Watertown Planning Board
Wednesday September 11, 2024
15.29 BUCK
15.29 -
15.29 BOARD
15.29 CHAIR
15.29 -
15.29 It's
15.29 7
15.78 o'clock.
16.1 Let's
16.5 call
16.98 this
17.3 brief
17.54 meeting
17.86 to
18.26 order.
18.5 And
20.65 I
20.98 guess
21.14 the
21.45 first
21.7 thing
22.1 to
22.34 do
22.57 would
22.73 be
22.89 to
23.7 have
24.33 somebody
24.33 move
24.57 to
24.97 approve
25.13 the
25.53 meeting
26.01 notes
26.81 from
27.29 the
27.77 August
28.09 14th
28.41 meeting.
30.65 JASON
30.65 COHEN
30.65 -
30.65 BOARD
30.65 MEMBER
30.65 -
30.65 So
30.65 moved.
30.97 I'll
32.89 second.
33.13 35.45 BUCK-
35.45 In
35.77 favor
35.77 of
36.17 roll
36.57 call.
36.81 Okay.
37.21 Jason?
40.05 SPEAKER240.05 -40.05 Yes.40.05 41.81 SPEAKER141.81 -41.81 Abigail?41.81 46.14 You're46.14 muted.46.53 Oh,48.53 sorry.48.7 Hi.49.41 Okay.50.45 Hear50.77 me?51.02 Okay.51.26 Yeah.51.66 Payson?53.63 Yes.55.47 Rachel?57.07 Yes.58.03 I59.23 need59.39 to.59.63 Okay.60.27 60.91 BUCK
60.91 -
60.91 So
60.91 meeting
61.71 notes
62.11 are
62.43 approved.
62.43 And
63.55 then,
63.79 the
64.75 only
65.39 other
65.71 items
66.03 we
66.75 have
66.91 are
67.31 2
68.3 69.09 PAYSON
69.09 -
69.09 BOARD
69.09 MEMBER-
69.09 Madam
69.09 chair,
69.58 and
70.86 2
71.33 sets
71.66 of
71.89 minutes.
72.14 72.86 BUCK-
72.86 Yes.
72.86 Okay.
73.42 Oh,
73.89 2
74.06 sets
74.22 of
74.53 minutes?
74.69 Oh,
76.06 right.
76.45 Right.
76.78 Right.
77.09 Okay.
77.42 And
79.73 then
79.97 we
80.22 will
80.45 do
81.17 the
81.33 same
81.5 thing
81.73 for
81.97 the
82.3 July
82.69 meeting.
83.17 Do
85.55 we
85.63 have
85.71 a
85.87 motion?
87.31 -
87.31 I'll
87.31 move
87.55 to
87.79 approve
88.03 those.
88.27 I
88.59 apologize.
88.75 My
89.31 camera
89.47 stopped
89.95 working.
91.39 SPEAKER191.39 -91.39 Okay.91.39 Okay.93.23 Do93.63 we93.71 have93.87 a93.95 second?94.11 95.79 SPEAKER295.79 -95.79 2nd.95.79 97.66 SPEAKER197.66 -97.66 Okay.97.66 I99.5 will99.66 vote99.9 yes.100.22 Jason?100.94 102.06 SPEAKER2102.06 -102.06 Yes.102.06 103.02 SPEAKER1103.02 -103.02 Abigail?103.02 Yes.104.22 Payson?105.42 106.45 SPEAKER2106.45 -106.45 Yes.106.45 107.5 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
SPEAKER1107.5 -107.5 Rachel?107.5 Yes.108.45 Okay.109.61 110.33 110.33 BUCK
110.33 -
110.33 2
110.33 sets
110.65 of
110.97 meeting
111.13 notes
111.85 were
112.25 approved.
112.25 Then
114.41 the
114.65 next
114.81 2
115.53 items
115.85 will
116.25 move
117.93 to
118.17 the
118.33 case
118.57 of
119.05 6
119.29 Churchill
119.61 Street.
120.09 We
120.89 continue
121.13 to
121.94 our
122.25 October
122.49 9th
123.06 meeting,
123.53 7
123.94 o'clock,
124.25 the
124.73 planning
124.89 board,
125.3 and
125.94 then
126.09 the
126.33 same
126.49 thing
126.73 for,
127.06 12
128.33 Churchill
128.66 Street.
129.13 131.22 WHITNEY
131.22 -
131.22 Are
131.22 you
131.46 making
131.61 a
131.94 motion
132.09 to
132.41 continue
132.57 them
133.06 both?
133.22 I
134.1 mean,
134.34 is
134.5 testing
134.58 someone
135.3 to
135.62 make
135.62 a
135.78 motion
135.86 to
136.26 continue
136.34 them
136.74 both
136.82 at
137.06 the
137.14 same
137.22 time?
137.46 BUCK-
139.38 I
139.38 thought
139.7 we
139.94 had
140.18 to
140.34 do
140.5 them
140.66 separately.
140.9 143.3 WHITNEY
143.3 -
143.3 I
143.54 think
143.62 you
143.86 can
144.02 make
144.26 a
144.42 vote
144.5 that
144.82 you're
144.98 continuing
145.14 both
145.86 cases
146.1 to
147.22 the
147.7 date
147.94 specific
148.34 and
148.82 the
148.98 time
149.14 the
149.5 date
149.66 and
149.81 time
149.89 location
150.38 specific.
151.01 Okay.
152.29 153.01 BUCK-
153.01 Well,
153.33 let's
153.81 assume
154.13 that
154.69 oh,
155.25 can
155.41 I
155.66 make
155.81 the
156.06 motion,
156.22 or
156.53 does
156.69 somebody
156.94 else
157.17 have
157.41 to
157.66 make
157.73 it?
157.89 159.33 WHITNEY-
159.33 No.
159.33 Someone
159.57 else
159.89 would
160.13 make
160.29 it.
161.25 SPEAKER1161.25 -161.25 Okay.161.25 161.89 COHEN
161.89 -
161.89 I'll
161.89 make
162.13 it.
162.29 So,
163.34 I
164.22 move
164.7 that
165.34 we
166.14 continue
166.62 the
168.46 hearing
168.78 for
169.74 6
170.62 Churchill
171.02 Street
171.66 and
172.54 12
172.94 Churchill
173.34 Street
173.9 to
175.28 the
175.51 next
175.75 planning
176.4 board
176.79 meeting,
177.12 which
177.68 is
178.07 October
178.72 9th
179.68 at
180.24 6
181.28 PM.
181.75 7
182.79 PM.
183.12 7
183.51 PM.
183.75 Sorry.
184.24 7
184.72 PM
185.03 in
186.16 the
186.79 council
186.96 chambers
187.44 at
188.24 city
188.56 hall.
188.96 I'll
191.77 second.
193.93 SPEAKER1193.93 -193.93 Okay.193.93 I196.33 vote196.65 in196.97 favor197.21 of197.61 that.197.69 Jason?198.09 199.21 SPEAKER2199.21 -199.21 Yes.199.21 200.09 SPEAKER1200.09 -200.09 Abigail?200.09 Yes.201.29 Payson?202.28 203.41 SPEAKER2203.41 -203.41 Yes.203.41 204.28 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
SPEAKER1204.28 -204.28 Rachel?204.28 Yes.205.32 207.09 BUCK
207.09 -
207.09 Okay.
207.09 I
207.88 think
210.13 that's
210.37 all
210.76 we
211 have
211.16 to
211.41 talk
211.49 about
211.72 tonight.
212.04 So
215.82 a
216.38 motion
216.46 to
216.94 adjourn
217.58 the
217.9 meeting
218.14 at
218.46 this
218.62 point
218.78 if
219.02 there's
219.26 nobody
219.5 in
220.46 attendance.
220.7 I
223.9 make
224.06 a
224.3 motion
224.38 to
224.86 adjourn.
227.1 SPEAKER2227.1 -227.1 K.227.1 Alright.227.66 Subject.228.7 231.08 SPEAKER1231.08 -231.08 Okay.231.08 Jason?231.88 233.25 SPEAKER2233.25 -233.25 Yes.233.25 234.44 SPEAKER1234.44 -234.44 Abigail?234.44 Yes.235.65 Payson?236.53 237.56 SPEAKER2237.56 -237.56 Yes.237.56 238.36 SHOW NON-ESSENTIAL DIALOGUE
SPEAKER1238.36 -238.36 Rachel?238.36 Yes.239.32 And240.44 I.240.76 Okay.241.56 Meeting242.86 adjourned.243.18 Well243.9 done.244.22 Mhmm.244.46 245.18 SPEAKER3245.18 -245.18 Thanks,245.18 everybody.245.58 246.14 SPEAKER2246.14 -246.14 Alright.246.14 Thank246.54 you,246.7 and246.94 see247.18 you247.26 next247.34 month.247.66