Watertown City Council
Tuesday February 27, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
In this section of the public hearing, Council President Mark S. Sideris opens the floor for any members of the public present or those participating remotely to voice their concerns or opinions. However, it appears that there are no participants who wish to speak at that moment, as acknowledged by Sideris himself.
97.92 -
97.92 Okay.
97.92 Is
98.4 there
98.64 any
98.88 member
99.28 of
99.59 the
99.76 public
99.92 that
100.85 wishes
101.09 to
101.41 be
101.57 heard
101.73 at
101.97 this
102.05 time
102.29 or
103.17 any
103.41 member
103.65 at
103.97 home?
117.19 MARK
117.19 S.
117.19 SIDERIS
117.19 -
117.19 COUNCIL
117.19 -
117.19 Thank
117.59 you.
117.83 I
118.07 don't
118.23 either.
Vincent Piccirilli, a member of the Watertown City Council, proposed a motion to adopt the minutes from their meeting on February 13th as they were initially recorded. The motion was acknowledged by Sideris, presumably the presiding officer or another council member, with a simple expression of thanks.
126.17 -
126.17 CITY
126.17 COUNCIL-
126.17 Thank
126.17 you,
126.25 Mr.
126.25 President,
126.25 I
126.48 make
126.72 a
126.89 motion
127.13 that
127.2 we
127.77 adopt
128.25 the
128.81 minutes
129.37 of
129.6 February
129.6 13th
129.6 as
129.6 written.
153.29 SIDERIS
153.29 -
153.29 Yes.
153.29 Thank
153.69 you.
The president's report highlighted Tessa Master's achievement as an all-state champion in wrestling, expressing congratulations and mentioning an upcoming proclamation in her honor. Additionally, it was announced that high school Principal Jack Abozi will be undertaking dual responsibilities by working between two buildings until the end of the year, with gratitude expressed for his commitment.
The154.65 next155.05 item155.05 on155.37 the155.53 agenda155.69 is156.17 the156.41 president's156.41 report.156.89 We166.42 have166.58 an168.42 all-state168.74 champion168.74 in169.86 Tessa170.18 Master,170.58 and171.38 I171.62 wanted171.7 to172.02 take172.1 this172.34 opportunity172.58 to173.22 congratulate173.46 her174.1 on174.76 winning177 a177.49 wrestling178.76 match,179.41 it180.21 was180.37 pretty180.6 exciting.180.93 The181.56 whole182.3 school182.54 is183.5 pretty183.74 excited184.06 about184.38 it.184.62 At185.26 some185.34 point,185.58 we185.74 will185.9 provide186.22 her186.54 with186.7 the186.86 proclamation.186.94 The188.22 other188.38 item188.62 I188.94 have189.02 this189.26 evening189.5 is189.9 that200.44 until200.44 the200.68 end200.76 of200.92 the201 year,201.24 high202.12 school202.36 Prince203.16 Principal204.04 Jack204.04 Abozi204.28 will204.92 be205.08 walking205.96 between206.28 the206.6 two206.84 buildings,207.08 doing,208.6 both209.94 jobs,210.18 and210.66 we210.97 thank211.13 him211.38 for211.53 that.211.69 But212.01 just212.5 so212.74 everybody212.9 is213.38 aware.213.62 Thank214.34 you.214.57
The Committee on Economic Development and Planning, chaired by Lisa Feltner, held a hybrid meeting on February 7, 2024, to discuss adding an associate member to the planning board and conduct interviews for the Historic District Commission and Public Arts and Culture Committee. They addressed the challenges faced by the planning board due to its expanded responsibilities and proposed an amendment to allow for an associate member to vote in certain circumstances. George Proakis, the city manager, provided details on the amendment and its necessity. Interviews for reappointment to the Public Arts and Culture Committee included Roberta Miller, who highlighted the committee's achievements and ongoing projects, and Erin Webb, who discussed her role in outreach and establishing a dedicated website for Watertown arts. Elizabeth Hayes sought reappointment to the Historic District Commission, emphasizing the need for visibility and addressing potential challenges like the redevelopment of a historic church. Jason Wilson's experience in the music business was seen as an asset for his involvement in the Public Arts and Culture Committee. The committee recommended moving forward with the Planning Board Ordinance amendment and confirmed several reappointments and appointments to both committees.
222.55 -
222.55 The
222.55 next
222.71 item
222.95 on
223.27 the
223.43 agenda
223.59 is,
223.99 reports,
224.47 and
225.15 the
225.38 first
225.47 is,
225.94 the
226.34 Committee
226.34 of
226.66 Economic
226.82 Development
227.31 and
227.71 Planning
227.87 regarding
228.82 its
229.22 meeting
229.38 on
229.71 February
229.87 7,
230.26 2024.
231.71 Councilor
232.99 Feltner
233.38 is
233.78 the
233.87 chair.
237.44 LISA
237.44 FELTNER
237.44 -
237.44 CITY
237.44 COUNCIL
237.44 -
237.44 Thank
237.44 you,
237.6 Mr.
238.16 President.
238.8 The
238.8 Committee
238.96 on
239.36 Economic
239.6 Development
240.16 and
240.56 Planning
240.72 convened
241.12 on
241.44 Wednesday,
241.6 February
242.08 7,
242.48 2024,
242.96 at
243.68 5:30
243.84 PM
244.53 in
244.84 the
244.93 city
245 council
245.33 office
245.72 as
246.53 a
246.69 hybrid
246.84 meeting
247.25 with
247.56 remote
247.81 participation
248.28 by
249.09 Zoom.
249.33 Present
250.13 were
250.44 myself
250.77 as
251.33 chair
251.65 and
252.05 Vincent
252.21 Peccirilli
252.69 as
253.84 secretary.
253.84 Councilor
254.72 John
255.28 Gannon,
255.44 vice
255.84 chair,
256.08 was
256.32 absent.
256.56 The
257.52 staff
257.84 present
257.84 was
258.24 George
258.72 Proakis,
259.04 city
259.68 manager.
259.92 The
260.9 purpose
261.15 of
261.15 the
261.31 meeting
261.46 was,
261.94 first,
262.19 to
262.59 conduct
262.75 interviews
263.23 for
263.79 the
264.19 Historic
264.19 District
264.67 Commission
264.99 and
265.38 Public
265.55 Arts
265.94 and
266.75 Culture
266.99 Committee,
267.38 and
267.79 second,
268.02 to
268.72 discuss
268.88 a
269.12 proposed
269.44 amendment
269.84 to
270.16 the
270.24 planning
270.4 board
270.8 ordinance
271.12 to
271.76 add
271.92 an
272.16 associate
272.4 member.
272.88 The
273.6 planning
273.76 board
274.16 ordinance
274.4 was
274.8 taken
274.96 up
275.2 first.
275.36 The
276.06 manager
276.13 began
276.54 by
276.86 explaining
277.01 that
277.57 this
277.81 grew
278.06 out
278.3 of
278.54 a
278.69 discussion
278.69 he
279.1 had
279.25 with
279.5 the
279.57 Department
279.81 of
280.13 Community
280.3 Development.
281.18 Planning
281.18 staff
281.5 about
282.21 challenges
282.54 that
283.3 the
283.46 five
283.62 member
283.78 planning
284.26 board
284.66 has
284.98 been
285.22 facing
285.38 with
285.78 its
285.94 recently
286.18 added
286.58 role
286.9 as
287.14 special
287.3 permit
287.7 granting
288.1 authority
288.58 for
289.62 the
289.78 Pleasant
289.86 Street
290.26 Quarter
290.5 District
290.82 and
291.63 the
291.79 regional
292.02 mixed-use
292.82 district
293.06 zoning
293.38 districts.
293.87 If
294.82 one
294.99 member
295.23 is
295.54 absent
295.7 from
296.1 any
296.26 meeting
296.43 on
296.75 a
296.9 project
296.99 or
297.46 has
297.7 a
297.94 conflict
298.1 of
298.5 interest
298.75 preventing
299.23 voting
299.63 on
300.02 a
300.1 project,
300.19 the
300.83 law
301.07 requires
301.23 a
301.71 unanimous
301.87 vote
302.43 of
302.75 the
302.83 remaining
303.07 four
303.47 members,
303.71 which
304.11 is
304.35 less
304.43 than
304.67 ideal
304.91 for
305.31 a
305.47 variety
305.55 of
306.03 reasons.
306.19 Under
307.15 state
307.39 law,
307.63 the
307.95 proposed
308.11 associate
308.59 member
308.99 will
309.69 only
309.86 be
310.01 a
311.62 voting
311.77 member
312.1 of
312.42 the
312.5 planning
312.74 board
313.06 when
313.38 acting
313.62 as
314.1 a
314.25 special
314.42 permit
314.81 granting
315.21 authority
315.69 and
316.5 one
316.74 full
317.06 member
317.3 is
317.77 not
317.94 able
318.32 to
318.8 participate.
319.04 The
320.4 manager
320.64 worked
321.04 with
321.2 KP
321.36 Law
321.68 to
321.92 create
322 the
322.24 proposed
322.4 amendment
322.88 to
323.28 section
323.44 31.64
324 and
326.25 also
326.4 fix
326.56 an
326.96 error
327.13 with
327.52 current
327.69 section
327.93 31.66
328.32 and
330.32 requested
330.49 that
330.88 the
331.13 city
331.2 council
331.44 move
331.76 forward
332 with
332.25 this.
332.96 He
332.96 added
333.2 that
333.44 he
333.6 is
333.69 slowly
333.85 working
334.16 his
334.4 way
334.56 through
334.81 the
334.88 quote
335.04 of
335.29 ordinances
335.63 to
335.95 bring
336.19 all
336.43 boards,
336.67 commissions,
337.15 and
337.79 committees
338.03 up
338.59 to
338.75 date.
338.91 Please
339.55 see
339.79 Attachment
339.95 A
340.43 for
340.67 the
340.83 proposed
340.99 ordinance
341.39 and
341.87 Attachment
341.95 B
342.43 for
342.75 the
342.91 current
342.99 ordinance.
343.39 Then
344.74 we
344.9 had
344.98 the
345.13 action
345.3 item
345.62 to
345.94 recommend
346.18 that
346.74 the
346.9 City
347.06 Council
347.3 proceed
347.69 with
348.1 a
348.25 future
348.5 public
348.9 hearing
349.3 for
349.54 proposed
349.78 amendments
350.1 to
350.5 the
350.57 Planning
350.74 Board
350.98 Ordinance
351.3 to
351.69 add
351.86 an
352.01 associate
352.25 member
352.74 as
353.06 written,
353.22 and
353.86 the
354.16 vote
354.24 was
354.4 to
355.12 approve
355.52 to
356 zero.
356.64 Next,
357.68 we
358 took
358.16 up
358.32 interviews
358.56 with
358.96 one
359.28 first
359.68 with
359.92 Roberta
360.16 Miller.
360.56 She
361.25 is
361.4 a
361.56 consultant
361.65 former
362.44 town
362.76 counselor
363 and
363.49 former
363.65 executive
363.96 director
364.37 of
364.76 the
364.85 Mozassian
364.93 Center
365.4 For
365.65 the
365.73 Arts.
365.88 She
366.61 is
366.76 seeking
366.93 reappointment
367.25 to
367.81 the
367.96 Public
368.13 Arts
368.44 and
368.76 Culture
368.93 Committee
369.32 and
370.33 currently
370.65 serves
371.13 as
371.45 the
371.53 chair.
372.57 She
372.57 has
372.81 spent
372.89 her
373.13 first
373.21 term
373.45 doing
373.77 startup
374.09 work
374.49 for
374.73 the
374.81 committee
375.05 and
375.37 creating
375.61 new
375.93 infrastructure
376.25 for
377.05 art
377.21 and
377.45 culture
377.61 in
378.09 Watertown.
378.25 Next,
379.64 we
379.88 met
380.04 with
380.37 Erin
380.6 Webb.
380.93 She
381.72 is
381.88 a
381.96 fundraising
382.04 professional
382.76 and
383.32 she
383.72 currently
383.96 works
384.37 as
384.6 director
384.84 of
385.25 annual
385.4 giving
385.81 and
386.13 engagement
386.37 for
387.16 the
387.32 Harvard
387.49 School
387.81 of
388.04 Dental
388.2 Medicine.
388.69 She
389.81 is
389.89 seeking
390.05 reappointment
390.45 to
391.01 the
391.09 Public
391.25 Arts
391.49 and
391.81 Culture
391.97 Committee,
392.29 she's
393.01 and
393.25 currently
393.49 serves
393.89 as
394.21 chair
394.37 of
394.61 their
394.77 outreach
395.09 subcommittee,
395.81 which
396.95 includes
397.12 managing
397.51 the
398.07 Watertown
398.24 Arts
398.71 newsletter,
399.04 and
400.07 is
400.24 working
400.39 on
400.71 setting
400.95 up
401.19 a
401.36 dedicated
401.6 Watertown
402.31 Arts
402.88 website.
403.36 Miss
405.04 Miller
405.28 and
405.6 Miss
405.68 Webb
405.92 were
406.24 interviewed
406.4 together
406.72 about
407.12 what
407.44 the
407.6 Public
407.76 Arts
408.08 and
408.24 Culture
408.4 Committee
408.72 achieved
409.04 in
409.36 its
409.6 first
409.76 two
410 years,
410.16 which
411.04 includes
411.28 things
411.84 such
412.08 as
412.32 a
412.48 community
412.64 sculpture
413.04 walk,
413.44 Edible
413.95 Watertown,
414.27 bike
415.63 rack
415.88 design
416.19 and
416.6 fabrication,
416.75 and
418.12 100
418.19 years
418.6 of
419.15 Arshile
419.48 Gorky.
421.07 Partnerships
421.07 include
421.8 Yard
422.44 Art,
422.75 Watertown
423.39 Arts
423.95 Market,
424.19 the
424.67 Watertown
424.75 Cultural
425.23 District,
425.63 Cultural
426.43 Leaders
426.91 Meetings,
427.23 and
427.63 Music
427.87 in
428.35 Restaurants.
428.51 New
429.47 projects
429.71 include
430.19 Porch
430.75 Fest,
431.07 River
431.47 of
431.79 Light,
431.95 Water
432.35 Tunes,
432.59 indigenous
433.58 history
434.23 tours,
434.7 and
435.35 a
435.35 dragon
435.5 boat
435.99 team.
436.23 Please
436.94 see
437.19 attachment
437.35 c,
437.82 which
438.06 has
438.31 more
438.54 details.
438.79 Next,
440.31 we
440.63 met
440.79 with
441.02 Elizabeth
441.43 Hayes,
442.06 who
442.75 is
442.91 seeking
443.15 reappointment
443.39 to
443.95 the
444.19 Historic
445.15 District
445.71 Commission
445.71 as
445.71 the
445.95 realtor
446.19 appointee.
446.67 She
448.11 lives
448.35 on
448.59 Mount
448.75 Auburn
448.99 Street
449.31 and
449.93 is
450.09 a
450.17 real
450.25 estate
450.56 broker
450.88 who
451.29 works
451.53 for
451.76 clients
451.93 in
452.32 cities
452.56 and
452.88 towns
453.05 such
453.37 as
453.61 Cambridge
453.76 and
454.25 Arlington,
454.49 which
454.97 also
455.21 have
455.44 historic
455.76 districts.
456.17 There
457.13 have
457.29 not
457.45 been
457.53 a
457.61 lot
457.69 of
457.93 projects
458.01 in
458.33 this
458.57 district
458.73 in
459.13 the
459.13 past
459.29 year,
459.53 but
459.85 the
460.01 potential
460.17 sale
460.49 and
460.81 redevelopment
460.89 of
461.69 the
461.93 church
462.17 at
462.41 80
462.57 Mount
462.81 Auburn
462.97 Street
463.37 would
463.61 be
463.77 a
463.85 big
463.93 challenge
464.17 for
464.49 the
464.57 commission
464.73 in
465.21 the
465.29 coming
465.45 years.
466.57 With
466.57 the
466.65 upcoming
466.89 Mount
467.38 Auburn
467.54 Street
467.85 reconstruction
468.18 project,
468.81 she
469.62 would
469.69 also
469.85 like
470.1 to
470.25 have
470.33 a
470.5 brainstorming
470.57 session
471.29 so
471.77 the
472.01 commission
472.18 could
472.57 develop
472.74 ideas
473.45 on
473.94 how
474.01 to
474.18 raise
474.42 the
474.74 visibility
474.74 of
475.38 the
475.39 historic
475.41 district.
475.43 Next,
475.45 Mr.
475.46 Jason
475.48 Wilson
475.5 is
475.52 a
475.54 scientist
475.62 public
483.06 arts
483.38 and
483.62 culture
483.78 committee.
484.18 He
484.94 recently
485.19 joined
486.14 the
486.63 board
486.79 of
487.02 directors
487.19 for
487.67 the
487.82 Mozessian
487.9 Center
488.46 For
488.71 the
488.87 Arts
488.94 and
489.58 has
489.75 a
489.99 child
490.06 in
490.31 Watertown
490.46 Children's
490.94 Theater.
491.35 He's
492.09 also
492.41 part
492.65 owner
492.97 of
493.37 Deerhead
493.69 Inn,
494.17 which
494.73 is
494.89 a
495.05 jazz
495.29 club
495.61 in
495.85 Pennsylvania,
496.09 and
496.73 is
496.97 part
497.13 owner
497.45 of
497.85 Pacific
498.09 Street
498.57 Records,
498.97 which
499.37 is
499.53 a
499.69 jazz
499.93 catalog.
500.33 He's
501.25 excited
501.56 about
501.73 getting
502.13 more
502.37 involved
502.6 in
502.93 the
503 arts
503.08 in
503.32 Watertown
503.4 and
503.96 feels
504.13 his
504.37 background
504.52 in
504.93 the
505.08 music
505.25 business
505.49 will
505.96 be
506.2 an
506.37 asset.
506.52 Then
507.49 you'll
507.64 see
507.88 the
508.13 four
508.29 action
509.05 items
509.37 there
509.85 for,
510.25 appointments
511.13 and
511.69 reappointments
511.85 to
512.49 the
512.65 committees.
512.89 Our
514.01 committee
514.25 meeting
514.65 adjourned
514.89 at
515.29 7
515.45 PM,
515.69 and
516.01 the
516.17 report
516.33 was
516.65 prepared
516.89 by
517.37 Councilor
517.53 Vincent
518.43 Piccirilli.
548.95 SIDERIS
548.95 -
548.95 Yes.
548.95 Thank
549.27 you.
549.51 first
550.15 action
550.55 item
550.88 is,
552.08 for
553.83 the
554.08 council
554.24 to
554.63 accept
554.88 and
555.83 have
557.06 a
557.3 public
557.38 hearing
557.78 on
558.42 an
558.66 alternate
558.82 member
559.3 to
559.62 the
559.78 planning
559.94 board.
590.12 -
590.12 Yes.
590.12 So,
590.76 Mr.
591.8 President,
592.36 I'll
592.36 make
592.52 a
592.76 motion
592.84 to
594.04 recommend
594.28 that
594.6 the
594.84 city
594.92 council
595.24 confirm
595.64 the
596.04 following
596.2 appointees.
596.6 Number
597.24 one,
597.56 reappoint
598.29 Roberta
598.93 Miller
599.34 as
599.74 a
599.82 member
599.89 of
600.21 the
600.29 Public
600.46 Arts
600.7 and
601.01 Culture
601.17 Committee
601.5 to
602.13 a
602.29 term
602.38 expiring
602.77 November
603.34 15,
603.74 2026.
604.46 Number
605.96 two,
606.28 reappoint
607 Erin
607.64 Webb
607.96 as
608.2 a
608.36 member
608.44 of
608.68 the
608.76 Public
608.92 Arts
609.16 and
609.4 Culture
609.56 Committee
609.88 to
610.52 a
610.76 term
610.84 expiring
611.16 November
611.72 15,
612.12 2026.
612.92 Number
614.52 three,
614.92 reappoint
615.79 Elizabeth
616.43 Hayes
616.91 as
617.15 the
618.19 realtor
618.36 member
618.83 of
619.15 the
619.32 Historic
620.27 District
621 Commission
621 to
621 a
621.24 term
621.39 expiring
621.79 November
622.51 15,
622.91 2026.
623.55 Number
625.25 four
625.81 is
625.81 to
625.81 appoint
626.05 Jason
626.37 Wilson
626.69 as
627.09 a
627.25 member
627.33 of
627.57 the
627.65 public
627.81 arts
628.13 and
628.37 culture
628.53 committee
628.85 to
629.41 a
629.57 term
629.73 expiring
630.05 November
630.53 15,
630.93 2024.
653.38 COUNCIL
653.38 -
653.38 Councilor
653.38 Gannon?
653.77 Yes.
654.25 Councilor
654.74 Gardner?
655.13 Yes.
655.77 President
The Watertown City Council's Climate and Energy Committee met on January 18th to discuss the progress of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and a building emissions reduction disclosure ordinance. The meeting, chaired by Tony Palomba, highlighted significant strides towards the CAP's goals, including the initiation of most year one and year two goals, with some already completed. The committee also discussed initiatives for solar panel installations, improving the city's heating and cooling systems, transportation upgrades including bike shares and MBTA collaborations, and plans for a micro forest. Additionally, they are working on ordinances for trash and recycling, and looking to introduce an EV charging infrastructure. The meeting also introduced the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (Berdo) targeting larger buildings to help Watertown achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The ordinance focuses on buildings over 20,000 square feet, aiming to capture data on utilities usage and create a positive environmental impact. Public comments expressed support for the committee's efforts, particularly the micro forest project. The next steps include launching initiatives for EV charging, further ordinance introductions, and continued education and outreach.
673.73 TONY
673.73 PALOMBA
673.73 -
673.73 CITY
673.73 COUNCIL
673.73 -
673.73 Thank
673.73 you.
673.97 Climate
675.29 and
675.61 Energy
675.77 Committee
676.17 convened
676.57 in
677.37 the
677.61 council
677.69 chamber
678.09 on
678.57 January
679.21 18th
679.85 at
680.41 5:30.
680.65 The
681.29 purpose
681.45 of
681.77 the
681.85 meeting
682.01 was
682.33 to
682.77 hear
682.93 updates
683.17 on
683.5 the
683.74 progress
683.89 of
684.29 the
684.46 climate
684.62 action
685.01 plan,
685.34 CAP,
686.38 as
687.34 well
687.5 as
687.74 hear
687.89 a
688.22 presentation
688.29 on
689.01 building
689.58 emissions
689.98 reduction
691.02 disclosure
691.66 ordinance.
692.38 Present
693.74 at
694.14 the
694.22 meeting
694.38 were
694.7 me
694.86 as
695.34 chair,
695.5 councilor
695.9 Beyze
696.3 as
696.62 vice
696.86 chair,
697.1 and
697.74 councilor
697.74 Arabian
698.14 as
698.62 secretary,
698.86 Also
699.6 in
699.92 the
699.96 room
700 were
700.48 councilor
700.55 Piccherelli,
701.04 Doug
702.08 Newton,
702.32 our
702.8 policy
703.04 analyst,
704.08 Laura
704.96 Schwab,
705.36 our
705.75 senior
705.92 environmental
706.32 planner,
707.04 Silas
707.91 Fire,
709.11 our,
709.51 energy
710.87 manager,
711.35 Kate
711.83 Swan,
712.15 our
712.55 environmental
712.71 planner,
713.51 Marsha
714.31 Sero,
714.79 Susan
715.35 Falkoff,
715.83 Anesta
717.48 Kachkiewicz,
718.03 Brian
719.24 Hebasin,
719.71 Jolley
720.67 Taggart,
721.24 Rob,
721.79 Pat
722.91 Roth
723.24 Rothburn.
723.71 Online
725.02 where
725.42 councilors
725.74 Feltner,
726.62 Ayanna
728.22 Feismeheimer,
729.18 and
730.62 Recycle
730.94 who's
731.34 our
731.58 recycling
731.82 and,
732.38 sustainability
733.18 coordinator,
733.98 Anita
734.92 Dobs,
735.4 Lisa
736.52 Paul,
737.09 Mary
737.64 Rose,
738.04 Jean
739.33 Turbic,
739.73 and
740.21 Libby
740.37 Shaw.
741.97 Laurel
741.97 and
742.21 Silas
742.61 began
743.09 the
743.41 presentation
743.57 on
744.29 implementation
744.61 progress.
745.81 You
746.45 can
746.61 see
746.85 this
747.01 as
747.17 an
747.41 attachment
747.41 for
748.77 the
748.93 detailed,
749.17 information.
750.45 There
752.25 has
752.49 been
752.73 steady
752.97 progress
753.45 made
753.85 a
754.25 year
754.33 and
754.57 a
754.64 half
754.73 since
754.97 the
755.37 CAP
755.61 has
756.16 passed,
757.85 and
758.25 there
758.49 will
758.73 be
758.97 a
759.21 more
759.21 rigorous
759.9 review
760.38 on
760.78 a
761.1 five
761.26 dash
761.58 a
762.14 five-year
762.54 basis.
762.78 Some
763.9 highlights
764.14 and
764.62 goals
764.78 of
765.1 the
765.26 recent
765.42 progress
765.82 of
766.22 the
766.46 CAP
766.7 are
767.26 as
767.58 follows.
767.74 In
768.68 year
768.92 one,
768.92 32
769.73 of
770.29 the
770.45 34
770.61 implementation
771.33 goals
772.29 are
772.68 underway
772.92 with
773.88 three
774.21 already
774.61 completed.
775.09 In
776.21 year
776.45 two,
776.45 12
777.25 of
777.73 the
777.89 20
778.13 goals
779.65 are
780.05 underway.
780.29 Several
781.33 of
781.73 these
781.81 will
782.13 be
782.29 moved
782.45 to
782.77 year
782.93 three.
783.25 A
784.29 full
784.45 tracking
784.77 spreadsheet
785.33 will
785.82 be
786.05 made
786.21 publicly
786.53 available.
787.1 Watertown
788.38 e
789.33 3c
789.89 committee
790.13 has
791.34 formed
791.58 a
792.06 working
792.3 group
792.7 to
793.02 further
793.34 education.
793.74 Under
795.18 building
795.58 and
795.98 energy
796.22 updates,
796.7 our
797.5 energy
797.82 advocate
798.3 has
798.78 left
799.02 and
799.47 the
799.54 position
799.79 is
800.35 once
800.59 again
800.83 open.
802.18 Investigating
802.18 solar
803.07 panels
803.54 at
804.02 Watertown
804.18 Middle
804.83 School,
805.14 currently
806.11 looking
806.59 at
806.9 city
807.23 hall,
807.54 fire
807.98 department,
808.3 and
808.78 the
809.02 library
809.18 as
810.78 a
811.1 municipal
811.1 campus
811.74 for
812.46 heating
812.78 and
813.1 cooling
813.26 for
815.02 heating
815.18 and
815.5 cooling
815.74 systems,
816.14 transportation,
818 working
819.21 with
819.52 the
819.68 MBTA
819.85 to,
820.64 including
821.45 bikes,
822 and
822.33 ped
822.33 in
822.64 their
822.8 projects,
823.04 expanding
824.09 bike
825.13 developing
827.33 an
827.97 RFP
828.29 with
828.93 developers
829.17 to
829.81 have
829.97 charging
830.29 stations
830.85 in
831.89 private
832.05 lots.
832.61 Coolidge
833.53 Avenue
834.01 bike
834.65 pad
834.98 path,
835.21 construction
836.25 is
836.89 underway.
837.13 Under
838.1 natural
838.5 resources,
839.05 the
840.33 draft
840.33 tree
840.74 ordinance
841.05 is
841.62 still
841.77 under
842.1 review.
842.5 26
843.4 tree
844.12 trenches
844.52 have
845.08 been
845.32 installed.
845.56 The
846.6 micro
846.92 forest
846.92 demonstration
847.64 project
848.44 is
849 hopefully
849.16 on
850.04 target
850.28 for
850.76 a
851.08 fall
851.08 of
851.4 2,0204.
853.6 Solid
854.63 waste
855.03 and
855.36 recycling
855.6 presented
856.39 by
856.88 Ayanna.
858.72 A
859.75 trash
860.24 and
860.24 recycling
860.55 ordinance
861.43 will
862.08 be
862.15 coming
862.49 this
862.81 year
863.57 and
864.33 may
864.33 pursue
864.57 larger
865.13 composting
865.77 companies
866.41 as
866.97 the
867.13 program
867.13 grows.
867.77 No
868.57 one
868.81 who
869.05 has
869.37 enrolled
869.77 in
870.33 the
870.49 program
870.65 has
871.21 been
871.53 unenrolled.
872.84 Some
872.84 next
873.15 steps
873.48 mentioned
873.88 were
874.68 to
875.08 launch
875.24 an
875.56 EV
875.8 charging
876.27 infrastructure,
876.92 plan
878.12 and
878.43 design
878.68 a
879.32 micro
879.63 forest,
880.04 introduce
881.07 the
881.63 Berto
882.43 and
883.15 tree
883.39 ordinances,
883.71 and
884.91 continue
884.91 and
885.47 expand
885.71 education
886.35 and
887.15 outreach.
887.39 There
888.75 were
889.15 from
889.48 public
889.8 from
890.27 public
890.6 expressing
891.32 gratitude
891.88 for
892.51 the
893.08 work
893.08 done.
893.32 You
894.84 can
895 look
895.15 at
895.39 the
895.55 full
896.28 program
896.68 on
897.32 WCA
897.64 TV
898.36 which
898.84 is
899.08 below
899.24 as
899.56 attachment
899.8 b,
900.44 the
900.6 link,
900.84 and
901.8 excitement
902.04 about
902.52 the
902.84 micro
903 for
903.4 forest
904.12 demonstration.
904.76 Councilor
906.14 Bays
906.71 asked
907.02 what
907.35 proportions
907.75 that
908.54 might
908.79 be
909.02 running
909.26 behind.
909.67 Miss
910.71 Schwab
911.02 stated
912.38 that
912.79 it
913.02 has
913.83 been
914.14 hard
914.38 to
914.63 keep
914.79 up
915.02 in
915.18 the
915.35 building
916.29 and
916.53 energy
916.77 portion
917.17 now
918.05 that
918.29 the
918.53 energy
918.69 advocate
919.17 has
919.89 left.
920.13 Also,
920.93 infrastructure,
921.49 since
922.97 it
923.21 takes
923.37 a
923.61 lot
923.76 of
923.92 coordination
924.09 between
924.88 DPW,
925.45 water
926.73 and
927.04 water
927.61 and
927.92 sewer,
928.17 and
928.64 large
928.88 larger
929.76 entities.
930.49 The
931.87 next
932.19 topic
932.19 on
932.67 the
932.83 agenda
933.07 was
933.55 a
933.79 detailed
933.95 introduction
934.51 present
935.31 introductory,
935.95 excuse
936.59 me,
936.91 presentation
937.39 by
937.95 Silas
938.27 Anberto.
940.1 This
940.1 is
940.25 attachment
940.41 c.
941.13 For
942.1 over
942.33 a
942.57 year,
942.65 a
943.05 working
943.13 group
943.45 within
943.77 the
944.1 WEC
944.5 committee
945.13 e
945.86 3c
946.33 committee
946.5 has
948.45 been
948.69 investigating
948.93 Burdo,
950.85 which
951.57 is
951.89 essentially
952.13 a
952.69 map
952.93 to
953.25 achieve
953.41 the
953.73 goal
953.89 of
954.21 Watertown's
954.45 building,
955.17 buildings
956.24 being
956.8 carbon
957.6 neutral
958 by
958.39 2,005
958.8 50.
960.15 The
961.27 focus
961.43 is
961.84 on
962.08 the
962.72 quote,
962.72 larger
963.2 unquote
963.6 buildings,
964.08 which
965.06 most
965.22 define
965.7 as
967.38 2,002
967.86 20000
969.46 square
969.86 feet
970.18 or
970.74 more.
970.98 Some
971.78 of
972.02 the
972.18 data
972.34 that
972.66 Bordeaux
972.9 will
973.38 capture
973.7 includes
974.68 electric
975.33 use,
975.73 gas
976.28 oil
976.76 propane
977.16 use,
977.64 water
978.21 use,
978.61 EV
979.49 chargers,
979.96 and
980.68 thermal
980.85 systems.
981.33 By
982.5 looking
982.74 at
983.06 other
983.22 communities
983.54 that
984.18 have
984.42 adopted
984.66 such
985.14 ordinances,
985.54 best
986.66 process
987.06 practices
987.86 and
988.5 experiences
988.82 can
990.14 be
990.3 integrated
990.46 into
991.18 what
991.5 will
991.83 work
992.07 best
992.38 for
992.63 Watertown.
992.95 There
993.99 are
994.14 different
994.3 ways
994.63 to
994.95 collect
995.11 reduction
995.75 data.
996.3 Some
996.87 communities
997.26 categorize
998.51 how
999.15 much
999.39 reduction
999.71 is
1000.19 necessary
1000.43 by
1001.47 building
1001.71 use
1002.35 and
1002.67 type.
1003.79 Others
1003.79 have
1004.11 a
1004.35 standard
1004.51 baseline
1005.07 they
1005.55 follow.
1005.87 There
1006.71 will
1006.95 need
1007.11 to
1007.35 be
1007.59 a
1007.83 committee
1008.78 or
1009.18 arbitrator
1009.42 for
1010.14 buildings
1010.38 that
1010.78 might
1011.02 have
1011.26 hardships.
1011.59 It
1012.71 was
1012.87 stated
1013.11 that
1015.47 represents
1015.79 only
1015.79 1%
1016.19 of
1016.67 the
1016.91 buildings
1016.99 in
1017.47 Watertown,
1017.63 but
1018.51 will
1018.75 have
1018.91 but
1019.63 will
1019.95 create
1020.19 a
1020.59 much
1020.75 larger
1021.07 positive
1022.03 impact
1022.51 on
1023.07 the
1023.23 environment.
1023.47 There
1024.64 were
1024.88 some
1025.13 questions
1025.37 on
1025.85 whether
1026.09 the
1026.4 con
1026.57 whether
1026.73 condominium
1027.13 complexes
1028.16 would
1028.73 be
1028.97 included
1029.13 as
1030.16 it
1030.4 was
1030.57 unclear
1030.81 if
1031.37 those
1031.61 are
1032.11 categorized
1032.35 as
1032.99 single
1033.23 buildings
1033.71 or
1034.27 lumped
1034.59 together.
1035.07 Several
1036.51 and
1036.99 questions
1037.23 were
1037.63 raised
1037.87 by
1038.19 attendees
1038.43 and
1039.29 watching
1039.61 the
1039.92 broadcast
1040.24 and
1040.81 presentations
1041.05 is
1042.24 encouraged
1042.48 for
1042.96 full
1043.29 scope.
1043.61 Council
1044.64 base
1045.05 made
1045.37 a
1045.48 motion
1045.61 to
1046.01 adjourn
1046.33 which
1046.72 was
1046.96 seconded
1047.13 by
1047.61 councilor
1047.85 Raisin
1048.4 and
1048.72 passed
1049.19 30.
1049.59 I,
1050.79 want
1051.27 to
1051.59 extend
1051.59 my
1051.91 appreciation
1052.15 to
1052.71 Councilor
1052.95 Arasian
1053.59 for,
1053.99 preparing
1054.87 the
1055.27 minutes.
1057.64 SPEAKER1
1057.64 -
1057.64 Thank
1057.64 you.
1057.96 Can
1058.04 I
1058.28 get
1058.44 a
1058.61 motion
1058.68 to
1059.01 accept
1059.16 the
1059.48 report?
1083.04 SIDERIS-
1083.04 Yes.
1083.04 Thank
1083.44 you.
The agenda proceeded to the section dedicated to any new business, with an invitation for matters to be presented to the council. However, no new business was brought forward during this portion of the meeting, prompting a move to the next item on the agenda.
The1084.16 next1084.4 item1084.4 on1084.72 the1084.88 agenda1084.96 is1085.36 any1085.52 new1085.84 business.1086.08 Is1086.8 there1087.04 any1087.2 new1087.44 business1087.68 to1088.08 come1088.16 before1088.4 the1088.64 council1088.88 this1089.36 evening?1089.52 Seeing1093.64 none,1093.96
In a public hearing, George Proakis of Watertown City Council provided updates on various municipal matters, including reminders about the upcoming presidential primary election on March 5, with polling locations open from 7 AM to 8 PM, and the options available for voting, including in-person early voting, vote by mail, and ballot drop boxes. He also reported on the relocation and operational adjustments of several city departments, including the Health Department, IT office, and inspectional services, to the Parker Annex building. Furthermore, Proakis announced the hires of Ari Sky as the new Chief Financial Officer and Michael Barry as the Assistant Director for the HR department, detailing their backgrounds and encouraging council members to welcome them. Lastly, he mentioned the commencement of the Watertown Walks program on March 7, inviting the community to engage with Tyler Cody, the community engagement specialist, to foster greater community interaction and cohesion.
1095.72 from
1096.44 the
1096.68 city
1096.85 manager,
1097.09 and
1097.48 I'll
1097.64 recognize
1097.8 Mr.
1098.37 Proakis.
1101.32 GEORGE
1101.32 PROAKIS
1101.32 -
1101.32 CITY
1101.32 COUNCIL
1101.32 -
1101.32 Thank
1101.8 you,
1101.96 Mr.
1102.44 President,
1102.6 and
1102.6 thank
1102.68 you
1104.68 members
1104.92 of
1105.48 the
1105.72 council.
1106.97 Few
1107.13 announcements
1107.45 this
1107.62 evening.
1108.02 The
1108.34 first
1108.73 is
1109.21 that
1109.45 our
1109.69 next
1110.1 election
1110.34 day
1110.73 is
1111.06 Tuesday,
1111.3 March
1112.34 5th.
1112.73 That's
1113.99 the
1114.23 presidential
1114.55 primary
1115.19 day.
1115.35 Polling
1116.07 locations
1116.15 in
1116.39 Watertown
1116.63 will
1116.95 be
1117.19 open
1117.35 from
1117.59 7
1118.07 AM
1118.23 to
1118.47 8
1119.67 PM
1119.91 on
1120.31 March
1120.72 5th.
1120.96 The
1121.13 deadline
1121.29 to
1121.53 apply
1121.77 for
1122.16 a
1122.4 vote
1122.72 by
1122.88 mail
1123.05 has
1123.45 passed.
1123.68 It
1125.37 was
1125.53 earlier
1125.68 this
1125.85 afternoon.
1126.01 If
1126.16 you
1126.48 do
1126.72 have
1126.88 a
1127.21 ballot
1127.29 that's
1127.45 been
1127.61 delivered
1127.85 to
1127.92 you
1128.09 that
1128.87 needs
1129.11 to
1129.35 be
1129.67 returned,
1130.07 the
1130.47 city
1130.87 clerk's
1131.11 office
1131.27 recommends
1131.59 returning
1131.75 it
1131.91 in
1132.15 person
1132.47 to
1132.87 their
1133.19 office
1133.75 during
1133.99 normal
1134.23 business
1134.39 hours
1134.79 or
1135.11 using
1136.28 the
1136.52 ballot
1136.84 box
1137.15 outside
1137.39 of
1137.55 business
1138.28 hours
1138.76 that
1139.32 is
1139.55 located
1139.8 directly
1140.12 outside
1140.36 of
1140.43 our
1140.67 building
1142.91 here
1143.15 at
1143.23 city
1143.55 hall,
1143.8 it's
1144.39 a
1144.79 little
1144.87 bit
1145.03 more
1145.27 sure
1145.43 that
1145.59 it
1145.75 will
1145.99 get
1146.23 to
1146.47 us
1148.23 in
1148.31 time
1148.55 that
1148.71 way,
1148.95 you
1149.11 can
1149.51 mail
1149.91 it
1150.15 as
1150.47 well.
1151.03 Remember
1151.03 that
1151.27 early
1151.51 in-person
1151.99 voting
1152.31 is
1152.39 currently
1152.55 taking
1152.95 place
1153.19 at
1153.55 the
1153.63 administration
1153.63 building
1153.63 in
1153.63 the
1153.63 Philippine
1153.63 Lower
1153.95 hearing
1154.19 room
1154.43 during
1154.67 regular
1154.91 business
1155.32 hours
1155.55 until
1155.79 Friday,
1156.19 March
1156.52 1st,
1156.67 which
1157.08 is
1157.23 also
1157.39 an
1157.71 option
1157.88 for
1158.19 voting.
1158.36 So
1158.76 lots
1159.39 of
1159.63 options
1159.79 to
1160.28 vote
1160.36 in
1160.67 the
1160.84 upcoming
1161.08 presidential
1161.55 primary.
1162.12 I
1164.21 wanted
1164.37 to
1164.61 announce
1164.77 that,
1165.17 as
1166.05 we
1166.29 have
1166.45 been
1166.69 making
1166.77 progress
1167.09 with
1167.57 the
1167.73 Parker
1167.81 Annex
1168.21 building
1168.53 and
1169.01 our
1169.33 adjustment
1169.57 of
1170.13 offices,
1170.29 the
1171.16 Health
1171.16 Department
1171.4 and
1171.81 IT
1172.05 office
1172.45 are
1172.77 now
1172.92 fully
1173.49 up
1173.81 and
1173.97 running
1174.13 there
1174.37 along
1174.68 with
1174.92 public
1175.09 buildings.
1175.4 Starting
1177.09 yesterday,
1177.49 we
1178.13 have
1178.37 now
1178.53 moved
1179.09 another
1179.57 office
1179.97 over
1180.43 there.
1180.75 Our,
1180.91 inspectional
1182.11 services
1182.67 building
1183.15 department
1183.63 team,
1184.11 moved
1185.07 at
1185.31 the
1185.39 end
1185.55 of
1185.71 last
1185.87 week
1186.11 and
1186.35 has
1186.51 been
1186.67 up
1186.83 and
1186.99 running
1187.07 in
1187.31 the
1187.47 Parker
1187.55 Annex
1187.95 for
1188.35 visitors,
1188.51 beginning
1189.63 yesterday.
1190.03 That
1193.47 office
1193.71 has
1194.03 a
1194.18 slight
1194.27 adjustment
1194.59 of
1195.07 hours.
1195.47 Their
1195.47 hours
1195.71 will
1195.95 be
1196.11 7:30
1196.27 to
1196.83 4
1196.98 o'clock
1197.23 in
1197.47 this
1198.07 location.
1198.35 They're
1198.51 on
1198.75 the
1198.99 third
1199.15 floor,
1199.39 next
1200.43 to
1200.75 the
1200.91 IT
1200.99 office.
1201.31 We're
1202.51 just
1202.75 around
1202.99 the
1203.23 corner
1203.31 from
1203.55 the
1203.71 IT
1203.95 office.
1204.19 They
1205.53 will
1205.68 be
1206.01 in
1206.24 that
1206.4 location
1206.64 until
1207.45 we
1207.85 build
1208.09 out
1208.4 the
1208.64 second
1209.29 floor
1209.61 for
1210.01 all
1210.16 of
1210.33 the
1210.48 community
1210.48 development
1210.88 and
1211.37 planning,
1211.45 which
1211.85 we
1212.09 hope
1212.48 to
1212.81 start
1212.97 later
1213.68 this
1214.01 year.
1214.16 Just
1215.75 as
1216.07 a
1216.31 note,
1216.39 the
1217.27 zoning
1217.51 enforcement
1217.99 code
1218.71 enforcement
1219.03 team
1219.59 is
1219.83 still
1220.07 here
1220.31 in
1220.71 our
1221.19 administration
1221.43 building,
1221.91 and
1222.31 city
1222.31 hall
1222.55 building.
1222.71 So,
1223.11 those
1224.57 who
1224.8 have
1224.96 to
1225.2 visit
1225.37 both
1225.68 should
1226.01 plan
1226.24 accordingly.
1226.57 But
1226.96 in
1227.52 the
1227.77 end,
1227.92 when
1228.33 everything
1228.48 is
1228.88 all
1229.04 settled
1229.2 in,
1229.52 the
1229.77 second
1229.85 floor,
1230.16 we'll
1231.28 move
1231.61 the
1231.92 building
1232.09 inspectors
1232.4 down
1233.28 to
1233.52 the
1233.61 second
1233.77 floor,
1234.07 and
1234.31 they
1234.47 will
1234.55 be
1234.79 down
1234.87 there
1235.11 with
1235.27 the
1235.51 community
1235.75 development
1235.99 and
1236.39 planning
1236.47 and
1237.03 the,
1237.19 and
1238.47 the,
1238.71 zoning
1239.27 code
1239.67 enforcement
1239.91 team
1240.39 altogether
1240.63 in
1241.11 one
1241.27 place.
1241.43 So
1241.59 we're
1241.83 plotting
1242.33 along
1242.64 on
1242.97 our
1243.13 way
1243.29 there.
1244.48 That
1244.48 has
1244.73 also
1244.88 allowed
1245.13 us
1245.45 the
1245.68 opportunity
1245.85 to
1246.48 be
1246.64 able
1246.88 to,
1247.05 finally
1247.53 open
1247.85 up
1248.09 some
1248.24 space
1248.4 over
1248.73 here,
1248.97 which
1249.21 has
1249.61 made
1249.77 it
1250.01 possible
1250.16 to
1250.57 ensure
1251.24 that
1251.64 new
1251.8 staff
1252.04 as
1252.28 they're
1252.44 starting
1252.68 have
1253 a
1253.12 place
1253.24 to
1253.56 sit,
1253.64 which
1253.88 has
1254.04 been
1254.28 good
1254.68 for
1254.84 us.
1255 Ari
1256.68 Sky,
1256.92 who
1257.24 is
1257.4 with
1257.56 us
1257.64 tonight,
1257.88 our
1258.28 chief
1258.44 financial
1258.68 officer,
1259.16 started
1259.64 a
1259.96 couple
1260.04 of
1260.28 weeks
1260.55 ago,
1260.79 a
1261.31 little
1261.51 earlier
1261.74 this
1262.07 month.
1263.83 Ari
1264.63 is
1266.14 temporarily
1266.71 located
1267.27 in
1267.74 the
1267.83 old
1267.98 IT
1268.23 space
1268.67 here
1268.91 while
1269.15 we
1269.47 do
1269.63 our
1269.79 musical
1270.03 chairs
1270.35 of
1270.67 offices
1270.83 here.
1271.31 If
1272.19 you
1272.35 haven't
1272.43 had
1272.75 a
1272.83 chance
1272.91 to
1273.15 meet
1273.23 Ari
1273.47 yet,
1273.71 please
1274.27 take
1274.59 a
1274.75 moment
1274.91 to
1275.23 say
1275.31 hello
1275.47 tonight.
1275.79 We
1277.14 made
1277.3 a
1277.46 major
1277.63 announcement
1278.03 when
1278.35 we
1278.59 first
1278.66 made
1279.07 that
1279.3 hire,
1279.46 but,
1279.78 for
1280.27 those
1280.42 who
1280.66 didn't
1280.98 remember,
1281.3 Ari,
1282.11 had
1283.22 been,
1283.38 the
1283.87 the
1285.28 town
1285.52 manager,
1286.16 and
1286.64 town
1286.64 administrator
1286.88 in
1287.36 Lakeville.
1287.6 Before
1288.56 that,
1288.88 had
1289.36 been
1289.52 the
1289.68 chief
1290.08 financial
1290.32 officer
1290.8 in
1291.28 New
1291.44 Bedford.
1292.63 Before
1292.87 that,
1292.87 had
1293.11 done
1293.35 similar
1293.59 roles
1293.9 in
1294.31 several
1294.95 different
1295.11 communities,
1295.42 across
1296.7 the
1296.95 country.
1297.18 So,
1297.51 good
1298.07 to
1298.22 have
1298.38 Ari
1298.55 on
1298.87 board.
1299.03 The
1299.65 other
1299.81 announcement
1299.97 that
1300.45 we
1300.61 haven't
1300.93 put
1301.33 the
1301.57 public
1301.89 statement
1302.21 out
1302.53 yet,
1302.69 I
1302.93 believe,
1303.25 but
1303.49 we
1303.57 will
1303.73 do
1303.81 in
1303.97 the
1304.05 next
1304.13 couple
1304.37 of
1304.49 days
1304.61 is
1304.85 we
1305.01 have
1305.17 hired
1305.33 an
1305.57 assistant
1305.81 director
1306.21 for
1306.53 our
1306.69 HR
1306.93 department.
1307.17 Michael
1308.29 Barry
1308.69 started
1308.93 last
1309.34 week.
1309.58 He
1311.17 has
1311.34 a
1311.49 master's
1311.58 in
1311.89 public
1312.05 administration.
1312.38 He
1313.97 had
1314.21 previously
1315.1 worked
1315.58 for,
1315.91 Marlborough
1316.23 for
1316.87 the
1317.03 mayor's
1317.19 office
1317.51 where
1317.83 he
1317.99 was
1318.15 involved
1318.31 in
1318.63 collective
1318.79 bargaining
1319.19 and,
1319.83 doing
1321.03 performance
1321.35 evaluations
1321.83 and
1322.39 several
1322.87 other
1323.03 things
1323.27 related
1323.51 to
1323.83 HR
1324.07 work.
1324.31 So,
1325.52 that's
1326.08 a
1326.39 great
1326.56 addition
1326.88 as
1327.43 well
1327.6 to
1327.84 have
1327.91 that
1328.08 skill
1328.32 set.
1328.63 Most
1329.28 recently,
1329.6 he
1329.99 was
1330.15 the
1330.32 director
1330.39 of
1330.8 government
1330.88 affairs
1331.28 at
1331.67 the
1331.84 GIC,
1331.99 our
1333.79 fine
1334.35 health
1334.59 insurance
1334.83 plan.
1335.39 So,
1336.19 having,
1337.07 that
1337.95 background
1338.19 is
1338.75 helpful
1339.23 as
1339.55 well.
1339.71 I'll
1340.03 also
1340.19 note
1340.51 that
1340.75 Michael
1341.42 has
1341.83 been
1342.07 an
1342.3 elected
1342.46 official
1342.87 in
1343.18 the
1343.27 town
1343.42 of
1343.66 Walpole.
1344.14 They've
1344.14 worked
1344.3 on
1344.54 a
1344.54 select
1344.63 bid
1344.94 in
1345.11 the
1345.18 past
1345.27 as
1345.51 well.
1345.59 So,
1345.9 he
1346.54 knows
1346.78 the
1347.03 whole
1347.18 experience
1347.42 of
1347.9 that
1348.14 side
1348.3 of
1348.54 the
1348.63 business
1348.78 as
1349.18 well.
1349.27 So,
1349.51 welcome,
1350.27 Ari,
1350.67 and
1351.15 welcome,
1351.23 Michael.
1351.63 As,
1353.31 I
1354.43 hope
1354.51 you'll
1354.83 get
1355.15 a
1355.39 chance
1355.55 to
1355.87 say
1355.95 hello,
1356.43 to
1356.75 our
1356.83 new
1357.07 staff.
1357.23 Finally,
1358.67 March
1359.23 7th
1359.63 is
1360.28 the
1360.43 beginning
1360.6 of
1360.99 our
1361.15 Watertown
1361.32 Walks
1361.88 program.
1362.28 We're
1363.08 going
1363.32 to
1363.55 kick
1363.71 off
1363.88 the
1364.03 opportunity
1364.19 to,
1364.84 the
1366.03 chance
1366.11 to
1366.35 walk
1366.59 with
1366.83 Tyler
1367.07 Cody,
1367.39 our
1367.79 community
1367.95 engagement
1368.35 specialist,
1369.39 those
1369.79 who
1370.03 can
1370.19 between
1370.43 1
1370.75 and
1370.99 2
1371.07 PM
1371.31 on
1371.63 March
1371.79 7th,
1371.95 Meet
1372.88 up
1373.13 at
1373.21 Salt
1373.37 and
1373.61 Stahl
1373.68 Park
1373.92 at
1374.24 the
1374.33 Red
1374.4 Brick
1374.64 Plaza
1374.88 next
1375.29 to
1375.53 city
1375.68 hall,
1375.92 and,
1376.57 come
1377.05 walk
1377.45 and
1377.68 talk
1377.85 when
1378.09 meeting
1378.33 our
1378.57 news
1378.72 community
1378.96 engagement
1379.45 specialist
1380.01 and
1380.53 get
1380.77 to
1380.93 know
1381.01 Tyler
1381.25 a
1381.65 little
1381.73 bit
1381.97 better
1382.05 and
1382.37 the
1382.45 work
1382.61 he
1382.77 is
1383.01 doing.
1383.09 You're
1384.05 certainly
1384.29 anybody's
1384.69 welcome
1385.17 to
1385.57 join
1385.73 us
1385.97 for
1386.13 that.
1386.29 So,
1386.61 Mr.
1387.41 President,
1387.89 that
1387.89 is
1388.05 all
1388.37 I
1388.53 have
1388.69 this
1388.85 evening,
1389.09 for,
1390.15 my
1390.56 communications,
1390.8 and,
1391.43 thank
1391.84 you
1391.99 very
1392.15 much.
Nicole Gardner from the Watertown City Council announced an upcoming meeting for the Watertown Square area plan, scheduled for Thursday at the old Sasaki building on Pleasant Street at 6:30. She encouraged everyone interested to attend, highlighting discussions that will include streetscape designs from a recent Charette and compliance with the MBTA community zoning law. While RSVPing online is appreciated, it's not required, and the meeting will also be available via live broadcast, likely on WCA TV.
1415.87 NICOLE
1415.87 GARDNER
1415.87 -
1415.87 CITY
1415.87 COUNCIL
1415.87 -
1415.87 Thank
1415.87 you
1416.03 very
1416.19 much,
1416.35 Mr.
1417.15 President
1417.55 and
1417.55 Councilor
1417.71 Piccirilli.
1418.03 I
1418.51 just
1418.59 want
1418.83 to
1419.07 remind
1419.07 everybody
1419.39 that
1419.87 the
1420.19 next
1420.43 Watertown
1421.15 Square
1423.99 area
1424.39 plan
1424.88 meeting
1425.27 rolls
1426.23 right
1426.55 off
1426.79 my
1426.95 tongue.
1427.19 That
1427.67 meeting
1427.91 will
1428.32 be
1428.47 held
1428.71 on
1429.03 Thursday
1429.27 at
1429.84 the
1429.99 old
1430.15 Sasaki
1430.39 building
1430.88 on
1431.19 Pleasant
1431.43 Street
1431.84 starting
1432.23 at
1432.55 6:30.
1433.26 Everyone
1433.58 is
1433.9 encouraged
1434.22 to
1434.7 come.
1434.86 You'll
1435.1 be
1435.42 seeing
1435.5 some
1435.82 of
1435.98 the
1436.14 streetscapes
1436.86 that
1437.42 emerged
1438.14 from
1438.46 the
1438.7 Charette
1438.86 earlier
1439.34 this
1439.82 year.
1440.06 There'll
1441.11 be
1441.18 a
1441.35 discussion
1441.51 of
1441.9 how
1442.14 Watertown
1442.38 might
1442.87 comply
1444.14 with
1444.54 the
1444.78 community
1444.94 zone
1445.35 with
1445.59 the
1445.74 MBTA
1445.83 community
1446.38 zoning
1446.7 law,
1447.11 etcetera.
1447.27 So
1447.83 please
1447.98 do
1448.22 come.
1448.46 If
1448.7 you
1448.87 can
1448.94 RSVP
1449.18 online,
1450.48 that
1450.72 would
1450.88 be
1450.96 great.
1451.76 But
1452.16 you
1452.24 don't
1452.4 need
1452.64 to
1452.88 and
1453.12 it
1453.52 will
1453.68 also
1453.84 be
1454.16 live
1454.4 cast.
1454.72 So,
1455.2 I
1455.76 think
1455.84 on
1456.08 WCA
1456.48 TV.
1457.52 Did
1458.87 I
1459.03 miss
1459.18 anything?
1459.35 That's
1460.63 the
1460.87 news
1461.03 from
1461.27 that
1461.42 one.