Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals
Wednesday August 28, 2024
The order of items in transcripts appear in the chronological order in which they were taken up. Some Agenda items may have been skipped.
MELISSA15.05 SANTUCCI-ROZZI15.05 -15.05 ZONING15.05 BOARD15.05 CHAIR15.05 -15.05 Good15.05 evening,15.29 and16.02 let's16.41 call16.73 the16.98 Watertown17.38 Zoning19.14 Board19.38 of19.38 Appeals,19.54 August20.18 28,20.73 202421.7 meeting22.49 to22.98 order.23.21 We24.18 need24.41 to24.73 open25.54 the25.86 meeting26.02 by26.41 roll26.73 call27.05 vote.27.38 I29.16 will29.4 do29.64 so29.88 by,30.92 calling31.96 the32.36 member's32.44 name.32.92
SANTUCCI-ROZZI52.66 -52.66 Okay.52.66 Great.53.14 So53.86 we54.1 do54.27 have54.42 a54.66 quorum,54.74 as55.78 noted,56.02 by56.97 Gideon57.21 earlier.57.69 We58.25 are58.49 fully58.89 remote59.29 members59.69 of60.01 the60.17 board,60.25 and60.57 the60.73 staff60.89 is61.21 located61.45 in61.93 the62.09 chambers62.25 as63.21 the63.37 meeting63.53 was63.85 advertised,64.17 as65.37 hybrid.65.69 We66.81 do67.05 have67.29 a67.61 very67.85 light68.65 agenda68.97 this69.53 evening,69.84 including70.33 approval70.97 of71.44 meeting71.69 minutes72.08 from72.56 the72.89 July73.13 24,73.69 202475.53 meeting,76 as76.89 well77.13 as77.44 two77.69 public77.92 hearings78.33 that78.72 we78.97 are79.13 going79.28 to79.53 be79.6 opening79.92 and80.64 continuing81.05 both81.77 of82 those82.17 until,83.05 September.84.08 So,85.64 with86.28 that,86.52 is86.92 there87.24 a87.88 motion88.04 to88.6 approve89 the89.56 meeting89.72 minutes90.12 from90.44 July90.76 24th?91.08
93.56 DAVID93.56 FERRIS93.56 -93.56 ZONING93.56 BOARD93.56 MEMBER93.56 -93.56 Madam93.56 Chair,93.88 I94.04 can94.2 make94.36 the94.6 motion,94.76 but95 I95.16 do95.48 have95.72 one95.88 question.96.12 I98.52 think98.67 for98.92 those99.08 of99.31 us99.47 that,99.72 board100.44 members100.76 that101.08 attended101.31 the101.64 meeting,101.8 there102.12 are102.36 not102.44 four102.76 of103.08 us103.23 here,103.4 this104.59 evening.104.83
SANTUCCI-ROZZI105.4 -105.4 To105.4 vote.105.64
106.44 FERRIS106.44 -106.44 Yeah.106.44 I106.76 think106.83 that's107.16 the107.48
107.8 SANTUCCI-ROZZI107.8 -107.8 Okay.107.8 That's108.12 a108.36 good109.48 observation.109.72 So,110.93 given111.49 that,111.81 is112.05 there112.13 a112.45 motion112.61 to113.01 table113.25 the113.65 meeting113.89 minutes114.29 from115.01 July115.25 24th115.65 to116.21 the116.45 September116.69 25th117.09 agenda?117.65
118.85 SFERRIS118.85 -118.85 Madam118.85 Chair,119.17 I'll119.33 make119.57 a119.73 motion119.81 to120.13 table120.29 the120.61 minutes.120.77
123.09 SANTUCCI-ROZZI123.09 -123.09 There's123.09 been123.41 a123.57 motion123.65 to124.13 table124.21 them.124.69 Is124.85 there125.01 a125.17 second?125.33
126.75 FERRIS126.75 -126.75 Seconded.126.75
129.22 SANTUCCI-ROZZI129.22 -129.22 Motion's129.22 been129.63 made129.78 and130.03 seconded.130.19 All130.66 those130.82 in131.06 favor,131.22 say131.63 aye.131.87
SANTUCCI-ROZZI144.82 -144.82 And144.82 an145.14 aye145.3 for145.54 myself145.7 for146.18 those146.42 who146.66 have146.82 tabled.146.9 Moving148.1 into148.5 the,149.06 matters,149.78 before150.66 us151.14 this151.38 evening,151.62 we152.58 do152.82 have152.98 two153.38 cases,153.7 companion155.43 cases155.99 6156.63 and157.67 12157.67 Church157.67 Hill158.15 Street.158.54 Member159.75 Ferris,160.15 if160.71 you160.94 wouldn't161.19 mind161.59 reading161.91 the162.54 legal162.78 notice,163.19 and163.99 then164.15 we164.54 can164.78 take165.11 a165.59 motion166.54 to167.19 continue167.34 these167.99 matters168.22 to169.11 September169.34 25th.169.82 Thank170.58 you.170.82
FERRIS171.3 -171.3 Great.171.3 Thank171.62 you,171.78 madam172.02 chair.172.26 6,173.54 Churchill174.18 Street,174.74 William175.22 T.175.62 Conte175.86 requests176.34 a176.74 special176.9 permit177.3 for178.1 the178.18 construction178.34 of178.98 a179.06 new179.22 three-family179.7 dwelling.180.1 It's180.66 existing180.98 2,266182.34 square183.78 feet184.1 wide,184.34 expanded185.28 to185.59 2,797186 square187.75 feet.188.07 The188.72 project188.88 would189.19 include189.35 the189.68 demolition189.68 of190.16 an190.31 existing190.47 single-family191.19 structure.191.59 This192.4 is192.47 in192.63 the192.88 central193.03 business193.51 CB194.07 zoning194.56 district.194.96 For196.56 item196.95 number197.27 two,197.91 12198.23 Churchill198.63 Street,199.03 the199.43 owner,199.59 Brianna199.99 LLC,200.63 through201.51 its201.75 manager,201.99 William202.55 T.202.95 Conte,203.19 request203.91 a204.31 special204.47 permit204.79 for205.11 the205.27 construction205.43 of205.83 a205.99 new206.15 three-family206.55 dwelling.206.95 The207.83 existing207.99 3,373208.71 Square210.47 Foot210.79 Lot211.03 is211.56 decreased211.65 to212.44 2840212.84 Square215.25 Feet.215.49 The216.21 project216.37 would216.69 include216.93 the217.25 demolition217.41 of217.88 an217.97 existing218.13 two-family218.76 structure.219.09 This219.49 is219.72 in219.88 the220.04 central220.21 business220.6 district221.16 as221.56 well.221.72
225.03 SANTUCCI-ROZZI225.03 -225.03 Okay.225.03 Those,225.27 hearings,226.23 have227.51 been227.75 opened.227.99 Is228.47 there228.71 a228.87 motion229.03 to229.43 continue229.67 those230.31 matters230.55 to230.87 September231.11 25th?231.59
233.91 FERRIS233.91 -233.91 So233.91 moved.234.15
236.71 SANTUCCI-ROZZI236.71 -236.71 Motion236.71 has237.11 been237.27 made.237.43 Is237.67 there237.83 a237.99 second?238.15
240.26 ALEXANDER240.26 DALE240.26 -240.26 ZONING240.26 BOARD240.26 MEMBER240.26 -240.26 Seconded.240.26
SANTUCCI-ROZZI242.67 -242.67 Motion's242.67 been243.15 made243.39 and243.63 seconded.243.78 All244.26 those244.5 in244.75 favor,244.99 by245.87 saying246.19 aye.246.5
SANTUCCI-ROZZI262.07 -262.07 And262.07 aye262.31 for262.55 myself.262.79 So263.27 that263.51 is263.75 continued.264.07 Is266.35 there266.5 any266.67 other,266.99 matter267.71 staff268.11 that268.43 we,268.59 must269.15 deal269.38 with269.63 this269.87 evening?270.03
FERRIS274.11 -274.11 There274.11 are274.59 no274.59 other274.82 items.275.31
277.31 SANTUCCI-ROZZI277.31 -277.31 Okay.277.31 Seeing277.79 no278.03 other278.26 items,278.43 is278.82 there278.99 a279.15 motion279.23 to279.47 adjourn279.63 the280.03 meeting?280.19
281.28 DALE281.28 -281.28 So281.28 moved.282.96
284.8 SANTUCCI-ROZZI284.8 -284.8 Motion284.8 has285.2 been285.36 made.285.52 Is285.76 there285.92 a286.08 second?286.24
287.6 DALE287.6 -287.6 Second.287.92
290.32 SANTUCCI-ROZZI290.32 -290.32 Motion290.72 has290.88 been290.88 made290.88 seconded291.12 by291.6 member291.76 Dale.292.24 All292.64 those292.88 in293.12 favor293.36 by294.24 roll294.56 call294.96 vote.295.2