Watertown City Council
Tuesday March 12, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
Section 3
Mark Sideris, the City Council Chair, commenced the session by moving to enter an executive session according to Massachusetts General Law, specifying the purpose was to discuss strategies related to collective bargaining or litigation with various unions, including the DPW Union, Watertown Municipal Employees Association, Library Union, Fire Union, Police Patrol Union, and the Police Supervisors Union. He justified the move by stating that an open meeting could negatively impact the bargaining or litigation position of the public body. Sideris concluded with the declaration that the session would return to an open format following the executive discussion.
66.83 MARK
66.83 -
66.83 CITY
66.83 CHAIR
66.83 -
66.83 Thank
66.83 you.
67.06 I'd
67.61 like
67.85 to
68.01 get
68.05 a
68.09 motion
68.25 to
68.57 go
68.73 into
68.97 executive
69.21 session
69.77 pursuant
70.49 to
70.89 Mass
71.77 General
72.01 Law
72.01 to
72.01 discuss
72.17 strategy
72.97 with
73.53 respect
73.69 to
74.09 collective
74.17 bargaining
74.65 or
75.72 litigation
75.95 if
76.83 an
77.08 open
77.23 meeting
77.47 may
77.8 have
77.95 a
78.11 detrimental
78.28 effect
78.83 on
79.16 the
79.31 bargaining
79.47 or
80.19 litigating
80.44 position
81 of
81.47 the
81.64 public
81.8 body,
82.19 and
83.04 the
83.2 chair
83.44 so
83.92 declares,
84.24 which
84.72 I
84.96 do,
85.84 we
86 will
86 be
86.16 discussing
86.32 collective
86.8 bargaining
87.28 with
87.68 DPW
87.92 Union,
88.72 Watertown
89.52 Municipal
90.08 Employees
90.72 Association,
91.28 Library
92.86 Union,
93.19 Fire
93.66 Union,
93.91 Police
94.63 Patrol
95.02 Union,
95.5 and
96.14 the
96.3 Police
96.47 Supervisors
96.78 Union.
132.88 SIDERIS
132.88 -
132.88 Okay.
132.88 We'll
133.68 return
134 to
134.32 open
134.56 session.
Section 6
In a public meeting, when reaching the agenda item designated for the public forum, Sideris asked if any member of the public present or at home wished to speak, inviting them to raise their hand. Observing no responses, Sideris proceeded to close the public forum segment of the meeting.
158.36 SIDERIS
158.36 -
158.36 The
158.36 next
158.44 item
158.69 on
159 the
159.16 agenda
159.32 is
159.72 public
159.88 forum.
160.28 Is
161.08 there
161.32 any
161.41 member
161.65 of
161.97 the
162.13 public
162.21 here
163.25 or
163.49 at
163.65 home
163.81 that
164.04 wishes
164.21 to
164.53 speak,
164.6 please
164.93 raise
165.25 your
165.49 hand.
165.81 I
171.19 don't
171.43 see
171.67 anyone
173.83 so
174.07 I'll
174.07 close
174.31 the
174.63 public
174.79 forum,
6. A.
The City Council of Watertown, during a session led by Council President Mark Sedaris, proclaimed March 2024 as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. Councilor John Airasian read the proclamation, emphasizing the initiative to build upon the federal designation made in 1986 for Hemophilia Awareness, which was broadened in 2016 to include all bleeding disorders. This awareness campaign acknowledges the challenges of bleeding disorders, such as the risk of extended bleeding and the historical issue of infections from contaminated blood products in the 1980s. It aims to increase awareness and understanding of hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, and other rare bleeding disorders, highlighting the importance of scientific advances in treatment, fostering stronger community relations, and promoting medical and policy advancements. The proclamation calls for greater community and public engagement to prevent illness and unnecessary procedures, enhancing support for individuals with inheritable bleeding disorders. After the proclamation was read, President Sedaris reminded the council that votes would be conducted by roll call due to councilor Gannon's participation via Zoom, and he sought a motion for the proclamation's approval.
179.94 the
180.34 next
180.5 item,
180.75 which
182.5 is
182.75 presentation
184.5 of
185.63 petitions,
186.62 proclamations,
187.18 and
187.82 similar
187.9 papers.
188.3 And
188.7 tonight
188.86 we
189.58 have
189.74 a
189.98 proclamation
190.06 designating
191.26 March
192.3 as
192.7 Bleeding
195.47 Disorders
195.56 Awareness
195.56 Month.
195.56 And
195.56 I'm
195.56 going
195.79 to
196.03 ask
196.03 Councilor
196.92 Airasian
197.64 to
197.64 read
197.79 the
198.03 proclamation
198.19 for
198.84 us,
199 please.
200.12 JOHN
200.12 -
200.12 CITY
200.12 COUNCIL
200.12 MEMBER
200.12 -
200.12 Thank
200.12 you,
200.28 Mr.
200.84 President.
202.85 Proclamation
202.85 of
203.25 March
203.57 as
203.89 Bleeding
206.05 Disorders
206.21 Awareness
206.21 Month.
206.21 Whereas
206.21 I,
206.85 Mark
207.25 Sedaris,
207.57 president
208.21 of
208.53 the
208.69 City
208.93 Council
209.17 of
209.49 Watertown,
209.65 am
210.59 proud
210.67 to
210.91 commemorate
211.15 March
211.78 2024
212.99 as
214.34 Bleeding
215.87 Disorders
216.11 Awareness
216.11 Month
216.11 in
216.11 the
216.34 city
216.43 of
216.59 Watertown.
216.75 And
217.84 whereas
218.08 this
218.8 designation
219.12 will
219.68 formalize
219.92 and
220.48 expand
220.72 upon
221.12 the
221.36 federal
221.52 designation
222 36
222.64 years
223.12 ago
223.36 of
224.24 March,
224.72 excuse
225.44 me,
225.68 of
226.08 March
226.31 1986
226.8 as
227.75 Hemophilia
228 Awareness
228.88 Month.
229.44 And
230.08 in
230.31 2016,
230.56 when
231.52 the
231.68 entirety
231.92 of
232.31 the
232.47 bleeding
232.64 disorders
232.96 community
233.65 came
234.45 together
234.69 to
235.01 encompass
235.25 all
235.73 bleeding
235.89 disorders.
237.57 And
237.89 whereas
237.89 the
238.45 Federal
238.69 Department
239.01 of
239.41 Health
239.57 and
239.81 Human
239.97 Services
240.29 designated
241.44 March
242 2016
242.56 as
243.51 National
243.75 Bleeding
244.24 Disorders
244.56 Month.
246.16 And
246.56 whereas
246.56 these
247.75 bleeding
248 disorders,
248.4 which
248.88 share
249.12 the
249.28 inability
249.44 to
250 form
250.16 a
250.4 proper
250.56 blood
250.86 clot,
251.18 are
251.98 characterized
252.22 by
253.02 extending
253.5 bleeding
254.06 after
254.54 an
255.42 injury,
255.58 surgery,
256.3 trauma,
257.1 or
257.74 menstruation,
257.98 and
258.78 can
259.13 lead
259.37 to
259.53 significant
259.93 morbidity
260.81 and
261.44 can
261.61 be
261.76 fatal
261.93 if
262.32 not
262.49 treated
262.73 effectively.
264.32 And
264.32 whereas
264.56 many
265.44 individuals
265.85 with
266.88 hemophilia
267.33 became
267.97 infected
268.29 with
268.69 HIV
269.01 and
269.73 Hepatitis
270.61 C
270.93 in
270.93 the
271.17 1980s
271.65 due
271.97 to
272.21 the
272.29 contamination
272.93 of
273.57 the
273.73 blood
273.89 supply
274.21 and
274.85 blood
275.09 products.
275.41 And
276.52 whereas
276.76 this
277.64 awareness
277.96 month
278.37 in
278.61 Watertown
278.85 will
279.96 generate
280.21 greater
280.61 awareness
280.93 and
281.49 understanding
281.73 of
282.21 not
282.37 only
282.61 hemophilia,
282.85 but
283.64 all
283.88 inheritable
284.21 bleeding
284.93 disorders,
285.32 including
286.25 von
286.81 Willebrand
287.29 Disease
288.01 and
288.73 rare
288.97 bleeding
289.29 disorders
289.69 which
290.89 affect
291.13 millions
291.53 of
291.85 individuals
292.09 around
292.81 the
293.05 world.
293.21 And
294.01 whereas
294.33 this
295.06 awareness
295.31 month
295.79 will
296.11 bring
296.26 light
296.43 to
296.75 the
296.9 great
297.06 scientific
297.38 achievements
298.02 in
298.5 the
298.58 treatment
298.75 of
299.06 bleeding
299.23 disorders
299.63 for
300.43 which
300.67 there
300.9 is
301.06 no
301.23 cure
301.46 and
302.02 the
302.26 greater
302.43 pursuit
302.75 of
303.14 advanced
303.31 therapies
303.79 and
304.44 cures
304.76 to
305.24 these
305.4 disorders.
305.64 And
306.92 whereas
307.16 the
307.88 bleeding
308.12 disorders
308.44 communities
311.08 relationships
311.64 with
312.6 policymakers
313.15 have
314.19 fostered
314.91 numerous
315.39 medical
315.88 and
316.35 policy
316.51 advancements
317 beneficial
318.12 to
318.68 all
318.83 those
319 affected
319.31 by
319.71 bleeding
319.88 disorders
320.19 and
321 their
321.15 loved
321.39 ones.
322.51 And
322.51 whereas
322.75 this
323.31 awareness
323.55 month
324.03 will
324.27 foster
324.51 a
324.91 greater
324.99 sense
325.31 of
325.55 community
325.71 and
326.43 shared
326.67 purpose
327.07 among
327.55 individuals
327.87 with
328.59 an
328.83 inheritable
329.07 bleeding
330.03 disorders.
331.56 And
331.88 whereas
331.88 this
332.52 awareness
332.76 month
333.25 will
333.56 elevate
333.81 awareness
334.29 of
335.25 an
335.56 engagement
335.81 in
336.37 the
336.76 inheritable
336.93 bleeding
338.05 disorders
338.44 journey
339.76 beyond
340.08 our
340.48 community
340.72 to
341.28 the
341.36 general
341.52 public
341.92 enabling
342.88 the
343.36 prevention
343.44 of
344 illness,
344.24 unnecessary
345.04 procedures,
345.84 and
346.72 disability.
346.96 Now
348.08 therefore
348.11 be
348.14 it
348.17 proclaimed
348.2 that
348.23 the
348.25 Watertown
349.04 City
358.22 Council
358.22 recognizes
358.22 the
358.22 month
358.22 of
358.22 March
358.22 2024
358.22 as
358.22 Bleeding
358.22 Disorders
358.22 Awareness
358.22 Month
358.22 in
358.22 the
358.38 city
358.54 of
358.62 Watertown.
358.94 In
359.98 witness
360.22 whereof,
361.18 we
361.74 have
361.9 hereunto
362.14 set
362.78 our
362.94 hand
363.1 and
363.34 caused
363.42 the
363.74 great
363.82 seal
364.06 of
364.3 the
364.38 city
364.46 of
364.78 Watertown
364.86 to
365.66 be
365.74 affixed
365.98 on
366.38 this
366.54 12th
366.86 day
367.35 of
367.58 March
367.75 2024.
369.67 SIDERIS
369.67 -
369.67 Thank
369.67 you,
369.9 councilor
370.06 Raisin.
370.55 Before
371.99 I
372.23 ask
372.38 for
372.55 a
372.7 motion,
372.79 I
373.02 just
373.19 wanna
373.35 remind
373.67 everyone
373.99 that
374.38 councilor
374.87 Gannon
375.5 is
375.9 joining
376.14 us
376.46 by
377.29 Zoom,
377.77 so
378.33 all
378.57 votes
378.81 this
379.21 evening
379.37 will
379.77 be
380.01 by,
380.65 roll
381.61 call.
381.85 Can
382.49 I
382.81 get
382.89 a
383.05 motion
383.13 on
383.53 the
383.69 proclamation?
405.96 SIDERIS
405.96 -
405.96 Yes.
405.96 Thank
406.29 you.
7. A.
During a meeting, Sideris introduced the next topic on the agenda, which was the examination of minutes from February 27th. Vincent Piccirilli, a City Council Member, made a motion to accept the February 27th minutes as written, and Sideris expressed gratitude for the motion.
407.32 SIDERIS
407.32 -
407.32 The
407.32 next
407.4 item
407.64 on
407.88 the
408.05 agenda
408.21 is
408.52 the
408.69 examination
408.93 of
409.56 minutes.
409.64 Can
410.44 I
410.61 get
410.76 a
410.93 motion
411.08 on
411.66 the
411.82 minutes
411.9 of
412.14 February
412.54 27th?
413.82 VINCENT
413.82 -
413.82 CITY
414.14 COUNCIL
414.54 MEMBER
414.54 -
414.54 Mr.
414.54 President,
414.54 I'll
414.54 make
414.86 a
415.18 motion
415.26 that
415.58 we
415.74 accept
415.9 the
416.22 minutes
416.38 of
416.94 of
419.2 February
419.37 27th
419.76 as
420.49 written.
439.68 SIDERIS
439.68 -
439.68 Yes.
439.68 Thank
439.92 you.
8. A.
During the public hearing, President Sideris introduced two items for committee referral. The first was an update on the noise ordinance, which had been previously addressed but not finalized. Recent efforts involved gathering information on noise regulation practices from other cities and towns, with a recommendation for a single committee to take on the issue, rather than the prior dual subcommittee approach. Councilor Piccirilli motioned to refer the update of the noise ordinance to the rules and ordinances committee. The second item discussed involved the status of opioid litigation settlements granted to various cities and towns. President Sideris expressed a desire to refer this matter to the committee on human services to review the allocation of these funds.
441.44 SIDERIS
441.44 -
441.44 Next
441.44 item
441.68 on
442 the
442.07 agenda
442.24 is
442.63 president's
442.8 report.
443.27 I
444.07 have
444.23 two
444.47 items
444.55 this
445.03 evening
445.19 for
445.59 referral
446.23 to
446.71 committee.
446.87 The
447.67 first
447.91 is
448.23 an
448.39 update
448.63 on
449.03 the
449.19 noise
449.35 ordinance.
450.71 And
451.03 I'm
451.03 sure
451.19 some
451.95 of
452.12 you
452.19 are
452.6 aware
452.92 that
453.56 we
454.51 attempted
454.75 to
455.15 do
455.31 this
455.56 a
456.44 few
456.6 years
456.83 back
457.24 and
457.88 this
458.12 was
458.27 referred
458.51 to
459 a
459.57 dual
460.05 subcommittee.
460.53 And
461.81 we
462.93 did
463.09 not
463.33 finalize
464.05 any
464.85 action
465.17 subsequent
466.29 to
466.77 that,
468.69 recently,
469.79 our
469.79 council
470.04 policy
471.48 analyst
472.04 has
472.51 been
472.68 doing
472.91 some
473.15 work
473.31 working
473.88 with
474.19 Councilor
474.91 Palomba,
475.56 who
475.56 was
475.71 on
475.95 the
476.12 committee
476.19 at
476.6 the
476.75 time,
476.91 to
477.48 try
477.71 to
477.88 get
478.04 some
478.27 more
478.44 information
478.68 on
479.41 what
479.57 other
479.81 cities
480.05 and
480.37 towns
480.53 are
480.77 doing.
481.01 And
481.49 that
481.65 information,
481.97 in
482.93 Doug's
483.17 report,
483.49 will
483.89 be
484.05 provided
484.21 to
484.61 the
484.77 council
484.93 tomorrow
485.33 morning.
485.65 But
487.15 we
487.31 do
487.56 need
487.71 to,
487.95 I
488.44 did
488.6 speak
488.83 to
489.07 the
489.15 manager
489.31 the
490.04 other
490.19 day
490.44 and
490.92 we
491.15 are
491.31 ready
491.48 to
491.71 take
491.95 another
492.19 stab
492.6 at
492.83 this.
492.92 So
493.59 I'd
493.75 like
493.99 to
494.07 get,
494.91 and
495.35 the
495.59 one
495.75 thing
495.91 that
496.15 I
497.03 feel
497.19 didn't
498.31 work
498.71 as
499.03 well
499.19 the
499.51 last
499.67 time
499.91 was
500.15 that
500.31 we
500.55 went
500.63 to
500.87 two
501.03 subcommittees.
501.27 So
502.39 I'm
502.83 going
503 to
503.24 leave
503.24 it
503.31 up
503.56 to
503.79 the
503.88 council
504.04 to
504.75 make
505.39 a
505.79 recommendation
506.04 where
507.15 this
507.39 is
507.63 going
507.71 to
508.04 go
508.04 this
508.19 evening.
509.31 -
509.31 Mr.
509.48 President,
509.79 I
509.79 make
509.88 a
510.04 motion
510.12 that
510.35 we
510.51 refer
510.75 updating
511.39 the
511.79 noise
511.88 ordinance
512.2 to
512.82 the
512.9 rules
513.06 and
513.3 ordinances
513.62 committee.
539.44 SIDERIS
539.44 -
539.44 The
539.44 next
539.52 item
539.84 is
540.08 a
540.32 discussion
541.09 on
541.49 the
541.64 status
541.8 of
542.29 the
542.45 opioid
542.68 litigations
543.8 settlements.
545.25 And
545.49 this
545.49 is
545.64 a
546.52 fund
546.68 that
547.4 was
547.64 granted
548.19 to
548.39 a
549.63 number
549.79 of
550.11 cities
550.27 and
550.59 towns.
550.67 And
551.63 I
551.87 would
552.03 like
552.19 to
552.35 refer
552.51 this
552.83 to
553.31 the
553.47 committee
553.63 on
554.03 human
554.19 services
554.59 to
555.5 get
555.58 an
555.74 update
555.82 on
556.3 the
557.25 spending
557.5 or
558.05 not
558.93 spending
559.18 out
559.65 of
559.82 the
559.89 monies
560.05 in
560.38 this
560.46 account.
561.25 So
580.58 SIDERIS
580.58 -
580.58 Yes.
580.58 Thank
580.82 you.
9. A.
George Proakis, representing the City of Watertown, presented a proposal to transfer funds from the collective bargaining stabilization fund to the city council reserve in order to fulfill the fiscal year 2023 portion of the newly ratified Department of Public Works (DPW) Teamsters Local 25 contract. This financial move is a necessary step within a process requiring two meetings to complete funding for the ratified contract. Proakis requested that the council schedule the proposal for a first reading and propose a public hearing at their next meeting, signaling progress and the importance of funding the agreement.
584.95 9A
586.07 is
586.15 the
586.39 first
586.55 reading
586.79 on
587.35 a
587.59 proposed
587.67 amendment
588.07 to
588.79 the
588.95 fiscal
589.11 year
589.43 2024
589.91 budget.
590.71 Mr.
591.52 Manager?
592.49 GEORGE
592.49 PROAKIS
592.49 -
592.49 CITY
592.49 OF
592.49 -
592.49 Thank
592.49 you,
592.64 Mr.
593.04 President.
593.76 The
593.76 item
593.92 before
594.25 you
594.57 is
594.96 a
595.2 transfer
595.37 from
595.85 the
596 collective
596.08 bargaining
596.57 stabilization
597.28 fund
597.92 to
598.78 the
598.94 city
599.5 council
599.82 reserve.
600.22 This
601.02 is
601.26 the
601.5 step
601.66 necessary
602.06 to
603.18 fund
603.42 the
603.74 fiscal
603.98 year
604.38 23
604.78 portion
605.58 of
606.22 the
608.96 ratified
610.32 DPW
610.32 contract,
611.27 DPW
612.72 Teamsters
613.43 Local
614 25
614.32 contract.
614.88 So,
615.2 as
616.63 this
616.95 step
617.51 is
617.75 part
617.91 of
618.15 a
619.03 process
619.51 that
619.83 will
620.07 take
620.23 two
620.47 meetings
620.63 to
621.03 get
621.11 the
621.35 ratified
621.51 contract
621.99 fully
622.39 funded,
622.63 and
624.08 with
624.63 the
624.88 exciting
624.96 news
625.27 that
625.51 we
625.68 have
625.84 a
625.92 ratified
626.08 contract
626.56 to
628.72 be
628.88 funded,
629.04 I
630 request
630.24 the
630.48 council
631.27 schedule
631.6 this
631.92 as
632.21 a
632.37 first
632.61 reading
632.69 and
633.17 a
633.33 proposed
633.41 public
633.73 hearing
634.05 at
634.21 our
634.37 next
634.45 meeting.
634.69 Thank
634.93 you,
635.09 Mr.
635.49 President.
636.29 SIDERIS
636.29 -
636.29 Thank
636.29 you.
9. B.
During a City Council meeting on February 27, 2024, a proposal to amend the planning board ordinance by adding an associate member was accepted based on a report from the Committee on Economic Development and Planning. Following this, a request for a first reading of the proposed amendment was made by the city manager, citing a follow-up to the action taken during the February meeting. Correspondence from Steve Lagoon, the assistant city manager for community development and planning, related to the proposed amendment was attached for consideration. The city manager expressed gratitude for the committee's support and requested that the first reading take place to allow for a public hearing on the matter to be scheduled for March 12.
636.77 item
637.01 is
637.33 a
637.49 first
637.57 reading
637.81 on
638.45 a
638.69 proposed
638.77 ordinance
639.17 regarding
640.05 planning
640.53 board
641.01 alternates.
641.49 Mr.
642.72 Manager.
643.36 PROAKIS
643.36 -
643.36 Thank
643.36 you,
643.51 Mr.
643.92 President.
644.32 As
644.32 you
644.48 are
644.63 aware
644.79 at
645.04 the
645.12 February
645.27 27,
645.75 2024
646.48 city
647.04 council
647.36 meeting,
647.6 the
647.92 honorable
648 city
648.39 council
648.63 accepted
649.44 a
649.76 committee
649.84 on
650.24 economic
650.48 development
650.88 and
651.2 planning
651.36 report
651.68 and
652 adopted
652.24 the
652.64 following
652.8 action
653.2 item,
653.52 quote,
654.4 to
654.72 recommend
654.96 that
655.44 the
655.6 city
655.76 council
656 proceed
656.4 with
656.72 a
656.88 future
656.96 public
657.28 hearing
657.6 for
657.84 the
658 proposed
658.08 amendment
658.48 to
658.92 the
659.22 planning
659.52 board
659.82 ordinance
660.12 to
660.41 add
660.71 an
661.01 associate
661.31 member
661.61 as
661.9 written.
662.2 As
662.8 a
663.09 follow-up
663.39 to
663.69 the
663.99 honorable
664.29 city
664.58 council's
664.88 action
665.18 on
665.48 27th,
665.78 the
666.07 city
666.37 council
666.67 meeting
666.97 at
668.18 the
668.26 27th
668.5 city
668.98 council
669.22 meeting,
670.66 end
670.9 quote.
670.9 Please
670.9 find
670.9 I've
671.22 attached
671.54 for
671.78 you
672.02 correspondence
672.26 from
672.74 Steve
672.98 Lagoon,
673.3 assistant
673.78 city
674.02 manager
674.18 for
674.5 community
674.58 development
674.9 and
675.06 planning,
675.22 regarding
675.54 the
675.94 proposed
676.02 amendment.
676.42 And
677.25 I
677.4 respectfully
677.49 request
678.04 a
678.45 first
678.61 reading
678.85 on
679.09 the
679.16 proposed
679.33 amendment
679.64 tonight
680.04 so
680.29 that
680.45 this
680.61 can
680.85 be
681 placed
681.16 for
681.4 a
681.57 public
681.64 hearing
681.97 at
682.92 the
683.09 meeting
683.16 on
683.49 March
683.8 12th.
684.13 Thank
685.15 you
685.31 for
685.55 your
685.79 support
686.03 for
686.35 this.
686.43 I
686.67 did
687.07 submit
687.23 this
687.55 to
687.71 you
687.79 earlier
688.91 this
689.23 year
689.39 with
689.63 request
689.87 the
690.19 council
691.63 considered.
691.95 I
691.95 appreciate
692.11 the
692.51 support
692.67 of
692.99 the
693.07 Committee
693.39 on
693.71 Economic
693.87 Development
694.36 and
694.6 Planning
694.75 and
695 the
695.24 opportunity
695.39 to
695.96 move
696.2 this
696.43 forward
696.6 for
696.92 a
697 public
697.15 hearing
697.48 as
697.72 an
697.8 ordinance
697.96 amendment.
698.36 Thank
698.84 you,
699 Mr.
699.48 President.
700.36 SIDERIS
700.36 -
700.36 Thank
10. A.
The resolution discussed involves transferring $39,000 from the city manager full-time salaries account to the contracted services account to improve the municipal code of ordinances. Mr. Proakis highlighted the importance of creating an administrative code that simplifies the management structure of local government, encompassing administrative departments, boards, and commissions in a single document. This code would sit between the city charter and the rest of the code of ordinances, establishing a best practice for municipal governance. Furthermore, the Collins Center is specified to assist in drafting this administrative code and revising the personnel ordinances portion, which is outdated and inconsistent with current city government operations. The project aims to modernize and consolidate governance rules, with the IT department suggested to conduct a further review for additional updates. A funds transfer is requested to finance this project, with the council subsequently approving the motion. Mr. Proakis intends to collaborate with the Collins Center to propose a draft for council and public review, welcoming feedback for any necessary adjustments.
704.59 is
704.67 a
704.91 resolution
705.07 authorizing
705.95 a
706.51 transfer
706.67 of
707.15 funds
707.31 in
708.03 the
708.19 amount
708.35 of
708.59 $39,000
709.31 from
711.31 the
711.55 city
711.79 manager
712.19 full
713.08 time
714.04 salaries
714.27 account
714.68 to
715.39 the
715.55 city
715.72 manager
716.04 contracted
716.92 services
717.55 account.
718.12 Mr.
719.08 Manager.
719.72 PROAKIS
719.72 -
719.72 Thank
719.72 you,
719.88 Mr.
720.36 President.
721.15 As
721.15 you
721.32 may
721.39 recall,
721.63 I
722.04 spoke
723.58 as
723.9 we
724.06 were
724.22 setting
724.3 up
724.54 the
724.62 budget
724.78 last
725.1 year
725.26 in
725.5 a
725.58 couple
725.66 moments
725.9 about,
726.3 some
727.34 work
727.5 we
727.82 wanted
727.98 to
728.22 do
728.38 on
728.62 improvement
728.78 to
729.26 our
729.34 code
729.5 of
729.74 ordinances.
729.9 It
731.98 is
732.3 really
732.7 a
733.1 well
733.5 done
733.74 municipal
734.05 best
734.54 practice
734.86 to
735.42 have
735.58 a
735.98 piece
736.13 of
736.38 ordinance
736.62 that
737.1 sits
737.25 between
737.65 the
738.61 city
738.77 charter
739.01 and
739.81 the
739.97 city
740.13 code
740.37 of
740.53 ordinances
740.77 that
741.33 establishes,
741.65 as
742.37 an
742.53 administrative
742.77 code,
743.49 the
744.21 specifics
744.45 of
744.93 the
745.01 management
745.17 of
745.65 local
745.81 government
746.13 in
747.52 the
747.68 way
747.76 the
747.92 administrative
748.09 departments
748.73 are
749.13 set
749.28 up
749.45 as
749.61 well
749.85 as
750.09 boards
750.16 and
750.49 commissions.
751.13 Rather
751.45 than
751.45 spreading
752.09 the
752.4 rules
752.49 for
752.8 boards
752.96 and
753.21 commissions
753.37 all
753.85 over
754 the
754.25 code
754.33 of
754.57 ordinances.
754.73 And
755.28 as
755.85 I
756.01 found
756.17 out
756.25 recently,
756.49 actually
756.97 realizing
757.21 that
757.61 one
757.77 of
757.85 our
758.01 boards
758.09 isn't
758.33 even
758.65 in
758.89 the
759.05 code
759.13 of
759.37 ordinances.
760.09 So
760.09 having
760.73 them
761.05 all
761.21 together
761.37 in
761.77 one
761.93 place
762.17 with
762.57 the
764.63 term
765.66 terms
766.14 of
766.38 office,
766.63 the
767.11 number
767.5 of
767.82 positions,
767.9 and
768.38 all
768.46 of
768.58 that,
768.7 and
768.87 having
769.02 it
769.18 all
769.35 pulled
769.42 together
769.66 into
769.99 an
770.14 administrative
770.3 code
770.87 that
771.11 sits
771.26 just
771.5 between
772.42 the
772.82 charter
772.98 and
773.62 the
773.78 rest
773.86 of
774.1 the
774.18 code
774.34 is
774.82 really
775.06 a
775.3 best
775.38 practice
775.62 that
776.02 would
776.18 work
776.34 well.
776.5 I
778.1 have
778.34 a
779.25 scope
779.4 of
779.64 work
779.73 from
779.96 the
780.21 Collins
780.37 Center
780.76 to
781.25 do
781.49 this
781.8 work
782.04 and
782.37 work
783 with
783.25 me
783.4 as
783.64 project
783.8 manager
784.13 to
784.61 bring
784.76 something
785.09 to
785.49 the
785.73 honorable
785.88 council
786.28 so
787.16 that
787.32 you
787.4 can
787.64 consider
787.96 it
788.44 as
788.6 a
788.76 potential
788.92 approval
789.32 as
789.64 an
789.8 administrative
790.04 code.
790.6 I
791.8 also
792.04 would
792.92 have
793.24 them
793.56 work
794.76 to
795.08 ensure
795.56 that
795.96 things
796.12 that
796.36 are
796.44 then
797.43 don't
797.75 belong
798 in
798.32 the
798.48 rest
798.55 of
798.79 the
798.88 code
798.96 that
799.27 relate
799.43 to
799.75 the
799.91 things
800 we
800.24 pull
800.39 up
800.55 into
800.72 the
800.88 administrative
801.03 code
801.67 are
801.91 deleted
802.32 so
802.79 they're
802.96 moved
803.12 all
803.36 into
803.51 one
803.75 place.
805.02 There
805.02 is
805.18 an
805.34 added
805.5 agenda
805.82 item
806.22 on
806.54 here
806.78 to
807.1 update
807.74 the
808.14 personnel
808.3 ordinance
808.94 portion
809.42 of
810.3 the
810.46 code
810.62 of
810.78 ordinances,
810.94 which
811.58 I
811.9 also
811.98 would
812.22 like
812.46 them
812.62 to
812.78 take
812.94 a
813.1 look
813.18 at.
813.34 You
814.68 may
815 recall
815.49 the
815.8 personnel
816.29 ordinances,
816.76 the
817.8 reference
817.97 that
818.37 we've
818.52 been
818.68 pulling
818.92 out
819.16 of
819.33 all
819.4 the
819.57 union
819.73 contracts
820.21 because
820.61 that
820.92 particular
821.16 ordinance
821.64 is
822.13 so
822.29 old,
822.45 out
822.76 of
822.92 date,
823.09 and
823.33 illogical
823.64 that
824.04 it
824.51 has
824.67 nothing
824.83 to
824.91 do
825.15 with
825.31 the
825.39 way
825.47 we
825.63 actually
825.79 run
826.11 city
826.35 government
826.67 today.
826.99 So
827.63 we
827.87 wanted
828.03 to
828.27 take
828.43 a
828.51 look
828.59 at
828.83 what
829.07 can
829.23 be
829.39 removed,
829.55 what
829.95 needs
830.19 to
830.43 remain
830.59 and
830.91 be
831.07 modernized,
831.23 and
832.43 go
832.67 from
832.83 there.
832.99 After
833.64 this
833.96 project
834.13 is
834.52 done,
834.76 we've
835.4 been
835.64 talking
835.8 with
836.04 our
836.28 IT
836.45 department
836.76 about
837.33 having
837.57 the
837.96 codification
838.13 company
838.76 that
839.16 manages
839.33 our
839.73 code
839.88 do
840.58 an
840.74 additional
840.98 pass
841.38 through
841.7 the
842.02 entire
842.18 document,
842.66 and
843.38 update
843.7 or
844.74 make
844.82 recommendations
845.14 to
845.86 the
846.02 council
846.18 for
846.74 a
846.98 codification
847.06 update
847.86 on
848.26 any
848.5 other
848.74 modernization
859.6 necessary.
859.6 As
859.6 you
859.6 may
859.6 note,
859.6 when
859.6 we
859.6 presented
859.6 the
859.6 item
859.6 on
859.6 the
859.6 planning
859.6 board
859.6 alternate,
859.6 one
859.6 of
859.6 the
859.6 things
859.6 that
859.6 we
859.6 discovered
859.6 was
859.6 that
859.6 the
859.6 planning
859.6 board
859.6 ordinance
859.6 references
859.6 the
859.6 role
859.6 the
859.84 town
860.08 meeting
860.4 plays
860.72 in
861.04 filling
861.28 planning
861.6 board
861.92 vacancies.
862.24 And
863.2 we
863.36 haven't
863.44 had
863.76 a
863.92 town
864 meeting
864.16 in
864.88 Watertown
865.04 in
865.68 44
865.92 years,
866.4 so
866.72 it's
866.88 a
867.12 little
867.2 bit
867.44 out
867.6 of
867.76 date.
867.84 So
868.8 my
869.04 request
869.21 for
869.52 you
869.61 this
869.85 evening
870.09 is
870.57 a
870.73 funds
871.29 transfer
871.61 from
872.09 the
872.25 city
872.4 manager
872.64 salaries
873.04 item
873.45 line
874.25 to
874.49 the
874.64 city
874.8 manager
875.04 contracted
875.37 service
875.85 line
876.25 to
876.49 fund
876.64 this
876.88 project
877.13 at
877.61 a
877.76 cost
878.79 of
879.19 $39,000.
880.07 So,
880.55 thank
881.03 you,
881.19 Mr.
881.75 President.
882.71 SIDERIS
882.71 -
882.71 Thank
882.71 you,
882.95 Mr.
883.35 Manager.
883.75 Can
883.75 I
883.99 get
884.15 a
884.31 motion
884.39 on
885.11 the,
885.27 transfer
885.83 of
886.39 funds?
893.57 JOHN
893.57 GANNON
893.57 -
893.57 CITY
893.57 COUNCIL
893.57 MEMBER
893.57 -
893.57 Yes.
893.57 Thank
893.8 you,
894.13 Mr.
894.52 President.
895.25 Quick
895.25 question
895.4 concerning
895.88 the
896.77 public
896.93 process
897.33 involved
897.81 in
898.53 the
898.77 review
899.01 of
899.41 the
899.57 administrative
899.73 code.
900.37 George,
900.93 what
901.25 were
901.41 you
901.57 anticipating?
904.33 PROAKIS
904.33 -
904.33 Thank
904.33 you,
904.57 through
904.88 you,
905.13 Mr.
905.45 President.
906 My
906 intention
907.76 is
908.25 to
908.49 work
908.57 with
908.8 the
908.97 Collins
909.05 Center
909.45 to
909.92 develop
910.4 a
911.29 full
911.37 draft
911.68 to
912.17 bring
912.33 to
912.64 you,
912.88 and
913.96 then
914.12 as
914.44 councils
914.68 have,
915.72 to
916.28 request
916.28 you
916.6 to
916.84 send
917 that
917.24 to
917.48 committee,
917.96 and
918.92 have
918.92 the
919.08 opportunity
919.32 for
919.8 the
919.96 council,
920.2 committee
920.68 members,
921 and
921.4 the
921.56 public,
921.72 and
921.96 anyone
922.12 who
922.52 wants
922.68 to
922.96 provide
923.6 feedback,
924.15 do
924.72 so.
924.88 And
925.12 then,
925.36 if
926.08 that
926.32 leads
927.12 to
927.43 suggestions
928.48 on
928.88 things
929.04 we
929.27 need
929.43 to
929.6 change,
929.67 we
930 can
930.08 change
930.15 it
930.54 from
930.62 there.
930.78 But
930.94 I
931.02 wanted
931.9 to
932.3 get
932.38 you
932.62 a
934.46 document
934.62 we
935.1 can
935.34 talk
935.5 about
935.74 and
936.3 then
936.54 work
936.7 off
937.02 that
937.18 document
937.5 to
937.98 have
938.06 those
938.22 conversations.
938.46 Thank
939.65 you.
961.04 SIDERIS
961.04 -
961.04 Yes.
961.04 Thank
961.36 you.
10. B.
In a public hearing discussion, a proposal was presented to repurpose $50,000 from tax revenue, originally intended for a lacrosse wall ball project at Victory Field, toward upgrades at Victory Field and Casey Park. Specifically, $20,000 is to be allocated for relamping the lighting systems of the baseball and football stadiums at Victory Field to improve efficiency and extend the warranty period, with an acknowledgment of eventual transition to LED lighting, which would require a more significant investment. The remaining $30,000 is sought for noise reduction improvements at Casey Park's multipurpose rink, addressing community concerns about noise levels. During the discussion, the cost of transitioning to LED lighting was estimated to be around $500,000, and while not immediately feasible, it remains a long-term goal. The council members showed support for addressing the immediate needs of the community while keeping an eye on sustainable and efficient future improvements.
962.48 SIDERIS
962.48 -
962.48 Next
962.48 item
962.8 on
963.12 the
963.2 agenda
963.36 is
963.84 10B
964.24 which
965.01 is
965.17 a
965.33 request
965.41 to
966.21 repurpose
966.53 funds
967.17 in
968.05 the
968.21 amount
968.37 of
968.69 $50,000
968.77 from
970.45 tax
970.77 revenue
971.09 to
971.89 Victory
972.13 Field
972.61 and
973.17 Casey
973.41 Park
973.81 projects.
974.21 Mr.
975.21 Manager.
976.17 PROAKIS
976.17 -
976.17 Thank
976.17 you,
976.33 Mr.
976.82 President.
977.53 As
977.53 you
977.7 may
977.93 recall,
978.1 in
978.82 June
978.98 of
979.21 2022
979.45 the
980.58 honorable
980.74 city
981.13 council
981.45 voted
981.77 to
982.1 approve
982.17 a
982.65 fiscal
982.83 year
983.01 23
983.25 budget
983.65 which
983.97 included
984.21 funding
984.69 50,000
985.09 for
986.05 lacrosse
986.37 wall
986.85 ball
987.09 at
987.33 Victory
987.49 Field.
987.89 We've
989.41 determined
989.81 that
990.13 it's
990.29 best
990.53 to
990.61 combine
990.77 this
991.09 into
991.25 the
991.49 Victory
991.65 phase
991.97 three
992.29 project
992.63 because
993.02 I
993.26 think
993.58 everybody
993.9 kind
994.3 of
994.46 has
994.78 a
995.02 known
995.11 understanding
995.5 of
995.99 what
996.07 the
996.23 Victory
996.38 phase
996.7 two
997.02 project
997.26 is
997.58 at
997.83 this
997.9 point.
998.14 We
998.54 want
998.7 to
999.02 get
999.02 that
999.18 underway,
999.42 get
999.9 that
1000.07 complete,
1000.3 and
1001.39 then
1001.55 work
1001.79 as
1002.03 phase
1002.27 three
1002.51 to
1002.83 have
1002.91 a
1003.15 conversation
1003.23 about
1003.79 how
1003.95 this
1004.11 piece
1004.35 fits
1004.59 in.
1004.83 This
1005.71 means
1005.95 that
1006.27 there
1006.43 is
1006.59 $50,000
1007.15 in
1008.27 tax
1008.43 revenue
1008.75 capital
1009.23 funds
1009.63 available
1010.03 but
1011.13 it's
1011.3 allocated
1011.46 to
1011.93 Victory
1012.1 Field.
1013.54 At
1013.54 this
1013.7 point
1013.93 we
1014.25 would
1014.42 like
1014.58 to
1014.74 request
1016.1 that
1016.5 $20,000
1016.65 of
1017.38 these
1017.54 funds
1017.7 be
1018.01 repurposed
1018.18 towards
1018.77 relamping
1019.17 the
1019.65 lighting
1019.81 at
1020.13 Victory
1020.37 Field.
1020.69 These
1021.65 improvements
1021.97 will
1022.53 include
1022.69 the
1023.01 relamping
1023.17 of
1023.65 the
1023.73 entire
1023.89 baseball
1024.21 and
1024.61 football
1024.77 stadiums
1025.17 as
1025.57 well
1025.73 as
1025.89 extend
1026.05 the
1026.29 warranty,
1026.37 which
1026.77 is
1027.01 set
1027.17 to
1027.44 expire
1027.61 in
1027.76 the
1027.85 coming
1028.24 months.
1028.64 I
1029.2 think
1029.37 it's
1029.52 important
1029.76 to
1030.09 note
1030.24 that,
1030.48 there's
1031.37 two
1031.68 ways
1031.85 to
1032.09 deal
1032.24 with
1032.48 the
1032.72 lighting
1032.8 system.
1033.2 One
1033.61 is
1033.85 to
1034.09 go
1034.16 up
1034.33 there
1034.4 and
1034.64 change
1034.8 every
1035.13 bulb
1035.37 every
1035.68 time
1035.92 it
1036.09 breaks.
1036.92 And
1037.08 the
1037.08 other
1037.24 is
1037.4 to
1037.56 reach
1037.8 the
1038.04 point
1038.12 where
1038.36 you
1038.52 get
1038.68 your
1038.92 warranty
1039.16 almost
1039.72 expiring
1040.2 on
1040.6 the
1040.76 bulbs
1040.92 and
1041.16 starting
1041.4 to
1041.72 see
1041.8 a
1042.04 couple
1042.12 of
1042.36 them
1042.44 go
1042.52 out,
1042.68 and
1043.56 go
1043.8 out
1043.96 and
1044.04 just
1044.2 replace
1044.44 everyone
1044.92 altogether.
1045.4 It
1046.76 may
1046.84 make
1047.08 sense
1047.23 when
1047.56 you
1048.04 can
1048.2 reach
1048.52 a
1048.84 light
1048.99 above
1049.32 your,
1049.56 you
1051.8 know,
1051.88 above
1052.12 your
1052.36 living
1052.52 room
1052.84 couch
1052.99 to
1053.32 just
1053.47 change
1053.68 one
1053.92 when
1054.16 it
1054.24 goes
1054.4 out.
1054.88 But
1054.88 when
1055.04 you're
1055.2 dealing
1055.36 with
1055.6 the
1055.84 size
1056 of
1056.4 a
1056.88 major
1057.6 lighting
1058 system
1058.4 and
1059.04 the
1059.2 types
1059.28 of
1059.52 warranties
1059.76 that
1060.16 go
1060.4 with
1060.56 it,
1060.64 there's
1061.51 a
1061.74 substantial
1061.98 economy
1062.79 of
1063.18 scale
1063.35 and
1063.66 cost
1063.83 benefit
1064.14 to
1064.63 actually
1064.71 just
1065.18 reach
1065.98 the
1066.22 point
1066.38 where
1066.63 you
1066.95 know
1067.03 everything's
1067.27 about
1067.9 to
1068.22 go
1068.31 out
1068.55 and
1068.79 just
1068.95 replace
1069.27 them.
1069.66 You
1070.17 get
1070.41 a
1070.57 new
1070.65 warranty,
1070.89 and
1071.61 the
1071.85 company's
1071.93 responsible
1072.41 if
1072.97 anything
1073.21 happens
1073.53 for
1074.01 years
1074.17 to
1074.49 come
1074.57 after
1074.89 that.
1075.13 So,
1075.37 we
1076.01 are
1076.25 recommending
1076.41 moving
1076.97 forward
1077.21 with
1077.61 that
1077.77 project
1078.01 and
1078.49 that
1078.73 cost
1078.89 20,000,
1079.21 and
1080.14 we're
1080.22 looking
1080.38 for
1080.54 that
1080.7 repurpose
1080.94 of
1081.35 funds.
1081.59 It
1082.54 has
1082.7 also
1082.78 respectfully
1083.11 requested
1083.66 the
1084.07 remaining
1084.22 30,000
1084.63 be
1085.18 repurposed
1085.42 towards
1085.9 a
1086.54 project
1086.78 that
1087.26 I
1087.9 promised
1088.07 and
1088.46 wanted
1088.63 to
1088.93 make
1089.09 sure
1089.25 gets
1089.33 completed
1089.81 as
1090.69 we
1090.85 otherwise
1091.01 put
1091.57 the
1091.81 Casey
1091.97 Park
1092.37 project
1092.93 on
1093.81 a
1094.05 it
1094.37 of
1094.53 a
1094.69 hold.
1094.77 And
1095.81 that
1096.05 was
1096.21 the
1096.61 purchase
1096.77 of
1097.17 backer
1097.34 panels
1097.65 and
1098.05 sound
1098.29 deadening
1098.78 insulation
1099.34 for
1100.29 the
1100.45 dasher
1100.53 boards
1100.93 at
1101.26 the
1101.41 Casey
1101.49 Park
1101.82 multipurpose
1102.21 rink.
1102.93 This
1104.05 will
1104.29 reduce
1104.62 the
1104.93 noise
1105.1 levels
1105.41 for
1105.73 residents
1105.89 that
1106.3 live
1106.3 in
1106.46 the
1106.62 vicinity
1106.66 of
1106.7 the
1107.26 park
1107.34 when
1107.58 the
1107.82 multipurpose
1107.98 rink
1108.54 is
1108.78 in
1108.94 use.
1110.14 I
1110.14 wanted
1110.38 to
1110.62 make
1110.78 sure
1110.94 that
1111.18 even
1111.82 though
1112.06 we
1112.22 decided
1112.62 that
1113.1 that
1113.5 were
1114.47 going
1114.56 to
1114.88 push
1114.88 Casey
1115.12 out
1115.6 into
1115.76 the
1116.15 farther
1116.71 years
1117.2 of
1117.52 the
1117.6 capital
1117.76 plan
1118.15 in
1118.39 general,
1118.63 that
1119.52 for
1119.84 the
1119.99 residents
1120.15 adjacent
1121.2 to
1121.67 the
1121.76 rink,
1121.91 that
1122.15 the
1122.39 opportunity
1122.56 to
1123.28 install
1124.27 that
1124.59 sound
1124.83 deadening
1125.07 equipment,
1125.55 which
1125.95 is
1126.67 one
1126.83 thing
1126.83 I
1127.07 think
1127.15 that
1127.39 there
1127.95 was
1128.11 general
1128.35 agreement
1128.83 on
1129.23 across
1129.39 the
1129.63 board
1129.79 can
1130.03 be
1130.19 done.
1130.35 But
1130.83 being
1131.07 that
1131.31 I
1131.55 don't
1131.63 now
1131.95 have
1132.11 a
1132.35 Casey
1132.73 Park
1133.06 Capital
1133.3 line
1133.78 because
1134.02 we
1134.41 held
1135.22 off
1135.46 and
1135.62 repurposed
1135.86 that
1136.34 as
1136.58 we
1136.73 were
1136.89 adjusting
1137.78 the
1138.17 money
1138.34 for
1138.58 our
1138.82 snow
1138.97 phase
1139.13 b
1139.46 and
1139.78 and
1140.02 and
1140.34 victory
1140.49 phase
1140.89 two,
1142.17 we
1142.33 need
1142.33 to
1142.49 find
1142.57 funds
1142.89 to
1143.21 do
1143.29 that.
1143.53 And
1144.41 since
1144.65 we're
1144.89 delaying
1145.05 the
1145.45 wall
1145.61 ball
1145.85 item,
1146.17 I
1146.57 would
1146.65 like
1146.89 to
1147.13 take
1147.37 the
1147.61 remainder
1147.69 of
1148.01 those
1148.09 funds
1148.25 and
1148.49 repurpose
1148.65 them
1149.13 to
1149.37 Casey
1149.45 Park.
1149.77 So,
1150.01 therefore,
1150.89 I,
1151.38 request
1151.86 the
1152.17 council's
1152.26 support
1152.73 to
1153.62 undergo
1154.34 the
1154.73 repurposing
1154.89 of
1155.45 that
1155.62 $50,000.
1155.78 Thank
1156.65 you,
1156.82 mister
1157.06 president.
1169.38 ANTHONY
1169.38 PALOMBA
1169.38 -
1169.38 CITY
1169.38 COUNCIL
1169.38 MEMBER
1169.38 -
1169.38 Thank
1169.38 you.
1169.62 Just
1170.1 coincidentally
1170.41 I
1171.21 received
1171.54 a
1172.02 email
1172.82 from
1173.21 a
1173.45 resident
1173.54 about
1174.17 the
1174.41 lighting
1174.58 on
1174.97 Victory
1175.13 Field.
1176.69 And
1177.09 they
1177.09 wanted
1177.33 to
1177.65 know
1177.81 whether
1178.61 there
1178.93 were
1179.33 LED
1179.65 lights
1180.13 there
1180.53 or
1180.77 when
1181.01 they
1181.25 could
1181.41 be
1181.65 LED
1181.97 lights.
1182.37 So
1182.77 I'm
1183.41 wondering
1183.89 what
1187.49 the
1187.73 $20,000,
1187.97 are
1190.21 the
1191.02 lights
1191.26 presently
1191.65 LED
1192.29 or
1192.93 are
1193.74 they
1193.82 your
1195.02 typical
1195.26 light?
1195.74 And,
1196.54 why
1197.5 can't
1197.82 we
1198.06 use
1198.3 some
1198.54 of
1198.78 this
1198.86 to
1199.18 move
1199.42 some
1199.66 of
1199.9 those
1199.98 if
1200.52 they're
1200.76 not
1200.84 to
1201.15 the
1201.39 LED
1201.55 situation
1202.19 to
1202.91 the
1203.15 lighting?
1205.55 PROAKIS
1205.55 -
1205.55 Thank
1205.55 you,
1205.79 Mr.
1207.08 President,
1207.32 through
1207.32 you
1207.32 if
1207.47 I
1207.63 may.
1207.71 Moving
1210.37 to
1210.69 LED
1210.85 is
1211.33 certainly
1211.49 a
1211.89 best
1212.05 practice
1212.29 on
1212.69 lighting
1212.93 in
1213.89 terms
1214.13 of
1214.45 efficiency,
1214.77 as
1216.3 well
1216.38 as
1216.69 quality
1216.78 of
1217.17 lighting.
1217.97 And
1218.13 it
1218.13 is
1218.38 a
1218.54 long
1218.69 term
1218.86 goal
1219.1 across
1219.49 the
1219.82 board.
1219.97 Victory
1221.73 field
1222.13 lights
1222.38 are
1222.54 not
1222.69 LED.
1222.93 I
1223.97 think,
1224.45 I
1224.71 don't
1224.87 know
1224.95 if
1224.99 Mr.
1225.03 Centola
1225.43 who
1225.91 I
1226.15 don't
1226.23 want
1226.39 to
1226.55 put
1226.55 him
1226.71 on
1226.79 the
1226.95 spot,
1227.11 but
1227.27 I
1227.43 think
1227.51 you
1227.67 may
1227.75 have
1227.91 a
1228.71 price
1229.19 to
1229.51 shift
1229.67 to
1229.91 LED
1230.07 if
1230.47 you
1230.63 know
1230.79 what
1230.95 it
1231.11 is.
1231.19 I
1231.43 know
1231.59 it's
1231.75 a
1231.99 lot
1232.07 more
1232.31 than
1232.55 20,000.
1232.79 At
1233.51 this
1233.67 time,
1233.83 we
1233.99 decided
1234.2 we
1234.44 were
1234.61 going
1234.68 to
1234.85 do
1234.85 one
1235.48 more
1235.72 round
1235.96 of
1236.2 the
1236.37 relamping,
1236.52 but
1237.24 take
1237.72 that
1237.96 under
1238.2 advisement
1238.44 as
1238.92 part
1239.09 of
1239.57 the
1239.72 phase
1239.8 3
1240.04 project
1240.28 and
1240.68 beyond.
1240.85 So,
1241.61 Mr.
1242.17 Centola,
1242.65 if
1242.65 it's
1242.81 okay,
1243.05 may
1243.45 be
1243.69 a
1243.85 follow-up.
1244.37 PETER
1244.37 CENTOLA
1244.37 -
1244.37 CITY
1244.73 OF
1245.29 -
1245.29 Thank
1245.29 you,
1245.29 Mr.
1245.29 Proakis
1245.29 and
1245.29 council
1245.53 president.
1245.85 Yes.
1246.49 We
1246.81 did
1246.89 look
1247.05 at
1247.21 that
1247.37 councilor,
1247.53 as
1247.85 you
1248.01 and
1248.17 I
1248.41 discussed.
1248.57 The
1251.7 technology
1251.86 is
1252.41 ongoing.
1252.65 So
1253.93 as
1254.41 Mr.
1255.13 Proakis
1255.54 said
1255.54 right
1255.78 now,
1255.93 those
1256.26 lights
1256.49 are
1256.65 not
1256.82 LED.
1257.13 Best
1257.79 practice
1258.11 down
1258.51 the
1258.67 line.
1258.83 Currently,
1259.47 we
1259.95 got
1260.11 a
1260.35 very
1260.67 rough
1260.99 draft,
1261.31 about
1261.79 six
1262.67 months
1262.99 ago,
1263.15 about
1263.47 $500,000
1263.79 to
1265.08 turn
1265.23 those
1265.39 into
1265.63 LED.
1267.15 PALOMBA
1267.15 -
1267.15 So
1267.15 how
1267.63 long
1267.8 would
1268.12 this
1268.76 these
1269.63 lights
1270.91 last?
1272.65 CENTOLA
1272.65 -
1272.65 Well,
1272.65 currently,
1272.89 there's
1273.21 about
1273.45 88
1273.85 lights
1274.33 that
1274.89 are
1275.13 planning
1275.29 to
1275.61 go
1275.77 out
1275.93 within
1276.09 the
1276.41 next
1276.49 two
1276.65 months.
1276.89 They
1277.85 couldn't
1278.01 be
1278.25 that
1278.57 clear,
1278.89 so
1279.21 we're
1279.45 very
1279.61 concerned.
1279.93 Generally,
1281.58 I
1282.05 think
1282.21 by
1282.45 the
1282.69 time
1282.78 we're
1283.02 ready
1283.17 to
1283.41 go
1283.49 to
1283.65 LED,
1283.82 probably,
1284.62 I
1285.02 don't
1285.1 know
1285.34 exactly,
1285.49 you
1286.21 know,
1286.3 at
1286.45 least
1286.54 five
1286.86 to
1287.1 seven
1287.98 years.
1288.14 One
1288.14 of
1288.14 the
1288.3 nice
1288.38 things
1288.54 about
1288.86 it,
1289.02 we've
1289.1 been,
1289.42 Musco
1289.58 has
1290.86 been
1291.1 very
1291.26 impressed
1291.58 with
1291.9 our
1292.06 usage.
1293.58 And
1293.82 as
1293.82 you
1293.98 know,
1294.06 I'm
1294.3 a
1294.94 big
1295.02 proponent
1295.34 of
1295.74 making
1296.26 sure
1296.58 that
1296.65 the
1296.89 lights
1297.06 are
1297.38 on
1297.46 so
1297.7 people
1297.86 could
1298.1 use
1298.34 the
1298.49 pack
1298.65 especially
1298.98 during
1299.38 all
1299.93 times.
1300.17 So
1300.82 I'm
1301.38 not
1301.62 sure
1301.78 about
1302.02 the
1302.26 time,
1302.41 how
1302.89 long
1303.06 they're
1303.3 going
1303.46 to
1303.7 last,
1303.7 but
1303.86 certainly,
1304.02 as
1304.41 Mr.
1304.74 Proakis
1305.22 has
1305.22 said,
1305.38 it's
1305.46 going
1305.62 to
1306 extend
1306 the
1306.08 warranty
1306.32 and
1307.04 it's
1307.2 going
1307.6 to
1307.92 kind
1307.92 of
1307.92 put
1307.92 it
1308.08 to
1308.24 bed
1308.4 instead
1308.64 of
1308.96 DPW
1309.28 going
1309.92 up
1310.16 and
1310.32 fixing
1310.48 two
1310.88 bulbs
1311.12 or
1311.44 so
1311.6 on
1311.76 and
1311.92 so
1312 forth.
1312.16 It
1312.64 is
1312.8 going
1312.96 to
1313.51 go
1313.51 up
1313.9 and
1313.98 or
1314.38 I
1314.87 say
1315.03 at
1315.27 least
1315.35 five
1315.66 to
1315.9 seven
1316.07 years.
1316.94 PALOMBA
1316.94 -
1316.94 So
1316.94 five
1317.18 to
1317.42 seven
1317.59 years
1317.83 before
1318.14 we
1318.46 can
1318.63 even
1318.87 think
1319.18 about
1319.42 or
1319.83 is
1320.14 it
1320.38 possible
1320.55 to
1320.94 think
1321.03 about
1321.27 LEDs
1323.13 in
1323.77 between
1323.93 that
1324.57 or?
1324.89 CENTOLA
1324.89 -
1324.89 Certainly,
1325.21 you
1325.37 could
1325.37 always
1325.61 think
1325.93 about
1326.25 that.
1326.41 That
1326.65 would
1326.81 be
1326.89 a,
1327.05 you
1327.21 know,
1327.37 Mr.
1327.93 Proakis
1328.41 and
1328.41 the
1328.57 council,
1328.65 you
1329.35 know,
1329.51 decision
1329.66 about
1330.14 going
1330.47 to
1330.71 LED.
1331.18 PALOMBA
1331.18 -
1331.18 So
1331.18 there's
1331.35 nothing
1331.51 that
1331.83 requires
1332.07 us
1332.71 to
1332.95 use
1333.18 up
1333.42 the
1334.55 CENTOLA
1334.55 -
1334.55 No.
1334.55 No,
1334.87 sir.
1335.75 PALOMBA
1335.75 -
1335.75 Thank
1335.75 you.
1337.7 PROAKIS
1337.7 -
1337.7 Mr.
1337.86 President,
1338.34 if
1338.34 I
1338.5 may.
1338.66 I
1339.06 mean,
1339.3 I
1339.54 would
1339.7 just
1339.78 note,
1339.94 Mr.
1340.66 President,
1341.46 that
1341.46 as
1341.46 a
1341.62 $500,000
1341.7 item,
1342.66 it's
1342.9 something
1343.14 that
1343.38 we
1343.62 would
1343.78 look
1344.58 to
1344.74 put
1344.9 on
1345.06 an
1345.22 out
1345.3 year
1345.46 of
1345.7 our
1345.81 capital
1345.99 plan
1346.32 and
1346.39 work
1346.63 our
1346.96 way
1347.12 to
1347.36 the
1347.52 point
1347.67 where
1347.84 we
1348.08 can
1348.15 fund.
1348.39 Having
1348.72 five
1349.84 years
1350.08 at
1350.56 $20,000
1350.63 of
1351.84 guaranteeing
1351.99 that
1352.48 the
1352.63 lights
1352.8 are
1353.04 going
1353.2 to
1353.43 work
1353.52 and
1353.84 then
1354.08 saying,
1354.23 okay,
1354.88 we're
1355.58 going
1355.82 to
1356.06 plan
1356.06 through
1356.54 capital
1356.78 planning
1357.18 on
1357.58 year
1357.74 four,
1357.98 year
1358.22 five,
1358.38 year
1358.62 six,
1358.78 whatever
1359.02 it
1359.42 might
1359.5 be,
1359.66 that
1359.9 we're
1360.22 going
1360.46 to
1360.7 move
1361.26 to
1361.5 that
1361.66 LED
1361.9 replacement
1362.3 would
1363.02 be
1363.18 certainly
1363.88 consistent
1364.12 with
1364.67 our
1364.91 strategy
1365.63 on
1366.2 how
1366.76 we
1366.99 do
1367.23 long
1368.43 term
1368.67 capital
1368.91 investments.
1369.63 And
1370.52 I
1371.39 would
1371.56 welcome
1372.31 the
1372.63 opportunity
1372.79 to
1374.31 have
1374.39 the
1374.55 have
1374.95 the
1375.19 conversation
1375.51 deeper
1376.07 with
1376.31 Councilor
1376.95 Palomba,
1377.35 with
1377.35 the
1377.51 budget
1378.79 fiscal
1379.11 oversight
1379.51 committee
1379.91 and
1380.39 dig
1381.19 into
1381.43 the
1381.67 question
1381.83 of
1382.62 what
1382.7 year
1382.93 we
1383.1 can
1383.34 get
1383.49 that
1383.65 in
1383.82 and
1383.97 how
1384.21 it
1384.38 fits
1384.54 with
1384.78 this.
1384.93 It's
1385.17 just
1385.34 at
1385.65 this
1385.82 point,
1385.97 it
1387.17 wasn't
1387.26 in
1387.58 the
1387.65 cards
1387.82 for
1388.06 this
1388.21 year's
1388.38 capital
1388.62 plan,
1389.02 so
1389.34 we
1389.49 wanted
1389.65 to
1389.89 do
1389.97 the
1390.13 $20,000
1390.83 relamping
1391.15 and
1391.63 then
1391.79 try
1392.43 to
1392.67 tag
1393.15 the
1393.39 right
1393.55 year
1393.71 to
1393.95 do
1394.11 this
1394.27 because,
1395.23 and
1395.39 I
1395.55 do
1395.63 hope
1395.71 also
1395.95 by
1396.27 that
1396.43 point
1397.07 the
1397.87 technology
1400.23 and
1400.71 LED
1400.95 will
1401.27 even
1401.43 be
1401.6 a
1401.76 little
1401.84 bit
1401.99 better
1402.08 and
1402.32 maybe
1402.39 a
1402.63 little
1402.71 bit
1402.88 cheaper,
1403.03 and
1403.99 we'll
1404.08 be
1404.32 able
1404.39 to
1404.71 move
1405.03 forward
1405.19 with
1405.51 that.
1405.67 So
1405.91 thank
1406.15 you.
1409.56 SIDERIS
1409.56 -
1409.56 I
1409.56 just
1409.72 want
1409.96 to
1410.28 say
1410.28 that
1410.52 I'm
1411.32 appreciative
1411.64 that
1412.2 we're
1412.36 trying
1412.6 to
1412.84 address
1413.08 some
1413.64 of
1413.88 the
1414.04 noise
1414.2 issues
1414.6 with
1415.16 that
1415.4 multipurpose
1415.72 rink
1416.44 at
1416.92 Casey.
1417.08 This
1418.13 may
1418.29 help,
1418.93 it
1419.1 should
1419.1 help.
1419.34 And
1420.05 I'm
1420.86 looking
1421.1 forward
1421.41 to
1421.73 seeing
1423.41 the
1423.73 results
1424.13 after
1424.62 it's
1424.93 done.
1425.1 So
1425.58 thank
1425.82 you
1426.05 for
1426.29 bringing
1426.72 that
1427.12 forward.
1444.7 SIDERIS
1444.7 -
1444.7 Yes.
1444.7 Thank
1444.94 you.
10. C.
The discussion involves the annual consideration and approval of exemptions allowing existing city employees to engage in extra contractual work with the city, such as summer, winter, holiday, and after-school programs. This step comes in response to disclosures filed by prospective employees and the recreation department's certification that no current department employee can perform these services as part of their regular duties, in line with General Law 268A Section 20b. Specifically, this law necessitates a city council vote for such exemptions, focusing here on allowing a full-time school employee to work part-time in recreational positions. Mr. Proakis presents the case for approving Mr. Donato, the director, and Ms. Anderson, the office manager, for their roles in the camp program, highlighting the procedural compliance with the required disclosures and legal framework.
1445.87 SIDERIS
1445.87 -
1445.87 The
1445.87 next
1446.03 item,
1446.27 this
1447.23 is
1447.47 something
1447.63 we're
1448.51 now
1448.75 doing
1449.07 annually,
1449.79 is
1450.59 a
1450.83 consideration
1450.99 and
1452.11 approval
1452.35 of
1453.63 exemptions
1453.79 of
1454.43 interests
1454.75 of
1455.55 existing
1455.79 city
1456.19 employees
1456.6 in
1457.15 contracts
1458.51 with
1458.99 the
1459.63 city
1459.79 including
1460.12 summer
1461.63 winter
1462.6 holiday
1462.6 and
1462.6 after
1462.92 school
1463.16 program
1463.56 employment
1464.04 positions
1464.6 in
1465.72 response
1466.44 to
1466.84 disclosures
1467.8 filed
1468.44 with
1468.68 the
1468.84 city
1469 clerk
1469.24 by
1470.09 prospective
1470.33 employees.
1471.77 And
1472.01 certification
1472.01 by
1472.73 the
1472.88 recreation
1473.05 department
1473.68 that
1474.49 no
1474.81 employee
1475.05 of
1475.45 the
1475.61 department
1475.77 is
1476.81 available
1477.05 to
1477.61 perform
1477.92 those
1479.1 services
1479.34 as
1479.9 part
1480.06 of
1480.38 their
1480.54 regular
1480.86 duties
1481.26 in
1482.14 accordance
1482.38 with
1482.78 general
1482.94 law.
1483.42 Mr.
1483.98 Manager.
1485.02 PROAKIS
1485.02 -
1485.02 Thank
1485.02 you,
1485.18 Mr.
1485.66 President.
1486.73 As
1486.73 noted,
1486.97 General
1489.62 Law
1489.93 268A
1489.93 Section
1489.93 20b
1489.93 does
1489.93 require
1490.17 that
1490.58 if
1490.82 we
1492.26 do
1492.41 something
1492.58 of
1492.82 this
1492.97 sort
1493.22 in
1493.46 the
1493.54 most
1493.7 typical
1493.93 circumstances,
1494.41 hiring
1495.22 a
1495.62 full
1496.24 time
1496.48 school
1496.8 employee
1497.28 as
1497.68 a
1497.84 part
1498 time
1498.32 recreation
1498.56 employee,
1499.12 although
1499.52 there
1499.84 are
1500 other
1500.08 circumstances
1500.88 where
1501.68 this
1501.92 happens.
1503.84 What
1504 we've
1504 started
1504.16 to
1504.53 refer
1504.68 to
1504.85 as
1505.01 the
1505.4 Section
1506.29 20b
1506.53 exemptions
1506.53 does
1507.4 require
1507.64 a
1507.96 city
1508.05 council
1508.29 vote
1508.68 when
1508.85 we
1509.01 do
1509.09 this.
1509.33 So,
1509.4 I
1510.29 have
1510.37 before
1510.53 you
1510.85 tonight
1511.57 Mr.
1511.88 Donato,
1511.88 the
1512.45 perquisite
1512.61 director,
1513.09 and
1513.54 miss
1513.62 Anderson,
1513.86 the
1514.42 perquisite
1514.58 office
1515.14 manager,
1515.46 and
1515.86 your
1516.02 request
1516.18 to
1516.5 approve
1516.66 them
1516.98 under
1517.14 20b.
1518.1 All
1518.9 the
1519.06 disclosures
1519.3 have
1519.86 been
1520.02 filed
1520.18 for
1520.58 them
1520.74 to
1521.71 be
1521.79 able,
1521.95 as
1522.19 school
1522.36 employees,
1523.15 to
1523.47 work
1523.47 in
1523.63 our
1523.88 camp
1523.95 program.
1524.19 So,
1524.6 thank
1524.91 you,
1525.08 mister
1525.23 president.
1548.45 SIDERIS
1548.45 -
1548.45 Yes.
1548.45 Thank
1548.77 you.
11. A.
On February 20th, 2024, the Committee on Rules and Ordinance convened to discuss amendments to city council rules for the 2024–2025 term. The meeting, chaired by Councilor Gannon and attended by various councilors, city officials, and residents, both in-person and via Zoom, aimed to refine governance practices by evaluating suggestions compiled by municipal policy analyst, Doug Newton. Amendments were made to several rules, with particular attention on clarifying language to avoid misunderstandings in future council governance. The committee resolved to have the legal team, KP Law, review the proposed rule changes and definitions. Future discussions will cover additional rules, drafting processes for proclamations, councilor meetings mandated by the charter, and more precise definitions for council terms. The meeting concluded with acknowledgments to Councilor Feltner and Doug Newton for their contributions. City Council President Sideris mentioned that KP Law is meticulously reviewing each definition, anticipating a report to be shared with the council soon.
1549.65 SIDERIS
1549.65 -
1549.65 Next
1549.65 item
1549.97 is
1550.45 committee
1550.77 reports,
1551.17 and
1551.81 11a
1552.93 is
1553.17 a
1553.33 committee
1553.41 on
1553.73 rules
1553.89 and
1554.21 ordinances
1554.37 report
1555.09 regarding
1556.02 its
1556.34 meeting
1556.58 on
1556.89 February
1557.05 20th.
1557.45 Councilor
1557.93 Gannon.
1559.45 GANNON
1559.45 -
1559.45 Thank
1559.45 you,
1559.62 Mr.
1560.1 President.
1560.97 On
1560.97 Tuesday,
1561.13 February
1561.69 20th,
1563.54 2024
1564.17 at
1564.82 6
1564.97 PM
1565.42 the
1566.06 Committee
1566.14 on
1566.46 Rules
1566.54 and
1566.86 Ordinance
1566.94 Committee
1567.34 met
1567.66 in
1568.3 the
1568.46 Richard
1568.62 E
1569.02 Mastrangelo
1569.66 council
1569.66 chamber
1569.98 on
1570.46 the
1570.54 second
1570.62 floor.
1570.94 The
1571.5 agenda
1571.74 was
1572.14 to
1572.38 discuss
1572.62 city
1573.02 council
1573.26 rule
1573.74 amendments
1574.06 for
1574.54 the
1574.62 2024
1575.81 to
1576.29 2025
1576.61 city
1577.97 council
1578.21 term.
1579.33 Mr.
1579.97 President,
1580.21 were
1580.21 myself
1580.21 as
1580.68 chair,
1580.92 John
1581.64 Airasian,
1581.97 vice
1582.45 chair,
1582.85 and
1583.4 Lisa
1583.56 Felton
1583.8 as
1584.2 secretary.
1584.44 Also
1585.64 present,
1585.96 city
1586.44 council
1586.76 president,
1587.16 Mark
1587.48 Sideris,
1587.72 councilors
1588.68 Bays,
1589.24 Gardner
1590.2 until
1590.76 6:30,
1591.24 Izzo,
1593.09 Piccirrilli,
1594.2 resident
1594.2 Rita
1594.77 Colafola,
1595.16 and
1595.96 via
1596.2 Zoom,
1596.53 Michael
1597.24 Albano,
1597.72 Elodia
1598.61 Thomas,
1599.24 Linda,
1600.53 and
1600.93 Liz
1601.25 for
1601.65 2023.
1601.97 I
1603.49 convened
1603.73 the
1604.13 meeting
1604.29 at
1604.61 6:0:5
1604.85 PM
1605.57 by
1606.29 referring
1606.61 to
1606.93 a
1607.17 chart
1607.25 of
1607.49 suggestions
1607.73 received
1608.37 and
1609.21 compiled
1609.45 by
1609.85 municipal
1610.09 policy
1610.57 analyst,
1610.97 Doug
1611.45 Newton,
1611.68 which
1612.33 are
1612.57 attached
1612.73 to
1613.13 the
1613.29 minutes,
1613.37 and
1614.09 he
1614.33 opened
1614.57 the
1614.81 floor
1614.88 to
1615.29 public
1615.53 participation,
1617.45 and
1617.85 I
1617.85 opened
1618.01 the
1618.25 floor
1618.33 to
1618.65 public
1618.73 participation.
1619.93 The
1619.93 committee
1620.09 proceeded
1620.49 to
1620.89 review
1621.13 each
1621.61 rule
1621.85 discussing
1622.65 current
1623.21 and
1623.53 best
1623.69 practices
1623.93 for
1624.49 governance
1624.65 with
1625.46 an
1625.63 eye
1625.79 toward
1625.87 clarifying
1626.35 language
1627.07 and
1627.46 avoiding
1627.7 future
1628.51 pitfalls.
1628.98 Review
1630.03 of
1630.51 and
1630.9 amendments
1631.14 four
1631.79 rules
1632.42 up
1632.83 to
1633.07 eight
1633.22 were
1633.7 accepted.
1633.95 See
1634.95 the
1635.07 working
1635.19 draft
1635.67 of
1635.99 the
1636.15 rules
1636.23 and
1636.55 ordinances
1636.71 for
1637.19 specifics
1637.43 in
1638.23 sections
1638.47 3.2,
1639.03 7.1,
1641.27 and
1642.83 7.2
1642.98 with
1644.11 a
1644.35 motion
1644.42 to
1644.74 amend
1644.98 by
1645.46 Councilor
1645.79 Feltner,
1646.18 seconded
1647.22 by
1647.7 Councilor
1648.51 Airasian,
1649.07 and
1649.07 this
1649.31 amendment
1649.7 was
1650.27 accepted
1650.59 by
1651.29 a
1651.45 vote
1651.53 of
1651.69 3
1651.77 to
1652.01 0.
1652.33 Section
1653.05 7.4
1653.45 with
1654.81 motion
1655.13 amend
1655.53 by
1655.85 Councillor
1656.09 Feltner
1656.49 was
1657.21 seconded
1657.37 by
1657.77 Councillor
1658.01 Airasian
1658.65 and
1659.55 accepted
1659.79 by
1660.83 a
1660.95 vote
1661.07 of
1661.31 2
1661.46 to
1661.63 1
1661.79 with
1662.18 a
1662.51 no
1662.51 vote
1662.74 by
1663.46 myself.
1663.63 Section
1664.74 7.7
1665.31 and
1667.46 7.7
1667.54 Sub
1668.9 4
1669.22 and
1669.78 A3,
1670.98 at
1671.22 approximately
1671.22 8:20
1671.94 pm
1672.42 we
1673.14 skipped
1673.38 ahead
1673.7 to
1674.02 rule
1674.18 15
1674.5 in
1675.29 recognition
1675.62 of
1676.02 more
1676.17 time
1676.41 needed
1676.65 for
1677.05 more
1677.29 discussions
1677.53 on
1678.1 more
1678.26 details
1678.49 on
1679.29 some
1679.53 rules,
1679.69 especially
1680.1 in
1680.58 rules
1680.82 8
1682.26 through
1682.58 11.
1682.82 No
1683.58 changes
1683.74 were
1684.3 made
1684.38 to
1684.78 rule
1685.1 15.
1686.3 Counsel
1686.3 Feltner
1686.62 read
1687.1 aloud
1687.34 an
1687.66 email
1687.9 from
1688.22 Rita
1688.46 Konfala,
1688.7 which
1689.66 also
1689.9 attached
1690.22 the
1690.54 meeting
1690.7 notes,
1691.34 and
1691.99 noted
1692.32 that
1692.56 she
1692.8 was
1692.96 also
1693.12 present
1693.43 in
1693.76 the
1693.84 chamber.
1693.99 I
1695.28 recognized
1695.6 Elodia
1696.63 Thomas
1697.2 who
1697.67 stated
1697.84 that
1698.15 she
1698.32 would
1698.48 appreciate
1698.72 having
1699.28 votes
1699.52 and
1700.29 other
1700.45 council
1700.61 records
1701.09 compiled
1701.65 and
1702.13 searchable
1702.37 by
1703.01 date
1703.25 and
1703.89 topic
1704.05 instead
1704.85 of
1705.17 needing
1705.33 to
1705.65 manually
1705.81 sort
1706.53 or
1707.09 search
1707.33 through
1707.65 minutes
1707.89 to
1708.29 find
1708.37 specific
1708.88 details
1709.67 about
1710.15 counsel
1710.48 business.
1710.88 It
1711.76 was
1711.99 suggested
1712.15 to
1712.48 remove
1712.8 the
1713.28 new
1713.43 business
1713.6 placeholder
1713.99 from
1714.96 regular
1715.2 council
1715.76 agendas
1716.15 and
1717.14 the
1717.3 committee
1717.46 will
1717.86 seek
1718.02 counsel
1718.34 guidance
1719.46 from
1719.94 KP
1720.18 Law
1720.58 on
1721.14 rule
1721.38 8.1
1721.78 which
1722.82 also
1723.06 affects
1723.38 rule
1723.86 8.4
1724.1 as
1725.38 well
1725.54 as
1725.62 on
1725.86 definitions.
1727.3 And
1727.3 the
1727.3 council
1727.38 rules
1727.86 overall
1728.26 will
1729.13 be
1729.21 reviewed
1729.38 by
1729.86 KP
1730.1 Law
1730.41 after
1731.06 the
1731.38 committee
1731.54 completes
1731.93 its
1732.9 recommendations.
1733.14 It
1734.34 was
1734.58 decided
1734.74 that
1735.22 the
1735.38 following
1735.54 topics
1736.66 about
1736.98 rules
1737.3 will
1738.02 be
1738.18 the
1738.42 focus
1738.58 of
1738.9 the
1739.06 committee's
1739.22 subsequent
1739.78 meeting,
1742.11 Those
1742.42 are,
1742.42 discuss
1742.42 rules
1742.9 8
1743.31 through
1743.63 14,
1743.79 consider
1744.9 a
1745.46 process
1745.63 a
1746.11 method
1746.35 for
1747.07 drafting
1747.46 proclamations
1748.03 or
1748.9 other
1749.07 honorary
1749.46 letters,
1749.95 consider
1751.07 rules
1751.55 for
1751.79 annual
1752.11 individual
1752.83 councilor
1753.39 meetings,
1753.87 which
1754.19 are
1754.43 now
1754.59 mandated
1754.83 by
1755.39 charter,
1755.63 and
1756.43 consider
1756.75 including
1757.23 definitions
1757.79 to
1758.75 accompany
1758.99 rules
1759.47 ideally
1760.24 with
1760.48 Councilor
1764.64 Palomba
1765.85 had
1765.85 sent
1766.24 to
1766.48 the
1766.64 committee.
1767.29 The
1767.97 committee
1768.05 will
1768.37 continue
1768.69 discussion
1769.09 as
1769.73 soon
1769.81 as
1770.05 the
1770.29 the
1770.69 calendar
1770.85 allows.
1771.49 Motion
1772.29 to
1772.61 adjourn
1772.77 was
1773.25 made
1773.41 by
1773.73 Councilor
1774.29 Feltner
1774.93 at
1774.93 8:37
1775.09 PM,
1776.05 seconded
1776.94 by
1777.27 Councilor
1778.87 Airasian,
1779.9 and
1779.9 accepted
1780.14 by
1781.27 a
1781.42 vote
1781.51 of
1781.74 3
1781.83 to
1781.94 nothing.
1783.27 I
1783.27 think
1783.42 Councilor
1784.27 Lisa
1785.23 Feltner
1785.63 for
1786.35 the
1787.15 meeting
1787.63 minutes
1788.03 and
1788.51 I
1788.67 also
1788.75 want
1789.07 to
1789.39 thank
1789.39 municipal
1789.95 policy
1790.59 analyst,
1790.99 Doug
1791.47 Newton,
1791.79 for
1792.27 compiling
1792.51 a
1793.63 list
1793.88 of
1794.04 all
1794.28 the
1794.52 changes
1794.67 made
1795.08 for
1796.99 each
1797.48 of
1797.72 the
1797.8 councilor
1798.43 votes
1799.15 on
1799.56 the
1799.63 rules.
1800.67 And
1801.24 I
1801.48 also
1801.56 want
1802.2 to
1803 note,
1803 attached
1803 to
1803.64 the
1803.8 meeting
1803.96 minutes
1804.2 are
1805.08 an
1805.48 email
1805.8 from
1806.2 Rita
1806.44 Konfala,
1806.76 a
1807.88 chart
1808.12 of
1808.44 initial
1808.6 suggestions
1809.08 and
1809.64 questions
1810.36 regarding
1810.76 council
1811.24 rules
1811.72 with
1812.46 updated
1812.7 remarks
1813.17 as
1813.49 of
1813.65 February
1813.82 21,
1814.22 as
1815.26 well
1815.41 as
1815.65 a
1815.82 working
1816.06 draft
1816.46 markup
1816.93 of
1817.34 the
1817.49 council
1817.65 rules
1818.06 as
1818.62 of
1818.86 February
1819.1 21.
1820.06 Again,
1821.14 this
1821.62 concludes
1821.86 my
1822.26 presentation,
1822.58 and
1823.38 I
1823.62 want
1824.58 to
1825.46 thank
1825.46 Councilor
1825.46 Feltner
1825.46 as
1826.1 well
1826.34 as
1826.66 municipal
1826.9 policy
1827.38 analyst,
1827.94 Doug
1828.42 Newton.
1828.74 Thank
1829.06 you,
1829.3 mister
1829.54 president.
1852.66 SIDERIS
1852.66 -
1852.66 And
1852.66 might
1852.9 I
1853.07 note
1853.22 that
1853.55 KP
1854.8 Law
1855.12 is
1855.92 reviewing
1856.24 all
1857.44 of
1857.68 the
1857.84 requests.
1858.4 And
1858.64 they're
1858.64 going
1858.88 through
1859.12 each
1859.44 definition
1860.24 individually
1862.09 that's
1862.4 why
1862.4 it's
1862.48 taking
1862.88 a
1863.2 little
1863.29 bit
1863.53 of
1863.77 time.
1863.92 But
1864.4 I
1864.64 will
1864.72 expect
1865.61 to
1865.92 see
1866.09 that
1866.24 report
1866.57 back
1867.05 shortly,
1867.68 and
1868.16 I
1868.33 will
1868.4 provide
1868.64 it
1868.96 back
1869.13 to
1869.68 the
1869.85 city
1870.01 council.
11. B.
The Personnel and City Organization Committee, chaired by Councilor Caroline Bays, convened on February 26th to discuss forming a Blue Ribbon Committee for evaluating councilor salaries, including both city councilors and the council president. The committee agreed upon four key recommendations: defining the duties of the Blue Ribbon Committee, establishing eligibility and desirable skills for its members, determining its size, and outlining the process for recruiting and selecting members. Key points included that members should have a vested interest in Watertown’s success, current city employees and elected officials should be ineligible due to possible conflicts of interest, though involvement in city boards, commissions, and committees is allowed. The proposed size for the committee is seven members to facilitate easier management and avoid quorum issues. The recruitment process suggested involves using various channels for applicant solicitation, initial screening by a specially appointed committee followed by interviews conducted privately by Council President Sideris to ensure simplicity, privacy, and efficiency. The recommendations were unanimously approved and will be presented for city council approval. A query about the eligibility of non-residential property owners in Watertown being eligible was clarified affirmatively, emphasizing a desire for inclusiveness.
1872.19 item
1872.43 is
1872.75 a
1872.91 committee
1873.07 on
1873.39 personnel
1873.55 and
1874.35 city
1874.59 organization
1874.91 report
1875.71 regarding
1876.59 its
1876.99 meeting
1877.23 on
1877.55 February
1877.71 26th.
1878.19 Councilor
1878.83 Bays
1879.39 is
1880.04 the
1880.13 chair.
1880.2 Council
1880.77 Bays.
1881.64 CAROLINE
1881.64 BAYS
1881.64 -
1881.64 CITY
1881.64 COUNCIL
1881.64 MEMBER
1881.64 -
1881.64 Thank
1881.64 you,
1881.8 Mr.
1882.29 President.
1883.88 The
1883.88 personnel
1884.13 and
1884.61 city
1884.77 organization
1885.01 committee
1885.64 convened
1886.2 on
1886.61 Monday,
1886.77 February
1887.16 26th
1887.64 in
1888.18 the
1888.34 third
1888.5 floor
1888.66 conference
1889.14 room
1889.54 with
1890.42 remote
1890.66 participation
1891.3 by
1891.78 Zoom.
1892.02 Present
1892.82 were
1893.3 myself
1893.78 as
1894.26 chair,
1894.42 Nicole
1894.74 Gardner
1895.14 as
1895.7 secretary,
1895.7 and
1896.58 John
1897.22 Gannon,
1897.46 vice
1897.95 chair.
1898.27 The
1898.98 staff
1899.46 was
1899.79 present
1900.66 were
1901.07 was
1901.71 Doug
1902.03 Newton
1902.35 and
1902.83 also
1903.07 present
1903.46 were
1903.87 councilors
1904.11 Vinny
1904.66 Piccirilli
1904.9 and
1905.55 Lisa
1905.79 Feltner.
1906.27 Councilor
1907.87 Bays
1908.27 called
1908.59 the
1908.75 meeting
1908.91 to
1909.23 order
1909.39 at
1909.55 6:10
1909.71 PM.
1910.35 The
1910.83 purpose
1910.99 of
1911.23 the
1911.31 meeting
1911.47 was
1911.79 to
1911.95 develop
1912.11 recommendations
1912.59 on
1913.31 the
1913.47 creation
1913.63 of
1913.95 the
1914.03 Blue
1914.19 Ribbon
1914.43 Committee
1914.75 regarding
1915.23 councilor
1915.71 salary.
1916.19 Note,
1917.63 for
1917.95 the
1918.12 purpose
1918.19 of
1918.52 these
1918.6 notes,
1918.84 councilor
1919.15 salary
1920.52 is
1920.84 meant
1920.99 to
1921.23 include
1921.32 salary
1922.43 for
1922.84 both
1922.99 city
1923.47 council
1923.8 president
1924.12 and
1924.6 the
1924.76 councilors.
1927.71 Councilor
1927.71 Bays
1928.11 outlined
1928.43 four
1928.83 recommendations
1929.07 to
1929.71 be
1929.87 discussed:
1930.03 duties
1930.67 of
1931.07 the
1931.23 committee,
1931.39 eligibility
1932.43 and
1933.39 desirable
1933.71 skills,
1934.46 background
1934.78 and
1935.34 or
1935.58 characteristics
1935.82 of
1936.46 members,
1936.62 size
1937.34 of
1937.58 the
1937.73 committee,
1937.89 and
1938.22 process
1938.46 to
1939.1 recruit
1939.41 and
1939.82 select
1939.98 committee
1940.38 members.
1940.7 After
1942.45 discussion
1942.53 of
1942.61 these
1943.25 topics,
1943.49 the
1944.13 PCO
1944.37 committee
1944.85 with
1945.25 concurrence
1945.49 of
1945.97 the
1946.13 other
1946.21 councilors
1946.45 present
1946.93 agreed
1948.05 on
1948.37 the
1948.53 following
1948.69 recommendations.
1949.09 Recommendation
1950.96 number
1951.61 one,
1951.85 duties
1952.24 of
1952.57 the
1952.64 Blue
1952.8 Ribbon
1953.04 Committee.
1953.37 The
1954.48 Blue
1954.64 Ribbon
1954.88 Committee
1955.2 duties
1955.61 will
1956.01 be
1956.24 to
1956.57 study
1956.72 the
1957.04 salary
1957.2 received
1957.68 by
1958.01 councilors
1958.68 and
1958.68 the
1958.92 council
1959 president
1959.4 for
1959.8 their
1960.04 service
1960.2 and
1960.52 make
1960.68 recommendations
1961 on
1961.56 a
1961.72 methodology
1961.88 and
1962.68 process
1962.84 for
1963.24 salaries
1963.48 to
1963.88 be
1964.04 set
1964.12 going
1964.44 forward,
1964.68 including
1965 a
1965.48 recommendation
1965.64 for
1966.86 the
1967.02 2026,
1967.26 2027
1968.3 council
1969.65 salary.
1970.93 The
1970.93 Blue
1972.62 Ribbon
1972.93 Committee
1972.93 would
1972.93 receive
1973.17 staff
1974.05 support
1974.29 from
1975.01 council
1975.25 policy
1975.97 analyst
1976.45 Doug
1976.85 Newton,
1977.09 and
1977.73 the
1977.89 committee's
1978.05 final
1978.53 recommendation
1979.01 should
1979.65 be
1979.89 presented
1980.05 to
1980.61 the
1980.77 city
1980.93 council
1981.25 no
1981.65 later
1981.81 than
1982.13 at
1982.83 the
1982.9 December
1983.14 10,
1983.46 2024
1983.94 city
1984.74 council
1985.07 meeting.
1985.38 Recommendations
1985.87 must
1986.59 be
1986.74 adopted
1986.98 no
1987.38 later
1987.55 than
1987.79 June
1988.03 2025.
1988.35 Recommendation
1990.55 number
1991.11 two,
1991.43 eligibility
1991.99 and
1992.55 desirable
1992.79 skills,
1993.35 background,
1993.99 and
1994.71 or
1994.95 characteristics
1995.19 of
1995.91 committee
1996.07 members.
1996.39 Eligibility.
1997.11 Members
1998.66 should
1998.9 live
1999.14 in,
1999.47 own
2000.03 property
2000.27 in,
2000.75 and
2001.07 or
2001.31 work
2001.55 in
2001.87 Watertown.
2002.27 Current
2003.31 elected
2003.71 officials
2004.11 of
2004.42 the
2004.59 city
2004.66 of
2004.99 Watertown
2005.47 should
2006.03 not
2006.18 be
2006.35 eligible
2006.59 due
2007.21 to
2007.37 potential
2007.61 conflict
2008.09 of
2008.41 interest.
2008.57 Current
2009.45 employees
2010.17 of
2010.73 the
2010.89 city
2011.05 of
2011.37 Watertown
2013.29 should
2013.69 not
2013.85 be
2014.09 eligible
2014.25 due
2015.05 to
2015.21 potential
2015.76 conflict
2016.39 of
2016.71 interest.
2016.88 However,
2017.67 current
2018.23 members
2018.47 of
2018.88 city
2019.04 boards,
2019.36 commissions,
2019.76 and
2021.28 committees
2021.67 should
2022.23 be
2022.47 eligible
2022.63 and
2023.12 can
2023.28 apply,
2023.52 including
2024.5 those
2024.82 individuals
2025.14 receiving
2025.7 a
2026.26 stipend.
2027.78 Note,
2027.78 the
2028.26 committee
2028.42 discussed
2029.22 whether
2029.78 recognized
2030.34 experts
2030.98 with
2031.38 no
2031.54 ties
2031.7 to
2032.02 Watertown
2032.1 could
2032.66 be
2032.9 appointed
2032.98 given
2033.65 their
2033.89 expertise.
2034.13 There
2035.26 was
2035.49 a
2035.65 consensus
2035.73 that
2036.3 if
2036.54 the
2036.78 need
2036.93 for
2038.7 such
2038.93 expertise
2039.34 arose,
2039.82 the
2040.13 committee
2040.38 could
2040.93 interview
2041.17 relevant
2041.82 experts
2042.3 as
2042.78 part
2042.93 of
2043.02 its
2043.17 work.
2043.34 Skills
2044.92 background
2045.32 and
2045.64 or
2045.88 characteristics.
2046.12 Members
2047.16 should
2047.48 have
2047.64 a
2047.8 strong
2047.88 commitment
2048.2 to
2048.68 and
2048.92 stake
2049.16 in
2049.48 Watertown's
2049.72 success.
2050.28 A
2050.68 leadership
2050.84 role
2051.4 in
2051.64 local
2052.26 companies,
2052.57 or
2053.05 nonprofits,
2053.3 or
2054.01 service
2054.34 on
2054.66 city
2054.89 boards,
2055.22 commissions
2055.61 and
2056.01 committees
2056.18 would
2056.66 be
2056.73 a
2056.89 strong
2056.97 indicator
2057.38 of
2057.93 commitment.
2058.18 Number
2059.38 two,
2059.61 desirable
2060.84 professional
2061.48 experience
2062.04 for
2062.68 the
2062.84 committee
2063 includes,
2063.48 but
2064.04 is
2064.2 not
2064.36 limited
2064.52 to,
2064.92 human
2065.24 resources,
2065.56 compensation,
2066.2 law,
2067.16 finance
2067.56 or
2068.04 accounting,
2068.2 municipal
2068.68 government,
2069.38 business
2069.86 leadership,
2070.26 and
2070.74 management
2070.97 consulting.
2073.22 Recommendation
2073.22 number
2073.93 three,
2074.18 size
2074.49 of
2074.82 the
2074.97 committee.
2075.06 The
2075.38 committee
2075.61 should
2075.93 have
2076.09 seven
2076.34 members.
2077.06 A
2077.58 team
2077.74 of
2077.98 this
2078.06 size
2078.3 would
2078.54 be
2078.7 large
2078.86 enough
2079.1 to
2079.42 avoid
2079.5 quorum
2079.82 challenges
2080.22 but
2080.62 not
2080.86 so
2081.02 large
2081.18 that
2081.42 it
2081.66 would
2081.74 be
2081.82 hard
2081.98 to
2082.14 recruit
2082.3 members.
2082.7 Recommendation
2084.46 number
2085.1 four,
2085.88 process
2086.28 to
2086.28 recruit
2086.43 and
2086.76 select
2086.99 members.
2087.39 The
2087.95 following
2088.43 are
2088.43 the
2088.59 recommended
2088.84 steps,
2090.67 recruitment
2091.16 of
2091.16 applicants.
2091.32 The
2091.95 council
2092.11 should
2092.43 ask
2092.67 the
2092.98 administration
2093.14 to
2093.62 publicize
2093.78 a
2094.26 position
2094.42 using
2094.9 as
2095.14 many
2095.3 channels
2095.62 and
2096.02 processes
2096.18 as
2096.74 possible.
2096.9 Recruitment
2097.7 should
2098.26 occur
2098.42 as
2098.66 quickly
2098.82 as
2099.14 possible
2099.3 after
2099.7 council
2100.02 approval
2100.42 of
2100.82 the
2100.98 process
2101.14 and
2101.83 a
2101.91 reasonable
2102.14 deadline
2102.63 for
2102.95 application
2103.18 should
2103.74 be
2103.99 set.
2104.14 Applicants
2104.79 should
2105.35 submit
2105.59 resumes
2106.22 and
2106.7 letters
2107.03 of
2107.35 interest
2107.51 to
2107.83 the
2107.99 council's
2108.14 municipal
2108.55 policy
2109.18 analyst,
2109.66 Doug
2110.07 Newton.
2110.31 Initial
2111.43 screening
2111.83 of
2112.15 applicants.
2112.39 A
2113.59 special
2113.83 committee
2114.15 should
2114.79 be
2114.95 appointed
2115.11 to
2115.59 screen
2115.75 applicants.
2116.07 It
2116.63 should
2116.87 comprise
2117.11 of
2118.53 the
2118.77 personnel
2118.93 and
2119.41 city
2119.72 organization
2120.13 committee,
2120.84 Bays,
2121.41 Gannon,
2121.81 and
2122.13 Gardner,
2122.29 plus
2122.77 city
2123.09 council
2123.41 vice
2123.81 president,
2124.05 Councilor
2124.53 Piccirilli.
2125.83 The
2125.83 PCO
2125.99 recommends
2126.55 the
2126.95 special
2127.11 committee
2127.43 because
2127.75 it
2127.99 believes
2128.07 the
2128.39 process
2128.55 will
2128.95 be
2129.11 enhanced
2129.35 by
2129.67 Councilor
2129.83 Piccirilli's
2130.23 long
2130.87 term
2131.11 experience
2131.43 with
2131.99 the
2132.23 council
2132.31 and
2133.03 his
2133.19 broad
2133.35 exposure
2133.67 as
2134.15 council
2134.31 vice
2134.71 president.
2134.95 The
2136.22 special
2136.38 committee
2136.7 should
2137.49 evaluate
2137.66 all
2138.14 applicants
2138.45 and
2138.93 pass
2139.09 all
2139.49 qualified
2139.82 applicants
2140.3 on
2140.93 to
2141.18 the
2141.26 interviewing
2141.74 phase.
2142.3 Interviewing
2143.22 applicants.
2143.86 Two
2144.5 approaches
2144.74 were
2145.22 discussed.
2145.46 One
2145.94 option
2146.18 envisioned
2146.98 all
2147.38 finalists
2147.62 being
2148.02 interviewed
2148.26 by
2148.58 the
2148.74 council
2148.9 in
2149.3 public
2149.54 session.
2149.86 The
2150.78 other
2150.93 envisioned
2151.18 all
2151.57 qualified
2151.82 applicants
2152.3 being
2152.61 interviewed
2152.93 by
2153.26 one
2153.49 individual
2153.74 on
2154.22 behalf
2154.45 of
2154.7 the
2154.78 council.
2154.86 After
2155.82 discussing
2156.14 the
2156.53 pros
2156.7 and
2156.93 cons
2157.01 of
2157.26 both
2157.41 approaches,
2157.66 the
2158.28 recommendation
2158.44 is
2159 that
2159.24 council
2159.4 president,
2160.2 Sideris,
2160.76 should
2160.76 conduct
2161.32 interviews
2161.8 with
2162.2 all
2162.36 qualified
2162.6 applicants
2163.08 and
2163.56 then
2163.72 recommend
2163.96 members
2164.36 for
2165.08 the
2165.24 Blue
2165.4 Ribbon
2165.72 Committee
2166.04 to
2166.44 the
2166.6 council
2166.68 for
2167.08 approval.
2168.73 Having
2168.73 President
2169.05 Sideris
2169.53 act
2170.09 alone
2170.34 in
2171.14 this
2171.22 capacity
2171.45 provides
2172.18 important
2172.57 benefits.
2173.22 Number
2174.01 one,
2174.34 simplicity.
2174.73 The
2175.8 approach
2175.88 does
2176.2 not
2176.44 trigger
2176.6 open
2176.92 meeting
2177.24 law.
2177.56 So
2177.88 any
2178.12 complexity
2178.6 arising
2179.32 from
2179.72 various
2179.88 requirements
2180.52 it
2181 might
2181.16 impose
2181.48 can
2181.72 be
2181.96 avoided.
2182.04 And
2182.6 number
2182.76 two,
2182.92 privacy
2183.32 for
2183.72 the
2183.88 applicants.
2184.04 The
2184.6 interviews
2184.76 can
2185.7 happen
2185.86 in
2185.94 private
2186.03 with
2186.42 no
2186.59 violation
2186.74 of
2187.07 open
2187.3 meeting
2187.55 law,
2187.86 which
2188.51 should
2188.74 encourage
2188.91 more
2189.46 interested
2189.86 people
2190.42 to
2190.74 apply.
2190.91 Number
2191.94 three,
2192.26 efficiency
2192.66 and
2193.07 simplicity.
2193.3 The
2193.94 interviews
2194.11 can
2194.51 be
2194.66 scheduled
2194.74 quickly
2195.21 since
2195.53 finding
2195.85 calendar
2196.25 appointments
2196.81 will
2197.53 be
2197.69 substantially
2197.93 simpler
2199.05 for
2199.53 one
2199.69 person
2199.93 than
2200.25 for
2200.41 nine.
2203.48 Action
2203.48 item.
2203.8 Councilor
2204.61 Gardner
2205.01 made
2205.01 a
2205.16 motion
2205.32 seconded
2205.64 by
2206.05 Councilor
2206.13 Gannon
2206.53 that
2206.93 the
2207.09 PCO
2207.24 recommend
2207.8 the
2208.61 city
2208.76 council
2209.09 approve
2209.41 the
2209.8 four
2209.96 recommendations
2210.2 described
2211.43 above,
2211.51 specifically,
2213.59 number
2213.91 one,
2214.15 duties
2214.47 of
2214.79 the
2214.87 Blue
2215.03 Ribbon
2215.19 Committee
2215.51 number
2216.39 two,
2216.71 desirable
2216.95 skills,
2217.43 background,
2217.91 and
2218.31 or
2218.47 characteristics
2218.71 of
2219.43 committee
2219.59 members
2219.91 number
2220.31 three,
2220.55 size
2221.13 of
2221.28 the
2221.36 committee,
2222.16 number
2222.41 four,
2222.41 process
2222.41 to
2222.8 recruit
2222.89 and
2223.2 select
2223.36 members.
2223.68 The
2224.8 committee
2224.96 approved
2225.28 the
2225.68 recommendations
2225.84 3
2226.72 to
2226.96 0
2227.13 on
2227.36 a
2227.44 roll
2227.53 call
2227.76 vote.
2227.92 The
2228.62 meeting
2228.78 adjourned
2229.1 at
2229.5 7:08
2229.66 PM.
2230.22 And
2230.54 thank
2230.94 you
2231.18 very
2231.42 much
2231.58 to
2232.22 Councilor
2232.46 Gardner
2232.86 for
2233.26 such
2233.42 a
2233.66 quick
2233.82 turnaround
2234.06 on
2234.54 these
2234.7 notes.
2245.79 PALOMBA
2245.79 -
2245.79 Just
2245.79 a
2246.03 clarification
2246.19 on
2247.15 the
2247.39 eligibility.
2249.87 So
2252.47 if
2252.8 one
2253.59 owns
2253.84 property
2254.23 in
2254.64 Watertown,
2254.8 maybe
2255.43 I'm
2255.68 misreading
2255.84 it
2256.32 so
2256.47 I'll
2256.71 just
2256.88 ask
2257.11 the
2257.36 question.
2257.43 So
2258.88 if
2259.11 there
2259.28 is
2259.51 an
2259.68 absentee
2259.76 landlord,
2260.47 landowner,
2261.44 could
2262.8 they
2263.04 be
2263.2 considered
2263.68 a
2264.16 member?
2268.93 BAYS
2268.93 -
2268.93 Yes.
2268.93 We
2269.17 decided
2269.41 that
2269.97 anyone
2270.21 who
2270.61 paid
2271.57 taxes
2271.97 in
2272.38 Watertown
2272.61 would
2273.66 be
2273.89 someone
2274.61 who
2274.93 we
2275.17 would
2275.34 consider.
2275.57 So
2277.41 in
2277.57 other
2277.82 words,
2277.97 if
2278.84 they,
2279.08 the
2279.56 whole
2279.72 intent
2280.04 is
2280.44 to
2280.6 have
2280.76 people
2280.92 who
2281.16 are
2281.32 involved
2281.48 in
2281.88 Watertown
2282.04 and
2283.24 to
2283.56 try
2283.72 not
2283.96 to
2284.2 be,
2284.36 you
2286.14 know,
2286.45 non
2286.93 inclusive.
2337.42 SIDERIS
2337.42 -
2337.42 Yes.
2337.42 Thank
2337.66 you.
11. C.
The Budget and Fiscal Oversight Committee, led by Councilor Piccirilli, met on February 1st, February 22nd, and March 4th to review the fiscal year 2025 through 2029 capital improvement program. Key points from the report include maintaining proposed capital expenditures within 7.5 to 8% of the general fund budget, establishing a new line item for a senior center, identifying a funding gap of $2.1 million for a high school project, and allocating fair share funds from the Commonwealth for Chapter 90 activities. Several departmental projects and expenditures were discussed, including school improvements, public works initiatives, and strategizing to meet climate goals. The committee made 54 recommendations, ranging from proceeding with various loan orders for capital projects to confirming prior recommendations for community and infrastructure improvements. The total estimated capital spending for fiscal year 2025 is $35,704,000, with proposed fiscal year '25 capital spending being 17.58% of the operating budget or 7.3% without the Building for the Future Initiative. The committee unanimously voted to bring these recommendations to the council, appreciating the extensive collaboration and effort from council members and staff.
2339.15 SIDERIS
2339.15 -
2339.15 The
2339.15 next
2339.32 item
2339.64 is
2341.47 11c
2342.11 which
2342.11 is
2342.36 the
2342.51 committee
2342.67 of
2343.39 budget
2343.71 and
2344.11 fiscal
2344.19 oversight
2344.59 report
2345.07 regarding
2345.92 its
2346.16 meetings
2346.4 on
2346.8 February
2346.96 1st,
2347.36 February
2348 22nd,
2348.4 and
2348.96 March
2349.12 4th.
2349.44 Councilor
2350.24 Piccirilli
2350.64 is
2351.2 the
2351.44 chair.
2351.52 Councilor
2351.84 Piccirilli.
2353.2 -
2353.2 Thank
2353.2 you,
2353.36 Mr.
2353.76 President.
2354.24 And
2354.24 this
2355.32 report
2355.64 is
2356.11 10
2356.36 pages
2356.68 long,
2357.07 and
2357.47 it
2358.36 covers
2358.59 three
2360.11 nights,
2360.28 so
2360.28 I'm
2360.28 just
2360.43 going
2360.59 to
2360.91 sort
2360.91 of
2361.07 summarize
2361.24 it
2361.64 with
2362.2 the
2362.36 highlights
2362.52 and
2362.99 I
2363.16 hope
2363.24 everyone's
2364.08 okay
2364.48 with
2364.88 that.
2364.96 So
2366.24 the
2366.64 budget
2366.88 and
2367.28 fiscal
2367.44 oversight
2367.84 committee
2368.24 consisting
2368.8 of
2369.28 myself
2369.44 as
2369.84 chair,
2370.08 Councilor
2370.56 Izzo
2371.2 as
2371.6 vice
2371.84 chair,
2372.16 and
2372.48 Councilor
2373.63 Gardner
2374.18 as
2374.18 secretary
2374.18 met
2374.91 on
2375.14 three
2375.55 nights,
2375.78 February
2376.11 1st,
2376.43 February
2376.99 22nd,
2377.47 and
2378.43 March
2378.59 4th,
2378.91 for
2379.95 the
2380.18 purpose
2380.27 of
2380.82 reviewing
2381.07 the
2382.31 fiscal
2382.39 year
2382.87 2025
2383.59 through
2384.79 2029
2385.19 capital
2385.99 improvement
2386.31 program
2386.79 and
2387.19 make
2387.35 recommendations
2387.67 to
2388.47 the
2388.63 council.
2388.79 There
2390.77 were
2390.93 lots
2391.16 of
2391.41 people
2391.49 that
2391.81 attended
2391.97 this
2392.29 meeting,
2392.45 lots
2392.77 of
2392.93 staff
2393.89 members,
2394.45 lots
2395.32 of
2395.49 councilors.
2397.97 Mr.
2398.29 Proakis
2398.29 pointed
2399.09 out
2399.49 four
2399.81 highlights
2400.85 of
2401.57 the
2402.37 plan
2402.61 this
2402.93 year.
2404.37 The
2404.37 first
2404.69 is
2405.17 that
2405.41 the
2405.89 proposed
2407.64 expenditures,
2408.2 capital
2408.76 expenditures
2408.99 will
2409.64 once
2409.8 again
2410.04 fall
2410.28 within
2410.52 the
2410.76 target
2410.99 range
2411.24 of
2411.47 seven
2411.64 a
2411.95 half
2412.04 to
2412.12 8%
2412.2 of
2412.68 the
2412.84 general
2412.91 fund
2413.16 budget,
2413.39 not
2413.8 including
2414.04 investments
2414.36 in
2414.76 the
2414.91 Building
2414.99 for
2415.24 the
2415.39 Future
2415.56 Initiative.
2415.88 Last
2416.83 year
2416.99 we
2418.59 exceeded
2418.83 this
2420.19 by,
2420.75 it
2420.75 was
2420.91 nine
2421.07 and
2421.39 a
2421.39 half
2421.47 percent,
2421.71 exceeding
2422.11 it
2422.67 by
2422.75 one
2422.99 and
2423.15 a
2423.15 half
2423.23 percent
2423.39 due
2423.71 to
2423.95 unusual
2424.03 circumstances.
2424.67 Number
2425.39 two,
2426.91 this
2427.63 proposed
2427.63 plan
2428.11 establishes
2428.43 a
2429.07 new
2429.22 line
2429.47 for
2429.79 a
2430.03 new
2430.18 senior
2430.43 center
2430.99 building.
2431.3 Number
2432.18 three,
2432.43 there
2433.3 is
2433.47 still
2433.63 a
2433.86 gap
2433.95 of
2434.11 $2.1
2435.08 million
2435.48 between
2435.48 our
2435.8 planned
2436.12 borrowing
2436.44 of
2437.16 $150
2437.48 million
2438.76 for
2438.76 the
2438.92 high
2439.08 school
2439.16 and
2439.48 the
2439.64 total
2439.88 project
2440.2 cost.
2440.6 Funds
2441.36 will
2441.59 need
2441.71 to
2441.84 be
2442.16 identified
2442.32 to
2442.72 close
2443.03 this
2443.59 gap.
2443.84 And
2444.8 number
2445.03 four,
2445.2 for
2445.51 the
2445.68 first
2445.84 time,
2445.99 Watertown
2446.23 is
2446.8 receiving
2446.88 fair
2447.43 share
2447.68 funds
2447.91 from
2448.85 the
2448.93 Commonwealth,
2449.09 which
2449.97 must
2450.21 be
2450.45 used
2450.53 on
2450.77 Chapter
2450.93 90
2451.33 activities.
2451.65 In
2452.21 fiscal
2452.37 year
2452.85 24
2453.01 this
2453.57 amount
2453.73 is
2454.05 $309,948.
2458.63 The
2458.63 first
2458.95 night
2459.28 on
2459.43 February
2459.67 1st
2459.99 we
2460.71 walked
2460.95 through
2461.19 all
2461.59 the
2461.76 departments
2461.99 except
2462.47 schools
2462.88 and
2463.59 DPW,
2463.84 which
2464.55 were
2464.71 discussed
2464.95 at
2465.28 the
2465.43 next
2465.67 meeting.
2465.99 I
2466.54 do
2466.7 want
2467.1 to
2467.66 note
2467.66 the
2467.66 issue
2467.9 of
2468.22 the
2468.46 disbursement
2468.7 of
2469.26 ARPA
2469.5 funds
2469.9 was
2470.3 raised.
2470.54 There
2472.38 was
2472.54 a
2472.78 agreement
2472.94 to
2473.42 follow-up
2474.38 on
2474.86 this
2475.1 at
2476.63 a
2477.11 future
2477.27 point
2477.59 to
2477.91 make
2478.22 sure
2478.39 everything
2478.55 is
2478.86 being
2479.03 on
2479.51 track
2479.74 with
2480.07 that
2480.22 spending.
2480.47 On
2482.47 February
2482.86 28th
2483.43 we
2483.91 reconvened
2484.22 for
2485.87 the
2486.03 purpose
2486.19 of,
2487.47 first
2487.87 we
2487.87 discussed
2488.11 schools
2488.67 with
2490.59 a
2490.83 presentation
2490.99 from
2491.55 Doctor
2491.71 Galston
2492.11 and
2492.59 Miss
2492.83 Maroney.
2493.07 Just
2494.38 as
2494.93 a
2495.18 note
2495.26 that,
2495.58 the
2496.22 CIP
2496.45 has
2497.02 the
2497.82 city
2497.97 spending
2498.3 over
2498.93 $10
2499.18 million
2500.06 in
2500.06 middle
2500.3 school
2500.54 improvements
2500.86 over
2501.89 the
2502.14 next
2502.3 five
2502.54 years.
2502.78 Then
2505.04 next
2505.28 we
2505.28 went
2505.44 through
2505.68 the
2505.84 Department
2506 of
2506.32 Public
2506.48 Works
2506.8 with
2507.12 a
2507.36 presentation
2507.52 by
2509.36 Mr.
2509.68 Albano,
2510.32 Mr.
2510.96 Plourde,
2511.28 and
2512.24 Mr.
2512.72 Batista.
2513.59 A
2513.59 couple
2514.46 of
2514.7 points
2514.86 came
2515.11 out
2515.34 of
2515.51 that.
2515.59 During
2516.63 a
2516.95 discussion
2517.03 of
2517.59 progress
2517.82 to
2518.14 electrify
2519.03 vehicles
2519.66 across
2520.14 all
2520.55 departments
2520.78 in
2521.26 support
2521.51 of
2521.74 the
2521.82 climate
2521.98 and
2522.3 energy
2522.39 plan,
2522.78 the
2523.51 lack
2523.67 of
2523.91 adequate
2524.07 charging
2524.55 stations
2524.95 for
2525.27 municipal
2525.59 vehicles
2526.71 was
2527.27 identified
2527.43 as
2527.91 a
2528.15 gating
2528.23 factor.
2529.35 And
2529.35 the
2529.35 administration
2529.43 will
2530.07 continue
2530.31 to
2530.71 work
2530.87 on
2531.19 a
2531.27 strategy
2531.51 to
2531.99 meet
2532.23 these
2532.47 goals.
2532.63 Also,
2534.21 the
2535.17 question
2535.26 of
2535.65 how
2535.82 to
2536.13 spend
2536.3 the
2536.53 fair
2536.69 share
2537.97 Chapter
2538.3 90
2538.3 money
2538.69 was
2539.09 discussed.
2539.89 And,
2541.22 typically,
2541.22 our
2541.62 Chapter
2541.78 90
2542.18 money
2542.5 is
2542.74 spent
2542.82 solely
2543.14 on
2543.54 street
2543.86 and
2544.18 sidewalk
2544.34 construction.
2544.82 And
2545.94 because
2546.58 of
2546.9 some
2547.06 questions
2547.3 from
2547.62 the
2547.86 public,
2547.94 we're
2548.34 going
2548.58 to
2548.82 actually
2548.98 have
2549.38 a
2549.54 referral
2550.89 to
2551.2 public
2551.36 works
2551.61 committee
2551.93 to
2552.32 actually
2552.41 see
2553.36 how
2553.53 we
2553.77 could
2553.84 spend
2554.09 this
2554.24 money
2554.49 for
2554.89 things
2556.49 to
2557.29 specifically
2557.68 meet
2558.24 our
2558.41 climate
2558.64 goals.
2559.05 The
2561.22 next
2561.46 we
2561.94 reconvened
2562.34 on
2562.9 March
2563.14 4th.
2564.58 And
2564.82 the
2564.82 purpose
2564.98 of
2565.3 the
2565.38 March
2565.54 4th
2565.78 meeting
2566.1 was
2566.5 to
2566.72 sort
2566.95 of
2567.2 go
2567.36 through
2567.95 the
2568.72 recommendations
2568.95 and
2569.99 wordsmith
2571.84 the
2572.32 final
2572.47 language,
2572.8 which
2573.52 I
2573.76 will
2573.91 just
2574.16 briefly
2574.47 reach.
2575.11 There's
2575.64 54
2575.96 recommendations.
2576.44 I
2577 will
2577.08 just
2577.24 briefly
2577.48 say
2577.88 what
2578.12 all
2578.6 of
2578.76 them
2578.92 are.
2580.84 Number
2580.84 one,
2581.08 concur
2581.48 with
2581.88 the
2582.12 decision
2582.2 to
2582.7 put
2582.86 all
2582.93 parks
2583.09 and
2583.49 recreation
2583.66 capital
2584.06 projects
2584.38 in
2584.78 a
2584.93 separate
2585.02 open
2585.41 space
2585.66 improvement
2586.3 category
2586.7 with
2588.78 the
2589.02 strategy
2589.41 of
2589.82 having
2589.89 a
2590.22 new
2590.3 open
2590.45 space
2590.7 planner
2591.02 manage
2591.34 that.
2591.66 Number
2592.04 two,
2592.28 cancel
2593.16 the
2593.48 prior
2593.64 recommendation
2593.96 to
2594.52 proceed
2594.68 with
2595.08 the
2595.24 fiscal
2595.8 year
2596.12 17
2596.36 loan
2596.84 order
2597.08 for
2598.12 $1.125
2598.28 million
2599.88 for
2599.88 KC
2600.12 Park
2600.82 Baseball
2601.05 as
2601.61 this
2601.86 is
2602.02 now
2602.09 will
2602.66 be
2602.89 brought
2602.97 forward
2603.22 in
2603.54 fiscal
2603.7 year
2604.09 29.
2604.34 Number
2605.3 three,
2605.61 cancel
2606.49 the
2606.82 prior
2606.97 recommendation
2607.3 to
2607.78 proceed
2607.86 with
2608.18 the
2608.34 fiscal
2608.41 year
2608.82 17
2609.21 loan
2609.53 order
2609.77 for
2610.09 $5
2610.17 million
2611.13 for
2611.13 Victory
2611.29 Field
2611.69 phase
2612.01 two,
2612.25 as
2613.13 this
2613.37 will
2613.53 now
2613.77 be
2613.93 brought
2614.17 forward
2614.41 in
2614.65 a
2614.89 new
2615.05 loan
2615.21 order
2615.45 in
2615.69 fiscal
2615.85 year
2616.17 26
2616.41 for
2616.97 $7.6
2617.13 million.
2619.39 Number
2619.39 four,
2619.72 confirm
2620.2 recommendation
2620.68 to
2621.24 proceed
2621.32 with
2621.72 the
2621.88 fiscal
2622.52 year
2622.91 18
2623.16 loan
2623.72 order
2624.04 for
2624.68 $325,000
2625.16 for
2626.76 community
2626.91 path
2627.39 design.
2627.72 Number
2628.65 five,
2629.05 confirm
2629.77 prior
2630.17 recommendation
2630.49 to
2630.97 proceed
2631.05 with
2631.37 the
2631.49 fiscal
2631.61 year
2631.93 20
2632.17 proposed
2632.49 loan
2632.89 order
2633.13 for
2633.25 $3
2633.37 million
2634.33 for
2634.33 the
2634.57 community
2634.65 path
2635.13 construction.
2636.86 Number
2636.86 six,
2637.82 confirmed
2638.22 prior
2638.22 recommendation
2638.55 and
2639.11 proceed
2639.18 with
2639.59 the
2639.82 fiscal
2640.3 year
2640.63 22
2640.94 proposed
2642.39 loan
2642.86 order
2643.11 for
2643.42 school
2643.59 improvements
2643.91 at
2644.3 the
2644.46 middle
2644.55 school
2644.86 for
2645.26 $2.765
2649.57 million.
2649.57 Number
2649.57 seven,
2649.89 confirm
2650.53 prior
2651.01 recommendation
2651.33 to
2651.81 proceed
2651.89 with
2652.21 the
2652.37 fiscal
2652.45 year
2652.77 22
2653.01 proposed
2653.41 loan
2653.89 order
2654.13 for
2654.74 $700,000
2654.89 for
2656.09 the
2656.26 Sullivan
2656.34 Playground.
2656.74 Number
2657.86 eight,
2658.09 confirm
2658.49 the
2658.74 prior
2658.89 recommendation
2659.22 to
2659.7 proceed
2659.78 with
2660.18 the
2660.26 fiscal
2660.34 year
2660.66 22
2663.43 $375,000
2663.43 proposed
2663.59 loan
2663.99 order
2664.23 for
2664.47 Victory
2665.51 Field
2665.75 phase
2665.75 three
2666.07 field
2666.39 house
2666.63 design.
2666.95 Number
2668.84 nine,
2669.16 confirm
2669.81 the
2670.2 prior
2670.36 recommendation
2670.68 to
2671.16 proceed
2671.32 with
2671.57 the
2671.72 fiscal
2671.89 year
2672.2 23,
2672.36 $205,000
2673.01 proposed
2674.29 loan
2674.61 order
2674.77 for
2675.09 administration
2675.24 building
2675.89 improvements.
2676.2 Number
2677.01 10,
2677.32 confirm
2678.04 the
2678.28 prior
2678.52 recommendation
2678.92 to
2679.48 proceed
2679.56 with
2679.88 fiscal
2680.12 year
2680.44 23,
2681.08 $500,000
2681.72 loan
2683 order
2683.24 for
2683.56 information
2683.72 technology.
2685.56 Number
2685.56 11,
2685.88 confirm
2687.24 the
2687.64 prior
2687.8 recommendation
2688.11 to
2688.6 proceed
2688.68 with
2688.99 the
2689.12 fiscal
2689.24 year
2689.64 23,
2689.95 $325,000
2690.99 loan
2692.6 order
2692.76 for
2692.99 library
2693.16 improvements.
2693.64 Number
2694.59 12,
2694.83 confirm
2695.63 the
2696.03 prior
2696.19 recommendation
2696.51 to
2697.07 proceed
2697.23 with
2697.55 the
2697.71 fiscal
2697.79 year
2698.11 23,
2699.47 $2.23
2701.39 million
2701.39 loan
2701.39 order
2701.55 for
2701.87 DPW
2702.11 Projects
2702.75 and
2703.15 Equipment.
2703.39 Number
2704.43 13,
2704.82 confirm
2705.79 the
2706.11 prior
2706.27 recommendation
2706.59 to
2707.07 proceed
2707.22 with
2707.55 the
2707.66 fiscal
2707.79 year
2708.11 23,
2709.39 $4
2710.34 million
2710.34 loan
2710.34 order
2710.51 for
2710.74 Victory
2710.99 Field
2711.39 phase
2711.7 three
2711.95 field
2712.34 house
2712.59 renovation.
2712.82 Number
2714.56 14,
2715.52 confirm
2715.84 the
2715.84 prior
2716 recommendation
2716.32 to
2716.88 proceed
2716.96 with
2717.28 the
2717.52 fiscal
2717.6 year
2717.92 23
2718.4 loan
2718.96 order
2719.2 for
2719.68 $500,000
2719.92 for
2721.12 How
2721.36 Park.
2721.6 Number
2723.91 15,
2724.72 confirm
2725.2 the
2725.2 previous
2725.36 recommendation
2725.76 in
2727.04 consideration
2727.28 of
2727.99 the
2728.07 ongoing
2728.32 master
2728.72 plan
2729.04 feasibility
2729.36 study
2729.91 for
2730.24 The
2730.32 Phillips
2730.47 School
2730.88 Senior
2731.66 Center
2731.98 site
2732.3 that
2732.86 all
2733.02 improvements
2733.26 shall
2733.9 be
2734.14 placed
2734.3 on
2734.62 hold
2734.86 until
2735.18 those
2735.58 recommendations
2735.82 are
2736.46 considered.
2737.58 Number
2737.58 16,
2737.98 confirm
2738.89 the
2739.21 prior
2739.3 recommendation
2739.78 to
2740.26 proceed
2740.41 with
2740.73 school
2740.89 department's
2741.14 fiscal
2741.69 year
2742.18 23
2742.97 loan
2743.21 order
2743.45 for
2744.09 improvements
2744.34 to
2744.82 the
2744.89 middle
2745.05 school
2745.38 for
2745.69 $1,340,000.
2749.51 Number
2749.51 17,
2749.91 confirm
2750.87 the
2751.27 prior
2751.43 recommendation
2751.67 and
2752.23 proceed
2752.31 with
2752.55 the
2752.79 school
2752.87 department's
2753.11 fiscal
2753.59 year
2753.99 24
2754.47 loan
2754.79 order
2755.03 for
2755.43 various
2755.75 school
2757.43 improvements
2757.75 for
2758.43 $167,000.
2761.07 Number
2761.86 18,
2762.27 for
2762.74 the
2762.91 high
2762.99 school
2763.22 MSBA
2763.47 project,
2764.18 identify
2765.3 funds
2766.18 to
2766.59 close
2766.66 the
2766.99 gap
2767.14 of
2767.39 the
2767.47 $2.1
2768.77 million
2769.41 shown
2769.41 as
2769.65 TBD.
2769.81 Number
2771.41 19,
2771.73 cancel
2773.25 the
2773.65 prior
2773.81 recommendation
2774.13 to
2774.61 proceed
2774.69 with
2775.01 the
2775.25 fiscal
2775.33 year
2775.65 24
2776.37 $1
2777.17 million
2777.17 loan
2777.17 order
2777.41 for
2778.19 demolishing
2778.99 the
2779.64 former
2779.71 police
2780.03 station
2780.28 as
2780.51 this
2780.76 is
2780.91 now
2781.07 shown
2781.32 to
2781.64 be
2781.8 brought
2781.95 forward
2782.28 for
2783.07 a
2783.19 loan
2783.32 order
2783.55 in
2783.8 fiscal
2783.95 year
2784.28 26.
2784.59 Number
2785.89 20,
2786.13 confirm
2786.69 the
2787.09 prior
2787.25 recommendation
2787.57 to
2788.05 proceed
2788.13 with
2788.45 the
2788.57 fiscal
2788.69 year
2789.09 24,
2789.33 $1,150,000
2789.97 loan
2792.05 order
2792.21 for
2792.45 administration
2792.61 building
2793.25 renovation
2793.65 projects.
2794.29 Number
2795.43 21,
2795.76 confirm
2796.32 the
2796.64 prior
2796.88 recommendation
2797.19 to
2797.51 proceed
2797.84 with
2798.23 the
2798.36 fiscal
2798.47 year
2798.88 24,
2799.19 $1,275,000
2799.99 loan
2802.23 order
2802.55 for
2802.8 Parker
2802.95 Annex
2803.36 Renovation
2803.91 Projects.
2805.66 Number
2805.66 22,
2806.06 confirm
2807.26 the
2807.66 prior
2807.82 recommendation
2808.22 to
2808.7 proceed
2808.78 with
2809.1 the
2809.26 fiscal
2809.42 year
2809.74 24,
2810.06 $1,138,000
2811.02 loan
2813.58 order
2813.82 for
2814.06 IT.
2814.3 Number
2815.86 23,
2816.18 confirm
2816.89 the
2817.3 prior
2817.45 recommendation
2817.78 to
2818.26 proceed
2818.34 with
2818.66 the
2818.82 fiscal
2818.89 year
2819.22 24
2819.45 $310,000
2819.86 loan
2821.61 order
2821.86 for
2822.1 the
2822.26 fire
2822.41 department.
2822.66 Number
2824.09 24,
2824.49 confirm
2825.45 the
2825.85 prior
2825.93 recommendation
2826.25 to
2826.73 proceed
2826.81 with
2827.13 the
2827.29 fiscal
2827.37 year
2827.77 24,
2828.25 $786,000
2829.37 loan
2830.89 order
2831.05 for
2831.29 the
2831.45 library.
2831.53 Number
2832.61 25,
2832.84 confirm
2833.8 the
2834.13 prior
2834.28 recommendation
2834.68 to
2835.09 proceed
2835.16 with
2835.57 the
2835.61 fiscal
2835.64 year
2836.05 24,
2836.28 $37,000
2837.09 loan
2838.28 order
2838.53 for
2839.16 the
2839.57 police
2839.72 department.
2840.13 Number
2840.84 26,
2841.24 confirm
2842.06 the
2842.22 prior
2842.38 recommendation
2842.86 to
2843.26 proceed
2843.34 with
2843.66 the
2843.82 fiscal
2843.9 year
2844.3 24,
2844.46 $960,000
2845.18 loan
2846.62 order
2846.78 for
2847.02 the
2847.18 DPW.
2847.34 Number
2848.7 27,
2848.94 confirm
2849.82 the
2850.22 prior
2850.38 recommendation
2851.26 to
2851.65 proceed
2851.89 with
2852.14 fiscal
2852.3 year
2852.69 24,
2852.86 $650,000
2853.82 loan
2855.17 order
2855.34 for
2855.57 Lowell
2855.82 Playground.
2856.14 Number
2857.49 28,
2857.82 cancel
2859.06 the
2859.3 prior
2859.46 recommendation
2859.78 to
2860.26 proceed
2860.34 with
2860.66 the
2860.82 fiscal
2860.98 year
2861.22 $170,000
2861.86 loan
2863.46 order
2863.54 for
2863.78 the
2863.94 skating
2864.02 rink
2864.42 as
2864.74 these
2864.98 projects
2865.22 will
2865.76 now
2865.91 be
2866.04 brought
2866.16 forward
2866.55 in
2866.88 fiscal
2867.04 year
2867.43 25
2867.59 loan
2868.07 order.
2870.32 Number
2870.32 29,
2870.72 cancel
2871.76 the
2872.16 prior
2872.32 recommendation
2872.64 to
2873.11 proceed
2873.2 with
2873.52 the
2873.68 fiscal
2873.76 year
2874.16 24
2874.32 $2
2875.24 million
2875.56 loan
2875.56 order
2875.72 for
2875.96 land
2876.12 acquisition
2876.52 for
2877.8 the
2877.96 Mount
2878.12 Auburn
2878.28 Street
2878.6 Reconstruction
2878.92 Project
2879.56 as
2879.96 this
2880.2 is
2880.36 now
2880.52 shown
2880.76 to
2881.08 be
2881.24 brought
2881.4 forward
2881.72 in
2882.2 fiscal
2882.44 year
2882.84 27.
2883.16 Proceed
2885.01 with
2885.41 the
2885.66 fiscal
2885.73 year
2886.14 24,
2886.38 $2,625,000
2887.49 loan
2890.05 order
2890.21 for
2890.38 local
2890.61 road
2890.93 projects
2891.18 in
2891.57 accordance
2891.82 with
2892.14 the
2892.3 Public
2892.45 Works
2892.78 Committee
2893.01 report
2893.41 from
2894.2 December
2894.52 12,
2895 2023.
2896.12 Number
2898.76 31,
2899.16 confirm
2900.2 the
2900.6 prior
2900.76 recommendation
2901.08 to
2901.56 proceed
2901.64 with
2901.96 the
2902.12 fiscal
2902.2 year
2902.6 24,
2902.76 $2.1
2903.61 million
2905.06 loan
2905.06 order
2905.3 for
2908.26 longer
2909.61 road
2909.61 street
2909.61 projects
2909.61 for
2909.61 construction
2909.93 of
2910.41 Forest
2910.58 and
2910.97 Springfield
2911.14 Streets.
2911.7 Number
2912.9 32,
2913.62 confirm
2914.18 the
2914.5 prior
2914.66 recommendations
2914.98 to
2915.46 proceed
2915.54 with
2915.86 fiscal
2916.1 year
2916.42 24,
2916.66 $300,000
2917.06 loan
2918.18 order
2918.34 for
2918.66 underground
2918.9 ducts
2919.3 for
2919.62 utilities.
2919.78 Number
2920.9 33,
2921.22 proceed
2922.34 with
2923.14 the
2923.22 fiscal
2923.3 year
2923.7 25,
2924.03 $140,000
2924.51 loan
2926.03 order
2926.26 for
2926.51 administration
2926.66 building
2927.22 improvements.
2929.07 Number
2929.07 34,
2929.47 proceed
2930.42 with
2930.74 the
2930.82 fiscal
2930.9 year
2931.3 25,
2931.54 $2,341,000
2932.82 loan
2935.14 order
2935.3 for
2935.54 Parker
2935.7 Annex
2936.1 Renovation
2936.66 Projects.
2937.22 Number
2938.3 35,
2938.53 proceed
2939.82 with
2940.14 the
2940.26 fiscal
2940.38 year
2940.78 25,
2940.93 $350,000
2941.41 loan
2942.69 order
2942.86 for
2943.09 Commander's
2943.34 Mansion
2943.82 Elevator.
2944.14 Number
2944.86 36,
2945.18 proceed
2946.31 with
2946.63 the
2946.71 fiscal
2946.87 year
2947.19 25,
2947.43 $960,000
2947.99 loan
2949.35 order
2949.59 for
2949.75 Bemis
2949.99 Playground.
2950.63 Number
2951.99 37,
2952.31 proceed
2953.41 with
2953.65 the
2953.73 fiscal
2953.89 year
2954.21 25,
2954.45 $1.1
2955.17 million
2956.53 loan
2956.53 order
2956.69 for
2957.01 for
2957.26 information
2957.41 technology.
2957.97 Number
2959.17 38,
2959.57 proceed
2960.43 with
2960.75 fiscal
2960.99 year
2961.31 25,
2961.55 $1,762,000
2962.11 loan
2964.59 order
2964.75 for
2964.91 the
2965.15 fire
2965.23 department.
2965.47 Number
2966.75 39,
2967.15 proceed
2967.97 with
2968.28 the
2968.32 fiscal
2968.36 year
2968.84 25,
2969.09 $75,000
2969.57 loan
2970.84 order
2971.09 for
2971.89 the
2972.28 library
2972.61 retro
2973.32 commissioning
2973.64 study.
2974.13 Number
2975.49 40,
2975.89 proceed
2976.76 with
2977 fiscal
2977.4 year
2977.72 25,
2978.12 $1.6
2979.8 million
2981.24 loan
2981.24 order
2981.4 for
2981.72 the
2981.88 police
2981.96 department.
2982.28 Number
2983.24 41,
2983.56 proceed
2984.57 with
2984.8 fiscal
2984.89 year
2985.36 25,
2985.61 $1.1
2986.24 million
2987.61 loan
2987.61 order
2987.84 for
2988.09 the
2988.24 public
2988.32 works
2988.64 department.
2988.89 Number
2990.09 42,
2990.41 proceed
2991.5 with
2991.82 school
2991.9 department's
2992.3 fiscal
2992.86 year
2993.26 25
2993.58 capital
2993.98 request
2995.1 of
2995.5 $1,255,000
2995.98 with
2998.38 $240,000
2998.78 of
3000.3 that
3000.46 as
3001.36 tax
3001.36 revenue
3001.84 projects
3002.32 and
3004.8 $1,015,000
3005.11 loan
3007.68 order
3007.91 for
3008.16 various
3008.39 school
3008.95 projects.
3010.8 Number
3010.8 43,
3011.2 proceed
3011.68 with
3012 the
3012.16 fiscal
3012.24 year
3012.56 25,
3012.8 $225,000
3013.52 loan
3015.12 order
3015.28 for
3015.52 the
3015.68 skating
3015.76 rink.
3016.16 Number
3017.36 44,
3017.76 add
3020.86 a
3021.26 referral
3021.43 to
3022.14 the
3022.3 Public
3022.47 Works
3022.7 Committee
3023.03 for
3023.34 policy
3023.51 guidance
3023.82 of
3024.39 plans
3024.47 for
3024.78 the
3024.95 fiscal
3025.03 year
3025.43 25,
3025.66 $2,725,000
3026.78 proposed
3029.03 loan
3029.51 order
3029.66 for
3030.01 local
3030.17 road
3030.49 construction
3030.65 projects.
3031.21 Number
3033.05 45,
3033.37 proceed
3034.25 with
3034.57 fiscal
3034.73 year
3035.13 25,
3035.53 $2.2
3036.33 million
3037.53 proposed
3037.53 loan
3037.93 order
3038.17 for
3038.55 longer
3038.88 road
3039.19 projects
3039.51 for
3040.16 the
3040.39 reconstruction
3040.64 of
3041.28 Riverside
3041.59 Street
3042.16 in
3042.47 2026.
3042.71 Number
3045.11 46,
3045.99 proceed
3046.47 with
3046.71 the
3046.83 fiscal
3046.95 year
3047.35 25,
3047.51 $500,000
3047.99 proposed
3049.27 loan
3049.59 order
3049.83 for
3050.07 Mount
3050.23 Auburn
3050.47 Street
3050.87 non-participatory
3051.19 funds.
3052.31 Number
3053.72 47,
3054.05 refer
3059.01 to
3059.32 the
3059.57 Public
3059.64 Works
3059.89 Committee
3060.2 for
3060.53 policy
3060.68 guidance
3061.01 plans
3061.4 for
3061.72 the
3061.8 fiscal
3062.31 year
3062.63 24,
3062.95 $309,948
3065.83 Chapter
3066.15 90
3066.15 fair
3066.47 share
3066.63 amendment
3066.79 appropriation.
3068.71 Number
3068.71 48,
3069.11 concur
3070.64 with
3070.96 the
3071.05 plan
3071.13 to
3071.28 align
3071.44 the
3071.68 operating
3071.84 budget
3072.32 by
3072.8 showing
3072.96 certain
3073.53 tax
3073.84 revenue
3074.16 lines
3074.64 for
3074.89 the
3075.05 DPW
3075.2 and
3075.84 the
3076.01 CIP
3076.16 that
3076.72 were
3077.13 omitted
3077.36 in
3077.76 previous
3078.16 years.
3078.64 And
3080.56 now
3080.8 for,
3081.12 water
3081.68 sewer
3082 enterprise
3082.32 funds,
3082.88 number
3083.44 49,
3083.84 recommend
3085.04 proceed
3085.52 with
3085.92 the
3086 fiscal
3086.08 year
3086.4 24
3086.72 MWRA
3088.51 loan
3089.55 orders
3089.88 for
3093.32 water
3093.32 grant
3093.72 program,
3094.03 inflow
3094.59 and
3095.07 infiltration
3095.24 for
3095.72 sewer,
3095.88 and
3096.2 a
3096.36 local
3096.51 water
3096.76 assistance
3096.99 program.
3098.41 Number
3098.73 50,
3099.05 confirm
3099.69 the
3100.17 prior
3100.25 recommendation
3100.65 perceived
3101.13 with
3101.37 the
3101.53 fiscal
3101.61 year
3102.01 19,
3102.25 a
3102.89 Sewer
3102.97 Enterprise
3103.37 Fund
3103.77 loan
3104.09 order
3104.33 for
3104.65 $270,000.
3104.97 Number
3106.89 51,
3107.13 confirm
3107.84 the
3108.49 prior
3108.64 recommendation
3108.97 to
3109.45 proceed
3109.53 with
3109.77 the
3110.01 fiscal
3110.09 year
3110.41 24,
3110.72 $1,370,000
3111.28 Sewer
3113.68 Fund
3114.01 loan
3114.41 order.
3114.64 Number
3115.94 52,
3116.26 proceed
3117.06 with
3117.3 the
3117.46 fiscal
3117.54 year
3117.86 25
3118.02 water
3119.54 and
3119.86 sewer
3120.02 proposed
3120.98 MWRA
3121.62 loan
3122.9 orders
3123.22 for
3123.7 sewer
3124.64 inflow
3124.88 and
3125.2 infiltration,
3125.36 local
3126.07 water
3126.32 assistance
3126.64 program,
3127.11 and
3127.52 lead
3127.84 pipe
3128.32 program.
3130.24 Number
3130.24 53,
3130.64 proceed
3131.11 with
3131.27 the
3131.43 fiscal
3131.68 year
3132.07 25
3132.73 Sewer
3133.37 Enterprise
3133.69 Fund
3134.17 proposed
3134.49 loan
3134.97 order
3135.21 for
3135.45 $1,070,000.
3138.57 And
3138.57 finally,
3138.73 number
3139.77 54,
3140.24 proceed
3140.57 with
3140.89 fiscal
3141.13 year
3141.53 25,
3141.93 Water
3142.97 Enterprise
3143.29 Fund
3143.77 loan
3144.01 order
3144.24 for
3144.49 $80,000.
3145.36 So
3146.32 this
3146.72 all
3147.05 came
3147.29 to
3147.53 a
3147.68 summary
3147.84 of,
3149.72 as
3150.44 we
3150.68 do
3150.84 each
3151 year,
3151.24 we
3151.64 look
3151.88 at
3152.04 the
3152.6 final
3152.76 numbers.
3153.08 I
3153.4 want
3153.56 to
3153.88 thank,
3153.96 the
3154.44 auditor,
3154.68 Ms.
3155.48 Langan,
3155.72 for
3156.12 putting
3156.28 these
3156.68 numbers
3156.92 together.
3157.24 So
3158.86 in
3158.94 fiscal
3159.18 year
3159.59 25,
3160.39 our
3160.63 total
3160.86 capital
3161.26 spending
3161.74 is
3162.39 estimated
3162.63 to
3163.03 be
3163.34 $35,704,000.
3170.16 Of
3170.16 that,
3170.4 $20,900,000
3171.6 is
3174.48 for
3174.99 the
3175.24 Building
3175.39 for
3175.8 the
3175.88 Future
3176.04 Program
3176.36 for
3176.84 our
3177.07 schools,
3177.32 and
3178.04 all
3178.28 the
3178.52 other
3178.68 capital
3179.8 spending
3180.28 is
3180.68 $14,700,000.
3180.99 Looking
3183.33 at
3183.73 our
3183.97 proposed
3184.29 fiscal
3185.09 year
3185.49 '25
3186.05 revised
3187.49 revenue
3187.97 projection,
3188.45 the
3190.21 budget
3190.37 would
3190.77 be
3191.01 about
3191.41 $203
3195.22 million.
3195.22 This
3195.22 means
3195.63 that
3196.34 the
3196.66 proposed
3196.74 fiscal
3197.31 year
3197.63 '25
3198.03 capital
3198.27 spending
3198.66 would
3199.07 be
3199.14 17.58%
3200.93 of
3201.25 the
3201.33 operating
3201.49 budget
3201.89 or
3203.65 7.3%
3204.69 without
3205.09 the
3205.49 Building
3205.65 for
3205.97 the
3206.21 Future
3206.37 Initiative.
3208.59 So,
3208.59 there's
3209.63 a
3210.34 bunch
3210.66 of
3211.86 nine
3212.18 attachments
3212.43 that
3212.99 go
3213.14 along
3213.3 with
3213.63 this,
3213.7 and
3214.03 the
3214.34 committee
3214.51 voted
3214.99 unanimously
3216.15 to
3217.35 bring
3217.43 these
3217.67 recommendations
3217.91 to
3218.55 the
3218.63 council.
3218.79 So
3219.59 there's
3219.91 a
3220.07 lot
3220.23 there
3220.63 if
3220.79 anybody
3220.79 has
3221.11 any
3221.27 questions.
3221.51 I
3221.91 really
3222.15 want
3222.39 to
3222.79 thank
3222.79 Councilor
3224.39 Gardner
3224.72 for
3225.2 putting
3225.6 this
3226.72 committee
3227.04 report
3227.43 together,
3227.76 which
3228.08 I
3228.24 helped
3228.39 edit
3229.04 it
3229.68 with
3229.84 her.
3229.99 And
3230.72 I
3231.04 really
3231.2 want
3231.43 to
3231.76 thank
3231.76 my
3232.65 two
3232.89 committee
3233.05 members,
3233.45 Councilor
3233.93 Gardner
3234.33 and
3235.05 Councilor
3235.29 Izzo,
3236.01 for
3236.65 doing
3236.81 a
3237.05 fantastic
3237.45 job
3238.17 through
3238.49 a
3238.73 very
3238.89 difficult,
3239.77 complicated
3244.68 proposed
3244.68 capital
3245.16 spending,
3245.56 and
3245.88 all
3246.11 the
3246.28 staff
3246.43 members
3248.36 who
3248.68 participated
3248.91 in
3249.64 that.
3249.88 So
3250.28 that's
3250.76 the
3251.07 report,
3251.16 mister
3251.86 president.
3278.86 SIDERIS
3279.27 -
3279.27 First
3279.27 action
3279.27 item
3279.51 is
3279.91 that
3280.55 the
3280.79 council
3281.59 adopt
3282.07 the
3283.03 54
3283.27 conceptual
3283.82 recommendations.
3290.26 SIDERIS
3290.26 -
3290.26 I
3290.26 want
3290.5 to
3290.74 take
3290.74 this
3290.98 opportunity
3291.22 to
3291.86 thank
3292.02 the
3292.9 committee,
3293.14 Councilor
3295.62 Piccirilli,
3295.94 Councilor
3295.94 Rizzo,
3295.94 Councilor
3296.34 Gardner,
3296.74 the
3297.61 manager,
3297.76 the
3298.72 auditor,
3299.05 and
3299.45 all
3299.61 the
3299.76 staff
3299.93 that
3300.24 contributed.
3300.8 This
3301.45 is
3301.61 a
3301.68 lot
3301.84 of
3302.09 recommendations,
3303.76 it's
3303.93 a
3303.93 lot
3304.01 of
3304.24 money,
3304.32 and
3305.05 it's
3305.28 very
3305.53 comprehensive.
3305.84 So,
3306.86 thank
3307.42 you
3307.66 for
3307.9 all
3308.46 of
3308.62 your
3308.7 efforts
3308.94 on
3309.26 behalf
3309.42 of
3309.98 the
3310.14 city.
3331.07 SIDERIS
3331.07 -
3331.07 The
3331.07 next
3331.24 action
3331.56 item
3331.88 is
3332.2 that
3332.59 the
3332.84 council
3332.91 recommends
3333.39 that
3333.8 the
3333.88 city
3334.04 manager
3334.36 maintain
3335.24 the
3336.2 FY
3336.59 25
3336.84 capital
3337.88 spending
3338.43 so
3339.22 that
3339.38 it
3339.62 does
3339.7 not
3339.94 exceed
3340.18 8%
3340.66 of
3341.78 the
3341.94 submitted
3342.1 FY
3343.06 25
3343.38 operating
3344.26 budget.
3363.28 SIDERIS
3363.28 -
3363.28 Yes.
3363.28 Thank
Section 13
The text describes a moment during a council session where an individual named Sideris asks if there is any new business to discuss. Following the inquiry, it appears there are no new matters to address, as no one steps forward with new business for the council.
3364.48 SIDERIS
3364.48 -
3364.48 Next
3364.48 item
3364.72 is
3365.04 new
3365.2 business.
3365.36 Is
3365.68 there
3365.84 any
3366.08 new
3366.32 business
3366.48 come
3367.41 before
3367.64 the
3367.97 council?
3368.13 Seeing
3371.24 none,
3371.57 we'll
13. A.
The city manager communicated a request for the confirmation of Jason Cohen's reappointment to the planning board, with his term to expire on February 15, 2027. This recommendation came after a review and an interview process overseen by the residents advisory committee, which endorsed Cohen for his continued service. The city manager personally met with Cohen, discussing his contributions to the planning board, particularly noting his architectural expertise and background's positive impact on Watertown's planning efforts. Following this presentation, it was stated that Cohen's reappointment would be forwarded to the committee on economic development and planning, as per council rules.
3372.29 the
3372.45 communications
3372.68 from
3373.24 the
3373.41 city
3373.57 manager
3374.84 and
3376.12 the
3376.12 first
3376.36 one
3376.52 is
3376.76 a
3377 request
3377.08 for
3377.88 confirmation
3378.2 of
3378.68 reappointment
3378.92 to
3379.4 the
3379.48 planning
3379.64 board.
3379.96 Mr.
3380.52 Manager.
3381.16 PROAKIS
3381.16 -
3381.16 Thank
3381.16 you,
3381.32 Mr.
3381.8 President.
3384.01 As
3384.01 you
3384.26 know,
3384.41 the
3384.73 process
3384.89 we
3385.3 follow
3385.53 for
3385.86 appointments
3386.01 and
3386.41 reappointments
3386.57 involve
3387.3 interviews
3388.26 and
3388.66 reviews
3388.82 by
3389.21 the
3389.38 residents
3389.53 advisory
3389.93 committee.
3390.41 Residents
3391.31 advisory
3391.63 committee
3392.11 has
3392.43 recommended
3392.67 to
3393.07 me
3393.23 the
3394.51 reappointment
3394.75 of
3395.23 Jason
3395.39 Cohen
3395.79 as
3396.19 a
3396.43 member
3396.51 of
3396.75 the
3396.83 planning
3396.91 board
3397.23 for
3397.47 a
3397.63 term
3397.71 to
3397.87 expire
3398.03 February
3398.35 15,
3398.75 2027.
3399.39 I
3401.22 also
3401.39 had
3401.95 the
3402.11 chance
3402.27 to
3402.51 meet
3402.59 with
3402.66 Mr.
3402.91 Cohen
3403.14 and,
3403.55 talk
3404.18 about
3404.43 his
3404.66 work
3405.47 on
3405.7 the
3405.87 planning
3405.95 board
3406.27 to
3406.59 date,
3406.66 and,
3407.7 how
3408.8 his
3409.04 experience
3409.36 as
3410 an
3410.16 architect
3410.4 and
3410.96 background
3411.68 has
3412.24 helped
3413.12 him
3413.36 and
3413.6 helped
3413.76 our
3414 planning
3414.16 board
3414.48 with
3414.72 the
3414.88 city
3414.96 of
3415.2 Watertown.
3415.28 So
3415.76 I'm
3415.92 happy
3416.24 to
3416.56 recommend,
3416.96 mister
3417.6 Cohen
3418.05 for
3418.38 a
3418.53 reappointment
3418.61 and
3421.02 request
3421.97 your
3421.97 council's
3422.38 action
3422.93 on
3423.18 that.
3423.34 Thank
3423.49 you
3424.05 Mr.
3424.78 President.
3424.78 SIDERIS
3424.78 -
3424.78 Under
3424.78 the
3425.09 council
3425.26 rules,
3425.57 this
3425.82 would
3426.05 go
3426.14 to
3426.3 the
3426.45 committee
3426.53 on
3426.86 economic
3427.09 development
3427.79 and
3428.43 planning.
13. B.
The section covers a request for the confirmation of reappointments to the zoning board of appeal. It includes recommendations for reappointing Gregory Gerard as an alternate member whose term would expire on February 15, 2026, and David Ferris as a full member with a term expiring on February 15, 2029, following a similar selection process. The presenter expresses satisfaction in submitting these recommendations for consideration. Following the presentation, it is announced that the matter would be referred to the committee on economic development and planning for further action.
3430.91 request
3430.99 for
3431.31 confirmation
3432.11 of
3432.59 reappointments
3432.83 to
3433.39 the
3433.47 zoning
3433.63 board
3433.95 of
3434.19 appeal.
3435.98 PROAKIS
3435.98 -
3435.98 Similarly
3435.98 for
3436.47 the
3436.63 zoning
3436.7 board
3437.03 of
3437.26 appeals,
3437.43 recommendation
3437.82 to
3438.39 reappoint
3438.55 Gregory
3439.03 Gerard
3439.34 for
3439.98 an
3440.47 alternate
3440.7 member
3441.18 position
3441.51 to
3441.91 a
3442.14 term
3442.22 expiring
3442.47 February
3442.86 15,
3443.26 2026
3443.74 and
3445.06 David
3445.06 Ferris,
3445.46 reappointment
3445.86 as
3446.34 a
3446.42 full
3446.5 member
3446.66 of
3446.78 the
3446.9 zoning
3446.98 board
3447.3 of
3447.46 appeals
3447.54 for
3447.86 a
3448.02 term
3448.02 expiring
3448.26 February
3448.66 15,
3449.06 2029
3451.3 after
3451.7 a
3451.7 similar
3452.02 process.
3452.89 I'm
3453.36 happy
3453.36 to
3453.61 have
3453.76 these
3453.93 recommendations
3454.09 in
3454.72 front
3454.8 of
3454.97 you
3455.13 for
3455.28 your
3455.45 action
3455.53 as
3455.84 well.
3455.93 Thank
3456.16 you
3456.8 Mr.
3457.28 President.
3457.28 SIDERIS
3457.28 -
3457.28 Thank
3457.28 you.
3457.45 This
3458.01 also
3458.32 would
3458.64 go
3458.8 to
3459.05 the
3459.2 committee
3459.36 on
3460.09 economic
3460.32 development
3460.8 and
3461.28 planning.
13. C.
The process of confirming appointments to the Human Rights Commission was outlined in a public hearing, emphasizing the exhaustive and detailed nature of selecting suitable candidates. The city's initiative to form a Human Rights Commission required the appointment of nine members, which entailed a comprehensive search and interview process. The candidates recommended for appointment brought a diverse range of experience and expertise in human rights, law, education, and advocacy. Highlighted were their professional backgrounds and contributions to various fields including legal services, union work, education, social innovation, voter engagement, gender affirmation, public speaking on transgender issues, and human rights advisory services. This diverse group was chosen from a pool of 28 applicants, reflecting a strategic effort to ensure the commission would have a rich variety of perspectives. The council discussed forming an ad hoc committee to interview candidates for the Human Rights Commission, moving forward with a roll call vote to establish this approach.
3462.82 is
3463.14 now
3463.38 a
3463.62 request
3463.7 for
3464.1 confirmation
3464.34 of
3464.9 appointments
3465.14 to
3466.02 the
3466.18 Human
3466.34 Rights
3466.66 Commission.
3466.98 Mr.
3467.7 Manager.
3468.42 PROAKIS
3468.42 -
3468.42 Mr.
3468.66 President,
3470.61 this
3470.61 one
3470.76 has
3471.32 been
3471.49 a
3471.8 complicated
3471.97 and
3472.84 long
3472.93 process
3473.24 to
3473.57 get
3473.72 us
3473.89 to
3474.05 this
3474.2 point.
3474.36 As
3474.68 you
3474.93 know,
3475.01 our
3475.24 charter
3475.97 specifically
3477.01 identified
3477.64 that
3478.68 the
3478.93 council
3480.39 should
3481.15 create
3481.47 a
3481.71 human
3481.79 rights
3482.11 commission.
3482.43 I
3482.99 know
3483.15 the
3483.31 council
3483.47 met
3483.79 and
3484.03 spent
3484.19 a
3484.51 long
3484.83 time
3485.07 and
3485.23 a
3485.47 lot
3485.55 of
3485.71 hard
3485.79 work
3486.03 in
3486.27 getting
3486.51 together
3486.75 the
3488.07 provisions
3488.32 of
3488.8 what
3489.03 will
3489.28 be
3489.51 involved
3489.76 in
3490.07 a
3490.23 human
3490.32 rights
3490.64 commission,
3490.95 including
3491.51 having
3492.64 liaisons
3493.11 from
3493.59 police
3493.84 and
3494.15 school
3494.32 department,
3494.64 including
3495.11 having
3495.67 youth
3496.13 representation,
3496.45 and
3498.05 including
3498.29 instructing
3499.01 me
3499.57 to
3499.89 appoint
3500.21 nine
3500.69 members
3501.01 as
3501.57 full
3501.89 members
3502.13 of
3502.61 the
3502.85 Human
3503.01 Rights
3503.33 Commission.
3503.65 We
3505.39 did
3505.64 an
3505.8 extensive
3505.95 search
3506.51 for
3506.84 this
3506.91 one.
3507.07 The
3507.39 residents
3507.47 advisory
3507.88 committee
3508.28 wanted
3508.67 to
3508.99 make
3509.07 sure
3509.23 to
3509.47 have
3509.55 a
3509.88 diverse
3510.84 and
3511.23 wide
3511.71 spanning
3512.38 group
3512.7 of
3513.02 applicants
3513.26 to
3513.82 be
3513.9 able
3514.06 to
3514.22 interview,
3514.38 and
3516.14 then
3516.38 provided
3517.34 recommendations
3517.9 to
3518.78 me.
3520.09 It
3520.09 is
3520.26 really
3520.41 interesting
3520.66 in
3520.97 a
3521.05 committee
3521.21 like
3521.45 the
3521.61 residents
3521.78 advisory
3522.17 committee
3522.57 that
3522.89 I've
3523.45 built
3523.69 to
3524.09 have
3524.34 a
3524.57 diverse
3524.66 set
3524.97 of
3525.14 viewpoints
3525.3 themselves,
3525.78 that
3527.36 really
3528.48 their
3528.8 thoughts
3530.48 converged
3530.96 on
3531.52 the
3531.68 ability
3531.84 of
3532.16 putting
3532.32 together
3532.56 these
3533.6 nine
3533.92 as
3534.24 a
3534.48 group.
3534.56 And
3536.09 I've
3536.32 really
3536.64 appreciated
3537.45 the
3537.93 opportunity
3538.09 to
3538.89 meet
3539.45 and
3539.61 interact
3539.76 with
3540.16 them
3540.32 to
3540.64 bring
3540.8 this
3541.2 proposal
3541.53 before
3542.16 you
3542.48 tonight.
3542.8 So,
3543.2 I
3544.39 want
3544.47 to
3544.87 briefly
3544.87 just
3545.51 kind
3545.83 of
3546.07 give
3546.55 you
3546.71 a
3546.87 little
3547.03 bit
3547.27 of
3547.43 a
3547.67 perspective
3547.91 on
3548.55 the
3548.79 level
3550.23 of
3550.63 experience
3551.27 and
3551.83 opportunity
3552.07 we're
3552.55 bringing
3552.82 before
3553.21 this
3553.53 board.
3553.78 So
3554.66 before
3554.89 you,
3555.14 I
3555.38 have
3555.45 Corey
3555.78 Barr
3556.09 for
3556.41 a
3556.66 term
3556.73 to
3556.97 expire
3557.14 April
3557.45 1,
3557.78 2025.
3558.18 Corey
3559.61 is
3559.93 a
3560.09 human
3560.18 rights
3560.41 professional
3560.95 with
3561.27 15
3561.67 years
3561.91 of
3562.23 experience
3562.47 in
3562.79 research,
3563.03 education,
3563.51 and
3564.23 training,
3564.47 who
3566.07 has
3567.11 worked
3567.35 with
3567.59 nongovernmental
3567.8 organizations,
3568.68 has
3569.41 worked
3569.57 on
3569.89 human
3570.05 rights
3570.36 issues
3570.68 around
3571.16 the
3571.41 world,
3571.57 has
3571.89 a
3572.61 master's
3572.68 of
3573.09 arts
3573.24 degree
3573.57 in
3573.89 law
3574.13 and
3574.28 diplomacy.
3577.04 Elizabeth
3577.6 Brusie,
3577.6 who
3577.6 is
3577.92 recommended
3578.32 for
3578.72 a
3578.84 term
3578.96 for
3579.2 April
3579.44 1,
3579.68 2025,
3580.16 who
3582 is
3582.24 a
3582.56 staff
3582.8 attorney
3583.12 with
3583.52 the
3583.68 Mass
3583.76 Commission
3584 on
3584.49 Judicial
3584.66 Conduct
3585.05 in
3585.61 her
3585.78 full
3586.66 time
3586.97 position,
3587.22 and
3588.82 has
3589.14 spent
3589.7 time
3590.02 as
3590.18 a
3590.49 legal
3591.54 director
3591.93 for
3592.34 De
3592.74 Novo,
3593.14 a
3593.14 center
3593.3 for
3593.61 justice
3593.78 that
3594.34 has
3594.58 provided
3594.82 a
3595.3 lot
3595.38 of
3595.7 assistance
3595.94 for
3596.58 community
3596.82 members
3597.3 on,
3597.78 addressing
3598.9 legal
3599.78 needs,
3600.18 including
3601.54 domestic
3602.26 violence
3604.43 and
3605.39 other
3605.39 family
3605.39 law
3605.8 issues.
3606.43 You
3607.55 know,
3607.72 she
3607.88 has
3608.03 a
3608.28 law
3609.32 degree
3609.47 from
3609.72 City
3609.95 University
3610.2 of
3610.59 New
3610.76 York.
3610.91 I
3611.84 have
3612 Gabriel
3612.24 Camacho
3612.64 for
3613.28 a
3613.44 term
3613.6 for
3613.92 April
3614.08 1,
3614.32 2025.
3614.72 His
3616.64 professional
3616.88 work
3617.52 is
3617.84 with
3618.08 the
3618.48 United
3618.88 Food
3619.2 and
3619.28 Commercial
3619.59 Workers
3619.91 Union.
3620.72 He
3621.76 also
3621.91 spent
3622.16 many
3622.39 years
3622.64 working
3622.88 for
3623.11 American
3623.36 Friends
3623.76 Services
3624.08 Committee
3624.47 developing
3625.84 strategic
3626.47 plans
3626.95 dealing
3627.4 with
3627.72 immigration,
3628.36 and
3630.12 really
3630.68 being
3631 an
3631.24 advocate
3631.56 for
3632.12 immigrant
3632.6 issues.
3633.08 His
3634.44 background
3634.76 includes
3635.16 a
3635.88 degree
3635.88 from
3636.28 SUNY
3637.07 Albany
3637.39 and
3638.94 he
3639.63 has
3639.86 worked
3640.18 with
3640.43 the
3640.59 American
3640.74 Arbitration
3641.07 Association.
3643.07 Lisa
3643.07 Laplante,
3643.46 for
3644.43 a
3644.59 term
3644.66 for
3644.82 April
3644.98 1,
3645.3 2026.
3645.63 She's
3648.63 a
3649.43 New
3649.43 York
3649.67 University
3649.91 JD.
3650.87 She
3651.35 is
3651.59 currently
3651.75 a
3652.23 professor
3652.39 of
3652.87 law
3653.11 at
3653.59 New
3653.83 England
3654.07 School
3654.39 of
3654.63 Law
3654.79 where
3655.11 her
3655.43 specialty
3655.99 area
3656.72 is
3657.51 in
3657.76 human
3657.91 rights.
3658.16 I
3660.55 have
3660.8 Susan
3661.84 Musinsky
3662.47 for
3663.84 a
3664.07 term
3664.16 for
3664.32 April
3664.47 1st
3664.8 20
3665.11 26.
3665.82 Susan
3667.42 is
3668.46 the
3668.78 executive,
3669.82 was
3670.38 until
3670.38 recently,
3670.7 the
3671.1 executive
3671.26 director
3671.66 of
3671.98 the
3672.06 Social
3672.3 Innovation
3672.62 Forum,
3673.1 an
3673.58 organization,
3673.82 a
3674.54 nonprofit
3675.2 organization
3675.99 working
3678.24 on
3678.64 social
3680.47 impact
3680.8 in
3681.28 human
3681.99 rights
3682.32 issues
3682.55 as
3682.95 well.
3683.11 She
3683.43 has
3685.29 a
3685.53 master's
3685.53 degree
3685.85 in
3686.09 education
3686.25 and
3687.61 has
3689.13 spent
3689.45 a
3689.77 lot
3689.85 of
3690.01 time
3690.09 in
3690.25 this
3690.33 area
3690.49 as
3690.73 well.
3690.81 Melvin
3691.91 Poindexter,
3692.39 who
3693.34 many
3693.99 of
3694.3 you
3694.47 may
3694.79 know
3695.03 has
3695.43 been
3695.59 very
3695.82 active
3696.22 in
3696.86 voting
3698.85 and
3699.25 election
3699.49 issues,
3699.97 and
3700.85 has
3701.09 been
3701.25 involved
3701.41 in
3701.81 the
3701.97 community
3702.13 for
3702.61 many
3702.77 years.
3703.09 Xin
3705.25 Peng
3705.57 for
3705.93 a
3706.09 term
3706.26 to
3706.41 expire
3706.57 April
3706.97 1,
3707.22 2027,
3707.61 has
3709.38 been
3709.54 very
3709.7 involved
3709.93 as
3710.26 the
3710.41 board
3710.49 chair
3710.74 in
3710.97 World
3711.14 in
3711.45 Watertown.
3714.18 And
3714.66 Nguyen
3714.97 Tran
3714.97 for
3715.38 a
3716.16 term
3716.32 to
3716.48 expire
3716.72 April
3717.12 1,
3717.28 2027,
3717.68 who
3719.44 has
3719.76 worked
3720.32 on
3722 a
3722.32 very
3724.57 interesting
3724.89 mix
3725.78 of
3726.17 backgrounds,
3726.34 currently
3727.3 works
3729.05 for
3729.93 a
3730.26 company
3730.49 that
3730.89 works
3731.05 with
3731.38 gender
3733.16 affirming
3733.56 medical
3734.28 grade
3734.76 adhesive
3735.08 tape.
3735.56 Something
3736.04 that
3736.36 she
3736.92 and
3737.08 I
3737.24 had
3737.32 a
3737.4 very
3737.48 interesting
3737.64 conversation
3738.04 about
3738.52 that
3740.09 I
3740.58 could
3740.82 spend
3741.14 quite
3741.3 a
3741.45 bit
3741.54 of
3741.78 time
3741.86 with.
3742.26 But
3742.41 she
3742.41 also
3742.58 works
3742.74 as
3743.06 a
3743.38 public
3743.61 speaker
3743.93 on
3745.3 transgender
3745.93 issues.
3747.3 And
3749.36 has
3749.36 worked
3749.52 as
3749.92 the
3750.08 creative
3750.24 director
3750.64 for
3751.12 the
3751.2 King
3751.68 For
3751.92 A
3752.16 Day
3752.24 workshop
3752.48 on
3753.12 the
3753.36 art
3753.52 of
3753.76 drag
3753.84 performances,
3754.16 And,
3755.97 finally,
3756.93 Sarah
3757.32 Zoen
3757.72 for
3758.05 a
3758.28 term
3758.36 on
3758.61 for
3758.84 2027.
3759.09 She's
3760.68 the
3760.93 associate
3761.09 director
3761.41 of
3761.72 an
3761.8 organization
3761.89 called
3762.36 Pillar
3762.61 Two
3763.07 that
3763.31 provides
3763.47 technical
3763.95 advisory
3764.43 services
3764.91 to
3765.31 clients
3765.55 on
3765.79 human
3765.95 rights,
3766.19 and
3767.15 UN
3767.39 guiding
3767.63 principles
3768.03 on
3768.67 human
3769.15 rights.
3772.09 I'm
3772.09 very
3772.57 happy
3772.89 to
3773.2 present
3773.29 to
3773.77 you
3773.85 a
3774.09 very
3776.81 extensively,
3779.14 well
3779.14 vetted,
3779.46 very
3780.58 diverse,
3780.9 and
3784.18 with
3784.5 just
3784.66 a
3784.98 very
3785.22 interesting
3785.54 mix
3786.1 of
3786.34 backgrounds,
3786.58 including
3787.14 some
3787.54 who
3787.7 are
3787.86 really
3788.51 professionals
3788.74 in
3789.22 human
3789.39 rights
3789.63 and
3790.03 some
3790.18 who
3790.42 have
3790.59 substantial
3791.39 lived
3791.94 experience
3792.18 in
3792.74 Watertown
3792.9 and
3793.39 elsewhere
3793.63 being
3794.34 able
3794.59 to
3794.9 reflect
3795.39 and
3795.86 provide
3796.11 feedback
3796.42 on
3796.82 human
3796.98 rights
3797.22 to
3798.19 bring
3798.27 together
3798.51 this
3799.15 group.
3799.31 As
3799.71 I
3799.95 noted,
3800.11 28
3801.23 residents
3801.63 submitted
3801.95 a
3802.35 letter
3802.51 of
3802.75 interest,
3802.83 27
3803.31 candidates
3803.87 were
3804.27 interviewed
3804.43 for
3804.83 nine
3806.68 positions.
3807.01 And
3807.01 I'm
3807.01 thrilled
3807.24 to
3807.57 present
3807.72 to
3808.05 you
3808.2 these
3809.01 nine
3809.32 to
3809.64 put
3809.8 together
3810.05 the
3810.53 inaugural
3810.68 Human
3811.24 Rights
3811.48 Commission
3811.8 for
3812.13 the
3812.2 city
3812.28 of
3812.68 Watertown.
3812.92 So,
3813.57 thank
3814.05 you
3814.21 so
3814.25 much,
3814.29 Mr.
3814.93 President.
3815.41 I
3815.41 look
3815.57 forward
3815.81 to
3816.05 having
3816.13 your
3816.37 honorable
3816.53 council
3816.85 review
3818.45 and,
3818.69 hopefully,
3819.49 bring
3819.97 forward
3820.21 appointments
3820.61 for
3821.01 these
3821.17 position,
3821.33 confirm
3822.32 appointments
3822.57 for
3822.96 these
3823.05 positions.
3823.28 Thank
3823.68 you.
3824.24 SIDERIS
3824.24 -
3824.24 Thank
3824.24 you,
3824.41 Mr.
3824.96 Manager,
3825.36 and
3825.36 thank
3825.53 you
3825.76 to
3826.01 everyone
3826.24 who
3827.13 applied
3827.36 for
3827.93 this,
3828.16 position
3829.36 on
3829.84 the
3830.32 Human
3830.57 Rights
3830.89 Commission.
3831.2 Because
3832.22 this
3832.54 could
3833.98 fall
3834.38 on
3834.7 the
3834.94 number
3835.18 of
3835.5 different
3835.74 committees,
3836.14 I'm
3837.1 going
3837.34 to,
3837.66 this
3837.98 evening,
3838.3 request,
3838.78 I'm
3840.45 looking
3840.61 for
3840.93 three
3841.09 people
3841.34 to
3841.66 create
3841.82 an
3842.05 ad
3842.3 hoc
3842.53 committee
3842.78 to
3843.49 do
3843.66 the
3843.89 interviews
3844.14 for
3844.53 the
3844.7 Human
3844.86 Rights
3845.18 Commission.
3845.49 And
3846.3 the
3848.14 sooner
3848.3 we
3849.1 can
3849.34 get
3849.5 those
3849.74 three
3850.38 volunteers
3851.42 the
3851.42 sooner
3851.42 we
3851.74 can
3851.98 get
3852.14 these
3852.3 scheduled.
3853.02 So
3855.36 can
3855.59 I
3855.76 get
3855.91 a
3856.07 motion
3856.16 to
3856.88 take
3857.03 that
3857.28 approach,
3857.51 please?
3879.8 SIDERIS
3879.8 -
3879.8 Yes.
3879.8 Thank
3880.04 you
3880.2 very
3880.44 much.
13. D.
In a public hearing, the administration proposed a permanent change to the operating hours of city hall, Parker Annex, and the Senior Center, aimed at aligning with neighboring communities and enhancing work-life balance for employees. The suggested hours include maintaining an 8:30 to 5:00 schedule on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, extending Tuesday hours until 7:00 PM, and shortening Friday hours to close at 12:30 PM. This adjustment mirrors the city's traditional summer hours but aims to implement these changes year-round as a strategy for recruitment and retention, addressing the challenges in hiring from communities with similar schedules. Comparable community studies indicated that such a change would align Watertown with the practices of 12 out of 18 neighboring communities. Though it would reduce public access by two and a half hours weekly, the plan suggests adjusting employee lunch breaks rather than their total work hours, maintaining their current weekly work hours. The proposed change is expected to be further discussed in committee meetings, emphasizing the need for broad public outreach given its significant departure from current practices.
3882.36 is
3882.6 city
3882.76 hall,
3883.88 Parker
3884.7 Annex,
3884.7 and
3884.7 senior
3884.86 center
3885.26 hours.
3885.66 Mr.
3886.39 Manager?
3887.03 PROAKIS
3887.03 -
3887.03 Thank
3887.03 you,
3887.18 Mr.
3887.59 President.
3888.14 I'm
3888.14 passing
3888.3 to
3888.63 you
3888.78 a
3888.95 memo
3889.03 to
3889.43 take
3889.59 home
3889.82 this
3890.07 evening,
3890.22 to
3890.86 take
3891.03 a
3891.18 look
3891.26 at,
3891.66 and
3892.14 then
3892.14 requesting
3892.39 a
3892.86 committee
3896.39 referral
3896.79 on
3897.19 this
3897.27 to
3897.43 have
3897.51 an
3897.67 opportunity
3897.83 to
3898.23 have
3898.31 a
3898.47 conversation
3898.63 on
3899.11 it.
3899.27 The
3900.07 administration
3900.31 is
3900.79 respectfully
3901.55 requesting
3902.03 that
3902.43 the
3902.59 council
3902.74 consider
3903.14 a
3903.55 permanent
3903.7 change
3904.03 in
3904.27 hours
3904.34 for
3904.66 city
3904.82 hall
3904.99 to
3905.22 Parker
3905.3 Annex
3905.7 and
3906.03 Senior
3906.18 Center.
3906.51 What
3907.47 we're
3907.7 proposing
3907.95 to
3908.43 bring
3908.51 forward
3908.66 for
3908.99 discussion
3909.14 is
3910.47 a
3910.71 permanent
3910.87 change
3911.35 that
3911.83 would
3912.15 maintain
3913.67 our
3914.07 8:30
3914.23 to
3914.63 five
3914.79 o'clock
3915.11 building
3916.71 open
3917.11 hours
3917.43 on
3918.14 Mondays,
3918.3 Wednesdays,
3918.78 and
3919.34 Thursdays,
3920.63 permanently
3921.27 keep
3921.27 the
3921.51 building
3921.59 open
3921.91 from
3922.14 8:30
3922.39 to
3922.78 seven
3922.95 o'clock
3923.18 on
3923.51 Tuesdays,
3923.66 and
3924.22 have
3924.47 Friday
3924.7 hours
3925.11 of
3925.34 8:30
3925.51 to
3925.99 12:30.
3926.14 As
3927.52 the
3927.76 honorable
3927.92 council
3928.56 is
3928.8 aware,
3928.8 Watertown
3929.12 has
3929.6 a
3929.68 tradition
3929.84 of
3930.16 instituting
3930.32 summer
3930.8 hours
3931.12 between
3931.44 Memorial
3931.76 Day
3932.08 and
3932.24 Labor
3932.32 Day,
3932.64 keeping
3932.8 the
3933.04 building
3933.2 open
3933.52 7
3933.84 PM
3934.08 on
3934.4 Tuesdays
3934.48 and
3935.29 closing
3935.45 at
3935.68 2
3936.01 PM
3936.24 on
3936.49 Fridays.
3936.72 But
3938.81 because
3939.13 short
3939.61 day
3939.77 Fridays
3940.01 have
3940.33 generally
3940.49 been
3940.89 viewed
3940.97 as
3941.2 a
3941.36 recruitment
3941.45 and
3941.84 retention
3942.01 tool,
3942.49 as
3943.13 the
3943.13 administration
3943.36 we've
3943.84 studied
3944.09 making
3944.49 permanent
3945 a
3945.32 version
3945.4 of
3945.72 Watertown
3945.8 summer
3946.36 hours
3946.6 year
3947.72 round.
3948.92 As
3948.92 part
3949.16 of
3949.32 this
3949.4 consideration,
3949.64 we
3950.2 reviewed
3950.44 the
3950.76 operating
3950.84 hours
3951.24 for
3951.48 our
3951.64 neighboring
3951.72 communities
3952.12 as
3952.52 well
3952.68 as
3952.84 communities
3952.92 we
3953.34 identify
3953.51 as
3953.66 being
3953.82 comparable
3954.14 to
3954.55 Watertown
3954.78 in
3955.03 a
3955.11 range
3955.18 of
3955.43 factors
3955.59 in
3955.98 our
3956.07 class
3956.22 and
3956.39 comp
3956.55 studies.
3956.78 So
3957.03 we
3957.18 looked
3957.34 at
3957.51 the
3957.59 same
3958.14 communities
3958.47 that
3958.86 we
3959.03 measured
3959.18 for
3959.51 class
3959.66 and
3959.98 comp
3960.14 plus
3960.55 any
3960.86 community
3961.11 that
3961.59 touches
3961.82 our
3962.14 borders.
3962.39 A
3964 few
3964.16 key
3964.48 takeaways
3964.8 from
3965.28 that,
3965.44 12
3965.68 of
3965.92 the
3966.08 18
3966.16 have
3966.48 year
3966.72 round
3966.88 half
3967.12 day
3967.36 Fridays.
3967.6 For
3968.88 communities
3969.04 that
3969.6 do
3969.84 short
3970.08 Fridays,
3970.4 either
3971.09 year
3971.24 round
3971.4 or
3971.48 in
3971.64 the
3971.88 summer,
3971.96 the
3972.2 latest
3972.36 any
3972.68 of
3972.84 them
3972.92 are
3973.09 open
3973.16 on
3973.4 Friday
3973.57 is
3973.88 1
3974.05 PM.
3974.28 The
3975.48 average
3975.72 numbers
3976.05 communities
3976.44 are
3976.84 open
3976.92 to
3977.16 the
3977.24 public,
3977.32 is
3977.72 40.2,
3979.62 this
3979.86 would
3979.86 put
3980.1 Watertown
3980.26 at
3980.74 40.
3980.9 10
3982.82 of
3983.06 the
3983.22 18
3983.38 communities
3983.62 are
3983.94 open
3984.1 to
3984.34 the
3984.42 public
3984.5 40
3984.82 hours
3985.06 or
3985.38 less.
3985.54 We
3986.76 believe
3987.07 the
3987.55 proposed
3987.8 changes
3988.11 in
3988.43 hours
3988.51 will
3988.76 be
3988.91 more
3989.07 in
3989.24 line
3989.32 with
3989.47 our
3989.64 neighbors,
3989.88 more
3990.36 comparable,
3991.24 in
3991.72 line
3991.95 with
3992.11 our
3992.28 comparable
3992.43 communities.
3994.57 Particularly,
3994.57 it
3995.29 would
3995.37 yield
3995.61 meaningful
3995.85 work
3996.25 life
3996.49 benefits
3996.81 for
3997.21 our
3997.45 employees
3997.61 as
3998.17 well
3998.41 as
3998.57 a
3998.89 substantial
3999.13 recruitment
3999.61 and
4000.01 retention
4000.09 benefit
4000.57 for
4000.89 the
4001.05 city.
4001.13 It's
4001.45 just
4001.69 been,
4001.77 honestly,
4002.09 it's
4002.41 been
4002.61 a
4002.76 little
4002.84 bit
4003.01 difficult,
4003.97 to
4004.28 do
4004.45 recruitment
4004.61 from
4005.09 communities
4005.32 that
4005.8 have
4005.97 the
4006.2 short
4006.36 Fridays
4006.61 to
4007.72 bring
4008.05 municipal
4008.36 employees
4008.84 on
4009.24 here.
4014.07 And
4014.15 looking
4014.15 at
4014.39 the
4014.55 possibility
4014.71 of
4015.19 doing
4015.27 is
4015.51 something
4015.59 we
4015.83 want
4015.99 to
4016.31 have
4016.31 a
4016.39 conversation
4016.55 with.
4017.03 This
4017.59 was
4017.75 something
4018.63 that
4018.86 we've
4018.95 had
4019.18 conversations
4019.59 with
4020.31 the
4020.55 municipal
4020.7 employees
4021.18 unions
4021.66 about,
4021.99 and
4023.43 we
4024.47 think
4024.63 there's
4024.86 some
4025.03 benefits
4025.27 to
4025.66 it.
4025.74 But,
4025.91 certainly,
4026.07 we
4026.47 would
4026.63 look
4026.79 forward
4026.95 to
4027.27 the
4027.34 chance
4027.51 to
4028.53 talk
4028.69 to
4028.81 the
4028.93 council
4029.17 in
4030.45 more
4030.61 details
4030.77 about
4031.17 it.
4031.41 I
4031.57 would
4031.73 note
4031.89 it,
4032.53 you
4033.57 know,
4033.73 the
4033.81 challenge
4034.53 to
4034.93 it
4035.01 is
4035.17 that
4035.33 it
4035.57 would
4035.65 reduce
4035.89 the
4036.38 total
4036.45 number
4036.54 of
4036.62 hours
4036.7 we're
4037.09 open
4037.18 to
4037.41 the
4037.49 public
4037.58 by
4037.82 about
4037.97 two
4038.06 and
4038.3 a
4038.38 half
4038.45 hours.
4038.86 The
4038.86 way
4039.02 we
4039.18 would
4039.26 do
4039.41 it
4039.58 with
4039.66 employee
4039.82 schedules
4040.22 is
4040.78 by
4040.86 shortening
4041.41 lunches.
4041.89 So
4042.3 employees
4042.54 would
4042.93 be
4043.09 working
4043.34 the
4043.74 same
4043.89 number
4044.14 of
4044.38 work
4044.54 hours
4044.78 that
4045.02 they
4045.3 are
4045.38 now.
4045.54 Employees
4045.78 who
4046.1 are
4046.26 37
4046.42 and
4046.9 a
4046.98 half
4047.14 hour
4047.3 employees
4047.62 would
4047.94 still
4048.18 be
4048.42 37
4048.82 and
4049.3 a
4049.38 half
4049.46 hour
4049.7 employees.
4050.02 We
4052.74 are
4052.9 looking
4054.95 forward
4055.2 to
4055.43 the
4055.6 opportunity
4055.76 to
4056.39 talk
4056.47 to
4056.72 the
4056.8 council
4056.95 about
4057.36 how
4057.6 we
4057.91 think
4058.08 that
4058.32 over
4058.64 the
4058.88 long
4059.04 run
4060.32 the
4061.17 impact
4061.41 to
4061.65 the
4061.73 public
4061.89 has
4062.21 a
4062.45 significant
4062.53 benefit
4063.01 by
4063.41 having
4063.57 a
4063.73 late
4063.81 hour
4064.13 being
4064.37 open.
4064.61 Friday
4065.01 afternoons
4065.33 are,
4065.81 I'd
4066.61 say
4066.85 relatively
4067.09 quiet,
4067.49 but
4067.81 I
4067.97 would
4068.05 even
4068.2 say
4068.45 they're
4068.61 extremely
4068.84 quiet
4069.33 around
4069.64 here.
4069.97 And
4070.45 the
4070.68 opportunity
4070.77 to
4071.41 discuss
4071.64 this
4072.05 option
4072.29 further
4072.61 with
4073.01 you
4073.16 is
4073.33 something
4073.41 I
4073.72 would
4073.81 appreciate
4073.97 the
4074.36 chance
4074.53 to
4074.77 do.
4074.93 So,
4075.57 a
4075.64 little
4075.72 more
4075.97 info
4076.13 on
4076.45 the
4076.53 memo
4077.12 here,
4077.44 and
4077.68 we
4077.92 can
4078 dig
4078.24 deeper
4078.4 into
4078.8 it
4078.88 in
4079.12 a
4079.28 committee
4080 meeting.
4080.32 So
4080.64 thank
4080.8 you,
4081.04 Mr.
4081.44 President.
4082.88 SIDERIS
4082.88 -
4082.88 Thank
4082.88 you.
4083.04 I
4083.28 would
4083.44 recommend
4083.68 that
4084.16 this
4084.4 be
4084.72 referred
4084.96 to
4085.36 the
4085.52 committee
4085.68 on
4086.32 personnel
4087.01 and
4087.24 city
4087.57 organization.
4093.57 SIDERIS
4093.89 -
4093.89 I
4093.89 do
4094.13 want
4094.28 to
4094.68 say
4094.68 once
4095.01 this
4095.24 is
4095.48 referred
4096.31 that
4097.51 we
4097.75 should
4097.99 do
4098.15 a
4098.31 very
4098.47 broad
4099.91 outreach
4100.55 because
4101.19 this
4101.43 is
4101.67 a
4101.83 significant
4102.71 change
4103.43 to
4103.91 what
4104.07 the
4104.31 city
4104.47 residents
4105.68 would
4106.07 be
4106.31 used
4106.48 to.
4106.72 So
4108.07 I
4108.31 would
4108.48 hope
4108.64 that,
4108.88 you
4109.6 know,
4109.76 we
4109.99 probably
4110.64 can't
4111.03 get
4111.35 this
4111.52 done
4111.68 in
4111.91 one
4112.07 meeting,
4112.72 but
4113.11 I
4113.35 would
4113.52 hope
4113.68 that
4113.91 we
4114.07 do
4114.15 a
4114.48 very,
4114.56 I
4115.43 would
4115.43 request
4115.43 that
4116.07 the
4117.03 city
4117.11 manager's
4117.59 office
4117.99 provide
4118.87 also
4119.67 some
4120.07 assistance
4120.39 in
4120.95 getting
4121.27 this
4121.67 out
4121.91 there
4122.07 because
4122.47 this
4122.7 is
4122.86 a,
4124.22 it's
4124.63 a
4124.86 good
4125.02 change
4125.26 in
4125.51 many
4125.66 respects,
4125.98 as
4126.78 the
4127.02 manager
4127.18 has
4127.66 pointed
4128.14 out,
4128.55 but
4128.78 it
4128.94 is
4129.1 a
4129.34 very
4129.82 different
4130.22 model
4131.27 than
4131.51 we've
4131.75 been
4131.99 using,
4132.15 than
4132.87 the
4133.03 people
4133.27 are
4133.51 used
4133.67 to.
4133.91 So
4134.31 I
4134.47 have
4134.55 a
4134.79 motion
4134.87 and
4135.35 a
4135.43 second.
4162.19 PROAKIS
4162.19 -
4162.19 Thank
4162.19 you,
4162.34 Mr.
4162.74 President.
4163.15 And
4163.15 I
4163.39 do
4163.78 assure
4163.94 you
4164.26 that
4164.43 the
4166.29 very
4166.37 hardworking
4166.69 communications
4167.25 team
4167.81 we
4168.13 have,
4168.21 including
4168.53 our
4169.89 outreach
4170.05 coordinator
4170.45 and
4171.09 our
4173.28 311
4173.44 director
4173.44 who
4173.76 are
4173.93 here
4174.09 in
4174.24 the
4174.32 back
4174.4 of
4174.48 the
4174.56 room
4174.65 today,
4175.2 will
4175.44 be
4175.76 very
4176.09 helpful
4176.24 to
4176.56 us
4176.65 about
4176.89 any
4177.2 change
4177.44 that
4177.76 the
4178.24 council
4178.32 should
4178.8 work
4179.6 with
4179.84 us
4180.01 to
4180.16 make
4180.48 in
4180.8 a
4180.89 circumstance
4181.28 like
4181.93 this.
4182.09 And,
4183.11 you
4184.71 know,
4184.79 we
4184.87 have
4185.27 a
4185.59 few
4185.67 months
4185.91 before
4186.15 our
4186.47 typical
4186.55 summer
4186.95 hours
4187.27 take
4187.51 effect.
4187.75 I
4188.63 certainly
4189.19 think
4189.83 we
4190.15 have
4190.31 some
4190.55 time
4190.79 to
4190.95 think
4191.45 this
4191.69 through
4191.85 and
4192.18 work
4192.34 out
4192.57 some
4192.73 of
4192.9 the
4192.98 details
4193.06 and
4193.38 figure
4193.53 out
4193.77 what
4193.94 we
4194.1 want
4194.26 to
4194.49 do.
4194.49 And
4194.65 if
4194.81 we
4194.98 need
4195.14 more
4195.3 time,
4195.45 we
4195.61 institute
4196.41 summer
4196.9 hours
4197.14 as
4197.45 usual
4197.61 and
4198.02 keep
4198.18 on
4198.41 working
4198.57 on
4198.9 it.
4198.98 So
4199.22 we'll
4200.34 we'll
4200.65 go
4200.9 with
4201.06 what
4201.6 makes
4202.24 the
4202.56 most
4202.64 sense
4202.88 here
4203.2 to
4203.44 have
4203.84 the
4204.08 opportunity
4204.24 to
4204.8 have
4204.88 those
4205.12 conversations.
Section 16
A remembrance ceremony for Firefighter Joseph Toscano will be held on the 7th anniversary of his line of duty death on March 17, 2024, at the Joseph Toscano Memorial in Watertown. Additionally, updates on the Watertown Square project were discussed, highlighting a meeting scheduled for April 4th to present refinements and zoning strategies to meet MBTA communities' requirements. A rabies clinic for Watertown and Belmont residents is set for March 16th, and the Watertown Police Department Community Police Academy is reopening with limited spots available. The winter parking ban ended early due to favorable weather forecasts, but reinstatement is possible if needed. Lastly, a meeting with MBTA General Manager Philip Eng and state officials was held to discuss bus services and future transit plans, emphasizing a commitment to improving Watertown's livability and access through collaboration with transit agencies.
4207.04 On
4207.04 other
4207.28 items,
4207.44 on
4208.91 Sunday,
4210.51 March
4211.07 17th,
4211.47 I
4213.47 wanted
4213.64 to
4213.95 share
4214.43 with
4214.68 you
4214.84 that
4215.55 there
4215.8 will
4216.03 be
4221.34 a
4221.34 remembrance
4221.5 ceremony
4222.06 in
4222.62 honor
4222.78 of
4223.18 the
4223.26 7th
4223.34 anniversary
4223.82 of
4225.74 the
4225.9 line
4226.14 of
4226.38 duty
4226.6 death
4226.85 of
4227.01 Firefighter
4227.09 Joseph
4227.73 Toscano.
4228.05 So
4228.77 as
4228.85 you
4229.01 may
4229.16 be
4229.24 aware,
4229.4 Firefighter
4230.6 Toscano
4231.16 died
4231.16 in
4231.32 the
4231.48 line
4231.56 of
4231.73 duty
4231.89 at
4232.36 box
4232.6 2-345,
4233.4 which
4234.13 was
4234.36 struck
4234.52 for
4234.88 a
4234.96 house
4235.12 at
4235.36 29
4235.68 Merrifield
4236 Avenue
4236.56 on
4237.6 March
4237.84 17,
4238.08 2017,
4239.76 therefore,
4240.24 on
4240.24 March
4240.32 17,
4240.56 2024
4241.04 at
4241.92 3
4242.32 PM.
4245.85 Firefighter
4247.13 Toscano's
4247.13 remembrance
4247.13 ceremony
4247.69 will
4248.09 be
4248.24 held
4248.32 at
4248.56 the
4248.73 Joseph
4248.89 Toscano
4249.2 Memorial
4249.77 at
4250.16 the
4250.24 corner
4250.32 of
4250.65 Bigelow
4250.73 Ave
4251.13 and
4251.36 Mary
4251.52 Field
4251.82 Ave
4252.14 to
4253.1 honor
4253.26 the
4253.58 7th
4253.74 anniversary
4254.22 of
4254.78 Firefighter
4255.02 Toscano's
4255.5 sacrifice.
4256.14 So
4257.18 certainly
4257.42 all
4257.74 council
4257.98 members
4258.3 and
4258.7 members
4258.7 of
4259.02 the
4259.1 public
4259.26 are
4260.23 welcome
4260.31 to
4260.78 attend
4260.95 this
4261.27 ceremony.
4266.47 Our
4266.47 next
4266.78 meeting
4266.95 on
4267.27 the
4267.35 Watertown
4267.51 Square
4268.12 project
4268.28 is
4268.76 on
4269 April
4269.24 4th
4269.56 at
4270.04 66
4270.28 Galen
4270.84 Street.
4271.24 That
4272.36 will
4272.6 be,
4272.76 we
4273.96 are
4274.2 working
4274.44 busily
4274.84 to
4275.24 follow-up
4275.4 to
4275.8 all
4276.04 of
4276.2 the
4276.76 and
4277.16 feedback
4277.32 we
4277.64 received
4277.8 at
4287.86 the
4288.5 meeting
4288.5 on
4288.5 February
4288.5 29th
4288.5 about
4288.5 both
4288.5 the
4288.5 intersection
4288.5 and
4288.5 the
4288.5 proposed
4288.5 zoning
4288.5 districts
4288.5 and
4288.5 the
4288.5 MBTA
4288.5 zoning
4288.5 compliance
4288.5 as
4288.5 well
4288.5 as
4288.5 the
4288.5 survey
4288.5 which
4288.5 we
4288.5 have
4288.5 which
4288.5 closed
4288.5 yesterday.
4288.5 So
4289.62 with
4289.78 all
4289.94 that
4290.18 information,
4290.34 we're
4290.82 now
4291.06 working
4291.3 to
4291.62 come
4291.7 back
4291.86 on
4292.18 April
4292.42 4th
4292.74 with
4293.22 refinements,
4293.7 and
4294.74 a
4294.98 strategy
4295.74 that
4296.15 we
4296.39 can
4296.47 pull
4296.63 together
4296.78 in
4297.19 a
4297.34 plan,
4297.51 as
4297.74 well
4297.9 as
4298.06 a
4298.15 zoning
4298.3 strategy
4298.7 that
4299.02 we
4299.19 would
4299.34 look
4299.51 forward
4299.66 to
4300.06 presenting
4300.23 to
4300.7 the
4300.86 honorable
4301.02 council
4301.34 late
4302.55 spring
4302.91 early
4303.15 summer
4303.31 in
4303.71 an
4303.87 effort
4304.03 to
4304.35 meet
4304.83 our
4305.07 MBTA
4305.71 communities
4306.19 requirements.
4306.83 So
4308.27 that
4308.43 meeting
4308.67 is
4308.99 April
4309.15 4th
4309.47 at
4309.79 66
4310.03 Galen
4310.51 Street
4310.98 with
4311.38 a
4311.45 6:30
4311.7 PM
4312.34 start.
4313.3 And
4313.61 the
4313.61 public
4313.61 is
4314.02 welcome
4314.26 and
4314.66 invited
4314.66 to
4315.06 attend.
4315.22 We've
4315.53 had
4315.77 great
4316.34 turnout
4316.66 and
4317.06 attendance
4317.3 at
4317.7 meetings
4318.07 to
4318.39 date,
4318.43 and
4318.47 we
4318.79 look
4318.95 forward
4319.11 to
4319.91 having
4320.07 more
4320.39 again.
4322.39 Our
4322.39 animal
4322.63 control
4322.87 officers
4323.27 coordinated
4323.67 a
4324.15 rabies
4324.39 clinic,
4324.71 March
4325.11 16th,
4325.35 at
4325.83 the
4325.99 Beech
4326.07 Street
4326.39 Center
4326.55 in
4326.87 Belmont
4327.03 from
4327.43 1
4327.67 PM
4327.98 to
4328.22 3
4328.38 PM.
4328.45 This
4328.85 is
4329.1 shared
4329.18 for
4329.49 Watertown
4329.66 or
4330.14 Belmont
4330.3 employees,
4330.77 I
4331.73 mean,
4331.98 well,
4332.22 Watertown
4332.61 and
4333.02 Belmont
4333.18 residents.
4334.14 Proof
4334.7 of
4335.02 residency
4335.18 is
4335.73 required,
4336.38 so
4336.87 to
4336.87 bring
4337.11 proof
4337.19 of
4337.43 Watertown
4337.67 residency.
4338.07 You
4339.19 can
4339.35 contact
4339.51 our
4339.91 animal
4340.07 control
4340.39 team
4340.87 at
4341.11 the
4341.19 health
4341.27 department
4341.59 for
4341.91 more
4342.15 questions.
4342.39 The
4343.67 Watertown
4343.97 Police
4344.28 Department
4344.69 Community
4345.01 Police
4345.49 Academy
4345.81 is
4346.36 running
4346.53 again
4346.85 from
4347.16 March
4347.41 26th
4347.65 to
4348.2 May
4348.36 14th.
4348.6 That's
4349.09 Tuesday
4349.32 nights
4349.73 from
4349.89 6:30
4350.13 to
4350.6 8:30.
4350.69 You
4351.73 can
4351.81 sign
4351.89 up
4352.05 by
4352.29 reaching
4352.45 out
4352.61 to
4352.85 our
4352.93 police
4353.01 department
4353.33 at
4353.65 617-972-6537.
4353.81 There
4357.25 are
4357.49 still
4357.57 a
4357.81 few
4357.89 spots
4358.13 left.
4358.45 You
4358.69 do
4358.85 need
4359.01 to
4359.09 sign
4359.25 up
4359.41 for
4359.57 a
4359.73 spot.
4359.89 I
4360.84 do
4360.91 want
4361.07 to
4361.31 stress
4361.31 that
4362.19 this
4362.44 is
4362.6 just
4362.76 a
4362.99 great
4363.15 program
4363.4 and
4363.72 opportunity
4363.88 to
4364.35 really
4364.44 learn
4364.6 how
4364.84 our
4364.99 police
4365.15 department
4365.4 works.
4365.8 And
4366.19 I've
4367.15 talked
4367.4 to
4367.56 a
4367.64 number
4367.72 of
4367.95 community
4368.03 members
4368.44 who've
4368.68 gone
4368.84 through
4369.07 it
4369.23 and
4369.31 just
4369.4 been,
4369.64 had
4370.2 some
4370.44 really
4370.52 good
4370.76 feedback
4371 on
4371.4 understanding
4372.92 and
4373.64 having
4373.8 conversations
4374.04 with
4374.76 our
4374.92 police
4375.08 department
4375.32 about
4375.96 what
4376.76 they
4376.92 do
4377.08 and
4377.32 how
4377.56 this
4377.72 police
4377.96 academy
4378.28 helps.
4378.68 So
4379.8 for
4380.03 community
4380.19 members
4380.51 who
4380.84 are
4380.91 interested
4381.07 in
4381.4 learning
4381.47 more
4381.8 about
4382.11 the
4382.35 ins
4382.43 and
4382.68 outs
4382.76 of
4382.99 the
4383.07 Watertown
4383.15 Police
4383.55 Department,
4383.8 this
4384.27 is
4384.43 the
4384.51 opportunity
4384.68 to
4385.31 do
4385.4 so.
4387.83 As
4387.83 you
4388.15 may
4388.31 have
4388.63 heard,
4388.79 we
4389.67 ended
4389.91 the
4390.23 parking
4390.39 ban
4390.71 early
4391.11 last
4391.59 week.
4391.83 The
4392.47 winter
4392.71 parking
4393.03 ban
4393.35 usually
4393.67 runs
4394.07 from
4394.47 the
4397.32 beginning
4397.65 of
4397.97 winter
4398.05 to
4398.45 the
4398.61 1st
4398.77 April.
4400.36 And
4400.61 is
4400.61 often
4400.93 the
4401.24 case
4401.32 if
4401.57 we
4401.73 look
4401.89 in
4402.05 mid
4402.28 March
4402.53 and
4402.85 find
4403.01 that
4403.32 there
4403.49 isn't
4403.81 a
4405.86 substantial
4406.02 snowstorm
4406.58 in
4407.06 the
4407.22 future
4407.3 of
4407.62 the
4407.78 forecast
4408.9 we
4409.06 can
4409.06 end
4409.46 the
4409.78 overnight
4409.94 parking
4410.42 ban
4410.74 early.
4411.06 The
4412.1 technical
4412.34 details
4412.74 of
4413.06 this
4413.22 are
4413.38 that
4413.54 there
4414.18 is
4414.34 a
4414.5 technical,
4414.82 there
4415.19 is
4415.23 a
4415.47 regulation
4415.7 that
4416.1 says
4416.27 that
4416.43 overnight
4416.59 parking
4416.91 is
4417.23 not
4417.39 allowed
4417.55 in
4417.78 Watertown.
4417.95 It
4418.35 is
4418.59 only
4418.74 enforced
4418.99 in
4419.31 the
4419.55 winter
4419.63 months
4419.86 until
4420.19 the
4420.51 parking
4420.66 ban
4420.99 announcement
4422.66 is
4423.31 made.
4423.47 I
4424.98 will
4425.14 just
4425.54 stress,
4426.02 for
4426.58 any
4426.9 of
4427.14 you
4427.3 who
4427.62 were
4427.78 here
4428.02 in
4428.34 1997
4428.74 and
4429.7 remember
4429.94 that
4430.34 it
4430.58 can
4430.66 snow
4430.98 on
4431.3 the
4431.46 1st
4431.54 April
4431.94 and
4433.2 it
4433.32 can
4433.44 snow
4433.68 a
4433.91 lot
4433.99 on
4434.24 the
4434.4 1st
4434.48 April,
4434.88 that
4435.6 we
4435.99 will
4436.24 reinstitute
4436.72 the
4437.52 ban
4437.68 if
4438.07 a
4438.31 substantial
4438.48 snowstorm
4439.03 is
4439.52 in
4439.76 the
4439.84 forecast,
4440.56 and
4441.03 we
4441.28 need
4441.44 to
4441.52 get
4441.6 cars
4441.84 off
4442.07 the
4442.24 street
4442.53 for
4442.69 public
4442.85 safety
4443.17 and
4443.57 for
4443.73 plowing
4443.97 purposes.
4444.93 So
4444.93 I
4445.57 just
4445.73 ask
4445.97 people
4446.21 to
4446.45 be
4447.57 aware
4447.73 and
4448.05 keep
4448.29 in
4448.45 touch
4448.53 with
4448.77 our
4449.01 social
4449.17 media,
4449.49 our
4449.97 announcements
4450.74 because,
4451.3 if
4452.18 we
4452.34 see
4452.51 a
4452.74 snowstorm
4453.39 we
4453.63 will
4453.78 reinstate
4454.02 the
4454.3 ban
4454.59 in
4454.9 anticipation
4455.15 of
4455.78 that
4455.86 storm.
4456.1 But
4457.15 at
4457.3 this
4457.47 point,
4457.63 we
4457.86 felt
4457.94 it
4458.18 was
4458.34 safe
4458.51 looking
4458.74 10
4459.06 days
4459.22 into
4459.55 the
4459.86 future
4460.02 forecast
4460.56 and
4460.88 seeing
4461.2 most
4461.52 days
4461.84 with
4462.24 temperatures
4462.72 not
4463.2 dropping
4463.44 under
4463.76 30
4464.08 degrees
4464.4 that
4464.64 was
4464.8 relatively
4465.04 safe
4465.6 to
4465.84 do
4466 that.
4466.08 Finally,
4467.28 I
4467.6 just
4467.68 want
4467.84 to
4468.16 note
4468.16 that
4472.02 yesterday
4472.43 Council
4472.43 President
4472.43 Sideris
4472.43 and
4472.43 I,
4472.66 along
4472.98 with
4473.23 our
4473.47 state
4474.02 delegation,
4474.27 had
4474.82 the
4474.98 opportunity
4475.15 to
4475.7 meet
4475.78 with
4475.95 MBTA
4476.19 general
4476.74 manager
4477.06 Philip
4477.47 Eng.
4477.95 And
4478.19 I
4478.19 just
4478.27 wanted
4478.51 to
4478.82 note
4479.45 it's
4479.69 not
4479.85 often
4480.09 that
4480.41 I
4481.13 have
4481.29 the
4481.45 opportunity
4481.61 to
4482.09 have
4482.17 a
4482.33 state
4482.41 agency
4482.65 leader
4483.05 or
4483.37 state
4483.53 authority
4483.77 leader
4484.17 come
4484.57 to
4485.21 our
4485.45 office
4485.77 to
4486.09 meet.
4486.25 And
4486.97 council
4487.74 president,
4487.98 and
4488.45 I,
4488.53 and
4488.85 the
4489.02 delegation
4489.26 had
4489.82 a
4489.94 chance
4490.06 to
4490.3 share
4490.45 some
4491.18 of
4491.41 our
4491.57 thoughts
4491.98 about
4492.53 what's
4492.94 working
4493.18 and
4493.57 what's
4493.82 not
4494.06 working
4494.3 as
4494.78 it
4494.94 relates
4495.1 to
4495.41 bus
4495.57 service
4495.82 in
4496.14 Watertown,
4496.3 and
4496.85 what
4497.31 we
4497.47 can
4497.63 do
4497.67 to
4497.71 continue
4497.95 collaborating
4498.43 with
4498.99 the
4499.07 MBTA.
4500.91 I
4500.91 think
4502.35 they
4502.67 will
4502.83 be
4502.99 a
4503.15 great
4503.23 partner
4503.47 for
4503.79 us,
4504.43 they
4504.51 have
4504.51 been,
4504.67 and
4504.91 they
4504.99 will
4505.07 continue
4505.23 to
4505.63 be.
4506.35 And
4506.51 I
4506.51 really
4506.67 appreciate
4507.27 the
4507.59 general
4507.59 manager
4507.82 making
4509.19 the
4509.51 trip
4509.59 to
4509.82 my
4509.98 office
4510.15 and
4510.39 having
4510.55 the
4510.78 opportunity
4510.94 for
4511.43 us
4511.51 to
4511.66 discuss
4511.82 it.
4512.06 We
4512.15 also
4512.31 had
4512.55 a
4512.59 chance
4512.63 to
4512.78 talk
4512.86 about
4513.02 the
4513.19 Watertown
4513.35 Square
4513.74 plan
4513.98 a
4514.23 little
4514.39 bit
4514.55 and
4514.7 the
4514.78 opportunity
4515.34 to
4515.74 link
4516.06 transit
4516.3 and
4516.62 housing,
4516.78 and
4517.18 I
4517.42 really
4517.58 appreciated
4518.06 all
4518.62 of
4518.78 that.
4518.86 And
4519.02 I
4519.18 just
4519.26 wanted
4519.5 to
4519.74 say,
4520.46 really
4521.26 it's
4522.06 great.
4522.3 And
4522.54 thanks
4522.94 to
4523.18 Rep
4524.13 Owens
4524.36 for
4525.89 working
4526.05 to
4526.52 make
4526.6 that
4526.76 happen.
4527.48 And
4528.13 appreciate
4528.13 that
4528.6 we
4529.16 were
4530.28 able
4530.52 to
4530.98 really
4531.22 dig
4531.46 into
4531.78 the
4532.1 details
4532.82 of
4533.22 how
4533.38 MBTA
4533.54 service
4534.1 helps
4534.82 make
4535.14 Watertown
4535.38 a
4536.02 more
4536.42 livable,
4536.66 a
4537.22 more
4539.68 accessible,
4539.84 and
4540.47 a
4540.72 more
4540.8 environmentally
4541.19 friendly
4541.84 community.
4543.76 And
4544.15 we
4544.15 will
4544.31 continue
4544.55 to
4544.95 work
4546.25 with
4546.41 our
4546.65 transit
4546.81 agency
4547.61 partners
4548.01 to
4548.41 make
4548.49 that
4548.65 even
4548.89 better,
4549.13 especially
4549.45 as
4549.85 they
4550.01 institute
4550.25 their
4551.77 long
4552.09 term
4552.25 bus
4552.57 service
4552.81 plan
4553.21 that
4553.45 seeks
4554.31 to
4554.63 have
4554.7 15
4554.95 minute
4555.27 headways
4555.51 on
4555.91 some
4556.06 of
4556.23 our
4556.31 key
4556.47 routes,
4556.95 which
4557.27 I
4557.51 think
4557.59 is
4557.74 really
4557.91 important
4558.31 to
4558.7 being
4558.86 able
4559.02 to
4559.35 have
4559.66 that
4559.91 reliability
4560.15 to
4560.78 show
4560.86 up
4561.02 and
4561.19 know
4561.35 a
4561.51 bus
4561.59 is
4561.82 going
4561.99 to
4562.23 come
4562.23 within
4562.39 15
4562.7 minutes.
4563.02 They're
4563.35 working
4563.89 really
4564.21 hard
4564.45 on
4564.77 hiring
4565.41 bus
4565.73 operators
4566.05 and
4566.77 giving
4567.41 us
4567.65 better
4567.81 and
4568.13 better
4568.21 service.
4568.53 And
4568.85 I
4569.01 know
4569.09 there's
4569.25 been
4569.49 a
4569.57 lot
4569.65 going
4569.89 on
4570.13 at
4570.29 the
4570.37 T,
4570.77 but
4571.45 I
4571.45 have
4571.6 a
4571.69 lot
4571.77 of
4571.97 confidence
4572.16 that
4572.56 the
4572.73 leadership
4572.89 is
4573.36 focused
4573.6 in
4573.93 the
4574.01 right
4574.16 direction
4574.41 and
4574.81 doing
4574.97 a
4575.2 lot
4575.28 of
4575.53 things
4575.6 well
4575.85 for
4576.16 us.
4576.32 And
4577.45 we're
4577.69 building
4577.85 a
4578.16 good
4578.32 relationship
4578.56 with
4579.05 them
4579.2 as
4579.45 we
4579.6 need
4579.69 to.
4579.85 So,
4580.09 those
4580.85 are
4580.97 my
4581.09 announcements
4581.41 for
4581.97 today,
4582.37 for
4582.77 this
4583.01 evening.
4583.17 Thank
4583.73 you,
4583.81 mister
4584.05 president.
Section 15
Council of Palumba inquired about the total revenue generated from winter parking ban tickets in Watertown and the associated costs in terms of personnel hours for issuing these tickets. This request came from a resident's curiosity about the financial aspects of the parking ban enforcement. Furthermore, City Council Member Lisa Feltner raised an issue regarding the lack of information available on the website about Porch Fest, questioning the public arts committee or social media teams on their communication efforts to ensure the community is informed about such events.
4585.33 SIDERIS
4585.33 -
4585.33 Thank
4585.33 you.
4585.49 Request
4586.37 for
4586.69 information.
4586.93 Any
4587.41 requests
4587.73 for
4588.21 information?
4588.45 Council
4589.28 of
4589.52 Palumba.
4590.31 PALOMBA
4590.31 -
4590.31 Thank
4590.31 you.
4590.56 I
4590.8 got
4590.88 a
4591.03 request
4591.2 from
4591.68 a
4591.99 resident
4592.95 who
4593.6 would
4593.76 like
4593.91 to
4594.16 know
4594.24 what
4595.28 the
4595.52 total
4595.76 revenue
4596.16 for
4596.95 Watertown
4597.2 is
4599.41 from
4600.37 winter
4600.37 parking
4600.85 ban
4601.41 tickets.
4601.81 So,
4604.13 what
4604.77 revenue
4604.77 Watertown
4605.25 receives
4605.89 from
4606.89 parking
4606.97 tickets
4607.44 that
4607.84 were
4608.09 issued
4608.32 for
4608.8 a
4609.13 violation
4609.2 of
4609.76 the
4609.93 winter
4610.16 parking
4610.56 ban,
4611.05 how
4612.48 much
4612.65 that
4612.97 was.
4613.6 And
4613.84 also
4613.84 what
4615.24 the
4616.84 potential,
4617.08 if
4617.08 this
4617.32 could
4617.56 be
4617.96 determined,
4618.04 estimated
4619.08 cost
4621.16 of
4622.92 issuing
4622.92 those
4623.56 tickets
4623.88 in
4625.01 terms
4625.24 of
4625.48 personnel
4625.65 hours
4626.28 and
4626.76 personnel
4626.93 time.
4633.01 LISA
4633.01 FELTNER
4633.01 -
4633.01 CITY
4633.01 COUNCIL
4633.01 MEMBER
4633.01 -
4633.01 Thank
4633.01 you.
4633.25 It's
4633.33 more
4633.57 just,
4633.81 if
4636.29 you
4636.45 search
4636.69 the
4637.01 website
4637.09 nothing
4637.65 turns
4637.89 up
4638.21 about
4638.29 Porch
4638.61 Fest.
4639.25 So
4639.25 I
4639.57 would
4639.73 ask
4639.97 that
4640.53 public
4641.57 arts
4641.89 committee,
4642.28 or
4642.77 social
4643.01 media,
4643.32 how
4643.57 are
4643.73 their
4643.89 communications,
4644.05 being
4644.61 handled
4644.85 that
4645.16 notices
4645.89 go
4646.28 out
4646.45 to
4646.61 the
4646.77 community
4646.93 that
4647.41 that's
4647.65 available,
4647.97 and
4649.82 happening.
4649.98 Thank
4650.3 you.
Section 17
Centola expressed gratitude towards Council President Sideris, Mr. Proakis, and the city council for their support in transferring $50,000 of recreation funds for the improvement of Casey's lighting and noise control measures. He also mentioned a preconstruction meeting for the Saltonstall Park Field and Court Lighting project, indicating progress to be expected around March or April, with an emphasis on the installation of LED lights. Additionally, he announced a public meeting to discuss improvements to Lowell Playground, scheduled for March 14th at the Lowell Elementary School. Following this, resident AnnMarie Cloonan voiced concerns about traffic flow and its impact on the Winthrop, Hancock, and surrounding area, highlighting the lack of response from both the council and the School Committee despite repeated appeals for help with the issues caused by school traffic.
4675.14 CENTOLA
4675.14 -
4675.14 Thank
4675.14 you
4675.3 very
4675.45 much,
4675.53 Council
4676.57 President
4677.14 Sideris.
4677.14 I
4677.14 just
4677.22 want
4677.45 to
4677.78 thank
4677.78 Mr.
4678.02 Proakis'
4678.34 leadership
4678.9 and
4679.94 the
4680.1 city
4680.26 council
4680.57 for
4680.98 supporting
4681.3 the
4681.78 transfer
4682.59 of
4683.07 the
4683.15 $50,000
4683.31 of
4684.27 recreation
4684.43 funds
4684.99 for
4686.19 the
4686.35 purpose
4686.51 of
4686.83 relamping
4687.07 as
4687.79 well
4688.03 as
4688.43 quieting
4688.59 the
4689.07 boards
4689.23 at
4689.55 Casey.
4689.71 So
4690.19 much
4690.43 appreciated.
4690.75 I
4691.88 also
4692.11 appreciate
4692.11 the
4692.68 exemption,
4693.23 I
4694.27 know
4694.43 that's
4694.59 an
4694.84 ongoing
4694.99 thing.
4695.47 Just
4697.07 to
4697.23 let
4697.39 you
4697.55 know,
4697.64 we
4697.8 did
4697.95 have
4698.11 a
4698.19 preconstruction
4698.35 meeting
4698.99 for
4699.31 the
4699.55 Victory,
4699.72 I
4700.19 mean,
4700.33 sorry,
4700.57 for
4700.81 Saltonstall
4700.97 Park
4701.61 Field
4702.01 and
4702.25 Court
4702.49 Lighting
4702.81 last
4703.29 week.
4704.17 And
4704.41 we
4704.41 are
4704.57 percolating
4706.25 there'll
4706.49 be
4706.49 some
4706.65 movement
4706.81 in
4707.53 March
4707.77 April
4708.25 in
4708.81 regards
4709.05 to
4709.53 moving
4710.77 that
4711.01 project
4711.32 forward.
4711.81 Hopefully,
4712.6 the
4713.97 Musco
4715.24 lights
4715.65 have
4715.97 been
4716.2 ordered
4716.36 and
4716.69 and
4716.93 they
4717.09 will
4717.24 be
4717.49 LED,
4717.65 so
4718.13 it'll
4718.28 be
4718.45 very
4718.6 impressive
4718.85 and
4719.67 they'll
4719.99 be
4720.07 better
4720.07 off.
4721.19 And
4721.19 then
4721.35 I
4722.95 want
4723.11 to
4723.35 show
4723.35 off
4723.59 this
4723.75 nice
4723.99 sign
4724.31 by
4724.79 Tyler,
4725.03 I
4726.07 marked
4726.23 it.
4726.55 But
4726.79 on
4727.67 Thursday
4727.99 at
4729.41 seven
4729.98 o'clock
4731.02 we
4731.02 are
4731.26 hosting
4731.81 a
4732.22 Lowell
4732.45 Playground
4732.77 design
4733.49 improvement
4733.81 meeting
4734.94 at
4735.57 the
4735.81 Lowell
4735.98 School,
4736.3 Thursday,
4737.18 March
4737.98 14th
4738.3 at
4738.78 seven
4739.1 o'clock.
4739.34 It'll
4740.22 be
4740.46 at
4740.54 the
4740.7 Lowell
4740.86 Elementary
4741.1 School
4741.9 in
4742.3 the
4742.46 Learning
4742.54 Commons.
4742.94 So
4744.14 we're
4744.38 going
4744.46 to
4744.78 be
4744.78 evaluating,
4747.8 the
4747.89 public
4747.97 is
4748.28 invited
4748.52 to,
4749.09 you
4749.32 know,
4749.4 evaluating,
4749.72 you
4751.16 know,
4751.32 some
4751.48 of
4751.65 our
4751.8 amenities
4751.97 in
4752.44 terms
4752.6 of
4752.84 the
4752.93 playground
4753.09 colors,
4753.65 function,
4754.2 and
4754.52 so
4754.68 on
4754.84 and
4754.93 so
4755.09 forth.
4755.24 So
4755.48 that's
4755.65 a
4755.8 nice
4756.54 thing
4756.86 in
4757.18 hopes
4757.34 of
4757.66 moving
4757.74 that
4758.06 forward
4758.22 coming
4759.02 through
4759.34 the
4759.66 summer.
4759.74 Thank
4760.38 you.
4832.51 ANNMARIE
4832.59 CLOONAN
4832.59 -
4832.59 RESIDENT
4832.59 -
4832.59 Good
4832.59 evening,
4832.59 I'm
4832.59 Ann
4832.59 Marie
4832.74 Cloonan,
4832.9 Winthrop
4833.55 Street,
4834.02 Watertown.
4834.26 And
4835.15 I'm
4835.47 just
4835.7 following
4835.94 up
4836.26 in
4836.9 my
4837.22 appeal
4837.47 or
4837.86 the
4838.02 neighborhood
4838.18 appeal
4838.66 on
4839.18 Winthrop,
4839.42 Hancock,
4840.22 and
4840.7 the
4840.86 surrounding
4840.94 streets
4841.66 in
4842.86 regards
4843.1 to
4843.58 the
4843.98 traffic
4844.14 flow,
4844.46 and
4845.34 the
4845.5 issues
4845.66 that
4845.9 we're
4846.06 having
4846.38 in
4846.78 regards
4847.02 to
4847.89 impingement
4848.84 on
4849.4 our
4849.65 property
4849.8 with
4851.01 the
4851.4 school
4851.56 traffic,
4851.97 as
4853.09 well
4853.32 as
4853.48 a
4853.73 variety
4853.89 of
4854.28 other
4854.36 items.
4854.6 We
4856.09 have
4856.49 appealed
4857.77 to
4858.09 the
4858.25 council
4858.33 month
4859.53 over
4859.85 month,
4860.09 as
4861.13 well
4861.29 as
4861.61 the
4861.77 School
4862.09 Committee,
4862.49 and
4863.51 it
4863.99 doesn't
4864.23 seem
4864.55 like
4864.8 we're
4864.95 getting
4865.11 responses
4865.51 from
4866.15 anyone
4866.55 other
4867.19 than
4867.44 just
4867.76 it's
4868.15 a
4868.55 continued
4868.72 process.
4869.84 So
4870.62 any
4870.94 help
4871.42 you
4871.66 could
4871.9 please
4872.3 provide,
4872.54 it'd
4872.94 be
4873.18 greatly
4873.26 appreciated.
4873.66 Thank
4874.7 you.