 is
462.35 from
462.5 Russarico
463.53 of
464.49 Fayette
464.81 Street.
465.21 Mr.
466.73 President,
467.13 and
467.13 city
467.13 councilors,
467.37 I
468.49 am
468.65 requesting
468.89 you
469.37 amend
469.53 the
469.85 snow
470.01 ordinance
470.25 passed
470.81 on
471.13 January
471.37 9,
471.77 2024.
472.25 The
473.39 amendment
473.63 should
474.03 read
474.27 that
474.68 under
475 the
475.24 Americans
475.47 with
476.12 Disabilities
476.35 Act,
477.15 all
477.63 disabled
477.95 people
478.27 are
478.59 exempt
478.75 from
479.15 this
479.31 law,
479.56 and
480.03 the
480.19 city
480.35 will
480.68 be
480.83 responsible
481 for
481.56 clearing
481.79 the
482.03 sidewalk
482.19 in
482.68 front
482.84 of
483.08 and
483.16 on
483.4 the
483.64 side
483.64 of
483.8 their
483.96 homes.
484.2 The
485.56 city
485.8 will
486.04 produce
486.2 an
486.6 exemption
486.76 form
487.72 to
488.04 support
488.28 exemptions.
488.68 All
489.24 the
489.56 disabled
489.64 person
490.12 will
490.44 have
490.6 to
490.76 do
490.84 is
491 give
491.16 their
491.4 name,
491.56 address,
492.04 and
492.75 age.
492.75 If
493.03 they
493.15 are
493.46 disabled,
493.63 they
494.59 will
494.82 sign
494.99 this
495.23 under
495.55 the
495.79 pain
497.71 and
498.02 penalty
498.19 of
498.59 perjury.
498.75 So
499.55 that
499.79 was
499.94 the
500.19 first
500.35 one.
500.95 The
501.91 second
502.15 email
502.47 I
502.71 received
502.95 was
503.43 from,
503.43 former,
504.31 councilor
505.59 Angie
506.39 Quinillas
506.79 of
508.2 Kenan
508.29 Street.
508.76 It
510.6 says,
510.85 greetings,
511.73 regarding
513.57 agenda
514.68 item
515.09 8B,
515.64 an
516.24 amendment
516.24 to
516.72 the
516.88 traffic
517.04 commission
517.36 ordinance.
517.76 In
518.48 my
518.72 opinion,
518.96 giving
520.4 a
520.72 weighted
520.8 vote
521.12 to
521.36 a
521.52 special
521.68 interest
522 group,
522.32 the
522.56 Bicycle,
522.8 and
523.12 Pedestrian
523.28 Committee,
523.76 to
524.55 serve
524.71 on
524.95 the
525.12 traffic
525.27 commission
525.67 sets
526.15 a
526.48 precedent
526.48 for
526.95 all
527.12 boards
527.36 and
527.67 commissions.
527.91 Except
528.71 for
529.03 the
529.19 licensing
529.36 board,
529.91 requirements
530.55 for
531.12 candidates
531.36 to
531.75 serve
531.91 on
532.38 regulatory,
532.66 boards
533.38 and
533.7 commissions
533.86 have
534.18 been
534.42 based
534.5 on
534.74 their
534.9 expertise,
535.22 not
536.5 a
536.66 particular
536.82 cause
537.38 or
537.7 policy.
537.86 By
538.9 virtue
539.14 of
539.38 the
539.46 fact
539.79 that
539.87 the
539.95 Bicycle
540.11 and
540.5 Pedestrian
541.07 Committee
541.38 is
541.38 a
541.55 membership
541.71 organization.
542.26 Their
543.3 advocacy
543.63 compromises
545.07 the
545.71 unbiased
545.87 decisions
546.42 of
546.83 the
546.99 traffic
547.14 commission.
547.47 It
548.23 is
548.47 already
548.55 within
549.03 the
549.35 inherent
549.51 purview
549.91 of
550.23 the
550.31 traffic
550.47 commission
550.87 to
551.19 increase
551.35 public
551.91 safety
552.23 on
552.55 roadways
552.79 for
553.27 everyone.
553.43 We're
554.47 always
554.71 the
554.95 open
555.11 public
555.43 process
555.75 to
556.15 review
556.31 and
556.55 discuss
556.79 the
557.11 ordinance.
558.08 As
558.08 presented,
558.24 there
558.71 is
558.88 no
559.03 draft
559.2 proposal,
559.6 only
560.24 a
560.55 fast
560.63 track
561.03 for
561.51 an
561.84 imminent
561.84 vote.
562.32 Also
564.24 note,
564.63 that
564.96 currently,
564.96 the
565.27 traffic
565.43 commission
565.75 is
566 comprised
566.15 of
566.55 seven
566.71 members,
566.96 including
567.96 two
568.36 citizens
568.6 at
569.16 large,
569.32 the
572.04 chief
572.28 of
572.44 police,
572.6 the
572.92 chief
572.92 of
573.16 fire,
573.32 the
573.64 superintendent
573.64 of
574.12 public
574.2 works,
574.52 the
574.76 city
574.76 engineer,
575.08 and
575.4 the
575.48 director
575.48 of
575.8 community
575.88 development
576.2 and
576.6 planning.
576.76 Kindly
577.36 review
577.68 items
578 F,
578.56 G,
578.8 and
578.8 H
578.96 within
579.12 the
579.43 presented
579.84 ordinance.
580.39 Is
580.96 the
581.12 traffic
581.27 commission
581.68 proposed
582.15 to
582.48 increase
582.63 to
582.96 nine
583.12 members,
583.36 or
583.84 should
584.15 G
584.32 and
584.48 H
584.63 be
584.88 bullet
585.04 points
585.36 under
585.68 F?
585.92 Why
586.86 is
586.94 the
587.18 bicycle
587.26 and
587.58 pedestrian
587.74 member
588.14 G
588.54 not
588.86 approved
589.1 by
589.42 the
589.58 city
589.74 council?
590.06 Who
590.62 submitted
590.86 the
591.26 ordinance
591.42 without
591.74 prior
592.06 city
592.3 council
592.62 deliberation
593.02 and
593.58 public
593.74 input?
594.14 Residents
595.16 of
595.64 Watertown
595.73 should
596.2 not
596.37 be
596.61 thrust
597.16 by
597.49 the
597.73 wayside.
597.8 Where
598.68 is
598.92 the
599 transparency?
599.25 We
600.28 do
600.52 pay
600.76 attention.
601 Thank
601.64 you.
618.04 JACK
618.04 DARGON
618.04 -
618.04 -
618.04 Hello.
618.04 Jack
619.08 Dargon
619.48 here.
624.93 DARGON
624.93 -
624.93 Hi.
624.93 I
625.33 just
625.57 want
625.74 to
625.98 add
626.05 my
626.29 voice
626.45 to
626.86 Anne
627.01 Marie's
627.17 over
627.65 here
627.89 in
628.05 Hancock
628.21 Street.
628.7 We
629.57 came
629.74 back
629.98 from
630.21 vacation
630.53 on
631.33 Saturday,
631.65 and,
632.85 both
634.13 yesterday
634.53 and
635.01 today,
635.17 during
636.37 drop-off
637.01 and
637.25 pick
637.49 up
638.13 at
638.13 the
638.37 Hosmer,
638.61 my
640.29 driveway
640.53 was
641.09 blocked.
641.33 Throughout
642.88 the
643.36 day,
643.51 people
643.91 just
644.24 pulled
644.55 up
644.71 and
644.88 right
645.03 in
645.2 front
645.36 of
645.6 my
645.67 driveway,
645.83 they
646.88 got
647.03 out
647.27 with
647.36 their
647.51 children,
647.75 and
648.24 they
648.24 brought
648.39 their
648.63 children
648.88 into
649.27 the
649.51 school.
649.67 They
650.67 come
650.91 back
651.15 out
651.47 five,
651.71 10,
652.11 15
652.43 minutes
652.75 later.
653.07 I
654.59 just
654.75 want
654.99 to
655.23 say
655.31 that,
655.47 I
655.95 see
656.11 three
656.35 or
656.59 four
656.67 teachers
656.99 out
657.39 there
657.55 trying
658.34 to
658.5 coordinate
658.74 the
659.29 traffic
659.46 out
660.01 there,
660.17 and,
661.13 it's
661.7 absolute
662.1 chaos.
662.58 I
663.13 thought
663.38 things
663.62 might
663.93 have
664.1 changed
664.34 while
664.65 I
664.89 was
664.98 away.
665.46 I
665.46 was
665.54 away
665.77 for
665.93 about
666.17 five
666.5 weeks,
666.65 but,
667.61 it's
668.33 as
668.57 bad
668.73 as
668.97 it's
669.13 ever
669.29 been
669.53 over
669.77 here.
669.93 There
670.89 were
671.05 buses
671.29 lined
671.69 up
672.01 right
672.65 up
673.37 Hancock
673.61 Street
674.09 today
674.33 out
675.15 onto
675.32 Mount
675.55 Auburn
675.96 Street,
676.27 the
677 two
677.48 big
677.88 butt
678.2 big
678.51 yellow
678.75 buses
679.08 couldn't
679.88 even
680.2 get
680.43 down
680.51 the
680.75 street
680.84 for
681.15 about
681.32 15
681.63 minutes
681.96 because
682.36 there
682.6 were
682.75 five
683 white
683.32 buses
683.63 at
684.48 the
684.64 elbow
684.8 of
685.36 Hancock
685.44 and
685.92 Winthrop
686.08 Street.
686.56 I
687.92 know
688.16 the
688.4 teachers
688.56 are
688.88 out
688.96 there.
689.2 They're
689.28 trying
689.6 to
689.84 do
689.92 the
690.08 best
690.24 they
690.48 can.
690.64 It's
691.12 not
691.28 like
691.52 they're
691.76 not
691.92 trying,
692.24 but
693.07 they're
693.39 trying
693.63 to
693.88 do
693.95 the
694.2 impossible.
694.36 We
695 really
695.24 have
695.39 a
695.55 serious
695.63 problem
696.12 over
696.43 here.
696.6 I
696.91 know
697 that
697.15 you're
698.2 working
698.43 on
698.75 this,
698.91 and
699.24 I
699.39 just
699.55 wanted
699.79 to
700.2 just
700.36 say
701.32 that
701.56 things
701.64 have
702.04 not
702.28 changed
702.52 in
702.84 the
703 past
703.16 month,
703.4 a
703.72 month
703.8 and
704.04 a
704.2 half.
704.28 Thank
705.24 you
705.48 very
705.72 much.
714.76 STEVEN
714.76 RICH
714.76 -
715.84 -
715.84 My
717.36 name
717.52 is
717.68 Steven
717.84 Rich.
718.24 I
719.12 live
719.2 in
719.36 East
719.52 Watertown.
719.76 The
722.16 Winter
722.4 Parking
722.98 ban
723.38 causes
723.62 unreasonable
724.1 hardship
724.74 to
725.22 many
725.38 Watertown
725.62 residents.
726.1 The
727.22 city
727.38 recommends
727.77 that
728.18 those
728.42 without,
728.65 driveways
729.77 park
730.42 in
730.65 in
730.89 public
731.22 lots
731.62 that
732.72 can,
732.9 one,
733.08 be
733.26 up
733.42 to
733.58 a
733.66 20-minute
734.06 walk
734.38 from
734.62 their
734.78 homes,
734.94 and
735.42 two,
735.66 require
736.14 them
736.54 to
736.78 move
736.94 their
737.1 cars
737.26 by
737.58 6
737.74 AM
738.06 or
738.38 7
738.54 AM
738.86 daily
739.18 for
739.82 four
740.06 months.
740.22 If
740.95 you
741.12 have
741.27 trouble
741.43 walking,
741.83 if
742.32 you
742.48 work
742.63 nights,
742.95 if
743.27 you
743.43 work
743.51 if
743.83 you
744 have
744.08 a
744.24 long
744.32 commute,
744.55 a
745.03 busy
745.12 schedule,
745.51 or
745.83 a
745.95 limited
746.08 income,
746.48 this
747.12 can
747.27 be
747.43 very
747.6 challenging.
747.91 I
749.19 understand
749.35 that
749.83 any
750.07 policy
750.39 decision
751.11 comes
751.59 with
751.75 many
751.99 trade-offs,
752.47 so
753.03 let's
753.19 consider
753.43 the
753.83 benefits
753.91 of
754.31 this
754.47 policy.
755.67 The
755.67 website
755.83 claims
756.31 that
757.38 the
757.54 parking
757.62 ban
758.1 improves
758.34 the
758.74 aesthetics
758.89 of
759.38 the
759.46 neighborhood
759.62 and
760.58 allows
760.74 emergency
761.13 services
761.7 to
762.17 access
762.34 homes
762.65 in
762.89 the
763.05 event
763.13 of
763.38 snow.
763.62 Now
764.79 we're
764.95 nearly
765.19 eight
765.51 weeks
765.75 into
765.99 this
766.23 band,
766.39 and
766.63 we've
766.79 had
767.03 two
767.75 days
767.99 of
768.31 snow.
768.47 Still,
769.99 when
770.23 I
770.39 look
770.47 down
770.71 my
770.95 street,
771.03 I
771.43 see
771.51 it
771.67 filled
771.83 with
772.07 cars,
772.31 and
772.99 that's
773.14 because
773.38 it's
773.87 more
774.11 convenient
774.35 for
774.9 everyone
775.07 to
775.79 pay
775.95 a
776.11 month's
776.26 work
776.59 worth
776.9 of
777.14 parking
777.31 tickets
777.71 than
779.38 to
779.63 try
779.79 to
779.95 make
780.11 the
780.26 solution
781.1 proposed
781.5 by
781.9 the
782.06 city
782.3 work.
782.7 So
783.58 in
783.74 addition
783.9 to
784.22 its
784.38 many
784.62 negative
784.94 impacts,
785.34 it
785.9 also
786.14 fails
786.46 to
786.7 deliver
786.86 on
787.18 its
787.26 stated
787.5 benefits.
787.82 As
789.32 such,
789.48 I
789.79 suggest
790.2 a
790.51 compromise,
790.75 and
793.32 that
793.48 the
793.72 city
793.79 follow
794.12 the
794.43 example
794.51 of
794.91 many
795 of
795.24 the
795.32 surrounding
795.48 neighborhoods
795.96 and
796.75 restrict
797 overnight
797.66 parking
798.22 only
798.62 before
799.02 snowstorms
799.42 instead
800.06 of
800.38 for
800.46 the
800.62 entire
800.7 winter.
801.1 Thanks.
803.26 SIDERIS
803.26 -
803.26 Thank
803.26 you.
803.5 Is
804.38 there
804.54 anyone
804.78 else
805.18 here
805.58 at
805.9 home
806.06 that
806.96 wishes
807.13 to
807.44 be
807.68 heard
807.76 at
808.08 this
808.25 time?
808.4 Seeing
812.49 none,
812.8 I
812.96 close
813.2 the
813.44 public
813.61 forum
4. A.
SIDERIS initiated the review of the minutes from January 9th by seeking a motion for their approval. PICCIRILLI motioned to approve the minutes as written, which was seconded by FELTNER. With no discussion on the matter, a vote was called, resulting in unanimous approval for the January 9th minutes, as indicated by the collective "Aye" from those present, with no opposing votes.
816.04 SIDERIS
816.04 -
816.04 Can
816.04 I
816.28 do
816.44 the
816.84 examination
817 of
817.64 minutes?
817.8 Can
818.52 I
818.76 get
818.92 a
819.08 motion
819.16 on
819.56 the
819.72 minutes
819.8 of
820.12 January
820.44 9th?
821.48 -
821.48 Mr.
821.72 President,
822.04 I
822.04 make
822.12 a
822.24 motion
822.36 that
822.6 we
822.76 approve
822.92 the
823.24 minutes
823.4 of
823.72 January
823.88 9th
824.28 as
824.68 written.
825.49 SIDERIS
825.49 -
825.49 Is
825.49 there
825.57 a
825.81 second?
826.29 FELTNER
826.29 -
826.29 2nd.
826.85 SIDERIS
826.85 -
826.85 Any
826.85 discussion?
827.09 All
828.76 those
828.93 in
829.17 favor?
829.33 Aye.
830.13 Opposed?
830.52 The
831.49 ayes
831.81 have
832.05 it.
Section 6
The president reported on recent false alarms at the Kind of School, Cut the Lowell, and the Hawsmere, attributing them to the newness of the buildings and their systems. The administration and staff are actively addressing the issue, with plans to implement new protocols to prevent future occurrences. The president emphasized the importance of communication on this matter due to the concerns raised by many individuals.
item833.28 is833.6 the833.84 president's833.84 report.834.4 I835.12 just835.28 have835.52 one835.76 item835.92 that836.24 we836.4 had,836.48 an837.84 update,838.16 and838.64 I'm839.28 sure839.44 many840.24 are840.48 well840.72 aware840.88 that841.28 we've841.82 had842.13 some842.38 false842.62 alarms843.01 at843.42 the843.65 kind843.82 of843.98 school844.13 and844.46 the845.34 cut845.42 the845.65 Lowell845.82 and846.13 the846.3 Hawsmere,846.38 and846.77 that's846.94 being847.25 addressed847.5 by849.46 the849.62 administration849.86 and850.5 the850.74 staff,850.9 and,851.78 it's852.34 well852.66 under852.98 control,853.22 we854.18 believe,854.34 at854.74 this854.9 point.855.06 Some857.23 protocols857.46 are858.18 going858.26 to858.5 be858.5 put858.66 in858.82 place,858.9 and859.78 some860.02 of860.18 it860.35 has860.58 to860.75 do860.9 with861.06 the861.78 newness862.26 of862.66 the862.82 buildings862.9 and863.38 some863.54 of863.78 the863.87 systems.864.35 It's865.67 but866.15 it866.47 is866.71 being866.87 addressed867.19 because867.75 I've867.99 heard868.15 from868.47 many868.63 people868.87 and869.43 I869.83 thought869.99 it870.23 was870.31 important870.55 enough870.95 that871.27 we871.43 touch871.83 on872.15 that872.31 this872.55 evening872.71 here.873.19 Thank875.24 you.875.48
6. A.
The Watertown City Council presented a proclamation honoring Dr. Barbara Beck for her 28 years of dedicated service to the community. Dr. Beck, who earned degrees from Bryn Mawr College and Tufts University and has served as a visiting scientist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, was recognized for her work as a principal toxicologist, risk assessor at Gradient, and her contributions to toxicology and risk assessment. Appointed to the Board of Health in 1995 and later as vice chair of the Science Advisory Board to the US EPA, Dr. Beck's efforts during the global pandemic were particularly highlighted. In her response, Dr. Beck expressed honor in serving the community, from hazardous materials recycling initiatives to biotech matters during the pandemic. The council extended its appreciation for her invaluable service, and the proclamation was formally accepted following a unanimous vote.
875.71 The
875.71 next
875.88 item
876.12 is,
876.51 the
877.39 presentation
877.39 of
877.96 petitions,
878.12 proclamations,
878.75 and
879.39 similar
879.63 papers,
880.03 and
880.36 we
880.51 have
880.6 a
880.84 presentation
881.08 this
881.71 evening,
881.96 a
882.27 proclamation
882.43 honoring
883.94 Doctor
884.26 Barbara
884.26 Beck,
884.66 and
885.06 I'm
885.22 going
885.38 to
885.62 ask
885.62 Councilor
886.58 Piccirilli
887.22 to
887.22 read
887.3 it
887.46 for
887.62 us.
888.34 -
888.34 Thank
888.34 you,
888.5 Mr.
888.98 President.
890.1 So
890.1 a
890.42 proclamation
890.58 honoring
891.38 Doctor
891.78 Barbara
892.26 D.
892.66 Beck.
892.9 Whereas,
893.61 the
894.64 quality
894.88 of
895.28 life
895.52 and
895.85 spirit
896.16 in
896.49 a
896.64 community
896.8 is
897.2 enhanced
897.44 by
897.85 the
898 commitment
898.08 and
898.64 willingness
898.73 of
899.28 a
899.37 volunteer
899.61 to
900.38 give
900.7 of
900.94 his
901.1 or
901.34 her
901.5 time
901.66 and
901.9 talents
902.14 during
902.86 terms
903.18 of
903.58 service.
903.74 Whereas,
906.14 Doctor
906.54 Barbara
906.54 Beck
906.86 is
907.1 being
907.26 honored
907.5 by
907.82 the
907.98 city
908.14 council,
908.38 the
908.86 administration,
909.1 colleagues,
910.2 and
910.52 community
910.85 members
911.25 for
911.88 her
912.04 28
912.37 years
912.85 of
913.16 dedicated
913.4 service
913.88 to
914.37 the
914.45 Watertown
914.61 community.
915.25 Doctor
917.16 Beck
917.57 earned
917.88 her
918.2 bachelor
918.52 of
918.92 arts
919.08 in
919.54 biology
919.78 from
920.34 Bryn
920.58 Maw
920.9 College
921.14 and
921.86 her
922.1 Ph.D.
922.26 in
922.66 molecular
922.9 biology
923.3 and
923.78 microbiology
924.1 from
925.14 Tufts
925.38 University
925.7 Graduate
926.34 School
926.74 of
927.06 Biomedical
927.3 Science
927.94 and
928.62 has
928.93 also
929.17 served
929.42 as
929.74 a
929.98 visiting
930.05 scientist
930.46 at
930.93 the
931.1 Harvard
931.25 TH
931.98 Chan
932.38 School
932.77 of
933.01 Public
933.17 Health.
933.5 Whereas
935.1 Doctor
935.65 Beck
935.98 began
936.33 working
936.73 for
936.97 Gradient
937.21 in
937.69 1987
937.93 and
939.21 ascended
939.45 to
939.85 the
940.01 title
940.09 of
940.41 principal
940.57 toxicologist
941.21 and
942.09 risk
942.25 assessor.
944.95 Doctor
944.95 Beck
945.26 was
945.59 appointed
945.75 by
946.14 town
946.3 manager
946.55 Michael
947.02 Driscoll
947.35 as
947.9 a
948.14 member
948.3 of
948.55 the
948.71 board
948.79 of
949.02 health
949.11 in
949.5 1995,
949.75 and
951.55 whereas
951.79 in
952.67 2020,
952.91 Doctor
953.79 Beck
954.19 was
954.51 nationally
954.75 recognized
955.23 by
955.79 being
955.95 elected
956.19 as
956.75 a
956.91 fellow
957.07 of
957.31 the
957.47 American
957.63 Association
958.19 for
958.75 the
958.91 Advancement
958.99 of
959.55 Science
959.63 for
960.33 her,
960.57 quote,
960.8 meritorious
961.61 contributions
962.33 to
963.05 the
963.21 fields
963.37 of
963.68 toxicology
963.93 and
964.64 risk
964.88 assessment,
965.13 particularly
965.93 for
966.64 pioneering
966.97 work
967.45 on
967.85 the
968 evaluation
968.25 of
969.05 health
969.21 risks
969.52 of
969.94 environmental
970.26 chemicals,
970.82 unquote,
971.38 and
972.66 was
972.9 also
973.06 appointed
973.3 to
973.78 serve
973.86 as
974.02 vice
974.34 chair
974.66 of
975.14 the
975.3 science
975.54 advisory
975.94 board
976.5 to
976.98 the
977.14 US
977.3 Environmental
977.62 Protection
978.18 Agency.
978.74 Doctor
981.22 Beck
981.54 worked
981.86 tirelessly
982.17 through
982.89 decades
983.13 of
983.62 service
983.77 as
984.25 a
984.5 stalwart
984.65 of
985.13 the
985.3 community
985.38 and
986.25 provided
986.5 and
987.76 proved
988 to
988.32 be
988.48 an
988.8 invaluable,
989.12 steadying
989.84 resource
990.48 during
991.52 a
991.76 once-in-a-century
992.56 global
993.04 pandemic.
993.44 Therefore,
995.1 be
996.05 it
996.38 proclaimed
996.53 that
997.25 the
997.5 Watertown
997.57 City
998.13 Council
998.38 extends
998.86 its
999.17 deepest
999.33 appreciation
999.98 to
1000.53 Doctor
1000.69 Barbara
1001.1 Beck
1001.5 and
1002.11 takes
1002.27 great
1002.59 pride
1002.91 in
1003.15 honoring
1003.47 her
1003.79 for
1004.19 her
1004.43 many
1004.59 years
1004.91 of
1005.15 service.
1031.47 BARBARA
1031.47 BECK
1031.47 -
1031.47 RESIDENT
1031.47 -
1031.47 Okay.
1031.47 I'm
1032.03 just
1032.27 really
1032.59 honored
1033.14 to
1033.63 receive
1033.79 this.
1034.18 I
1035.07 mean,
1035.22 we've
1036.57 been
1036.81 through,
1037.45 I've
1037.69 been
1037.85 really
1038.09 honored
1038.41 serving
1038.97 on
1039.29 the
1039.45 board
1039.53 of
1039.77 health
1039.93 all
1040.33 the
1040.49 time
1040.65 that
1040.89 we've
1041.13 been
1041.37 on
1041.53 the
1041.61 I
1041.85 mean,
1041.93 we
1042.17 started
1042.33 off
1042.73 working
1043.37 on,
1043.93 hazardous
1045.34 materials
1045.89 recycling
1046.77 from
1047.49 auto
1047.73 body
1048.05 shops
1048.38 all
1049.26 the
1049.41 way
1049.49 through
1049.73 the
1049.97 pandemic
1050.21 to
1051.01 biotech.
1051.34 So
1052.21 it's
1052.53 been
1052.86 a
1053.34 learning
1053.82 experience
1054.3 and
1054.86 such
1055.1 an
1055.42 honor
1055.66 to
1055.98 be
1056.06 able
1056.22 to
1056.46 serve
1056.7 the
1057.42 people
1057.58 of
1057.9 this
1057.98 community.
1058.22 So
1058.86 thank
1059.34 you
1059.58 very
1059.82 much
1059.98 for
1060.3 this
1060.46 proclamation.
1075.67 SIDERIS
1075.67 -
1075.67 We
1075.67 want
1076.79 to
1077.03 take
1077.03 this
1077.27 opportunity
1077.51 to
1078.23 thank
1078.39 you
1078.63 For
1079.28 your
1079.44 many
1079.61 years
1079.92 of
1080.24 service
1080.4 to
1080.8 this
1080.96 community,
1081.2 we've
1082.16 benefited
1082.88 greatly
1083.52 from
1083.92 your
1084.16 expertise,
1084.48 and
1085.37 we
1085.52 appreciate
1085.77 all
1086.33 you've
1086.48 done
1086.72 for
1086.88 us.
1087.44 BECK
1087.44 -
1087.44 Thank
1087.44 you.
1088.01 -
1088.01 Thank
1088.01 you.
1088.16 Can
1088.96 I
1089.2 get
1089.28 a
1089.52 motion
1089.68 to
1090 can
1092.32 I
1092.48 get
1092.64 a
1092.8 motion
1092.88 to
1093.2 accept
1093.36 the
1093.68 proclamation?
1093.84 So
1094.48 moved,
1095.12 is
1095.28 there
1095.28 a
1095.44 second?
1095.52 2nd.
1095.92 All
1096.56 those
1096.72 in
1096.96 favor?
1097.04 Aye.
1097.76 Opposed?
1098.41 The
1099.29 ayes
1099.53 have
1099.77 it.
7. A.
In this section, City Manager George Proakis presents a proposed loan order for Phase B improvements to Arsenal Park in Watertown, requesting an appropriation of $10,359,500 for renovations. These renovations include the demolition and removal of existing park features and the installation of new amenities such as a playground, splash pad, skate park, and various sports courts, alongside construction and administrative costs. Proakis highlights the importance of this project as a key development for Watertown's park system and notes the challenges faced due to construction bids exceeding initial estimates by a significant margin. To accommodate the higher-than-expected costs without scaling back the project, the city plans to adjust the timing of other projects to ensure borrowing capacity. Proakis expresses his intention to discuss this strategy further in the next public hearing, anticipating questions and providing additional details on how the city plans to manage the financial aspects of the project.
1109.87 SIDERIS
1109.87 -
1109.87 Okay.
1109.87 The
1110.43 next
1110.59 item
1110.83 is
1111.07 public
1111.31 hearings,
1111.71 and
1112.83 it's
1113.07 first
1113.39 reading
1113.71 on
1114.27 a
1114.36 proposed
1114.6 loan
1114.99 order
1115.23 for
1115.95 Arsenal
1116.19 Park
1116.67 Improvements,
1116.99 phase
1117.55 B,
1118.99 that
1119.39 the
1119.55 sum
1119.71 of
1119.95 $10,359,500
1120.12 is
1124.09 appropriated
1124.25 to
1124.81 pay
1124.97 the
1125.21 cost
1125.21 of
1125.45 renovating
1125.61 Arsenal
1126.81 Park,
1127.37 including
1128.41 demolition
1128.97 and
1129.53 removal
1129.69 of
1130.17 the
1130.25 existing
1130.41 park
1130.89 features,
1131.21 Installation
1132.33 of
1132.81 the
1132.96 new
1133.13 playground,
1133.29 splash
1134.88 pad,
1135.29 skate
1135.85 park,
1136.16 and
1136.81 tennis,
1137.05 pickleball,
1137.61 basketball
1138.33 courts,
1138.88 and
1139.73 construction,
1140.05 construction
1141.17 administrative
1141.73 services,
1142.45 and
1143.33 construction
1143.57 contingency
1144.61 costs,
1145.33 including
1146.29 the
1146.69 payment
1146.85 of
1147.25 all
1147.41 costs
1147.57 incidental
1148.53 and
1149.09 related
1149.33 thereto.
1149.81 Mr.
1150.92 Manager.
1151.72 GEORGE
1151.72 PROAKIS
1151.72 -
1151.72 CITY
1151.72 OF
1151.72 -
1151.72 Thank
1151.72 you,
1151.97 Mr.
1152.45 President.
1154.21 This
1154.21 has
1154.92 been
1155.16 a
1155.57 long
1155.72 time
1155.97 coming
1156.21 to
1156.53 the
1157.01 point
1157.09 where
1157.25 we've
1157.49 been
1157.73 able
1157.89 to,
1158.05 present
1158.53 this
1158.85 particular
1159.09 item
1159.57 to
1159.81 you
1159.97 here
1160.13 this
1160.37 evening.
1160.53 The
1163.09 Arsenal
1164.42 Phase
1165.22 B
1165.71 is
1165.71 one
1166.03 of
1166.35 the
1166.51 premier
1166.74 projects
1167.38 in
1168.03 terms
1168.27 of
1168.66 the
1169.38 future
1169.55 of
1169.95 our
1170.11 park
1170.27 system
1170.51 here
1170.83 in
1171.07 Watertown.
1171.22 I'm
1173.82 very
1174.06 happy
1174.3 to
1174.62 get
1174.7 it
1174.86 to
1174.94 this
1175.1 point
1175.26 where
1175.5 we
1175.82 can
1176.06 keep
1176.3 on
1176.46 the
1176.7 schedule
1176.86 that
1177.26 we
1177.42 set
1177.58 out,
1177.74 with
1178.7 the
1179.02 capital
1179.51 plan
1179.83 that
1180.14 we
1180.3 set
1180.38 out
1180.63 last
1180.87 year,
1181.03 and
1181.35 begin
1181.51 construction
1181.9 of
1182.3 this
1182.46 in
1182.7 this
1182.87 construction
1183.11 season.
1183.66 The
1185.42 thing
1185.59 that's
1185.83 been
1185.98 a
1186.14 little
1186.22 painful
1186.46 about
1186.87 this
1187.11 has
1187.55 been
1187.71 that
1187.87 the
1187.95 construction
1188.19 bid
1188.67 came
1188.91 back
1189.15 at
1189.39 $9,017,500,
1189.63 which
1192.03 is,
1192.19 quite
1193.23 a
1193.47 bit
1193.55 over
1193.71 our
1194.03 estimates,
1194.19 quite
1194.75 a
1194.99 bit
1195.07 over
1195.39 our
1195.87 landscape
1196.19 designer's
1197.28 estimate,
1197.84 which
1199.04 when
1199.28 you
1199.52 add
1199.67 construction
1199.99 oversight,
1200.56 resident
1201.04 engineer,
1201.6 and
1202.08 contingency,
1202.23 brings
1203.6 this
1203.91 project
1204.08 over
1204.39 $10,000,000.
1204.56 That
1205.6 is
1205.76 in
1205.91 addition
1206.15 to
1206.39 the
1206.71 cost
1206.71 of
1206.95 the
1207.03 play
1207.11 equipment
1207.35 for
1207.67 the
1207.83 playground
1207.99 that
1208.31 we
1208.47 have
1208.63 already
1208.79 purchased
1209.03 in
1209.43 our
1209.59 store.
1209.83 We
1211.19 looked
1211.43 in
1211.75 the
1211.91 office
1212.07 at
1212.55 the
1212.71 set
1212.87 of
1213.03 options
1213.19 when
1213.59 this
1213.75 came
1213.99 out
1214.15 overbid
1214.79 and,
1215.19 over
1216.43 our
1216.67 estimates.
1216.99 You
1217.71 know,
1217.79 one
1218.12 option
1218.27 was
1218.76 to
1219.08 look
1219.23 at
1219.55 making
1219.88 this
1220.27 a
1220.67 smaller
1221.39 project,
1221.88 cutting
1222.36 something
1222.67 out
1222.91 of
1223.08 it,
1223.23 phasing
1223.47 it,
1223.79 doing
1224.19 it
1224.43 over
1224.6 a
1224.76 longer
1224.91 period.
1225.63 But
1227.03 we
1227.35 really
1227.51 felt
1227.75 that
1227.99 none
1228.39 of
1228.55 those
1228.71 options
1229.03 really
1229.59 would
1229.99 achieve
1230.23 the
1231.03 goals
1231.19 of
1231.43 what
1231.59 we
1231.75 wanted
1231.91 to
1232.15 achieve
1232.31 in
1232.63 the
1232.79 case
1232.87 of
1233.11 this
1233.19 park.
1234.76 So,
1234.76 as
1235.72 we
1235.96 submit
1236.2 the
1236.52 capital
1236.67 plan,
1236.99 which
1237.23 I'll
1237.39 share
1237.8 a
1238.04 little
1238.12 bit
1238.28 more
1238.43 about
1238.6 at
1238.91 the
1238.99 end
1239.15 of
1239.23 the
1239.39 night,
1239.47 we
1240.28 have
1240.52 put
1240.76 forward
1240.91 a
1241.23 strategy
1241.47 to,
1242.11 adjust
1242.83 some
1243.23 timing
1243.47 on
1243.87 some
1244.11 other
1244.27 projects,
1244.51 to
1246.27 make
1246.43 sure
1246.59 to
1246.83 have
1246.91 this
1247.07 borrowing
1247.23 capacity
1247.63 available
1248.11 to
1248.51 us.
1248.67 I
1249.04 look
1249.2 forward
1249.37 to
1249.68 discussing
1249.85 that
1250.24 more
1250.4 with
1250.64 you
1250.8 at
1250.96 the
1251.04 next
1251.2 meeting
1251.37 at
1251.68 the
1251.85 public
1251.92 hearing.
1252.24 Our
1253.2 public
1253.37 works
1253.68 team
1253.92 will
1254.24 be
1254.33 available
1254.48 to
1254.88 do
1255.04 so
1255.2 as
1255.53 well
1255.77 as
1256.16 our
1256.48 designers,
1256.86 and
1257.18 they
1257.42 can
1257.5 answer
1257.66 any
1257.9 questions
1258.14 about
1258.54 that.
1258.86 For
1259.58 now,
1259.82 I
1260.78 appreciate
1261.34 the
1261.82 opportunity
1261.98 to
1262.46 have
1262.54 the
1262.7 first
1262.86 reading
1263.1 for
1263.5 you
1263.58 this
1263.82 evening.
1263.98 Thank
1264.38 you.
7. B.
The agenda included a first reading of a proposed zoning amendment ordinance focused on short-term rentals. This proposal is scheduled to be reviewed by the planning board, which will hold a public hearing on the matter. Following the planning board's examination and public hearing, the ordinance will return to the original body for a comprehensive public hearing, ensuring thorough community input and deliberation before any decision is made.
The1266.88 next1267.05 item1267.37 on1267.68 the1267.85 agenda1268.01 is1268.72 a1268.96 first1269.13 reading1269.37 of1269.68 a1269.85 proposed1270.01 zoning1270.4 amendment1270.72 ordinance1271.61 regarding1272.16 short-term1272.96 rentals.1273.29 This1274.24 item1274.48 automatically1274.96 gets1275.76 referred1276 to1276.88 the1277.12 planning1277.28 board1277.68 for1278 their1278.16 consideration,1278.4 and1279.92 then1280.08 they1280.24 it1280.56 will1280.72 come1280.88 back1281.12 to1281.28 us1281.44 for1281.68 a1282.29 full1282.45 public1282.69 hearing1283.17 after1283.58 they1283.89 have1284.38 a1284.62 full1284.78 public1284.93 hearing.1285.34
7. C.
At a public hearing, there was a discussion and subsequent vote on a proposed ordinance to amend the city manager's salary based on an excellent annual review. It was proposed to adjust the manager's salary by 2.5% along with a 1.5% performance bonus. The ordinance establishes the city manager's annual salary at $226,200, effective July 1, 2023. Despite the opportunity for public comment, no one came forward. The city council moved to approve the ordinance, successfully passing it with the support shown through a roll call vote. Following the approval, expressions of gratitude were exchanged, highlighting the city manager's valued contributions to the community.
1287.97 item
1287.97 is
1288.29 a
1288.38 public
1288.45 hearing
1288.69 and
1289.02 vote
1289.17 on
1289.41 a
1289.49 proposed
1289.65 ordinance
1290.05 amending
1290.78 the
1291.18 city
1291.34 manager's
1291.66 salary.
1292.22 This
1292.86 was
1293.1 placed
1293.34 on
1293.66 an
1293.9 agenda
1294.14 a
1295.34 couple
1295.5 of
1295.74 months
1295.82 ago,
1296.06 and
1296.38 there
1296.62 were
1296.86 some
1297.02 issues
1297.34 with
1297.74 the
1298.37 way
1298.53 it
1298.68 was
1298.77 advertised,
1299.01 I
1300.45 just
1300.61 want
1300.85 to
1301.09 go
1301.09 over
1301.33 the
1301.88 fact
1302.05 that
1302.29 the
1302.37 city
1302.53 manager,
1302.85 we've
1303.72 talked
1303.97 about
1304.29 this
1304.53 a
1304.77 few
1304.85 times,
1305.09 got
1306.85 an
1307.09 excellent,
1307.33 review
1308.97 when
1310.09 we
1310.33 did
1310.41 his,
1310.65 annual
1312.57 review,
1313.53 and
1314.09 we
1314.81 talked
1315.05 about
1315.37 that
1315.53 many
1316.25 times.
1318.27 We
1318.27 had
1318.59 proposed
1318.83 at
1319.31 that
1319.46 time,
1319.63 adjusting
1321.63 the
1322.03 manager's
1322.18 salary
1322.66 by
1323.46 two
1323.79 and
1324.18 a
1324.18 half
1324.18 percent
1324.42 and
1325.3 giving
1325.54 him
1325.86 a
1326.1 one
1326.42 and
1326.66 a
1326.74 half
1326.82 percent
1327.06 performance
1328.02 bonus.
1329.06 I'll
1330.34 just
1330.58 read
1330.82 the
1331.06 ordinance.
1331.22 It's
1332.88 an
1333.05 ordinance
1333.29 establishing
1333.77 the
1334.33 city
1334.48 manager's
1334.81 salary,
1335.29 and
1336.24 Section
1336.97 33
1337.37 of
1338.09 the
1338.24 City
1338.4 of
1338.64 Watertown
1338.81 Home
1339.61 Rule
1339.85 Charter
1340.16 provides
1341.1 that
1341.34 the
1341.66 city
1341.74 manager
1341.98 shall
1342.46 receive
1342.7 compensation
1343.18 as
1344.3 may
1344.46 from
1344.7 time
1344.94 to
1345.18 time
1345.34 be
1345.58 established
1345.74 for
1346.62 set
1346.86 office
1347.1 by
1347.5 ordinance.
1347.74 Now
1349.02 therefore
1349.18 be
1349.66 it
1349.82 ordained
1349.98 by
1350.85 the
1351.01 city
1351.16 council
1351.33 of
1351.72 the
1351.88 city
1352.04 of
1352.28 Watertown,
1352.53 hereby
1353.33 established
1353.88 that
1354.44 the
1354.53 city
1354.68 manager's
1354.92 annual
1355.4 salary
1355.72 is
1359.34 226,200
1359.82 effective
1359.82 July
1359.82 1,
1360.38 2023,
1361.1 which
1362.14 is
1362.38 fiscal
1362.62 year
1362.94 2024.
1363.42 So
1365.42 this
1365.66 is
1365.9 a
1366.06 public
1366.14 hearing,
1366.54 and
1367.07 if
1367.22 there's
1367.38 any
1367.54 member
1367.78 of
1368.02 the
1368.18 public
1368.35 either
1368.74 here
1369.07 or
1369.63 at
1369.87 home
1370.02 who
1370.66 would
1370.66 like
1370.9 to
1371.14 speak,
1371.3 please
1371.94 raise
1372.35 your
1372.59 hand.
1409.21 SIDERIS
1409.21 -
1409.21 No
1409.21 1
1409.45 here.
1409.69 I
1410.01 close
1410.25 the
1410.57 public
1410.65 hearing
1411.05 and
1411.61 ask
1411.85 for
1412.01 a
1412.13 motion
1412.25 from
1412.65 the
1412.73 city
1412.89 council.
1413.61 -
1413.61 Mister
1413.61 president,
1413.85 I
1414.09 make
1414.17 a
1414.25 motion
1414.33 that
1414.65 we,
1414.81 approve
1415.21 the
1415.69 ordinance,
1415.85 establishing
1417.06 the
1417.54 manager's
1417.7 salary.
1418.1 Is
1418.73 there
1418.98 a
1419.13 second?
1419.78 SIDERIS
1419.78 -
1419.78 2nd.
1419.78 Any
1421.22 discussion?
1421.54 Roll
1422.58 call,
1422.89 please.
1423.22 Councilor
1424.41 Feltner?
1436.41 SIDERIS
1436.41 -
1436.41 Yes.
1436.41 Thank
1436.65 you,
1436.82 and
1437.05 congratulations,
1437.38 Mr.
1438.34 Manager,
1438.65 and
1438.65 thank
1438.89 you
1439.05 for
1439.21 your
1439.38 efforts
1439.53 for
1440.34 our
1440.49 community.
1441.69 PROAKIS
1441.69 -
1441.69 Thank
1441.69 you
1441.93 all
1442.17 once
1442.41 again.
7. D.
The discussed item involves a $498,000 loan for improvements at Saltonstall Park, specifically for the replacement and upgrade of sports lighting for the ball field and basketball courts. This project, stemming from the 2019 capital improvement fund, also considered but ultimately postponed the renovation of a playground area to a later date due to budget restraints and the need for comprehensive upgrades. Competitive bids for the lighting project were received, with allowances made for rising market costs. Additionally, questions from the council addressed the inclusion of push-button lighting activation, project timelines suggesting work could commence in winter, and the installation of a new camera system with ball-tracking software for the basketball court. The system, aimed at enhancing viewing experiences for community members, represents a novel effort for the park. The council moved to approve the loan and proceeded to vote following clarification and discussion on these points.
1444.09 -
1444.09 The
1444.09 next
1444.25 item
1444.41 is
1444.73 a
1444.97 public
1445.05 hearing
1445.37 and
1445.69 vote
1445.85 on
1446.41 a
1446.65 loan
1446.81 order
1447.05 that
1447.29 the
1447.45 sum
1447.61 of
1447.77 $498,000
1447.93 is
1449.93 appropriated
1450.25 to
1450.81 pay
1450.97 the
1451.21 cost
1451.21 of
1451.53 improvements
1451.69 at
1452.17 Saltonstall
1452.33 Park,
1453.05 Including
1453.76 the
1454.32 demolition
1454.55 removal
1455.12 of
1455.6 existing
1455.84 lighting
1456.23 and
1457.19 furnishing
1457.52 of
1458.15 new
1458.39 Moscow
1458.71 or
1459.67 other
1459.91 sports
1460.32 lighting
1460.71 and
1461.52 apperturrences
1462.87 and
1465.11 further
1465.43 including
1465.91 the
1466.39 payment
1466.55 of
1467.27 all
1467.43 costs
1467.67 related
1468.31 incidental
1468.87 and
1469.91 here
1470.15 too,
1470.47 Mr.
1471.19 Manager.
1472.15 PROAKIS-
1472.15 Thank
1472.15 you,
1472.32 Mr.
1472.8 President.
1473.52 This
1473.52 item
1473.67 before
1474.08 you,
1474.47 from
1475.6 recommendation
1476.71 number
1477.36 four
1477.6 of
1477.84 the
1477.99 2024,
1478.39 2,028
1479.81 CIP,
1480.69 is
1482.45 intended
1482.77 to
1483.25 provide
1483.41 the
1483.81 opportunity
1483.97 to,
1484.69 provide
1485.17 new
1485.57 lighting
1485.81 at
1486.21 Saltonstall
1486.53 Park.
1487.17 This
1490.02 is
1490.26 for
1490.41 both
1490.73 the
1491.13 ball
1491.38 field
1491.69 and
1492.17 the
1492.41 basketball
1492.65 courts.
1493.29 This
1493.86 project
1494.1 which,
1494.49 again,
1494.65 has
1494.97 sort
1495.13 of
1495.21 been
1495.38 a
1495.54 long
1496.26 time
1496.49 coming
1496.65 to
1497.13 keep
1498.58 going.
1498.9 This
1499.3 was
1499.46 actually
1499.62 the
1499.94 fiscal
1500.02 year
1500.34 2019
1500.58 capital
1501.22 improvement
1501.62 fund
1502.18 item.
1502.5 At
1503.54 the
1503.78 time,
1503.94 funded
1504.34 at
1504.82 $300,000,
1505.06 the
1507.17 Full
1507.17 cost
1507.41 including
1507.82 contingencies,
1509.41 is
1510.53 now
1510.77 reached
1511.1 498.
1511.49 We
1513.97 were
1514.96 originally
1515.2 going
1516.08 to
1517.28 do,
1517.28 the
1517.28 surface
1517.52 at
1517.92 the
1518.08 top
1518.32 lot
1518.56 here
1518.72 at
1519.04 the
1519.12 same
1519.28 time.
1519.44 We've
1519.68 decided
1520 we
1520.4 should
1520.56 really
1520.72 do
1520.96 the
1521.04 whole
1521.2 tot
1521.44 lot
1521.68 over
1521.84 and
1522.08 do
1522.24 it
1522.4 a
1522.48 little
1522.56 bit
1522.72 later.
1522.88 So
1523.45 that's
1523.62 been
1523.86 rescheduled
1524.1 into
1524.82 the
1525.29 new
1525.53 capital
1525.77 plan.
1526.26 For
1527.13 now,
1527.38 we're
1527.77 seeking
1528.1 the
1528.49 4.98,
1528.89 including
1530.58 2019
1531.59 capital
1531.91 plan
1532.47 money,
1532.71 that
1534.15 we
1534.47 should
1534.71 be
1535.11 able
1535.43 to
1535.75 put
1535.99 forward
1536.23 to,
1536.55 move
1536.95 this
1537.11 item
1537.27 forward,
1537.51 and
1537.83 Mr.
1538.31 Saint
1538.38 Louis
1538.63 can
1538.87 provide
1539.03 details
1539.35 on
1539.74 the
1539.83 project
1539.98 itself.
1540.31 Thank
1540.71 you,
1540.79 Mr.
1541.35 President.
1542.46 Welcome.
1543.59 SAINT
1543.59 LOUIS
1543.59 -
1543.59 CITY
1543.59 OF
1543.59 -
1543.59 Good
1543.59 evening.
1543.83 So
1545.18 as
1545.51 the
1545.74 manager
1545.9 just
1547.9 described,
1548.14 this
1548.54 is,
1548.78 replacement
1549.98 lighting
1550.62 for
1551.1 the
1551.5 salt
1551.5 and
1551.74 stall
1551.98 or
1552.3 lower
1552.54 salt
1552.86 and
1553.1 stall
1553.26 park.
1553.5 The
1555.02 lighting
1555.26 configuration,
1555.66 as
1556.38 you
1556.54 can
1556.62 is
1557.35 in
1558.07 similar
1558.38 locations.
1558.87 There
1559.9 are
1560.14 some
1560.3 benefits
1560.54 of
1561.02 the
1561.11 timing
1561.26 of
1561.59 this
1561.66 project
1561.9 in
1562.3 advance
1562.54 of,
1563.11 our
1564.36 future
1564.44 CPC
1565 project
1565.48 for
1565.96 Upper
1566.28 Saltonstall
1566.6 in
1567.16 the
1567.24 gazebo.
1567.4 One
1568.68 of
1568.84 the
1568.92 lights
1569.16 is
1569.8 being
1570.36 relocated
1570.68 to
1571.32 make
1571.48 sure
1571.64 that
1571.88 the
1572.2 gazebo
1573.08 and
1573.48 plaza
1574.15 have
1574.32 plenty
1574.32 of
1574.56 room
1574.72 around
1574.96 it
1575.2 and
1575.36 don't
1575.43 conflict
1575.67 with
1576.08 the
1576.24 sports
1576.96 lighting.
1577.36 But,
1577.84 otherwise,
1578.72 the
1579.2 lighting
1579.43 is,
1579.84 in
1581.04 line
1581.28 with
1581.6 previous,
1581.91 Moscow
1583.26 projects
1583.74 that
1584.14 we
1584.3 performed
1584.46 at
1584.86 Filippelo.
1586.38 We
1586.38 received,
1586.7 three
1588.06 fairly
1588.38 competitive
1588.78 bids,
1589.34 but
1589.82 the
1590.88 market
1591.21 has
1591.53 been
1591.77 such
1592.01 that
1592.33 prices,
1593.05 we
1593.85 knew
1594.01 were
1594.16 going
1594.33 to
1594.57 come
1594.57 in
1594.73 high,
1594.97 and
1595.21 that's
1595.37 why
1595.53 we
1595.77 sort
1595.92 of
1596.16 carved
1596.33 off
1596.64 the
1596.88 top
1597.13 lot
1597.37 from
1597.68 the
1598.34 rest
1598.5 of
1598.62 the
1598.74 lighting
1598.9 project
1599.38 to
1599.86 make
1600.02 sure
1600.18 that,
1600.42 we're
1601.3 phasing
1601.62 it
1602.02 appropriately
1602.34 and
1602.9 that
1603.14 the
1603.38 funding
1603.54 was
1604.1 dedicated
1604.42 for
1604.98 the
1605.22 first
1606.18 phase
1606.58 of
1607.14 this
1607.3 project.
1607.62 From
1609.23 FY
1609.63 19
1610.27 to
1610.83 now,
1610.99 the
1611.31 play
1611.55 equipment
1611.79 at
1612.11 the
1612.27 boy's
1612.99 and
1613.23 girls'
1613.31 tot
1613.55 lot
1613.79 has
1614.03 also
1614.27 aged
1614.51 further,
1614.83 sort
1615.63 of
1615.79 highlighting
1615.95 the
1616.43 need
1616.59 to
1616.75 replace
1616.91 that
1617.31 in
1617.55 the
1617.71 future.
1617.79 Again,
1618.27 another
1618.59 reason
1618.83 why
1619.15 we
1619.31 sort
1619.47 of
1619.63 carved
1619.71 off
1620.11 the
1622.03 playground
1622.59 from
1623.15 the
1623.39 rest
1623.71 of
1623.95 the
1624.11 lighting
1624.57 lighting
1625.21 project.
1625.37 If
1626.4 you
1626.57 have
1626.64 any
1626.81 questions.
1628.33 SIDERIS
1628.33 -
1628.33 Thank
1628.33 you.
1628.57 This
1628.72 is
1628.97 a
1629.05 public
1629.21 hearing.
1629.53 If
1629.85 there's
1630.01 any
1630.16 member
1630.4 of
1630.64 the
1630.81 public
1630.88 that
1631.61 wishes
1631.85 to
1632.16 be
1632.33 heard
1632.57 On
1633.42 the
1633.58 lighting
1633.82 here
1634.38 at
1634.78 Salt
1634.94 and
1635.18 Straw,
1635.42 please
1636.22 raise
1636.54 your
1636.78 hand.
1636.94 Seeing
1642.41 none,
1642.89 I
1643.21 close
1643.38 the
1643.69 public
1643.78 hearing
1644.1 and
1644.58 ask
1644.82 for
1645.06 a
1645.13 motion
1645.21 from
1645.54 the
1645.69 city
1645.86 council.
1646.65 -
1646.65 Mister
1646.65 president,
1646.97 I
1647.21 make
1647.3 a
1647.45 motion
1647.54 that,
1648.02 we
1648.58 approve
1648.82 the
1649.3 loan
1649.45 order
1649.69 for
1650.02 Saltonstall
1650.89 Park
1650.89 for
1652.23 $498,000.
1652.31 Is
1653.83 there
1653.99 a
1654.23 second?
1654.79 FELTNER
1654.79 -
1654.79 2nd.
1655.35 SIDERIS
1655.35 -
1655.35 Any
1655.35 discussion?
1655.59 Councilor
1656.55 Feltner.
1659.47 LISA
1659.47 FELTNER
1659.47 -
1659.47 CITY
1659.47 COUNCIL
1659.47 -
1659.47 Thank
1659.71 you,
1660.03 Mr.
1660.42 President.
1660.59 Through
1660.59 you,
1660.66 I
1661.14 just
1661.14 have
1661.38 a
1661.38 couple
1661.55 of
1661.95 questions.
1662.03 I
1662.66 was
1662.83 wondering
1663.31 if,
1664.42 the
1664.9 project
1665.79 included
1666.18 push-button
1668.95 activation
1668.95 for
1668.95 the
1668.95 lighting.
1669.27 LOUIS
1669.67 -
1669.99 We
1670.31 will
1670.55 definitely
1671.27 include
1671.43 that
1671.75 as
1672.15 we've,
1672.47 got
1672.79 that
1673.43 feedback
1673.99 on
1673.99 other
1673.99 projects
1673.99 recently.
1674.63 -
1675.67 Okay.
1675.75 Great
1675.99 to
1676.23 hear.
1676.87 I
1677.03 was
1677.11 also
1677.35 wondering
1678.42 if
1678.74 we
1679.38 have
1680.11 a
1681.94 time
1682.18 frame
1682.51 approximate
1682.66 for,
1682.9 the
1683.3 length
1683.55 of
1683.7 the
1684.03 project
1684.27 when
1684.35 we
1685.38 expect
1686.69 it
1686.69 to
1686.69 be
1686.69 updated.
1686.69 LOUIS
1686.69 -
1686.69 Sure.
1686.69 This
1687.89 can
1688.05 really
1688.21 begin
1688.45 in
1688.77 the
1688.93 wintertime.
1689.01 Unlike
1689.65 some
1690.05 projects,
1690.21 they
1691.25 actually
1691.97 will
1692.37 help
1692.61 protect
1692.77 the
1693.09 field
1693.25 if
1693.49 the
1693.73 ground
1693.89 is
1694.13 frozen
1694.29 when
1694.77 they
1694.93 track
1695.55 equipment
1695.79 over
1696.19 the
1696.43 snow,
1696.51 so
1697.55 they
1697.79 can
1697.95 begin
1698.27 now,
1698.67 and
1699.08 this
1699.55 is,
1699.79 you
1700.67 know,
1700.84 likely
1701.15 a
1701.63 several-month
1702.27 project.
1702.6 It's
1703.08 not
1703.32 a
1703.47 lot
1703.55 of
1703.79 work,
1703.88 but,
1704.19 we
1705.12 want
1705.28 to
1705.6 make
1705.6 sure,
1705.76 as
1706 we
1706.16 did
1706.32 with
1706.48 Filippillo,
1706.64 that
1707.2 any
1707.44 disturbance
1707.84 to
1708.4 the
1708.56 grass
1708.8 is
1709.52 restored
1710.56 in
1710.96 kind.
1712.16 FELTNER
1712.16 -
1712.16 Thank
1712.16 you.
1712.4 So
1712.48 I
1712.64 imagine
1712.72 there'll
1713.12 be
1713.36 work
1713.44 in
1713.6 the
1713.84 spring
1714 to
1714.94 address
1715.18 the
1715.59 green
1715.83 green
1716.55 areas.
1716.87 The
1717.35 last
1717.42 one
1717.59 was,
1717.83 that
1718.38 I
1718.38 noticed
1718.63 a
1718.94 camera
1719.03 system
1719.51 was
1719.9 included
1720.14 in
1720.63 here,
1720.7 and
1720.94 I
1721.18 believe
1721.9 the
1722.3 camera
1722.46 is
1723.18 something
1723.42 the
1724.52 public
1724.76 can
1725 see,
1725.4 conditions
1726.28 of
1726.84 salt
1727.08 and
1727.32 stall,
1727.56 24/7
1728.6 weather,
1729.48 etcetera.
1730.12 I
1730.76 was
1730.84 wondering
1731 if
1731.32 you
1731.4 could,
1731.48 I
1731.72 don't
1731.8 know
1732.04 much
1732.12 about
1732.36 what
1732.76 you
1732.92 could
1733.08 explain
1734.8 and
1735.04 even
1735.29 how
1735.44 that
1735.68 works.
1736.57 LOUIS
1736.57 -
1736.57 Sure.
1736.57 So
1736.88 Moscow
1737.44 has
1737.77 a
1738.01 new
1738.09 system
1738.24 that
1738.72 they're,
1739.13 They're
1740.73 starting
1740.97 to
1741.17 roll
1741.37 out
1741.61 in
1741.77 various
1742.09 locations,
1742.49 and
1743.21 they
1743.53 actually
1743.77 have
1744.09 some
1744.25 ball-tracking
1744.81 software
1745.29 as
1745.69 well.
1745.85 So
1746.09 it's
1746.33 an
1746.97 innovative
1747.13 idea
1747.69 that,
1748.09 we
1748.89 looked
1749.13 at
1749.29 setting
1750.07 up
1750.3 as
1750.7 it
1750.94 pertains
1751.11 to
1751.66 the
1751.9 basketball
1752.14 court
1752.7 so
1753.35 we
1753.59 can
1753.66 mount
1753.83 the
1754.07 system
1754.22 directly
1754.63 on
1755.11 the
1755.18 building,
1755.35 and
1755.98 it'll
1756.14 follow
1756.54 the
1756.78 play
1756.94 of
1757.26 the
1757.35 basketball
1757.42 like
1757.9 you
1758.07 would
1758.22 a
1758.99 live
1759.15 game,
1759.39 and
1760.51 they
1760.67 provide
1760.91 a
1761.23 certain
1761.39 number
1761.71 of
1761.87 hours
1762.03 for
1762.35 the
1762.51 community
1762.67 to
1763.15 view
1763.39 that.
1763.55 So
1764.35 it's
1765.39 a
1765.63 pretty
1765.71 low-cost
1766.19 system
1766.43 compared
1766.91 to,
1767.41 an
1767.89 asset
1768.13 the
1768.45 city
1768.62 hasn't
1768.86 seen
1769.17 previously
1769.41 before.
1771.65 FELTNER
1771.65 -
1771.65 Just
1771.89 to,
1772.21 follow
1772.86 up
1773.34 on
1773.34 that.
1773.41 Partly
1773.82 why
1774.13 I
1774.29 was
1774.38 asking
1774.62 as
1774.93 I
1775.1 was
1775.17 browsing
1775.41 and,
1776.05 I
1777.07 was
1777.23 surprised
1777.39 to
1777.87 see
1777.95 Watertown
1778.19 Salt
1779.39 Park
1779.71 show
1780.19 up
1780.51 when
1780.83 it
1780.99 comes
1781.07 to
1781.31 weather
1781.55 conditions.
1781.95 I
1782.59 don't
1782.75 know
1782.99 how
1783.87 this
1784.11 camera
1784.43 is
1784.75 accessed
1784.99 by
1785.39 other
1785.63 parties.
1786.45 So
1788.54 I
1788.62 don't
1788.69 know
1788.86 if
1788.93 you
1789.1 know
1789.17 anything
1789.34 about
1789.65 that
1789.97 but,
1790.13 you're
1790.86 also
1791.1 saying
1791.34 they
1792.13 keep
1792.62 the
1792.86 footage
1793.02 for
1793.49 a
1794.06 few
1794.21 hours
1794.69 or
1795.1 something
1795.26 in
1795.65 terms
1795.73 of
1795.97 Park
1796.6 use
1797.16 and
1798.2 tracking
1798.44 balls
1798.92 and
1799.56 things
1799.8 like
1800.04 that.
1800.44 -
1800.44 Yes.
1800.44 At
1800.44 least
1800.6 the
1800.84 basketball
1801.24 games,
1801.8 you
1802.28 know,
1802.44 would
1802.84 be
1803 scheduled,
1803.24 as
1804.58 you
1804.73 can
1804.82 imagine,
1805.05 any
1805.45 sort
1805.69 of
1805.93 scheduled
1806.1 TV
1806.49 programming
1806.82 based
1807.62 on
1807.93 recreations,
1809.13 PROAKIS
1809.13 -
1809.13 Mr.
1809.38 President,
1809.69 if
1809.69 I
1809.77 can
1809.86 just
1809.93 clarify
1810.17 a
1810.58 difference
1810.65 here
1811.05 for
1811.45 councilor.
1811.69 There
1812.65 is
1812.82 a
1813.05 camera
1813.13 in,
1813.69 I
1814.4 think
1814.56 that
1814.8 IT
1815.04 put
1815.36 out
1815.6 that
1815.84 is,
1816 hooked
1816.96 onto
1817.2 the
1817.44 back
1817.6 of
1817.84 our
1818 building
1818.24 here
1818.64 that
1818.96 looks
1819.12 out
1819.36 at
1819.48 the
1819.6 park
1819.76 right
1820.16 now
1820.24 where
1821.21 you
1821.26 can
1821.41 monitor
1821.58 conditions,
1822.13 and
1822.62 I
1822.73 don't
1822.86 remember
1823.1 exactly
1823.41 how
1823.73 you
1823.97 access
1824.13 it.
1824.38 That
1826.86 is
1827.1 one
1827.58 piece.
1827.89 This
1828.38 system
1829.17 on
1829.33 the
1829.49 basketball
1829.65 court
1830.21 is
1830.53 a
1830.61 completely
1830.77 different
1831.17 and
1831.57 new
1831.81 system,
1831.97 which
1832.29 is
1832.45 really
1832.61 designed
1832.85 for
1833.09 folks
1833.17 to
1833.41 watch
1833.57 basketball
1833.81 games.
1834.37 It
1834.69 is
1834.85 more
1835.81 a
1836.13 watch-a-game-from-home
1839.89 experience,
1840.78 than
1840.78 a
1840.93 security
1841.26 system.
1842.05 We've
1842.05 had
1842.69 ups
1842.93 and
1843.26 downs
1843.34 in
1843.58 conversations
1843.82 about
1844.3 adding
1844.62 more
1844.86 security
1845.1 system
1845.41 cameras
1845.82 at
1846.3 parks,
1846.54 and
1846.95 we're
1847.35 not
1847.75 pursuing
1848.07 doing
1848.71 that
1849.19 here.
1849.43 This
1850.63 is
1850.79 a
1850.95 you
1851.51 know,
1851.67 for
1851.75 a
1852.71 nominal
1852.79 fee,
1853.35 grandma
1854.23 in
1854.79 Florida
1854.95 can
1855.51 watch
1855.67 their
1856.08 grandkid
1856.39 play
1856.95 basketball
1857.84 in
1858.63 Moscow
1859.12 and
1859.52 the
1859.67 city
1859.84 gets
1860.15 a
1860.32 little
1860.47 bit
1860.63 of
1860.8 money
1860.95 back
1861.28 from
1861.52 doing
1861.76 that
1862.08 is
1862.32 kind
1862.47 of
1862.71 the
1862.8 way
1862.95 this
1863.12 works.
1863.36 It's
1863.75 a
1863.91 relatively
1864.07 cheap
1864.55 install
1864.95 to
1865.35 set
1865.51 it
1865.67 up
1865.83 in
1865.99 addition
1866.07 to
1866.39 everything
1866.47 else
1866.71 we're
1866.95 doing.
1867.11 We're
1867.51 kind
1867.67 of
1867.83 experimenting
1867.99 by
1868.55 giving
1868.71 this
1868.95 a
1869.19 try
1869.27 here,
1869.51 and
1869.83 so
1870.07 we're
1870.23 going
1870.39 to
1870.63 see
1870.63 how
1870.79 it
1870.95 goes.
1872.2 FELTNER
1872.2 -
1872.2 Thank
1872.2 you.
1872.28 I
1872.6 appreciate
1872.76 that.
1873.08 I'd
1873.63 be
1873.96 interested
1874.12 to
1874.52 see,
1874.76 and
1876.2 notice
1876.2 that
1876.91 so
1877.15 people
1877.39 could
1877.72 partake
1878.04 in
1878.43 watching
1878.67 games.
1878.99 Sounds
1879.56 fun.
1879.88 Thanks.
1881.47 SIDERIS
1881.47 -
1881.47 Are
1881.47 there
1881.71 any
1881.87 other
1882.11 questions?
1882.35 Can
1883.79 I
1884.03 get
1884.11 a
1884.27 roll
1884.35 call,
1884.59 please?
1900.32 SIDERIS-
1900.32 Yes.
1900.32 Thank
1900.56 you.
8. A.
The session involved the introduction of an amendment related to the planning board alternates ordinance, which was proposed to be referred to the committee on economic development and planning. Following the proposal, a motion was made and seconded without any ensuing discussion. The motion received unanimous approval from those present, with voices in favor and no opposition, leading to the decision that the amendment would indeed be referred to the specified committee.
1914.96 The
1914.96 first
1915.2 is
1915.53 an
1916.2 amendment
1916.44 to
1916.84 the
1917 planning
1917.08 board
1917.56 alternates
1917.96 ordinance,
1918.68 and
1919.56 I'm
1919.8 going
1919.96 to
1920.28 ask
1920.28 for
1920.68 a
1921.4 motion
1921.64 to
1922.04 refer
1922.28 that
1922.6 to
1923.14 the
1923.22 committee
1923.46 on
1923.87 economic
1924.5 development
1924.98 and
1925.46 planning.
1926.02 So
1926.02 moved.
1926.26 Is
1926.74 there
1926.9 a
1927.07 second?
1927.22 2nd.
1927.78 Any
1928.35 discussion?
1928.66 All
1930.39 those
1930.63 in
1930.71 favor?
1930.95 Aye.
1931.67 Opposed?
1932.15 The
1933.35 ayes
1933.51 have
1933.75 it.
8. B.
SIDERIS proposed an amendment to the traffic commission ordinance which involves interviewing commission members by the committee on public safety. Following his proposal, a motion was moved, seconded, and after a brief discussion, unanimously approved to refer the matter to the committee on public safety.
1934.63 SIDERIS
1934.63 -
1934.63 The
1934.63 next
1934.87 is
1935.11 an
1935.35 amendment
1935.51 to
1935.91 the
1936.07 traffic
1936.23 commission
1936.63 ordinance,
1937.11 and
1938.14 the
1938.38 traffic
1938.71 commission,
1939.11 members
1941.11 get,
1941.9 interviewed
1943.35 by
1943.83 the
1943.98 committee
1944.07 on
1944.63 public
1944.87 safety,
1945.27 so
1945.74 I'm
1945.99 going
1946.15 to
1946.39 ask
1946.39 that
1946.63 this
1946.79 get
1946.95 referred
1947.19 to
1947.59 the
1947.67 committee
1947.83 on
1948.15 public
1948.31 safety.
1948.63 Can
1949.11 I
1949.35 get
1949.43 a
1949.67 motion
1949.75 to
1950.07 do
1950.15 that?
1950.55 So
1950.55 moved.
1950.79 Is
1951.27 there
1951.43 a
1951.59 second?
1951.67 2nd.
1952.15 Any
1952.79 discussion?
1953.19 All
1954.73 those
1954.97 in
1955.05 favor?
1955.29 Aye.
1955.93 Opposed?
1956.97 The
1958.26 ayes
1958.41 have
1958.73 it.
9. A.
At a meeting convened by the Watertown City Council's Personnel and City Organization Committee on January 17, 2023, chaired by Councilor Caroline Bays, committee members interviewed Earl Smith, John Labadini, and Sandra Hoffman for their respective reappointments to the Board of Assessors and Licensing Board. Smith discussed the impact of new growth on city assessments and his forthcoming reevaluation. Labadini shared his restaurant experience and its benefits to his role, while Hoffman emphasized the Licensing Board's significance to the city's development. Following the interviews, the committee unanimously recommended the reappointment of all three candidates for new terms. The City Council later confirmed these recommendations, with Earl Smith's term expiring on May 15, 2026, John Labadini's on February 15, 2026, and Sandra Hoffman's on February 15, 2027.
1960.34 SIDERIS
1960.34 -
1960.34 Committee
1960.34 reports.
1960.73 9A
1962.17 is
1962.34 a
1962.58 committee
1962.65 on
1963.57 personnel
1963.81 and
1964.21 city
1964.45 organization
1964.77 report
1965.33 regarding
1965.81 its
1966.21 meeting
1966.37 on
1966.77 January
1967.01 17th,
1968.13 councilor
1968.85 Bays
1969.33 is
1969.65 the
1969.81 chair.
1971.33 BAYS
1971.33 -
1971.33 CITY
1971.33 COUNCIL
1971.33 -
1971.33 Thank
1971.33 you,
1971.57 President
1971.97 Cedars.
1972.61 The
1974.19 committee
1974.36 convened
1975.15 on
1975.95 Wednesday,
1976.27 January
1976.84 17,
1977.23 2023
1977.79 at
1978.43 six
1978.6 o'clock
1978.84 PM
1979.15 in
1979.39 the
1979.47 city
1979.63 council
1979.88 office.
1980.27 The
1981.71 present
1982.74 was
1982.74 me,
1982.74 the
1982.74 chair.
1982.74 John
1983.22 Gannon
1983.46 is
1983.86 vice
1984.02 chair.
1984.26 Nicole
1985.86 Gardner,
1986.34 the
1986.74 secretary,
1986.82 was
1987.3 absent.
1987.46 The
1987.94 purpose
1988.1 of
1988.34 the
1988.42 meeting
1988.58 was
1988.98 to
1989.14 conduct
1989.22 board
1989.7 of
1989.94 assessor
1990.68 and
1991.16 licensing
1991.33 committee
1992.21 interviews.
1992.77 Councilor
1993.33 Bays
1993.72 called
1993.97 the
1994.13 committee
1994.29 to
1994.61 order
1994.77 at
1994.92 6:0:7
1995.16 PM.
1995.88 Councilor
1997.24 Bays
1997.57 noted
1997.81 that
1998.13 Councilor
1998.29 Gardner
1998.68 had
1999.33 a
1999.48 meeting
2000.01 in
2000.65 her
2000.81 district
2000.97 and
2001.37 was
2001.53 unable
2001.69 to
2002.01 attend.
2002.17 First,
2004.57 we
2004.81 interviewed
2005.05 Earl
2005.69 Smith.
2006.01 Mr.
2006.33 Smith
2006.73 as
2006.97 a
2007.13 city
2007.21 assessor
2007.53 has
2007.85 been
2008.01 a
2008.09 crucial
2008.25 part
2008.57 of
2008.73 the
2008.89 board
2008.97 of
2009.13 assessors.
2009.29 The
2009.98 committee
2010.22 asked
2010.94 Mr.
2011.27 Smith
2011.59 how
2011.83 new
2011.98 growth
2012.14 has
2012.46 affected
2012.63 the
2012.94 city's
2013.11 assessment.
2013.51 Mr.
2014.07 Smith
2014.55 felt
2014.94 that
2015.11 new
2015.35 growth
2015.51 would
2015.74 be
2015.98 slower
2016.7 than
2017.11 it
2017.35 has
2017.51 been
2017.66 recently,
2017.98 although
2018.38 he
2018.7 noted
2018.79 legalizing
2019.35 ADUs
2019.83 by
2020.31 right
2020.55 would
2021.03 add
2021.27 value
2021.43 to
2021.75 our
2021.91 current
2022.07 housing
2022.39 stock.
2023.83 He,
2023.83 does
2024.55 a
2024.71 reevaluation
2024.79 every
2025.67 five
2025.99 years
2026.23 and
2026.55 will
2026.71 be
2026.87 doing
2026.95 that
2027.19 soon.
2027.43 He
2027.67 also
2027.91 said
2028.15 that
2028.31 he
2028.39 hopes
2028.55 to
2028.79 He
2029.34 looks
2029.49 forward
2029.65 to
2029.98 hiring
2030.13 and
2030.46 the
2031.17 hiring
2031.34 of
2031.58 a
2031.74 new
2031.82 assistant
2032.06 assessor
2032.46 which
2032.93 will
2033.17 be
2033.34 very
2033.74 helpful.
2033.98 Next
2036.06 was
2036.3 John
2036.54 Labadini.
2036.78 Mr.
2037.49 Labadini
2037.74 has
2038.46 been
2038.62 on
2038.91 the
2039.07 licensing
2039.23 board
2039.71 for
2039.95 three
2040.11 years.
2040.35 Mr.
2040.67 Gannon
2040.99 said
2041.47 his
2041.71 experience
2041.95 in
2042.43 restaurants
2042.59 must
2043.07 be
2043.31 helpful.
2043.39 Mr.
2043.87 Labadini
2044.19 agreed
2044.75 but
2044.99 added
2045.23 that
2045.47 his
2045.71 experience
2045.95 living
2046.51 next
2046.83 to,
2047.07 and
2047.31 it
2047.47 should
2047.63 be
2047.79 restaurants
2048.53 has
2049.57 also
2049.8 been
2050.13 extremely
2050.76 helpful.
2051.32 He
2052.05 noted
2052.28 that
2052.61 he
2052.84 has
2053.09 also
2053.64 been
2054.05 able
2054.28 to
2054.53 propose
2054.68 common
2055.57 sense
2055.89 solutions
2056.2 to
2056.68 issues
2056.84 that
2057.16 face
2057.32 the
2057.57 board,
2057.72 but
2058.4 noted
2058.56 that
2058.8 there
2059.04 are
2059.28 people
2059.52 on
2059.76 the
2059.92 board
2060 who
2060.32 have
2060.48 had
2060.72 a
2061.36 lot
2061.52 of
2061.68 experience
2061.84 and
2062.32 knowledge
2062.48 and
2062.8 he
2062.96 has
2063.12 learned
2063.28 a
2063.4 lot
2063.52 from
2063.68 them.
2063.92 Sandra
2065.28 Hoffman.
2066.4 Miss
2066.4 Hoffman,
2067.09 a
2067.49 Watertown
2067.65 teacher,
2068.14 has
2068.53 been
2068.69 on
2068.86 the
2069.01 licensing
2069.09 board
2069.57 since
2069.89 she
2070.38 retired
2070.86 from
2070.86 the
2071.09 town
2071.09 council
2071.34 in
2072.05 2004.
2072.45 She
2073.09 feels
2073.26 that
2073.49 the
2073.65 licensing
2073.73 board
2074.21 is
2074.45 very
2074.61 important
2074.93 to
2075.26 the
2075.34 city
2075.64 since
2075.8 it
2076.04 influences
2077.08 the
2077.56 development
2077.56 of
2077.56 new
2077.56 growth.
2077.8 She
2078.52 felt
2078.76 most
2079.08 of
2079.32 the
2079.56 time
2079.88 it
2080.6 is
2080.84 very
2081 simple
2081.24 and
2081.56 straightforward.
2081.8 Although
2082.44 the
2082.76 board
2082.92 had
2083.16 a
2083.32 lot
2083.4 of
2083.56 work
2083.8 when
2084.12 the
2084.28 Council
2084.89 increased
2085.28 the
2085.68 number
2085.84 of
2086.16 licenses
2086.32 allowed
2087.13 in
2087.53 the
2087.68 city,
2087.84 occasionally,
2088.49 there
2088.97 were
2089.13 incidents
2089.36 at
2089.77 a
2089.89 few
2090.01 locations
2090.24 that
2090.72 required
2090.89 the
2091.2 board
2091.28 to
2091.61 impose
2091.77 sanctions.
2092.16 Her
2092.91 long
2093.07 years
2093.23 of
2093.63 service
2093.79 to
2094.11 the
2094.19 city
2094.35 were
2094.67 appreciated
2094.83 by
2095.31 the
2095.47 councilors.
2095.63 Next
2097.87 for
2098.19 the
2098.35 action
2098.59 items,
2098.91 councilor
2099.71 Gannon
2100.19 made
2100.59 a
2100.75 motion
2100.83 seconded
2101.15 by
2101.55 Councilor
2101.71 Bays
2102.19 to
2102.67 recommend
2102.67 that
2102.84 the
2102.99 city
2103.15 council
2103.39 confirm
2103.8 Earl
2104.19 Smith
2104.43 for
2104.76 reappointment
2104.91 to
2105.39 the
2105.55 board
2105.71 of
2105.88 assessors
2106.03 for
2106.51 a
2106.76 term
2106.84 to
2106.99 expire
2107.15 May
2107.55 15,
2107.8 2026.
2111.66 Then
2111.66 Councilor
2112.06 Gannon
2112.46 made
2112.86 a
2113.02 motion
2113.1 seconded
2113.42 by
2113.9 Councilor
2114.14 Bays
2114.7 to
2115.02 recommend
2115.18 that
2115.58 the
2115.9 city
2116.14 council
2116.46 confirm
2116.86 John
2117.34 Labadini
2117.66 for
2118.38 a
2118.62 reappointment
2118.7 to
2119.18 the
2119.34 licensing
2119.5 board
2119.98 for
2120.22 a
2120.38 term
2120.46 to
2120.7 expire
2121.01 on
2121.32 February
2121.32 15,
2121.64 2026.
2122.36 Councilor
2125.32 Gannon
2125.72 made
2126.13 a
2126.29 motion
2126.45 seconded
2126.68 by
2127.09 Councilor
2127.24 Bays
2127.64 to
2127.89 recommend
2128.05 that
2128.45 the
2128.61 city
2128.77 council
2129.01 confirm
2129.49 Sandra
2130.48 Hoffman
2130.88 for
2131.28 reappointment
2131.44 to
2131.92 the
2132.08 licensing
2132.16 bar
2132.72 board
2133.04 for
2133.44 a
2133.6 term
2133.68 to
2134 expire
2134.32 on
2134.88 February
2134.88 15,
2135.36 2027.
2136 All
2138.52 of
2138.68 the
2138.91 action
2139.16 of
2139.72 the
2139.88 votes
2139.95 were
2140.28 two
2140.52 to
2140.76 zero
2140.84 by
2141.07 roll
2141.39 call
2141.8 vote.
2142.11 The
2142.68 meeting
2142.91 was
2143.24 adjourned
2143.39 at
2144.59 7:0:1
2144.84 PM
2145.47 by
2145.8 unanimous
2145.95 vote.
2147.97 SIDERIS
2147.97 -
2147.97 Thank
2147.97 you.
2148.21 Can
2148.45 I
2148.61 get
2148.77 a
2148.93 motion
2149.01 first
2149.33 to
2149.65 accept
2149.81 the
2150.05 report?
2150.21 So
2150.61 moved.
2150.85 Is
2151.33 there
2151.41 a
2151.57 second?
2152.69 SIDERIS
2152.69 -
2152.69 Any
2152.69 discussion?
2153.01 All
2154.69 those
2154.93 in
2155.17 favor?
2155.25 Aye.
2155.97 Opposed?
2156.37 The
2157.32 ayes
2157.47 have
2157.88 it.
2158.36 SIDERIS
2158.68 -
2158.68 The
2158.68 first
2158.68 action
2158.68 item
2158.99 is
2159.8 that
2160.04 the
2160.2 city
2160.36 council
2160.68 confirm
2161.16 Earl
2161.56 Smith
2161.88 for
2162.6 reappointment
2162.84 to
2163.39 the
2163.56 board
2163.72 of
2163.95 assessors
2164.12 for
2165 a
2165.16 term
2165.24 to
2165.48 expire
2165.72 May
2166.12 15,
2166.36 2026.
2168.04 So
2168.04 moved.
2168.28 Is
2168.76 there
2168.84 a
2169 second?
2170.04 FELTNER
2170.04 -
2170.04 Second.
2170.6 SIDERIS
2170.6 -
2170.6 Any
2170.6 discussion?
2170.84 All
2172.49 those
2172.72 in
2172.89 favor?
2173.13 Aye.
2173.77 Opposed?
2174.41 The
2175.53 ayes
2175.68 have
2175.93 it.
2177.77 SIDERIS
2177.77 -
2177.77 The
2177.77 city
2177.93 council
2178.32 confirmed
2178.64 John
2179.13 Labadini
2179.45 for
2180.01 reappointment
2180.16 to
2181.09 the
2181.33 licensing
2181.49 board
2182.05 for
2182.29 a
2182.53 term
2182.61 to
2182.85 expire
2183.01 on
2183.89 February
2183.89 15,
2184.29 2026.
2186.13 So
2186.13 moved.
2186.37 Is
2186.85 there
2186.93 a
2187.17 second?
2187.25 2nd.
2187.81 Any
2188.37 discussion?
2188.77 All
2190.43 those
2190.66 in
2190.91 favor?
2191.63 -
2191.63 Aye.
2191.63 Opposed?
2193.7 SIDERIS
2193.7 -
2193.7 The
2193.7 ayes
2193.86 have
2194.18 it.
2194.34 And
2195.22 that
2195.63 SIDERIS
2195.79 -
2195.79 The
2195.79 city
2195.79 council
2196.03 confirms
2196.51 Sandra
2196.99 Hoffman's
2198 reappointment
2198.16 to
2198.64 the
2198.8 licensing
2198.96 board
2199.44 for
2200.16 a
2200.4 term
2200.48 to
2200.72 expire
2200.88 on
2201.36 February
2201.36 15,
2201.76 2027.
2203.44 So
2203.44 moved.
2203.6 Is
2204.08 there
2204.24 a
2204.4 second?
2204.48 2nd.
2205.04 Any
2205.6 discussion?
2205.92 All
2207.63 those
2207.86 in
2208.11 favor?
2208.26 Aye.
2208.74 Opposed?
2209.46 The
2210.43 ayes
2210.66 have
2210.91 it.
9. B.
The Committee on Climate and Energy of the Council of Palumba held a meeting on January 9th to conduct interviews for reappointment to the Watertown Environmental and Energy Efficiency Committee (WE3C). Chaired by Anthony Palomba, with Councilor Bays and Secretary John Arjan, they interviewed Brian Heibasen, a 14-year committee member who discussed his contributions and future plans including a new building and emission reduction ordinance. Heibasen emphasized continued climate action plan monitoring and highlighted the importance of micro transit. Following his interview, Ellen Parker Menounos, the co-chair of WE3C, was interviewed, discussing her role, the committee's accomplishments, and the importance of team cohesion. Both reappointments were recommended unanimously. The meeting concluded with the council moving to accept the Committee on Climate and Energy report and confirm the reappointments of Heibasen and Menounos, with their terms expiring on November 15, 2026, which were approved without opposition.
2215.08 Committee
2215.08 on
2215.4 Climate
2215.56 and
2215.88 Energy
2216.04 report
2216.44 regarding
2216.84 its
2217.24 meeting
2217.48 on
2217.72 January
2217.96 9th.
2218.36 Council
2218.76 of
2219.08 Palumba.
2219.72 ANTHONY
2219.72 PALOMBA
2219.72 -
2219.72 CITY
2219.72 COUNCIL
2219.72 -
2219.72 Thank
2219.72 you.
2219.88 The
2220.12 committee
2220.28 convened
2220.76 on
2221.16 Tuesday,
2221.32 January
2221.8 9th
2222.2 at
2222.52 5:30
2222.68 in
2223.24 the
2223.4 city
2223.48 council
2223.8 office.
2224.2 Present
2224.95 with
2225.36 me,
2225.59 chair,
2226.16 councilor
2227.11 Bays,
2227.59 vice
2227.91 chair,
2228.24 and
2228.47 John
2228.88 Arjan
2229.28 secretary.
2229.68 The
2230.55 purpose
2230.72 of
2231.03 the
2231.2 meeting
2231.36 was
2231.68 to
2231.99 conduct
2231.99 two
2232.39 interviews
2232.64 for
2233.59 reappointment
2233.83 to
2234.39 the
2234.55 Watertown
2234.71 Environmental
2235.35 and
2235.99 Energy
2236.23 Efficiency
2237.19 Committee.
2237.83 The
2238.79 meeting
2238.95 was
2239.27 called
2239.43 to
2239.67 order
2239.83 and
2240.07 the
2240.31 first
2240.39 candidate
2240.87 interview
2241.43 was
2241.99 Brian
2242.64 Heibasen.
2242.95 Mr.
2243.91 Heibasen
2244.32 stated
2244.95 he's
2245.28 been
2245.6 on
2245.76 the
2245.91 committee
2246.08 for
2246.47 14
2246.8 years
2247.2 and
2247.84 felt
2247.99 the
2248.24 committee
2248.39 had
2248.8 accomplished
2248.95 a
2249.52 great
2249.6 deal
2249.84 in
2250.16 that
2250.32 time.
2250.47 Council
2251.52 Bays
2251.92 thanked
2252.16 him
2252.48 for
2252.64 his
2252.88 active
2253.04 role
2253.36 in
2253.84 all
2254 he
2254.24 has
2254.4 done
2254.56 for
2254.8 climate
2254.96 regarding
2255.44 the
2255.92 new
2256.08 schools
2256.32 and
2256.96 asked
2257.28 what
2257.52 he
2257.76 or
2258 WE3C
2259.28 is
2260.05 planning,
2260.2 next.
2261.09 Mr.
2262.13 Haybasin
2262.53 stated
2263.57 in
2264.05 short
2264.36 in
2265.01 the
2265.16 short
2265.32 term,
2265.64 they've
2266.13 been
2266.36 working
2266.61 on
2266.93 the
2267.09 Berto
2267.24 ordinance
2267.8 which
2268.36 is
2268.53 a
2268.9 building
2268.9 and
2269.22 emission
2269.38 reduction
2270.5 disclosure
2271.14 ordinance.
2271.78 This
2272.74 will
2272.9 be
2273.06 presented
2273.3 to
2273.78 the
2273.94 committee
2274.1 soon.
2275.38 For
2275.38 the
2275.62 long
2275.78 term,
2276.02 it
2277.01 is
2277.16 to
2277.64 continue
2277.81 to
2278.2 monitor
2278.36 the
2278.84 climate
2279.01 action
2279.49 plan
2279.81 and
2280.36 adopt
2280.68 or
2281.09 adjust
2281.32 as
2281.72 needed
2281.97 as
2282.84 new
2283.16 technologies
2283.49 come
2284.2 along.
2284.45 Councilor
2285.42 Palomba
2285.82 asked
2286.38 about
2286.62 his
2287.26 thoughts
2287.58 on
2287.9 inter-internal
2288.94 transportation.
2289.58 Mr.
2290.86 Hybason
2291.26 mentioned
2292.06 that
2292.46 the
2292.97 transportation
2293.21 subcommittee
2293.78 of
2294.57 WE3C
2295.53 has
2296.82 pushed
2297.14 for
2297.45 a
2297.69 study
2297.86 to
2298.18 be
2298.41 done
2298.57 as
2299.14 it
2299.3 is
2299.53 a
2299.69 hard
2299.86 topic
2300.09 to
2300.78 define
2301.02 needs.
2301.42 He
2302.3 also
2302.54 mentioned
2302.86 micro
2303.34 transit
2303.82 has
2304.3 been
2304.46 a
2304.7 priority
2305.34 since
2305.9 the
2306.22 city
2306.38 can
2306.7 have
2306.94 direct
2307.18 control
2307.5 over
2307.9 it.
2308.14 Council
2309.26 Bays
2309.66 made
2309.89 a
2310.14 motion
2310.3 just
2310.86 seconded
2311.09 by
2311.41 Councilor
2311.57 Asian
2312.14 to
2312.45 recommend
2312.78 to
2313.18 the
2313.41 city
2313.66 that
2314.05 the
2314.3 city
2314.45 council
2314.78 confirm
2315.09 the
2315.49 reappointment
2315.66 of
2316.3 Brian
2316.53 High
2316.86 Basin
2317.09 to
2317.83 the
2318.15 WE3C
2319.51 committee
2319.75 for
2320.79 a
2322.15 term,
2322.23 expiring
2323.19 November
2323.75 15,
2324.15 2,026.
2325.43 The
2326.15 motion
2326.39 passed
2326.79 three
2327.68 to
2328.32 zero.
2328.88 The
2329.84 second
2329.99 interview
2330.47 was
2330.95 with
2331.2 Ellen
2331.59 Parker
2331.91 Menounos,
2335.43 who
2336.55 is
2336.71 currently
2336.95 the
2337.59 co-chair
2337.83 of
2338.23 WEC3
2339.43 and
2339.99 is
2340.31 actively
2340.55 looking
2341.11 for
2341.43 more
2341.67 members
2341.91 of
2342.31 the
2342.39 group.
2343.16 Over
2343.16 her
2344.11 first
2344.36 term,
2344.76 she
2345.07 took
2345.32 the
2345.55 time
2345.64 to
2345.95 listen
2346.11 and
2346.43 learn
2346.59 how
2346.91 the
2347.07 committee
2347.16 works.
2347.64 Over,
2348.68 some
2349.64 accomplishments
2349.95 she
2350.68 is
2350.91 proud
2351.07 of
2351.32 are
2351.55 the
2351.8 continued
2352.04 work
2352.52 towards
2352.98 keeping
2353.22 committee
2353.62 commitments
2354.58 of
2355.14 the
2355.3 climate
2355.46 action
2355.86 plan
2356.26 on
2356.58 track
2356.82 as
2357.54 well
2357.7 as
2358.02 helping
2358.26 Laurel
2358.66 and
2359.06 her
2359.3 support
2359.54 staff.
2359.94 Miss
2360.76 Manunas
2360.99 is,
2362.19 stated
2363.32 there
2363.71 is
2363.95 a
2364.19 great
2364.19 team,
2364.91 atmosphere,
2365.71 and
2366.59 a
2366.84 handful
2366.99 of
2367.39 working
2367.55 groups
2367.95 that
2368.59 mesh
2368.84 well
2369.15 together.
2369.47 Action
2370.65 item,
2371.13 Councilor
2372.01 Bays
2372.25 made
2372.25 a
2372.49 motion,
2372.57 seconded
2372.97 by
2373.29 Councilor
2373.53 Arasian
2374.41 to
2374.41 recommend
2374.65 to
2375.05 the
2375.21 city
2375.37 council
2375.69 that
2376.41 confirm
2378.09 the
2378.57 reappointment
2378.65 of
2379.84 Ellen
2379.92 Parker
2380.32 Manunas,
2381.05 to
2382.64 the
2382.89 WE3C
2384.32 committee
2384.64 with
2385.53 a
2385.76 term
2385.92 expiring
2386.32 November
2387.41 15,
2387.97 2,026,
2388.69 the
2390.45 motion
2390.69 passed
2391.17 three
2391.73 to
2391.97 zero.
2392.21 The
2392.69 meeting
2392.85 adjourned
2393.17 at
2393.65 6:15
2393.89 and
2395.32 the
2395.48 minutes
2395.64 were
2395.96 prepared
2396.2 by
2396.45 John
2396.68 Arasian.
2397.01 I
2397.41 want
2397.57 to
2397.89 thank
2397.89 Councilor
2398.36 Arasian
2398.93 for
2399.32 getting
2399.8 these
2400.13 minutes
2400.36 done
2400.76 so
2401.01 quickly.
2402.48 SIDERIS
2402.48 -
2402.48 Thank
2402.48 you.
2402.64 Can
2402.8 I
2402.88 get
2403.12 a
2403.28 motion
2403.36 to
2403.68 accept
2403.84 the
2404.16 report?
2404.24 So
2404.72 moved.
2404.96 Is
2405.36 there
2405.44 a
2405.52 second?
2405.68 2nd.
2406.08 Any
2406.64 discussion?
2406.96 All
2408.56 those
2408.8 in
2408.96 favor?
2409.12 Aye.
2409.84 Opposed?
2410.56 The
2411.59 ayes
2411.82 have
2411.99 it.
2412.7 SIDERIS
2412.7 -
2412.7 Can
2412.7 I
2413.03 get
2413.18 a
2413.43 motion
2413.59 to
2414.47 confirm
2414.7 the
2415.18 reappointment
2415.34 of
2415.91 Brian
2416.14 Hi
2416.47 Bison
2416.7 to
2417.18 the
2417.43 Watertown
2418.07 Environment
2418.81 and
2419.13 Energy
2419.53 Efficiency
2419.85 Committee
2420.41 with
2420.73 a
2420.97 term
2421.13 to
2421.37 expire
2421.53 November
2422.33 15,
2422.81 2026?
2424.57 So
2424.57 moved.
2424.81 Is
2425.21 there
2425.45 a
2425.61 second?
2425.77 Second.
2426.09 Any
2426.97 discussion?
2427.29 All
2428.59 those
2428.82 in
2428.91 favor?
2429.14 Aye.
2429.86 Opposed?
2430.74 The
2431.7 ayes
2431.95 have
2432.27 it.
2432.43 And
2433.3 that
2433.79 SIDERIS
2433.95 -
2433.95 The
2433.95 council
2433.95 recommends
2435.14 confirming
2435.95 the
2435.95 reappointment
2436.03 of
2436.66 Ellen
2436.82 Parker
2437.07 Menounos
2437.47 to
2438.34 the
2438.58 Watertown,
2438.66 Environment,
2439.3 and
2439.86 Energy
2440.02 Efficiency
2440.42 Committee
2440.82 with
2441.62 the
2441.78 term
2441.94 to
2442.18 expire
2442.42 on
2442.74 November
2442.74 15,
2443.14 2026.
2444.74 So
2444.74 moved.
2444.98 Is
2445.46 there
2445.62 a
2445.78 second?
2445.86 Second.
2446.26 Any
2446.82 discussion?
2447.14 All
2448.93 those
2449.16 in
2449.41 favor?
2449.57 Aye.
2450.05 Opposed?
2451.09 The
2452.13 ayes
2452.36 have
2452.68 it.
9. C.
The Committee on Climate and Energy convened on January 11, 2024, to conduct interviews for reappointment and appointment to the Watertown Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee (WE3C). Laurie Murphy, seeking reappointment, highlighted her achievements in member recruitment and her aim to advocate for electrification over fossil fuels. Additionally, she spearheaded the Watertown Electro Electricity Choice program, aiming to increase its participation and educational events. Marsha Serra, applying for the first time, expressed her interest in energy conservation and her background in graphic design, hoping to contribute by creating a WE3C newsletter. Both recommendations for the reappointment of Laurie Murphy and the appointment of Marsha Serra were unanimously approved by the committee. The City Council subsequently confirmed both decisions.
2453.72 SIDERIS
2453.72 -
2453.72 Next
2453.72 is
2453.97 another
2454.2 report
2454.61 by
2454.93 the
2455.16 Committee
2455.24 on
2455.64 Climate
2456.2 and
2456.61 Energy
2456.76 Regarding
2457.6 the
2457.84 meeting
2458.08 on
2458.4 January
2458.64 11th,
2459.12 Councilor
2459.68 of
2460 Palomba.
2460.72 PALOMBA
2460.72 -
2460.72 Thank
2460.72 you.
2460.88 The
2461.52 committee
2461.68 met
2462.08 two
2462.32 days
2462.56 later
2462.88 on
2463.2 January
2463.44 11,
2463.92 2024,
2466.93 at
2466.93 5:30
2467.18 in
2467.73 the
2467.89 city
2468.05 council
2468.38 office.
2468.86 Present
2469.57 were
2469.89 myself,
2470.21 the
2470.61 chair,
2470.78 councilor
2471.09 Graves,
2471.66 the
2471.97 vice
2472.05 chair,
2472.38 and
2472.53 councilor
2472.78 John
2473.34 Arasian,
2473.49 the
2473.97 secretary.
2474.21 The
2476.28 purpose
2476.6 of
2477 the
2477.16 meeting
2477.4 was
2477.72 to
2477.96 conduct
2478.04 two
2478.44 interviews
2478.68 for
2479.08 reappointment
2479.4 to
2479.96 the
2480.12 Watertown
2480.28 Environment
2480.84 and
2481.4 Energy
2481.64 Efficiency
2481.96 Committee.
2482.6 The
2483.59 meeting
2483.84 was
2484.16 called
2484.39 to
2484.64 order
2484.8 with
2485.03 the
2485.28 first
2485.43 person
2485.68 interview
2486.07 being
2487.76 Laurie
2488.16 Murphy.
2488.47 Miss
2489.36 Murphy
2489.68 has
2490.07 been
2490.24 on
2490.47 the
2490.64 committee
2490.8 since
2491.2 its
2491.43 inception.
2491.68 In
2492.49 the
2492.57 last
2492.81 two
2492.89 years,
2493.21 Miss
2493.61 Murphy
2493.85 mentioned
2494.25 she's
2494.65 been
2494.89 able
2495.61 to
2495.93 recruit
2496.09 many
2496.57 members
2496.81 to
2497.21 participate.
2497.85 A
2499.13 goal
2499.29 of
2499.61 hers
2499.69 is
2500.01 to
2500.17 continue
2500.33 to
2500.81 move
2500.97 much
2501.64 more
2501.95 towards
2502.19 electrification
2502.76 and
2503.64 away
2503.8 from
2504.11 fossil
2504.36 fuels.
2505.88 One
2505.88 of
2505.88 our
2506.03 main
2506.36 tasks
2506.84 in
2508.03 WE3C
2508.43 is
2508.76 managing
2509.87 Watertown
2510.91 Electro
2511.71 Electricity
2512.35 Choice.
2512.35 Participation
2513.31 in
2514.11 that
2514.27 program
2514.43 continues
2514.91 to
2515.63 increase.
2515.79 Soon,
2516.81 Miss
2517.13 Murphy
2517.36 hopes
2517.77 to
2518.09 manage
2518.24 more
2518.72 events
2519.05 to
2519.45 create
2519.68 even
2520.01 more
2520.24 education
2520.57 and
2521.53 participation
2521.85 opportunities.
2522.81 Action
2524.32 item,
2524.64 Councilor
2525.44 Bays
2525.76 made
2525.76 a
2526 motion
2526.08 with
2526.64 a
2526.88 second
2527.04 from
2527.36 Councilor
2528.08 Arasian
2528.4 to
2528.4 recommend
2528.8 that
2529.28 the
2529.52 city
2529.68 council
2530 approve
2530.4 the
2530.8 reappointment
2530.96 of
2531.91 Laurie
2532.16 Murphy
2532.47 to
2532.88 WE3C
2534.16 for
2534.55 a
2534.8 term
2534.88 expiring
2535.2 November
2536.16 15,
2536.64 2,026.
2537.59 The
2538.8 motion
2538.95 passed
2539.36 three
2539.83 to
2539.91 zero.
2540.23 The
2541.43 second
2541.67 person
2541.91 interviewed
2542.31 was
2542.79 Marsha
2543.03 Serra
2543.51 who
2543.91 is
2544.07 seeking
2544.71 an
2545.35 appointment
2545.35 for
2545.91 the
2546.07 first
2546.23 time.
2546.47 Miss
2546.92 Serra
2547.89 explained
2548.28 she
2548.76 has
2548.92 always
2549.09 been
2549.4 interested
2549.64 in
2550.05 energy
2550.28 conservation.
2551.8 One
2551.8 of
2551.96 the
2552.13 concerns
2552.28 she
2552.76 mentioned
2553.01 is
2553.32 the
2553.57 rising
2553.72 of
2554.84 rates
2555.08 as
2555.4 more
2555.64 people
2555.88 move
2556.2 towards
2556.52 electrification.
2557 Miss
2558.28 Serra
2558.84 has
2559.24 a
2559.48 background
2559.64 in
2560.04 graphic
2560.28 design
2560.68 and
2561 would
2561.16 like
2561.4 to
2561.64 see
2561.72 a
2561.88 WE3C
2563.39 newsletter
2563.72 and
2564.68 be
2564.99 willing
2565.16 to
2565.88 help
2566.03 in
2566.28 any
2566.43 way.
2566.76 She's
2567.32 interested
2567.72 in
2568.2 working
2568.36 with
2568.68 the
2568.84 energy
2569.07 advocate
2569.47 to
2570.03 help
2570.2 spread
2570.59 the
2570.84 word
2570.99 on
2571.49 re
2571.81 residents
2572.29 can
2572.85 do
2573.09 to
2573.33 get
2573.49 electrified.
2573.81 Action
2575.09 item,
2575.49 councilor
2575.89 Bayes
2576.29 made
2576.61 a
2576.77 motion
2576.93 with
2577.33 a
2577.49 second
2577.65 from
2577.97 Councilor
2578.93 Arasian
2579.41 to
2579.41 recommend
2579.65 that
2580.13 the
2580.55 City
2580.55 Council
2581.18 approve
2581.91 the
2581.91 appointment
2582.14 of
2582.79 Miss
2583.51 Marsha
2583.74 Serra
2584.22 to
2584.79 the
2585.11 WE3C
2586.22 for
2587.03 a
2587.34 one-year
2587.91 term
2588.14 Spiring
2588.76 November
2589.16 15,
2589.8 2025,
2591.32 and
2592.36 the
2592.36 motion
2592.52 passed
2593 three
2593.48 to
2593.64 zero.
2593.88 The
2594.52 meeting
2594.68 adjourned
2595.08 at
2595.48 620.
2595.93 Once
2596.74 again,
2596.97 my
2597.3 appreciation
2597.54 to
2598.26 John
2598.49 Arasian,
2598.74 and
2599.22 to
2599.22 Councilor
2599.86 Arasian
2600.26 for
2600.26 preparing
2600.41 the
2600.82 minutes.
2601.86 SIDERIS
2601.86 -
2601.86 Thank
2601.86 you.
2602.02 Can
2602.26 I
2602.41 get
2602.57 a
2602.74 motion
2602.82 to
2603.14 accept
2603.3 the
2603.61 report?
2603.78 So
2604.18 moved.
2604.41 Is
2604.82 there
2604.89 a
2605.06 second?
2605.14 2nd.
2606.08 Any
2606.56 discussion?
2606.8 All
2608.24 those
2608.4 in
2608.56 favor?
2608.72 I.
2609.52 Opposed?
2610.08 The
2611.12 ayes
2611.36 have
2611.6 it.
2612.72 SIDERIS
2612.72 -
2612.72 The
2612.72 first
2612.96 action
2613.2 item
2613.6 is
2613.92 the
2614.16 City
2614.7 council
2615.01 confirmed
2615.34 the
2615.82 reappointment
2615.97 of
2616.45 Laurie
2616.7 Murphy
2617.01 to
2617.89 the
2618.14 Watertown
2618.38 Environment
2619.09 and
2619.57 Energy
2619.82 Efficiency
2620.14 Committee
2620.61 with
2621.41 the
2621.66 term
2621.74 to
2622.05 expire
2622.22 on
2622.61 November
2622.78 15
2623.26 2,026.
2624.29 So
2625.33 moved.
2625.57 Is
2625.97 there
2626.05 a
2626.29 second?
2626.37 2nd.
2627.17 Any
2627.81 discussion?
2628.13 All
2629.65 those
2629.89 in
2630.13 favor?
2630.85 -
2630.85 Aye.
2631.17 SIDERIS
2631.17 -
2631.17 Aye.
2631.17 Opposed?
2631.41 The
2632.54 ayes
2632.7 have
2632.93 it.
2634.14 SIDERIS
2634.38 -
2634.38 The
2634.38 city
2634.38 council
2634.61 confirmed
2635.02 the
2635.41 appointment
2635.66 of
2636.45 Marsha
2636.61 Siro
2637.09 to
2637.74 the
2637.97 Watertown
2638.06 Environment
2638.61 and
2638.93 Energy
2639.18 Efficiency
2639.58 Committee
2639.97 With
2640.85 the
2641.09 term
2641.33 expiring
2641.57 November
2642.13 15,
2642.53 2025.
2643.17 So
2644.05 moved.
2644.29 Is
2644.61 there
2644.77 a
2645.01 second?
2645.09 Second.
2645.49 Any
2646.13 discussion?
2646.45 All
2647.89 those
2648.13 in
2648.37 favor?
2648.53 Aye.
2649.17 Opposed?
2650.03 The
2651.16 ayes
2651.39 have
2651.72 it.
9. D.
On January 17, 2024, the Committee on Human Services convened to consider the appointment of Kim Netter to the Board of Health for a term expiring on February 1, 2027. The committee, led by Councilor Palomba, with Vice Chair Councilor Bay and Secretary Councilor John Gannon, heard from Ms. Netter about her extensive experience in the health care industry, including 40 years focusing on strategic planning, promotion, and management, especially in public health areas such as mental health, substance abuse, violence prevention, and diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Having retired, Netter expressed a desire to serve her community’s public health needs more actively and improve the relationship between the Board of Health and Watertown Public Schools, especially in response to public health crises like the COVID pandemic. A motion to approve Netter's appointment was unanimously passed by the committee members. Thereafter, the City Council also unanimously approved Netter for the Board of Health, underscoring the urgency in filling the role to ensure the Board's effectiveness in addressing community health needs.
2652.99 SIDERIS
2652.99 -
2652.99 Then
2652.99 we
2653.16 have
2653.32 a
2653.47 committee
2653.55 on
2654.03 human
2654.28 services
2654.68 report
2655.16 regarding
2655.72 its
2656.03 meeting
2656.28 On
2657.16 January
2657.4 17th,
2658.04 Councilor
2659.32 Palomba.
2659.96 PALOMBA
2659.96 -
2659.96 Thank
2659.96 you.
2660.12 The
2660.84 committee
2661 met
2661.48 on
2661.8 Wednesday,
2661.96 January
2662.44 17,
2663 2024.
2664.36 Members
2665.45 present
2665.86 were
2666.26 myself,
2666.49 the
2666.97 chair,
2666.97 Councilor
2667.7 Bay's
2667.78 vice
2668.01 chair,
2668.34 and
2668.66 Councilor
2668.89 John
2669.22 Gannon's
2669.53 secretary.
2670.01 The
2671.05 Committee
2671.22 on
2671.53 Human
2671.78 Services
2672.09 Held
2673.24 this
2673.56 meeting
2673.8 at
2674.44 seven
2674.68 o'clock
2675 to
2676.04 discuss
2676.28 the
2676.6 appointment
2676.76 of
2677.24 Kim
2677.48 Netter
2677.8 to
2678.36 the
2678.44 board
2678.6 of
2678.92 health
2679 for
2679.32 a
2679.64 term
2679.72 expiring
2680.26 on
2680.57 February
2680.82 1,
2681.22 2,027.
2682.09 I
2683.7 called
2683.93 the
2684.18 meeting
2684.26 to
2684.57 order
2684.73 at
2685.05 seven
2685.3 and
2685.61 introduced
2685.86 the
2686.26 other
2686.41 committee
2686.57 members
2687.22 present.
2687.61 I
2689.21 asked
2689.37 Miss
2689.61 Nader
2689.85 to
2690.25 discuss
2690.49 her
2690.89 background,
2691.13 relative
2691.85 to,
2692.81 her
2694.49 appointment
2694.49 to
2694.89 the
2695.05 board
2695.21 of
2695.45 health.
2695.61 She
2695.93 stated
2696.25 she
2696.73 has
2696.89 40
2697.72 years
2698.03 in
2698.36 the
2698.59 health
2698.76 care
2698.91 industry
2699.24 focusing
2699.8 on
2700.28 strategic
2700.59 planning,
2701.16 promotion,
2701.64 and
2702.2 management,
2702.43 21
2703.64 years
2704.11 of
2704.43 which
2704.68 21
2705.07 years
2705.47 of
2705.8 which
2705.88 were
2706.2 the
2706.43 public
2706.59 health,
2706.91 areas
2709.29 of
2709.69 mental
2709.85 health
2710.25 promotion,
2710.57 substance
2711.53 abuse,
2712.09 and
2712.65 violence
2712.89 prevention,
2713.37 and
2714.09 diversity,
2714.33 equity,
2715.13 and
2715.53 inclusivity.
2715.85 Prior
2717.19 to
2717.51 earning
2717.67 a
2717.99 master's
2718.16 degree
2718.55 in
2718.88 public
2719.03 health,
2719.43 she
2719.67 spent
2721.11 19
2721.51 years
2721.84 in
2722.16 the
2722.23 pharmaceutical
2722.47 medical
2723.28 device
2723.67 industry.
2724.39 She
2725.36 brings
2725.52 significant
2725.92 skills
2726.64 and
2727.28 expertise
2727.68 in
2728.64 analyzing
2728.88 community-level
2730.16 data
2730.56 needs
2730.96 and
2731.6 creating
2731.92 strategic
2732.88 plans
2733.52 for
2733.92 addressing
2734.16 unmet
2734.8 needs.
2736.14 Through
2736.22 state,
2736.63 federal
2737.18 federal
2737.74 state,
2738.14 and
2738.46 foundation
2738.63 grants,
2739.26 she
2740.22 developed
2741.03 deep
2741.51 roots
2741.74 in
2742.22 equity
2742.39 and
2742.86 inclusivity
2743.11 issues.
2744.07 She
2744.92 stated
2745.16 she
2745.64 has
2745.88 retired
2746.2 and
2747.16 wants
2747.32 to
2747.56 be
2747.72 an
2747.8 active
2748.04 part
2748.44 of
2748.68 her
2748.76 community's
2749 public
2749.64 health
2749.96 needs.
2750.28 She's
2751.08 observed
2751.4 the
2751.88 board
2752.04 of
2752.2 health
2752.36 meetings
2752.6 and
2753.13 stated
2753.36 she
2753.76 would
2753.92 like
2754.16 all
2754.41 public
2754.64 health
2754.96 services
2755.28 to
2756.24 be
2756.48 as
2756.72 broadly
2756.96 available
2757.53 to
2758.09 the
2758.24 general
2758.41 public
2758.89 as
2759.36 possible.
2759.53 She
2760.56 also
2760.72 wants
2760.96 to
2761.36 see
2761.44 a
2761.68 better
2761.84 working
2762.16 relationship
2762.72 between
2764.08 the
2764.4 board
2764.56 of
2764.8 health
2764.96 and
2765.28 the
2765.44 Watertown
2765.6 Public
2766.24 Schools
2766.64 on
2767.36 public
2767.6 health
2768 issue
2768.32 issues,
2768.72 excuse
2769.36 me,
2769.76 such
2770.24 as
2770.49 the
2770.64 COVID
2770.89 pandemic.
2772.57 Action
2772.57 one,
2773.68 Councilor
2774.01 Bays
2774.01 made
2774.01 a
2774.24 motion
2774.41 that
2774.8 the
2775.05 full
2775.2 council
2775.45 vote
2776.01 to
2776.32 apprise
2776.57 approve
2777.13 Kim
2777.93 Nader
2778.24 for
2778.85 appointment
2779.17 as
2779.65 a
2779.81 member
2779.89 of
2780.21 the
2780.37 board
2780.45 of
2780.69 health
2780.85 for
2781.17 a
2781.49 term
2781.57 expiring
2781.97 on
2782.93 February
2783.73 1,
2784.21 2,027.
2785.01 Counsel
2786.76 Gannon
2787.07 second
2787.55 in
2787.88 that
2788.11 motion
2788.28 and
2788.99 the
2789.23 motion
2789.32 passed
2789.8 by
2790.11 a
2790.28 vote
2790.43 of
2790.68 three
2790.84 to
2791.07 zero.
2792.03 Councilor
2792.51 Gannon
2792.51 made
2792.84 a
2792.99 motion
2793.16 to
2793.55 adjourn
2793.72 which
2794.11 was
2794.52 seconded
2794.84 by
2794.84 Councilor
2795.16 Bays.
2795.56 The
2795.88 motion
2796.04 is
2796.44 carried
2796.6 three
2797.08 to
2797.24 zero.
2797.48 The
2797.72 meeting
2797.88 concluded
2798.28 at
2799.16 6:35,
2799.4 and
2800.84 the
2801 minutes
2801.16 were
2801.48 prepared
2801.72 by
2802.12 counsel
2802.28 again.
2802.68 I
2803.08 wish
2803.16 to
2803.49 express
2803.66 my
2804.22 appreciation,
2804.38 Councilor
2805.09 Gannon
2805.41 had
2805.82 to
2805.97 turn
2806.05 these
2806.3 around
2806.61 very
2807.41 quickly
2807.74 because
2808.7 we
2809.26 really
2809.57 wanted
2809.89 to
2810.22 get
2810.38 the
2810.61 board
2810.78 of
2811.02 health
2811.18 to
2811.41 have
2811.57 a
2811.82 full
2811.89 complement
2812.22 and
2813.06 to
2813.22 get
2813.46 Miss
2813.7 Nader
2813.94 on
2814.66 as
2814.9 soon
2815.06 as
2815.38 possible.
2815.46 So
2816.02 thank
2816.26 you.
2817.22 SIDERIS
2817.22 -
2817.22 Thank
2817.22 you.
2817.46 Can
2817.7 I
2817.86 get
2818.02 a
2818.18 motion
2818.26 to
2818.66 accept
2818.82 the
2819.14 report?
2819.3 So
2819.78 moved.
2820.02 Is
2820.34 there
2820.5 a
2820.74 second?
2820.82 2nd.
2821.39 Any
2821.8 discussion?
2822.28 All
2823.71 those
2823.95 in
2824.11 favor?
2824.28 Aye.
2824.84 Opposed?
2825.71 The
2826.68 ayes
2826.84 have
2827.16 it.
2827.32 That
2828.43 the
2828.59 city
2828.76 council
2829.16 vote
2829.71 to
2830.03 approve
2830.43 Kim
2831.86 Netter
2832.18 for
2832.58 appointment
2832.74 as
2833.14 a
2833.38 member
2833.46 of
2833.7 the
2833.86 Board
2833.94 of
2834.18 Health
2834.34 for
2834.58 a
2834.82 term
2834.9 expiring
2836.02 February
2836.58 20
2836.98 February
2837.38 1st
2837.78 2,027.
2838.64 So
2839.51 moved.
2839.84 Is
2840.16 there
2840.32 a
2840.47 second?
2840.64 2nd.
2841.03 Any
2841.59 discussion?
2841.91 All
2843.43 those
2843.68 in
2843.84 favor?
2843.99 Aye.
2844.8 Opposed?
2845.43 The
2846.64 ayes
2846.8 have
2847.11 it.
Section 11
In this section of the public hearing, the council moved to discuss any new business that needed to be addressed. However, there were no new matters brought forward for discussion, indicating either a lack of pressing issues at the moment or that all necessary topics had already been covered in the meeting.
2848.53 New
2848.53 business.
2848.77 Any
2849.25 new
2849.57 business
2849.73 to
2850.13 come
2850.29 before
2850.45 the
2850.85 council
2850.93 this
2851.33 evening?
2851.49 Seeing
2851.49 none.
2851.49 we'll
2854.61 go
11. A.
The council meeting addressed the submission of the fiscal year 2025 to 2029 capital improvement plan, totaling $210 million, with general obligation bonding at $93 million. The plan aims for an annual capital fund expenditure of 7.98% of the general fund budget, aligning with the city's target of 7.5 to 8%. It includes significant allocations for community development and park renovations, with adjustments made to accommodate cost overruns and repurpose funds effectively. The meeting also highlighted the importance of addressing escalating costs and interest rates in planning, the contribution of ARPA funds to city capital projects, and the need for a funding source for a $2.1 million portion of a high school project. There was a mention of shifting school department items to maintain tax revenue constraints and the initiation of various public works projects, including streets and sidewalk improvements. The meeting brought up a significant plan for a new senior center with a proposed budget of $32 million in fiscal year 28, though a funding source has yet to be identified. The necessity for realistic adjustments in light of financial and operational challenges was underscored, alongside the strategizing for more efficient energy usage in public buildings.
2857.69 the
2857.93 first
2858.01 item
2858.26 we
2858.66 have
2858.73 is
2858.97 the
2859.14 submission
2859.3 of
2860.34 the
2860.49 proposed
2860.66 fiscal
2861.21 year
2861.45 25
2861.86 to
2862.41 29
2862.57 capital
2863.45 improvement
2863.93 plan.
2864.49 Mister
2864.89 manager.
2866.19 PROAKIS
2866.19 -
2866.19 Thank
2866.19 you,
2866.35 Mr.
2866.99 President,
2867.39 and
2867.39 thank
2867.55 you
2867.71 members
2867.87 of
2868.19 the
2868.27 council.
2868.43 In
2868.75 front
2868.83 of
2869.07 you
2869.15 tonight,
2869.39 you
2869.71 have
2870.03 the
2870.67 fiscal
2870.91 year
2871.23 2025
2871.55 to
2872.19 2029
2872.43 capital
2873.15 improvement
2873.55 plan
2874.11 along
2874.82 with
2875.14 a
2875.45 memo
2875.86 of,
2876.26 I
2876.49 believe,
2876.66 about
2876.97 13
2877.22 pages
2877.61 providing
2878.26 background
2878.74 information
2879.3 on
2880.02 that
2880.26 plan.
2880.57 Looks
2881.53 like
2881.78 14
2882.02 pages
2882.34 we
2882.74 ended
2882.89 up
2883.05 with.
2883.22 I
2885.49 want
2885.65 to
2886.05 just
2886.05 provide
2886.29 a
2886.69 little
2886.77 bit
2887.01 of
2887.17 background
2887.33 here.
2887.73 I
2887.97 know
2888.05 this
2888.29 will
2888.45 go
2888.61 to
2888.77 the
2888.93 committee
2888.93 where
2889.17 we'll
2889.41 have
2889.65 a
2889.81 chance
2889.89 to
2890.13 discuss
2890.29 it
2890.61 in
2890.77 more
2890.93 detail.
2891.17 I
2892.95 know
2893.11 this
2893.19 is
2893.28 a
2893.51 little
2893.67 difficult
2893.99 for
2894.39 folks
2894.55 following
2894.88 along
2895.19 at
2895.43 home
2895.59 because,
2895.84 as
2896.39 happens
2896.88 with
2897.28 these
2897.43 large
2897.67 budget
2898.07 items,
2898.39 we
2898.8 present
2899.36 them
2899.76 at
2899.91 the
2900.07 meeting,
2900.23 and
2900.47 we
2900.64 will
2900.8 get
2901.03 this
2901.19 up
2901.43 online
2901.67 tomorrow
2902.07 for
2902.47 people
2902.77 to,
2903.09 follow
2903.89 along
2904.21 at
2904.69 home
2904.93 with
2905.09 a
2905.25 copy
2905.41 of
2905.73 the
2905.89 memo
2906.05 and
2906.45 the
2906.61 plan.
2906.85 But
2907.97 as
2908.29 we
2908.53 head
2908.77 into
2909.01 committee
2909.33 and
2909.65 look
2909.81 at
2909.97 this,
2910.13 the
2910.69 fiscal
2910.85 year
2911.17 25
2911.8 to
2912.2 29
2912.52 general
2912.91 fund
2913.24 capital
2913.56 improvement
2913.88 plan,
2914.36 totals
2915.32 $210,000,000
2915.8 with
2917.16 a
2917.32 general
2917.47 obligation
2917.88 bonding
2918.43 at
2918.99 $93,000,000.
2919.24 Just
2921.42 as
2921.66 a
2921.9 general
2922.06 reminder,
2922.54 the
2923.26 reason
2923.42 we
2923.82 do
2924.06 this
2924.22 is
2925.18 that
2925.5 it
2926.7 is
2926.86 important
2927.1 to
2927.42 look
2927.58 out
2927.74 at
2927.9 all
2928.06 of
2928.3 our
2928.46 capital
2928.62 needs
2929.1 throughout
2931.2 five
2931.92 years,
2931.92 plan
2931.92 and
2932.57 spread
2932.8 out
2933.13 these
2933.28 costs
2933.53 in
2933.84 a
2934.01 way
2934.16 that
2934.4 makes
2934.57 the
2934.8 most
2934.89 sense,
2935.2 and
2935.84 make
2936.01 sure
2936.24 that
2936.48 we
2936.64 aren't
2936.89 relying
2937.2 on,
2937.92 deferred
2939.88 maintenance
2940.2 is
2940.68 a
2940.92 solution
2941.08 that
2941.48 gets
2941.64 us
2941.88 further
2942.04 and
2942.44 further
2942.6 behind.
2943 It
2944.04 has
2944.28 been
2944.44 the
2944.68 goal
2944.76 of
2945.4 the
2945.56 city
2945.72 to
2946.12 Make
2946.79 an
2947.03 annual
2947.18 capital
2947.66 expenditure
2948.14 between
2948.79 seven
2949.27 and
2949.59 a
2949.59 half
2949.66 and
2949.83 eight
2949.91 percent
2950.14 of
2950.39 the
2950.47 general
2950.63 fund
2951.03 budget.
2951.27 In
2951.83 fiscal
2952.07 year
2952.31 2025,
2952.63 the
2953.43 proposed
2953.59 plan
2953.91 would
2954.14 make
2954.31 an
2954.47 annual
2954.55 capital
2954.95 fund
2955.27 expenditure
2955.77 of
2956.09 7.98%
2956.41 of
2957.93 the
2958.01 general
2958.09 fund
2958.41 budget.
2958.57 You
2958.97 may
2959.05 recall,
2959.29 if
2960.01 you
2960.25 follow
2960.33 along
2960.65 and
2960.97 really
2961.21 dive
2961.45 deep
2961.69 into
2961.85 these
2962.09 things,
2962.33 that
2962.49 we
2962.65 exceeded
2962.81 the
2963.21 8%
2963.37 last
2963.85 year
2964.09 to
2964.89 bring
2965.13 ourselves
2965.13 back
2966.07 down
2966.32 within
2966.55 that
2966.88 range,
2967.03 and
2967.36 we
2967.59 are
2967.76 back
2967.99 down
2968.16 within
2968.39 that
2968.72 range.
2968.95 So,
2969.36 that's
2970.88 a
2971.28 good
2971.76 place
2971.99 to
2972.39 be.
2973.65 We
2973.65 are
2973.81 still
2973.97 monitoring
2974.29 many
2975.17 years
2975.57 of,
2975.97 escalating
2977.25 costs
2977.81 and
2978.21 escalating
2978.37 interest
2978.93 rates
2979.33 after
2979.81 a
2980.13 significant
2980.45 period
2981.01 of
2981.33 time
2981.49 of
2981.73 low
2981.89 interest
2982.13 rates,
2982.45 and
2983.78 that
2983.93 does
2984.18 have
2984.41 impacts
2984.74 on
2985.22 several
2985.86 items
2986.09 as
2986.57 they've
2986.74 gone
2986.89 to
2987.14 bid
2987.22 in
2987.45 the
2987.61 past
2987.7 couple
2987.93 of
2988.18 years.
2988.26 And
2989.14 we're
2989.38 always
2989.53 trying
2989.86 to
2990.09 adjust
2990.26 the
2990.57 best
2990.74 we
2990.89 can
2991.14 each
2991.3 year
2991.53 to
2991.7 be
2991.86 realistic
2992.02 about
2992.77 what,
2993.09 and
2994.45 where
2994.45 those
2994.61 trends
2994.85 are
2995.17 going
2995.33 to
2996.29 make
2996.45 sure
2996.61 we
2996.77 can
2996.93 address
2997.25 them
2997.73 successfully.
2998.53 Just
3000.16 a
3000.32 couple
3000.47 of
3000.55 quick
3000.88 highlights,
3001.28 of
3002.16 some
3002.39 things
3002.55 that
3002.8 we're
3002.95 covering
3003.2 here.
3003.51 There's
3004.55 additional
3005.43 funding
3005.91 to
3006.23 complete
3006.39 the
3006.71 Parker
3006.8 Annex
3007.2 Renovations
3007.59 and
3008.23 moves.
3008.39 We
3009.36 saved
3009.52 significant
3009.84 time
3010.4 and
3010.64 money
3010.72 this
3011.12 year,
3011.28 by
3012.64 making
3012.88 some,
3013.2 moves
3013.76 within
3014 in
3014.64 information
3014.88 technology
3015.52 and
3016 health
3016.24 department
3016.56 that
3017.26 needed
3017.41 minimal
3017.78 renovation.
3018.13 In
3019.82 2025,
3020.13 community
3020.86 development
3021.17 and
3021.49 planning
3021.57 will
3021.82 be
3021.97 moving
3022.13 to
3022.38 the
3022.45 2nd
3022.61 floor,
3022.86 which
3023.17 does
3023.41 require
3023.73 more
3024.21 extensive
3024.45 renovation,
3024.93 and
3025.49 the
3025.65 CIP
3025.82 identifies
3026.3 $2,200,000
3027.13 in
3028.25 funding
3028.41 for
3028.81 this.
3028.89 Under
3030.17 parks
3030.57 and
3030.81 open
3030.97 space,
3031.29 I
3031.85 put
3032.09 together
3032.25 last
3032.73 year
3032.97 a
3033.13 pretty
3033.29 substantial
3033.61 schedule
3034.65 to
3035.21 try
3035.29 to
3035.53 get
3035.69 parks,
3035.85 kind
3036.8 of
3037.13 on
3037.13 a
3037.28 schedule
3037.44 of
3037.84 staying
3038.01 as
3038.32 close
3038.48 as
3038.8 possible
3038.96 to
3039.44 where
3039.68 we
3039.93 could
3040.01 move
3040.24 forward
3040.41 because
3040.72 quite
3041.05 a
3041.2 few
3041.28 things
3041.44 had
3041.68 been
3041.93 marked
3042.48 down
3042.8 on
3043.05 the
3043.2 previous
3043.2 year's
3043.68 capital
3044.01 plans.
3044.48 On
3046.64 the
3046.8 bottom
3046.88 of
3047.28 page
3047.36 three,
3047.68 I've
3047.92 explained
3048.16 what
3048.64 we're
3048.8 doing
3048.96 in
3049.36 terms
3049.52 of
3049.76 the
3049.92 way
3050 that
3050.24 some
3050.56 park
3050.72 projects
3051.04 have
3051.68 been
3052 adjusted
3052.32 here.
3052.72 Lower
3054.8 Saltonstall
3055.13 Park.
3055.68 As
3056.01 I
3056.09 said,
3056.24 as
3056.49 we
3056.64 were
3056.8 talking
3056.97 earlier,
3057.28 we
3057.61 split
3057.77 the
3058.01 tot
3058.24 lot
3058.49 out
3058.64 for
3058.89 a
3059.2 fiscal
3059.28 year
3059.61 29
3059.84 item.
3060.24 Upper
3060.89 Saltonstall
3061.2 Park,
3061.84 which
3062.73 includes
3062.89 the
3063.37 gazebo,
3063.61 is,
3065.13 on
3066.41 track
3067.05 for
3067.37 going
3067.53 forward
3067.69 when
3068.01 approved
3068.17 by
3068.41 the
3068.57 community
3068.65 preservation
3069.13 committee,
3069.61 but
3069.93 a
3070.09 little
3070.17 behind
3070.33 the
3070.65 July
3071.13 put
3071.28 forward
3071.44 last
3071.84 year.
3072.09 Casey
3072.96 Park
3073.36 has
3073.61 been
3073.76 put
3073.92 on
3074.09 hold
3074.24 at
3074.48 the
3074.57 request
3074.72 of
3075.13 the
3075.2 council,
3075.36 and,
3077.05 What
3078.22 I'm
3078.46 suggesting
3078.62 is
3079.1 repurposing
3079.42 the
3079.98 use
3080.06 of
3080.3 the
3080.38 budgeted
3080.54 amount
3081.02 from
3081.26 the
3081.42 recommendation
3081.58 for
3082.22 Casey
3082.38 to
3083.18 cover
3083.34 a
3083.58 portion
3083.66 of
3084.06 the
3084.14 cost
3084.38 overrun
3084.62 at
3085.02 arsenal
3085.18 phase
3085.58 b
3085.82 that
3086.06 I
3086.22 presented
3086.38 earlier
3086.78 today.
3087.18 Victory
3088.82 Phase
3089.07 Two
3089.07 has
3089.07 been
3089.22 reentered
3089.39 in
3089.86 the
3089.95 CIP
3090.11 as
3090.43 a
3090.66 fiscal
3090.74 year
3091.07 2026
3091.3 item,
3092.03 which
3092.34 means
3092.51 it's
3092.74 expected
3092.82 to
3093.22 begin
3093.3 on
3093.55 July
3093.7 of
3094.03 25.
3094.26 This
3095.63 project
3095.87 was
3096.35 confirmed
3096.67 under
3097.47 a
3097.87 previous
3098.03 conceptual
3098.59 recommendation,
3099.15 to
3100.59 go
3100.75 forward
3100.91 this
3101.23 year.
3101.47 However,
3101.79 what
3102.66 I'm
3102.89 proposing
3103.14 is
3103.54 taking
3103.7 a
3104.02 portion
3104.1 of
3104.41 the
3104.49 budgeted
3104.66 amount
3105.14 from
3105.45 previous
3105.7 years
3106.18 to
3106.49 cover
3106.66 the
3106.97 remaining
3107.06 cost
3107.45 overrun
3107.78 for
3108.1 Arsenal
3108.66 B
3109.06 and
3109.06 then
3109.3 plugging
3109.54 this
3109.86 back
3110.1 into
3110.26 the
3110.49 capital
3110.66 plan
3111.06 in
3111.3 2026
3111.54 to
3112.27 cover
3112.43 the
3112.67 actual
3112.75 cost
3113.71 of
3114.11 this
3114.43 full
3114.75 project
3114.99 with
3115.47 with
3115.79 the
3116.03 2026
3116.35 money
3117.07 plus
3117.31 the
3117.55 remainder
3117.71 of
3118.19 the
3118.35 of
3118.67 the
3118.83 previous
3119.07 money.
3119.47 That
3120.03 makes
3120.18 it
3120.43 possible
3120.51 to
3120.91 do
3121.07 phase
3121.31 B
3121.55 and
3121.79 keep
3121.86 parks
3122.11 as
3122.43 close
3122.66 to
3122.91 on
3123.14 schedule
3123.31 as
3124.27 I
3124.66 possibly
3124.91 can.
3126.82 As
3126.82 you
3126.99 go
3127.14 through,
3127.31 page
3128.21 four,
3128.53 it
3128.85 talks
3129.01 about
3129.25 some
3129.49 of
3129.65 the
3129.73 studies
3129.89 we've
3130.29 done
3130.45 in
3130.69 the
3130.77 past.
3130.85 Notes,
3131.25 an
3132.13 additional
3132.37 study
3132.77 we're
3133.01 planning
3133.25 on
3133.57 dog
3133.73 parks
3133.97 and
3134.21 spray
3134.45 pads
3134.69 and
3135.01 where
3135.17 they
3135.41 might
3135.57 be,
3135.81 valuable
3136.21 in
3136.77 the
3136.93 city.
3137.01 On
3138.84 page
3139.16 five,
3139.47 I
3139.88 identified
3140.11 the
3140.59 seven
3140.84 items
3141.07 that
3141.47 are
3141.64 in
3141.8 the
3141.88 plan
3142.03 and
3142.43 are
3142.76 not
3142.99 listed
3143.64 as
3144.11 funded.
3144.43 There
3148.28 is
3148.52 a
3148.68 there
3149 there
3149.24 there's
3149.48 an
3149.8 additional
3149.96 piece
3150.36 of
3150.52 this
3150.6 that
3150.84 isn't
3151 that
3151.24 I'll
3151.48 get
3151.56 to
3151.72 in
3151.88 just
3152.04 a
3152.2 moment.
3152.36 On
3153.4 the
3153.48 top
3153.64 of
3153.88 page
3153.96 six,
3154.28 I
3154.68 pointed
3154.84 out,
3155.09 and
3155.48 thank
3155.72 you
3155.97 to
3156.2 all
3156.45 of
3156.61 you
3156.76 for
3156.93 your
3157.09 hard
3157.24 work
3157.48 on
3157.72 the
3157.97 work
3158.13 with
3158.45 ARPA.
3158.68 The
3159.64 eight-city
3161.16 capital
3161.48 projects
3161.89 that
3162.42 we're
3162.5 fund
3162.66 we're
3162.82 funded
3163.14 using,
3163.54 ARPA
3164.42 funds,
3164.82 that
3165.7 certainly
3165.94 will
3166.34 be
3166.58 very
3166.74 helpful
3166.98 to
3167.46 us
3167.7 in,
3168.1 moving
3168.74 forward
3169.22 with
3169.62 our
3169.86 capital
3170.02 improvement
3170.5 work.
3171.14 On,
3173.07 the
3174.28 middle
3174.28 of
3174.51 page
3174.59 six
3174.91 talks
3175.16 about
3175.47 the
3175.64 school
3175.8 department
3176.11 items
3176.51 for
3176.84 a
3177.07 total
3177.16 of
3177.39 $19,000,000.
3177.64 I
3179.16 will
3179.32 note
3179.55 here
3179.8 that,
3180.11 9,000,000
3181.06 of
3181.62 that
3181.7 funding
3181.94 does
3182.34 not
3182.5 yet
3182.66 have
3182.82 an
3182.98 identified
3183.22 funding
3183.7 source,
3184.02 including
3184.42 some
3184.9 large
3185.3 amount
3185.7 of
3185.94 work
3186.1 at
3186.26 the
3186.42 Phillips
3186.58 School.
3189.54 Amongst
3193.28 the
3193.76 unfunded
3193.91 items
3194.39 in
3194.71 the
3194.88 school
3194.95 department
3195.19 is
3195.51 $2,100,000
3195.68 in
3196.88 the
3196.95 high
3197.11 school
3197.28 project.
3197.51 I
3198.8 want
3199.19 to
3199.99 just
3199.99 note
3200.7 that
3201.02 we
3201.42 will
3201.58 continue
3201.82 to
3202.14 work
3202.22 to
3202.46 try
3202.62 to
3202.86 address
3203.02 that.
3203.34 I
3203.58 am
3203.74 not
3204.38 at
3204.7 all
3204.78 worried
3205.02 about
3205.42 a,
3205.66 essentially
3206.94 1%
3207.66 of
3209.09 a
3209.34 very
3209.41 large
3209.74 project
3210.14 that
3210.54 doesn't
3210.7 have
3210.93 an
3211.18 identified
3211.34 funding
3211.82 source.
3212.22 We
3212.54 could
3212.7 borrow
3212.93 that
3213.18 extra
3213.41 2.1
3213.74 if
3214.3 necessary.
3214.45 I
3215.34 would
3215.49 like
3215.66 to
3215.82 keep
3215.97 the
3216.14 borrowing
3216.3 at
3216.61 150,000,000
3216.93 as
3217.89 I've
3217.97 with
3218.37 you
3218.53 many
3218.69 times
3219.01 before
3219.25 and
3219.57 to
3220.13 do
3220.21 that,
3220.37 that
3220.61 2.1
3220.85 needs
3221.41 to
3221.65 come
3221.73 from
3221.97 somewhere.
3222.61 I
3225.49 had,
3225.74 That's
3227.2 the
3227.53 remaining
3227.76 piece
3228.24 after
3228.57 we
3228.8 received
3229.05 a
3229.36 million
3229.53 for
3229.76 the
3229.93 solar
3230.09 panels
3230.41 and
3230.89 some
3231.05 tax
3231.28 funding,
3231.53 some
3232.48 tax
3232.8 return
3233.05 money
3233.36 from
3233.53 the
3233.76 federal
3233.84 government
3234.09 for
3234.41 the
3234.48 solar
3234.64 panels,
3234.96 and
3235.46 that
3235.62 2.1
3235.78 is
3236.42 the
3236.5 piece
3236.74 that's
3236.98 left.
3237.3 I'm
3238.18 determined
3238.42 to
3238.9 do
3238.98 it,
3239.06 but
3239.22 it
3239.54 just
3239.62 at
3239.86 the
3240.02 time
3240.1 of
3240.34 printing
3240.42 this
3240.9 plan,
3241.06 we
3241.38 don't
3241.7 have
3241.86 the
3242.02 source
3242.18 identified.
3245.59 Consistent
3245.59 with
3246.07 previous
3246.22 years
3246.47 in
3246.7 keeping
3246.86 with
3247.11 school
3247.27 department
3247.51 tax
3247.82 revenue
3248.14 and
3248.63 keeping
3248.79 it
3249.11 under
3249.18 $400,000
3249.43 per
3250.7 year,
3250.86 some
3251.11 items
3251.34 have
3251.66 been
3251.82 shifted
3251.99 to
3252.31 earlier
3252.47 or
3252.7 later
3252.95 years,
3253.27 and
3254.26 we
3254.34 can
3254.58 go
3254.66 through
3254.82 that
3255.06 and
3255.3 what
3255.46 those
3255.62 are
3255.86 with
3256.02 the
3256.26 superintendent
3256.42 when
3257.06 we
3257.22 meet
3257.38 with
3257.54 the
3257.7 committee.
3257.86 The
3258.98 three
3259.14 elementary
3259.3 school
3259.78 projects
3260.02 just
3260.34 noted
3260.58 on
3260.82 the
3260.9 top
3260.98 page
3261.59 seven,
3262.07 are
3262.07 very
3262.07 exciting
3262.32 to
3262.64 have
3262.8 this
3262.95 wrapping
3263.2 up
3263.52 with
3263.68 an
3263.84 initial
3263.99 budget
3264.32 of
3264.56 170,000,000.
3264.88 The
3265.84 project
3265.99 is
3266.32 closing
3266.47 out.
3266.8 I
3268.34 estimate
3268.69 a
3268.93 total
3269.09 cost
3269.33 in
3269.49 the
3269.57 range
3269.65 of
3269.89 172.
3270.05 It's
3270.93 probably
3271.41 about
3271.81 1%
3272.29 over,
3273.65 the
3274.29 total
3274.45 estimate.
3274.85 It's
3276.26 worth
3276.49 noting
3276.82 for
3277.05 a
3277.22 project
3277.3 that's
3277.61 been
3277.78 underway
3277.93 through
3278.34 the
3278.57 pandemic
3278.66 and
3279.14 supply
3279.3 chain
3279.7 challenges.
3280.01 That
3280.41 is
3280.57 a
3280.74 remarkably
3281.14 reasonable
3281.78 place
3282.26 to
3282.49 land.
3282.66 So
3283.05 We're
3283.68 going
3283.92 to,
3284.16 be
3284.56 discussing
3284.72 funding
3285.36 on
3285.68 that
3285.92 piece
3286.16 as
3286.56 well.
3288.56 Streets
3288.56 and
3288.96 sidewalks,
3289.12 as
3289.84 always,
3290.16 are,
3290.64 very
3291.2 well
3291.44 funded.
3291.68 We
3292.08 have
3292.24 a
3292.48 lot,
3292.96 of
3294.03 of
3294.11 backlog
3294.28 of
3294.84 work
3294.99 to
3295.24 do
3295.39 to
3295.55 try
3295.72 to
3295.95 address
3296.11 streets
3296.36 and
3296.59 sidewalks,
3296.76 and
3297.16 our
3297.24 DPW
3297.47 team
3297.95 is
3298.2 very
3298.36 focused
3298.51 on
3298.91 making
3299.47 sure
3299.8 to
3299.95 do
3300.11 that.
3300.28 It
3300.91 includes
3301.23 work
3301.55 on
3301.79 Mount
3301.95 Auburn
3302.11 Street,
3302.51 an
3303.23 increase
3303.47 in
3303.87 Chapter
3304.03 90
3304.35 funds,
3304.75 some,
3306.11 money
3306.99 for,
3307.31 the
3308.19 the
3308.51 long
3308.67 programs,
3309.44 etcetera,
3309.76 that
3310.16 we
3310.32 have
3310.48 been
3310.64 doing
3310.8 for
3310.96 many
3311.2 years.
3311.44 As
3312.64 you
3312.89 go
3313.05 on
3313.2 to
3313.36 page
3313.44 8,
3313.76 parks
3314.01 and
3314.24 recreation
3314.41 projects,
3314.96 I
3315.36 put
3315.53 a
3315.76 new
3315.92 version
3316.16 of
3316.48 a
3316.64 schedule
3316.8 together
3317.2 there.
3317.61 I
3318.53 feel
3318.69 pretty
3319.01 good
3319.25 that
3319.49 we
3319.73 got
3319.89 a
3320.05 lot
3320.21 done
3320.45 this
3320.69 past
3320.85 year.
3321.09 You'll
3321.33 notice
3321.49 the
3321.81 first
3321.89 four
3322.13 up
3322.37 on
3322.53 that
3322.69 list,
3322.85 Irving,
3323.09 Boxley,
3323.57 Filippello,
3324.05 and
3324.93 the
3325.09 upgrade
3325.25 of
3325.65 the
3325.73 victory
3325.81 turf
3326.21 were
3326.53 things
3326.69 that
3326.93 were
3327.17 Earlier
3327.76 CIP
3328.41 years
3328.8 2016,
3329.28 21,
3330.09 and
3330.57 23,
3330.57 those
3330.97 are
3331.28 done.
3331.53 The
3332.24 arsenal
3332.64 phase
3332.64 B
3332.97 will
3333.2 start
3333.45 construction
3333.68 this
3334.16 year.
3336.28 I
3336.28 noted
3336.52 the
3336.92 items
3337.16 that
3337.48 are
3337.64 a
3337.76 little
3337.88 off
3338.2 schedule
3338.44 from
3338.92 before,
3339.24 and
3339.56 you'll
3339.64 see
3339.88 I've
3340.04 added
3340.36 the
3340.68 Casey
3341.16 Park
3341.64 and
3342.12 playground
3342.36 on
3342.76 the
3342.92 plan
3343.08 for
3343.32 fiscal
3343.48 year
3343.8 29
3344.04 and
3344.52 the
3345 Saltonstall
3345.24 Park
3345.24 Todd
3345.24 lot,
3345.48 for
3346.05 fiscal
3346.2 year
3346.53 29.
3346.93 So,
3347.32 those
3348.36 are
3348.61 essentially
3349.01 additions
3349.64 to
3350.13 to
3350.44 the
3350.61 list
3350.76 from
3351.24 there.
3351.41 On
3352.68 the
3352.84 bottom
3352.93 of
3353.24 page
3353.32 eight,
3353.64 I
3353.8 mentioned
3353.96 something
3354.28 called
3354.53 Commissioning,
3355.2 which
3355.76 I
3356 won't
3356.16 spend
3356.4 a
3356.64 lot
3356.72 of
3356.88 time
3357.04 focusing
3357.28 on
3357.68 here,
3357.84 but
3358.08 note
3358.32 that
3358.56 our
3358.72 public
3358.88 buildings
3359.2 director
3359.6 will,
3360 attend,
3361.36 the
3361.92 meetings
3362.16 with
3362.8 the
3363.04 committee
3364.11 to
3364.43 share,
3364.82 a
3365.86 strategy
3366.03 for
3366.59 making
3366.74 sure
3367.14 to
3367.47 make
3367.7 to
3368.43 address
3368.66 energy
3369.31 use
3369.86 from
3370.03 a
3370.27 whole
3370.34 building
3370.59 perspective.
3371.24 We
3371.48 put
3371.56 a
3371.72 little
3371.8 bit
3372.04 of
3372.12 money
3372.2 into
3372.52 studying
3372.76 HVAC
3373.08 systems
3373.56 this
3373.96 year,
3374.2 but
3374.68 we
3374.84 can't
3375 forget
3375.16 about
3375.48 the
3375.64 other
3375.8 systems
3376.04 in
3376.44 a
3376.52 building
3376.68 that
3377 can
3377.16 impact
3377.32 documents,
3377.64 and
3378.12 a
3378.28 retro-commissioning
3378.76 study
3379.16 identifies
3379.64 those
3380.12 areas.
3380.36 I'll
3381.07 also
3381.22 note
3381.55 that
3381.78 I
3381.94 know
3382.03 you're
3382.18 talking
3382.43 about
3382.74 building
3382.98 energy
3383.46 use
3383.86 disclosure
3384.26 ordinances
3384.82 and
3385.39 building
3385.63 energy
3385.94 reductions.
3386.34 Doing
3388.03 these,
3388.34 particularly
3388.66 starting
3389.81 with
3390.13 some
3390.21 of
3390.37 our
3390.45 older
3390.69 buildings,
3391.01 you
3391.41 can
3391.49 often
3391.73 find
3391.97 a
3392.21 10
3392.29 or
3392.53 15%
3392.69 reduction
3393.33 in
3393.73 energy
3393.97 cost
3394.21 and
3394.53 energy
3394.69 use
3395.01 when
3395.33 you
3395.49 do
3395.57 this.
3395.73 So
3395.97 our
3396.69 list
3396.85 is
3397.17 to
3397.33 start
3397.49 with
3397.73 studying.
3397.89 There's
3398.97 some
3399.2 work
3399.29 on
3399.53 the
3399.68 middle
3399.77 school
3400.01 underway.
3400.33 So
3400.81 setting
3400.97 the
3401.29 middle
3401.36 school
3401.68 aside,
3402.01 we
3402.64 put
3402.89 the
3403.45 library
3403.45 in
3404.09 fiscal
3404.24 year
3404.57 25
3404.89 with
3405.36 upgrades
3405.68 in
3406.09 26.
3406.24 That's
3406.81 the
3406.97 building
3407.13 that,
3407.53 has
3408.03 reached
3408.27 that
3408.43 point
3408.59 where
3408.91 a
3409.07 lot
3409.15 of
3409.31 their
3409.39 systems
3409.55 are
3410.03 just
3410.19 reaching
3410.43 their
3410.83 end
3410.99 of
3411.15 use.
3411.31 City
3412.11 hall
3412.35 admin
3412.67 admin
3413.15 building
3413.47 in
3413.87 Parker
3413.95 School
3414.35 the
3414.59 following
3414.75 year,
3415.07 and
3415.57 then
3415.73 following
3415.97 that,
3416.3 probably
3416.53 looking
3416.86 at
3417.09 the
3417.18 main
3417.34 fire
3417.57 station
3417.82 and
3418.21 main
3418.38 police
3418.53 station
3418.78 as
3419.18 we've
3419.34 plugged
3419.57 them
3419.73 into
3419.97 into
3420.3 this
3420.7 list.
3420.86 Pages
3422.75 nine,
3423.23 and
3423.71 1011
3423.71 list
3424.91 a
3425.23 lot
3425.31 of
3425.55 small
3425.71 stuff,
3426.03 and,
3427.63 as
3428.51 noted
3428.83 on
3429.15 the
3429.63 bottom
3429.79 of
3430.11 11,
3430.19 the
3430.59 water
3430.75 and
3430.99 sewer,
3431.15 Capital
3432.24 Improvement
3432.55 Plan
3432.88 is
3433.2 forthcoming.
3435.03 Then
3435.03 pages
3435.2 12
3435.68 and
3435.91 13,
3436.16 I
3436.55 do
3436.72 what
3436.95 I
3437.11 did
3437.2 last
3437.43 year,
3437.68 which
3437.84 is
3438.07 I
3438.24 listed
3438.39 all
3438.72 the
3438.88 remaining
3439.03 loan
3439.43 orders,
3439.68 that
3440.65 are
3440.81 outstanding
3441.05 from
3441.53 previous
3441.85 years
3442.25 that
3442.57 are
3442.73 still
3442.89 relevant,
3443.21 that
3444.89 are
3445.21 worth
3445.69 looking
3446.01 at
3446.33 and
3446.57 talking
3446.73 about
3447.05 about
3447.29 whether
3447.45 or
3447.77 not
3447.85 to
3448.01 confirm
3448.17 or
3448.57 reconfirm
3448.73 as
3449.45 as
3449.81 we
3449.89 go
3450.13 forward.
3450.36 As
3451.33 you'll
3451.49 see,
3451.64 the
3451.72 ones
3451.89 that
3452.13 are
3452.29 this
3452.53 year,
3452.85 which
3453.24 is
3453.41 at
3453.57 the
3453.57 bottom
3453.64 of
3453.89 page
3453.97 13,
3454.29 is
3454.61 always
3454.68 a
3454.85 long
3455.01 list
3455.24 because
3455.57 those
3455.81 are
3455.97 the
3456.05 ones
3456.13 we're
3456.45 still
3456.61 in
3456.77 the
3456.93 year
3457.01 that
3457.16 we're
3457.33 halfway
3457.49 through
3457.81 and
3458.05 we're
3458.13 working
3458.29 on
3458.61 a
3458.77 lot
3458.85 of.
3459.01 But
3460.34 it's
3460.58 good
3460.74 to
3460.98 see
3461.06 some
3461.22 of
3461.38 the
3461.54 previous
3461.7 year's
3462.1 items
3462.42 are
3462.98 wrapping
3463.46 up,
3463.78 and
3463.86 there
3464.1 are
3464.26 a
3464.42 few
3464.5 or
3464.74 fewer
3465.22 of
3465.54 them
3465.7 on
3465.94 the
3466.1 list.
3466.26 I
3467.82 may
3467.89 have
3468.06 slightly
3468.3 buried
3468.78 the
3469.09 lead
3469.26 here
3469.49 because
3469.66 I
3469.89 just
3470.06 want
3470.22 to
3470.54 point
3470.54 out
3470.7 that
3470.93 probably
3471.09 the
3471.57 most
3471.74 substantial,
3473.09 interesting,
3473.97 and
3474.45 exciting
3474.61 thing
3475.09 in
3475.34 this
3475.49 plan
3475.74 that
3476.06 I
3476.22 see
3476.45 is
3476.92 the
3477.08 item
3477.24 noted
3477.4 at
3477.8 the
3477.88 bottom
3478.04 of
3478.36 page
3478.52 two,
3478.84 which
3479.88 is
3480.12 the
3480.36 senior
3480.52 center.
3480.92 So
3482.2 in
3482.52 2022,
3482.84 the
3483.64 city
3483.8 conducted
3484.12 a
3484.52 review
3484.6 of
3484.67 the
3484.92 Phillips
3485.16 school
3485.43 site
3485.68 with
3485.84 AI
3485.91 three
3486.32 Architects,
3486.56 looking
3487.76 into
3487.99 the
3488.32 future
3488.39 of
3488.56 the
3488.72 senior
3488.88 center
3489.2 and
3489.43 the
3489.59 school
3489.68 functions
3489.99 of
3490.39 that
3490.47 site.
3490.64 We
3491.36 put
3491.52 that
3491.68 project
3491.91 on
3492.32 hold
3492.56 once
3492.88 we
3493.04 determined
3493.2 we
3493.68 were
3493.84 purchasing
3493.99 the
3494.47 Parker
3494.64 Annex.
3494.95 We
3496.38 wrapped
3496.54 up
3496.86 the
3496.94 recommendations
3497.18 and
3499.1 tried
3499.26 to
3499.5 pull
3499.58 them
3499.82 together
3500.06 to
3500.54 determine
3500.78 the
3501.1 best
3501.18 route
3501.42 forward
3501.58 for
3501.9 each
3501.98 building.
3502.22 As
3502.93 we
3503.09 were
3503.26 concluding
3503.41 our
3503.82 work
3503.97 on
3504.14 the
3504.3 Parker
3504.38 Annex
3504.7 it
3505.01 became
3505.18 apparent,
3505.41 that
3505.73 we
3505.73 should
3505.82 be
3505.97 seeking
3506.05 a
3506.38 strategy
3506.53 to
3506.86 build
3507.01 a
3507.26 better
3507.34 center
3507.66 for
3507.89 our
3508.14 seniors.
3508.22 If
3510.53 you
3510.77 recall
3510.93 the
3511.41 presentation
3511.65 in
3512.29 the
3512.37 slide
3512.61 deck
3512.85 that
3513.17 I
3513.33 presented
3513.49 at
3513.89 that
3514.13 meeting
3514.29 in
3514.61 November,
3514.69 that
3515.25 meeting
3515.57 when
3515.89 I
3516.05 was
3516.13 remote
3516.37 and,
3516.85 had
3517.94 the
3518.18 chance
3518.26 to
3518.66 lay
3518.74 out
3518.98 the
3519.22 future
3519.3 plan
3519.7 for
3520.03 for
3520.34 the
3520.51 Parker
3520.59 Annex.
3520.98 I
3521.63 did
3521.7 at
3521.94 the
3522.03 end
3522.11 of
3522.26 that
3522.34 slide
3522.59 deck
3522.82 show
3523.14 two
3523.46 of
3523.63 the
3523.78 drawings,
3523.94 the
3524.66 day
3524.82 I
3524.98 three
3525.14 had
3525.39 put
3525.55 together
3525.7 about
3526.03 possible
3526.34 ways
3526.74 to
3527.07 do
3527.14 a
3527.3 new
3527.42 Senior
3527.61 Center
3528.01 on
3528.33 the
3528.57 Phillips
3528.73 School
3529.05 site.
3531.61 So
3531.61 the
3532.09 initial
3532.25 study
3532.57 had
3532.89 identified
3533.13 two
3533.61 options
3533.77 to
3534.09 build
3534.17 on
3534.41 the
3534.57 current
3534.65 Phillips
3534.97 Senior
3535.21 Center
3535.53 site,
3535.85 that
3536.55 I'd
3536.8 like
3536.95 to
3537.11 refine.
3537.36 Although
3537.84 we
3538.16 could
3538.23 still
3538.39 look
3538.64 at
3538.8 other
3538.88 sites,
3539.11 if
3539.43 they
3539.59 became
3539.84 available,
3540.16 I
3540.64 think
3540.71 that's
3540.95 probably
3541.68 our
3542.16 best
3542.32 bet.
3542.47 AF3
3543.19 had
3543.43 also
3543.68 initially
3543.99 proposed
3544.47 an
3544.8 alternative
3544.95 that
3545.43 would
3545.59 demolish
3545.76 and
3546.07 replace
3546.38 the
3546.54 Phillips
3546.7 School
3547.18 building.
3547.42 But
3548.46 I'm
3548.62 recommending
3548.86 we
3549.34 don't
3549.42 pursue
3549.66 that
3549.98 option
3550.14 any
3550.46 further.
3550.7 It
3551.18 is
3551.5 very
3551.74 expensive
3551.98 and
3552.38 disruptive
3552.62 to
3553.1 school
3553.34 operations,
3553.66 cable
3554.22 operations,
3554.62 to
3555.39 the
3555.55 possibility
3555.78 of
3556.34 having
3556.51 swing
3556.91 space
3557.22 and
3557.55 future
3557.7 preschool
3558.11 space
3558.59 in
3558.82 that
3558.99 building.
3559.14 We
3560.18 put
3560.34 a
3560.43 lot
3560.51 of
3560.66 investment
3560.82 into
3561.22 that
3561.39 Phillips
3561.78 building,
3562.11 and
3562.34 we'll
3562.51 continue
3562.74 to
3563.07 do
3563.22 so.
3563.3 However,
3563.47 I
3563.63 do
3563.78 believe
3563.95 that
3564.18 the
3564.34 site
3564.51 itself
3564.74 is
3565.82 adequate
3566.06 for
3566.46 a
3566.7 phased
3566.86 project
3567.18 that
3567.58 includes
3567.74 new
3568.14 senior
3568.38 centers.
3568.62 So
3569.1 based
3569.58 upon
3569.9 that,
3570.14 we
3570.46 have
3570.62 identified
3570.86 in
3571.74 the
3571.98 Fiscal
3573.43 year
3573.91 28
3574.32 in
3575.11 this
3575.36 proposal,
3576.07 we
3576.56 have
3576.72 put
3576.88 a
3577.04 $32,000,000
3577.2 line
3578.24 item
3578.47 for
3578.72 a
3578.88 new
3578.95 senior
3579.11 center.
3579.43 I
3580.07 have
3580.32 listed
3580.56 it
3580.88 without
3581.11 a
3581.52 funding
3581.59 source
3581.91 at
3582.24 this
3583.22 point.
3583.22 We
3584.34 can
3584.42 discuss
3584.66 that
3584.98 more
3585.22 with
3585.46 the
3585.62 committee.
3585.78 I
3586.58 am
3586.74 cautiously
3587.14 optimistic
3587.86 that
3588.58 this
3588.74 is
3588.9 a
3589.06 viable
3589.3 borrowing
3589.86 project,
3590.5 but
3592.18 need
3592.41 to,
3592.66 make
3593.22 sure
3593.45 that
3593.78 we,
3593.93 have,
3594.89 borrowing
3595.61 and
3596.02 payback
3596.18 on
3596.58 the
3596.82 high
3596.89 school
3597.14 in
3597.61 good
3597.86 order
3598.18 relative
3598.66 to
3599.4 the
3599.64 incoming
3600.36 revenues
3600.76 and
3601.24 new
3601.4 growth
3601.56 before
3601.96 I
3602.2 can
3602.28 definitively
3602.52 say
3603.24 that
3603.4 that
3603.72 is
3603.88 the
3604.44 solution
3604.68 for
3605.08 this
3605.32 particular
3605.48 project.
3606.04 But
3606.86 I
3607.03 do
3607.11 think,
3607.34 a
3607.82 new
3607.99 place
3608.7 for
3609.03 our
3609.26 seniors
3609.34 is
3609.82 something
3609.91 the
3610.22 council's
3610.3 been
3610.7 talking
3610.86 about
3611.18 for
3611.43 a
3611.43 long
3611.51 time.
3611.74 This
3612.3 is
3612.55 the
3612.7 first
3612.86 time
3613.03 I
3613.26 believe
3613.43 it
3613.66 will
3613.82 appear
3614.14 on
3614.55 the
3614.63 capital
3614.78 improvement
3615.18 plan,
3615.66 and
3616.51 I'm
3616.67 hoping
3616.83 that
3617.23 by
3617.39 the
3617.55 next
3617.71 time
3617.87 it
3618.03 appears
3618.19 in
3618.51 the
3618.59 capital
3618.67 improvement
3618.99 plan,
3619.39 it
3619.63 will
3619.71 appear
3619.95 with
3620.19 the
3620.35 funding
3620.43 source
3620.75 as
3621.07 well.
3621.15 I
3622.67 look
3622.83 forward
3623.07 to
3623.31 discussing
3623.55 the
3624.11 entire
3624.35 plan
3624.67 as
3625.36 well
3625.51 as
3625.67 the
3625.76 senior
3625.99 center,
3626.39 further
3627.11 with
3627.51 the
3627.76 council
3627.84 in
3628.23 the
3628.39 near
3628.55 future.
3628.8 Thank
3629.99 you
3630.23 for
3630.39 the
3630.55 opportunity
3630.8 to
3631.36 provide
3631.51 a
3631.91 little
3632.37 bit
3632.61 of
3632.77 background,
3632.93 and
3633.33 I
3633.49 look
3633.73 forward
3633.97 to
3634.21 discussing
3634.37 it
3634.77 further.
3634.93 Thank
3635.25 you,
3635.41 Mr.
3635.89 President.
3637.01 SIDERIS
3637.01 -
3637.01 Thank
3637.01 you.
3637.25 Request
3638.37 for
3638.69 confirmation
3638.93 of
3639.41 appointment
3639.65 to
3639.97 the
3640.13 conservation
3640.29 commission.
3643.13 PROAKIS
3643.13 -
3643.13 Mister
3643.13 president,
3643.53 could
3646.09 I
3646.33 have
3646.41 a
3646.57 referral
3646.72 on
3647.29 the
3647.37 CIP
3647.61 item?
3650.59 -
3650.59 No.
3650.59 That's
3650.83 automatically
3651.23 referred
3652.11 PROAKIS
3652.11 -
3652.11 to
3652.11 Okay.
3652.43 I
3652.67 just
3652.83 I
3653.47 haven't
3653.55 been
3653.71 here
3653.87 long.
3654.19 -
3654.19 It's
3654.19 automatically
3654.35 referred
3654.75 to
3654.99 the
3655.15 budget
3655.23 for
3655.63 SIDERIS
3655.63 -
3655.63 the
3655.63 club
3655.71 segment.
3656.67 PROAKIS
3656.67 -
3656.67 Okay.
3656.67 I
3656.91 I'm
3657.23 I'm
3657.47 I'm
3657.63 sorry,
3657.79 mister
3658.11 president.
3658.43 I
3659.55 SIDERIS
3659.55 -
3659.55 referred
3659.55 and
3659.71 I
3660.57 PROAKIS
3660.57 -
3660.57 I
3660.57 don't,
3660.82 I
3661.45 I
3661.61 don't
3661.78 normally
3662.09 try
3662.57 to,
3662.82 you
3664.49 know
3664.66 how
3664.82 to
3664.97 run
3665.05 this
3665.22 process
3665.45 better
3665.78 than
3666.02 I
3666.26 do,
3666.34 and
3666.49 I
3666.57 just
3666.66 wanted
3666.89 to
3667.14 make
3667.22 sure
3667.38 it's
3667.61 all
3667.78 done.
3667.93 Okay.
3668.18 You.
3668.7 Thank
3668.94 you,
3669.02 mister
3669.18 president,
3669.58 mister
3669.9 vice
3670.14 president,
3670.38 for
3670.78 clarifying
3670.94 that.
11. B.
The recommendation for Jill Ayers to be appointed as a member of the conservation commission, with a term ending on February 15, 2025, was presented for referral. This recommendation, supported by her attached resume, was made through the resident's advisory committee.
3671.74 PROAKIS
3671.74 -
3671.74 My
3671.74 other
3671.9 item
3672.06 before
3672.38 you
3672.54 for
3672.7 referral
3672.86 this
3673.26 evening
3673.42 is
3673.66 a
3673.82 request
3673.9 to
3674.22 appoint
3674.3 Jill
3674.62 Ayers
3674.86 as
3675.1 a
3675.26 member
3675.34 of
3675.58 the
3675.66 conservation
3675.82 commission
3676.46 for
3677.05 a
3677.13 term
3677.29 expiring
3677.45 February
3677.93 15,
3678.33 2025.
3678.89 Her
3680.49 resume
3680.81 is
3681.2 attached,
3681.36 and
3681.77 this
3681.93 recommendation
3682.16 comes
3682.72 through
3683.05 the
3685.78 resident's
3685.94 advisory
3686.26 committee.
3686.66 Thank
3687.06 you.
Section 14
Councilor Nicole Gardner of Watertown City Council announced two upcoming community forums. The first, taking place on February 12th at the Hosmer School, is a "meet the Chiefs" meeting with Chief Hanrahan and Chief Nicholson, allowing the public to engage with the newly appointed chiefs. The second forum, scheduled for February 20th at the Hosmer Learning Commons, aims to gather community feedback on repurposing Courts at Filippillo Park into six permanent pickleball courts while maintaining multifunctional futsal and basketball courts. Additionally, a reminder was issued about a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting concerning a request to extend a special permit and site plan review for 99 Water Street, emphasizing its relevance to district B.
3741.89 announcements?
3742.21 Councilor
3742.85 Gardner.
3744.67 NICOLE
3744.67 GARDNER
3744.67 -
3744.67 CITY
3744.67 COUNCIL
3744.67 -
3744.67 Thank
3744.67 you
3744.91 Mr.
3745.39 President.
3745.88 I
3745.88 want
3746.03 to
3746.28 invite
3746.43 the
3746.76 public
3746.91 to
3747.39 two,
3747.71 community
3748.51 forums
3748.91 that'll
3749.39 be
3749.55 held
3749.71 in
3750.59 the
3750.76 next
3750.91 few
3751.23 weeks.
3751.47 The
3752.21 first,
3752.37 I'll
3753.01 be
3753.25 hosting
3753.33 at
3753.65 the
3753.81 Hosmer
3753.97 School
3754.45 on
3754.77 February
3755.01 12th.
3755.49 It's
3755.97 a
3756.13 meet
3756.37 the
3756.61 Chiefs
3756.77 meeting.
3757.17 So
3757.57 we
3757.81 are
3757.97 going
3758.13 to
3758.29 be
3758.29 lucky
3758.37 enough
3758.69 to
3758.93 have
3759.01 both
3759.25 Chief
3759.41 Hanrahan
3759.65 and
3760.29 Chief
3760.37 Nicholson
3760.69 join
3761.33 us.
3761.57 These
3762.2 are
3762.43 both
3762.51 relatively
3762.76 new
3763.32 appointments
3763.47 to
3763.95 these
3764.03 positions.
3764.28 They're
3764.76 eager
3764.99 to
3765.24 meet
3765.32 with
3765.55 the
3765.72 public,
3765.8 hear
3766.2 the
3766.43 issues
3766.59 on
3767.07 your
3767.24 mind,
3767.39 take
3767.8 your
3768.03 questions,
3768.2 and
3768.68 share
3768.68 their
3768.99 thoughts
3769.16 for
3769.93 the
3770.17 department.
3770.33 So
3770.81 I
3771.05 encourage
3771.13 people
3771.45 to
3771.77 come.
3772.01 It'll
3772.49 be
3772.81 in
3772.97 the
3773.05 Hosmer
3773.29 Learning
3773.85 Commons.
3774.73 So
3774.73 just
3774.89 come
3775.13 in
3775.21 the
3775.37 main
3775.53 door,
3775.69 the
3776.01 door
3776.17 that
3776.41 faces
3776.57 the
3776.97 playground.
3777.21 Then,
3780.07 there's,
3781.03 a
3781.03 community
3781.18 meeting
3781.66 that's
3781.91 being
3782.14 planned.
3782.39 I'll
3782.63 be
3782.78 hosting
3782.86 it
3783.18 at
3783.34 the
3783.43 Hosmer
3783.59 Learning
3783.98 Commons
3784.3 again
3784.78 on
3785.67 February
3785.91 20th,
3786.47 6:30
3787.27 to
3787.91 8.
3788.07 The
3789.03 purpose
3789.19 of
3789.51 that
3789.59 is
3789.83 to
3790.07 gather
3790.23 community
3790.47 feedback
3790.95 on
3791.59 an
3791.91 idea,
3792.07 to
3793.27 repurpose
3793.59 Courts
3794.93 at
3795.34 Filippillo
3795.57 Park,
3796.22 two
3796.78 pickleball
3797.09 port
3797.66 courts.
3798.05 So
3798.38 in
3798.53 in
3798.86 short,
3799.01 six
3799.49 permanent
3799.74 pickleball
3800.22 courts
3800.78 would
3801.09 be
3801.26 in
3801.41 Filippillo
3801.57 and
3802.86 the
3803.01 futsal
3803.18 and
3803.74 Basketball
3804.46 courts
3805.02 as
3805.26 I
3805.42 understand
3805.5 it
3805.9 would
3806.06 be
3806.14 kind
3806.3 of,
3806.46 striped
3807.26 to
3807.74 be
3807.82 able
3808.06 to
3808.3 be
3808.46 used
3808.62 in
3809.26 both
3809.42 ways.
3809.74 So
3810.22 we'd
3810.46 really
3810.62 love
3810.78 to
3811.02 hear
3811.1 people's
3811.34 reactions
3811.84 and,
3812.24 thoughts
3812.95 on
3813.28 that.
3813.43 So
3813.68 please
3813.99 come
3814.39 on
3814.55 down.
3814.8 Thank
3815.2 you.
3817.76 FELTNER
3817.76 -
3817.76 Thank
3817.76 you,
3817.99 Mr.
3818.47 President.
3818.95 Just
3818.95 a
3819.2 reminder
3819.28 to
3819.68 the
3819.76 public,
3819.84 it
3820.32 is
3820.47 posted
3820.55 on
3821.17 the
3821.46 city
3821.75 councilor,
3822.04 but
3822.33 because
3822.62 it's
3822.91 district
3823.2 B,
3823.49 I
3823.79 thought
3824.08 I'd,
3824.37 mention
3824.95 a
3825.24 verbal
3825.53 reminder
3825.82 that
3826.11 99
3826.4 Water
3826.69 Street
3826.98 is
3827.27 before
3827.56 the
3827.85 ZBA
3828.14 tomorrow
3828.68 evening
3828.91 at
3829.39 7
3829.72 PM,
3830.11 for
3831.64 a
3831.88 request,
3831.95 to
3832.99 extend
3833.32 their
3833.88 special
3834.28 permit,
3834.68 site
3836.2 plan
3836.52 review
3836.76 that
3838.09 received
3838.25 conditional
3838.57 improvement
3839.05 back
3839.45 in
3839.77 February.
3840.17 Thank
3841.13 you.
3842.01 SIDERIS
3842.01 -
3842.01 Any
3842.01 other
3842.25 announcements?
3845.26 Seeing
3845.26 none,
Section 15
At a public forum, Dennis Holland, a resident of 29 Nyack Street, addressed the manager, acknowledging the distinction between politicians and public servants. He congratulated the manager on their recent success, presumably in an election or appointment, but then promptly shifted focus to expectant responsibilities, specifically referring to a need for cleaning up a mess downtown, hinting at an issue or problem in need suitable resolution, following the manager's new position and implied raise. The forum then continued, seeking further public input.
3846.14 forum.
3846.55 Is
3847.26 there
3847.51 any
3847.91 member
3848.22 of
3848.95 the
3849.11 public
3849.26 either
3849.66 here
3849.91 or
3850.07 at
3850.14 home
3850.3 that
3850.47 wishes
3850.7 to
3851.03 be
3851.18 heard?
3851.26 Please
3852.96 identify
3853.28 yourself
3853.84 for
3854.4 the
3854.56 record.
3858 -
3858 -
3858 Dennis
3858 Holland,
3858.48 29
3858.96 Nyack
3859.44 Street,
3859.76 for
3862.39 the
3862.55 manager.
3862.8 As
3864.32 Anne
3864.71 Marie
3864.95 stated,
3865.2 congratulations
3865.76 on
3866.64 your
3866.8 race.
3866.95 There
3868.88 are
3869.11 two
3869.2 things
3869.36 that
3869.68 I
3869.84 know.
3869.99 We
3870.23 have
3870.32 politicians
3870.55 and
3871.28 public
3871.43 servants.
3872.06 So
3872.54 you'd
3872.7 be
3872.94 a
3873.1 public
3873.26 servant.
3873.66 So
3874.78 where
3875.1 she
3875.34 congratulated
3875.74 you,
3876.54 I'd
3876.86 expect
3877.1 you
3877.5 to
3877.74 be
3877.9 cleaning
3878.14 up
3878.54 that
3878.7 mess
3879.02 down
3879.34 the
3879.58 hose,
3879.74 finally,
3880.06 you
3881.34 know,
3881.5 with
3882.05 the
3882.16 raise.
3882.28 Thank
3883.24 you.
3886.28 SIDERIS
3886.28 -
3886.28 Any
3886.28 other
3886.61 anyone
3886.93 else
3887.32 in
3887.57 public
3887.72 forum?
Section 16
A motion to adjourn the meeting was proposed by Piccirilli and subsequently seconded by Feltner. The chair, Sideris, called for a vote, which resulted in unanimous agreement in favor of adjournment, as no objections were raised, indicating that all attendees agreed to end the meeting.
3890.21 I
3890.37 get
3890.53 a
3890.69 motion
3890.77 to
3891.09 adjourn?
3891.73 -
3891.73 So
3891.73 moved.
3892.29 SIDERIS
3892.29 -
3892.29 Is
3892.29 there
3892.45 a
3892.61 second?
3893.17 FELTNER
3893.17 -
3893.17 2nd.
3893.73 SIDERIS
3893.73 -
3893.73 All
3893.73 those
3893.89 in
3894.13 favor?
3894.29 Aye.
3894.85 Opposed?
3895.81 The
3896.29 ayes
3896.45 have
3896.69 it.